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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 525 KB, 577x419, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5396159 No.5396159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Truly, an artisan.

>> No.5396178

underage b&

>> No.5396184


not my vid

>> No.5396189

anyone who finds that remotely funny is underage
i hope your parents whip your ass for putting all of those crumbs in the peanut butter

>> No.5396191


not my vid

>> No.5396195
File: 112 KB, 500x292, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your peanut butter comes in red cans??? WTF dude! it looks 3x better this way. Why can't i get red-canned peanut butter...

look at these disgusting seethrough jugs of slop.

>> No.5396207

they sell them at bulk stores like costco and sam's club, they're 6 pound cannisters of peanut butter.

>> No.5396213


im not originally from america. Peanut butter is SUPER weird to me.

A peanut butter and jelly sandwich? that's fucking gross. We eat cheese and bologna open-faced sandwiches.

I'm sorry, but I hate peanut butter. There, I said it.

>> No.5396222


>> No.5396223

cheese and bologna sandwiches are pretty popular in clapistan, but open-faced sandwiches are usually reserved for hot sandwiches like a thanksgiving leftover sandwich

make yourself a batch of pic related, best peanut butter cookies i think, my sister always makes them at christmas and they're gone in two days. shit's wonderful. if you don't like peanut butter i'd suggest eating it in things like pad thai or in baked goods so that way you get the flavor without the overwhelmingness of the paste

>> No.5396226


And you pic is where?

>> No.5396228
File: 63 KB, 500x375, faps_furiously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic related

>> No.5396230

yeah, im down to waste that stupid jar of peanut butter that i bought 6 years ago and never used.

gimme cookie recipe. i actually do like peanut butter cookies.

no, eating peanut butter and jelly "sandwiches" if you can call them that - is weird. A sandwich has meat, cheese and possibly veggies. No jelly.

It's about the grossest American tradition I can think of, except of course taking the whole family out to McDonalds for no fucking reason at all. (i can honestly say my family has NEVER done that. Not once. We got drive through before, but... never did we leave the house specifically to purchase fast food.)

>> No.5396231


i dont have chocolate or nuttella or whatver that shit is, but those look... AWESOME.

how about a recipe for plain PB cookies, u know? the ones that don't look like Dumbledore hats

>> No.5396233

they're hershey's kisses
plain peanut butter cookies are basically the same exact thing but without the chocolate on top
of course you can modify it to your tastes as you see fit

>> No.5396240

and you don't have to use reese's peanut butter that stuff is shite on it's own, i'd go for something like jif or peter pan
>skippyfags need not apply

>> No.5396244

> hersheys.com

no thanks. I'm not usually picky about my sources especially who cares about chocolate... but i have a vendetta against the Hershey company.

Their shit is like.... disgusting. A hershey's bar is nothing even remotely close to chocolate. It tastes like I cant believe its not butter. Its fucking GROSS.

russians make pretty average ass chocolate... red october and shit. they're okay, but they're nothing to brag about. Belgian and Swiss chocolate is where it's at.

But a Hershey's bar... that is NOT chocolate. It's like 10% cacao..

>> No.5396250

brah it's just the source of a recipe you don't have to use their products, just sub in superior chocolate and peanut butter instead of what they use. they still follow the basic cookie recipe (but i prefer to use butter over shortening)

>> No.5396251
File: 27 KB, 500x500, mintberryCRUNCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JIF Extra Crunchy.

Lol. My shit has whole peanuts in it - would that be okay? The nuts might burn.

>> No.5396253

I hope you get raped by a rabbid dog.
>thinking this is funny
You must be underage and a fat fuck ameritard.

>> No.5396254

lol yeah i know but im not trusting hersheys. if they can lie to all of their customers and call that shit "chocolate", then they probably picked a shitty recipe for fake "cookies"

im mostly kidding anyway, thanks for the recipe.

