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5423500 No.5423500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ask a Taco Bell manager anything, bored as fuck so I'll answer questions lol

>> No.5423502

What 'truly' is the best item to buy on the menu that includes meat?

>> No.5423505

what should i get

>> No.5423507


besides typical payment forms, what would you be willing to exchange tacos for?

>> No.5423509

Usually any burrito, the crunchwraps, and the loaded grillers

Doritos Loco Tacos, Crunchwrap, the Loaded Grillers if they are still in your area

>> No.5423512

Marijuana hahaha

>> No.5423513

What is the nastiest thing you have seen or fired someone for doing in your restaurant?

>inb4 hurr durr taco bell a restaurant

>> No.5423514

Do you have a recipe for Lave Sauce? That stuff is Godly.

>> No.5423515

Bring back volcano tacos you faggots. And stop telling me the spicy Doritos tacos are basically the same. They aren't.
In fact all of the Doritos tacos suck.

>> No.5423523

I once fired an employee on the spot for spitting in some woman's food because she was rowdy, it felt good not gonna lie lol
That recipe is somewhere deep in the bowels of their HQ in PA lol, it is godly though I agree
I wish they would bring back the Volcano tacos, they were amazing, the spicy Doritos tacos are shit, worst one

>> No.5423527


follow up question: If I smoked you up in my car in a totally non-sexual way, what would be a fair trade in tacos?

>> No.5423531

I always order a cheesy gordita crunch with a doritos loco taco shell. How much does the staff hate me? I've waited 5minutes while a guy tried to punch in my food and just thought... if he spits in my order, I'll just eat it.

>> No.5423532


>In a totally non-sexual way LMAO um depends how much we would smoke but I would definitely satisfy your munchies lol

>> No.5423538

I always tell my employees that there is an average amount of people who order their food different (stoners, or just people who like the food), the service always depends where you are

>> No.5423539

Why is the chili cheese burrito not a regular menu item?

>> No.5423545

Okay, cool, so if I order something crazy it's okay?

>> No.5423547

I worked at DQ and my manager had a no competition clause. That didn't seem legal to me... anyway I got fired as a non rehirable...am I able to work for you?

>> No.5423548

It's a promotional item, it would be cool if it was a regular menu item, more money more satisfaction lol

Again depends where you are, where I manage the restaurant its okay because I tell the employees to expect that kind of stuff, other places with teens or just rude people would not be okay lol

>> No.5423552
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>this is my fetish

>> No.5423556

Who the fuck eats those nasty doritos things? I'm honestly a rather fat man and love my food - but I can't see why that shit is good?

Additionally - what corporate bullshit spin are they trying saying that doritos taco replaces the one, true king of taco bell - the volcano taco?

>> No.5423558
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>> No.5423559


Ok let's just say that I have a little left over from earlier and the fact that I couldn't even finish it means it some really good shit. Then maybe my last nugger falls between your legs and I have to go search for it for a while, can you just give a number in tacos?

>> No.5423560

Is there anything specifically I can ask for to improve my crunchwrap?

>> No.5423561

>not wanting to eat a normal taco with a better shell
It seems as if you do not in face love your food.

>> No.5423562

Ahh okay. I hope the teens I see recognized I'm stoned and not an asshole.

>> No.5423563

I tried the cool ranch one once. How could that combo possibly go wrong?
It tasted like, sadness

>> No.5423565

Its all opinions, IMO, its a fucking dorito taco, one of the best ideas Taco Bell has came up with, these things are amazing especially when stoned lol, hopefully they will bring back the Volcano taco because IMO its better then the Doritos tacos

>> No.5423566

... I find doritos to be gross in general. Give me a regular chip and some fake, melted cheese. It's at least gooey and crunchy - so a texture thing. Additionally, it's warm - another perk... I'm not seeing the benefits to nasty 'nacho' doritos.

>> No.5423569

I highly doubt it's my opinion that Volcano Tacos are better than Doritos ones... pretty sure that's based in some serious fact

>> No.5423570

Dude you are really something haha, umm I would say about 2 tacos

Bacon, extra nacho cheese, guacamole

>> No.5423571
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How would you compare them taco bell tacos to the genuine article.

