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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 30 KB, 633x358, crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5429444 No.5429444[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Crabs are just huge, armored sea spiders. They are even in the same phylum.

How so you sick fucks eat these things? It makes me feel ill

>> No.5429446

people eat regular spiders

>> No.5429449
File: 41 KB, 667x441, puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5429452

You are weak op.
Squeamish people fill me with disgust.
You have no right to exist on this planet.

>> No.5429453
File: 584 KB, 720x540, 1390938044155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you eat a cute little crab?

>> No.5429455
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>> No.5429487

land arthropods are ooey while sea arthropods are fleshy
if you cracked open a huge spider and it was full of sweet delicios meat id eat the fuck out of it but thats just not the case

>> No.5429495

There's no logical reason to not eat bugs. But I wouldn't expect a little girl to understand that.

>> No.5429520


>> No.5429525

>be 5
>enter seafood restaurant
>stench causes me to immediately vomit

>> No.5429551

Steam it first.

>> No.5429556
File: 67 KB, 1055x692, Cast-Away-2000-Pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sea arthropods are fleshy

>> No.5429573
File: 52 KB, 535x400, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they taste so good.

>> No.5429627

Not sure if want to eat it or put it near Japanese schoolgirls.

>> No.5429632

what the fuuuuuuuck is that.

>> No.5429636

with butter and garlic.

>> No.5429655


It looks to me like a turkey which has had crab legs attached, an octopus stuffed into its cavity, and a few rashers of bacon draped on top.

>> No.5429699

It's an octurab.
Dangerous if cornered but carefree and fun loving otherwise.

>> No.5429736

Funny what decades of marketing can do. It wasn't super effective since it took so long for it to take effect but it worked in the end.
Crabs and lobsters etc were considered mostly trash years ago but with enough marketing they're now a delicacy. Fucking sea bugs. They taste disgusting just like almost everything else that comes from the sea.

>> No.5429750


>If I say a thing it's true!

>> No.5429753

Marketing has nothing to do with it, being available made it popular. The only reason kings didn't get to eat that shit is because it was rotten dead by the time it arrived to any important city. Same for most sea fishes, really.

>> No.5429757

I'd eat a regular spider if they had enough meat.

>> No.5429764

>They are even in the same phylum.
Cows are in the same phylum as humans. Hell, they're even in the same class!

>> No.5429772

East coast Canadian here. Lobster is cheap as fuck here and I eat it all the time (only upside to living in this wasteland). I remember 20 years ago the rich kids brought processed lunch meat to school while poor fucks like myself brought lobster rolls.

Sure, "delicacies" are often the result of marketing, but are you really going to argue that processed lunch meat is better than lobster? And I don't give a fuck if you think lobster tastes like shit, that's pretty god damn subjective. Unless you're one of those faggots who thinks taste is empirical and objective and anyone who disagrees with you must be faking it.

>> No.5429774

But seafood is delicious as hell. I fell sorry for you. Kinda

>> No.5429780
File: 60 KB, 600x378, crab_rangoons-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know how to sort those crabs out!
Make rangoons out of em!

>> No.5429784
File: 82 KB, 551x284, brinkstruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>equipped with claws

Use your head. Anything that protects its contents this securely HAS to have something good inside.

>> No.5429805


bullshit. the first thanksgiving in the states had lobster. eating shellfish is nothing new and did not require marketing.

>> No.5429848

lmao those little bacon strips are so insignificant

>> No.5429877


every fucking time

rich people used to not eat vegetables.

>> No.5429968
File: 69 KB, 800x554, galapagos-tortoise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use your head. Anything that protects its contents this securely HAS to have something good inside.

You know what else is supposed to be mind-bogglingly delicious?

>> No.5429972

An estimated 200,000 animals were taken before the 20th century.[44] The relatively immobile and defenceless tortoises were collected and stored live on board ships, where they could survive for at least a year without food or water (some anecdotal reports suggest individuals surviving two years[106]), providing valuable fresh meat, while their diluted urine and the water stored in their neck bags could be used as drinking water. The 17th century British pirate, explorer and naturalist William Dampier wrote that "They are so extraordinarily large and fat, and so sweet, that no pullet eats more pleasantly,"[107] while Captain James Colnett of the British Navy wrote of "the land tortoise which in whatever way it was dressed, was considered by all of us as the most delicious food we had ever tasted."[108] US Navy captain David Porter declared that, "after once tasting the Galapagos tortoises, every other animal food fell off greatly in our estimation ... The meat of this animal is the easiest of digestion, and a quantity of it, exceeding that of any other food, can be eaten without experiencing the slightest of inconvenience."[81] Darwin was less enthusiastic about the meat, writing "the breast-plate roasted (as the Gauchos do "carne con cuero"), with the flesh on it, is very good; and the young tortoises make excellent soup; but otherwise the meat to my taste is indifferent."

