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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 594x334, meatballssssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5399523 No.5399523 [Reply] [Original]

>Meatball marinara
>Italian herbs & cheese
>cheddar cheese
>pepperoni for extra meat
>toast dat shit
>add jalapenos
>add sweet onion sauce
>add Parmesan if you want for extra cheesiness
>Jim Profit

>> No.5399561

>any sort of tier except shit

>> No.5399568

>pepperoni contains pork, executable.

>> No.5399570

>cold cut combo, bacon, all the veggies, bacon. Profits.

>> No.5399572
File: 93 KB, 300x225, 128487124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw UK Subways no longer serve bacon due to Islam

>> No.5399573

>not just taking everything

>> No.5399574

at least check your facts before being stupid, faggot


>> No.5399575

Southwest sauce

>> No.5399576

>a fact

It may be served at a few Subways, but at least 200 banned bacon. Sorry bong.

>> No.5399577

>Buffalo chicken
>Italian loaf
>provolone cheese
>jalapenos, spinach (or tomatoes) black olive

>captcha: perfect msupgro

>> No.5399587

>but at least 200 banned bacon. Sorry bong.

yeah, in shitskin districts. do you live in a shitskin district? because i don't care what dirtbags eat

>> No.5400636
File: 31 KB, 460x276, lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2014. Americlaps not able to respect the freedom to not bacon.

Learn to freespeech colonies.

>> No.5400639

>do you live in a shitskin district?
It's called the UK

>> No.5400647

>Meatball marinara
>Italian herbs and cheese
>Black Olives
>Green Peppers
>Banana Peppers
>Maybe Jalapenos... I don't think they go well with the other flavors that well

>> No.5400660
File: 29 KB, 460x346, gangstah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turkey breast and black forest
>honey oat bread
>bell pepper
>cheddar cheese
>banana peppers
>red wine vinaigrette

>> No.5401095
File: 161 KB, 350x227, 1389486444501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defiling a sandwich with raw green pepper/onions

>> No.5401123

Sounds awesome aside from the bell pepper.

>> No.5401267

>meatball marinara
>cheddar cheese
what the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.5401346

I thought it was like an written rule that the meatball marinara was very unsanitary and shit tier as far as subway goes. Every single time we have a /ck/ subway employee thread we hear about horror stories of the meatballs.

>> No.5401370

>Italiam BMT
>Italian Herbs & Cheese
>Pepper Jack
>Lettuce, Tomato, Tiny bit of onion, like one row, Jalapeno, Olives
>Oregano & Parmesan

>> No.5401903

Why aren't you getting the meatball sub on the new garlic bread?

>> No.5401909

>subway got tier

Kind of an oxymoron, don't you think?

>> No.5402096

>not going to Jerry's to get a superior meatball sub.

or you could bypass the meatball sub and get an awesome cheese steak. god I love this place.

>> No.5402107
File: 245 KB, 593x349, 139e1151-ef50-4d1d-85a7-82037ecfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking captcha eating pics

>> No.5402109

>big philly steak, toasted
>italian herbs & cheese
>1/2 jalapenos
>1/2 banana peppers
>red wine vinegar
>black pepper

>a side of chipotle southwest for dipping

no, it doesn't make sense. but fuck it is good.

>> No.5402152

Jerry's is only in the Capitol Area. And even then they're alright, but they take too goddamn long and they apparently treat their workers like shit.

>> No.5402554

best subway sub is any sub with Halal meat
>if you disagree it's because you're a homosexual

>> No.5402560

>Spicy Italian
>Banana Peppers(maybe extra)
>Mayo or w/e condiment you want

Not a lot toppings but it's pretty delicious.

>> No.5402649

>Chicken breasts and slices of turkey as extra meat
>italian herb and cheese
>cheddar or white cheese
>lettuce, tomatoes and black olives
>bbq sauce on the meat with a bit of chipolte sauce
>honey mustard and ranch on lettuce side


Also, unlike McGenetics, is Subway unhealthy as well? Assuming I don't get soda and shit, cause I always drink water instead to wash everything down.

>> No.5402991

It only takes like 4 or 5 minutes to make a cheese steak at my local jerry's. How shitty is the one you go to?

>> No.5403403

I think the 200 are in muslim shitholes like Bradford/Birmingham/East london. So it doesn't even matter.

>> No.5404756

>Jalapeno Cheddar Bread
>Pepperjack cheese
>Sweet Onion
>Red Wine Vinegar

Fuck any other tuna recipe in the ass with your spicy dick.

>> No.5404768

Hey guys, if you want the best sub ever....

don't go to subway you fucking retards

>> No.5404778

Freedom means respecting that there are choices we may not like available, not eliminating them you goddamn liberal fascist.


>> No.5404781

>liberal fascist
>a private corporation making decisions based on maximizing profits

Yeah... okay.

>> No.5404789

italian herbs and cheese bread
either provolone or cheddar
sometimes toasted sometimes not
banana peppers
green peppers
sometime jalapenos
a little bit of mayonnaise

>> No.5404792

Allowing incursive peoples to dictate the law of the land is never permissible even for profit as it undermines the very idea of nation-states.

>> No.5404799

>roast beef
>american cheese
>pepperjack cheese
>honey mustard

How do I not have gout yet?

>> No.5404803

>the law of the land
>Subway's menu
Yeah... okay.