>> No.5423574


I used to as for lava sauce, but I can't any more. It was the only fast food item I would go out of my way to get I loved it so much.

>> No.5423576

There is no argument between fast food and home-cooked food, obviously home cooked tacos are better, however Taco Bell is just that place where you want to eat when stoned or just pig out lol

>> No.5423581
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Are you saying taco bell started adding pineapple to tacos just the same?

>> No.5423582


t.two...Two...TWO mother fucking god damn son of bitch tacos, OMFG I feel so dirty, how can you just use me like that and toss me aside with a couple of tacos and think its all going to be OK?

>> No.5423587

No am I saying obviously home-cooked tacos will be better then Taco Bell because Taco Bell is fast food a.k.a processed food

Moar weed and we'll talk

>> No.5423589

> I find doritos to be gross in general
You are a minority, friend.

>> No.5423592

Oh :(

Im an untouchable peon son of a bitch unhireable. Might as well move to Mexico or kill my self.

>> No.5423594

Taco Bell has timed drive through windows.

The goal is to move customers through the window as fast as possible.

To game this system, I've seen places where most patrons are instructed to pull forward and wait for their food to stop the clock, regardless of what/how much they've ordered.

What happens to a franchise with a 'slow' window?

What benefits are there?

How does corporate not know that these franchises are cheating?

>> No.5423597

Suprised you know this haha, franchises with slower windows just produce more lines and more frustration, benefits to these timed windows is that if you get a good pattern and have good staff, you can blow through orders all fucking day, and ummm CORPORATE ALWAYS KNOWS

>> No.5423598

Ex-McDonald's worker here. We used to cheat the system by pressing Served-Recall to lock things in at desired times and then just recall shit so we remembered

>> No.5423600

All fast-food places do this

>> No.5423619

Most of the bigger chains do. Not all of them.

>> No.5423671

5 layer burrito: grilled?

should i demand that the chipotle griller sauce be applied to everything?

>> No.5423688

Man, I raged when I tried ordering one in the drive-thru and they informed me that the volcano taco had been replaced with this garbage Doritos one.

>> No.5423695

Why does your store find lettuce and sour cream to be an acceptable substitute to meat?

>> No.5423717

Jesus, that's a shit load of shit on that taco.

>> No.5423739

like a half cup of gooey-looking guac, a pointless sprinkle of something unrecognizable and then a handfull of cilantro, followed up with another Bam of guac? Competing with some annihilated beef product?


>> No.5423741

fucking bitch at the ownership that they need to bring back the chili cheese burrito.

I don't give a damn that it was the only thing on the menu that used the chili.

>> No.5423779


Shit man, imagine how good of a chili cheese burrito you could make.

shit man.

>> No.5423783

why were volcano items and the grilled stuffed nacho discontinued? I literally have no reason to patronize Taco Bell any longer

>> No.5423788

Fucking McDonald's worker here. Now the timers increase when you recall. Fucking bullshit too since we are always understaffed,

>> No.5423789

What was in the blackjack sauce? They need to bring those tacos back.

>> No.5423792

So oats are in with your beef mix.

But doesn't that mean it's actually GOOD because American fatasses are eating something healthy?

How much oats do they cut in? Could I get a decent serving eating a few tacos?

Who knew Taco Bell was /fit/!?

>> No.5423799

Do you premake items before anyone orders them

If so what is the optimal time of going to taco bell that guarantees the best quality items

>> No.5423801

>thinking tacos aren't supposed to have jack shit on them
and this is why you don't eat taco bell
2 opposite sides of a taco should not be able to touch

>> No.5423809

Please stop using "lol" as punctuation, thank you.

>> No.5423815
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>being this mad at lol

>> No.5423837

I know right americans are so damn fat they need some healthy food like oats snuck in somewhere.

>> No.5423862

The grillers are fucking delicious, but they should have Happy Hour earlier.

