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File: 109 KB, 560x354, donutshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5406218 No.5406218[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sup guys. I work at a gourmet donut shop. Sort of like Voodoo Donuts, but better IMO.

Ask me anything.

>> No.5406222

Any SoCal locations?

>> No.5406227

How much per donut?

>> No.5406229

What's on your most expensive donut?
Do you sell plain ones, without any powdering/glaze?

>> No.5406236

what should i ask you?

>> No.5406237

Nah, man. Just one location right now. We just started last year, and we're in the middle of getting a shit load of media attention for being the first one in our area, considering gourmet donuts are trendy right now.

1.19, 1.27, or 1.39 depending on which one you get. Which is a good segue to...

The most expensive donut is our version of the cronut, which is like 3 fucking dollars (which is bullshit, but people eat it up, no pun intended)

And yeah, we can sell plain donuts without anything on it. If you order a donut without any glaze on it, or anything at all on it, you're basically getting a piece of bread. Glaze sort of makes the donut, if it's a yeast donut. If it's cake, the donut is pretty awesome completely plain.

>> No.5406244

>The most expensive donut is our version of the cronut, which is like 3 fucking dollars (which is bullshit, but people eat it up, no pun intended)
But what's on a cronut? I take it it's not worth three dollars, but like.. There's gotta be some god damn neat stuff on there to justify that prize

>> No.5406248

Nevermind, I googled a cronut only to find it's not actually a donut. Disreagard question.

>> No.5406255

Sorry, I derped out, hard.

1.19, 1.49, and 1.89 respectively.

Fancy - 1.19 - either a glazed donut or a regular chocolate frosted donut

Gourmet - 1.49 - Pretty much everything else.

Biggies - 1.89 - Basically, our fritters, which are fucking huge. But sometimes it could be a cinnamon roll, or whatever the baker decides to make that day.

It's not the topping that raises the price. It's that the ingredients are really expensive, and one sheet (roughly 25 donuts) takes like three times as long to bake as a sheet of regular donuts.

>> No.5406272

Personally, I don't get the appeal of cronuts. They don't taste that good, they're expensive everywhere they're offered, and they're generally overrated.

>> No.5406371

do you ever stick your dick through the hole in the donuts, and if so, how many donuts can you fit on it? I'm guessing half of one donut.

>> No.5406377

>everywhere they're offered,

Spoiler: you've never actually had a cronut

>> No.5406379

Except, you know, in the donut shop that I work in.

>> No.5406382



>> No.5406386

You work at dominique ansel? Sweeeeet.

>> No.5406387

I could get 5 donuts on mine, but they won't fit because the holes are too small.

>> No.5406398

Ansel is a fucking retard if he thinks he's the only one selling a cronut.

>> No.5406415


I've had several fauxnuts and a couple actual cronuts. The knockoffs aren't even remotely similar. I think everyone is just counting on the idea that no one knows what it's supposed to taste like.

If you haven't had the real thing you have no business talking about them being overrated. I do think the hype is ridiculous and but at the same time, they are very, very good.

>> No.5406428

Whatever, man, I don't have much to say about the cronut except for the fact that I tasted ours, and didn't like it.

>> No.5406446

It's a gimmick that one person started which opened the floodgates for imitators, most of which do a shit poor job but at the same time I'm not going to wait in line at 8am for a fucking fancy donut (again).

I did like their cookie shots though.

>> No.5406457

Is this place in Florida?

>> No.5406458

Well, our cronuts sell out like a motherfucker. I'm almost afraid, with all the heat it's getting in my area, that it's going to get Ansel's attention, and we're going to get a C&D. I imagine that, for a cronut, ours is pretty good, but I don't know, because I fucking hate croissants, and I had no chance of liking it in the first place.

Of course.

>> No.5406467

Sorry, my opinion on cronuts is layered as shit. Last thought:

I think people who wake up at 5 in the morning to wait outside my shop to spend 3 dollars on a croissant donut are fucking insane. I don't understand foodies whatsoever, but hey. I really respect the fact that they do it, and they love doing it too. They really appreciate the people who work in my shop, and I appreciate them for it.

>> No.5406475

Just to clarify I didn't wait in line because I wanted to. I'm actually in the same camp with you on not liking cronuts it's just

>wife, pregnancy, want, "Yes dear"

In for a penny, in for a pound.

You think they'd send over a C&D over this? They can't even keep up with the demands themselves.

>> No.5406479

Yeah. Ansel's dead serious about it. He's hired an entire legal team to scour the internet, looking for people even /using/ the term "cronut" in a commercial setting. If you look on his website, he's got a trademark right there every time the word "cronut" is mentioned.

He's an asshole.

