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File: 32 KB, 660x433, cockroach-close-up-660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5409916 No.5409916[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

when I see one in a restaurant, I can't eat there ever again. I've given up some of my favorite establishments over this.

I've talked to folks who feel like it's no big deal, and think every place gets them from time to time. /ck/, what are your thoughts?

>> No.5409933

I tend to never want to know what goes on in the kitchen, as long as I like the food and I don't get sick.

>> No.5409949

This is why I always give the kitchens a quick walk-through every time i eat in a restaurant. I just wan to check to see if the cooks are goofing off or something.

If they ask any questions I'll just tell them I got lost looking for the bathroom

>> No.5409953

>here we go

>> No.5409956

the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.5409959

The cooks there probably don't even wash their hands. Best to cook your own foods if roaches and dirty kitchen staff bother you.

>> No.5409967

What do you mean? It's a perfectly legitimate thing to do if you're paying to eat at a restaurant. More often than not, if they're messing around in the kitchen they're messing around with your food.

I've had to call the cooking staff out at a Cracker Barrel once. I just can't tolerate foolishness in the kitchen

>> No.5409969

I'm the same.
Pest control should be a 'given' in any serious eating establishment.
If its an open-air establishment or in the summer time, i'll allow for the stray fly or two here and here, but roaches can fuck off.

If they can't handle that one simple thing, I sure as fuck ain't giving them my business.

>> No.5409983

now I know you're shitting me

>> No.5410019

Believe what you will. They mostly never think twice about it. I just pop in, look around, then leave as if I were really lost.

The incident with the Cracker Barrel staff was the only instance where I had to call them out.

>be me
>walk into the kitchen as per usual
>see my wife and I's waiter drop one of those delicious biscuits on the floor
>she then proceeds to pick up the roll and place it back on the plate
>called her ass out on it
>got manager
>talked it out
>got free sugar cured ham that day
>then went home and porked my pig of wife
>perfect ending to an almost perfect day

>> No.5410031

Do you also walk into the back rooms of banks when you make a deposit?

I'd kick your ass out.

>> No.5410040

You were doing so well. Why take off your mask

>> No.5410046

You can't equate entering the secured back areas of a bank with a fucking restaurant kitchen.
You have to know what you're doing to get into the back area of a bank. In a restaurant it's just "whoops this isn't the bathroom lol" and you leave.
>I'd kick your ass out
The Yelp review would be fucking glorious. "My waiter disappeared and I was looking for the bathroom. I stepped into the kitchen on accident and a filthy, obese cook got in my face and started trying to grab me and shove me out while stammering, screaming insults, and spitting all over me as a result of his heavy, nasal lisp."

>> No.5410051

How do you absolutely keep a bug from entering a building, then?

>> No.5410061


If serious I'm not sure if autism or OCD, although I have OCD and this is still laughable to me so....

IDK how you prevent an insect from entering a restaurant, I don't think it should be an indication of cleanliness.

>> No.5410071

I can assure you that I'm not autistic or some sort of troll. I'm not too worried about insects, just the cooking staff. I used to not be so OCD about my food until a friend of mine who worked at Chili's filled me in. He was actually the one who encouraged me to do the walk-through.

>> No.5410074

Regular exterminator spraying of non-food areas like behind the fridge, in the bathrooms, etc. Cleaning the kitchen thoroughly every night before closing.

>> No.5410080

It totally depends on the area. For example, if it is a place in NYC then I don't give a fuck since every apartment has them. Suburbia, it'll raise my eyebrow. Overall, the best indicator on how clean the restaurant is is based off their restrooms.

>> No.5410082

This will not prevent roaches from entering by the customer's door frm the street and nearby sewers.

>> No.5410089

Yes, but it will make it a toxic environment to survive and reproduce so roaches will avoid it.

>> No.5410103

Just call locally health department in your country on restaurant? They force to clean up or shut down.

>> No.5410126

>it's no big deal, and think every place gets them from time to time
this. I had them from time to time in my own restaurant, theres nothing you can do about it until you find one. Generally the customers had the same thought.

Cockroaches crawl over your face while you sleep and you don't know it. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE.

But they arent in the fridges of a restaurant, nor the cooking surfaces during service (they are generally cleaned at the beginning of a shift anyway)

relax cuz

>> No.5410153

As a professional cook, I hope I never have to serve you. You judge a kitchen based off whether or not the kitchen is goofing off at the exact second you "mistakenly" waddle into their workplace? I understand you want the cooks to be professional and working hard- they should be. However, you're going to tell me one should never crack a joke at work? Never have fun with what they're doing?

