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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5420847 No.5420847[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else think Jiro's sushi is bullshit? It's a slab of fish on a clump of rice, how much more intricate can it get? Even if he picked out the best fish and the best rice and prepared the rice perfectly, it's only going to be so good. And the whole thing about training for decades before becoming a sushi chef is horse shit. It's literally not that hard to make sushi.

>> No.5420854

Good doco however.

>> No.5420856

weebs will circlejerk over anything that comes from japan. only true patricians are aware that the japanese culture in its entirety is utter garbage and the world would be better off if we had nuked the whole country in 1945.

>> No.5420866

then why don't you open up a world famous sushi joint and earn some Michelin stars, and make ridiculous amounts of money?

Plus, if the main point that you're getting from the documentary is about the sushi, you're an idiot.

>> No.5420869

>Plus, if the main point that you're getting from the documentary is about the sushi, you're an idiot.
Oh? Was it 2deep4me?

Looks like we've got ourselves an intellectual.

>> No.5420874

>oh wow a shitty father whose sons chose to follow his footsteps how fucking inspiring and 2deep

jiro's not an "artist." he's not involved in a craft. he's a glorified shit food handler.

>getting such a hardon over raw fish and vinegared rice
how's it feel having such bad taste in food?
>paying to eat cold, raw fish
hahahahahaha pleb

>> No.5420885

Dude then make a restaurant and be world renowned if you think its so easy.

>> No.5420887

you know, as soon as my $43m trust fund kicks in when i'm 31, i'll do just that :)

>> No.5420955

I've always thought this as well, like its just sushi. Its great that he loves his art and takes so much time to master it, but man i just cant see how much better sushi can get. I certainly wouldnt go out of my way to try it or anything.

How much better can the best sushi be compared to regular sushi thats normally pretty good?

>> No.5420957

>fish and rice
choose one

>> No.5420969


>> No.5420972

The only thing that is remotely impressive to me is his dedication, which is admirable. But, raw fish can only taste like so much raw fish, although I'm sure it is the best prepared sushi, and I would eat it up, I do think it's overpriced and a little overhyped.

>> No.5420979

i guarantee a poor carpenter in barnstable MA works twice as hard as jiro ever did on fucking sushi
can't wait for that moonrune fuck to die so people will shut the fuck up about him

>> No.5420981


>> No.5420983

Anything as highly revered as his sushi is overhyped. Doesn't matter what is.

>> No.5420989

i either get my trust fund on my 31st birthday or get it when i graduate college, but i'm enjoying being a NEET for now.
>tfw i'll be able to retire as soon as i graduate and never have to work a day in my life

>> No.5420991


It's not admirable so much as it is neurosis.

That said any sushi restaurant that picks out extremely good fish, prepares their rice very well, and plays close attention to detail is going to be able to charge a great deal of money. Granted he can charge more money than they can, but having worldwide recognition gives you that ability.

That said I have not eaten at Jiro's but I have been to several 1-3 michelin star restaurants in the US and japan, and the quality and attention to detail does make more of a difference than you might think.

>> No.5420994
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All this samefag.

>> No.5420996

J-.. Just promise you'll always stay and shitpost on /ck/ with us, Anon..

>> No.5420998

>not reading the /b/ screencap on how to detect samefags that was posted like 5 years ago
welcome to 4chan friend

>> No.5420999


>tfw both my parents were drug addicts and I grew up in foster care

fuck me


Exactly. And any other sushi restaurants with compatible ingredients and quality (in their rice, preparation etc) will charge a lot of money too, albeit not nearly as much because they aren't necessarily famous.

>> No.5421002
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>> No.5421004

oh don't worry, i will. i'll give everyone a 50% coupon if they can prove they posted in this thread.

>> No.5421006

All the techniques would have been developed over his career. For example curing certain ingredients.
However the actual process of making sushi isn't difficult at all.
So why don't you start a sushi restaurant, I'm sure 3 Michelin stars is so simple and easy.

>> No.5421008
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>> No.5421011

you get one free meal a week for life

>tfw mother is a useless drunk addicted to xanax and ambien and successful father drinks a half gallon of gin a week
your parents just aren't applying themselves

>> No.5421016

>dish involves a ball of rice underneath some uncooked fish
>the best fish and rice in Japan is sold exclusively to Jiro because he has connections and money
>"HOW does he DO it?! It must be his 70 years experience of pressing rice into balls!"

