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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 191 KB, 663x554, muh pork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5397597 No.5397597 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when the muslims took away our meatball marinara subs?

>Chicken and Bacon Ranch Melt
>Steak and Cheese
>Meatball Marinara
>Italian BMT

All gone


>> No.5397605

>Where were you when the muslims took away our meatball marinara subs?

In my kitchen, making my own.

>> No.5397606

>muh multiculturalism

>> No.5397611

I hate Subway, but Italian BMT and Meatball Marinara were the only sandwiches were getting.

>> No.5397613

Goddammit this isn't what Churchill fought for

>> No.5397616

>not were
good lord I give up

>> No.5397618

Muslims are terrible

>immigrate to country
>hurr conform to my limited standards of acceptability

why bother coming to liberal democracies if you're going to be such a cunt about it? just stay in your shitholes and do as you please.

>> No.5397630
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You will conform to our subway laws.


>> No.5397632

>Daily mail

Muslims are annoying as hell but I'm not taking that article even somewhat seriously.

>> No.5397637

So what? It's fairly obvious that this is a business decision by Subway to maximize profits. They believe they can make more money by selling subs with halal meat to Muslims than they were making off Britbongs eating regular meat.

If you read that Daily Mail article all the way through, you'll notice that PeTA and the Dalai Lama were asking Subway to stop serving meat at all. So, be glad it was the Muzzies who got their way, instead of the vegan activists.

>> No.5397640

But mudslimes don't eat at subway, they eat at the squiggle-shop over in the ethnic part of town.

Subway catering to muslims is like non-casual videogames catering to girls

>> No.5397643

Oh, and it's only in 200 locations, not every single Subway. Presumably these are the locations in Muslim-populated areas.

You can still get your unkosher bacon subs in the other Subways.

>> No.5397648

It's arguable that the reason Muslims don't eat at subway is because the food isn't halal. So, subway will do the math and decide whether it was worth it or not. If not, they'll probably convert back to non-halal.

>> No.5397652


I honestly wonder about this too. I mean, it's easy to see why they immigrate to places like the UK, EU, USA, etc: the country isn't a total shithole, there's medical care, jobs, food, and a lot more freedom than "back home". That part makes sense. But then the question becomes, why don't those people realize that the reason why those places are so much better than their shithole back home is because of all those extra freedoms, culture, and so on. Why on earth would they want to implement the same laws (sharia, etc.) which were responsible for their shitty life before moving? They are actively un-doing the very things that they are benefiting from.

>> No.5397653
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>live in predominantly muslim area of uk
>have violent pork allergy
>benefit massively from how little local food is pig-based

>> No.5397654

First they came for the meatball marinara
And I did not speak up, for I was not a meatball marinara kind of guy
Then they came for the steak and cheese
And I did not speak up, for there are better options than steak and chees
And then they came for the BMT
And there was no one left to speak up for me.

>> No.5397667

So no mo bacon? that's gonna piss someone off

>> No.5397668

Why is it one or the other? Why cant it be both WHY CANT WE LIVE IN HARMONNYYY

>> No.5397669

because they're fucking savages.
>inb4 muh islamic golden age

here's the thing. i don't care if they're savages. provided they stay barbarians in their own country. but don't come here and tell me what to do and threaten to behead me when i call out your blatant bullshit.

>> No.5397672

you can have that?
>one learns something erry day

>> No.5397674

>pork allergy
do your balls contract into ovaries

>> No.5397675
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Eating a Veggie Delite chockfull of Jalapenos and Southwest sauce.

Four scoops of jalapenos.

>> No.5397677


>> No.5397679

it's called being a shitskin
they aren't people, how are you just now realizing this?

>tfw as a kid I saw a girl get mauled by a dog because the 4 muslim men nearby were just looking at the dog instead of helping

>> No.5397680

well, it will fuel the '/pol/ was right again UKIP is the hero britain needs' crowd, a lot. I'd wager the anti-muslim crowd and the anti-halal crowd on cruelty grounds only is large enough to hurt Subway with a boycott.

>> No.5397681

>le euphoric asshole clench

>> No.5397696

>buy a $5 sandwich from subway
>only gets vegetables

there are better ways to waste money

>> No.5397698

an accident and emergency nurse said it's probably some kind of nitrite i'm sensitive to in particular, but it's a lot easier to just avoid the whole lot

it's really vicious, i've had my throat swell closed before

i've never really been able to eat it without getting really fucking ill, so i don't miss bacon or anything

makes eating out a complete bitch though

>> No.5397701

>implying churchill wouldnt have loved the upcoming war

>> No.5397704


>> No.5397711


>> No.5397718

>poor people with bad taste squabbling for control of a shitty fast food menu

I tried to care but all I could feel was contempt

>> No.5397723

>trying to be better than anons on /ck

God damn I missed middle school

>> No.5397728

I don't eat meat, and I don't even like subway, they used to be good a very long time ago but now they are complete junk. I don't care what they do because I can cook my food any way I want at home.

overpriced sandwiches with incorrectly placed cheese? no thanks.

>> No.5397731

because what place does food news have on a food board

>> No.5397732

>living somewhere where your local Subway peons don't tesselate the cheese

Inhabitant of buttfuckistan detected

>> No.5397737

>BMT was 95% turkey anyway
>Steak and meatball should be all beef now (were they not before???)
>all subway chicken sandwiches are shit.

>> No.5397739

Maybe its because I live in NYC but i don't understand the big deal; a lot of places don't serve pork and non-kosher food here.

If I want pork I just go someplace else or make it at home.

>> No.5397751

that's not the point.
the point is irate Mudslimes dictating what others can and can't do is fucking bullshit.

they should go back to Goatfuckistan if they don't like it in western countries.

>> No.5397759

>BMT was 95% turkey anyway
>BMT = ham, salami, pepperoni

>> No.5397760

Aren't all the meats made of turkey anyway?

No changes

>> No.5397772

>pretending to be the sane man
>using 'goatfuckistan'
get out nigel farage

>> No.5397778

you mean rugby, right?

>> No.5397779

>Steak and meatball should be all beef now (were they not before???)
They were, but they were made from 'haram' meat, which is too humane for the muslim palate

>> No.5397797

>>pretending to be the sane man
if they don't like my insanity, go home.

I wouldn't go into a Halal place and expect to get bacon. why is the reverse permissible?
if loathing this behavior is insane, then i'm the nuttiest around.