The fact that your reference story is from a Cracker Barrel leads me to believe you're a troll, though. Either that, or a power tripping fat ass.

As for OP, cockroaches are often a sign of bad things to come. They follow filth. That being said, big cities are filled with filth so an urban restaurant will likely have them at some point, especially if they have street level loading docks. Still, cockroaches and pests should be at a minimum. The restaurant should be organized as such to provide no access to food for the pests, and only have the occasional bug past through as happenstance.

>> No.5410216

I once purposely put 4 roaches into a hungry jacks

>> No.5410221

Cockroach is a murrican thing since you have so many wood houses.

In France, I haven't seen one since... well ever ? We have some bugs in rural places and spiders in cities but those are easy to remove.

>> No.5410241

please stop feeding the euro america trash

>> No.5410263

More stories I fucking love you

>> No.5410303

>But they arent in the fridges of a restaurant, nor the cooking surfaces during service (they are generally cleaned at the beginning of a shift anyway)

This is how it is in about every restaurant, so people really ought to chill out about cockroaches and insects in general.

Look at a world map sometime, Western Europe has a slightly different climate to much of the US which is closer to the equator leading to insects being generally out and about more. In the Northern US, it actually is very odd to see cockroaches in places and it's a sign they're complete slobs, but in the majority of the US, you just have wild cockroaches getting huge and getting into every little place.

In Indiana, which has a similar latitude to France, is the general latitude of the US I'm talking about when I talk about areas of the US that cockroaches would rarely be seen in most places. Versus Texas, which has a similar latitude to Morocco and Cairo, where cockroaches will just buzz about outdoors in wooded areas.

Climate makes a big difference.

>> No.5410307
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>go to a japanese restaurant
>like twelve crawl out of the wall onto the table
>they honestly tried to give us a 20% off coupon to compensate

>> No.5410308


asians, dude

>> No.5410315
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>professional cook

Sorry, I only eat food prepared by professional chefs.

>> No.5410320


In the US chefs are engaged in cookery. That's the terminology used.

>> No.5410324

roaches survive just fine in clean areas. they don't need dirt, it's a myth. As long as there's moments with no light and some edible bread crumbs on hte floor the'll come and go in your place as they please. poisons are only a temporary sollution if the nest is outside.

>> No.5410624
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>not eating the food of the future
stay ludd

>> No.5410671

>>then went home and porked my pig of wife

holy fuck muh sides

>> No.5410674

I know you're trollin', but man, eating insects will never catch on in the first world.

>> No.5410701

I've never seen one here in Canada.

>> No.5410704

You sure about that?

>> No.5410711


there's a big difference between small amounts used as a colorant as opposed to being a significant source of calories and inadvertent contamination.

>> No.5410713
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>buzzfeed as a source

>> No.5410719
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Yeah, sometimes bugs and other creatures just get in. At my current place I saw one roach and a dead beetle. At one of the other places I worked stupidass birds would routinely fly inside if we left our doors open. At another place I worked some birds flew in once, and there was also a squirrel that ran in during a really bad storm. I live in Florida, so palmetto bugs are another big one for sometimes coming inside, and they aren't even bugs that live inside houses.
Pic related, palmetto bug aka Florida Woods Cockroach.

>> No.5410727
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You just wait and see. Get enough hipsters behind it and start the "new food craze"
>everything on that page is false because I'm not a fan of that website

>> No.5410729


Oh, I agree about the hipsters but I doubt the general public will warm up to the idea anytime soon. Hipsters, just like fratboys, are prone to doing things BECAUSE they are generally unaccepted, not despite it.

>> No.5410730
File: 45 KB, 800x534, live-lobster-14401886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating insects will never catch on in the first world
B-but, it already has.

>> No.5410731

That's a crustacean.

>> No.5410733
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And that's denial.

>> No.5410736

>what are your thoughts?
For me it totally depends. I live in NYC. I keep my apartment pretty clean, and am particularly careful to keep my own kitchen clean, yet I still see cockroaches in my living space from time to time. They are a fact of life. So are rats in certain neighborhoods (thankfully not mine).