>> No.5396258

i've done this.

i'm already in the kitchen, right next to a sink. i can just rinse the jam/mayonnaise/mustard off my fingers.

>> No.5396262

>extra crunchy
pig disgusting. i bet you like extra lip skin floating around in your orange juice too.

oh i know, 90% of american chocolate is garbo tier, but when you grow up with it it's not the worst thing in the world.
>tfw last time you were in Europe was 2 summers ago
i must've gained 5 pounds in belgium just off beer and chocolate alone. goddamn that's the best shit i've ever had.

>> No.5396263
File: 58 KB, 838x983, 1394489764327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5396268

>pig disgusting. i bet you like extra lip skin floating around in your orange juice too.

lol nope, i get no pulp. when im trying to drink - im trying to drunk. but when im eating, i dont mind a crunch.

> eating smooth peanut butter
I beat when you order steaks and potatoes at a restaraunts you blender that shit down to a straw-suckable form, ey?

>> No.5396271

>implying i said anything about smooth
regular crunchy is tolerable, but that extra shit needs to be buried in the atari ET landfill

>> No.5396276

alright bro, now you're just splitting hairs.

>> No.5396279

i don't understand how i could be any clearer

>> No.5396284

Jokes on you faggot im american.

>> No.5396298

neither can i. Do you know what splitting hairs means? It means your argument is moot because you're saying
> crunchy is tolerable
> extra crunchy is shit.

lol. same fucking shit bro. At least if you liked smooth I could understand - oh this guy doesnt like nuts in his mouth when he's eating a sandwich. Okay. thats respectable.

but you do like nuts in your mouth. You just want the nuts to be smaller? I don't get that. If anything i want large, huge suculent nuts in my mouth.

>> No.5396299

>putting sandwiches in quotes as if there could be any debate at all whether a PB&J is a sandwich
A sandwich is any fucking thing sandwiched (get it? just like the name of the foodstuff!) between two things. That is literally the only criteria for calling something a sandwich.

How fucking sad is your life where fucking sandwiches are this big deal to you? Nobody cares that you don't like PB&J. Literally nobody.

It's cheap filling between cheap pieces of bread eaten because it's simple and cheap to make. It's not some holy grail, national treasure of the American people that you seem to think it is.

>> No.5396303

> A sandwich is any fucking thing sandwiched (get it?

lmafo you fucking underage and b&.... the sanwich was not named for "sandwiching" things... "sandwiching" things is obviously a fake word that arose out of the situation of ... the existing sandwich.

jesus man. do you even read the shit you type?

>> No.5396311

i prefer smooth but i'm saying that minimal crunch is tolerable. fuck that whole nut shit.

>> No.5396312

Sandwich was named after him.

6th to 16th Century - During the Middle Ages, thick blocks of coarse stale bread called trenchers were used in place of plates. Meats and other foods were piled on top of the bread to be eaten with their fingers and sometimes with the aid of knives. The trenchers, thick and stale, absorbed the juice, the grease, and the sauces. At the end of the meal, one either ate the trencher or, if hunger had been satisfied, tossed the gravy-soaked bread to their dogs or given as alms to less fortunate or poor human. Alms were clothing, food, or money that is given to poor people: In the past, people thought it was their religious duty to give alms to the poor. Trenchers were clearly the forerunner of our open-face sandwiches.

>> No.5396313

Why did you post that...?

It's not funny and it is not interesting at all. You aren't asking anything and you aren't saying anything either.

100% pointless. Take it to /b/, retard.

>> No.5396315

Do you? Damn, it feels like I just read a goddamn Youtube comment.

>> No.5396316

>talks shit about sandwiches
> doesn't even know the history and origins of the sandwich
> thinks original sandwich is two breads when its in fact .... two matzas... and after that... open faced on bread.

not until the 18th century did closed-faced sandwiches even exist.

punk. don't test me.

>> No.5396318

nice, try to change the subject when i call you out. real manly. faggot.

