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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 340x270, vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5423825 No.5423825 [Reply] [Original]

Why does vegan cheese suck /ck?
Is it because it isn't tested on mice?

>> No.5423828

Maybe because it doesn't have any fucking cow tit juice?!
Kek vegan cheese just fuck off m8

>> No.5423831

vegans make no gainz

>> No.5423856

Have you tried that cheese?

It's excellent baked on pizza and lasagna.

First time I tried it I tried it cold though and tossed it because I didn't know better.

>> No.5423860

Clearly it is bad because vegans wont allow mice to sample it.

>> No.5423861

> it's great if you can't taste it on its own but don't eat it by itself

I think that says it all

>> No.5423893
File: 35 KB, 608x380, fo-ode-to-american-cheese-608[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does dairy cheese suck /ck/?

>> No.5423903
File: 59 KB, 337x367, jeremy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American Cheese
I don't think so Tim

>> No.5423911


Comes from a cow and is the most popular cheese in the US. American Cheese is the cheese of choice for non-vegans.

>> No.5423926

I'm a non-vegan and American Cheese isn't the cheese of choice for me.

>> No.5423932


Doesn't matter, statistically that's what you all enjoy eating.

>> No.5423936

I haven't eaten American Cheese in years.

What now?

>> No.5423943

>Why do Amerikkkans do this?
A-am I /ck/ yet?

>> No.5424036

>be British
>most popular cheese is cheddar
>not that disgusting flat plastic "cheese"

I wouldn't give your plastic American cheese to my dog. Extra mature cheddar is the master of cheeses, fucking put that shit on anything that requires cheese.

>> No.5424071

I can get extra mature cheddars made a few states away in America.

>> No.5424165

>french master cheese coming through

>> No.5424168


Americans make some of the best cheddar in the world.

>what is Vermont
>what is Wisconsin

>> No.5424380
File: 56 KB, 533x400, follow your heart vegan mozzarella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My omnivorous family likes it. Made a pizza with it once and my sister said she would be happy with it if she ordered it at a restaurant.

Browns and bubbles just like real cheese. Which I think is the best part of cheese.

>> No.5424383

The best part of cheese is the taste

>> No.5424390

The only good vegan "dairy" products I've ever come across are vegan cream cheese, vegan sour cream, vegan yogurt, and vegan ricotta. You just have to deal with the fact that you will never eat real, delicious, hard cheeses ever again.
>mfw allergic to dairy and can never have glorious Stilton ever again.

>> No.5424395

Do you really, honestly believe we can't get good cheddar here or that we only eat fucking Kraft singles? I'm so sick of this shit. Also, I can buy English cheddar at nearly any supermarket in town. My favorite I've tried was some mature cheddar from Dorset.

>> No.5424399
File: 231 KB, 500x531, 1391164682919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No cheese ever again
I'm really, truly sorry for your loss

>> No.5424401

vegan cheese you buy at the store usually sucks, I can never find organic AND vegan cheese, always has a bunch of nasty additives in it. I made my own cashew cheese at home and it came out awesome.

>> No.5424403

I once had an Amerifat tell me that your plastic cheese is better on burgers than melting slices of cheddar on the patty under the grill. It pretty much solidified my opinion on Americans and cheese.

>> No.5424406

Follow Your Heart vegan mozzarella tastes delicious melted on a pizza or lasagna.

>> No.5424414


I haven't tried any, but there are tons of good looking recipes for vegan hard cheese.

>> No.5424420

Okay, so then I guess I'll just disregard all your opinions on food since a Britshit I once knew ate chip butties all the time.
>mfw all Britbongs eat french fry sandwiches like heathens.
Yeah, my opinion on shit tier British "cuisine" is solidified.

>> No.5424433

>chip butty
>french fry sandwiches

How can you get it right the first time and so wrong the second time?

>> No.5424464

Who cares? It's fried potatoes on bread with ketchup. Fucking pig disgusting.

>> No.5424479

>eating plastic american cheese
>not eating god tier american cheese that is essentially mild cheddar that has been processed for meltyness

Boy, you yuropoors sure are ig'nant.