>> No.5397805

Is this for the UK and Ireland only?

If it's affecting America too, then Subway stops gietting my money because I loved eating Meatball Mariniera's there

>> No.5397819

>why is the reverse permissible?

What you describe is perfectly reasonable. But it's not an issue of "permissible", it's an issue of a business choosing to cater to its clientele.

>> No.5397832

>it's an issue of a business choosing to cater to its clientele

no, it's the issue of a business folding to demands.

>> No.5397839

>claims to love subway
>doesn't know if it affects america
>threatens to stop giving money to subway
>hasn't eaten there in years

Allahu Akbar motherfuckers!

>> No.5397841


I ate them last week I don't know if it affects America yet

>> No.5397843


>> No.5397845

>combine the viewpoints of 3 or more posters
>claim all opinions are held by one person simultaneously
>call hypothetical person a hypocrite

>> No.5397856


>real poster answers
>trying to troll the Master Muslim of /ck/

suck my halal sausage G!

>> No.5397857

Why would they remove non Halal shit? Just add halal options jesus.

>> No.5397873
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I wonder who's really behind this.

>> No.5397879

Because the overall goal of islamic culture is to submit the rest of the world to their views.

>> No.5397881

yeah the jews are def behind the islamification of Western Europe

>> No.5397885

Their "ham" is made of turkey.

>> No.5397902

Because mudslimes never accept anything but total submission to their pre-medieval bullshit.

>> No.5397903

BMT® MEATS: Genoa Salami: Pork, beef, salt, water, corn syrup, dextrose, sugar, wine, sodium
erythorbate, flavorings, sodium nitrate, spices, garlic, lactic acid starter culture, sodium nitrite.
Pepperoni: Pork, beef, salt, dextrose, water, spices, corn syrup, paprika, oleoresin of paprika,
flavorings, sodium erythorbate, lactic acid starter culture, sodium nitrite. Ham: Ham cured with: Water,
dextrose, 2% or less of modified food starch, salt, potassium lactate, seasoning [potassium chloride,
pork stock, sugar, yeast extract, salt, lactic acid, fructose, sunflower oil, cysteine hydrochloride, calcium
lactate, modified food starch, flavors, grill flavor (from sunflower oil), polysorbate 80, rendered pork fat,
and smoke flavor], sodium phosphate, sodium diacetate, sodium erythorbate, sodium nitrite, caramel

>wheres the turkey???

>> No.5397908

i honestly cant tell if youre trolling or actually this fucking retarded

imagine you run a subway in a mostly muslim area, and you are losing custom for not serving halal meat and not using up pork products that you have ordered in

this isn't even covering the fact that subways here in the uk often have muslim employees- because its a fucking job going, and our economy isn't so great- and while most people are ok to handle non-halal meat with gloves on, i'm sure they'd rather not have to

that is reality

assuming the op article (which is on the daily mail site, btw, just in case you're not convinced this is rampant sensationalism) means that no subway in the entire universe is allowed to sell bacon ever again is retarded

as if there aren't other places you can buy non-halal meat?

basically you're a cunt and you need to go back to /pol/

>> No.5397919

You are making the (faulty) assumption that Mulsims move to the West to escape Islam, when actually they are trying to spread it. They are largely fleeing from authoritarian governments who know full well what throwback assholes the fundies are and hammer down on them. Therefore, the Muslims that come here are if anything more likely to be radical .
Tons of Christian Arabs moved here in the 70s and 80s to get away from the Muslims .Those guys you can talk to. Not Muslims.

>> No.5397929

Because the non halal might touch the halal and then Mohammed cries on his nine year old wife's pussy in heaven because a Muslim accidentally ate a microbe of pig tissue

>> No.5397931

"Great" Britain, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.5397944

I don't see why there are complaints. They did this because of demand. It was a business decision.

>> No.5397955

no they did it because muh racism

>> No.5397991

>muh "religion of peace"

Jews don't even 'demand' this kind of shit. Fuck muslim apologists.

>> No.5398047

>basically you're a cunt and you need to go back to /pol/

shit argument.
stay mad, Ahmed

>> No.5398091
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The more and more news stories I hear from "Great" Britain the more and more I understand why they get so jealous and upset about America.

>> No.5398130

Reminds me of the angry muzzie from KFC in Australia.


Fuck them and fuck their religion. I don't like subway anyway but it's pretty gay. England has rekt itself, might as well sudoku

>> No.5398135

I wouldn't want to live in either shithole

>> No.5398145

>might as well sudoku
top kek

where are you from?

>> No.5398175

Any UKbro wanna expand on what dailymail is? Googling this only brings up articles from two other sites and a whole bunch of reposts of it on rightwing sites.


Jist of it says spokeswoman said they have been providing halal meats for a while now and have signs in stores that do it to make it aware, but didn't comment on whether or not stores removing meats was true.


This one linked in the blaze article says it has confirmation that at least two stores have done so. But that's all they know of.

>> No.5398368

take that shit to /pol/
dailymail is crap.
They literally make up news stories.
But /ck/ is even more shit because they believe those stories.
Even /int/ has learned that dailymail is shit, and /int/ is one of the worst boards.

>> No.5398385

I hope to god this hasn't affected the only subway near me for miles in the SE. I love me some meatballs or a steak and cheese.

>> No.5398390


He always does this, he's from some minor irrelevant shithole so he'll never tell you where.

>> No.5398420

It's a tabloid/newspaper they exaggerate everything in order to click bait. They also are pretty right wing and are obsessed with the price of everything. The other day they were reporting about a british teenager that died in Colombia after taking part of a ritual and they randomly dropped a "He used to live in this £450,000 victorian house with his parents."
They also steal articles from Cracked.

>> No.5398439

>daily mail
>click bait

That's hardly fair, their tradition of inflammatory/inaccurate troll headlines dates back to decades before there was an internet. They're the original lower class tabloid garbage - in fact they're basically the reason the term "tabloid" has acquired its modern meaning.

You know what clickbait is? Business Insider. They employ kids to rewrite stolen AP articles with juiced up headlines. Not even a pretense of original content, it's the scummiest of the scum, hardly different than viagra emails in your spam folder. You can say what you want about the Mail but they hardly deserve to be lumped in with websites like that.