>> No.5404806

>italian herbs and cheese
>2x provolone
>shake "cheese"
>salt and pepper
>squirt of oil
>whole wheat
>spicy italian, double meat
>american cheese
>extra onions
>salt and pepper

>> No.5404813

>the government should prevent Subway from changing their menu
Now who is a fascist?

>> No.5404814 [DELETED] 

Fuck off JIDF

>> No.5404819

>Defending Subway's right to change their local menu according to their clientèle, in this case muslims
Yeah, JIDF loves those muslims.

>> No.5404850

>Buffalo Chicken
>Italian bread
>Pepperjack cheese
>Toast that shit
>Black Olives
>Banana Peppers
>Chipotle sauce
>Eat it with dem BBQ chips

fucking delicious

>> No.5404857

>processed garbage on shit bread
>fucking delicious

>> No.5405225

>used to eat at subway all the time as a kid
>one day they removed scrambled eggs as a sandwich topping
>never visit subway ever again

How good are their sandwiches nowadays?

>> No.5405867

america is the best country on the earth and if you don't think so you can get out

>> No.5405905


>tfw they don't have Meatball subs in Germany anymore

I always wanted to try one, man.

>> No.5406120

Still serve it in south of England. It's fucking glorious, shame about your shitty city.

>> No.5406128
File: 582 KB, 2048x1536, 0225031158d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick a sub and put it on italien herb and cheese then get everything on it

>> No.5406154


Has nobody seen this yet?

>> No.5406175

nice freedom there buddy

>> No.5406176

>post hurts feelings
>ban poster
If you were banning people for being off-topic or shit posting, then why wouldn't you have banned the person to whom he was replying?

>> No.5406179
File: 57 KB, 500x380, 1391113105735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But you're right tho. I resent the fact that muslims' personal preferences are starting to cut into my choices. I don't whine about having halal meat, you don't whine about pork.

>> No.5406181
File: 53 KB, 640x402, CryingEagle11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to explain freedoms
>gets banned

>> No.5406183

>this type of shit gets banned

4chan really is reddit 2.0

>> No.5406184 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 480x341, 1398994602539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods = fags as usual

>> No.5406189

You died a hero's death anon
05-03-14 nevar 4get

>> No.5406190

>Italian BMT
>Herb and Cheese bread
>blaze it
>banana peppers
>green peppers
>sweet onion sauce

sweet onion sauce is subway's only mercy because it hides the shittiness of the employee's work

>> No.5406202

You will be missed.

>> No.5406205

>>a private corporation making decisions based on maximizing profits
But the only social responsibility of a company is to make profits, if you think that a company pays you shit, then quit and work in another place. You're one of those left-wing fuckhead with their useless degrees that think that the world owes them a good paying job.

>> No.5406206
File: 27 KB, 360x240, 1389950301189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to 4chan: Sweden Edition.

>> No.5406207
File: 471 KB, 1200x636, 1372111192645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Freedom means respecting that there are choices we may not like available, not eliminating them you goddamn liberal fascist.

>> No.5406215

Looks like a mod with the emotional capacity of a child couldn't muster up an argument so they pulled the weapon.
Ironically, a fascist way of doing things.

>> No.5406217

Subway is a private enterprise, you mong.

>> No.5406219

>calls someone a fascist
>mod bans him for having a different opinion, leaves off topic posts he's replying to intact
Nope no irony here folks.

>> No.5406223
File: 107 KB, 1366x768, islamisation good thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5406224 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 214x250, 1391613434783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5406225

This board is full of fucking jews. Kill yourselves mods.

>> No.5406235

Im so sick of that godam meme. WHEN WILL IT FUCKING DIE!??!

>> No.5406239


Wish I could use authority like that whenever someone points out logical fallicies in my statement, or my lack of vocabulary knowledge.

My favorite is either the Italian BMT, with all veggies but jalanenos and pickles and only oil/vinegar, oregano, salt&pepper. Or The subway club, with all veggies and lite mayo, mustard, and s&p.

>> No.5406246

I see what you did there mod. lol.

>> No.5406249


Once the Jews do lel.

>> No.5406252 [DELETED] 

When white nationhood is restored, brother.

>> No.5406257
File: 380 KB, 1365x1073, 1398802685219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5406258 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 500x603, janitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He strikes again. I guess he got mad there wasn't a hot pocket thread.

>for free

4chan is complete rebbit tier shit anymore

>> No.5406259

Jewish people don't eat pork either. In some Jewish-heavy communities in the USA, Subway accommodates it by keeping pork stored separately, and having kosher toppings that are available.

Why couldn't this suffice? How do you prove it's Halal, unless there is an inspection of an abattoir every time a slaughter happens?

>> No.5406269

So is there a "Disagrees with mod opinions" option on the ban reasons drop down now?

>> No.5406275

>6 inch
>italian herbs and cheeses
>sweet onion sauce
>3 kraft singles added when I get home

>> No.5406279

can someone explain why he would get banned for that?

>> No.5406281
File: 2.73 MB, 420x315, 1393618059826.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of the liberal facists

>> No.5406283


>> No.5406284
File: 367 KB, 720x480, conanking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole world is about fucking and killing, until you are the one being fucked and killed.

Yes I said that.

>> No.5406285
File: 56 KB, 386x386, e4bed9a3-781e-4971-bc94-b524735b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people actually think having an all white country is going to solve every problem a country faces? Speaking of which how do you even define white? Is the one drop rule still in effect?

