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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5413940 No.5413940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just ate an entire pack of raw bacon that I dipped into honey.

When did you hit rock bottom /ck/?

>> No.5413956
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sometimes I eat uncooked instant noodles
they are crunchy and don't taste too bad

>> No.5413961

I mean there was that one time I was too lazy to go to the fucking grocery store and attempted to eat limes.

>> No.5413963

The lowest I go is mustard sandwiches. Just 2 pieces of bread with a whole lot of mustard between them

>> No.5413964


I don't have a lot of money so I roll the dice on meat in the discount bin all the time.

>> No.5413976


Although honey bacon sounds interesting cooked.

>> No.5413977

When i was 12 or so I had a bowl of ice cream.

Then I took one of those prepackaged microwaveable hot dogs, heated it up, and ate the plain hot dog in about 2 seconds. Right after ice cream.

>> No.5413980

I sometimes sprinkle sugar onto a slice of ham as a treat.

I also squeeze brown sauce (not the poo variety) onto a spoon and eat that if I'm feeling particularly pathetic

>> No.5413988

That's reasonable though. I go to my local supermarket twice a week or more just to check for goods going out of best by.

As long as you use/freeze the meat it's all good. AFAIC paying retail for meat is the real gamble

>> No.5414024


Probably not, bacon can be eaten without being cooked because of how it's prepared.

>> No.5414037

theres a difference in smoking for flavor and smoking to cook/preserve

>> No.5414051

It's great if you pour a little honey over your strips of bacon before putting them in the oven

>> No.5414060


That depends. Properly made bacon (traditional style) is cured by smoking and can be eaten "raw". But, a lot of bacon sold these days is injected with smoke flavoring rather than being actually smoked and cured the traditional way. If it comes in a wet-pack (plastic pouch or bag) like OP's photo then it's just smoke flavored and would be risky to eat raw. The traditionally cured and smoked bacon is sold "dry" and not sealed in a plastic bag with liquid in it, so it really comes down to what sort of bacon you have.

>> No.5414071

That last bit shouldn't seem sexual to me, but it does.

>> No.5414072

Traditional bacon, yes. But bacon today is basically raw meat injected with salt water.

>> No.5414080

they dont think it be like it is, but it do

--oscar wilde

>> No.5414110

I do this shit all the time. Especially when they clean-out their seafood section and wrap up shit and slap a 50% off sticker on it, I grab a ton of that shit. Halibut, scallops, tilapia, shrimp, etc. Usually end up with a few weeks worth of food seafood for ~$20.

>> No.5414156
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>> No.5414187

>this post
>all shellfish basically eats the same thing as tilapia but you're probably fine with that

>> No.5414193


I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I avoid tilapia not because of its diet, but because it has little if any taste. The farmed stuff is bland and boring. Wild is delicious but alas that's difficult to find and expensive.

>> No.5414202

>shellfish is grown in disgusting 50 gallon shit tanks

>> No.5414215

Okay that's a valid point. That's usually the case for most meat and fish found in grocery stores, though.

>> No.5414217

Some is, yeah.

>> No.5414220

>Pasta with olive oil, salt, pepper and dried garlic
And I've lived like half a week on that stuff.

>> No.5414226

So, I eat raw bacon all the time. I like the chew of it, and the juiciness, it's great in something like a turkey sandwich, or even a slice folded between a slice of white bread. It's not any different than country or serrano ham, just fattier

>> No.5414230

"salt water" is literally the thing they use to cure meat

>> No.5414240

Different method

>> No.5414242

Salt peter?

>> No.5414249

No thank you I've had quite enough.

>> No.5414252

try adding frozen peas that you thaw and warm up in a glass of hot water, then a small splash of balsamic vinegar and a little fresh grated parmesan

>> No.5414264

I do the same thing. it really helps out when you begin having to piecemeal a dinner together and is definitely a pocketbook saver. I also keep a good amount of frozen veggies as well as dried pastas and rice. never hurts and you can always make a shit tonne of soup if need be.

>> No.5414274

It's not that. Although I'm sure you can find decent bacon in some places, and I know one anon from here talks about a Muslim butcher who employs an old black man to make pork products, a lot of bacon isn't made the same way.

Traditionally when you cure something, you stop bad bacteria from starting to spoil the food by using salt, acid, etc. that lets good bacteria thrive. Now, most bacon is just loaded with salt and sugar, and other preservatives.

>> No.5414280

I got fucking PROSCIUTTO out of the discount bin today. Discount bin 4 lyfe.

