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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 201x299, SO UMAMI-SAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5432809 No.5432809 [Reply] [Original]

I can't take it. Everywhere. I heard my 9 year old nephew say it the other day. My aunt say it. People all over bookface. People on here. People on reddit. Cooking shows. NO. If you aren't Japanese. STOP. SAYING. UMAMI. STOP.

>> No.5432816
File: 226 KB, 500x334, ive got your savory right here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5432818

>Food & Cooking

>> No.5432831

Nice combination! I instantly thought of umami flavors.
I'd probably splash this with a little fish sauce to enhance the umami-ness. :)

>> No.5432836

I used to binge on anime when I was in high school in the 90s and I don't remember umami ever coming up.

Maybe you should get a passport, Australia.

>> No.5432850

The only reason people who are not Japanese or Chefs who use that word are fucking weeaboos in search of their waifu thinking they are subarashii saying it

>> No.5432851

spoilers: umami has been an international thing for over thirty years.
yes, savoury has long been a concept in western thought, but traditionally it was never considered a basic taste.
it was the japanese who considered umami a basic taste and made the effort to scientifically prove it.

>> No.5432856

how do you call it?

we germans have the wonderful word "Herzhaft" to describe the umami flavour.
but i have never heard of an english word to describe it

>> No.5432857

lets all stop talking about sweet, sour, salty, and bitter while we're at it and knock out all 5 of the basic tastes,

>> No.5432859

oh yeah savoury i forgot that i knew that word lol

>> No.5432860


>> No.5432865

I think it means it tastes like dirt

>> No.5432874


>> No.5432875


may as well start learning all of this you nances

>> No.5432894


did you mean nonces?
or perhaps nancies?

do you also get mad at people for using, say, sauté?

>> No.5432896

I have never once heard anyone say "umami". I don't even know what it is.
Not sure what your on about m8

>> No.5432909


that is not a sentence. read itg again. it's not a sentence.

i doubt heston blumenthal is a weeaboo.


savoury is broader than that though.


it's the taste of msg.

>> No.5432917

The problem with this logic is that it assumes recognizing a word from a language implies disproportional obsession with that culture.

I've been to 29 countries, including Japan. You've never traveled more than 50 miles from your birthplace.

If foreign words threaten you you're going to have a very hard time when it comes time to get a job. I suggest you work on that while you're still young and mentally malleable because this is going to become a handicap sooner than you probably recognize.

>> No.5432919

is it ok that I refer to myself as a shokunin and bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can?

>> No.5432920

Oh look, it's this faggot again. Mr. "I've been to 350 different countries in the past 5 months". You're the worst.

>> No.5432923

its not specifically Monosodium glutamate things like regular glutamate, guanylate, and inosinate all contribute to umami flavors

>> No.5432924

>savoury is broader than that though.

No, it's not. Savory = umami. It's simply the Japanese word vs. the English word. They mean the exact same thing. No different than Rouge = Red, Deutschland = Germany, Juan = John, etc.

>> No.5432925


i know, but it's still the taste of monosodium glutamate.


but that isn't true.

>> No.5432926

call someone named juan john over and over instead of their real name and see what happen, they either wont respond or get pissed

>> No.5432929

Please enlighten me on the ancient and sacred ways of Nipponese cooking, sensai. With such complicated dishes such as rice, fish, noodles, and rice with fish, they must know more about cooking than all other countries.

>> No.5432933

thats like saying all sour flavors taste the same or all sweet flavors taste the same

>> No.5432942

Cry those tears little baby, I haven't even left the country this year. But I'm sure next time I do it will be to a place you have ignorant opinions about, assuming you've even heard of it.

>> No.5432953


sort of, but if you wanted to explain sour as a flavour you might well say 'the taste of white vinegar'.


where the fuck did that come from? savoury is more complex than just a significant presence of glutamic acid.

>> No.5432964

Umami is the taste weebs have in their mouth after a long day of swallowing Japanese cum and eating pocky.

>> No.5432981

except that's wrong, you moron. All of those words don't mean the same thing.

Savory is an actual herb. It has a specific taste. It's applied more broadly to mean earthy, seasoned flavors.
Umami is the flavor of complex proteins. This mostly refers to "meatiness" but it arises in other situations, like fermented soya in soy sauce and tofu, or in mushrooms.
Poached salmon with rosemary garlic butter is savory.
Medium rare lambchops with only salt to season are not.