>> No.5398460

>subways here in the uk often have muslim employees
>while most people are ok to handle non-halal meat with gloves on, i'm sure they'd rather not have to

You utter fucking moron. Can't do the job, you don't get the job. This is infant level stuff.

>> No.5398464

I don't see how its okay to ask your employees to go to hell for minimum wage

Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean the employees dont

>> No.5398470

lel, seriously.

>morally-motivated vegan
>guess i should go apply to work at the slaughterhouse

find another job. crisis/hell averted!

>> No.5398474

>>ask your employees to go to hell
>implying Muslims will go to hell for handling/eating pork
>implying they can't do whatever the fuck they want under Taqiyya

>> No.5398475

If you have hangups about something, don't apply for a job where you have to deal with said thing. Nah, that would be common sense, just force your will upon everyone else and make sure they change to accommodate you.

>> No.5398477

>ham, salami, pepperoni
All of which are mostly turkey at almost all locations. The website lies.

Check the fine print at your local subway menu.

>> No.5398481

You're asking these people to live on the outskirts of society over bacon

>> No.5398485

>You're asking these people to live on the outskirts of society
What flying fuck are you even talking about? Let me guess, epic trolle bro.

>> No.5398500

>boo hoo hoo, maybe I'll have to eat something healthy for once

>> No.5398502

Top b8.

>> No.5398511

These muslims aren't asking you to do something fucking insane. They're asking to not be forced to work with bacon.

You can still buy bacon at the store. Unless farmers everywhere convert to Islam you aren't losing anything.

I really don't know what the problem here is. Subway is trying to be a bit understanding, and everyone is having a shit fit. This is worse than /pol/ finding out Muslims don't pay late fees in the UK

>> No.5398520

>Muslims don't pay late fees in the UK
Oh wow, united caliphate.

>> No.5398526

how about if muslims be a bit understanding in that their hatred of one type of meat is insane and that they shouldn't push for it to be banned when other people like it

just don't order the pork

>> No.5398535

They're asking to not be forced to work with bacon

no one is forcing them to work there m8 but they good and well when they applied and hired that it was part of the job

they shouldnt apply if they cant do the work

its like a paraplegic applying for a job online at a quarry and then bitching when the company doesnt supple robot legs. nigga this aint mortal combat and you aint Jax

>> No.5398538

They aren't trying to ban it. It's just not fair to force them to work for it. They literally think it will send them to hell.

As long as one non-muslim is working I don't see the problem. He'll be able to handle the bacon.

Subway is just doing away with bacon because hiring extra staff for just bacon is stupid. There are two choices

Hire extra people for the sake of bacon, or just get rid of bacon. Economically the cvhoice is easy here

>> No.5398539

These britons aren't asking them to do anything fucking insane. They're asking to avoid applying for jobs *they* find problematic.

They can still apply for over 90% of jobs; eat halal at home. Unless the UK forces them to work in the food industry, they aren't losing anything.

I really don't know what the problem is here. The government is trying to accommodate muslim immigrants and they're having a shit fit.

>> No.5398540
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>> No.5398544
File: 133 KB, 960x631, Burgerim_Burgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Israel they won't even let you have a proper cheeseburger.

This is worse than the holocaust.

>> No.5398552

This shit is only going to get worse the more Islam spreads, and they no longer have to be meek because they're no longer in the minority. Their religion is a fucking virus.

>> No.5398554

what about alcohol?

should business owners that serve muslims or employ muslims ban alcohol for all their patrons just because muslims dont like it

should all women who live in muslim areas be forced to cover themselves?

because this is what they want. sharia law over UK law

>> No.5398559

what about blue cheese flavored sauce?

it has begun.

>> No.5398562

bars are made for serving alcohol

Subway is not a bacon factory. It's a single item on the menu

If subway served beer then maybe the same would apply

>> No.5398565

lies. and some truth.

When I went to McDonalds, several times in Israel, they had no problem making me a double quarter pounder with cheese. No, they didn't give it to me on the side. They just made me a cheeseburger.

But... when we went to a market type place with food stands... there was this pizza place.... that pizza was SO good but since cheese is dairy - no meat on the pizza. Especially not porkaroni.... So i went over to the Shawarma stand on teh side, and i was about to get like a small mini wrap and put the meat on the pizza... but the pizza lady noticed, and got mad!

> We don't do that here! take your money back! No pizza for you!
at least that shattered a stereotype...

> tl;dr: easily get cheeseburgers at any fast food place; but not at a mom and pop place.

>> No.5398569

or dont hire employees who cant handle a large portion of your menu

if you own a restaurant that is only open Saturday & Sunday you arent going to hire a bunch of jews to work because it just doesnt make sense when they can only work half the days your open

nor would it make sense to change the opening days because you have a few jewish employees

>> No.5398579

Unless you're only changing the days in Jewish neighborhoods frequented by and staffed by Jews.

>> No.5398580

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. If you want to do that, that's fine. Sooner or later you're going to find your country is full of Muslims though. What then, 30% unemployment?

>> No.5398581

1 its not just bacon its atleast 1/3 of the menu

2 bars arent the only places that serve alcohol

>> No.5398583


you're retarded... first of all Jews don't work on the sabbath - that's friday, not saturday or sunday. Second of all.... that's an easily schedulable thing.

Like people that take school, or acting classes or whatever. Most people in the service industry are using it as a crutch to do something else.

All you have to do is not schedule Jews on Fridays and that's it. Besides, those are just the ultra orthodox that wear suits all the time... modern jews follow the modern workweek and "begin" their sabbath AFTER work on friday.

>> No.5398589

why are people blaming multiculturalism/jews

this is capitalism. subway is meeting the demands of the market.

>> No.5398591

> Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

probably not. i bet buddhism and scientology are faster. What you can claim is that muslims are more willing to submit to statistical surveys now. That's about the only thing that whatever study you learned this at implies.

>> No.5398593


Europe has a lot of muslims because it colonized a bunch of muslim countries, resulting in special immigration status for muslims.

That's really not likely to happen in Canada or the US. We're even fucking over people who helped us in Iraq and Afghanistan by not granting them visas, do you think we're going to suddenly have entire cities replaced with Algerians and Pakistanis? You must be high.

>> No.5398599

>first of all Jews don't work on the sabbath
lol most Jews aren't practicing. It isn't about religion, it is about zionism and personal gain.

>> No.5398600

The facts are, Islam is actually the fastest spreading religion; and it's because it's such an offensive and passively aggressive religion. Muzzies getting away with shit like in the original post are how it's spreading its influence so far and so quickly.