As a result I have no illusions that there are vermin in many restaurants, even good ones. If that bothered me I couldn't eat out. But if you think about this kind of shit too much you can't even eat. You'd start thinking about all the pesticide residues on the beautiful fresh vegetables you're eating, or the conditions under which the animals were raised before they became the meat on your plate. Or the pollution in the waters in which your seafood was caught/farmed. You could squick yourself out of any pleasure in food if you think about this shit too much.

I do care scrupulosity in restaurants, but on a sliding scale. If a place serves both raw and cooked food the place has to be on the ball or they're going to make people sick. Same is true if there's seafood on the menu. But if everything comes out of a deep fryer, wok or steamer I care much less, since the very act of cooking sanitizes the food. If these kind of places are a little less scrupulous I don't care so much.

More than vermin, serving off food is the surest way to assure I'll never go back. I know two kebab joints in the East Village that have served me salads so far gone they'd started to ferment. That's a far greater crime than spotting a cockroach, in my opinion.

>> No.5410743
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No, it's taxonomy.

>> No.5410744

More autistic cracker barrel stories, please.
One time I was hungover/still kinda drunk and went to a cracker barrel one sunday morning, it was packed with familys and normies after I ate, my waitress was taking forever to get my check so I just left five bucks on the table and left. Felt guilty later.
Also, Ive seen hella roaches at ice cream joints. Since they dont have a real kitchen, I think they give less of a fuck about cleaning before closing for the night.

>> No.5410756

>You'd start thinking about all the pesticide residues on the beautiful fresh vegetables you're eating, or the conditions under which the animals were raised before they became the meat on your plate. Or the pollution in the waters in which your seafood was caught/farmed.
But you should. How does it feel knowing even a cockroach has more consideration for what it eats. Humans won't have much longer to ignore the icky thoughts that may take away any pleasure of reckless consumption.

>> No.5410762
File: 54 KB, 700x519, Phthirus-pubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's cognitive dissonance.

>> No.5410768

More like cognitive disSCIENCE.

>> No.5410779

>Humans won't have much longer to ignore the icky thoughts that may take away any pleasure of reckless consumption.
The end is near? Not buying it. Will tuna go extinct soon? probably. Is the Western diet, particularly in its American form totally unsustainable? Of course. I don't give a fuck, though, because that's not how I eat on a daily basis. Day to day I cook at home, and live off grains, pulses and vegetables like a fucking vegan. Once a week or so when I go out for a little indulgence I indulge without worry. But I'm sure as fuck not eating chicken or tuna.

>> No.5410780

more like boreafil!

>> No.5410786
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Yes, because an owl moth and an owl have more in common than a lobster and a cockroach.

>> No.5410788


I never saw a cockroach until I went to college. I remember someone looking at me rather incredulously when I pointed to one and asked what it was.

>> No.5410794

>no chicken!

You poor fucking thing. I seriously feel for you. You probably think youre not missing anything too and got turned off to chicken maybe because of your mothers bad cooking or just seeing everyone cook shitty frozen chicken breasts that come out dry and bland.
>he doesnt fry his own delicious chicken wings, making the sauce exactly how you like it
>he doesnt use chicken stock for soup
>he doesnt get whole fresh chickens to bake to perfection and fry the livers, gizzards and hearts in oil with some light breading.
>he doesnt have friends over to drink beers with while grilling legs and thighs on the grill and drunk eat them with your bare hands outside straight off the grill like a caveman, feeling absolutely satisfied

Oh god how horrifying

>> No.5410800

>I've talked to folks who feel like it's no big deal

>> No.5410808
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Or maybe he just doesn't like eating lizard meat.
(yes, chickens are related to reptiles also)

>> No.5410810

>I don't think it should be an indication of cleanliness.
you're a retard

>> No.5410847

The term you're looking for is chef de cuisine, or head(chief, which is what chef is french for) of the kitchen. It's a title like manager or president, and there's only one per kitchen. All chefs are cooks.

>> No.5410850


lel @ pic

anymore like this anon?

>> No.5410880

>Dont wanna eat lizard meat
>birds are related to reptiles

>dont wanna have sex with a woman
>they are related to reptiles and even closer to chimps

Arent all animals related to eat other somehow? Who fucking cares? Also Ive eaten snake and it was good.

>> No.5410886
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>goofing off
like pic related? you sure sound like an insufferable faggot. How many establishments are you banned from?

>> No.5410892

>Arent all animals related to eat [sic] other somehow?
Yes we are, but some of us are cousins and some of us are brother-in-laws. And if you're in Alabama, sometimes you're both.

