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File: 261 KB, 510x304, sofritas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5400786 No.5400786[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are chipotle workers so stupid they can't even roll a burrito correctly? Are they not trained how to do this?

Also, sofritas suck.

>> No.5400816
File: 819 KB, 1409x1494, el burrito mexicano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5400825

As a Mexican, I lol'd heartily.

Going to send this to my mom.

>> No.5400840

u kind of gotta know a little spanish to get that Burro = donkey in the first place, and burrito = little donkey.

>> No.5400882

As long as the ingredients are in the tortilla, and the tortilla is sealed, that's good enough for me. Did they roll the foil into the burrito? That would be a deal breaker.

>> No.5400892
File: 1.70 MB, 1530x912, this shit is garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5400990

>Get chipotle gift card
>Retard workers don't know how to scan a fucking gift card
>Tell me it's a fake
>Tell them they're morons
>Leave pissed off
>Send an angry email to customer service expecting no response
>Next day get a message apologizing, saying that it's activated and they'll be sending me compensation in the mail
>Expect a shitty coupon
>End up getting 10 motherfucking free burrito cards
I've been having fiery shits for the last 2 weeks but as a poorfag I can't help myself

>> No.5401005

Why have you blown a 261KB image up to 1.7MB?

>> No.5401018

LOL. dem blueray quality lines.

>> No.5401023

because they dont care. would you?

>> No.5401034

Why do they put rice in them?

>> No.5401479

Rice is an inexpensive filler. It makes the burrito seem much larger, but is worth like five cents.

It's not like you have to have rice. Chipotle is one of those places that lets you pick what you want in your burrito.

>> No.5401504
File: 3.77 MB, 1853x1105, cuz i can fuck u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5401769

Taco Bell is a five star restaurant compared to Chipotle

>> No.5401774

Depends on where you are. A chipotle in phoenix will have a masterfully crafted burrito while a florida chipotle (where I am now) will be a disappointment.

>> No.5401781


>watch the burrito passed down to the last employee in the line
>some zit-faced high school kid
>can already see defeat in his eyes as he gets ready to try and wrap it up
>spills his spaghetti and fucks it up
>guac cheese and salsa everywhere

Every time

>> No.5402135
File: 98 KB, 180x180, 2352823458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be fatass
>order double meat
>cant roll it
>ok well that is pretty tough i should probably stop being a fatass
>stop being a fatass
>order single meat and without beans
>this fucker still can't roll the fucking burrito

>> No.5402176
File: 63 KB, 641x535, 1380255729158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WTF is a sofrita?

>> No.5402181


>> No.5402184


The rice is so fucking good, it's one of the things that makes chipotle burritos so delicious.

>> No.5402192

>Also, sofritas suck.
No u

>> No.5402308

the rice is the worst part of it
Its what makes me choose qdoba over chipotle every fucking time now
also qdoba does a mexican gumbo that's fucking amazing

>> No.5402315

Mexifag here,

never seen a sofrita IRL. Looks to me like a "fancy" oversized taco.

>> No.5402327

I went into Chipotle recently, and I *hated* everything about my burrito.

>> No.5402361

I want to go to a freebirds or chipotle with that picture and just ask them to make that for me.

I just need to know if it is as horrible as it seems it would be

>> No.5402364


>> No.5402459

>tfw they undercook the rice
How is this hard Chipotle jesus

>> No.5402651

My friend went to Chipotle and got her and I a burrito. Well when I unwrapped it from the foil and took a bite, all I bit into was rice! Turns out there layer their stuff? Why don't they mix it together so you have bite of everything inside and not a bite of rice then beans then cheese or whatever the fuck is in there? They are so big I don't have a mouth big enough to fit it all in so I have to take small bites so either I eat it one ingredient at a time or I open it up and mix it all together and wrap it myself. is this normal? did I just get unlucky and some moron made it? I didn't check if my friends was the same way so could be I just got unlucky.

>> No.5402697

Nothing quite like biting into the end that's nothing but guacamole. Boy I sure do love getting a mouthful of one mushy ingredient.

Freebirds knows how to make a burrito at least, but I think they're a local thing.

>> No.5402709

fuck so this is normal thing? i wanted to go back and try again, hoping maybe just maybe i had an idiot make mine. who wants bite of ony one ingredient? I just asked my friend and he said your're supposed to rotate it 90 degree and eat it like that but it doesn't work. still its too big for my mouth

>> No.5402741

It's not always quite that bad, but I'd consider it a miracle if I got more than 3 ingredients in the same bite. Sometimes there'll just be a whole segment of the burrito that's nothing but cheese, or all the beans and meat are crammed into one end lightyears away from the other ingredients.

I don't know if they do it on purpose but it really is disappointing.

>> No.5402839


I work at Chipotle, ask them to mix it up. Takes two seconds, clears up your problem, and its easier to roll.

>> No.5402847

Why are you not do this by default? who wants to eat a burrito like one thing at a time, nobody that is who. maybe everyone else has such a big mouth they can put the whole side of burrito in but no i can't and this make hard to eat burrito only just like rice beans cheese and such

>> No.5402855

Because he's a retard that saved an image that should be a jpg as a png

>> No.5402862

You watched them make it and you still were surprised when that happened. You must be a special kind of retarded.