Also: Your mother doesn't put red on her face before she sucks 27 johns' cocks. She puts rouge on her face. Some of those johns might be named juan, if a mexican dishwasher can afford a 2 dollar blowjob.

>> No.5432986


>> No.5432991

in that case he was referring to the rouge (the french word for english red) not the makeup

>> No.5433001

blame kikkoman for marketing

>> No.5433005
File: 383 KB, 934x1044, 1391731153516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who mami here?
u mami?
cuz I certainly am mami

>> No.5433010

>Savory is an actual herb

Sorry, I assumed you were smart enough to realize we were talking about the flavor and not the herb. When people are talking about "balls" with respect to sports do you suddenly blurt in and ask why they are discussing dancing?

Umami is the Japanese word for savory (the flavor in case your Autism strikes again--we're not talking about the herb), the same way that Rouge is the French word for "Red".

>> No.5433025


> Japanese word for savory

no it isn't. it is A savoury flavour but not THE savoury flavour.

>> No.5433028

Then what is the Japanese word for just "savory"?

>> No.5433035


>> No.5433037


You fucking dumb weeb piece of shit, even wikipedia says it is savory.

>A loanword from the Japanese (うま味?), umami can be translated as "pleasant savory taste".

>> No.5433040

Is the taste of smegma "umami" too, you stupid fucking retard?

Jesus fucking christ, weeaboos these days. Just because you're fucking obsessed over shitty neo-nipponic culture or whatever anime and manga are doesn't mean normal people (read: NOT you) aren't suddenly allowed to say the word. Or do you have yourself in such a high esteem that you suddenly get to be the supreme decider of the words people are and are not allowed to say?

On the off chance you leave 4chan and not disappoint your parents for one day in your shitty miserable life, you'll find people using words from other languages a lot, so you better either get off your high horse or prepare for a whole life of butt-blastedness.

>> No.5433043

>It's simply the Japanese word vs. the English word
>Umami is the Japanese word for savory the same way that Rouge is the French word for "Red".

Do you actually know any japanese? It sounds like you're talking out of your ass. In fact, I don't think you know very much about linguistics at all.

>> No.5433044


i don't understand how i appear to be any more of a weeb than you do in this context.

it says it's a savoury flavour. even if it was the only word the japanese had to describe savouriness, it is clear that in the english language, savoury means more than that.

>> No.5433047

Translations are an approximation of the meaning, filtered through the vocabulary and conventions of the translator.

semiotics, you moron.

>> No.5433048


>can be translated

Oh, I forgot that when you're wearing internet-argument-glasses phrases like "can be" are changed to "MOST CERTAINLY DEFINITELY 100% OF THE TIME."

You could have at least quoted the entire paragraph:

>This particular writing was chosen by Professor Kikunae Ikeda from umai (うまい) "delicious" and mi (味) "taste". The kanji 旨味 are used for a more general sense of a food as delicious.

But I guess that doesn't totally support your argument. You know, the one you came up with and are looking for facts to support, instead of the other way around.

>> No.5433052

>we germans
Kill yourself poser. You probably grew up in America an your grandfather is from Germany. That makes you a white boy.

>> No.5433055

>Oh, I forgot that when you're wearing internet-argument-glasses phrases like "can be" are changed to "MOST CERTAINLY DEFINITELY 100% OF THE TIME."
You're right. We need to pay attention to all the nuances of the nip language. It's not just a savory taste, it's a very specific KIND of PLEASANT SAVORY TASTE. It's different than the less pleasant savory taste, the savory taste of Japanese semen, and the savory taste of your turds after eating sushi and pocky.

>> No.5433061


it is a specific kind of savoury taste. the wikipedia article goes on to explain what kind of savoury taste that is.

you can have a savoury dish with relatively low quantities of umami. savoury is not limited to umami. umami does not simply mean 'savoury'. why you interpret this distinction as a fanatical endorsement of japanese culture i do not know.

