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File: 47 KB, 468x605, funny-comic-vegetarian-murderer-lame-1360315831[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5415763 No.5415763[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been a vegetarian for ten years, ever since I was a kid. I'm thinking about quitting because I'm unhealthy and constant exercise didn't help at all, but the idea of eating meat's really gross by now. I'm always tired, ate tons of soy and have basically lived off vegetables, eggs and tofurkey.
Anyone have a similar story where they went back to eating meat? Any input would be helpful

>> No.5415772

I think funny is a patently incorrect description.

>> No.5415787
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I don't want to be a jerk but just to be clear with everyone, this is totally a troll thread with no doubts, but sorry if I am wrong.

OP, honestly in my opinion you sound like the type of person who is constantly trying to replace everything with JUST soy, and then trying to make all that soy into tofu, and then trying to make all that tofu into imitation meats of all sorts and expecting to feel good.

I'm on another level tipsfedora.jpeg (just kidding) I don't try to make my plants look or taste like meat, I actually enjoy them for what they are.

Now, the reason I believe you are not doing so well is because you are not eating a balanced diet, donuts for example are not the way to survive, nutritional value accounted for etc.

you need to go to startpage.com as its a fairly secure search engine and get your privacy settings all nice and set up, and then do a search for what plant foods contain what vitamins, and build your diet around that until you have a balanced diet of fruits/vegetables/nuts/seeds/beans/herbs/spices, and all kinds of good things that account for every vitamin and mineral, + some maca root and spirulina + probiotics for b12

you need diversity, or you will fail, never having known the correct way to do it.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything. (don't eat soy that isn't usda organic for the love of all that is holy)

>> No.5415815

Ex ethical vegan here. I think starting slow helps. I started with pizza, but you can start with something like fish or shrimp or something because they are less smart than mammals. It's all about slowly desensitizing yourself. I also bought a bb gun and started hunting birds, but that may be too hardcore for you at this point.

>> No.5415818

If you're eating like shit as a vegetarian, you will continue eating like shit with meat. Also, cancers.

>> No.5415831

>Hi I'm a troll
Hi, obvious troll.

>> No.5415835
File: 214 KB, 625x510, foodpyramid-large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it people automatically think if a vegan or vegetarian isn't the picture of health that it must automatically be that they need meat in their diet?

See a dietician, maybe get some blood tests done to see if you're deficient in anything, and more likely than not you'll be able to get those nutrients just fine and stay vegetarian.

Maybe for now try cutting out the soy and Tofurky and see if you feel any better. Also try to eat more like the food plate in the image I'm posting. Eat more nutrient dense foods.

>> No.5415837

I don't understand vegans/ vegos eating soy mock meats. There's so many yummy meaty tasting foods without shelling out for overpriced, bland ersatz chicken.

>> No.5415842

I know meat eaters who eat the mock meats just because some of them taste better than meat to them.

>> No.5415847

Fuck off vegan scum. Wings without gristle are disgusting. :^)

>> No.5415855

Op here.
I don't eat junk food or candy, I was really into sports for a long time so I always tried to eat healthy, low carb. I usually just stick to stirfrys, eggs/potatoes in the morning, snack on almonds and I eat chili every month or second month. I've never really been able to put on muscle mass or breathe properly, and I'm starting to think the soy's fucking me up a lot, so I cut that out entirely.

Can anyone say if this is all bullshit or not?

>> No.5415856


Because obviously everyone who eats meat is in perfect health. The ones that aren't don't count

>> No.5415859

you are a troll not

>> No.5415861


>I was really into sports
>so I always tried to eat healthy
>low carb

What are you even doing? Low carb is the worst kinds of diet you can go on, especially if you were physically active. Eggs and potatoes aren't a healthy breakfast, and the rest of your diet sounds pretty shit too. It's no wonder you don't feel healthy

>> No.5415866

>eggs/potatoes in the morning
>low carb
wut am i reading

>> No.5415867

That screams broscience.

>> No.5415870


Yes it is bullshit, and she looked a lot healthier in her Before picture.

>> No.5415872

This. I was also an ethical vegan for a while and just started slow, once you get yourself out of that mindset and maybe make compromises with yourself like make the most ethical choice of meat, dairy, what have you, it gets easier.

But you should try fixing your vegetarian diet first. You must be doing something wrong if you're unhealthy, and you might regret it if you give up on something you kept at for 10 years.

>> No.5415883
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>low-carb vegetarian

>> No.5415886

And vegans are all unhealthy?

>> No.5415892

Yeah, I kind of alternate because I was putting on a lot of weight, so I try to avoid processed grains in generally, but really, I don't know wtf im doing, its all been trial and error and articles off google. I got into the vegetarian lifestyle by a relative who scared me into it as a kid and it's just stuck as a background part of life.

>> No.5415895

"Scared you into it", by that do you mean showing you the reality of what you were supporting?

>> No.5415905


It sounds like you need to learn the fundementals of a healthy diet. Main focus should be on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes (beans and lentils). Limit refined foods and eggs/dairy. Eat a big serving of something green every day, preferably with nuts.

Oatmeal and fruit in the morning, beans for lunch, sweet potatoes and steamed kale for dinner, etc. You want a high carbohydrate diet for energy and good health, but you want it to come from healthy foods, not white bread and white rice.

>> No.5415906

So it sounds like you never really wanted to be vegetarian anyway. So what's stopping you? I used to find meat repulsive after I spent too long as a vegan but now I eat pretty normally, just probably more veggies and vegan stuff than your average meat-eater out of old habits (and because I found some of my favorite dishes in my vegan days).

Maybe start with a soup with a chicken or beef broth. Be aware that rushing too much into it MIGHT upset your stomach and/or digestion, depending on your diet before. Start working more green veggies and steamed veggies into your diet as you go, and have little bits of meat here and there.

>> No.5415912

This, and people who know about your eating habits will think you are weak.

>> No.5415916
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>+ some maca root and spirulina

And some tiger penis to increase your vitality, and some Hooba Jooba berries from deep Africa to increase your psychic powers

>> No.5415917

I've learned to not make plans with former vegetarians because they're the flakiest people.

>> No.5415925

My mom had some maca powder but I didn't eat any because it smelled angry. I used to get some powder with spirulena in it. It was mostly pea/rice/soy, and the fat cashier tried to scare me out of buying it with some anti-soy bro-science. I stopped buying it because it had lanolin-derived D3 and bee pollen. Who is the target demographic for a non-dairy protein supplement that isn't vegan?

>> No.5415930

I don't think it's natural for humans to completely avoid meat forever. Humans and animals have developed symbiotic relationships no matter what some people will say.

I think a few bites of meat are okay once in a while. After I didn't have meat for a couple weeks, the first few bites of meat I had were SO FUCKING DELICIOUS OMG! But after just a few bites, the incredible richness and fattiness in the meat was enough to satiate my craving.

>> No.5415937


I see humans' adaption to eating meat as a survival mechanism, opening a new but not ideal food source for when other foods were scarce. Great trait to have, but probably not meant to be had long-term in the diet.

Besides that though, you can't really refuse one thing under the idea that isn't not natural when literally nothing else in your life is the least bit natural. We're communicating via computer right now, how natural is that?

>> No.5415963

I stopped being a vegan but I still feel like I'm doing something wrong. I just don't care anymore but my major influence is my brother who is a doctor of philosophy, chess champion, and logician and I have no real argument for my change so it's kind of hard for me to dump my feelings completely.