>> No.5406301

I see /pol/ is raiding this thread now.


>> No.5406308
File: 23 KB, 261x401, liberal-fascism-7717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing this book
Stay classy, co/ck/s

>> No.5406314

I have no idea but the guy who got ban does not understand the issue.

Freedom is Subway franchises choosing to follow halal standards and 200 of the approx 1400 of them chose to do so. None of the franchises were forced to do it but some chose to - that's freedom. It is also your freedom to not go to Subway.

There is something ultimately ironic that the post goes on about "Freedom means respecting that there are choices we may not like" while criticizing some Subway franchise's freedom to offer choices that he/she might not like.

>> No.5406348

God damn the socialist justice faggots that always ruin this shit make me sick.
But that's a nice recipe OP, I'd advise trying Mozzarella if your subway has it.

>> No.5406350




>> No.5406355

All governmental regulation should be directed at companies, not private citizens. Regulation of the expression of citizens is what creates fascism. Regulation of corporations creates a healthy state.

>> No.5406358
File: 14 KB, 185x297, Rebbit marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Welcome to Reddit

>> No.5406360

>supporting islam, the most racist and misogynistic religion in all of existence
storm/pooplords please go...

>> No.5406362


Mods = gods

>> No.5406364
File: 172 KB, 305x341, john moron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a janitor
>on the internet

>> No.5406366
File: 7 KB, 185x224, hahahahah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He takes his job very seriously

>> No.5406367

/ck/'s mod is a butthurt retard, lel

Anyway, faggot, are you going to start deleting these viral threads now?

>> No.5406376

Sup /pol.

>> No.5406394

Finally I can leave this place forever. 4chan has turned into a liberal hellhole.

>> No.5406397

>be conservative
>hate those who disagree with you

>be liberal
>ban and silence those who disagree with you
>somehow more open minded

>doing it for free

>> No.5406402
File: 171 KB, 940x627, 0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm outta here.

Well I'm going to start a ramen thread first.

Then I'm outta here.

>> No.5406403


>> No.5406406


>> No.5406407

Leave then. Trust me you won't be missed.

>> No.5406412

>even bothering to state this

>> No.5406414
File: 1000 KB, 450x234, FuckThisGayEarth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That mod is the worst crybaby i've ever seen on the internet.

AKA a God damn liberal fascist.

>> No.5406423
File: 47 KB, 300x214, 1380722368768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup faggot.
Dont worry, we will liberate you from your tyranical overlords.

>> No.5406424





>> No.5406426

Reddit has actually gotten better than 4chan, or maybe 4chan has just gotten worse than Reddit. Might get baned for this post, its happened before on this very board. .My anus is ready, skipping the /ck/ cooking challenge this week so I don't care.

Back on topic, give me cold cut combo on wheat bread with white American cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, bell pepper, black olive, mayo, spicy mustard, oil, and seasoning.

>> No.5406427

Sure. Then debate it. You can't ban someone and THEN say their argument was wrong. Unless you're a liberal of course.

>> No.5406429



absolutely disgusting

>> No.5406445

>Reddit has actually gotten better than 4chan, or maybe 4chan has just gotten worse than Reddit

There is so much wrong with this statement I don't know where to even begin.
I guess ill start here:

>> No.5406461

>Using Reddit for serious discussion in the IT field.

Maybe if you could get actual neutral mods there but come on, that's not happening with they way Reddit works.

>> No.5406466

>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power and control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

>> No.5406474

inb4 banned

>> No.5406487

Thats genuinely how I feel most mods are.
Why else would they be so quick to abuse their "power", if their lives werent so fucking pathetic.

>> No.5406495

I see it more like "Who in their right mind would want this job?"

>> No.5406503
File: 111 KB, 927x903, FBI%20Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.5406507
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>> No.5406509

I wouldnt mind. I wouldnt do it full time. But I spend lots of time on 4chan, and if I can improve the site while lurking, why the fuck not.

But banning people just because you disagree with them, that isnt good for 4chan. It's also childish as fuck.
/pol/ may be utter shit, filled with faggots who dont debate and just call eachother jews until one side gives up. But atleast it has free speech. Makes it better than a bunch of other boards. /lit/, /co/, /sci/, etc.

Mods dont seem to realize fre speech is what made 4chan great. It's why we have anonymity, so we can post what we want.

>> No.5406513


welp, 4chan is officially reddit

>> No.5406521

they don't add tons of flavor, but they do add a nice crunch and bulk up my sammy

>> No.5406522

I say the time has come to post dissenting opinions outside of /pol/ until moot can't allow this anymore.

>> No.5406523
File: 177 KB, 1203x1286, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> eating the 12" Jew
> eating anything other than fertilized eggs and raw goat milk

Shiggy. It's like you guys don't even want gains.

>> No.5406527


>nobody's getting the joke

>> No.5406532


It's funny because I can't stand cukes but love me a pickle

>> No.5406540
File: 25 KB, 284x200, wt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't agree with the ban but to be fair people have been banned for no reason forever. Nothing new here.

>> No.5406544

you just like salt and spices

a fond memory I have is eating fresh garden cukes & tomatoes with my grandpa and a salt shaker

>> No.5406551

So… 4chan is now as fucked up as reddit. over there mods are out of control and they're out of control here as well.

sad day for /ck/

>> No.5406555


>tfw used to work in a restaurant that had a pickle platter including all sorts of pickled veggies to munch on


>> No.5406556

> SRS mod deletes non-SJW opinion
> leaves Subway thread

What the fuck does Subway have to do with cooking? Being fat-positive doesn't make you a cook.