>> No.5429975

So damn good. I want chineese now.

>> No.5430167
File: 16 KB, 196x198, BWz15kT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>while their diluted urine and the water stored in their neck bags could be used as drinking water

>> No.5430172


They're not spiders, they don't weave webs, nor do they inject anything into their prey in order to suck out the innerds.

>> No.5430175

>neck bags

>> No.5430176

Crab cakes are the best fucking food ever.

>> No.5430192



>> No.5430193


>> No.5430194


you must be squeamish if you are disgusted so easily.

or just really sensitive. bloo, bloo, bloo.

>> No.5430245
File: 68 KB, 800x600, sea spider - Decalopoda australis 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they are not sea spiders anon.
There is an entire class of creatures that are true sea spiders.
That is a true sea spider.

>> No.5430251

I would still eat it.

>> No.5430286

>not finding the most freaky animals you can and then eating them just for the fuck of it.
I ate stingray once shit was delicious.

>> No.5430318

>sea spider

Stingray is pretty common where I live, they even serve it in the uni canteen. At first I thought it was weird, but when I started eating I found it preddy good.

>> No.5430319

Yeah, I don't see how these people eat them. i bet they wouldn't eat tarantula.

>> No.5430363

I guess it's all just cultural. I have a really sheltered friend who didn't eat much other than fast food and ready meals growing up. He freaked out when I told him that people eat rabbit, venison and pigeon. I then forced him to eat some to get over it and he's developed a taste for more "exotic" foods.

>> No.5430386


>> No.5430467

>Cows are just huge, muscular field snakes. They are even in the same phylum.

>How so you sick fucks eat these things? It makes me feel ill

>> No.5430500


Do snakes taste bad though?

>> No.5430505


Lovecraft taking foodpics now?

>> No.5430559
File: 13 KB, 220x263, 220px-Giant_isopod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more giant isopods up in this bitch. Deeeelish!

>> No.5430565

If it isn't toxic I would as well. Same anon btw.

>> No.5430570

oh the hilarity i find in copy pasting someones words on 4chan and changing some of them to make the person look like a fool harharharharhar

>> No.5430613
File: 440 KB, 1000x800, Headcrab-Plush-2_1347538227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the crowbar!

>> No.5430615

It's not bad, very bland, but that just opens up more opportunities IMO.

>> No.5430688
File: 2.41 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20140419_165506576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some the other week. probably the only time this season too. they need to put a moratorium on them so the population rebounds (blue crabs, not snow) . also, old bay is over rated

>> No.5430702

Shit's tasty yo

>> No.5430798
File: 156 KB, 600x600, ALASKAN-KING-CRAB-LEGS-ADD-ON_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me? I'd serve crab legs.

>> No.5430800
File: 438 KB, 1600x1200, 0514001524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fully aware that crabs consume detritus from the seafloor and it does not bother me. I've worked with and eaten them all my life.

in fact, we had some HUGE crabs coming out of lake Pontchartrain after hurricane katrina. all those corpses that washed out there. mmm. good crab food.


>> No.5430815

Not popular =/= not good. My grandmother grew up in a poor as fuck family and used to get sent by her mother to the butcher to buy flank steak and brisket because her mother didn't want to be seen buying "nigger meat".

>> No.5430826

If I say it enough times people will believe me!

>> No.5430834
File: 116 KB, 1280x854, orange_roughy2_claire_nouvian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by years ago we're talking a century, guy. so no it wasnt just "marketing" like they actually DID do with shit like "chilean sea bass"(toothfish) or orange roughy.
does anyone remember orange roughy? how they had to find a way to market what was then known as the 'slimefish'?
no one is going to buy slime fish, lets give it a colorful new name.

oh but then scientists realized the fish takes 40 YEARS to reach sexual maturity in the deep ocean. and by that time we had almost fished them out of existence.

>> No.5430885
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>> No.5430901

Just because they are related to out greatest ally does not mean I feel remorse for how delicious they are.

>> No.5430912
File: 397 KB, 1600x1200, 0514001520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest one I ever caught.

>> No.5430942

>There's no logical reason to not eat bugs.
They live on dog shit.

>> No.5430969

crops are growing using cow/pig shit

>> No.5431023


>> No.5431054

>Eating something that came out of the dirt
No wonder vegetarians are all so skinny and weak.