>> No.5398602

its called shabbot and its on saturday and if you'd read the post you would have seen i said saturday and sunday and was using it as an analogy to the person who said they were forcing people to work with meat they cant touch

>> No.5398604

> zionism
lol. you don't even know what that is.
> personal gain.
no shit. how is that different from anyone.

>> No.5398606

>non-Muslims read that Subway banned pork products and decide to convert

>> No.5398607

Shabbos is technically from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. Hence why b&h shuts down their shopping cart at those specific times.

>> No.5398609

>no shit. how is that different from anyone.
most of us arent jews about it

>> No.5398613

> its called shabbot
No, it's called shabbat in Hebrew, or Sabbath in english dumbass.

And it starts on friday night. who you fucking arguing with?

>> No.5398614

People will convert when they're surrounded and have no other choice, lest they be ridiculed or worse. This is merely a step in that direction.

>> No.5398636

Really?! Italian BMT is the only thing I used to get :_:

RIP in peace

>> No.5398639

>People will convert when they're surrounded and have no other choice, lest they be ridiculed or worse.
lol sure bro, sure

>> No.5398648
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>> No.5398658
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yeah right, you just took a Spread of Aids map and changed AIDS to Islam.

The original is much more accurate. I'm looking at you - California.

>> No.5398663

i actually pissed my pants a little bit

>> No.5398664

There will be a great war. The destruction of islam will be completed.

>> No.5398703
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ham and bacon was removed from 2 stores. Nearly 200 stores have began offering halal meat.

Regardless, this is just another small step towards the inevitable - the socio-political "snap" when the west breaks away from it's self-imposed restraints and comes down on these theological vermin like a fucking pit bull.

Be careful islamfags. Western civilization is not all welfare cheques and goodwill. Extremism swings both ways.

>> No.5398706

Because the market shouldn't be warped in this way.

>> No.5398709

What does this have to do with your hypothesis that people convert because they don't want to feel different?

>> No.5398716

>Islam is actually the fastest spreading religion
except it's not

>> No.5398726

Or to pit it another way: Subway's Jewish owners get to turn Subway Kosher whilst making muslims look bad.

You know this comes from the board, not piblic demand. You know it, it know it. But it's much more difficult to talk about THAT in public than this version.

>> No.5398732

I hope the pro-Chik-Fil-A guys are happy with this.

>> No.5398758

>owever, according to others, including the Guinness Book of World Records, Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion by number of conversions each year: "Although the religion began in Arabia, by 2002 80% of all believers in Islam lived outside the Arab world. In the period 1990–2000, approximately 12.5 million more people converted to Islam than to Christianity."

>in b4 "hurrr u got ur source from wikipedia, and that's not even accepted in academia! also >Guinness Book of World Records

>> No.5398766
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>any UK tabloid website
Yeah no.

>> No.5398770

This is what the Neanderthals said about us, and look what happened to them.

Absorbed into our DNA and extinct.

>> No.5398772

Better than Sheepshagistan, Wales.

>> No.5398777

There is only one course of action.
I have a final solution.

>> No.5398779

A Caucasian person of Semitic descent?

Unless you meant Arabs, but aren't they the same as Caucasians?

>> No.5398799


>> No.5398808

>however, according to others,
>however according to others
>however according to others


1Used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously

So why do you chose to ignore the previous and more solid statement about how Islam is not the fastest growing religion and instead you chose to follow the contrary opinion, whose stronger source is the guinnes book of world records

>> No.5398810
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Do Europeans seriously do this?

>Sharia Law means n-nothing in B-Britain

>> No.5398816

Sorry, the part before that was
>By 2030 Muslims are projected to represent about 26.4% of the global population (out of a total of 7.9 billion people). Several sources believe that this increase is due to conversion and reproduction.

>> No.5398830

Except westerners aren't going to risk beheading for veiled muslim pussy.

our Neanderthal forebears lacked such restrictions and got BRED THE FUCK OUT

>> No.5398839

Someone post this in /pol/ and enjoy the shit show.

>> No.5398849

>implying there haven't already been over 9000 similar threads in /pol/

>> No.5398855

Mostly due to reproduction. The countries where Islam is prevalent also have very high reproduction rates.

Maybe if you Glorious White Men weren't afraid of women and had a little bit of self-confidence you could do your part by spreading your seed and ensuring a white future.

>> No.5398864
File: 40 KB, 600x330, average brit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2015 Britain
>eating pork is illegal in yurop
>alcohol is illegal and punishable by death
>the Kuran is required reading in every household
>women aren't allowed in the streets by themselves and have to wear full hijab

>> No.5398878

It's not as easy when we allow them freewill, unlike the mudslimes

>> No.5398903

10 different spellings and you picked none of them

What the fuck

>> No.5398931
File: 56 KB, 225x225, halal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is true subway worldwide should be firebombed.

>> No.5398951


the market doesn't account for your personal morals and values. this is simple supply and demand. people are demanding a product and subway profits by providing them with it. just because its an affront to your taste doesnt make it wrong

>stop liking what i don't like

>> No.5398966

due to birthrates.
>On the other hand, in 2010 the Pew Forum stated: "Statistical data on conversion to and from Islam are scarce. What little information is available suggests that there is no substantial net gain or loss in the number of Muslims through conversion globally; the number of people who become Muslims through conversion seems roughly equal to the number of Muslims who leave the faith
>The growth of Islam from 2010 to 2020 has been estimated at 1.70%[61] due to high birthrates in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe.

>> No.5398972

>these guy buy stuff from other guys who maybe possibly support terrorism
>we should terrorize them!

maybe you could get some funding from halal butchers

>> No.5398973

Britburka detected

>> No.5398977
File: 80 KB, 433x325, 2005_London_Bombing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't they already bomb the subway

>> No.5398981

i guess not being able to spell things correctly is America's national pastime, right next to bassball and apple pigh

>> No.5398994

>It's just not fair to force them to work for it.
No one is forcing anyone to work at Subway.

It really should be common fucking sense. If you don't want to work with [thing], don't apply for a job at a place where you might have to work with [thing].

That's like applying for a job at a bank but having an aversion to handling money.

>> No.5398996

That's bassboll and apple(TM)pi to you, buster.

>> No.5399045

What exactly are you allergic to? Any other meats?