>> No.5402876

I didn't go with her, she went by herself. I thought I made that obvious with post. she brought it back to me, I never had it before so I ate it like normal burrito you know where everything is mixed. how was I to know it's not mixed when I didn't watch it made?

>> No.5402880

Well fuck, you did say that. Guess I'm the retard here. Anyway you can ask them to mix it and it takes like 2 seconds. I personally don't care about my shit getting mixed up.

>> No.5402884


Because it does take a little extra time, and most people don't mind or don't encounter this problem as severely. If the ingredients are prepared on the tortilla correctly you don't get as many rice-only, sour-cream only bites, ect..

And just get a damn bowl if you are having so many problems with the one you go to, get the tortilla on the side (free) and roll it yourself. Typical american consumer, complains instead of finding a solution.

>> No.5402887
File: 137 KB, 1191x670, le_lenny_face_by_martinblaaberg-d5mbso0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I work at Chipotle

Yeah, a lot of people in this board seem to.

>> No.5402891



>> No.5402892

typical assuming I'm american, ha. I never had it before and didn't get it myself, thanks for the tip though if I get it again I will order a free tortilla and make it myself.

>> No.5402897


If you act like one then assumptions are made.

And no problem.

>> No.5403283

>10 motherfucking free burrito cards

>> No.5403297

oh, man. this is killing me

>> No.5403302

if you didn't return it you're a gigantic pussy

>> No.5403303
File: 652 KB, 375x268, 1382665558368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They employ teens who want some extra money. if you are so upset, take your business elsewhere

The only fuckstains who make a big stink at fast food establishments are low tier management fags and other low tier employees who spend the day getting shat on or beaten by their husbands.

So they see 17 year old Joe Schmoe at the counter and start to feel they have power over them. Yelling at service workers is the closest they get to not feeling like a doormat for 5 seconds of their shitty life.

You are a cunt OP, you will likely always be one. You will die an old miserable cunt and no one will miss you or your cuntish stink. You cunt.

>> No.5403308

this is fucking retarded. why should anyone have to go to a restaurant and roll a tortilla themselves. I say complain until someone gets fired or they do it right. How badly must employees be trained for this sort of thing to happen?

>> No.5403311
File: 23 KB, 500x310, shrug1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then stop going there, you cunt. Its the free market. Take your cunt mouth to another establishment instead of throwing temper tantrums, you high pitched fat fuck.

>> No.5403327

Maybe you should work a little harder, you shit stain.
>i'm just a teen who wants a little extra money
Then do the fucking job right, you retard. You think that excuse is going to work with your boss? I'm gonna get your little underaged ass thrown out on the street, worthless shithead.

>> No.5404092

Anyone ever order meat on the side? I heard you get more of a serving of meat. This helps if you're ordering a extra meat.

>> No.5404225

they have to memorize ingredients to an entire menu they need to prepare and then every month they have to bring in new burgers or whatever. and need to do it in under a minute in a humid stinking environment

>> No.5404234

Most management if not all don't care
Fire someone coz they put pickles on a scooter-whale's cheeseburger? get fucked. Fast food managers had to grill or front workers some time

>> No.5404247

tex-mex food =/= mexican food
get it already spics

>> No.5404266

I still don't know how it works, so fucking tell me.

It's a fucking nightmare because I don't work in food service. How do I fucking make this thing work without a tinfoil wrapper?

I think you mexifucks are messing with the rest of us. It always comes out like I need a fork. I'm an American. Part Italian, part British (dominant), part Irish, and Ashkenazi Jew. HOW DOES THIS SHIT WORK?

I just want to throw it on a plate and eat it with utensils.

>> No.5404268

Damn right. I am plenty a fan of rice in general but I absolutely hate rice in a burrito. It adds nothing to the burrito experience and just acts as filler in between all the good parts. Beans act as a cheap filler too but I far prefer beans in a burrito

>> No.5404313

You're not supposed to fill it that much.

>> No.5404325

The question is why do they put such shitty rice

They should cook it in some sort of seasoning or something, that white shit with just cilantro looks nasty.

>> No.5404352

I generally prefer beans with pork or chicken but with beef, egg, or veg potatoes are the best filler

>> No.5404364

what's the big deal, only stupid people go to chipotle.

>> No.5404382

tell me about this mexican gumbo

>> No.5404991


>> No.5404995

Because it's cheap and fast food. The real question is, are you daft?

>> No.5405245

Jesus fucking christ, are you people seriously complaining about getting a bite with only one ingredient? I always thought this was a normal thing with burritos. I always look forward to those first two or three bites that give you nothing but guacamole and/or rice. That's just how burritos are, regardless of where you order them. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that someone out there considered this a problem. Maybe you guys are just expecting everything to be like Taco Bell?

Unlike you impatient fucks, I don't mind waiting a few bites for my meat to show up. It allows me to savor whatever ingredient I got first. If you don't like the rice, then stop buying these shitty overpriced burritos. If you don't like sour cream bites, then just fucking order the burrito with light sour cream!!!

Jesus christ.