>> No.5406485

[disgust intensifies]


>> No.5406508

do you ever experiment with new donuts
I mean, not just flavors, but shapes and sizes
Not that I want you to have my ideas, just in case they are good, but I'd like to know what kinds of stuff you get up to in the kitchen

>> No.5406514

Ugh, that peanut butter 'n' jelly time label is in the wrong spot.

>> No.5406518

>better than Voodoo Donuts

>> No.5406528

Personally, I'm a donut dresser, not a baker. I just flavor, decorate, top, etc. The baker deals with shapes and sizes. Like, he makes a giant donut for birthdays, sometimes he fucks around and makes a triangle donut, whatever.

We dress donuts throughout the day, until we sell out. So basically, I get to fuck around and experiment at the end of the day when there aren't a lot of donuts to dress. I've just improvised toppings on a donut.

But we don't permanently sell our ideas unless we run it by the owner of the shop. He's pretty cool about things, though. We're a big 420-friendly bakery, so we've come up with some pretty wild shit.

One of our donuts was created on 4/20/13, which is a chocolate frosted donut with potato sticks and pieces of snickers on it.

Sounds weird, but it ended up being one of our best sellers, and now it's on our daily rotation.

Voodoo is known for their gimmicks, man, not their ingredients.

>> No.5406548

When I took the picture, I had moved it over because I was setting up the trays. In my dumbassery, I must've forgotten to put it back, because that picture was taken mid-afternoon. Long after the initial set-up.

>> No.5406552

>Voodoo is known for their gimmicks, man, not their ingredients.
You're fucking eating sugary fried dough (sugar + dough + flour), coated in sugary chocolate, or sugary glaze, with sugary accoutrements... Do you really think your organic bullshit ingredients make a difference? If it's made fresh, that's really all that matters--and maybe the fat that they use to fry and make their dough, but that's about it. Each location gets insane foot traffic, every day, and most often from locals. Don't you think the novelty would ware off, if it really was merely based on gimmicks?

>> No.5406557

Just spit out the name of your shop, then, and we'll see how you really stack up against them.

>> No.5406559

If I visit Miami, is it worth the drive to get your donuts?

>> No.5406563
File: 70 KB, 960x591, 960x59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you're so upset about, man. I'm just saying, in my opinion, our donuts taste better because we use higher-end ingredients. Those guys are awesome in their own right, in which they spend money training people to carefully sculpt their donuts and make them look awesome. They charge for the experience. We charge for awesome donuts.

Pic related, our "signature" donut.

>> No.5406569


If you really wanted to know the name of my donut shop, I've made it incredibly simple to figure out at this point in the thread.

>> No.5406572

All it takes is one reverse image search.

>> No.5406576

This. Seriously, guys. We're on 4chan, not your grandma's facebook page.

>> No.5406583

Mojo Donuts then. I was actually thinking of making the drive north (I live in Pinecrest) because I heard you guys had cronuts (or fake awful kronut imitations for that one guy in this thread).
Do you have some sort of bacon donut?

It's Mojo Donuts.

>> No.5406584

Yeah, we have a bacon donut with maple frosting, and one with nutella.

>> No.5406589
File: 9 KB, 290x174, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to post the picture of them.

>> No.5406605

Well, fuck him. Recipes are made to be pilfered and adulterated. That's how cooking works. And frankly, there's nothing new under the sun, so to speak. I'd bet in the annals of cooking history, people have made the same thing long before him.
That said, if people want to sell a product exactly the cronut, just give it a different name. It will sell just as easily, as long as it's good.

>> No.5406610

Stupid people do stupid things. They get foot traffic because they sell donuts to stupid people. Yes, their donuts are overrated. Most donuts are overrated.

>> No.5406611

People are just calling them "crownuts" or "krownuts", etc, because you can't fucking trademark a croissant. He's a jerk.

>> No.5406658

I've seen Kronuts. He is a jerk.

OP Donut Man, what are your favorite donuts and least favorite?

>> No.5406785

are you in denver OP?

>> No.5406892


Read the thread and prepare to feel as stupid as you are.

>> No.5406896

Favorite? We make this killer cake donut that we flavor its mix with black cherry. Top that donut with chocolate, and the end result is one of the best tasting desserts I've ever had.

Least favorite? Anything involving cereal. The shit gets gross and stale sitting on frosting all day. Plus the texture just isn't right.

>> No.5406903

Dunkin Donuts is better than Voodoo Donuts.

>> No.5406929

nice b8 m8

OP, how are you not 5000 lbs right now? I love eating and making donuts with a burning passion and I know if I was around them a lot like you, I'd probably be a huge fucking landwhale.

Also, why do some people spell donut like doughnut? Is that still the correct spelling or can it only be spelled like donut?