>> No.5433066

>why you interpret this distinction as a fanatical endorsement of japanese culture i do not know.

who the fuck is endorsing Japanese culture in this thread? Nobody. Fuck, it's just a foreign word for one of the basic tastes. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.5433067

You trapped yourself
>Umami more restricted use
It's specifically glutamate and protein taste. I think of buttermilk biscuits as savory, and mushrooms as umami. I guess meat and fungus is umami, and breads/cheeses are savory. So the correct thing to say is that it's a sub-category. Every rose is a flower, but now every flower is a rose.

>Get off your high horse
Do you read what you write? I'm don't even watch anime or play JRPGs and I use the word umami.

>> No.5433071

>not every flower is a rose

>> No.5433074


>who the fuck is endorsing Japanese culture in this thread? Nobody.

i agree with you, that was my point

>> No.5433076

apparently any japanese loanwords polluting out pure english language are the mark of weeabism or something.

But that seems a skosh nuts. Dude probably lives on a futon couch in his parents basement.

>> No.5433078

every rose has a thorn....
JUST laaiiike UVVVVRUUU naiiiight has it dawwwwwwnnnnn

>> No.5433082

erry cowboy sings a sad sad song

>> No.5433086

what are you fucking talking about? everyone is sick of the word "umami"

ooh, mami, ooh mami.... sounds like incest to me.

you can easily say "rich, savory... beefy... NUTTY..." you can say anything, really. Nobody's listening anyway. They're just fumbling with their phone.
> i hate you all

>> No.5433087
File: 20 KB, 337x300, jewish guy laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP makes a thread to feel superior to others
>constantly proves how ignorant he is with each successive post

>> No.5433089

pretty sure there's one guy in this thread who REALLY hates it, and no one else gives a shit, or only are bothered by it the same way they're bothered by the myriad other buzzwords thrown around marketing food.

>> No.5433094


>> No.5433098

>distinguighing MSG and glutamate
You realize the you get a combination of both the second it hits your tongue, right?

>> No.5433099

well, i guess if the choices were "not give a shit" and "give a shit", i would be in the non-giving-shit denomination.

But you're right, I hate buzzwords and hipsters. I'm still fucking pissed at you zombies for adopting the word "organic" like it's a good thing. "Oh, these are ORGAAANNICCC oranges."

maybe if you brought me some ogasmic oranges, id be down. I don't want my oranges being made out of organ meat... and your words mean nothing if you just throw them around all the time.

It's like... you ever met someone that loves everyone? "WOW, that's a cool shirt! I LOVE YOU!"

"wow, can i borrow a pencil? WOW THANKS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH"

throwing it around like that, diminishes the value. Stop calling everything organic, umami, and just stop being focused on buzzwords, labels, cliques and other shit.

I feel like Americans + The Internet = My typical Highschool experience (bunch of retards running around pretending to be people they're not)

>> No.5433100

>combination of both
thats why you distinguish between them since they are 2 seperate things. I also listed 2 others to help the point along

>> No.5433107

yeah while some things are better organic flavor wise not everything else. to me its like generics some things are ok but somethings need to be name brand

>> No.5433108

>thats why you distinguish between them since they are 2 seperate things
Did you never take high school chemistry?

>> No.5433109

8/10. You were doing pretty good when you kept focused on umami, but you overplayed your hand.

>> No.5433113

Organic is a good thing. Organic eggs have firm dark yolks, whereas every FF egg in styrofoam cartons has had a paper thin shell, almost no coloring, and a watery albumin.

>> No.5433115

my eggs are fine and they don't cost twice as much.

>> No.5433118

I never mentioned price. The point was that they were better quality

>> No.5433122

Okay, if suckers like you exist. What about this.

What If I were to invest in a ranch, where every chicken has their own two story mini chicken condo, right? So they get full yard priveledges, unrestricted access to a game room, but its a sober living, so we're going to keep them off drugs.

I'm going to pet each chicken and sing it lullabies in the morning, and tuck it in at night. Each chicken will have a First, Middle, and Last name and every time they lay eggs, i will mark who's egg that is.

So when you get your $12 dollar dozen of eggs, itll tell you exactly which chicken it came from.
> oh, wow! It's a batch of Chalupa Batmans! Those are my favorite.

so, how does that sound? would you pay $12 bucks a dozen for eggs? I'll even include a photo with your chicken, so you can see what your $12 dollars bought. Over 80% of the profits will go directly into a chicken owned trust fund, to ensure future generations.

>> No.5433126

Can you read?