>> No.5396319


A thousand apologies my lord. How dare i waste your time. Your time which, as evidenced by the fact that you are browsing 4chan, i'm sure is oh so valuable.

Forgive me, it will not happen again.

>> No.5396320
File: 84 KB, 725x375, icantread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he never said it was named for "sandwiching" things. jesus christ, calm your ass burgers.

please into reading comprehension

>> No.5396321

Doesn't change a single thing about my point.

>> No.5396327


samefag.... OP is a fag

/abandon thread

>> No.5396333



Ha, no.

>> No.5396362
File: 460 KB, 1175x500, Jelly la Jelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you aware that in America jelly is a term used colloquially to refer to jam and preserves and such nonsense, as opposed to gelatin?
Most non-americans I've talked to who think PB&J sounds odd usually think the speaker means peanut-butter and gelatin.

>> No.5396414


no, i live here.

>> No.5396426

Except jam and jelly aren't really the same thing, at least not in the American usage. I'm a lifelong New Yorker, and in the way I use the words. jam has recognizable bits of fruit or seeds in it. Jelly does not.

It doesn't bother me that Europeans don't understand the PB&J, for the record. Honestly I don't like PB&J that much myself.

>> No.5396436

>jelly is a term used colloquially to refer to jam and preserves and such nonsense, as opposed to gelatin?
But jelly is made from fruit juice, jam from macerated fruit, so that's wrong.

>> No.5396444

kek you wanna fucking go kiddo? I'll knock your teeth out

>> No.5396445


jelly is made from fruit juice
jam is made from mashed actual fruit
preserves is intact chunks of the fruit in syrup or jam itself
marmalade contains the peel of the fruit

they're different words because they refer to different things, people.

>> No.5396447


okay, i can resolve this. i think that the anon here >>5396362 meant to say was that in America, jelly is just so much more common.

If you get a fruit/sugar thing in most countries, it's going to be preserves or at least jam... but americans love their clear ass jelly - made from the juice only.

We can all agree on that i think.

>> No.5396448

It doesn't change the fact that a large portion of americans lump marmalade, jams, and preserves in together as 'Jelly'.
It's definitely more prevalent in the south though, where people make it a habit to call all soft drinks 'coke', etc.

source: I was born and raised in north Georgia. You know, like in Squidbillies.

>> No.5396452

In my experience, jam is actually far more popular. It's just, you know, an umbrella term used by people that just don't give a fuck.

>> No.5396470

no, we definitely can't agree on your shitty incorrect opinion.

jelly isnt clear
jam is more popular than jelly
america is best country
germany is for faggots
every other euro country is inferior to germany

>> No.5396471

no they don't.
people know diferent words mean different things
stop projecting your ignorance and saying "i'm not alone, r-right guise??"

>> No.5396474

>call all soft drinks coke
Maybe in 1950.
I live in Texas. Natives of age 60+ say Coke for everything. Anyone 50 and under uses "soda" for the generic all-inclusive term.

>> No.5396508

>large portion
What is it with this thread and it's frighteningly aggressive lack of reading comprehension? Did the youtube link in the OP draw some of them here?

>> No.5396509

>lives in Texas
>doesn't know anything about outside of Texas

Big surprise.

>> No.5396524

No fucker, I perfectly comprehended your retarded post and am telling you NO THEY FUCKING DON'T.
You are the one with the reading comprehension problem, fucking surprise.

>> No.5396528

You're a fucking moron, you know that?
That's exactly what you just did.
My post and my original point stand untarnished by your retarded post that claimed absolutely nothing.
Stay inferior.

>> No.5396541

>lidless jar in the fridge

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.5396596

I chuckled. Imagining a really depressed guy making that retarded sandwich.

I don't know why people are so mad ITT

>> No.5397916


I don't know why people thought this was supposed to be "funny".

When i was struggling with some really heavy shit at one point in my life i'd do this just about every day.

Like the title of the video says "The Apathy Sandwich".