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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5404315 No.5404315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Looking for meals that are 300cals or less, and are healthy. Anyone got anything?

>> No.5404318
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Just run more. How long do you run?

>> No.5404322


>> No.5404337

This isn't /fit/ brah, I'm just looking for inspiration here. Ain't gonna live my life eating plain chicken breasts with broccoli, gotta spice things up, y'know?

PS: I have no fucking legs.

>> No.5404431


Hmmm, well, the only advice I can give is by telling you how I keep healthy and thin. Honestly I never even pay attention to the calorie count in my food. Instead I look at the ingredients first and then eat just enough to get the proper amount of nutrients. I listen to how my body is feeling to adjust how much I should eat. The food I eat is very basic

>lots of rice
>lots of quinoa
>fruits & veggies
>home made popcorn
>mixed nuts
>very little meat

That's about it and it works like a charm. I also eat organic but admitting that makes everyone angry for no reason at all.

>> No.5404434
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Walking is better A good friend of mine lost 100 pounds (not exaggerating) in 6 months from walking about 2 hours a day.

>> No.5404435

beans and rice? That's fast and good.

>> No.5404450

2 miles of walking a day is like 200-300 calories. Literally not even a pound a week.

Cardio is basically worthless for weight loss. just eat less

>> No.5404458


>>2 miles

No, I said 2 hours a day.

>> No.5404459

Steamed vegetables with spices.
Beans and Rice in smaller portions
A couple pieces of mixed fruit
Exercising and eating almost whatever you want and not having to worry about sticking to meals under 300 calories
Baked skinless chicken breast

>> No.5404484

What's /ck/'s favourite beans and rice recipe?

>> No.5404491

Pad thai. Roll your own tamarind sauce with a sweetener, lots of bean sprouts in lieu of rice noodles, chicken breast and/or tofu for meat. Egg is fine depending on portion size.
Skip the peanuts. You can get shiritaki noodles if you're really missing noodles. They aren't half bad.

Laab or beef salads are good, too. Grilled shrimp. Most crustaceans are low in calories.

>> No.5404492

Chicken Stock

Pretty easy. Sometimes I use beef stock instead of chicken stock. Sometimes I also add garlic.

>> No.5404503

1/4 cup of dry oatmeal, 2 eggs mixed in, and cinnamon to mix in with water: 215 calories

A Morningstar 'burger' on a piece of 100% whole wheat bread, with spicy brown mustard and whatever other spices you feel like putting on: 230 calories

1/2 cup of beans in a tortilla: 240 calories

There's a whole day of foods.Just add in fruits, vegetables, and tons of water.

>> No.5404508

What non-salad food is there that has the most mass to calories? Like, is there something you can have 300 grams of for like, 100cals? I'm so sick of salads.

>> No.5404514

Oats cooked in more water than recommended.

>> No.5404521


>> No.5404526


>> No.5404617

Broccoli. 1 cup is 30 calories.

>> No.5404618

Aw man, one really good meal that I enjoy is a seared pepper crusted tuna steak with a teriyaki sauce.

>Get some sushi grade tuna steak
>crust over the two sides with pepper and some salt
>sear for about a minute or so on each side on high heat (you should have it rare in the middle)
>serve with Teriyaki sauce http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/teriyaki-sauce-recipe.html

And for a side, go with some oven roasted garlicky brussel sprouts drizzled in a bit of olive oil.

>> No.5404630

2 hours of walking at 3mph (6 miles) is like 600-700 calories. Literally a pound a week.

>> No.5404640


There might be something much more to it than just calories themselves. I've witnessed my friend who was once 300+ pounds drop down to 200 in 6 months. Of course he ate healthier while eating less which is also a huge contributing factor, but moving your body for that long each day helps boost the process of weight loss.

>> No.5406758

Try shoving spinach in a blender. Drink.

>> No.5406841


/fit/izen here, and former fattie mcfatfat, the heavier you are, the more calories you burn to do the same activity as someone else

For example, say your average 180lb person walks for one hour at 3mph. They'll burn about 350 calories doing this. Now, a 280lb person, walking for one hour at 3mph, will burn about 550 calories.

The reason for this is that the muscles are having to move more mass, plain and simple. Because they're moving more mass, they require more energy. The heavier you are, the harder it is to move, and so you burn more energy moving. That's why I would suppose Anon's buddy managed to burn that much weight when he was just walking two hours a day. If he's significantly overweight, that could be around a thousand calories, and that's a hell of a lot to do each day.