Give him the same shitty fish and rice everyone else has to work with and his sushi won't seem so special. His own involvement is nothing

>> No.5421036

There's definitely a plateau for sushi-making. Granted the majority of sushi restaurants in North America is crap, with undercooked rice, bad quality fish, bad sauce, bad technique, and a dearth of knowledge about what selections might be pleasing to the customer. But Jiro just takes it to another level. There's a point where it's nearly impossible to distinguish excellence from perfection and you're paying an extra 200 for that imperceptible gap.

>> No.5421037

>I don't know what loans are

Buy a tiny tiny place and it it's so easy you'll be world renowned in no time.

>> No.5421039

holy shit I thought I clicked /co/ I was so confused

>> No.5421048
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But there is such a thing as choosing the right cut of fish, & the right application of said fish to rice, including the use of soy sauce, etc.

>> No.5421049

my plan was to buy a $250k house somewhere in bumfuck Florida or Massachusetts and wait until each share of stock rocketed to $100/share. I don't need an estate to be happy. I'd rather have a 2 bedroom condo with $40m to blow than have a $30m mansion with no yard.

>> No.5421050


Jiro does none of that himself

>> No.5421060

He fucking does you asshole. He trains his staff to get the best fish, THEREFORE HE FUCKING DOES CHOOSE THE FISH.

>> No.5421063


Calm down, the people who sell the fish pick out their best fish, Jiro has his crew go pick it up and do everything else for him too

>> No.5421082

aww sweet a troll thread

>> No.5421094
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you don't have a passion for it, how could you perfectly understand it? I don't blame you, I get it. its cool, but everyone is different.

>> No.5421339

>It's a slab of fish on a clump of rice
I know you are being ironic but that's not how you make sushi.

There are good sushi and there are bad sushi, chances are that you always had one kind of sushi and you can't tell the different.

>> No.5421345

>oh don't worry, i will. i'll give everyone a 50% coupon if they can prove they posted in this thread.

Alright, sure, I'll bite.

Its 3am and I'm a professional chef.

That being said, there are some pretty real startup costs to a kitchen (buying vs leasing, equipment, ovens, mixers, storage n cooling for walkin and freezers ).

But mostly, its hiring non-shit staff that actually do care about the food, have quality control and don't just let shit slide.

If you can improve the quality of the food world, please do.

Hell, I'm excited now. Good luck and godspeed.

How long till your birthday? Just trying to get a sense for years.

>my plan was to buy a $250k house somewhere in bumfuck Florida or Massachusetts and wait until each share of stock rocketed to $100/share. I don't need an estate to be happy. I'd rather have a 2 bedroom condo with $40m to blow than have a $30m mansion with no yard.
Dude, live somewhere nice. Colorado is excellent, if I do say so myself.

>> No.5421348

Ad screencap for posterity

>> No.5421350


>> No.5421355

Because popularity means it's automatically good, right?
Sushi is overhyped and pretentious.

>> No.5421358

That's not the point shitlord.
Its not us saying we're better
Its us saying their work is shit
>Picasso/Jacskon pollock sux
>then do better than Picasso/Pollock/etc!!!

>> No.5421359

Prove how?

>> No.5421393

Because obviously if you did all the same shit, but just cooked the fucking fish, it would be a goddamn 12 michelin stars masterpiece.

>it would only be so good
How much better do you want it to be? Do you know anything about seafood?

>> No.5421400

Honestly I can't say whether it's bullshit or not, I simply wouldn't have the pallet to make that judgement.

That was one of the points in the doc, most people won't be able to taste the difference between octopus which is massaged for 3 hours vs. 8 hours, but Jiro can. Is that BS? I have no clue.

>> No.5421415

sushi is overhyped and wanked over to a ridiculous degree just like any other food fad, or anything japanese for that matter.
Still pretty damn good stuff though, but the whole song and dance routine and the DECADES OF SAMURAI TRAINING to slice fish to millimeter precision is kind of silly. But if you're willing to pay out the nose for that sort of entertainment, you could certainly end up with something a lot worse than top quality fresh seafood which would just be ruined by cooking it.

>> No.5421557




>> No.5421584

You just wait till Jiro unveils his new McRib sushi.

You fat faggots will lap that shit up then.



>> No.5421597

>not live in a 250k house.

Why waste money? you can be perfectly happy in a nice apartment in your desired location and save the rest of the money to be invested and turn up more money.

>> No.5421602

>a nice apartment in your desired location

>> No.5421625
File: 360 KB, 900x1200, 1390244267699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust fund baby >trust fund baby >trust fund baby >trust fund baby >trust fund baby >trust fund baby >trust fund baby >trust fund baby >trust fund baby>trust fund baby >trust fund baby >trust fund baby

>> No.5421637

>sushi is just fish
I feel the same way about steak but /ck/ seems to think it's the epitome of fine dining. I guess in your case you feel intimidated by what you take to be cool hipsters since the 1990s just arrived.