>> No.5415978

>I see humans' adaption to eating meat as a survival mechanism, opening a new but not ideal food source for when other foods were scarce.


Can you provide any evidence that at some time in the distant pass, humans did not eat meat?

My guess is that you'll probably try to bring up monkeys. But the problem with that is that man did not evolve from monkeys. Rather, both evolved from a common ancestor.

Even if the popular misconception that man evolved from monkeys was true, you would still have the problem that many monkeys do eat meat. We are supposed to be closest to chimpanzees and it is well known, at least by people in the field, that chimpanzees do include meat in their diet.

Also, the oldest information that we have on our ancestors diets was that it definitely included meat.

Like it or not, all of the best evidence we have is that the natural state of man is as a meateater.

>> No.5415991

I thought it was well known by most people that chimps pretty much live the savage humanoids from deepest darkest Africa cliche.

>> No.5415997

u 8 the b8 m8

>> No.5416006

maca root and spirulina, not all the other stuff you mentioned.

why don't you look up the nutrient content of maca root and spirulina and be surprised?

>> No.5416007

Eating anything is a survival mechanism.

It's natural to use a computer. It's unnatural to avoid things humans have invented because you think it's unnatural. I said it's unnatural for humans to completely avoid meat, not that it's unnatural for them to eat it.

>> No.5416008
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I don't really follow the same mental path as you.

>> No.5416016
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Well, that's okay.

>> No.5416075
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>> No.5416084 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5416255
File: 114 KB, 600x450, 5108819+_b06abf90a8e0e55feeca1190494653e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Slightly off topic here, but why does everyone always act like eating a healthy vegetarian diet and getting enough is somehow difficult?

Vegetarianism =\= Veganism

Veganism is legitimately hard. Vegetarianism is child's play, if you can't do this and stay healthy you're a complete retard and I'm surprised you can even function without a professional caretaker. Seriously.

>> No.5416295
File: 39 KB, 1600x1000, homos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eating the fattening inferior proton per calorie they call soy...
>fuckin tofufags.. when will they learn?
>implying eggs and tuna arent the greatest proton source ever
>implying ck/fags care about protons
>back to fit/ i go >op is a flag btw

>> No.5416303

Enjoy you're cancer :^)

>> No.5416337

>I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything

Weren't you that weird crossdresser from lgbt that kept trying to get trannies to stay away from the "evil pharma companies" and to take voodoo herbs and 165mg of the purest Raw Ovary Glandular in order to turn them into womyn?

>> No.5416338

>enjoy YOUR cancer
Typical error of the low energy brain.
Keep being slow veggietard.

>> No.5416342

>being the last one in the room to laugh

Meat eater detected. Keep arguing that football is the real genius sport.

>> No.5416364

YOKES on you fag i dont even like fuzzball.
Also im surprised you didnt use the word flesh.


>The findings "suggest that temporary, unavoidable food scarcity may select for a decrease in brain size, perhaps accompanied by only small or subtle decreases in body size," said Andrea Taylor and Carel van Schaik

I love how you veggietards like to run away from facts.

>> No.5416369

>a study of wild animals foraging based on what grows locally

Because modern humans can't use facts to influence which of the thousands of different agricultural products they should eat.

I love how retards think that they can google up one random scientific study that contains a few key words vaguely related to a point they're trying to make, and it instantly refutes reality. You're not a scientist. You're a cargo cultist who thinks he can adopt the trappings of science to become magically immune to reality.

>> No.5416375


Please tell me you believe in creationism.
You must be tired from all this typing, im goin to let you rest, after taking a nap and an iron supplement, please come back with a better answear.

>> No.5416378


Are you saying agriculture and modern logistics requires a belief in creationism? When you say "hominid", you apparently think there is a self-evident point that I should be able to grasp. Can you spell that out or is it just a feeling? I suspect if you begin to put it into words, you'll realize it sounds pretty fucking retarded and give up.

Where are you getting your internet if you're living an ancient hunger-gatherer lifestyle?

>> No.5416380

Coming back to meat after vegetarianism just made me really fussy about it. Before vegetarianism I would just eat any meat whereas I now eat pretty much just chicken breast.

>> No.5416391

>Where are you getting your internet if you're living an ancient hunger-gatherer lifestyle?
Being this religious extremist.

Do you expect someone to take you seriously?
Veggietard you are not making any sense, you are just throwing words into a strange brew.
>thousands of different agricultural products they should eat.
>You're a cargo cultist
>agriculture and modern logistics
>ancient hunger-gatherer lifestyle

BUT then again, it is my fault for expecting anything else from a veggietard.

>> No.5416396


But I'm not even vegetarian. I just happen to understand nutrition enough to realize that it's not hard to be one in this day and age especially with the amount of information freely available on the internet.

How do you manage to get yourself so worked up over the kind of food other people eat?

>> No.5416397

i wish you had a tag for your shit tier comments veggiedoublenigger
>pls go faggit
signed, brh who was unfortunate enough to read more than one of your posts

>> No.5416400

>it smelled angry

>> No.5416437

You are the one shitposting all over the thread and IM the one worked up?

closet veggietard please go away.

>> No.5416444


I'm the one shitposting? I've humored your angry rants with reasonable replies. The one time you came close to a level-minded post was when you posted a link to another website, and the only thing level-minded about it was that it wasn't written by you.

You have every right to act like a retarded jackass since that's what 4chan is for, but at least be like Zed or Opiate or one of the other tripfags who doesn't try to pretend otherwise.

>> No.5416452

You are doing it again.

Disregard anything that isnt close to your likes.

Way to go veggietard.

>> No.5416464

This is either a really bad troll or the work of a child.

>> No.5416513

holy christ is that some elaborate troll? how could someone be that stupid?

>> No.5416552

Honestly, you could just look at your diet. For instance, tofu/soy has a chemical in it that is similar to estrogen, and tends to make men tired and run down. You should also look into what's need to make a balanced meal, rather than just eating things because they're not meat.

>> No.5416558


You drastically overestimate how much meat apes/monkeys eat. Even chimps, who are considered to have particularly meaty diets for apes, have meat as about 2% of their diet


>> No.5416561

>goy beans

How's the gyno treatin' ya?

>> No.5416808

Not the guy you responded to but a blog with no citations whatsoever? Seriously?
Also, anyone who thinks meat is unhealthy should read up on the Inuit diet.
People just refuse to accept that the problem isn't food, its their habits. Obviously if you are some lazy fat fuck who eats steak all day erry day meat is going to be unhealthy.
A balanced diet is ideal for most people. Stop being fags.

>> No.5416817

Oy vey!

>> No.5416820



As if they're a paragon of good health.

>Obviously if you are some lazy fat fuck who eats steak all day erry day meat is going to be unhealthy.

The problem is you can be lazy and eat healthy plant foods and not end up fat and unhealthy. The fact that you can offset some of the negatives of meat consumption by eating less of it, eating more plant foods, and exercising, does not imply anything positive about meat.

>> No.5416823

Except possibly that meat is incredibly dense and filling. Eating dense, concentrated food from plants like olive oil and sugar all day won't be healthy just because it isn't meat.

If a food is very rich and heavy, you just need to eat less if it's causing problems. Plant foods or not.

>> No.5416864

>tofu/soy has a chemical in it that is similar to estrogen
how long until it becomes manditory for men to eat a daily portion of tofu?

>> No.5416868

Because of Ockhams razor.