>> No.5433127


You sound like you're 14 years old. Just some contrarian child. I'm not even the one arguing with you, but I just want you to know how absolutely fucking dumb you're making yourself out to be.

>> No.5433128

just having a bit of fun, lol.

>> No.5433135

>lol just pretending

>> No.5433158
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>The problem with this logic is that it assumes recognizing a word from a language implies disproportional obsession with that culture.

So the Anglos are obsessed with French culture?

>> No.5433250

mmh delish!

>> No.5433254

there are europeans on this board too, you know?

>> No.5433259

herzhaft bedeutet auch nichts anderes als savoury
umami ist glaube nochmal etwas anderes

>> No.5433263

>stop saying a word that is novel to me and is overtly foreign
Only Americans think this.

>> No.5433299

took AP chem got a 4

>> No.5433346
File: 256 KB, 440x650, 1358551287654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5433350

What's it like being retarded?

>> No.5433356

4s good enough to get college credit. the max score is 5

>> No.5433376
File: 10 KB, 320x240, 084fd84d-678c-4ecd-873b-c8bdcc421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your shitposting suggests that you have no counter.

Chickens get a better quality egg with more movement, less grains, more proteins like crickets and such. They are noticeably different when you break them open. Free range, grazing chickens have dark orange eggs with a yolk that takes more pressure to break than a henhouse, 100% grain fed chicken. Pic related.

>> No.5433382

Note that by grazing I don't mean grass--I mean the bugs and seeds in the grass.

>> No.5433400
File: 2.43 MB, 266x240, Discarded Waste.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit what the fuck have i been eating my entire life. I thought eggs were suppose to be yellow.

>> No.5433493

nein umami ist nichts wirklich ein Ding, es ist ein Konzept

>> No.5433542

But he's wrong.

>> No.5433546

he's wrong that the french equivalent of the english word red is rouge

>> No.5433549

Uh bro >>5433040 was agreeing with you. He was saying OP is a weeb for thinking that because it's Japanese it MUST be animutards.

>> No.5433554


>> No.5433750

Now I see.

I didn't get good sleep last night.

>> No.5433951

First off. I only posted 4 replies before leaving. 9 hours ago. I originally posted this because of the following.

I work fulltime at a Univ in the middle of Missouri (note this). In the past 2 years they put in a "sushi" joint in our food court. They close over the summer. As well as the gaming center.

Today two neckbeards walked by my office complaining about how the gaming center was closed, and how they can't get any of "dat sushi so good and umami". FUCK THAT

This is why I posted what I did. Yes, if you can find the distinction between "savoury" and "umami" all the more to you. BUT NO. if some fucking neckbeards say that some cheap as shit horrible ass 2 day old sushi tastes so "UMOOOMMMY". Then fuck them.

And don't say that this is a shit post thread. There is at least 2 tacobell breakfast threads, a pink slime thread, at least 3 pizza threads, cracker barrell, and some anti-vegan bullshit going on. I imagine that the two fat cunts that pissed me off today are on here tonight complaining about something. Shouldn't you guys be on Star Trek: Online???

>> No.5433963

And B T DUBS... One of the guys was wearing a fucking Patlabor shirt, and the other was wearing a V for Vendetta Shirt or some anonymoose shit. Scum.

>> No.5433977
File: 115 KB, 361x330, 421734252.769159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ck/ : Blogging

>> No.5434004

But they are right, sushi is umami. They were just expressing how umami the sushi was.

>> No.5434042

I can't take it. Everywhere. I heard my 9 year old nephew say it the other day. My aunt say it. People all over bookface. People on here. People on reddit. Cooking shows. NO. If you aren't French. STOP. SAYING. BAGUETTE. STOP.

>> No.5434358

It's spelled "savory" you fecking bongers.

>> No.5434525

no u

>> No.5434527

>what are loanwords


>> No.5434542

you may be right, but you are also a complete faggot

>> No.5434543



You Juan-a hang out this afternoon? ;)

>> No.5434567
File: 51 KB, 500x342, alfredhitchcock,carygrant,düster,field,northbynorthwest,film-3c19c105684836e1f684d4ce72205909_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I live in flyover land and we just got sushi

And you had to shitpost about it

>> No.5434606


the colour has nothing to do with the QOL of the chicken.

>> No.5434610


i guess using umami as an adjective is kind of annoying.