>> No.5410926

If you live somewhere tropical, the big palmetto bugs come in from outside. I wouldn't freak if I saw one. Everyone's house has to kill one from time to time, they arrive much as a lizard would, sneaking under a garage door, or glass doors that are open 5 minutes.

If you see a small roach, there's an infestation in the walls, pantry, somewhere, maybe even a neighboring business that this owner doesn't control. They will stay if there is food and can survive years in the walls. And, the ONLY SINGLE WAY to be on top of roaches 24/7 365, is repeated and copious amounts of insecticide. Skip one single week, and those guys can show up. Skip a single day, and those guys not only show up, but for a brief few hours, show up drunk and half dying (why you might see them). So, you see, it's lose-lose, you are either seeing them because of spraying or not because of spraying. And, either way, there's a crapload of poison everywhere for you to touch, breathe and ingest.

So, when you see the clean places, think again how they get that way. A better indication of healthy is the restaurant that is tiled surfaces, antiseptic hard surfaced chairs and tables, and kind of hospital-like overall. If you smell a little bleach in the air? Good. They wipe their tables well, and keep kitchen surfaces clean enough to prevent food poisoning.

>> No.5410927

How dare people try to have fun at work

>> No.5410941
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>Ive eaten snake and it was good
Did it... taste like chicken?

>> No.5410971

I've already eaten a lifetime's worth of chicken. It just doesn't hold any appeal to me anymore. Just about had it with beef, too. And cheese everywhere all over everything? Fuck that, too.

If I'm going out for an indulgence I don't want the same shit I've already eaten for thousands of meals growing up. Been there, done that. Give me some seafood, some lamb, goat or fucking duck. Anything but more chicken, beef and fucking cheese.

>> No.5410975
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I had a roommate from Hong Kong once who told me that when he was a kid, he would stick cockroaches on a toothpic, roast them over an open fire, and then eat them.

>> No.5411197

Yeah, I've heard it before. It's still not gonna happen. When you eat a shrimp or crab or lobster, you are eating delicious flesh. You peel the horrible shell off, and underneath is yummy flesh. Insects don't work like that. You eat a bug, you're eating a whole goddamn bug. No one wants to eat a whole goddamn bug.

It's never going to catch on in any significant numbers to matter.

>> No.5411215
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>be me

>> No.5411217

There must be a lot of defensive cooks in this thread. Then again, where I work they get pissy if a customer sets foot into their sacred realm to ask a question.

>> No.5411227

Customers coming into the kitchen?
Not gonna happen.

>> No.5411232

You mean some chinese guy did something fucking disgusting?

You should sell your story as a book.

>> No.5411257

Happens all the time, and you literally can't stop it without making a scene and losing tons of people. Don't know why people take offense to it unless they actually get in the line with the people. Nothing wrong with being questioning.

>> No.5411262

Sounds like you work at a poorly run place.

>> No.5411266

Calm down Gordon Ramsey.

>> No.5413127

>has never heard of soft-shell crab

>> No.5413147

>has never had softshell crab

>> No.5413163

>eating ocean lice

>> No.5413165
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sea lice is a misnomer mainly refers to baby jellyfish. Although there are tiny arthropods that live in massive colonies.

>> No.5413170

>eating ocean beetles

>> No.5413179
File: 51 KB, 586x293, giant-water-bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not beetles either
god i love reading zoology related entries in wiki.
Also thai people eat water beetle/bug they're positively frightening bugs, virtually unchanged since before the dinosaurs. The thai are our last line of defense against them.

>> No.5413184

Wao, fuck, is that thing munching on a turtle? That's pretty fucking badass if it is.

>> No.5413194

yeah they're ballsy enough to try to eat just about anything, completely fearless. I've eaten a few before don't really have much of a flavor. Taste similar to breading for something deep fried. Then again I had them deep fried whole. Thai people eat a lot of insects including tarantula pretty much the same taste.. except the abdomen. (I ate it the first time before I knew it's a personal preference big mistake)

>> No.5413197

yeah ive been bit by them before
bretty scary

>> No.5413198

>go to delicious chinatown restaurant for soup dumplings with chinese gf
>meal is going well, no complaints
>roach on the wall right where we're sitting (small table for 2 against the wall)
>we aren't really phased that much. gf asks waiter for a napkin to kill it
>waiter comes over and kills it for us
>free dessert

no problems here

>> No.5413199


>> No.5413357


>> No.5413359

oh my fuck that ending hahhahahhaaaa

>> No.5413423 [DELETED] 

Dat nigga twerk

>> No.5413428

I know it's like some getting field dressed alive.