>> No.5416872

>eating tuna
Enjoy your soon to be no fish faggot.

>> No.5416877


Phytoestrogen consumption doesn't impact testosterone or estrogen levels in men. Keep fear mongering tho.

>> No.5416880

we science now

>> No.5416915

There is a reason why xenoestrogens are a concern.

You guys do realize compounds from other sources that are structurally similar to ones produced in our body can have interesting effects? For example, psilocin and serotonin.

It's like you never went to high school.

>> No.5416933


And phytosterols lower your cholesterol levels instead of raising them.

>> No.5416935

Phytosterol means a sterol from a plant. It is not one single thing and not all of them would have the same impact on the human body.

>> No.5417024

le ironic shitpost face indicates their pretending
your dum :^)

>> No.5417104

Veganism is actually easy as fuck once you try. It just seems hard. But after a while it gets easier and easier. The hardest part is reading labels but you get to know what's vegan and what's not pretty quickly. Vegetarians should be reading labels too anyway.

>> No.5417111

>senior year of lacrosse
>freshmen joins (school only has one team)
>smallest mother fucker I have ever seen
>Lastly, name is 'Trip'
>Mom is vegan chef
>Trip was raised a vegan
>Trip never stood a chance
>Everyday Trip got wrecked

>> No.5417112

Why would you go back to meat?

There's Gardein which tastes better than chicken, then there's Beyond Meat which is indistinguishable from real chicken in taste tests.

>> No.5417118


"Now, researchers have found that Eskimos actually suffered from CAD at the same rate as their Caucasian counterparts, meaning there is insufficient evidence to back Bang and Dyerberg's claims."


>> No.5417133

Seba Johnson, Olympic medalist, raised vegan since birth.

Nyjah Huston, professional skateboarder, raised vegan since birth.

Just because one vegan might be unhealthy doesn't say veganism itself is unhealthy. Stop.

>> No.5417136

what kind of a vegetarian eats eggs?
shouldn't that be like, against the whole point of being a vegetarian?

>> No.5417143

>Two athletes

>> No.5417148

It's vegans that don't eat eggs. Eggs have never been alive, it's basically like abortions except eggs never even turned into fetus'.

Vegans won't eat or use animals and animal products like dairy, vegetarians just won't eat animals that have actually been alive.

>> No.5417153

yes, i know that but i think it's retarded.
eitehr go full veggie mode or just eat meat.

>> No.5417160

Nyjah Huston vegan until he got away from his controlling father. Now he's not.

>> No.5417168

I don't think so, the point of being a vege is not eating meat/animals, eggs are barely meat or animals, sure they become animals but they are not in egg form.

>> No.5417176

That's irrelevant. Obviously he was healthy enough to become a professional skater.

And he should be fucking grateful. Holy shit. His father must be so ashamed.

>> No.5417178

>people go vegetarian/vegan
>eat a bunch of meat substitute products
>all highly processed soy
>big fucking surprise, that shit's bad for you

Fucking retards, a PROPER vegan diet is probably one of the healthiest ways you can live. You can't cram a bunch of soy and oil down your face and expect to feel better than if you just eat meat.

>> No.5417181

Vegans don't eat eggs because they think they're abortions if that's what you're trying to say.

They don't eat them for multiple reasons, but mostly because of the way the industry treats the animals.

Standard practice even in "humane" farms:

>> No.5417184

don't not eat eggs*

>> No.5417190

If being a vegan was so great why did he drop that shit like it was Soul Eater Not?

>> No.5417194

Don't ask me.

If I had to guess I would assume it was peer pressure, because vegan kids get harassed so much.

>> No.5417199

>a PROPER vegan diet is probably one of the healthiest ways you can live

Aside from the whole lack of B12 which you need to get from supplements which comes from animals so you can't have those anyway.

It's not suprising that so many vegans are deluded into thinking that their restricted diet is one of the healthiest ways to live when they don't get enough B12 and end up impairing their brain function.

>> No.5417200

I couldn't really care less why vegans do things. :D

>> No.5417201

"I’m not a vegan anymore, I’m more sort of a vegetarian now. My dad was always a very strict vegan and it definitely limited me to only be able to eat certain things, but at the same time I’m very thankful for it, because I was never allowed to drink soda as a kid and when people ask me how I’ve never broken any bones before I tell them it’s because I don’t drink soda. I think it’s one of the number one things that eats away your bones and makes them weak. I think I’m very thankful to be able to be raised that way and be healthy. I definitely try to maintain a healthy diet." - Nyjah Huston

>> No.5417205

They don't come from animals. And omnivores are often deficient as well so it would be a good idea to take them regardless.

B12 comes from bacteria. Vegan diets are just too clean, and our environment is too clean.

>> No.5417208

Then fuck off, retard.

>> No.5417215

B12 doesn't work that way.

>> No.5417216

>ate tons of soy
That's your main problem

>> No.5417280

>reading labels
I don't mean "shovel vegan snacks from trader joes down your gullet and remain technically animal free, health be dammed". I mean healthy.

I've cut meat down to a few times a month and I lift weights and run. Packaged prepared foods are out of the question if I want to gain strength and maintain low body fat. And that's with dairy allowed.

I couldn't imagine going without dairy, not without turning food into a 30+ hour a week obsession or giving up on my body goals.

>> No.5417298

Weirdly enough meat was the easiest thing to give up, I didn't even care. The hard part was cheese.

I was vegan for two years before I gave it up for a more balanced diet (I eat mostly the same, just plus some meat, cheese, and eggs now), but I did (and still do) feel pretty good about what I ate/eat.

>> No.5417370


>> No.5417388

this. Either eat good meat or change your vegetarian diet a bit

>> No.5418124

not a cross dresser, and everything else you said is a complete exaggeration and lie.

I think herbs are cool

>> No.5418203


>see small person who eats a vegan diet
>see small person who eats meat
>have no thoughts about it except that they have smallness in their genes

The vast majority of people you see who are in shitty health or look like ass eat meat, you just don't care to notice bad things about people who are in the same group as you. I could point you to millions of fat, gross McDonalds eaters and say "you see what eating meat does to you? And since YOU eat meat, YOU must look like that too!" but you wouldn't accept that, would you?

>> No.5418220

>correlation!=causation unless it supports me
>strawman bullshit
>being retarded

>> No.5418222

The reason you're all fucked up and can't properly grow muscle is because soy has quite a bit of estrogen in it.

You probably can't grow a proper beard, either.

>> No.5418223


Is that a response to me or an agreement with me?

>> No.5418226

>being double retarded

>> No.5418229

this is a good point.

the best thing I can recommend is a healthy balanced diet of fruits and vegetables/nuts/seeds/beans/quinoa/lentils etc.

you should do a startpage (search engine) search of what fruits and vegetables contain what vitamins and minerals and then build your diet until it has accounted for all of them.

alot of people don't know that chia seeds, walnuts, flax, hemp, offer huge amounts of omega 3, without all the risks of taking it from a supplement that came from water creatures.

if you want a simple multivitamin, bee pollen + maca root + spirulina contains a massive variety of nutrients that will shock you when you look it up. don't forget to take some probiotics for that b12. in a probiotic you want diversity, not amount. many different types of bacteria and enzymes are better than just A HUNDRED BILLION UNITS of one type of bacteria.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5418233


>can't properly grow muscle is because soy has quite a bit of estrogen in it.