>> No.5407068
File: 221 KB, 760x760, 50-50 welcome to california.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cancerous confections :nope:

>> No.5407109

>OP, how are you not 5000 lbs right now? I love eating and making donuts with a burning passion and I know if I was around them a lot like you, I'd probably be a huge fucking landwhale.
After a while, I just stopped liking donuts. No matter how much variety your home store has (mine has something like 80 in total), they end up feeling repetitive, considering they're all just donuts, with the same frosting and shit on them, with different flavors, with occasionally different fruits.

>Also, why do some people spell donut like doughnut? Is that still the correct spelling or can it only be spelled like donut?
This'll tell you everything you need to know about "doughnut" vs "donut":


You and I are learning this together. I knew "donut" was just a bastardization of the word, but I didn't really know how it came to be.

Dunkin Donuts certainly has an advantage over Voodoo Donuts in the sense that they're almost two completely different products, and for that reason, Voodoo will never grow to be as large as Dunkin Donuts.

>> No.5407123

That, and constantly /smelling/ like donuts is pretty cool at first, but gets fucking old, quick. I'm tired of smelling like donuts everywhere I go.

>> No.5407776

Sup bros. I'm back. Glad to see the thread's still alive.

>> No.5407796
File: 213 KB, 2048x1536, dominique-ansel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They can't even keep up with the demands themselves.
>mfw people actually believe this
>mfw I have no face

They could easily keep up with demand, they just don't want to become "the cronut shop" because trends are fleeting. They sell a lot of other things there, most of which are delicious.

It makes sense to pump the morning crowd for as much money as possible, and in the afternoon, when people are coming in for something to take home and serve after dinner, focus on that crowd instead.

>> No.5407818

If he doesn't want to become "the cronut shop", then he shouldn't be viciously coming after anyone trying to replicate it.

>> No.5407823


You sound mad that you can't come up with anything successful on your own. Maybe that's why you had to open a gourmet donut shop.

Protip: it's arancini now, get with the program.

>> No.5407835

I didn't open the shop. I just work there. That being said, I have zero qualms with Ansel's shop. He's a full-fleged bakery. We take donuts, and do crazy things with them. Then we have coffee and tea. So the market is completely different. If you're looking for something like a Mont Blanc or a Raspberry Pistachio Tart, Ansel is the right place to go. But if you want a goddamn chocolate frosted donut with potato sticks and snickers, or a donut with bacon on it, then drop by my shop.

That's why I get upset with Ansel. Because the market is so stupidly different, and he uses the law to create artificial demand for his product, which is at this point, a national trend that you can only check out in New York City.

Fuck that guy. If people want cronuts in LA, or Miami, or Seattle, they shouldn't have to book a flight to get them.

>> No.5407846


I'd have more sympathy with your point of view if I had once, just ONCE tried a cronut that didn't taste like a greasy sugary ball of ass. And that's in NYC where a determined person should be able to taste and compare and do a better job of making a knockoff. Apparently, and I'm not a baker so I don't know why, but apparently making cronuts is hard. I can see why he'd want to protect his reputation.

What your argument amounts to is "I should be able to spray paint a wooden block with white gloss paint and call it an iPad because it's unfair that only people who can afford $555* should be allowed to have iPads"

>*I have no idea what an iPad costs, inb4 hurr hurr apple is for fags, it's just an example

>> No.5407849

>tried a knockoff cronut

Is what I meant to say here, in case it's not obvious.

>> No.5407867

>arguing about cronuts

Holy balls, who gives that much of a fuck? The guy isn't running an operation like Coca Cola with ridiculous amounts of security and redundancy to protect a recipe. That cronut shit will be busted out soon and that's the end of that horseshit. The fact people are this up in arms over it is just nutty.

>> No.5407869

I can only speak for myself about how good our cronut is. I personally don't like cronuts, and that's probably because I don't like croissants. That said, we sell out of cronuts every single day we have them. So having a discussion about whether our cronuts are better is difficult, because I just don't know. I've never tried Ansel's cronut. I live in South Florida.

Even so, I don't think his reputation is at stake either. If someone in Oklahoma buys a shitty cronut from some hole in the wall donut joint, and they hate it, they're not going to be like, "fuck Ansel, his food is bullshit."

Out of curiosity, when you refer to the cronut as a "knockoff" cronut, are you referring to its quality as well, or is every cronut not created by ansel considered a "knockoff"? Because someone could very well come out with a better version of the cronut than Ansel, and I don't think you'd be hearing a lot of people calling it a "knockoff cronut".

It's like saying, "Skyrim is just a knockoff of King's Quest".

>> No.5407876

Not that I think our cronuts are better than Ansel's. Because I don't know (and frankly don't care, the people around here like 'em, so we're gonna give it to 'em), and I certainly wouldn't think they're better on the Skyrim/King's Quest scale either.

I'm just curious.

