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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 500x300, vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5429098 No.5429098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Invited to a friends house for dinner
>He makes spaghetti
>Reads recipe which calls for two cloves of garlic.
>Being retarded, he believes that a clove of garlic is an entire head of garlic
>Throws two entire fucking heads of garlic into the meal.
>TFW I almost vomit from the smell of garlic now.

What's the worst meal you've ever had, /ck/?

>> No.5429099

Does it count if it's your own? I like to experiment, especially when I'm poor and have little food. Here's a fun example

>make japanese curry a lot
>from a box because fuck making the real shit that tastes the exact same
>always use meat
>no meat today
>see tofu from who knows where
>have never cooked with it
>think it will be easily fried
>fuck it up, it's white shit everywhere
>curry is a brown and white mess with lumps of soft tofu everywhere, like cottage cheese

I don't know why I thought it was a good idea. But, I always eat my mistakes regardless of how awful they are.

>> No.5429101

OP, are you a vampire?

>> No.5429102

As awful as that sounds, was it at least edible?

>> No.5429103
File: 65 KB, 349x347, 1286849744328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got one for you guys. The food itself wasn't that bad, but oh, man...

>german on my dad's side
>he's a pretty good cook, some say I inherited that from him
>one Christmas, looking to experiment, he decides he's going to cook up an old German treat - hasenpfeffer (pickled stewed rabbit)
>essentially, you throw the rabbit in with a shitton of spices, wine, vinegar, and special German ginger snaps called pfeffernüsse
>rabbit is already a pungent, gamey meat on its own
>but when it's slow cooked with all of that shit, the culinary powers combine...

>wake up in the morning
>holy SHIT a wretched stench hits me in the face as soon as I do, afraid I contracted some sort of foot fungus
>the air is thick with the reek of hasenpfeffer
>like a mix of a moldy gingerbread house and gym socks
>can barely get down the stairs, actually get dizzy from the fumes
>mfw the house smelled like that for 3 days after

Worst part is, while the stuff was tasty, it DEFINITELY wasn't worth the trouble. Also wreaked absolute havoc on my digestive system, too.

>> No.5429109

Salt instead of Sugar in a cake.

>> No.5429110




>> No.5429137
File: 59 KB, 500x361, 2guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom's vegan mac and "cheese"

>> No.5429143

>Vegan mac and cheese

>> No.5429149


It's just mac

>> No.5429155

Cashew and nutritional yeast sauce.

>> No.5429159
File: 210 KB, 605x908, 1387501190007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not loving the smell of garlic

>> No.5429160

I USED to.

>> No.5429162
File: 178 KB, 500x411, 1384106117821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of a story

>be me as a child
>go out to eat with family
>meal has chips (fries to you fatties) on it
>being a child I think salt makes chips better
>go to get salt
>accidently pick up and put white sugar from one of those paper things for tea/coffee on my chips without realising
>go to eat one
>it's fucking disgusting
>spit it out immediately
>truly something only an American could stomach

>> No.5429165

it was pretty inedible but i had nothing else at the time

>> No.5429170

Dude sugar on fries is delicious. It's like one of those awesome doughnut burgers writ small.

>> No.5429183

My dad was making cinnamon rolls. He always doubles up the amount of cinnamon he uses.

He grabbed cayenne pepper and basically pepper-sprayed the kitchen when it baked.

>> No.5429195
File: 40 KB, 1032x468, Corn pudding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic slightly related.

>> No.5429199
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 234431423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No no, it tastes JUST like the real thing!

>> No.5429201
File: 51 KB, 486x373, 1373355621255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could a mother do that to her son?

>> No.5429206

Jiffy corn batter actually does taste pretty good.

>> No.5429221

what a pussy.

>> No.5429260

Fight me fag.

>> No.5429271

Corn bread batter always taste good, doesnt mean you eat the entire bowl

>> No.5429276

Pretty close to this, but my ex-girlfriend made me eat vegan hotdogs.

>> No.5429284

why do so many so called vegans keep trying to eat meat substitutes? I mean whatever makes them happy right? I however enjoy fruits and vegetables for what they are. remember that there are all kinds of people out there.

>> No.5429307

>google doughnut burgers

What the hell, how is that even a thing? That just sound absolutely revolting.

>Place of origin United States
Of course it is, like I said "truly something only an American could stomach".

First I hear about marshmellows on sweet potato, now this, just what the hell America? The more I hear about your food the more grossed out I am.

>> No.5429316


>America American America American America American

We get it dude, you have some kind of weird obsession. Contrary to what you may think you're not funny, clever, or original.

>> No.5429318

Don't knock it until you've tried it, bro. One bite of doughnut burger and you'll wonder where it's been your whole life.

>> No.5429325


>> No.5429334

>makes fun of others
>starts his story with "be me"

No John, you are the retards.

>> No.5429336
File: 473 KB, 355x246, un chien andalou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a child
>in the kitchen with mum
>she's baking
>not paying a huge amount of attention to me
>i take advantage of her lapse in concentration to grab a handful of sugar and shove it into my mouth
>except its not sugar
>its flour

>> No.5429337

>eating handful of sugar to begin with

>> No.5429435 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 320x248, arthur_dent-bulldozer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>taco seasoning instead of cinnamon in coffee.
housemate had inexplicably transferred both into new unlabeled containers, setting the taco seasoning in the niche i'd always placed the cinnamon in that i'd been buying for years. groggy, just waking up, reach up without looking, flip cap, shake generously, see brown-red flakes sparkle on top of freshly brewed black coffee. take long draught.
didn't even spit it out. swallowed, looked at it, went to get another cup. i am tired, in the mornings.

>> No.5429439
File: 100 KB, 320x248, arthur_dent-bulldozer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taco seasoning instead of cinnamon in coffee.
>housemate had inexplicably transferred both into new unlabeled containers, setting the taco seasoning in the niche i'd always placed the cinnamon in that i'd been buying for years. groggy, just waking up, reach up without looking, flip cap, shake generously, see brown-red flakes sparkle on top of freshly brewed black coffee. take long draught.
>didn't even spit it out. swallowed, looked at it, went to get another cup. i am tired, in the mornings.