>> No.5421681

Sushi as a culture revolves around being a pretentious ass.
It's bullshit because its meant to be bullshit.

>> No.5421686

OP rustled my weeb fedora

>> No.5421731


Interestingly, a sushi restaurant would probably be the easiest place to open and try to earn a Michelin Star. There's been allegations of Japanese bias for a while now.

>> No.5421732


sushi is not the only japanese food.

>> No.5421738


I know, they also eat plain rice too.

>> No.5421739


Oh, don't forget that in order for a gaigin to get a reservation (based on first-hand experience in 2012), it went like this:

>nihonjin travel agent calls Jiro asks for reservation
>no way, have the HOTEL call Jiro when the gaigin is in country
>reminded of $300 up-front cost

fair enough. Not every tourist can drop $300 like this or realizes it's fixed price.

>Hotel calls
>$300 cash money if late charge to card

Again, fair enough. Limited supply.

>No room for three months.

You're fucking kidding me.

I took my $300 and went to La Rochelle and even though I should have just eaten at tsukiji, it gave me something to bitch about. I was pretty sick of the anti-Gaigin vibe I was getting everywhere, and some pretentious ass assuming that I can't read a fucking clock didn't help.

I can cut my own fish (with my Japanese knives). And I don't get the evil eye when I eat it.

tl;dr Just another product of Japanese insecurity.

>> No.5421742

>u hurt my weeb feelings

>> No.5421754

The only real sushi is the California Roll. If anyone thinks otherwise you're a sushi novice and should get off /ck/

>> No.5421755


i was just making the point that a lot of the michelin stars have gone to other kinds of japanese cuisine or cuisine prepared in japan. there's a great french influence in japanese fine dining, just like everywhere else. as far as i know sushi is actually not that big a deal in the michelin guide.

>> No.5421762

Why go to Jiro's when his sons are better?

>> No.5421805

>boo hoo I wasn't treated like my white god fantasies
Next time try southeast Asia, neckbeard. Deep down they still won't like you but they'll do a more convincing job of pretending due to economic factors.

>> No.5422131

jiro's sushi didnt even make tokyos top 10 sushi restaurant list and theyre racist as fuck

>> No.5422138

It's nothing but hype so "foodies" can feel like they're smarter than you when they "educate" you on Jiro's "cuisine."

>> No.5422147


>no one can tell this is sarcasm

>> No.5422148


oh hey thanks for educating me on jiro's cuisine. the inverted commas really helped me to understand that you were being derisive. i now have an informed perspective on the preferences of these so-called 'foodies' and will make a note never to go to a restaurant that receives praise from them.

>> No.5422149

What kind of trust fund kicks in when you're 31? You sound like a lying faggot

>> No.5422158


Oh, shut the fuck up. I'm right and you know it. Every conversation I've ever had or witnessed on this slanty-eyed chingchong motherfucker has gone as follows:

>uh, yeah, I watched the movie
>I guess I admire his craft but I don't really see the big deal, to each his own

Literally no one has ever given me an explanation as to why I should respect this man or consider the movie to be some 2deep4u life changing film. It's all a circlejerk of pseudo-intellectualism based around the idea that being neurotic = being talented, which it doesn't. So yes, I've said it before, and I'll say it again: "foodies" are fucking full of shit.

>> No.5422186

you sound like a fun person

>> No.5422193

they try really hard to be the best and that kind of effort and dedication is admirable
you can apply his technique to any business/hobby
even a mcdonalds franchise owner can gain something from it

>> No.5422194


oh hey thanks for expanding on your thoughts on the subject. this time round you used capitals, text speak and obnoxious slang to represent the people you're ridiculing in a paraphrased dialogical anecdote, while representing yourself in lower case and using commas to impose a measured, relaxed rhythm on your speech; thanks to this I found out much easier to identify with you as a reasonable person in opposition to the obstreperous and immature character of 'literally everyone' who praises jiro.

I now realise that not only do they exaggerate the deliciousness of jiro's food, they also believe that the film is inherently life changing and anybody who doesn't feel their life changed is below a necessary threshold of intelligence or depth. Thanks also for pointing it out that the people who disagree with you on the subject are participating in a circlejerk, while the people who agree with you are simply acting in opposition to that circlejerk, and not in any way shape or form seeking out people to validate their opinion. There is an interesting inference to be made from all this that while the people who praise the documentary are 'pseudo-intellectuals', the ones who successfully expose them as charlatans are in fact the true intellectuals, and if in fact that is true (you're making a great case for it) that would mean that simply disagreeing with them at all is worthy of praise. Perhaps they put it on the application test for MENSA, I myself have not applied and probably won't be applying as I have to admit I rather admired the documentary so i'm sure i wouldn't be accepted.