>> No.5431055
File: 109 KB, 800x488, tinycrab3SM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok that was funny. but crabs are really a cultural thing, like most seafood. if you didnt grow up in the low lands or on the coast you probably would be averse to eating them

pic related, the tiniest and creepiest crab that tastes like pure salt water is a delicacy here

>> No.5431062

>Chickens are just small, feathered, winged humans. They are even in the same phylum.
>How so you sick fucks eat these things? It makes me feel ill

>> No.5431103

>not wanting to eat armored animals to gain their strength

i bet you dont even fantasize about eating the brains of your enemies, what kind of primate are you? our traditions are old and sacred.

>> No.5431150
File: 219 KB, 720x540, 1390715443092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old bay is over rated

>> No.5431217

fellow bay person detected
I just hate when people dump that shit on crabs and insist thats what crabs taste like, same with crawfish and tony cacheres. they are supplements to the crab meat, not the delivering taste force people clam onto.

you really have to try straight up cleaned crabs at some point to know. I like the method of pulling the shells off and spraying the guts out...but I also like to sit down with a shit ton of crabs cooked in budwieser and old bay which is what i grew up with.
video related
mute it if your an athiest

>> No.5431238

>i drive a masarati i swear!

>> No.5431243

I made billions off my small arms company.

>> No.5431247

im the rightful king of england and wales

>> No.5431248


>> No.5431254
File: 125 KB, 1692x905, 76876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people love to hate on different cultures, and the thought of knowing where their food comes from frightens them, whether its from the shoals, oceans, swampland or mountains. but I still love ya and come on over to my house and we'll have a good ol time

unless your this guy >>5431247
who will pay the iron price

>> No.5431260

>still jealous of my bentley and american express black card

>> No.5431275
File: 624 KB, 1216x1096, Paris_Hilton_3_Crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black card

>> No.5431287

I hope that never happens to my boat

>> No.5431288


>> No.5431294

its really not that big a deal

>> No.5431302
File: 459 KB, 584x357, stopbeingpoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get rekt

>> No.5431309

>completely missing the point this hard
you are such an unbeliveable faggot

>> No.5431310

are you seriously trying to start this again? The thread where you were obliterated is still in the catalog.

>> No.5431312
File: 322 KB, 602x464, hahayoudriveacorolla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wah he called it a black card instead of a centurion card
suck my rich dick you semantic poltroon

>> No.5431313

>fitfag says i can't lift 5 pounds when i spend more on shopping trips in milan than he'll make in his entire life
yeah, sure did get obliterated :^)

>> No.5431316

How can anyone not like crabs, especially Maryland Crabs, they are the most delicious thing!

>> No.5431317
File: 34 KB, 413x395, 1310483412100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this niggas dad probably owns a used car dealership

>> No.5431321

actually this nigga's dad installs pools in a completely different state than where i am
>stay jealous poorfag

>> No.5431323

>claims to be head of Freedom Group making small arms and other shit they don't even make
>has no idea of its existence, what they do, or even "being part of it" yet saying you own the exact same companies

Why do you even keep it up? You're a shitty liar.

>> No.5431324

Kind like a stringier, gamier version of chicken. Rather nice if shredded and cooked to make a soup.

They were also called diarrhea fish, because improperly skinned orange roughy had stupid amounts of oil retained on their skin. Ingesting it often led to orange-brown shits that just kinda leaks out of you.

That's nice. Hey, I'll be your anti-lobster shill for a year if you buy me a 4chan pass.

>> No.5431325

He's either a dedicated troll or a genuine sperg.

>> No.5431327

how many times do i have to say i'm not the head of freedom group? is that the only weapons company you know?
so fucking stupid.
>acquiring 2 more companies in the next 6 weeks
i'll tell henry kissinger you say hi next time i have brunch with him

>> No.5431331

>freedom group owned by cerberus
>last thread i said i was the CEO of the entire parent company that owns all the small ones
you're either illiterate, stupid, in denial, or both.

>> No.5431332

The other thread is still up

You claimed to be the owner of the companies yet not be part of the parent company, and only after even mentioning as an example "Freedom Group" so you could look it up and copy it. They don't make "RPGs" or LEO "Assault Vehicles" like you claimed, it fell apart as soon as you said you were involved in small arms and had no clue what you were talking about.

You're full of shit Bentley fuck.

>> No.5431337

i said i was owner of the parent company you fucking cube. you have no idea what you're talking about.

stay asspained, poorfag.

>> No.5431342

You literally said the exact opposite

Next time, try making your retarded claims WITHOUT the thread you got obliterated in still on the board

>> No.5431346

you're even dumber than bar-b-q king

>> No.5431356 [DELETED] 
File: 425 KB, 1600x1200, 0710001217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just posting crabs and boats.I'm glad the thread is still up but this isnt the place gentlemen. anyone have any good recipes?