You know how they say human meat is like pork, do you think you are allergic to human meat too?

>> No.5399083

The demands of its clientele

>> No.5399086

Jesus would never do that

>> No.5399088

They make themselves with their backwards religion. If they want to be on the cool side of society they should have stayed in their cave

>> No.5399105

>don't pay late fees
Why the fuck not? I'm gonna go tell my bank I'm a muzzie right now and demand my fees back

>> No.5399111

>Muslims want to work at bars
>bars no longer serve alcohol

>Muslims want to work at swimwear shop
>now only can buy burkinis

>Muslims want to work at schools
>now can marry my 9 year old students

>> No.5399115

Any dairy and meat in the same dish is a nono

>> No.5399127


>> No.5399128

I fckin lold

>> No.5399134

Jesus Christ... Go back to /k/, shitlord.

>> No.5399135

hence, blue-cheese.Flavored. Sauce.
not actual blue cheese.

>> No.5399138

You're a bigger faggot than That Guy. Contain your shitposting to /k/ and take off your trip.

>> No.5399137

Odin Almighty...Go back to /r/ srs, feminazi.

>> No.5399147

Oy vey... Go back to /pol/, stormfag.

>> No.5399162

>not knowing what those dirty sandniggers really want

>> No.5399165

it's like I'm *literally* on /b/.
shitpost elsewhere, neckbeard.

>> No.5399201

>calls him a neckbeard
>calls him a srs feminazi
At least stick with insults that don't contradict themselves. Or are you just throwing around buzzwords?

>> No.5399216

Go back to tumblr, cunt

>> No.5399233

Then it would be fine. But it sounds shitty tbh

>> No.5399245
File: 183 KB, 500x281, tumblr_maafpfkl0T1qkxq7ao1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am full autist
>i take everything super seriously

I know you're going to cleverly retort "it's not funny, don't make sense".

>> No.5399255

Best eat all the pork you can, America, before this happens to you as well.

>> No.5399286

remember how roving gangs of muslims were harassing people drinking at bars because they felt it was a muslim area? now these dickheads are going to be slapping sandwiches out of peoples hands.

this gives precedent to other disgusting sand creatures that if they cry racism loud enough the white man has to obey.

>> No.5399288
File: 32 KB, 550x400, 6_alec-guiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this gives precedent to other disgusting sand creatures

they'll be back.
and in greater numbers too.

>> No.5399293

Fuck mudslimes. It's time for another halocaust. Round those fuckers up, ship em out on trains, and burn them in an oven. Good riddance!

>> No.5399299

>removed from UK and Ireland
>and nothing of value was lost

>> No.5399312

>remember how roving gangs of muslims were harassing people drinking at bars because they felt it was a muslim area?
Did you experience this first hand? What mainstream media entertainment outlet inform you?

>> No.5399320


"Muslim 'vigilantes' confront Londoners in name of Islam". Telegraph. 17 January 2013.
Jump up ^ "'Muslim Patrol' confiscate alcohol and demand women cover up in London". The Herald Sun.
Jump up ^ Muslim 'Patrol' Harass East London Man They Believe To Be Gay Huffington Post
Jump up ^ ""Muslim patrols" target drinkers and gays in London". The Observers. 22 January 2013. Retrieved 4 April 3013.
^ Jump up to: a b c David Churchill (9 December 2013). "Anjem Choudary: Muslim vigilantes who terrorised non-believers 'deserve pat on back'". London Evening Standard. Retrieved 30 April 2014.
^ Jump up to: a b "'Muslim patrol' gang: police arrest three more after homophobic video". Guardian (London). 24 January 2013.
Jump up ^ UK: Muslim patrols hit London streets again retrieved 8 May 2013
^ Jump up to: a b Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2519519/Muslim-Patrol-jailed-harassing-couple-holding-hands-men-drinking-bid-enforce-Sharia-law-East-London.html?ICO=most_read_module |url= missing title (help).
^ Jump up to: a b Dipesh Gadher (20 January 2013). "Sharia patrols snatch drinks from passers-by". Sunday Times.
Jump up ^ "'Muslim Patrol' harrass [sic] men for looking 'gay' in London". Gay Star News.
^ Jump up to: a b c d "Muslim Patrol: thugs abuse man in second 'vigilante' video". Telegraph (London). 22 January 2013.
Jump up ^ "VIDEO: Fresh footage of ‘Muslim patrols’ emerges online". The Docklands and East London Advertiser.
^ Jump up to: a b "Homophobic 'vigilante' video appears online". BBC. 22 January 2013.
Jump up ^ "Muslim patrols are a sign of things to come". The Times.
Jump up ^ "Muslim Patrols: Urban Britain’s Newest Street Gang?". International Business Times.

>> No.5399324


>> No.5399346

if it's that big a deal just learn how to fucking cook and make your own sandwiches at home
fuck me dead
you have deeper issues if pork products are that important to you

>> No.5399348


>> No.5399356

You can be allergic to anything. I had a prof in college who was allergic to her own hair

>> No.5399362

Subway has the worst bread and their meatball subs are terrible. Dgaf.

>> No.5399368
File: 133 KB, 637x538, yurop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5399374

>first they came for Subway. but I dgaf bc worst bread and terrible meatball subs

>then they came for bars. but I don't get wasted so dgaf

>then they came for me. but there was no one left. fml

>> No.5399381

Worse than the fine and four months in prison is that muslims know his name and what he did.

>> No.5399385

i stood behind a black dude in line for breakfast at a resort in florida once who was talkin to the guy infront of him about how he was allergic to water but could drink koolaid

>> No.5399386

but koolaid aint water, mane
watermelon ain't got no water eter

>> No.5399398 [DELETED] 

>"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia
in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many
countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods
of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the
Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and
refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan
law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as
a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the
faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion
paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde
force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant
and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising
fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the
strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled,
the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”

>Winston Churchill, 1899

>> No.5399401

>How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.

>Winston Churchill, 1899

>> No.5399404

I'll admit muslims beating up fags is pretty awesome. I'm sure I'm not alone in being willing to donate knives to both parties in the hope that they can stab each other out of existence.

>> No.5399408

>catering to a minority and fucking over the majority


>> No.5399412
File: 665 KB, 2048x1536, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once It actually makes me proud that America is so naturally xenophobic and racist and stubborn in its 'christian' beliefs that this shit would never fly.
...at least not in the south or midwest.