Strongest man in Germany is a vegan who eats tofu and drinks soy milk all day


>> No.5418235

It's always funny to see perfectly normal threads about nutella covered fried chicken wrapped in brown sugar crusted bacon on this board, but then make a thread about soy anything and suddenly everyone is supposedly health-conscious and completely against soy products, under the idea that they'll raise your estrogen levels a bit

The information about soy and phytoestrogens goes back and forth between good, neutral, and bad, but what I don't trust is the fact that flax seeds have the same phytoestrogens in them but you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the medical profession who wouldn't recommend adding flax to your diet. Personally I believe that organic flax and organic soy are alright for me, while the majority of the other soy that's gmo, I absolutely can not trust. I have heard everything from gmo soy causing cancer, to organic soy curing cancer, so there is alot of controversy. The reason for the chaos, I believe, is that flax doesn't directly conflict with a powerful industry. Soy, and specifically tofu, as a meat replacement, stirs the bee hive so that the meat industry will spend millions of dollars funding studies for the purpose of discrediting soy. You might say "but soy farmers would surely do what's in their power to push the evidence in the opposite direction," but lucky for the soy farmers, most of their soy goes to feed meat animals, not humans, so they wouldn't give a crap either way, Yet I still believe its important for people who actually like soy to have good healthy sources of it. Entire nations live on soy and they don't seem to be rotting in the streets or turning into women. anything eaten in overabundance will harm you, yet its funny when the people who avoid soy because of phytoestrogen propaganda still drink alcohol, which has been shown to lower testosterone.

>> No.5418239


Just asking because I don't see how your response could pertain to what I said, but it fit the guy I was responding to pretty well

>> No.5418243


But is that causal or casual?

I think that it is usually a problem of portion control. Admittedly, a vegetarian diet will hide that issue to a degree, but it is quite possible to eat vegetarian and be obese.

>> No.5418245


>bee pollen + maca root + spirulina contains a massive variety of nutrients that will shock you when you look it up

Can you explain it to me instead? They're very trendy "superfoods" but I've never seen anything substantial about them. The only published research I've seen on any of them is an article on spirulina that says it causes seizures in babies

>> No.5418246

>, but it is quite possible to eat vegetarian and be obese.

yea if all you do is eat tons of peanut butter and pasta all day long every day.

>> No.5418249
File: 8 KB, 211x193, 1262444284020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you just paste the post I made in another thread the other day, with some of your own words thrown in the middle? Did I just get plagiarised on an anonymous image board?

>> No.5418256

you should be very careful about where you get your spirulina, that being said, I don't believe in the term superfoods. compared to a burger from your favorite fast food place, green tea and blueberries are superfoods.

however we shouldn't be calling them superfoods, we should be calling them normal foods and start realizing the trash we are eating when we eat normally.

if you do a search on what vitamins Just spirulina alone contains, or just maca root alone, or just bee pollen alone, you will see that they each completely on their own contain a variety of nutrients and amino acids. look it up.

on a side note, I also heard that some tribe in a jungle got poisoned, well.
>spirulina got sick with toxic red tide type of bloom stuff
>plants that live near water absorbed it
>bats that drink the plants nectar drank
>the tribe ate the bats and had heart attacks

the poison kept on concentrating. honestly, you have to be careful where any of your food comes from.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5418261


>if you do a search on what vitamins Just spirulina alone contains, or just maca root alone, or just bee pollen alone, you will see that they each completely on their own contain a variety of nutrients and amino acids. look it up.

Can you tell me the information you've already gathered? All food has vitamins, all food has amino acids. I think you mean well, but you've fallen for marketing hype

>> No.5418262

plagiarised? no. I assume that some people really appreciated your wording on certain topics and wanted to emulate your "Je ne sais quois" because it really helped to get a certain point across when dealing with certain shilly trolly type of problems. peace and love.

>> No.5418266

So most spirulina is grown in artificial environments and is sterilized; its also reflective that any build up of undesirable components is a sign of low quality.

People have allergic reaction no doubt but "red tide" would not occur in extremely alkaline, warm, stagnant environments

>> No.5418268


I'd be alright with it, but what pisses me off is you called the shit "crap." It's SHIT. I typed SHIT because SHIT is the proper word to use

>> No.5418275

I am Not a doctor or a nutritionist or a professional in any way, and I am not responsible for anything bad that happens to you. do your own research and ask your doctor and nutritionist before doing anything. you have been given fair warning.

Okay lets get started.

>more calcium than milk
>amino acids (lots of them) complete protein with all essential amino acids.
gamma-linolenic acid
alpha-linolenic acid
linoleic acid
stearidonic acid
eicosapentaenoic acid
docosahexaenoic acid
arachidonic acid
vitamin C
vitamin A
vitamin E
vitamin K

>> No.5418281

>again, more calcium than milk
vit C
more amino acids

Bee pollen:
Pantothenic acid
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin H
Vitamin K
Vitamin PP
Folic Acid
Loads of amino acids


>> No.5418283

what do you mean "you" I didn't say I did it. but I can assume they didn't feel like using the same word over and over again in their vocabulary. probably got uncreative and stale for them.

>> No.5418289


That's a very vague list that doesn't say how much of any of these substances contains how much of any of those vitamins/minerals. I say again, every food has vitamins and amino acids. I'm sure those things also have more calcium than milk proportionally, but are you going to eat an 8 ounce glass of spirulina powder? Not that I'm endorsing milk, but that's the kind of thing you have to think about when you read these claims.

>> No.5418299

m8. look it up. don't be a lazy bitch.

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5418303
File: 71 KB, 707x620, 36456346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon says stuff about bee pollen/spirulina/maca root
>anon2 is like "orly proof it"
>anon says nah just search it
>anon2 cmonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
>anon *giant list*
>anon2 mehehehehe not good enuffffff wahhhh

>> No.5418308


Come on, that's hardly a proper list. What food DOESN'T have some amount of vitamin A, the B vitamins, vitamin C, D, E, etc? What food DOESN'T have some amount of amino acids? Why would I benefit from adding any of that to my diet instead of just eating normal food like beans and fruit?

>> No.5418311

use the internet.

I am not a doctor. ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5418312


I'm trying to help YOU out. You're getting scammed out of your money.

>> No.5418325

I disagree.
>why do you disagree huh Huhh?? HUHHHH?? HUE HUE??? YOU CANT PROVE IT RIGHT!! HAHAH IM SO SMART.

I will do what I believe is right for me, get lost.

>> No.5418326 [DELETED] 

I actually did that for 3-4 months once.

was. not. fun. at all.

>> No.5418328 [DELETED] 

I don't understand why anyone would ever do this and not

>> No.5418331


Alright, fair enough. Can I interest you in some snake oil too?

>> No.5418334 [DELETED] 


and experimental. first few weeks I felt great,
personally high carb diets(fruit) have left me with too many ups and downs.

I got bored after 3 months of lettuce, spinach, and broccoli being my only carbs.

>> No.5418340

>someone likes to eat maca root

people like you were probably afraid of oregano the first time it was introduced new to their area, people probably got burnt as witches for using basil because "MAGIC POTIONS SNAKE OIL!"

probably butthurt because of all the snake oil you bought and got totally scammed on.

>> No.5418342 [DELETED] 


>> No.5418351

Probably because cheese contains casomorphins, so you literally are addicted to it.

>> No.5418353

>assuming that every food has everything

>> No.5418356

Ask a dietician.*

Most doctors don't know shit about nutrition.


>> No.5418360

you should still ask your doctor too, just to be safe.