>> No.5406560
File: 125 KB, 836x836, cadfael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking libtard mods suck my conservative penis

>> No.5406562
File: 31 KB, 352x288, 2vwhf83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food and cooking
>sandwiches are food

>> No.5406566

I think intent is what gets people.

A mod being a faggot and banning people for inane shit is one thing and often funny to other people on the board. A mod banning someone for frankly not even controversial political views is another.

Like I said higher up, conservatives hate and shout down anyone they disagree with, which honestly always has existed in debates people are passionate about. Liberals call that censorship.

Liberals ban and silence anyone they disagree with. Conservatives call that censorship, to which liberals point out the majority opinions of /pol/.

Freedom of speech is more than a protection against government, it's a value that should be held by the people.

>> No.5406571

Doesn't justify ramen threads.

>> No.5406573
File: 31 KB, 341x450, adolf-hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The day 4chan died.

>> No.5406574

says you faggot

>> No.5406582


>> No.5406586
File: 99 KB, 450x488, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a McDonald's thread too?

>> No.5406587
File: 2.63 MB, 3072x2304, DSC00143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would love my snack plates

>> No.5406592


would munch/10

>> No.5406595

Can I be your friend?

>> No.5406597
File: 13 KB, 219x251, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this is why we don't have right-wing mods

>> No.5406599


Is that you, Lauren?

>> No.5406602

Being liberal or not is not part of what caused the ban. I won't comment on whether the ban was justified or not because I am not the mod.

I'm merely stating that the post's argument was not correct.

>> No.5406612

Would devour, I remember you posting that awhile back. Reminds me of the Skyrim plates I'd make a long time ago while on a gaming binge.

>> No.5406613
File: 2.10 MB, 240x240, 1398837868455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site is dead ripip 4chan

>> No.5406630
File: 309 KB, 1280x848, doge liek fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye, /ck/. I hardly knew you.

>> No.5406641
File: 1.94 MB, 310x325, 1399139380982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the mods

>> No.5406660


>no renumeration

>> No.5406683

Nice reddit you got there.

>> No.5406685


Why was this post banned

of all the things you could ban, why this

Is this site fucking reddit now

Go fuck yourself mod/janitor.

>> No.5406687
File: 25 KB, 300x309, statue-of-liberty-crying-SR[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is dead, and this is its gravestone

>> No.5406689
File: 16 KB, 430x532, mods face when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5406690
File: 78 KB, 432x520, 1396653707159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told you so.


/stormy/ /new/sman and the /pol/itical soldiers

>> No.5406691


RIP in piece

>> No.5406692 [DELETED] 

That gif made me laugh.

Niggers are hilariously retarded. Black people are sometimes ok, but that is one NIGGER of a parent right there.

>> No.5406694
File: 1.76 MB, 466x255, 1388133507378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting banned
>For this
Well, I'm done.

>> No.5406699

/ck/ janitor confirmed for pozzed as fuck.

/ck/ enjoy your AIDS


>> No.5406715
File: 157 KB, 625x370, 1398471618821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the future you chose

>> No.5406721

because the mod is literally a fucking cock-gobbling faggot.

ban me, dicklord, and you'll only prove me right.

good night sweet prince

>> No.5406734
File: 150 KB, 1472x295, josh gets dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot is literally killing his own website with shit like this

>> No.5406735

>Skyrim plates

>1 potato, unpeeled
>1 cabbage
>1 whole matermelon, seeded

>Place all items onto a ceramic plate
>Look at plate the wrong way
>All ingredients and the plate should achieve warp velocity and ricochet around the room

>> No.5406747


g/n sweet prince


>> No.5406750

God you guys are butthurt.

>> No.5406754

Why are you not anon?
Where is your sense of outrage?
Most humans and even many animals have an in ate sense of fairness.
This ban was unjust.
People are angry.

>> No.5406755

you won't comment on whether the ban was justified because you are a boot licking faggot sucking up a power tripping pozzed mod hoping for a metaphorical pat on the head.

Is your spine made of jello tripfag?

have some self respect.

>> No.5406757

>>Meatball marinara
>>Italian herbs & cheese
>>cheddar cheese

Incredible tier.

>> No.5406761
File: 78 KB, 351x351, 1393437737398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5406765

mod fucked up. overstepped and you know it.

>> No.5406767


Wow check your privilege, muh feelings have been assaulted by this post. Mods pls do something

>> No.5406770

Good lord ,spell check makes an ass of me again.

>> No.5406777
File: 288 KB, 1280x999, muhfreedoms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


brb posting screencap to /pol/

>for the lulz

>> No.5406788

Lol. I made them good. Wedges of cheese, cured sausages, carrots, tomatoes, pearl onions, slices of crusty breads, apples, pears, etc. I'd usually keep them all whole and put them on a big wooden cutting board with a rustic looking knife to cut off bites as I ate them. It made me more immersed in the game, and was vidya friendly because I could eat without cooking anything. Consumed with ales and wine.

>> No.5406793
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Fuck the mods

Old /a/ reporting in

>> No.5406794

Save your soft racism for reddit. My people don't need you to "save them from themselves", they can take care of themselves like any human. Do you think we are inferior and need your special brand of help? I'm black and I hate niggers who perpetuate a culture that enslaves my people by fostering ignorance and "gang culture". We don't need your "Help"; We need to accept responsibility for our futures, and that means hard work, education, strong community bonds, and a willingness to build for our children's futures instead of seeking instant gratification at their expense.