>> No.5407879

> If someone in Oklahoma buys a shitty cronut from some hole in the wall donut joint, and they hate it, they're not going to be like, "fuck Ansel, his food is bullshit."

It seems like that's what's going on in this thread, though.

>is every cronut not created by ansel considered a "knockoff"?

Once again, your "me too" is showing.

Also, I don't know anything about Skyrim, but if it's not called "King's Quest" then I don't see the problem. The problem is that Ansel came up with a food, came up with a very distinct name, and a bunch of "meee meee mee why can't I be cool too" rubes from third world states decided to cash in by calling anything round with sugar in it and an approximation of layers a "cronut"

I can totally sympathize with the urge to cash in. Money is awesome and shitty trends are for being exploited. What I can't sympathize with is the butthurt when the inventor takes steps to protect his reputation, and yes, if you make a shitty knockoff and insist until you're blue in the face that it's the real thing, you're effectively telling people "look, if you don't like this thing I sold you, it's because Dominique Ansel™ Cronuts™ suck and the popularity is bullshit". Shameless exploitation doesn't mix well with haughty indignation.

>> No.5407888

See, i'm with the guy saying only the One True Ansel Cronut is worth eating. Anything else is a knockoff. That's why I only eat sandwiches that are meat in between two pieces of bread brought to me by my valet like the Earl of Sandwich, and my pizzas are all placenta cake (flat bread with cheese and honey and bay leaves on it) because if it was good enough for the ancient Greeks, why should anyone try and change it?! Also my house is lit with candles and I drive a Model T. I don't trust innovation and newness.

>> No.5407890

>It seems like that's what's going on in this thread, though.
No, people are saying Ansel is a twat regardless of how good or not good his Cronuts (TM ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES) are. It's two separate things.

>> No.5407892


Nobody else called their product a "Model T", though. If you honestly believe your product is superior, why do you need to ride on someone else's reputation?

I have yet to see a legitimate response to this question.

>> No.5407893

>It seems like that's what's going on in this thread, though.

Then I don't think you've read the thread. I've repeatedly stated that I haven't tried Ansel's cronut, because I live across the country, and that's not what my issue is with him.

>> No.5407895


So it's ok if Ching Chong McGee calls his white knockoff iPad an "Apple Brand iPad" too? Because "innovation", and Apple is a cunt for expecting you to come up with your own name?

>> No.5407902

No, but that's not what you're saying. You're saying that because Apple made a tablet, no one else can make a tablet. Maybe people can and should call it something else besides a cronut, but to say people shouldn't even try making one is dumb.
But on the other hand, just calling it a cronut is a good shorthand way of saying what the product is. "Hey new customer, we're selling Flimflams." "Oh, what are those?" "Well, they're like cronuts." It's like back when people would call FPS games 'like Doom', or the term 'roguelike'.

>> No.5407904

But nobody is calling their cronut a Dominique Ansel Cronut. We're just saying, "here, this is a cronut. We made it."

Everybody fucking knows we didn't invent it, because they already knew about cronuts before we even had them. That's why there's a frenzy of these people at my shop. We're just saying, "hey guys, we're now making Cronuts."

Ansel can sue us all he wants if we put an ad in the paper saying, "Yeah, Dominique Ansel now works in our shop, and he's selling cronuts here," especially if our cronuts are shitty.

>> No.5407907

>Personally, I don't get the appeal of cronuts. They don't taste that good, they're expensive everywhere they're offered, and they're generally overrated.
>Ansel is a fucking retard if he thinks he's the only one selling a cronut.
>I imagine that, for a cronut, ours is pretty good, but I don't know, because I fucking hate croissants, and I had no chance of liking it in the first place.

These are all you, yes? And then you go on to say
>> If someone in Oklahoma buys a shitty cronut from some hole in the wall donut joint, and they hate it, they're not going to be like, "fuck Ansel, his food is bullshit."

That is exactly what you've done here.

Jesus I can't believe I'm arguing this much about a trend from last year.

>> No.5407911


It's exactly what I'm saying. You can call your tablet whatever you want, just don't call it an iPad.

Unless I am just flat out wrong about what you're saying. Are you saying Ansel going after people who sell "Layered Croissant-Donut Hybrids"? If so, I am completely with you. I apologize, I thought you were getting upset with someone for going after people who blatently rip off a name that they came up with, and slapping it on a mediocre knockoff, thus sullying the reputation of the original.

>> No.5407914

>These are all you, yes? And then you go on to say
>> If someone in Oklahoma buys a shitty cronut from some hole in the wall donut joint, and they hate it, they're not going to be like, "fuck Ansel, his food is bullshit."

>That is exactly what you've done here.