>> No.5422216

He's my kinda nigga

>> No.5422220

actually id live to see someone jiro a mcdonalds
theres a mcdonalds around here run by hippies that uses local beef/cheese whatever
think about it /ck/

>> No.5422223

You haven't eaten at Jiro's yet you talk like you have a valid point.

stop living vicariously though a documentary and try eating there and then you'll have a better perspective.

>> No.5422231


bit of a redundant thing to say isn't it? no one here has eaten there. you haven't. i haven't. it has no bearing on our opinion of the documentary, and even if it did, i'm not really talking about the documentary, just about you acting like a schoolgirl.

>> No.5422235

I have.

You're implying other peoples take on Jiro's food isn't valid based on the documentary. So it does have bearing.

Jiro's sushi is great quality but I have found MANY sushi restaurants to offer similar and even better taste.

To each their own...

>> No.5422239


you very, very obviously haven't. but what you have done is say you have, which means no i have to say i have or it looks like you have more of a right to an opinion than i do, regardless of whether the opinion is well-formed or not. god dammit i hate idiots.

>> No.5422264
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>> No.5422550


>> No.5422573

>people who have no idea what goes into make sushi despite having seen a documentary on it
>arguing with people people who have no idea what goes into make sushi despite having seen a documentary on it
watch it again and pay closer attention to what they say about sushi history and not what they just say about Jiro's sushi.

>> No.5424282

Jiro's eldest son who is like 50 years old now is STILL apprenticed to him because the senile faggot doesn't think he's "up to par" in the art of slicing raw fish.

>> No.5424290

>sushi history
Sushi was historically a street food. You can only go so far with it, really. Jiro's restaurant is the equivalent of a hot dog "fine dining" restaurant.

How can you say you like Jiro's sushi if you never even had it? If you weebs believed your own words about how great Jiro is, you would have dished out the $300 and plane ticket to go try the heavenly raw fish. I'll stick to my Chinese and/or Korean-run sushi restaurants in Canada that make the same thing without charging you an arm and a leg.

>> No.5424307

how do you know this? you don't think those guys know what Jiro will reject after 60 years experience?

just fuck off

>> No.5424317

>I've always thought this as well, like its just sushi. Its great that he loves his art and takes so much time to master it, but man i just cant see how much better sushi can get.

There is a lot of difference between poor sushi and good sushi.

There is very little difference between good sushi and the best in the world. But people with a lot of money are willing to pay for the very best.

It's like gaming PC's, once you reach a certain point you are spending a lot of money for very little actual improvement.

>> No.5424392

I agree so much.

Though I still think there's quite a difference between good and great sushi. But that's irrelevant. What we both agree on is that there's a huge increase in price for a disproportionate increase in quality.

>> No.5424402

>people think $300 is a lot for a fine dining experience

>> No.5424510


>Sushi was historically a street food.

stop saying this. it wasn't strictly a street food and even if it were that doesn't make it the equivalent of a hot dog restaurant.

>> No.5424522

Is this the same thing where they claim that the guy was a dishwasher for 15 years before he was able to make his sushi?
That doesn't make you an artist. That just means that the owner didn't trust you to touch his food for 15 years.
Why are so many white people caught up in Japanese culture that they think even the simplest things that Japanese do have deep meaning that no one else understands?

>> No.5424537

To me it mans japs must be some of the dumbest animals on earth if it takes 15 years to thinly slice a raw fish.

>> No.5424809

>it wasn't strictly a street food

Read up on your Edo Japan, fucktard.

Yes, it was. Low-class street food. Rich folk weren't eating leftovers from the day's catch.

>> No.5424811

>Read up on your Edo Japan

weaboo detected

>> No.5424846


>Yes, it was.

note the word 'strictly'. it was not STRICTLY a street food. the invention of nigiri led to an extremely rapid expansion in sushi's popularity that was reflected both on the street and in restaurants. also comparing today's sushi to it is dumb because no one would eat a single piece of modern nigiri as a meal. people weren't carrying a selection of the things around in cardboard boxes with a little plastic fish filled with soy sauce.

regardless, it's completely stupid to use its popularity as a street food as a basis for a wholesale likening to hot dogs.