>> No.5414282

>Muslim butcher
>Pork Sandwiches
pick one

>> No.5414294

Hi, I said a Muslim butcher who hired an old black man to make pork products in a separate section of his store. I also never said anything about sandwiches.

>> No.5414296
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shut the fuck up that's just as retarded as saying Jewish butchers don't handle pork, or vegetarians never prepare meat

>> No.5414300

I'm mostly /fit/ now but sometimes I do stupid shit.
Last week I made the Nutella cheesecake from the infographic (16 oz cream cheese, 400 gram jar Nutella, poured in a graham cracker crust and topped with hazelnuts) and ate the whole thing myself over three days.

I used to eat entire blocks of cheese and packs of uncooked hot dogs on my own, so I still think I'm a lot better off than what I used to be. 40 pounds down and still dropping.

>> No.5414304

so you were one of those gross fat fucks.

>not being a classy fat fuck that cooks great food but just eats a shit ton of it

>> No.5414307


That's not bad, my bf does that when he bulks, simple transportable food with easy calories. Pretty good til near the end, gets kinda salty.

>> No.5414312

>btw im a weber

>> No.5414319

Yeah, it sure is classy when you start wheezing and sweating as soon as you enter a warm kitchen.

>> No.5414328
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I went through 2kg of cat food in two days.

>> No.5414331

Bulking? Cat food has dat creatine, nah mean? It's real good homie, nah mean? Especially when your muscles, word, get real thick and heavy like nah mean? Word nah mean?

>> No.5414345

> Jewish butchers don't handle pork
are you fucking retarded? of course they don't. If it's a Kosher butcher, he's not even allowed to have pork inside the building!

>> No.5414351

Some Jews even EAT pork! Believe it... or not!

>> No.5414353

good job man, keep working on it. As long as you set and meet your goals you can do anything.

How was the nutella cheesecake, was it delciious? Is it worth going through the trouble?

>> No.5414614

I just ate 2 jumbo things of movie theatre popcorn that my friend bought me at a movie they paid for as a birthday treat for me.
I'm too proud to admit I'm dirt ass poor so I tried to eat as many fucking calories as I can, that popcorn was so buttery my stomach is still unsettled.

>> No.5414616

That popcorn contained exactly 0.00% butter

>> No.5414621

Oily then. I know it's not real butter, shit has more calories than real butter.

Hurrdurr you're not smart or clever.

>> No.5414634

I wasn't trying to be smart or clever. It's sad that you can't get real butter on your popcorn in most movie theaters, and can only get butter flavored oil.

>> No.5414652

i love that butter-flavored oil.

>> No.5414654

Ghee > that

>> No.5415174

drinking condiments, eating steak seasoning

then i realized i could boil water and make "soup" out of both of these things

>> No.5415187

Last week I broke down and bought a can of Pringles and inhaled it in about 20 minutes

I'm still flagellating myself like a Catholic who skipped out on Easter Sunday mass

>> No.5415194

grating cheese in a bowl melting it and dumping ketchup on it
then id eat it with a fork

>> No.5415210

I once got real thirsty and there was no nearby drinks so I drank a bunch of old bongwater

>> No.5415240

One time I ate an entire jar of bbq sauce with a spoon. Another time, when no other food was available, I mixed together butter and old, rock hard brown sugar in a bowl and ate that.

>> No.5415314


>can of pringles
>20 minutes

i think you'd go into a coma if i told you about my binges.

>> No.5415317



you couldn't find a sink??

>> No.5415363

>dipped into honey

How's your pancreas?

>> No.5415423

you are full of fucking shit, bong water is the vilest shit on earth

>> No.5415518
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I would easily eat two Knorr side dishes in one sitting
I try not to do this anymore

pic very related

>> No.5415656

I'd eat european bacon raw. Not sure about the US version though. You guys handle yer meat disgustingly.

>> No.5415714

My mom does this.

She also eats ice cream cones. Just cones, no ice cream.

>> No.5415725

He did not say he kept it down.

>> No.5415741

In college I used to go to the grocery store at 7am in the dead of winter just so I could be the first person to get to the discounted bakery items.
I could get a 3lb bag of twists, donuts and croissants for about $2. I still lost about 20lbs though

>> No.5415751

I take spring roll wrappers and lick them so they get soft and eat them. I also make just mayo sandwiches, with so much that it spills over the sides.
Also, I like to eat napkins and toilet paper.