California would be the first state to bend over and spread its cheeks to thier muslim overlords, soon followed by New York as its hipster scene adopts halal and sharia laws because they're so 'trendy' and 'unconformist'

>> No.5399421


>> No.5399425

>soon followed by New York

>implying we're not racist up here

>> No.5399432

Not Jew York.

>> No.5399437

Did we disgrace your benevolent and loving Mohammad?

>> No.5399447



>> No.5399450

My 6th grade teacher told me muslims were cuddly too. Then I grew a brain.

>> No.5399472


>> No.5399492

Whew I thought I had to endure that here in burgerland.

>> No.5399494

Insha'allah! Dis is annudah crusades!

>> No.5399496

So wait, Gabriel, who supposedly told Mary of her "immaculate conception"' also gave Mohammad the content for the Quran, and will announce the end of days? Sounds to me like he's a troll, and trolled the non-Jewish Semites into thinking they can't have bacon

>> No.5399520

Coming to a theatre near you!
Prepare yourself.

>> No.5399529

Anon, stop.

>> No.5399532

No u

>catering to Muslims

>> No.5399556


No more kosher vs. halal bullshit. Go to /pol/ for this.

>> No.5399559

>foresight, stop.

>> No.5399582

I'm saying that New York wouldn't fold to this shit because it's Jew York. But I'm silly cos they dont eat pork either lel

But they can both get fucked. I'm gonna go have some bacon wrapped shrimp and a cold beer in their honour

>> No.5399593

Ok, I get that businesses would want to cater to a specific demographic if it benefits them and especially if they're such a large group, but this is just dumb. Why can't they just work around the current menu and/or add in halal meat within the current menu?

>> No.5399595

You don't understand how shitskin minorities work do you? They don't work around others. They don't play well with others. They don't try to bring themselves up. They tear everyone near them down to their level then proceed to stomp them into the ground. They like being savages. They want your destruction.

>> No.5399598


Wake me up when this happens somewhere that matters

>> No.5399612

I'm a vegetarian and I'm not even remotely /pol/ (for instance, I quite like the new Star Wars cast) and this offends even me.
>Because I can't have fun, nobody can have fun.
Get fucked. How fucking dare they. Fuck Subway for caving too.

>> No.5399615

Its real. No shit. Granted, the first few links were The Blaze, Stormfront and other insane sites, *Daily Mail too* but yeah its in USA Today. Hm.

>> No.5399631

I work at subway, the only thing besides turkey that is turkey based is the cold cut combo

there is no fine print, the ingredients are listed right on the box

>> No.5399646

>just force your will upon everyone else and make sure they change to accommodate you
just wanted to isolate this because its pretty funny after looking at the rest of this thread

>> No.5399654

As shitty as it is, at least we are fucking safe from the cancer that is Islam.


Hell I feel like buying a pneumonia AR15

>> No.5399663

Not while i still have a gun

>> No.5399782

>those particular sandwiches are terrible
>Subway is terrible in general
>only UK and Ireland

Cool, so basically nothing of importance happened.

>> No.5399793

They aren't dictating anything. Subway figures it can make more money catering to Muslims than it will lose by eliminating bacon, in 200 locations out of several thousand in the UK.

>> No.5399799

185 subway stores to stop selling bacon in the U.K out of 1700, that is nearly 10%, the other 90% will be in non-muslim areas so as long as you don't live in a muslim area you'll still get non-halal meats

>> No.5399805


Is that why you have a shitty job and can only afford to eat subway?

>> No.5399809

Free market, deal with it.

>> No.5399827

is OP stephanie banister

>> No.5399832

Where's your EDL now?

>> No.5399838

that's precisely what Churchill fought for, the right of big business to do as it bloody well pleases and fuck what you want

learn your place you fucking plebian

>10% of stores in the UK and Ireland no longer offer pork
>100% of stores in India do not offer beef or pork
>12 stores in the US are 100% kosher

>within ten years 185 stores will be less than 3% of stores in the UK and Ireland

>there will be 6,000 stores in the UK and Ireland

you're gonna need a bigger Jared

>> No.5400001

Subway is expensive, so your strawman makes no sense.

>> No.5400039

>1,500 outlets in the UK
Jesus tap dancing Christ the island isn't that big. Why would you need that many fucking Subways?

>> No.5400041
File: 96 KB, 432x354, apple copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adopt Sharia Law into their legal system
>surprised when restaurants start getting rid of pork

>> No.5400042

UK deserves everything it gets. Fuck em.

>> No.5400048

>44% white population in New York

>> No.5400061

Bacon isn't the only pork product subway carries you retard.

>> No.5400078

subway is the worlds largest fast food chain
their market penetration is like no other, there are subways in car dealerships, government buildings, furniture stores...

>> No.5400083

McDonald's and KFC are actually larger than Subway.

>> No.5400312

>Muslims wants to work at airport
>All flights are now exclusively metropolitan New York

>> No.5400322

>Not snackbar

shame on you

>> No.5400334

>Nearly 200 stores

There are 1.5k Subways in the UK. This is just your usual dailymail bullshit.

>> No.5400375

>It's only a handful! who cares!
>It's only 1/4 of all locations! who cares!
>It's only half! who cares!
>we still have a few that we're allowed in! who cares!
>oh well, I don't mind having to sneak pork products into my own country to make myself a sandwich! who cares!

Slippery slope anon.

>> No.5400390

McDonalds is larger than the two of them and Burger King combined

>> No.5400392

The slippery slope argument is the bullshit conservatives scream as they're dragged kicking and screaming into the 21 century.

>> No.5400395
File: 2.56 MB, 2112x2816, Philippines-August-2010-021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, a slippery slope

>> No.5400396

>accepting Sharia Law in the UK wont matter, who cares
>subway removing pork from 200 stores wont matter, who cares

>> No.5400399

Subway made a business decision, probably based on market research. This wasn't legislation you willfully ignorant prick. Once again, slippery slope is something conservatives yell when shit isn't going their way, so they have to make shit up and act like whatever happens is a step towards the complete destruction of the white race or whatever you tards believe.

>> No.5400407


>In January 2012 SUBWAY® President and co-founder Fred DeLuca visited the UK and announced plans to increase the number of SUBWAY® stores in the UK and Ireland to 2,000 by 2015, creating around 6,000 new jobs


1/4 my ass.

