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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5396054 No.5396054[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have always loved ketchup and cottage cheese (just like Nixon).
Today I was out mayo so I put olive oil on my hot dog. Super tasty and classes up the hot dog.
I thought of it because someone here convinced me to put it on hard boiled eggs last month and I loved it.

What is the oddest thing you eat?

>> No.5396428

your mom's pussy

>> No.5396432

Is it really that odd if everybody's eating it?

>> No.5396440


>> No.5396446

>What is the oddest thing you eat?

I've had a few people react to me like I was a freak when they saw me doing things like pouring oats into orange juice, dipping cookies into juice, dipping donuts into orange soda...Never occurred to me that this is a "weird" combo but it seems to genuinely disgust some people. Is it weird or are these people just hating?

>> No.5396459

It's weird, especially the oats and juice. The others I can at least kinda see.

>> No.5396467
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>donut and orange soda
Yeah...don't reproduce, please.

Peanut butter and aged cheddar or oka cheese sandwiches sound weird, but they're GOAT.

Sometimes I'll just cook some ground meat in a pan, dump a can of stuffed eggplants in there with chili powder, cumin and chili flakes and eat that shit with a spoon.

>> No.5396476

>dipping donuts into orange soda
that sounds really good

>> No.5396478

Orange juice and oats is fucking delicious. That's how you're meant to add muesli. It's awesome.

>> No.5396479
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>and classes up the hot dog.
>an American's understanding of class is to pour olive oil over his shitty sausage in a shitty bun

>> No.5396484

i think you misspelled european.
dem italians, brah.

>> No.5396525


>> No.5396609
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Cretons, onions and molasses on crepes.

pic related, it's creton

>> No.5396935

A hot dog is not the same as a sausage.

>> No.5396965

Cucumber cheese sandwiches
My immigrant family was poor as we would be so we didn't always have meat but I'm attached.

>> No.5397007

Back in the days when I didn't watch what I ate and just stuffed everything into me, I put ketchup on pizza and other things. This is prolly not the most strange thing but some of my friends were surprised and somethimes disgusted.

>> No.5397417

I like apple juice better on cereal. Not so acidic.

>> No.5397452

Don't even try. I've had a foreign roommate argue that point with me for days, they simply cannot grasp difficult concepts such as two things that LOOK similar are not necessarily the same thing. He only conceded once we went somewhere together and I had a group of like 10 people unanimously agree with me and tell him he was wrong.

>> No.5397458

Chive and onion cream cheese with dark chocolate brownies/fudge.

Balsamic Vinegar and ice cream (but its a common flavor now I guess)

>> No.5397482

I'm an Americunt and have no idea what creton is, is that a Yuro word for oats? Because that's what it looks like.

>> No.5397547

You sure are an Americunt.
I'm an American, and when I don't know what a thing is, I google it, and find out what cretons means from the first result.

>> No.5397572

my nigga
not immigrant but poor canadafag family as well and cucumber/cheese sandwiches were my shit for yeeeaars
haven't had one in a while though

>> No.5397973


Olive oil, why not at least make a garlic aioli?

>> No.5398002

>I never ask human beings to share information. I rely on google for everything!

>> No.5398043

Yes, because being an annoying cunt asking to be spoon-fed is obnoxious when you can find the information on your own in 2 seconds flat.
Entitlement mentality at its best here, folks...

>> No.5398051

Grow the fuck up and stop asking for people to spoonfeed you.

>> No.5398707
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>I have always loved ketchup and cottage cheese (just like Nixon).

my nigga

I love that shit.

>> No.5398896

my friend eats cottage cheese with black pepper.

also one time saw him make himself a bowl of bbq beans, cottage cheese, and black pepper. that time he was drunk though so i'm not sure.

>> No.5398908


Lol, so much mad. I'm the guy that posted the creton thing.

It's essentially ground pork that's cooked with onions and spices and then cooled into a loaf. It's a cold meat spread, essentially. It's not european, it's from Quebec, Canada's angry french province.

Anyway, it's fucking delicious.

>> No.5398917

>it's french canadian, not european
and just where do you think the FRENCH canadians got it from?