What the hell? I've said the opposite of that for the entire thread. That was just an example I was making about the legality of reputation. How are you taking anything I'm saying as me thinking his food sucks? I just think the cronut sucks, because I've tasted one we made in my shop. And the /reason/ I don't like cronuts, is because they taste like a fucking croissant. Which I don't like.

You gotta start reading through the thread, man. You're missing key parts of information and then making assumptions about the rest.

>> No.5407916

I don't think Ansel sucks because his food sucks. I've never tasted his food. I think Ansel sucks because he's legally pursuing people attempting to replicate his product, which is essentially croissant dough, in a circle.

>> No.5407920

>legally pursuing people attempting to replicate his product
lmao is this for real
you cant patent a recipe
lol what a fucking faggot

>> No.5407922

>And the /reason/ I don't like cronuts, is because they taste like a fucking croissant.

No, the reason you don't like something you made in your shop is because it tastes like a croissant. What that has to do with cronuts is rather questionable.

I understand your argument just fine. There is no missing information. You are the one missing information. You simply don't know what a cronut tastes like, so you can't say whether you like them or not. And saying "it's just my opinion" doesn't change a thing - that's implicit any time anyone anywhere says anything about a food.

For the record, I didn't find them to be much like a croissant - neither the croissants I've had in France, nor the croissants I've had in the US. Have you been to France? Do we need to get into that issue as well?

>> No.5407926

>Have you been to France?
woah, T-Bone, chill. He's had enough.

>> No.5407928


I felt bad when I typed that. I'm going to take a break from 4chan for a while.

>> No.5407930

Now you're just being pedantic. I don't know what you want me to say. We can pull out charts and compare to how culturally sophisticated we are in order to measure whose opinion is more objective. I'm riding on the fact that the cronut is popular at my shop, and telling you guys to take that however you want.

The point is, I'm not saying one single thing about the quality of his food. At all.

>> No.5407932

i wanna get in on this argument, what is it about? you have a donut shop and you tried making a cronut copy cat and you're not crazy about it?

are you of the opinion that "there is nothing special" about a cronut?

have you ever had a real cronut?

I just want to know since this thread keeps popping up so I want to pick a side.

>> No.5407936

Okay, I'm stopping this now.

I don't like croissants. I don't like anything made with croissant dough. I don't like the cronuts at my shop. Chances are, Ansel won't amaze me with his cronut.


>> No.5407941

Holy shit, read the damn thread.
1. He (or she [but realistically, he]) doesn't 'have' a donut shop. He works there.
2. Dude just hates croissants for some reason.
3. No, he hasn't had a real cronut because he doesn't live in New York.

>> No.5407964
File: 7 KB, 224x224, thisniggafunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok that didn't answer my question, i had to read the thread.

And I have come to the conclusion that you're a gigantic faggot, for the following insightful reasons:

1. First of all, you brought this upon yourself, talking shit about something you've never tried. The Cro' at yo' sto' ain't nothin' mo' then an imitation. You can't start having negative opinions about shit just because. That's what douchebags do.

2. You don't like foodies? You own a FOOD STORE. That's like a musician saying
> Oh, I love playing my music but what's up with all these freaks buying tickets to my concert for $50 bucks and showing up hours early to get up front... fucking weirdos.

and 3. I don't know why you don't like that guy... I don't even know anything about him... but you haven't explained anything.

And 4. You have very strong, and very uneducated and uninformed opinions. You're like a fucking bitch, dude. Just PMSing and getting angry, talking shit... for NO reason.

what did that poor cronut inventor ever do to you? did he steal your parking spot?

once again, i regretfully inform you that you're a gigantic douchebag and enormous faggot.

i love you like a sister but you need to switch. and you wonder why they call you bitch.

>> No.5407977

You just can't read. Unbelievable.

1. I'm not talking shit about his food. I don't know how many different times I have to explain this.

2. I said the opposite of that. I love foodies. Maybe you should read more than one sentence of my post.

3. I explained a bunch of different times why I dislike him. Litigation. If you want me to elaborate on that, look at one of the 9 different times I've explained it to you.

4. I am the source of my claim when I say, "I don't like cronuts." I've had a cronut. I don't like it. If you think that's uneducated or uninformed, then there's nothing more to talk about.

>> No.5407989

bro, i read the thread... it's not my reading comprehension, I think you need to work on your communication skills.

> 1. I'm not talking shit about his food. I don't know how many different times I have to explain this.
> The most expensive donut is our version of the cronut, which is like 3 fucking dollars (which is bullshit, but people eat it up, no pun intended)
> Personally, I don't get the appeal of cronuts. They don't taste that good, they're expensive everywhere they're offered, and they're generally overrated
>Except, you know, in the donut shop that I work in.
> Ansel is a fucking retard if he thinks he's the only one selling a cronut.