It makes no sense for a Subway located in a predominantly Muslim neighborhood to stock pork or non-halal meat. Think of the food waste...

This isn't about catering to a minority. It is about cutting costs.

>> No.5400412

Slippery slope is what faggots yell when something "isn't that bad". Then years later everyone cries "what happened?". "Why couldn't we stop it?"

>> No.5400414

the point is your other companies are going to start making similar business decisions since you're being overrun by Muslims.

>> No.5400415


actually slippery slope arguments are about counterfactual entailment. They are not conservative bullshit. They are an important form of reasoning.

>> No.5400416

Keep clutching your gun tighter, psycho. Keep thinking the whole world is out to get you, because guess what: they are. The world has no room for regressive segregationist morons who would have fallen right in line in Germany, Italy, Rome, or any other fascist state throughout history. You are the problem, and the good people are trying to solve it.

>> No.5400419

its also the argument liberals use for gun control or any group for that matter

Cherrypick much?

>> No.5400422

Except it never happens. Shit is never as doom and gloom as conservitards say it is. The only thing a conservative has to fear is a conservative from a different culture or race.

>> No.5400426

Like you'll be screaming when we drag the rest of you out of it.

The 21st century is shit and so are liberals.

>> No.5400430


Is it? I thought if anything the slippery slope was conservatives responding to gun control


>> No.5400431

No, it's the argument conservitards use for gun control. They think that if guns that are controlled by RF so only the owner can shoot them are put on the market, it will lead to the government taking away all of the guns. Except America keeps making its gun restrictions looser and looser, but the gun lobby keeps saying they're getting tighter. Gun sales are higher than ever, and 30 pro-gun laws have been passed this year alone.

>> No.5400432

>a company makes changes based on local customer demand
Not a single shit was given. If you like pork that much then go to another sandwich outlet or drive miles to find a Subway that does. If the news is really that devastating then:
1. they wouldn't have made the decision
2. other sandwich outlets will supply the pork demand.

>> No.5400433

>it never happens
>Brits constantly deny that they are being overrun by Muslims
>still deny it after they accept Sharia Law into UK law
>still deny it after Subway starts removing pork from their menu

>> No.5400436

Interestingly when you look at online dateing data whites become increasingly xenophobic the less of them there are.

I believe whites in new york are 8x more likely to contact another white person than "they're supposed to" if racism wasnt a factor.

>> No.5400464

It's because they're afraid of not being in charge anymore.

>> No.5400468

I like how you mention Subway removing pork after your point that Sharia Law is accepted into UK law (although it is invalid). Are you really that self-centred that you demend every food outlet caters for you?

>> No.5400470
File: 973 KB, 312x213, ron-paul.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the part where they don't just remove pork from the menu but actually take extra steps to ensure their meat is halaal.


>> No.5400477

>Are you really that self-centred that you demend every food outlet caters for you?
No, I'm not Muslim.

>> No.5400482

>you've been culturally enriched

>> No.5400488

When did the stores located in their communities become every food outlet?

>> No.5400490

>Are you really that self-centred that you demend every food outlet caters for you?
That's the thing, aren't muslims being self-centered and demanding food outlets cater to them? Offering options for everyone is one thing, having a special area of halal only meats would be fine, but taking it off the menu isolates others and that really just doesn't seem right to me.

>> No.5400493

When did that fucking matter?
These cunts are demanding that a chain stop doing something that has zero impact on their lives whatsoever just because it goes against some shitty old book that also tells them to kill nonbelievers.

>> No.5400496


>Are you really that self-centred that you demend every food outlet caters for you?

I find it impossible to "demend" anything. And I doubt anyone has ever been "self-centred."

Poor spelling aside, the irony in this statement considering the topic is rich. Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.5400498

I'm pretty sure it was bait, looking at it again

>> No.5400500

When you generalized that I demanded every food outlet to cater for me.

It's not like I'm pissed off that an Arab restaurant doesn't carry pork and I'm trying to force them to carry it. Your example is fucking horrible.

>> No.5400501

>implying Islam is worse than any other religion
They all say that you should kill nonbelievers. That's the point of religion; to divide and control people. Nationalism is the same thing, just with flags instead of gods. What about all of the dry counties in the American South that are only there because of Christians forcing their beliefs? Those are actual laws, and affect a lot more people than some subway shops in paki parts of town.

>> No.5400508

Those laws have been there forever. Subway hasn't always catered to Muslims. This just happened. Muslims moved to the UK and are forcing their old laws onto the country.

Religious southerners didn't just move to the South and force those laws onto the state.

>> No.5400512

So what? You think that somehow validates all this?

>> No.5400513

No, Christians moved to America and committed genocide, then forced their laws upon the land they took. White people are shit. Arabs are shit. Blacks are shit. People are all shit, every one of them. Your race and culture is just as terrible as all the rest.

>> No.5400514


>> No.5400515


>> No.5400520

How is that edgy at all? It's documented history. You're retarded, and you don't know what words mean.

>> No.5400531
File: 175 KB, 334x378, 1276715498043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more name calling
settle down, Muhammad, and go eat your halal meal at Subway.

>> No.5400533

*tips fedora*

So what you're saying is, other people did this kind of thing hundreds of years ago, so it's ok for another (far more violent and extreme) culture to do it now?

>saying "everyone sucks, except me, because I'm smarter than them"
>not edgy

>> No.5400537

exactly, why can't he just be like the rest of us and only hate niggers and jews

>> No.5400538

Did I ever say I wasn't also an awful person? All people are terrible, including me. White culture is not any better than any other. It's just another collection of dumb ideas that people do because it's what they grew up with. You are not special.

>> No.5400546

fedora: the post

>> No.5400549

If that's seriously what you believe, you may as well just save yourself a whole bunch of suffering and just kill yourself

>> No.5400551

How is it different from being a white supremacist like you? I just have enough hate in my heart for everyone, not just some people with arbitrary cosmetic differences.

>> No.5400556

because it's a logical extension of their beliefs, and conservitards can't into logic

>> No.5400557

>not wanting towelheads to infringe on my rights
>automatically a white supremacist
They actually like crazies there

If this isn't bait, kill yourself, you're part of the problem

>> No.5400567

>he doesn't understand the difference between culture and race

>> No.5400568

What rights? Your Jesus given right to eat pork at every subway location on the planet?

inb4 and after slippery slope

>> No.5400571

All cultures are shit. Anyone who does things because that's how they grew up is a weak minded faggot. Make your own culture; don't just go by what your retarded ancestors did. There's nothing special about your precious white culture, little snowflake.