How DARE you... YOU sanctimonious blowhard!

>> No.5406796
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>> No.5406798

where's the bit where it explains that his argument completely invalidates his own?

>> No.5406799
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I dunno I got this cap too also very kek

>> No.5406801

Are you implying you aren't inferior? Lol, nigger. I would trust a fucking turtle more than I would trust a monkey nigger faggot.

>> No.5406805

Haha its true. If he didn't make a public ban there wouldn't be a shitstorm on at least TWO boards right now. I've been banned for posts more cooking related than that but Mod, at least have some decency and delete the post if you ban, making it public turned a post nobody would reply to into a thread of off topic discussion.

>> No.5406808

Telling him how to hide his fuck-ups won't make this board better. Use your head.

>> No.5406812

>Guy makes a horrible argument about 'muh freedoms' without understanding what freedom actually is.
>Mod makes a public ban
>Nobody sees the irony
>Somebody shits it up by crying to /pol/
>/pol/ overreacts and shits it up

>> No.5406814

Italian bmt
american cheese
lettuce peppers

>> No.5406821

No, but it wouldn't have made it worse. Now we are being discussed on /pol/ and this shitty Subway thread will go on for days with people not even talking about Subway, which is at least almost food related.

>> No.5406826

I am educated, have a law abiding career with a respectable salary and I pay my taxes, I vote and have served on jury duty. I am patriotic, I love my country and my people but they need to accept responsibility for their futures.

Blacks don't need special treatment, setting the "bar low" only makes people do the bare minimum. I already wrote about where I see the need for changes. Your racist views don't affect any of us, we know how to ignore them. What I can't ignore is stupid assho;es who think they need to protect me and my people from themselves through reddit style "Understanding"; I'd call that racism.

Why do I need their "Liberal" protection? It hasn't helped my people in over 50 years.

>> No.5406831

We have come to help you, brothers.

>The great time has just begun.
>4Chan has awoken. We have won power in 4Chan.
>Now we have to win over the Anonymous people.
>I know, my comrades, that it may have been difficult at times...when you desired change that never came...so again and again the appeal had to be made...to continue the struggle...

>> No.5406836

Look at the post he was responding to, why wasn't that banned? Why is this thinly veiled marketing thread still even up?

It doesnt matter how bad you think his argument was, this is retarded bias and SJW reactionary levels of bullshit.

>hurr dur i see teh irony
>le edgy namefag

>> No.5406842

>30 flavors of ice cream all made from corn syrup.
>muh freedom of choice

Not getting it. Not knowing the difference between false choice and actual choice.

>Not knowing the difference between illusion of freedom and actual freedom.

>> No.5406844

>only showing your post cause lol guys I was there
duck off

>> No.5406846

Feels great to have free speech

>> No.5406847

you call us racist and say "muh equality", and don't set the bar low, blacks are people like all of us.

But then you say "hasn't helped my people in over 50 years".... see when it's convenient for you you're a poor opressed minority, but when its convenient the other way, you're just a regular human being, god damn it....

pick a side, nigger. if you're a regular person like the rest of us stop asking for special treatment. Then don't cry when you get rejected on the job application cause you're fucking stupid.

>> No.5406848

Because the guy actually has a point but it was posted in a juvenile manner?

Also, nice ad hominem

>> No.5406854
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>> No.5406859
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I always knew this board was a liberal vegan diet eating shit whole

whoever this mod is you better watch your back, freedom is coming for you

>> No.5406862

>Because the guy actually has a point but it was posted in a juvenile manner?


>ad hominem
I don't think you know what this means.

Either way, thanks for namefagging, filtered.

>> No.5406865
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>> No.5406867

This was a pretty shitty thread then someone got banned for talking about freedom, but I still have no idea what subway has to do with cooking unless toasting bread is considered cooking

>> No.5406870
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I'll say it again. His argument is irrelevant. He wasn't trolling and he wasn't shitposting. If his argument is wrong, let the people poke holes in it. Censorship for opinions is absolutely wrong and just breeds the kind of contempt for authority you see in this thread.

fug the bolice

>> No.5406873

>god tier

Pick one.

>> No.5406874

the end is nigh.

>> No.5406875 [DELETED] 



>> No.5406880
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God bless this man, may his ban be swift and painless.

>> No.5406881


>> No.5406884

Nice straw man.
You're the under one under some sort of victim complex, where your disregard your ability to choose whether or not go to a halal Subway or even to go to subway at all.

If I opened up a diner that served vegetarian products, I am not giving you the illusion of freedom of choice to choose whether or not my customer to eat meat.

You are aware that you are on a privately hosted domain, right?

You'd actually have a case if Subway chose to go all halal.

>> No.5406893

But why can't I go there and choose whatever toppings are available? Why remove toppings instead of separating toppings? They have plenty of trays they store things in.

Your vegetarian diner ignores that the "Vegetarians" in your story refused to use the diner unless meat eaters were denied meat.

Why can't meat eaters order meat and vegetarians order vegetables?

Why not have actual freedom of choice instead of the illusion of choice?

>> No.5406898

Faget mod is on the loose.

>> No.5406901


>> No.5406905

This thread is proof that 4chan would improve three fold if /pol/ and all of its regular posters were banned permenantly.