>> No.5431379

That might be delicious but your picture looks like vomit.

>> No.5431737


OP already looks like a fool, or disingenuous at least, those posts were just highlighting it. Phyla are really broad classifications.

>> No.5431749


Thanks for tripping, I appreciate it.

>> No.5432103

You'd think with it being so good, someone would have had the bright idea to do literally everything in their power to breed and control a population for food.

Giant farms of over ten thousand galapagos tortoise, for the human act of hunger. After all, the greatest two things any animal can be are tasty enough we love them, or nice enough that we love them

>> No.5432509

They grow too slow to make any return really feasible and on top of that they're classified as "vulnerable" so there would be a brouhaha over it.

>> No.5432513

I don't understand why farming an endangered species would at all be bad. You'd be ensuring the species' survival and you could even reseed the population by releasing some of your animals.

>> No.5432518

but the biggest most important cities are almost all coastal.

>> No.5432519

It would rile up a good number of people who have a rose-tinted view of conservation practices and there are a number of (well-intentioned but we all know what they say about the road to hell...) laws against trading in products derived from animals classified as threatened.

Plus, even though they don't require much upkeep they take a hell of a long time to reach maturity.

>> No.5432526

I wasn't referring to tortoises specifically, and those people are stupid and hurting their own cause.

>> No.5432532

Watching the Lion King convinced me that bugs were tasty and that conviction has paid out. I don't even eat meat unless it's fish or arthropod.

>> No.5432534

>I wasn't referring to tortoises specifically
My point still stands. There are people who object to elephant hunting despite the fact that without someone paying tens of thousands of dollars to harvest one (and not even getting to keep the ivory or pretty much any other part of it) they'd just be culled anyway because most of the preserves and national parks are at their carrying capacity.

>and those people are stupid and hurting their own cause.
Agreed, but it's mostly a matter of perception and knowledge.

>> No.5432537

>having this little class
>fucking americans

>> No.5433279


Halifa/ck/s here, where ya to?

>> No.5433286

I would eat spiders
but I'm pretty sure they dont taste as good as crabs

>> No.5433289


>> No.5433339


>> No.5433368

saw this on tv the other day
for someone whose jokes are nearly ALL about food, this is childish.

yeah, lobsters are like spiders? so what? what's wrong with eating spiders. we don't do it because they're tiny and most people are a-SCARED of them. if you fried up a fuckin taarantula and didn't pay attention to its creepy face it would be like eating a small crab.

grow up.

its like how people think certain organs are gross, no matter the animal. like you can only eat a chicken's breast or a pig's fucking back meat?

>> No.5433374

Holy shit, that's the most insightful thing I've read all day.

brb cracking a skull

>> No.5433378

No. Get the fuck out.

Those fucking things, mang.

>> No.5433413

I would eat scorpion in a heartbeat.

>> No.5433994

I've tried it. It isn't really good at all.

>> No.5434083


The ultimate food!!!

>> No.5434305

A TurCraPuss?

>> No.5434346

It's a matter of creating a supply (for the demand), government bureaucracy and international politics.
By creating a limited supply of of expensive 'legal ivory', you're also generating a demand for relatively 'less expensive illegal ivory'. The ban intends to stamp out demand.
Once you have this 'legal demand', government bureaucracy and international politics comes into play where countries where the endangered animals live will be seen as a revenue generating resource.
"If country X is selling their legal animal part for A amount of dollars, why should country Y not compete by selling it at a dollar value that is less than A?"
Then you have these countries all scrambling to declare that they have more stocks of those animal parts and at a more competitive price. Since there no international governing body that can legally enforce the set quotas, the intention of giving an economic incentive to ensure the animal's continued existence goes into jeopardy because you're now back in step 1"

Let's take sturgeon and caviar, for example. They are currently critically endangered but there are set quotas for countries around the Caspian Sea but due to a lack of enforcement, rampant bribery and assorted other factors, the actual catch numbers are several times higher than the legal ones set, which are already higher than the recommended catch numbers.
Also, 'illegal' caviar can suddenly turn legal as long as you have the required paperwork - which makes it a little funny when caviar caught in Russia end up in Dubai, Dubai official says "Is legal, we give certification it is legal" and get shipped off to buyers.

>> No.5434626

only on the American Continent
because it was just discovered and so it was easier to build a city where you first land
But Europes Major cities are not coastal like Paris, London or Berlin

>> No.5435512

Pretty much nobody eats crab in the UK. It's a shame it's hard to get because I fucking love it. I've had lobster and I prefer crab.