>> No.5424492
File: 111 KB, 1400x780, Chips2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bake/oven roast my chips.

>white potatoes
>cut into thick chip shapes
>place in cold water
>let the water rise to boiling point then turn it off for 5 minutes
>drain the water with a sieve
>place chips into a mixing bowl
>throw a few splaces of olive oil on
>mix/shake bowl
>fucking chili powder, lots of chili powder
>alternatively ground pepper and paprika
>mix again, making sure all the chips are covered in oil and seasonings
>spread chips out on a baking tray
>place in 200°C oven for 20-30 minutes

Frying is for fatties.

>> No.5424497
File: 85 KB, 1024x685, HMPmSyRh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mild cheddar

That shit is so flavourless you might as well be eating nothing.

>> No.5424498

>I bake/oven roast my chips.
good for you. too bad you're not representative of the entire population, most of whom are eating the fried version.

>> No.5424602

You've already admitted that your only experience with American cheese is the shit-tier unmelty plastic, your opinion is worthless. Stop talking about the flavor of things you haven't even eaten.

>> No.5424683

Literally the most plebeian choice of cheese, m8. Stop running your gob cuz Red Leicester is where it's at, fite me irl, fgt

>> No.5424690


Thanks, I'll be trying that shit out. I used to only cut the taters, then mix them up with oil, salt, pepper, that kind of stuff and straight up bake them for 25 mins. Does boiling for such a short time really add something?

>> No.5424702

>It melts!
S-so does actual cheese?

>> No.5424804

Dorset ftw, I live there

>> No.5424830

They're saying that because most vegan cheese doesn't melt.

And it probably doesn't melt that well - the impressive thing is that the bear dances at all.

>> No.5424850

I went to a vegan restaurant yesterday and had a patty melt. The cheese was great, it stringed out like dairy cheese does.

Vegan cheese does taste really fucking close to the real thing. And honestly, I think soy cheese tastes better than cruelty ever will.

>> No.5424859

>tastes better than cruelty ever will.

>> No.5424870

It's true though. When I think of myself eating factory-farmed dairy, it just feels, and therefore tastes... wrong.

>> No.5424873

doesn't american cheese qualify as vegan?

>> No.5424877

you're a riot m8

>> No.5424882

It has milk in it.

>> No.5424892

It has cheese in it (unless you're getting the low end stuff)

>> No.5425923


>> No.5425939

If veganism is so great, why model food after non-vegan food?

>> No.5426617

Hell yeah. Love me some Daiya based lasagna soup.


>> No.5426620

objection, logical fallacy

>> No.5426632

They're saying that because SOME vegan cheese doesn't melt.

Also, that cheese in particular is MADE for melting. It is not good cold (I tried that the first time I got it and threw it out because I am an idiot). It's perfect baked on a pizza or lasagna. It's not stringy like cow cheese but that's kinda gross and overrated in my opinion anyway. I think it's the casein that makes it do that. It's like glue. I don't want to eat glue. Also casein is very carcinogenic. I'll stick with the soy cheese and deal with the mockery from the ignorant. My very blunt omnivorous mother said you wouldn't be able to tell the difference when I served her a piece of vegan lasagna with Follow Your Heart vegan mozzarella on it.

>> No.5426642

>Why does vegan cheese suck

Because real cheese requires milk. no milk = no cheese/shitty imitation

>> No.5426648

my cashew cheese is better than your cow cheese

>> No.5427511

>matter of opinion not fact
>projects opinion as fact
Vegans everyone.

>> No.5427522



That's what literally everybody on this website does, including you

>> No.5427542

Everyone on /ck/ says stuff they like is good and stuff they don't like is bad, it's not just vegans.

>> No.5427559
File: 76 KB, 407x584, this asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5427581

Because people keep trying to recreate non-vegan or non-vegetarian dishes with vegan or vegetarian ingredients, that's why.

It is possible to make good food without animal products, and it's not through heavily processed, featureless bricks of "all natural" ingredients.