A bunch of neckbeards posting their close-minded opinions from the comfort of their first world armchairs.

>> No.5406910
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Jesus fucking Christ, moot. You better de-mod this nigger.

>> No.5406915

>mod recruiting takes place
>shit modding occurs


>> No.5406920

You need to read the thread again. M00t originally wrote that being Anon allowed freedom of speech; True freedom of speech without fear of expressing thought. You want to stifle that. You and the mod do not agree with m00t, the creator of this site. perhaps you and him should both leave. You are the antithesis of Anon culture. Lurk moar. Get out. Kill yourself.

>> No.5406922

Thats fucking stupid, same with bad that lert muslim workers choose not to scan meats at supermarkets

>> No.5406923

>hurr dur i see teh irony
>le edgy namefag
It's an Ad hominem because you're not arguing about the point, you're just making a point of insulting the poster itself.

At this point, the argument is no longer relevant although at some earlier point:
>>5399572 - Point of original argument
False statement about Subway no longer serving bacon.

False statement that 'a few' Subways 'may' still serve bacon. Given the common definition of 'a few' would be at least half of the total amount, 200 is not even close to half.

>>5400636 - Point of no return
Post somehow manages to fuck it up and mix up freedom of speech and freedom of choice. Point of post was to imply that previous poster does not understand selected Subways actively chose to follow halal standards and potential customers are free to choose to not go to halal (Subway or otherwise) venues as their own discretion.

>>5404778 - The one post to /pol/ them all.
Granted, the argument itself was no longer /ck/ relevant from >>5400636 onwards, post >>5406314 itself is a violation of Global Rule 3 (specifically, trolls, racism, flames and uncalled for catchphrases' with the term 'liberal fascist') and 6 (Quality of Posts).

In that particular post's defense, I personally think a public ban (for the irony value or not) was not particularly deserved if it was just for that post as minor infractions happen on all the boards, all the time. If the post was indeed an attempt to censor opinions, however blatantly false they may be, then to be honest, the mod has the power to do so but it would not have been ethical nor moral.

>> No.5406927

4chan has rules and is an American website. America is not about freedom of speech without fear of expressing thought, it just pretends to be.

>> No.5406938

So you disagree with the mod
>it would not have been ethical nor moral
But you'll defend him because you hate /pol/ more, which you assume that person is from.

>but muh /pol/ boogeyman
Anyone who's been on 4chan for years knows that the one thing 4chan has agreed on is that it can't stand censorship. When people take 4chan's toys, whether it be christians republicans or liberal SJWs, it throws a fit.

>> No.5406940

>ban everyone who disagrees with you
>complain about their close minded opinions

>> No.5406942

>Anyone who's been on 4chan for years knows that the one thing 4chan has agreed on is that it can't stand censorship.
Shitposters have always been banned.

>> No.5406948

>I've never been to /b/

>> No.5406949

/ck/ isn't /b/. Your point?

>> No.5406952
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>disagreeing with me is shitposting
If it was BANE or something like that, I'd agree. He's in no way shitposting, just posting in a manner you don't like.

>> No.5406955

>/stormfront/ assemble!
>by your racism combined I am /pol/

>> No.5406960

>He's in no way shitposting, just posting in a manner you don't like.
I never said I didn't like banned anon's post, I was replying about the idea of "censorship" in general.

Banning shitposters is a form of censorship, yet I'm sure most people weren't sad when the "Do Americans really..." threads were deleted.

>> No.5406961

>saying that selectively banning differing opinions is bad
>lol u racis


>> No.5406964

I just bet the /pol/ losers are overweight, meek, afraid to speak in public or maintain eye contact, virgins, and would never speak their opinions aloud.

Great specimens of the white race lol

>> No.5406973

Congratulations on describing 99% of 4chan using shaming tactics, including yourself until proven otherwise.

>> No.5406974

Not all censorship is equal. This is censorship for political reasons. 4chan also gets their panties in a knot when people censor for moral reasons.

You're right. If, in a debate about freedom of speech, someone were to jump up and start doing the 7 dirty words routine while interrupting the debate, they would certainly be escorted away from the debate. It wouldn't support censorship though.

Do you really think that? Do you think that's a well thought out, valuable opinion?

>> No.5406975

>this is bait
>guaranteed replies

>> No.5406981

Let's say I opened up a diner one day, where meat is served along with vegetarian options. If a vegetarian walked, found out meat is also served and refuse to eat there, they are free to do so. If another vegetarian walks in and orders a vegetarian dish, there is nothing stopping that person to do that either.
I am free to do/cook what I see fit and they are free to do the same.

Then I decided to go vegetarian. It is my freedom to only serve vegetarian foods at my diner as my diner is a private entity. If somebody with no dietary restrictions walk in and requested to be served meat, then would it would not be discriminatory of me to deny said person of that request.
They are free to order and eat what they want, elsewhere.
However, if a person with no dietary restrictions requested a vegetarian dish, then that is fine.

The only true 'illusion of choice' in the culinary world I can think of off the top of my head is actually select neighborhoods in Mumbai, India. While legally, there is nothing stopping you cooking meat products in your own home in those neighborhoods but various groups have been pressuring "local homeowner's association" analogs to keep out meat-eaters. Assuming for whatever reason, you are forced to live in that particular area for any duration, you'd be in the legal right to cook meat but you'd probably receive an unceremonious eviction fairly quickly.