>> No.5424030

you should give me coupons

>> No.5424358
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>> No.5424376

What's up with all the unnecessary ADD tortilla flipping? It was making me rage.

>> No.5424491


>> No.5424496

Are Burger king's scrambled eggs from powder?

>> No.5424519

OP. What do you think about Corporate now? Have you been there long enough to remember the best of the best? The Golden Bell awards? A while back, when you ran a damn good store you got to go to Hawaii every year. 5 days in a nice ass hotel, paid vouchers to use around the island. Free rental cars. My mom ran one and got to go to hawaii 4 times, and once they sent us to Cancun because we couldn't go to Hawaii at that time they gave the trip out.

I've worked at 3, but have since given up working at any food place. I never worked at my mom's store, mainly because we just don't work well together.

How hard is it to get a good fucking employee nowadays? Saturday and Sunday mornings, and sometimes during rushes we were understaffed. So I would steam, stuff, and expedite all by myself, sometimes with a little help from the second headset chicks.

I could do back to back grande meals, drop chalupas, potatoes and empanadas all while doing the 3 other jobs. I could still keep the products at the correct weight, stuffing and wrapping and STILL have good times at the bump bar. We never had people pull forward, because thats bullshit and then you have to have someone run around the counter, through the lobby, and into the lot. If you are doing it right you don't need to do that shit.

I can't fucking stand going to taco bells anymore, only 2 I will go to. It is an extremely easy job. Sometimes I would get pissed because some of other workers would hardly do shit. It doesn't take 45 minutes to prep lettuce. Back in the day when they had to shred their own lettuce, yeah. Niggas all they do is cut open a bag, drizzle some ice water on it and dump it into a deep pan, stick it and put it in the cooler.

I have seriously gotten into arguments when travelling cross country about small shit, like "no sir, a bean burrito doesn't have red sauce or onions on it. Only beans and cheese." Fuck you asshole, you used the red scoop on the beans too.

>> No.5424525

How badly do you have to fuck up in life to become a taco bell manager?

>> No.5424527

>>5423500 (OP)
>>5424519 (cont)

Bitch, thats a green scoop of beans, pump of red, pinch of cheese, pinch of onions. How can people fuck up a bean burrito. God dammnit.
I still eat at them though, having worked in them for years I know that it is almost impossible to fuck up and not run a decent one. Never gotten sick from one. But there are some serious fucking problems with how some cross country are ran. I would suggest corporate fucking stepped it up and start a better manager training program.

Maybe I'm just jaded because I grew up with Taco Bell, but fuck you if you can't make a damn bean burrito right.

>> No.5424533


I dunno, man. A manager probably makes $40,000-$50,000, and a regional manager probably makes between $50,000-$70,000. I don't think the guy did so badly for himself

>> No.5424784

can you set the record straight with the ground beef ?

>> No.5426227

I just applied to a "team member" job and didnt pass the interview, which was a nice chat with the manager... what kind of people do you hire?

Im well educated (uni degree), lived in france for some years and have little work experience.

>> No.5426232

Don't tell them you have a degree. I was desperate for a job for awhile and fucked myself by referencing my degree. If it doesn't pertain to the job you are applying to then no need to put it on the resume. Also many fast food managers don't have a college degree, why would they want someone with higher education working under them.

>> No.5426338

What I noticed is this.
Yes, the dorito shell has the dorito flavor but the spices from the taco just overwhelm it. You're paying for something you can't taste!

Not really 'bad' by any means but just needs more zazz. (I think they need to have the inner fillings sprinkled with a touch of doritos powder, which is actually sold!)

>> No.5426341

do you still offer lava sauce?

taco bells processed cheese sauces are probably the best thing they have really

>> No.5426343

How to scam a Taco Bell.

Get two cars with your friends in each.

Order food with the first car. Drive off.

In a lot of situations they'll just go to the car behind and be like 'lol, want some extra food with your order? these dudes drove off and we can't sell it now!'

>> No.5426358

Chalupas there are good, anything better on the menu.

>> No.5426375

who would want to scam TB

>> No.5426402

who would want to eat TB

>> No.5427080