>> No.5418361


It's okay if YOU like the feeling of eating maca root, but what you're doing in this thread is attempting to get other people to waste their money by implying it's going to improve their health, when it's simply not true


For the most part, in any vague amount, yes. I mean is a teaspoon of spirulina going to give you half the daily value for all of those things? There's no reason to eat these things that would contribute virtually nothing to your overall nutritional intake, rather than just eating normal whole plant foods that you can make a proper meal of and get real nutrition from

>> No.5418370

I have such a big crush on him.

>> No.5418385

>implying it's going to improve their health, when it's simply not true

you were told to use the internet, and since you refuse to do your own research you can not say that it is or isn't true.

>"For the most part, in any vague amount, yes. I mean is a teaspoon of spirulina going to give you half the daily value for all of those things? There's no reason to eat these things that would contribute virtually nothing to your overall nutritional intake, rather than just eating normal whole plant foods that you can make a proper meal of and get real nutrition from"

over generalization after over generalization

>> No.5418391
File: 105 KB, 726x939, 1326231432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow some people seriously

>this anon talks about this combination of foods thats high in nutrients that they like and wants to tell other anons about it, like sharing a recipe.
>"stop wasting your money!" "I wont look it up!" "you're attempting to get other people to waste their money!"

>> No.5418395


>since you refuse to do your own research you can not say that it is or isn't true.

The problem is there's no research that says those things are good for you, it's just marketing that says "buy our feel-good powder, it has what you need, and if you eat it every day you'll turn into superman and be way healthier than everyone else" but there's no reason to think this is true

>> No.5418397
File: 12 KB, 244x251, 1265948370779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, either you're trolling me or you're a Christian

>> No.5418401

>"The problem is there's no research that says those things are good for you"

how do you get your vitamins and minerals then? you probably wake up and eat an air sandwich and wonder why your getting malnourished.

>> No.5418403

>, it's just marketing that says "buy our feel-good powder, it has what you need, and if you eat it every day you'll turn into superman and be way healthier than everyone else"

nobody said this

>"but there's no reason to think this is true"

because you made it up.

>> No.5418406

not trolling bruv, you started it m8.

>> No.5418411


>this combination of foods thats high in nutrients

Which has yet to be proven

>> No.5418414


i don't have to prove it, you just have to have faith

>> No.5418556

samefag harder.

pathetic troll that refuses to use a search engine to learn anything at all, and gets butt hurt because they don't know anything and they don't want to know anything.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5418559

you were spoonfed enough, now its time for you to go and learn and do your own research.

>> No.5418569
File: 2.93 MB, 390x390, 543124231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey bros did you know beans are healthy
>really? can you show us?
>*bean nutrition info*
>not good enough, tell me more
>you can use a search engine

>> No.5418626
File: 46 KB, 960x640, OFQsOaZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sure. Enjoy your "raw ovary glandular" pills.

>> No.5418632

>bee pollen

What's the difference between getting pollen off a bees legs than just taking the pollen directly from a flower?

>> No.5418640



>> No.5418903

what are you talking about

bee pollen is usually not simply just a mix of pollen from one flower or even many, but a mix of many different pollens from different flowers and plants, the bees do things to it, which changes it and makes it different than it would have been, changing the nutritional content, enzymes etc.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5420689

of course you don't feel good, if you eat soy and fake meat, and THATS IT, yea...

>> No.5420882

what made you stop being a vegan?

>> No.5420914

>low carb
>play sports
Why deprive your self of energy while playing sports? You need to stop following fad diets and form a balanced meal plan with fat, carbs, and protein.

>> No.5421100

personally I get all my protein from hemp,nuts,seeds,beans,soy. (organic whenever possible) it can be difficult, but easy once you get used to it and get your sources right so you don't go to the wrong place and get ripped off.
I buy in bulk to save money and it lasts me a very extensive period.

>> No.5421320

>eats an unbalanced diet
>feels like quitting

your probably going to go from one unbalanced diet to another.

>> No.5421332

>Beyond Meat
I hope you seriously don't buy into this crap.

>> No.5421387

So go eat a bunch of different flowers then, why traumatize some poor bee by pulling it off it's legs?

>> No.5421409

Soy gives you breast cancer
Meat gives you bowel cancer
You're fucked either way
Stop giving a fuck and just eat

>> No.5421427

pulling off its legs.... what? you haven't taken into account how bees digest the pollen to make honey and there are lots of enzymes involved in that, also have fun running around for 30 miles eating different flowers, (don't try this at home)

and they don't hurt bees (pls no pls no) the bees fly past a small screen that rubs off a little bit of the pollen on their legs gently as to not harm the bees, while the bees put the rest of their pollen away, so they have enough for themselves.

>> No.5421436

the soy that gives cancer is probably the gmo variety that they drench in pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

meat however is a different story, be it pig, chicken, or cow.

>animal lives in horrible cramped environment
>thousand more animals just like it, cramped against each other
>animals live very claustrophobic dirty lives walking up to their ankles in their own crap and every one of their friends and families crap too
>get fed gmo feed, that they would have never eaten in nature
>injected with antibiotics constantly so they don't die from the horrible conditions
>super antibiotic resistant flu's born out of the hellish feces nightmares they live in
>injected with hormones to fatten them up
>always stressful, animals always feeling bad, adrenaline and stress hormones all the time
>animal is then killed in a horrible way that the public is not allowed to see, only allowed to "know" how its done.
>every person that goes in undercover to film it goes to jail even though they are exposing animal cruelty.

they say the chinese boil their dogs alive, look what we do.

>> No.5421454

what a load of bollocks, there are loads of beef cattle near me and they're seem pretty chilled, just hanging out in fields and doing shit cows do. I used to keep a flock of sheep as well and their quality of life was great. The most stressful thing for these animals was dickhead dog walkers not keeping their mutts on a lead.

>> No.5421460

>implying any of that matters if the animal is fucking dead

stop being a moralfag and eat whatever the fuck you want to eat

>> No.5421465

do you really want to eat an animal that has lived in these conditions its whole life, suffering and being fed and injected with horrible things? do you want to put something that felt so horrible for so long into your body? do you know what you are taking into yourself intentionally?

what a load of bollocks, you are just using your example of seeing one good thing, and thinking that everything I'm talking about simply doesn't exist.
>"I saw one nice farm, so thats the way they all are!"

freakin dumbass

>> No.5421574


since epic meal time today's underconfident teens have come to believe that they can impress the bully by aping a caricature of an unthinking carnivore. never mind that there was no such thing as a "militant meat eater" in the pre-internet era. it gives kids a risk-free thing to believe passionately, something that will offend no one while giving the feel of being a contrarian independent thinker.

>> No.5421581

Not OP.

Random 48 year old male, 160lbs, fat on the inside. I have a stent in my chest.

Anyone, shouldn't eat red meat more than two or three times a week.

>> No.5421596

>pulling off its legs.... what?
Try reading again, you missed a word. ;)

>you haven't taken into account how bees digest the pollen to make honey

Bees turn nectar into honey, not pollen, pollen is only incidently found in honey.

>> No.5421617

I hated all the meat substitutes. It would have been great to like those since they tend to be so healthy, alas.

I was an ethical vegetarian. The reason I went back to meat was because when I obtained more information I concluded that the ethical reasons for my vegetarianism didn't apply. I'm not into the battery farm slaughter of animals. However, the industrial farming that gives us the rest of our food wipes out entire habitats and effectively slaughters just as much. When I discovered that there was just as much blood in my grain as on my steak I went back.