>> No.5406987

It's part of the game. If people of differing opinion are in power I will whine and play the victim until people that share my opinion rise to power and then I will attempt to remove people of dissenting opinion by ANY means possible. I am not pro-democracy or whatever you freedom types cry about, I am pro-me.

So yes, you are a racist because that's exactly how I want you to be painted. This is the realpolitik of democracy and free speech.

>> No.5406992

I love it when the /pol/ dorks get so upset because a post that conformed to their beliefs was banned.

Not only that, but they think it is their right to post on 4chan, free from any moderation.

>> No.5406994

It is true, unfortunately. I'm waiting for a republican to get elected again so I can be back in the majority for my age. I know with how the dems are being now, the republicans are going to be hell when they get power again.

Political contrarianism. Politicians don't need cheerleaders. The role of the citizen should be to scrutinize those in power, not support them.

I'll say this again

When conservatives disagree with someone, they hate the person and shout them down

When liberals disagree, they ban and silence them. In most cases, no one even knows the post was ever made.

Now anyway. You can see the same on any political internet community. I don't purely like the conservatives, but at least I respect that they're infinitely more open than liberals. Of course, I'll likely be disappointed a couple years after next election.

>> No.5406995

It is not a "Either I support one and hate the other" point, the point is:
- "that post" tries to make an argument while grasping at straws, completely misses the point AND does so in a insulting manner
- The mod overreacted, acted heavy handedly and handled the situation badly.
- /pol comes in and repeatedly tries to make this an argument of "Freedom of choice" in regards to Subway UK's decision rather than just a protest against the mod's decision.

If this was just about the mod's action, I would have made no comment but the argument somehow extended elsewhere to somehow an infringement of one's freedom of choice.

>> No.5406997

/pol/ came in and complained about the ban, not the argument. Very few are actually talking about Subway and even less Muslims.

>> No.5406999

>italian herb cheese
>buffalo chicken(double meat)
>green peppers
>banana peppers
>whatev cheese
>chipotle sauce

its kinda hard to eat and a little overwhelming but awesome

>> No.5407003

oh and forgot tomatoes :3

>> No.5407014

>I don't purely like the conservatives, but at least I respect that they're infinitely more open than liberals.
Conservatives aren't exactly known for being open to new ideas or supporting academic and literary freedom. See McCarthyism, shooting down any critique of military actions as "not supporting the troops and being anti-American", the post-9/11 clampdown on freedom and expression, etc.

Like the hardcore left, the hardcore right say they are all about freedom and individuality but their actions suggest otherwise.

If so, a private corporation (Subway) choosing to change their menu according to local tastes would not even be an issue to the right-wingers. They would see it as free-wheeling capitalism and accept it. But no, it didn't jive with their beliefs so it is wrong.

>> No.5407038
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McCarthyism was decades ago and now we see it coming from the other side. Everything that happened post 9/11 was wrong as well, but still these people aren't those in power nor are they the ones in charge of internet communities.

I'm not complaining about liberals not being open. I used the wrong term I suppose, although I did point out conservatives hate those who disagree with them and shout them out. Liberals on the other hand ban and silence those they disagree with. Or the most radical, saying academic justice should trump academic freedom. That's my problem.

I'm not a republican. I think people upset should stop eating at subway. No pickets or protests are needed, just stop eating there. It's completely within their rights to stop serving some things and I disagree with anyone saying otherwise.

>> No.5407058

>Liberals on the other hand ban and silence those they disagree with. Or the most radical, saying academic justice should trump academic freedom.
Provide legislature examples of this (not just an article saying "radical womyn wants Christianity erased from curriculum).

>> No.5407065



>> No.5407073

> Post tries to explain freedom and gets banned.
Post actually invalidates own argument, no freedoms involved and by extension, arguing that poster 'attempted' to explain 'freedom' would by extension mean Subway UK's decision infringes on a consumer's choice.

>Something about company social responsibility and profit maximization
Marginally on the topic of Subway, this post fails to even understand what the argument the post he/she quoted is stating.

Statement that any support that respects the rights of those that are not similar to yours must be the doings of the JIDF.
Completely misses the point of, "Freedom means respecting that there are choices we may not like available."

>>5406249, >>5406556, >>5406507, >>5406586, >>5406690, >>5406699, >>5406755, >>5406854, >>5406880
>>5406955, >>5406964,
Irrelevant shitpost from what one would associate with /pol/. They literally contribute nothing to the thread or the conversation at hand.

Post states that any government regulation or its citizens creates fascism while regulation of corporations creates a healthy state.
Oversimplifying or a false dilemma.

Post states that banned post talks about freedom.
It would have if it did not invalidate its own argument.

Okay, I admit that very few are actually arguing about Subway's decision.

There's a few posts here and there that are on the fringe of what I consider to be 'relevant to the argument' by did not include because they are ambiguous on whether they are arguing about the the mod's decision or from failure to understand that the post's stated stance is incorrect.

>> No.5407074

I'm not talking about politicians, I'm talking about the supporters.
>academic justice

All over the internet you can see the same thing. Conservatives sites will berate those they disagree with. Liberals just ban. The very concept of "privilege" or "white/mansplaining" comes from wanting to silence those they disagree with. If you don't disagree with progressive doctrine, you're a problem.

I don't give a fuck about the politicians. It's the citizens that matter. And liberal citizens have a problem.