>> No.5400575

because muslims want to kill anyone who isnt a muslim

>> No.5400579

>implying all sorts of shit

>> No.5400581

I'm personally an atheist, but that's irrelevant

In case you haven't noticed, muslims are getting away with beating people senseless in the UK right now

>he sincerely doesn't understand the difference between culture and race
Holy shit, are you in 6th grade or something?

regardless, "white" Europeans (and by extension, Americans) have ruled the world for the past few centuries, that's pretty special

>> No.5400583

>everything is shit
>you're a weak minded faggot
>you're not special
>I'm not edgy!!!
yes you are edgy

>> No.5400586

> Make your own culture

lol okay, so you chose to shit on all of your heritage and history ,and decided that making abbraisive comments on an anonymous cooking board will be your "culture."

What a fucking mark on the world you're making. Can I get a 12x16 foot poster of you to put up on my house?

>> No.5400592

>this whole thread


>> No.5400594

>Dumb ideas
Which include, to mention a few, scientific theory, an unparalleled musical tradition, a complex artistic tradition, modern socio-meritocratic ideals, fantastic cuisine and rule of law.

>> No.5400605

no just look it up

any religion that feels the need to constantly say theyre a religion of peace definitely isnt

also look up Taqiyya while youre at it

>> No.5400606

Lol. Too bad the britbongs gave up their guns and all things sharp and scary.
Don't - I repeat- Do Not call on America for help this time, you weak willed faggots.

>> No.5400621

>implying Muslims didn't have all that before you took over their land and turned them into barbarians

>> No.5400625

to go along with the theme of this thread

>their land
>implying the Muslims didn't steal that land

>> No.5400627

So maybe, just maybe, humanity is a naturally shitty species?

>> No.5400632

What's 'shitty' about stealing land? The muslim's historically had hardly any culture; the Arabic culture was derivative of the Persian preculture, which they subjugated. Grab a history book that follows history from 200BC-1200AD from a racial characteristic perspective and you'll find the non-progressive nature of the islamic arabs quite clear.

In any event, at present western culture is the only progressive culture. It is not based on retaining the status quo, but on enlightenment and advancement. I see no reason to stagnate as do the sandniggers.

>> No.5400642

Dude, you've already demonstrated several times that you know jack shit about history or current events. Just stop.

>> No.5400648

But that's not true. And most segregationists are regressive cavemen.

>> No.5400651

You understand that the aspects of those cultures you don't like are the conservative ones, right? Violence and xenophobia is the mainstay of the right.

>> No.5400658

It's more the feudalistic primitivism that I dislike. I think xenophobia is perfectly natural and reasonably rational. Certainly from the perspective of requiring cultural integration.

>> No.5400661

Turkey flavored ham.

>> No.5400670

Europe lost most of the crusades, you know, and they pulled out of the dark ages pretty damn well, in spite of losing 90% of their men every time.
Muslims have had the same amount of time to develop the same technologies and society, but guess what, they got stuck fucking goats and killing each other for shaving (and still do)
Don't you think that there might be a pretty big flaw there?

>violence is the mainstay of the right
This is so stupid it doesn't need a rebuttal.

You also don't seem to understand the difference between xenophobia and cultural rejection. Muslims are xenophobes. The civilized part of the world rejects their culture. (at least, the parts that aren't getting walked all over.)

>> No.5400699

>Daily mail
Haha never mind, nothing to see here

>> No.5400707

Jesus christ, this thread.
I guess /pol/ likes good food too.

>> No.5400978

what does good food have to do with /ck/?

>> No.5400982

>implying Muslims didn't have all that
Actually they didn't.
Persians and spanish and latins in north africa and middle easterners had it, before the arabs took over their lands and turned them into barbarians

>> No.5401090
File: 499 KB, 245x240, FH4gK8Y.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'll secretly feed obnoxious Muslims pork and tell them it's turkey-based meat

>> No.5401258

>repost of a repost
>thread hits bump limit
Never change, /ck/.

>> No.5401334

>The world has no room for regressive segregationist morons who would have fallen right in line in Germany, Italy, Rome, or any other fascist state throughout history
So muslims?

>> No.5401722

>safe from snackbar

Did you forget!? NEVAR FUHGET!

This guy didn't forget

Be objective dumbass, white/European culture has been miles ahead of all others for centuries. Chinese were close, and the Arabs before Mohammad's time. Still west led, and that's why whites are on top today

>> No.5401878

Most food threads here revolve around shit tier food what are you talking about?

>> No.5401887

>tfw your mother works at a meat factory/smokehouse
>sometimes gets an order for halal (beef or something) processed meat
> takes regular meat
>whacks on a halal sticker
>whispers god bless you to the meat
>out the door it goes

Fuck Muslims

>> No.5402244

you fucking retards its simple. They don't want to sell bacon why are you fucking mad about it. If you want you can get their food, if not don't go to subway.

Why being fucking retarded?

>> No.5402398

>while most people are ok to handle non-halal meat with gloves on, i'm sure they'd rather not have to
>they'd rather not have to
boo-fucking-hoo there are many things I'd rather not have to do but I do them anyways. Handling food? Tough shit, it's not like they're force feeding it to these people. Just make the shitty sub, you work at subway, what did you expect?

>> No.5402409

>30% unemployment
if they're muslims then who gives a fuck?

>> No.5402416

>Someone post this in /pol/ and enjoy the shit show.
>in /pol/
>the shit show
>implying /ck/ isn't actually more /pol/ than /pol/

>> No.5402436

>Subway is expensive
>being this poor

>> No.5402444

Diversity is our strength.

Diversity is our life.

>> No.5402485

this is a good thread
I learned a lot about food and cooking
thank you, based /ck/

>> No.5402546

the thread on /pol/ about this is going to 404 from lack of interest
this thread on /ck/ hit the bump limit from hating muslims

>implying >>>/po/

>> No.5402684

Halal meat is fucking delicious, I'm glad for this change

>> No.5402928

This is beautiful

>> No.5402934

>allergic to human meat
That would be hilarious

>> No.5402938

Holy shit, I had no idea this board even existed
This is some cool shit

>> No.5402953

Top kek, when the camera tilts down at the end you can see the true blue australian thongs.