If at some point I encounter information to change my perspective, I'll go back.

>> No.5421624

All vegetarians eat eggs. Eggs and dairy are fine for veggies. Eggs aren't fertilised and they aren't meat. The more controversial one is the dairy since milking cows get stuck in the same situation basically and have to be kept pregnant to keep lactating.

>> No.5421809

you're telling me I should quit eating meat because of the living conditions of the animals I'm eating. you're telling me that the conditions you described in your post apply to all animals farmed for slaughter. that's the bit that is bollocks, I was making the point that you can eat meat that hasn't lived in shit conditions. I know where my meat is sourced and I'm happy to eat it.


>> No.5421838

well when the bee is flying around and brushing up against pollen and drinking nectar, they go back to the hive and spit it up and some of the nectar, honey, and pollen sticks together to make bee pollen. its a really cool combination.

I heard the bees also utilize the pollen, they store some of it too.

>> No.5421846

that entirely depends on how and where you get your plant based food. if you depend on harsh gmo agriculture then yes you are contributing to destroying the world and messing up nature.

however if you are getting your fruits and vegetables from responsibly managed systems where people respect the land like a native american, and do not poison it and treat it with love, unlike the gmo corporations who give no shits and contaminate everything with harsh harmful chemicals, then you are doing better for the environment, and not contributing to any animals suffering. aside from that, the most you have to worry about is what kind of trucks they have to ship your organic oats from a few states away, the kind that belch smoke or a better more efficient clean truck/train, but that's like the biggest issue, thats it.

>> No.5421850

I stopped drinking milk because of this, the baby cows get killed to make veal constantly, I said no big deal, I have almond/cashew/rice/soy/etc. milks, so I can give up cow milk and be more than fine. I did it for the cows, even though I really love cow milk. the only situation I would drink cow milk is if the cow was just minding its own business and the baby cow already drank some milk and I took a little, leaving enough for the baby cow, and only if the cows were not in a factory about to get slaughtered.

>> No.5421859

the conditions I describe don't apply to 100% of all animals, they apply to a huge amount of them though, and of course you can't say that "nice farms" are everywhere either.

I am not telling you to quit meat, thats your choice to make. I just want to make sure people know whats what, or you could simply disagree with me.

do you have the guts to kill your own meat? alot of people go to the store and buy the piece of red stuff, but could you really do it? would you fite a cow irl just so you could get your chicken nuggers?

I know I would feel awful about it, I don't know about you though.

>> No.5422058

I find milk alternatives to be really foul. They don't even taste like milk, let alone compare to the smooth creamy taste of a tall glass of cold whole milk.

>> No.5422556

Dairy shills gtfo.

I don't believe anyone legitimately believes cow milk tastes better than almond milk. It's not possible.

>> No.5422560

Soy is actually protective against cancer.


>> No.5422562

>It's not possible.
It is when you look outside your homo club

>> No.5422571


I like it a little better in coffee drinks, but almond milk is still very good. The consistency is a little different when you froth it, but it's still decent. Soy milk in any sort of cappuccino/latte tastes fucking heinous, I don't know why the combo is even drinkable for many people.

I hate milk alone though, always have. Tastes like shit. I would rather drink almond milk alone without a doubt.

>> No.5422583

Even the best farms end with this:

Study: Cattle regain consciousness after being stunned, wake up to being skinned and dismembered in slaughterhouses

"...the best slaughter plants under the best conditions average 97% to 98% successful stuns. “Successful” does not mean that these stuns were irreversible or that the animal was killed. The animals were rendered insensible between stunning and death through exsanguination (stun-stick interval). In one study conducted in a controlled slaughterhouse environment, approximately 1.2% of bulls and cull cows returned to sensibility after captive bolt stunning, prior to being hoisted onto the rail. According to another study conducted in abattoirs in the UK, 6.6% of 1284 steers and heifers were stunned poorly; 1.7% of 628 cull cows were stunned poorly; but young bulls appeared to be particularly hard to stun correctly and 53.1% of 32 bulls in the study were stunned poorly.
Given the large numbers of animals that may have to be destroyed, even a low percentage of ineffective kills that lead to animals returning to sensibility is unacceptable from an animal welfare standpoint and undesirable in the context of efficient disease control operations; moreover, the sight of severely wounded animals regaining sensibility, showing coordinated movement, and even attempting to get up would be distressing for onlookers and for personnel who have to restun and kill such animals."


Then they'll be branded, castrated, dehorned, taken from their mothers, and most likely sent to a feedlot after a year.

Just because you see them grazing right now doesn't mean that's all that's going on.

Farmers usually try not to abuse animals in public view also. And trust me, with a 1000+ lb animal most farmers like to think don't feel pain like we do, abuse is not uncommon.


>> No.5422596

I think soy milk is kind of an acquired taste. When I first started drinking it it had a slightly odd taste to it, but I still liked it better than cow's milk actually.

Now, I don't know if I'm just so used to it, or if they've changed the recipes for most soy milks, but it's a very subtle taste to me and I don't even notice a flavor at all really when I drink it in coffee drinks.

I did get one soy milk that was really potent a few months ago though, and have avoided that brand since.

>> No.5422601
File: 44 KB, 278x457, omnomnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the idea of eating meat's really gross by now
man up, faggot.

>> No.5422606
File: 19 KB, 210x251, 1316315371690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds leggit

>> No.5422619

He lists his sources and he's a very well respected doctor in the medical community and has over 25 years experience and study in nutrition and curing people through it.

>> No.5422651

>confirmed for never had good almond milk

almond milk depending on the brand, or how you make it yourself, can be EXTREMELY creamy and delicious, and tastes alot like milk, but just almondier.

and stop calling them alternatives, almond milk is a THING, not a fall back retreat to something lesser.

>cashew milk
>almond milk
>other nut milks etc.
>rice milk

these things are their own unique thing that all taste different and special on their own. I found the ones that I love (all of them) and its all cool.

even though I loved cow milk I gave it up because they just keep the cows pregnant all the time so they keep making milk and they make the babies into veal. I switched to these other milks that I already liked before also, and I don't feel as if I have settled for something lesser.

>> No.5422675

if you get the gmo soy (over 90% of all soy in the USA) they mod it and drench it with pesticides and other harmful chemicals. if you EVER eat any soy product (ask your doctor first) and ALWAYS buy it organic because organic doesn't allow the use of genetically modified organisms (gmo's)

from my experience and seeing many other peoples reactions to different soy I can say that in my experience and opinion there are few different categories of people.

>the people that simply don't like soy because they just don't
>the people that are legitimately allergic to it for some reason
>the people who like it.

then in the categories within the people who like it
>the people that eat gmo soy
>the people that eat organic non-gmo soy

I don't have a citation for you because I don't feel like going crazy for an hour searching for all the different things I saw, you can do that if you feel like it or you can take my word for it-

the gmo soy is crazy bad and since it has been modified on the genetic level (in a very irresponsible way) and then loaded with poisons and pesticides, is more likely to cause phytoestrogen related cancers and diseases.

while- the organic soy in its natural form without havening been screwed with can be protective against cancer.

either way you should be very careful and not eat/drink too much because you will start to get titties, so you should quickly ease down until you get back to normal.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5422691

Oh yeah, I avoid GMO soy and corn. Preferably everything I ate would be organic but I'm poor and don't have a garden large enough to support myself and big ag is subsidized so it's a lot cheaper unfortunately. Hate that I'm still supporting that industry.