>> No.5407084

Conservatives want to ban gay marriage, being openly gay in the military, openly gay NFL players, various books that don't suit their ideology, abortion, contraceptives (in many cases) etc

I don't disagree with you about both sides being similar in their attempt to suppress opposing views, but you are trying to portray Republicans as harmless loudmouths that ultimately leave people alone and Liberals as conniving and evil.

>> No.5407098

>want to ban gay marriage
Correct. And they're wrong in that
>gay in the military
Correct, and they're wrong about that too
>gay NFL players
Haven't seen that. I know some fans and players are saying he'll be a distraction, but no one is calling for him to be banned from the NFL
>various books
Definitely wrong for that, but don't pretend liberals aren't in that game either. They just revise instead of ban. They're much smarter with public relations.

And so one and so forth

You want me to just tap out for a republican right here so you can be right? Everyone knows how bad conservatives can be and are ready and willing to rightfully jump on them and their ideals. Conservatives will yell out people, but in general on social media (facebook, 4chan, and reddit) they won't ban. When people call out liberal ideals they get silenced. You see the same in college campuses. Free speech goes beyond the government. It's the responsibility of the citizens to respect it. That doesn't mean people have to respect others opinions, but they have to respect their right to have them and in general it never hurts to talk to people you disagree with.

I'm not trying to portray republicans as harmless at all. You got me on the liberals though. Republicans are the devil we know.

>> No.5407119

The problem is that both sides occasionally take stances on divisive issues that don't leave a middle ground and/or the stance is so extreme that it becomes weird - therefore, if you take a stance that isn't deeply completely in agreement with their respective political camps, you're automatically "on the other side".

I'm tempted to use health care as an example but that would be opening up another can of worms.

>> No.5407124


Not even for free.

>> No.5407134

So you should censor those "on the other side?"

>> No.5407142
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You have 10 seconds to explain why you would put such an inappropriate topping on your sandwich

>> No.5407144

We've got some real winners moderating /a/. Didn't think I'd see this shit on a board as slow as /ck/.

>> No.5407146

Because I grew out of diapers a couple decades ago.

>> No.5407151

Subway tomatoes, you have a point. But if we're talking about a real tomato with flavor, then them's fightin' words.

>> No.5407211

>"America is not free, we just pretend to be"...

great argument

>> No.5407223

were you here when there was only /a/ and /b/?

>> No.5408396

What the h e double hockey sticks went on here last night?

>> No.5408412

I would not feed that shit to my dog. for a couple bucks more go to a real deli.

>> No.5408415


tastes good nigga

>> No.5408881


>> No.5410105

I remember seeing something on TV about fast food around the world, and in Subway in Israel anything that would normally be bacon, they used goose or something because they found that it's the closest kosher equivalent (my guess is, they surveyed Christians living there or whatever). I wonder if any USA ones have tried that.

>> No.5410115


If I want a bad ass sub, I make it at work.

My recipe for a meatlovers philly:

>double philly meat
>pan fry in butter, put black and cayenne pepper on that bitch
>double cheese
>mashed up meatballs, sliced sausage, fried salami, fried pepperoni, ham, more pepper on all
>while mixing meats and cheeses together, introduce a liberal amount of ranch dressing and preferred hot sauce
>use a loaf of garlic bread as the bun
>top with more provolone cheese
>toast slightly
>shit yourself for days

Everything else is borderline communism.

If I'm at home and want a sandwich I go to the store and buy shit to make several sandwiches.

>> No.5410141

>haven't been to Subway in years
>remember it was during a previous job, so before 2003
>be terribly hungry last week, missed lunch, heading home laaaaaate
>last food place open in the retail center near home
>"kung pao pork"
>hmm, okay
>spinach, olives, tomato, cucumber, creamy sriracha, pepper jack
>get home start water for tea, put tools away, check mail, toss washed laundry into dryer, etc
>Okay, time to eat...
>a couple bites
>pull some meat away from everything else, taste it
>nearly flavorless
>the spinach has more flavor than the kung pao pork
>creamy sriracha was okay
>bread has weird stretchy lightly-chewy texture
Worst sandwich I have eaten in years. Should have driven a few more miles hit one of the 24 hour grocers for some quick food instead of this crap.

>> No.5410143
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how do i toast that shit but not burn it

this has troubled me ever since i was a young boy

>> No.5410158
File: 28 KB, 379x269, oh shitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R.I.P brave anon

>> No.5410189

Subway is the definition of mediocre and will never be god tier you fucking marketer.

You can literally get a better sub at every single other sub shop

>> No.5410253

yeah it's true

subway does have the advantage of being cheaper and basically everywhere, though

>> No.5410264

Wouldn't that make subway shit tier since everything is better?

>> No.5410271


I know you're here meximod you giant fucking faggot. Stop banning me for talking shit about whiny mexicans in LA who cry about white hipsters eating at taco trucks I AM MEXICAN YOU FUCK. Fucking faggot ass mods.

>> No.5410289
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Blessed with dubs and trips.

Don't mind me just adding.

>> No.5410294

Stop responding to name faggots you fucking idiots, jesus christ /ck/ how fucking new are you.

>> No.5410309

I was here.

I saw.

May 5404778's ban not be in vain.

>> No.5410318
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>> No.5410396

Subway, that is a franchise, has several locations that must be losing business because they serve pork products. If THOSE LOCATIONS want to change their menu choices to suit their customer base, I don't see a problem with it.
Pretty much says it all.