> 2. I said the opposite of that. I love foodies. Maybe you should read more than one sentence of my post.
> I think people who wake up at 5 in the morning to wait outside my shop to spend 3 dollars on a croissant donut are fucking insane. I don't understand foodies whatsoever,
> also something something about me being an asshole first and then trying to save face. Like "Im not racist, but niggers are the worst."

> 3. I explained a bunch of different times why I dislike him. Litigation. If you want me to elaborate on that, look at one of the 9 different times I've explained it to you.
i dont think i got that far. I don't really care anyway. I'm not here for him - I'm here for you. I'm here to help you. I care about you, OP.

> 4. I am the source of my claim when I say, "I don't like cronuts." I've had a cronut. I don't like it. If you think that's uneducated or uninformed, then there's nothing more to talk about.

YOU SAID YOUVE NEVER HAD IT! there you go again, rewinding the argument back to your arrogance.

Your version of cronut is not a Cronut(tm). Go try one, then talk shit.

>> No.5407991


Do you get it now? Do you understand that reality is subjective? Every one of us has their own world we need to regulate. If you come at us spouting off nonsense left and right, in an inaccurate manner, this is the kind of response you will get!

You should have never brought up unsolicited negative opinions about how you don't like him, mixed into a conversation about cronuts, in the context of owning a donut shop.

you're just a fuck up OP, face it. You gotta learn discretion and respect.

>> No.5407996

Oh, I get it. Your complaint is that I've never had a cronut, because I never went to New York and didn't try one hand made by Ansel.

Alright, whatever dude. I'm obviously ruining your day.

Also, when I call foodies "insane", I mean it as a term of endearment - like, I respect what they do, and how much they love food. I guess I didn't feel like I had to explain that, but did anyway. Incredible, just incredible that that point was lost on you, despite explicitly contradicting it.

>> No.5407999

It's an ask me anything thread, so the flow of the conversation was gonna go based on the questions I get. Someone asked me about his cronut. Dunno, never tried his. Don't like ours, but other people do. He's a dick for litigating against people also making a cronut.

At this point, I'm getting the sense that I'm arguing directly with Ansel.

>> No.5408002

>calling foodies insane = calling black people niggers

Is this guy kidding?

>> No.5408006

> Oh, I get it. Your complaint is that I've never had a cronut, because I never went to New York and didn't try one hand made by Ansel.

yeah.. dude. lol. I'm glad you finally get it. You can't claim to try something and just get a knock off. Guess what - knock off Jordans aren't the real thing. Fake tickets to the show isn't a real thing... a fake rolex isn't the same thing...

and once again you show your ignorance as a "pastry chef" by insulting the work of a very successful one.

You can't re-create Coca-Cola. You can't recreate KFC's original herbs. So, what gives you the fucking right to go around saying you don't like cronuts.

I just... you don't see? You don't see how you look like a douche?

> Alright, whatever dude. I'm obviously ruining your day.
not at all. your naivete is quite entertaining.

> Also, when I call foodies "insane", I mean it as a term of endearment - like, I respect what they do, and how much they love food. I guess I didn't feel like I had to explain that, but did anyway. Incredible, just incredible that that point was lost on you, despite explicitly contradicting it.

compare to:
> I think people who wake up at 5 in the morning to wait outside my shop to spend 3 dollars on a croissant donut are fucking insane.

do you not see the difference in tone? There is nothing nice you said about them in the second sentence. You think they're losers for going to YOUR STORE to eat YOUR FOOD.

thats horrible. on a cooking board, of all places, FOR SHAME

>> No.5408008

He never called foodies assholes. Not once.

>> No.5408010


>> No.5408013


He still never called them assholes. You're a retard.

>> No.5408014

ITT: Ansel's lawyers defending his good name. Enjoy your C&D letters, faggots.

>> No.5408017

That's like saying OSX isn't an operating system because it wasn't built by Bill Gates, and called Windows.

>> No.5408018

Are you Ansel, or do you just work for him?

>> No.5408019

>do you not see the difference in tone?
Why don't you try reading the rest of that post, you fucking lunatic?

>> No.5408021

>There is nothing nice you said about them in the second sentence.
Except for the part where he said he appreciates them for coming to his store and loving what they do.

>> No.5408024

>So, what gives you the fucking right to go around saying you don't like cronuts.
I don't like candy, and I don't need to try every candy in the world in order to have that opinion.

>> No.5408035

Lol I also disagree about the litigation - he invented the damned thing he can do whatever he wants.

What's the matter, can't invent something yourself?

>> No.5408037

He invented croissant dough?

>> No.5408039

Sorry, I meant you, since you're obviously Ansel.