>> No.5413429
File: 18 KB, 614x604, 1372868411681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat twerk
>"we need to find him a female bug"
>nah bitch, YOU
>take off
>dat blood-curdling screech

>> No.5413440

I work night maintenece currently, and after working here. I do not eat there. The cooks constantly fuck off. Serve you shit off the floor, over dated food, constantly dirty Mexicans stealing, eating food off your plate before serving you. it's disgusting. I refuse to eat at any cracker barrel, even when they offer me free food I tell them I'm really full. Coffe ain't too bad though.

Also feel free to ask other questions.

>> No.5413442

Sorry I'm tired, I do night maintenance at cracker barrel.

>> No.5413443

What's wrong with you dude? There's literally a whole show in The Netherlands about this guy who goes from restaurant to restaurant to inspect the kitchen on its hygiene etc.

You'd be amazed how disgusting some kitchens are. You really can't tell from the front-end.

>> No.5413490

Your Perth is showing

>> No.5413498

No cockroaches in England. My thoughts are moot.

>> No.5413500

That's bull. Of course there are cockroaches in England.

>> No.5413504

Unless you see a ton of them or find one in your food, you shouldn't worry about it. Roaches are everywhere, especially in the coastal regions. Just because there's one inside the building doesn't mean it's infested or unsanitary.

>> No.5413849

Horse shit. I found a roach in a Thai restaraunt I used to like in Swiss cottage. Closed down not long after that.

>> No.5413914

>there arent cockroaches everywhere there are smelly cooks
where do you think they get that nutty creamy goodness from

>> No.5415578


>> No.5415581

lol what a fag. There's no way to keep roaches out of the kitchen - tehre's food there and roaches are alive. Also, roaches don't carry diseases. Also... the only way to keep roaches away would be spraying a bunch of POISON... in the KITCHEN..

think with your brain, man.

>> No.5415608

>roaches don't carry diseases
Yes they do, not as prevalent as rats and mosquitoes do, but that doesn't mean living with or near them doesn't cause disease.
>They can also passively transport microbes on their body surfaces including those that are potentially dangerous to humans, particularly in environments such as hospitals. Cockroaches are linked with allergic reactions in humans. One of the proteins that triggers allergic reactions is tropomyosin. These allergens are also linked with asthma.

>> No.5415614

> but that doesn't mean living with or near them doesn't cause disease.

that's right, it doesn't. it's a common misconception that "living with roaches causes disease". The only disease you get is from your own dirty place, which is your own fault, and thats why you have roaches in the first place.

Like lazy stoners. It's not the weed that makes them lazy - they're fucking smoking weed in the first place because they are.

ok and i dont have an allergen to their shells, so no astma for me...

like i said you're a germiphobe fag. I can pull up a bunch of fearmongering bullshit about beef, pork, fish, all that shit is nonsense.

>> No.5415623

Most parts of the world EAT cockroaches. Don't be so squeamish.

>> No.5415650

>documented medical fact
>common misconception
Do you always enjoy being arrogant and ignorant in the face of evidence? I just proved that they indeed cause disease, and it's also fairly common knowledge by people living in the real world, and not some dumb fuck on a cooking image forum, that they are a contributing factor in many asthma cases. Go be an ornery little faggot with a bone to pick somewhere else, no one's here to hug you today.

>> No.5415660

you're the one being ignorant, you didn't prove shit.

>> No.5415662


>> No.5415670
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I posted a Wikipedia link which cites medical literature. Where's your citations?
Oh yeah,
>dahhh, comma misconfection

>> No.5415679

>they're fucking smoking weed in the first place because they are
I'm going to need a citation for this, also. I'd wager there are plenty of people who use marijuana who are more successful and productive in their lives than you ever will be.

>> No.5415686

There are things I'm better off not knowing.

As long as none ever make it to food then I can deal with spotting one in the corner somewhere.

>> No.5415707

Sometimes the employees themselves bring in the roaches from their home. For a while my job had roaches mostly found in the employee lockers. Then again it's no surprise since some of the employees at my job don't bathe daily after a day of working around grease.

>> No.5415736

>live in Washington
>no cockroaches

Feels good.