I haven't seen any evidence that soy makes you grow tits. But if it did that'd be pretty okay with me since I'm female.

If that were an issue though I'd probably just eat more mushrooms, since they lower estrogen levels. I actually don't eat soy all that much anyway.

I do really like the hickory smoked Primal Strips though. (They use non-gmo soy.)

>> No.5422694

what brand was it, please tell. I like strong soy milk. did it taste like evaporated milk from the can?

>> No.5422698

>what you eat has to do with who you are

you know what, your right I don't want to be a psycho like you

>> No.5422712


yea male here, drinking too much soymilk for several days causes me to gain some tits, I start to notice it and stop eating/drinking soy for a while and it goes down. surprisingly my nipples get all sensitive too, its hilarious how everyone is like "yea right" but then It happens for real and your like "whoa, grills know this feel" really awkward but I'm used to it I suppose.

>> No.5422713
File: 297 KB, 1200x900, Kirkland-Signature-Organic-Plain-Soy-Milk-Costco-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it was this stuff. Got it from Costco.

It made me really gassy too (don't usually have that reaction with soy) so I wouldn't overdo it like I did. Made a lot of hot cocoa with it because it was really cold at the time.

>> No.5422725

>and stop calling them alternatives, almond milk is a THING

They are alternatives because they're not milk, juice perhaps, but unless almonds have some kind of mammary gland that I was unaware of it's not milk.

>> No.5422769

noun \ˈmilk\

: a white liquid produced by a woman to feed her baby or by female animals to feed their young; especially : milk from cows or goats that is used as food by people

: a white liquid produced by a plant

Fucking idiot.

>> No.5422773
File: 1.19 MB, 1113x932, victoria'skitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almond juice and almond milk are two similar but very separate things.

>> No.5422778

Yes, and myoglobin is "blood"

>> No.5423012

oh I went once with someone and tried this one, it wasn't that strong for me, I guess everyone is different. It was delicious though.

>> No.5423015

>almond milk
>more calcium than milk
>without all the hormones and added cow suffering

its more milk than you can even understand

>> No.5423036
File: 537 KB, 629x466, 1386598796116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>milk is just about the calcium content

>> No.5423108

Vegfag for 6 years here, but I feel the same now as I did back when I ate meat, tired and shit, y'know, that's just my personality, meat or no meat has nothing to do with it. Just get addicted to coffee like the rest of the world.

>> No.5423123

What is your stance on honey?
A filthy capitalist mockery of the poor bee labor?

>> No.5423128

What?! eggs are ok?
Hugh people like you sicken me.
That is theft of an unborn promise of a better future for the chicken race.
Who are we to denied them that birght future?

>> No.5423129


Tell me why I should care.

>> No.5423155


Because you shouldnt be indiferent of other live creatures suffering that is the human thing to do.

I mean i dont give a shit about shitskinned kids in the end of the world they choose to live like that, fuck those horrible, horrible children.

But a poor defenseless cow?
How dare you?

>> No.5423183

I don't eat honey. I don't have a firm opinion on it. I avoid it though after seeing this. Never ate it before anyway unless it was an ingredient.

Not so fond of slavery.

Hate thieves.

Oh, I see what you meant now.

I also catch spiders in a glass and put them outside even if it would be a lot easier to just kill them. (I've gotten pretty good at catching them though. At first it was really scary but spiders are pretty chill.) I don't know anything about bugs really but I don't want to harm anything that can feel and enjoys life.

>> No.5423190

I'm pretty much on board with most vegan arguments against animal products but this is too much

>> No.5424411

is this a joke?

vegan-ish here, I feel bad for both animals and people that are suffering.

>> No.5424508

I think it's a meat eater's attempt to mock vegans?

Or maybe it really is a misanthropist vegan.

It is easy to become a misanthropist as a vegan.

>> No.5424551


I think theyre serious.

>misanthropist vegan
How in the name of everything is this a thing?

>It is easy to become a misanthropist as a vegan.
How in the name of ANYTHING could this happen?

>> No.5424589

I don't know what you mean, But in
I really meant that I feel bad when people suffer, and I also feel bad when animals suffer.

I don't know what
was smoking

>> No.5424612

Vegans are usually educated about a lot of horrible shit humans do. So it's easy to hate that.

Then if you're a vegan on the internet, you've probably had to deal with a bunch of idiotic and obnoxious defensive meat eaters at some point.

Hard to stay positive about the human race sometimes.

>> No.5424736

as a close to vegan person I try not to make it sound like I'm shaming anyone for eating meat, however I do try to tell them everything I know and then say "do what you want" so at least I try to educate them. some go "whatever" and some get pissed off "WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME WHAT TO DO" "I'm not, I just said that they don't kill cows humanely" "GET OUT VEGAN SCUM"

most of the time I'm not really bothering anyone, I don't act smug and I don't cause anyone trouble. often times I or someone else makes a thread on /ck/ about a vegan recipe thread or something and all these meat eaters (just kidding) shills and trolls pretending to be meat eaters invade and derail the thread to tell us how wrong we are for Not eating meat.

500 post hatestorm....

while it is very difficult for me to stay positive about humanity, I try to be optimistic but realistic, very hopeful. I don't like what alot of people do but I understand that I can't change them, but I can change myself, and thats the best I can do, nor would I ever want to force anyone to do anything, rather I would love to see everyone choose to stop eating meat on their own, even though that sounds silly.

>> No.5424755


>In 2002 the Zambian government rejected 35,000 tons of food aid because of the possibility that it could be genetically modified.

Now you would think greenpeace said something like this.
>Fuck those 35k tons of radioactive waste.
>HERE take this 35k tons of green-eco-dolphin friendly-sustainable food instead.

What they didnt?

They instead started this bullshit "program solution" wich only lasted the year of the domain name http://www.farmingsolutions.org/

Nice job veggitards pretty FUCKING HUMANE.

>> No.5424767


haha, this. I eat some meat (usually on weekends) but every time I mention that maybe JUST MAYBE eating a little less meat might be good for most people, people rage like it's the holocaust for meat eaters.

no one is trying to take away anyone else's meat.

>> No.5424856

Were is the anti GMO and anti labor and etc etc veggietard with the snappy comment?.
>i'd rather starve myself out than eating GMO
So i can told him.
You have no fucking idea of what is being starved.
It is not like
>OMG i forgot to buy my kelp cookies im SOOOOOO starved.
You dont know nothing about the fucking agony and the excruciating pain.

And some greenpeace faggot with its belly filled up with organic free tears food made that choice for those poor motherfuckers.

>> No.5424911


lots of countries reject gmo food, even china is rejecting TONS of gmo corn, MILLIONS of dollars. they reject it because besides that we know its bad, they (the people in control of what goes on) (the higher ups) definitely know something horrible about gmo's that we don't.

>> No.5424916
File: 1.22 MB, 477x252, what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these people actually think they're making a point about vegans because of the Zambian government rejecting possibly genetically modified food and Greenpeace not giving them 35k tons of food to replace it?

>> No.5424921

when I said "close to vegan person" I don't eat meat, and don't drink cow milk (because it contributes to veal production) yet I do eat eggs but only if they are organic, free range, pasture raised etc. so I can be sure the chicken has a happy healthy life and isn't fed gmo feed. chickens still lay eggs without fertilization so I'm not killing a baby chicken. as for milk I just drink organic soymilk and other plant milks.