>> No.5408075

voodoo is shit; if you're in portland and want a good donut, go to Blue star

>> No.5408081

havent you made this thread four times this year?

im just curious, i wanna know if youre the same guy

>> No.5408084

Nah, this is my first time making this thread.

>> No.5408138


I believe under US copyright law, if a brand name is deemed to have become synonymous with a product it can loose it's trademarked status. So unless he's patented the process of deep-frying croissant dough or there are actually people who call them something else, he could be challenged on it.

Hence why anyone can market their toys as Yo-Yos, and why Lego get pissy about people calling their stuff 'legos'.

>> No.5408149

you cant trademark a recipe
i cant believe hes even trying

>> No.5408334

Can we stop arguing about cronuts and talk more about donuts?

For instance, here's a review of the place OP works at: http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/2013-10-10/restaurants/former-strip-club-dj-reinvents-himself-as-a-doughnut-king/

>> No.5408360


Holy shit, you sound like such a pretentious douche, "muh authentic donut"

>> No.5408368
File: 516 KB, 2048x1536, 1315320771683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have bimbo krapfen in your product range?

>> No.5408373

OP best donuts are in LA dont try to clown

>> No.5408377

>Neifeld is painfully vague and dodgy when it comes to what goes into Mojo's doughnuts.

Hahahah, that's because there's not much that goes into it. It's donut dough, mixed with high end ingredients. He has great donuts because he's a good business man. He's pumping money into the ingredients he's using so that his donuts are fantastic, and selling them for prices on the low end of the donut's natural average retail price, and cutting costs in places he can afford to.

Like, because it's such a cool place to work, and the owners are amazing people, the team and I do not hold back doing anything we can to help the business succeed, whether it means helping them work longer hours so that they don't have to hire new people, making sure every customer is extremely happy, and basically making sure people come back.

One of the ways we do that is keeping a minimum of 15 or 20 varieties of our most popular donuts, and then rolling out new stuff every time we get an idea. We have an entire group of people dedicated to trying every variety of donut, and coming back every time we announce a new one.

Sorry, I'm done rambling now hahah

>> No.5408379
File: 64 KB, 465x730, bill cosby surprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people really argue this much about a fucking croissant donut

Also OP, you're pretty dumb for making this thread and should probably delete it right now. I don't think anyone has ever said "I'm glad I revealed my place of business on 4chan."

>> No.5408382

I'm on a board that has an all-time total of 5.4 million posts, full of people who seem genuinely interested in the intricacies of this business, as well as the food aspect. I'm happy to represent my shop publicly.

>> No.5408388

That appears to be a shell donut with chocolate frosting with a face drawn on it.

So basically, I could make that donut any time I wanted.

>> No.5408389


I guess you weren't here for Ronnie's Burgers, then.

>> No.5408391

Which recipe are you referring to? The one you made up and gave a fancy name to?

>> No.5408397

makes me wish I lived in florida. Best I have is one krispy kreme a 20 minute drive away. Other than that is grocery store bakery donuts.

>> No.5408398

>Ronnie's Burgers
i've only seen images of Ronnie but i have no idea what the story was
enlighten me? :3

>> No.5408402

People hate on Krispy Kreme a lot, but it's great for what it is.

>> No.5408406

it's not strange donuts, is it?

>> No.5408413

20 minutes away my friend.
And you're free to enjoy krispy kreme, but I prefer a bit more than just an above-local-standard glazed donut.

>> No.5408440


Basically Ronnie's son posted something about his dad's shop on here. Another anon used the word "nigger" which got attributed to his son. It got posted elsewhere.

>> No.5408446

lmao i think i was the one who said nigger i had no idea there was a subsequent shitstorm hahahahahahahahahahahahaa

>> No.5408456

fuck you you nigfag piece of shit

>> No.5408459
File: 20 KB, 337x300, jewish guy laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, hey Ronnie Jr. How's business?

>> No.5408466
File: 68 KB, 603x403, 1383353120913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always love an excuse to post these.
Someone already posted the main one at >>5404614

>> No.5408471
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1383353213956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And...that's all I had

>> No.5408543
File: 254 KB, 600x590, himmlerburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ronnie had the yelp post about not allowing the "dark forces" in his restaurant taken down.

>> No.5408573

Any plans to doing online deliveries and whatnot? Would love to order some tasty as fuck gourmet donuts.

>> No.5408755

The donuts are too cheap to justify having to pay someone per shift to deliver. Plus, we don't really take tips, so unless someone places an abnormally large order, it wouldn't be economically feasible.

>> No.5408939
File: 905 KB, 1674x941, 1396985584721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the loony losing their shit in this thread...

When one person tells you you might be wrong, it may be a difference of opinion.

When a group of people are telling you you're wrong, and you're still convinced you're right, you might want to look at things a little closer. Perhaps see if there's multiple ways something can be interpreted.