TL;DR - Fat people burn more calories doing stuff because they're fatter.

>> No.5406864


>can of tuna in water (120)
>wrap of choice (~110)
>onions/celery/apple/lettuce (60)
total: 290

Salt and pepper, sauce is optional. Not ideal but works well to go.

>> No.5407956

This is good but it seems a little lacking in protein
Add yogurt, beans, and make sure to eat plenty of dark greens like kale if you want to keep up with the "little meat" thing and you're good to go.

>> No.5408148

There are 4 calories in an average strawberry. 90 in an apple. About 100 in a banana. Around 80 for a cup of chopped pineapple.

Fruits, OP.

>> No.5408157

chicken breast and cooked frozen peas

>> No.5408255

People are supremely grossed out when I tell them that I lost 60 pounds from eatting lean cuisine and water/green tea.
It's super hard to make food yourself and keep it under 300 cal because you have little to no reference about poritions and meals over all caloric count unless you look up every single ingredient and do the math yourself.

But those frozen bastards are delicious and help with portion control so you dont have a pot of food filled with 1800 cals.
I mean you COULD portion out in to 6 300 meals but hey whats the harm in having another scoop of that next serving? Maybe another AND ANOTHER AND ANOTHER.

Wait what was I saying?

>> No.5408262

Eggs. Eggs, eggs, and more eggs.
>inb4 cholesterol

>> No.5408271

Pretty sure the very definition of "meal" implies more than 300 calories

>> No.5408273

I know what you're saying

I've never needed to lose weight but I hate cooking for myself because I hate leftovers. I always try to make the perfect portion size because if I make too much, I feel like I have to either eat all of it in one sitting or throw away what I don't finish

>> No.5408311

this man
I start my day with 1 egg, 3 additional egg white omelette, stuffed with spinach and onions or wilted kale and tomatoes.

Freaking hell my breakfast is delicious

>> No.5408352

there are no fat vegetarians

>> No.5408405

there are a LOT Of fat vegetarians. And fat vegans now that there are more vegan bakeries and options available and advertized. One of the fattest women I've ever met is a 'proud vegetarian'

>> No.5408436


I hope you don't do this everyday, anon. Eating more than 5 eggs a week is really bad for your health.

>> No.5408441

Sure it is friend.

>> No.5408451
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>> No.5408473
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>What is afterburn

>> No.5408475

yeah what is it?
kill yourself

>> No.5408478


one of my friends is a vegetarian and only buys organic shit and she's morbidly obese

>> No.5408480

Honestly OP, give up counting calories, eat clean and work out. As long as you aren't overloading with potatoes, rice, bread, etc, or overeating to a disgusting amount, you should be fine.

>> No.5408483


Cardio doesn't have much of an afterburn. Strength traingin has much more significant afterburn considering losing weight.

Besides, it is much easier to cut 500kcal from eating than it is to excercise it off.

>> No.5408499

>meals that are 300cals or less
A 300 calorie portion of any food

>> No.5408522

Lean Cuisine is the only good frozen meal, surpisingly. I like the shrimp and angel hair pasta the most.

>> No.5408564
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>> No.5408567

How do you even stomach so many eggs? I can't eat more than two eggs in one sitting or else I get really horribly nauseous. Am I just super sensitive to them or does anyone else know this feel?

>> No.5408607


I've know two brothers who were eating nearly a dozen eggs daily for a while. Each.

>> No.5408658

Impressive. I kinda wish I could eat more eggs because of the good amount of fat and protein, and because I love quiche, but they just kinda disagree with my stomach

>> No.5408689
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3.5 boiled eggs
300 gram cod, haddock, coley or pollack, steamed or poached in water
if you are away from home, Egg McMuffin - 285kcals + free iced water.

>> No.5408696
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I used to have that stomach thing too, then I had a little word with myself and decided to man up.

>> No.5408708


>> No.5409815

If you're looking for long-term health and weight loss results, you can't just look for the lowest calorie foods. Eat mainly whole plant foods rich in fiber, things like beans, vegetables, fruits, unrefined grains, etc. Restrict consumption of oils and animals foods. Drink nothing but water or unsweetened tea. Be patient.

I guarantee if you eat a mainly plant-based diet of whole foods, high carbohydrate, low fat, you will look like everybody else in the world who eats that way; thin and healthy