>> No.5424932

>but muh borlog
>massive corruption, underhanded business tactics, rent-seeking monopolistic behavior, not being allowed to save seeds, and saturating your water supply with pesticides is exactly identical to selective breeding

cool story shill

>> No.5424935
File: 114 KB, 400x300, dan_halen_cornzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(the higher ups) definitely know something horrible about gmo's that we don't.

Don't worry about it, we're only splicing kutzu genes with corn in order to make Korn Dogs.
....Nobody seriously thinks it will actually make Cornzu.

>> No.5424938

God you're gay. You aren't changing anything industry-wise, so your deluded sense of blamelessness is unwarranted.

>> No.5424943


You should eat what you like, but you do realize you can be more selective about where your milk comes from and not have to worry about veal, right?

>> No.5424951

Vegans being this retarded and veganazis.

>> No.5424957


>don't drink cow milk (because it contributes to veal production) yet I do eat eggs

Veal production isn't the only bad thing that goes on with milk production. No matter the farm, after a few years they send the cow or chicken off to the slaughter house because the milk or eggs they aren't as good for producing milk/eggs anymore. The egg and dairy industry goes hand in hand with the meat industry

>> No.5424968

Pretty sure the last two are meat eaters trying to mock vegans.

The other ones are me.

>> No.5424971


Are you retards aware of what youre posting?
>sure, let them starve to death.
You are coming out pretty bad eh?

>> No.5424974

" It rhymes with... porn-zoo"

>> No.5424975


Oh right, I forgot

>we need GMO because there isn't actually a massive corn surplus
>it's just a coincidence that things that shouldn't even be made out of corn are now made out of corn
>mass starvation will ensue if monsanto isn't allowed free reign

>> No.5424983

oh noes! animals get slaughtered for meat? how horrible!

>> No.5424985


Well yeah, it's not very nice

>> No.5424997

What? theres no middle ground?
I dont trust huge corporations like monsanto.
And i know that if you farm like its 1250 A.D. you sure aint gonna cover the food demand worldwide.

>sure, let them starve to death.
So do you identify with animals or something?
Are you and your friends called the sons of gaia of some cultist shit?
Free animal Front?

>> No.5425027
File: 213 KB, 500x577, bearsharktopus-bear-shark-octopus-manbearpig-man-bear-pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, monsanto is making GMO animals now too? We're all fucked.

>> No.5425039

You are like the next level of vegan fanatism.

>> No.5425044


No, U

Also, projecting

>> No.5425086

Yokes on you.
For expecting anything else from this
Kale fueled slow brain faggot.
Sure they are, just look at him circlejerking.

>> No.5425100


>using kale fueled as an insult

Vegan or not, everyone should eat kale

>> No.5425107


vegetabels r gay. my meat eating idol guy fieri said so.

>> No.5425110

But it doesn't have a good taste.

>> No.5425112

gay? for not being selfish enough to want something else to suffer for a meal I can easily replace with something else?

>"You aren't changing anything"
wrong, I am changing me.

>> No.5425120


Talking about selfish.
brotip you are doing it wrong vegginazi.

>> No.5425123

don't all cows need to get pregnant in order to give milk? so logically even if they were not killing the baby cows, one milk farm of cows giving milk would create a fairly constant stream of new born baby cows, an excess of male cows (where would they go? they don't give milk) and the rest of the female cows even being sent to give milk in other farms would then create more baby cows and so on, eventually there would be just way too many cows. I think that all milk supports veal, unless there is a cow that doesn't need to get preggers to give milk, and no, I wouldn't drink milk from a monsanto cow. they do not do genetic modification responsibly, and I won't drink milk that came from a cow that was given hormone shots to make milk without a baby.

>> No.5425128

they are all trolls and shills trying to make people hate vegans.

>> No.5425141

But arent you this?

>> No.5425147

but veal is delicious

>> No.5425153
File: 3.55 MB, 790x4121, its all a big game and you dont need to play.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen anyone who reads this thread-------

this entire thread, if not the entire /ck/ or even 4chan is being raided by an army of liars, deceivers, people worse than trolls. paid or not, their agenda is to create chaos and confusion until you all hate each other (more than you already do) so that instead of doing what makes you happy, you will do what makes someone else unhappy to go against them. you all lose, and the shills bosses win.

>mom mom I want icecream
>no anon you little shit
>20 now
>eat tons of icecream *OM NOM NOM FUCK YOU MOM OM NOM*


you can not assume that any "vegan" or "meat eater" saying whatever they say is truly who they say they are. a vegan defending themselves will sound annoying. wonder why? because they are not really vegan, they are just someone trying to make vegans look like crap for example. you need to be very careful on this website, and know in your heart that nobody here really wants to screw with you and take your meat or vegetables away, the shills are trying some nasty tactics, don't fall for them.

every time I make one of these posts, my captcha turns into blob captcha and becomes extremely difficult. I wonder why.

>> No.5425157

I am not against genetic modification, and honestly thing its extremely cool. I don't however, trust monsanto. they do irresponsible things all the time.

>> No.5425162

Shit son let me go get my tinfoil hat.

Stop doing drugs veggie cultist.

>and know in your heart
Go hug a tree

>> No.5425167

actually, monsanto doesn't need to create this new form of crowd control, their friends already build a real life terminator.


and its pet dog

now if the terminator could make pasta...

>> No.5425171

Are the vegans I've met in real life in on this too?

>> No.5425173

nice argument, is that the best quick response you could think of? sorry if it was difficult for you, and sorry about making your boots shiver. you will probably get fired now from making the boss upset, say bye bye to your shill job.

>> No.5425188

there are plenty of people in real life that lie too. like those people that try to pressure into buying a criminally overpriced candy bar from a nonprofit organization that will in turn send ONE candy bar to africa. they will use guilt tactics to get your money or give you disinformation and corrupt your mind so that you buy unhealthy foods that you think are healthy.

lots of hollow people walking the streets. they feel nothing inside. their goal is simply survival and getting anything they can from you.

>> No.5425759

also watch out for the soccer moms and hipster vegans. they aren't... on our team... I mean they are nice people, but... I dunno.

>> No.5425777

>eats meat
>loses eyesight

>> No.5426814

Of all the people on /ck/ that throw shill around with as much abandon as /v/, the veganfags are the worst.

It's far more likely that they themselves will be invested,emotionally at least, in their local health and organic food store than Monsanto employees are being paid to go onto 4chan.

>> No.5426978

what if u try to avoid meat that comes from tortured animals in little cages? imho the worst problem with meat is the way that animals are treated nowadays. every living being has a right to have some kind of good life, be able to walk, run, eat food that it eats naturally, etc... animals in big farms (ok, maybe "factories" is a better word...) live in terrible conditions, so, try not support this

>> No.5426980

>Of all the people on /ck/ that throw shill around with as much abandon as /v/, the veganfags are the worst.

Why? I regularly sock puppet as various caricatures of people (edgy meat eater, fast food ham planet, weeaboo, anti-weeaboo). Why should you assume that posts complaining about the enslavement of bees be taken for real opinions? This entire board is comprised of people who just want an excuse to call people names and argue, myself included. You need to be more skeptical of what you read.

>> No.5427045

hmm... so it's not possible to just avoid buying that kind of meat? to read a fcking label, or buy from a farmer u know? this is the same as saying, that u can't buy soy that is not gmo. idiot.

>> No.5427072

>constant exercise didn't help at all
Yeah, I'm calling bullshit