And finally, calling people douches, when you are being as insulting as possible; well that just makes you a hypocrite.

>green text for good measure.

>> No.5408945


Which loony are you referring to? The op, or everyone else?

>> No.5408958


Why does it have to be either/or?

To the OP's credit, he's held his own pretty good. Based on that alone I'd visit his donut shop. But it's in Florida; and to be honest, there's no reason to go to Florida. Ever.

OP: is the owner Cambodian?
Every single donut shop I've ever been to has been owned by Cambodians. Just testing a theory. (driven cross-country couple times, so this isn't a local thing)

>> No.5408965

>is the owner Cambodian
Nah, white guy. Someone else linked a review in the thread that had a picture of him.

>> No.5408972

Can you post the nutritional data of your menu?

>> No.5408979

you autists are so fucking annoying derailing a donut thread for your "knockoff" cronut snobbiness.

how much did Dominique Ansel pay you guys to shill for him?

>> No.5409008
File: 362 KB, 730x333, vs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I had basically forgotten about this thread, but I did a google image search to see what op's cronut looked like. I looked for "mojo donuts cronut" and "dominique ansel cronut"

On the left is the Ansel cronut. On the right is this thing op's boss is calling a cronut.

Even allowing for the grainy image, the comparison speaks for itself.

So much for "can't patent a recipe". Even the knockoffs I've had in NYC at least somewhat resemble a cronut.

>> No.5409015

Creme brulee donuts are such a bitch. Sometimes you get one with burnt sugar on top and it tastes bitter from it.

>> No.5409027

yeah Ansel's are larger

>> No.5409045


Sometimes. Also they don't resemble a cake donut.

>> No.5409068

The dough needs be folded with butter to create the layers. The left one doesn't have the layers found in a croissant.

>> No.5409111
File: 51 KB, 814x500, burt reynolds upset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw cronut internet defense force is trying this hard

>> No.5409846

I... don't know that information, haha.

So you found a professional picture of a product in some guy's bakery by a photography studio that specializes in stock photos, and compared it to some cell phone picture someone took for Yelp.

>> No.5409853
File: 38 KB, 634x383, article-2325980-19D4449D000005DC-204_634x383[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I forgot my picture. This is the argument you just used.

>> No.5409864

Dude, that's exactly what the cronut looks like when you buy them from Ansels.

>> No.5409880

And that's not what our cronut looks like when you buy them from our shop.

I'm not saying it's as good as Ansel's in that picture, but it's not a cake donut.

>> No.5409884

could we stop talking about the shitty cronuts? This thread was one of the betters ones this weekend? Peace and love man.

>> No.5410589


You've never had one, but ok, here's a cell phone picture someone posted of a cronut. You can see they still look layered.

Also bump to anger >>5409884

>> No.5410590
File: 889 KB, 1024x768, X_Cronuts_Photo-by-Rachel-Lovinger-via-Flickr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops forgot picture

>> No.5410593

aha gay!

>> No.5410602

Okay Ansell, we get it.

>> No.5410604


I'm not ansell I just work for him, and chipotle, and the international vegan conspiracy. Any time you see something that upsets you, that's me. Posting on behalf of an organized effort to take away everything you love.

>> No.5410610

lel u trol so gud u so fanny tech me how 2 be fany like u r

>> No.5410616
File: 1.90 MB, 312x250, 1396966324037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this faggot.

pic related, it's this faggot

>> No.5410621
File: 44 KB, 600x400, 6a00d8341c630a53ef0162fbcd3d8e970d-600wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guacamole costs $2 extra. How does that make you feel?

>> No.5410650

that just looks like burnt creme-filled puff pastry in a ring shape with a simple pink frosting(that probably has artificial strawberry flavour added)

>> No.5410734

Shut up Ansell

>> No.5410879

I officially no longer give a shit about cronuts. I don't know why you people are so passionate about them, and will jump into a thread and /fill/ it with negativity the second someone criticizes it, but fine. You win. Cronuts are God's gift to Earth, and anyone who opposes Ansel should be put to death.

Let's move on.

>> No.5410897

>$1-3 each
holy crap that is so cheap. you would never find those prices in australia.

Do you have a grand dessert kind of thing based around a donut? e.g. a donut, maybe cut like a bagel, stuffed with something, and something else on the side, maybe in the $5-15 range?

>> No.5410900

>not a "dont"

>> No.5410908

>not a "cunt"


>> No.5410913

Nah. We tried doing something like that, but, eh, there's just not a market for it. People are paying dirt cheap for really great donuts at my shop. I don't think they're going to want to pay 5 dollars for something slightly bigger, when we have HUGE fritters for like 1.89.

>> No.5412684

ok forget the price. whats the fanciest dessert you sell (i.e. more than just a donut)?