>> No.5398929

Actually, I'm pretty sure you can't find that shit in France. They eat rillettes, which is pretty much the same thing, except they don't use ground meat.

French canadians have been in North America for a while, dude. The cuisine evolved.

>> No.5398979

>i'm pretty sure you can't find it in france
>except for that you can find it there
hahahahaha fucking what

>> No.5399023
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PB & tomato sandwiches

>> No.5399032

Alright, retard.

Creton is made with ground pork, onions, clove, allspice, etc

Rillettes is made with shredded pork or veal or duckor goose, with thyme and bay leaf.

Texture is different. Taste is different. They're not the fucking same.

By your logic, blood pudding and morcilla are the same thing.

>> No.5399041


im foreign and i disagree with you.

so, a "hot dog" is just a really shitty overly processed sausage? Or is the fact that americans only have one type of "sausage" - that disgusting over-spiced breakfast sausage that tastes like fucking shit?

A hot dog IS a sausage, just an overly processed one. In most countries there's all kinds of sausages, so you can get something very close to a hot dog... or something a little closer to bratwurst/sausage.... its all a spectrum.

so, just because you only know two things - disgusting breakfast sausages from dennys and disgusting Oscar Mayer over processed oversalted non-food franks?

you're just ignorant, and your group of 10 are fucking retards. and this is why nobody likes americans because you group up for safety and the shit you say doesn't actually make any sense...

>> No.5399193

>They eat rillettes, which is pretty much the same thing
fucking lol

>> No.5399210


That sounds good. I do Peanut Butter, Onion, and Pickle. Usually grilled, but I could see just toasting the bread, and eating the onions raw, since I like Raw Onions as well.

>> No.5399215

Lol, which dumb country do you hail from? Like Brazil or some shit?

Your inferiority complex isn't just showing, it's full blown splattering out your ass all over this thread.
What with your "I'm so cultured, I know of over 5 different kinds of sausage, I bet you've never even heard of them LOL!"

Look faggot, there are a thousand types of sausage. A hot dog is not one of them, it's quite simple.
Would you call a salami a sausage? I bet you fucking would haha.

>> No.5399218
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>this is why nobody likes americans
It's a symptom of the under-evolved. Being jealous of those at the top. Those with functioning brains can get over it, but most people (like you) cannot. You have a debilitating case of jelly. It's ok, though, you can't help it, you are simply a caveman living in a space age society that has left you in the dust.

>> No.5399260
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Half of /ck/ needs to be sent to the jelly school esp all the euros that are jelly of my waiter tips.

>> No.5400232

Hot dogs do not have casings therefore not sausage.

>> No.5400242

you mean you are jelly how much their normal wage is.

>> No.5400337

A waiter in Europe makes a terrible wage.
In the us its very well paid.

>> No.5400344

you mean to say the opposite of that, right?
the only reason waiters in the US get angry about tips is because they aren't paid very well, and that most of their income comes from tips

>> No.5400360

Yes but tips here are huge and everyone tips.
The end result is waiters make way more than school teachers or dental assistants.
Bartenders really make good money.
All because of tips.

>> No.5400382

you can make $500 a night easy at a good bar

>> No.5400389

how does olive oil class up a hot dog

>> No.5400423
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How would it not?

>> No.5400444

a hotdog is a cooked sausage and is therefore a sausage

>> No.5400447

You still get a lot taken out on taxes and if your tips are too high you get no wages.

>> No.5400455

I work at a bar as a cook, and even though it's a small bar one night I caught a glimpse of the end of the day tally and saw that there were $200 in credit card tips alone. That got divided between the two bartenders working, but it is seriously a small bar, that didn't include the cash tips, and I was fucking jelly. We only have three busy nights a week, but they're still clearing a good chunk of change more than me even though my base wage is about twice their base wage.

>> No.5400467

S-sometimes I put strawberries and whipped cream on a loaf of kibbeh
My mom makes a ton, and she sends me a tray once a week, so at one time I had way too much, so I decided to try something weird and liked it
I've never shown anyone else though

>> No.5400483

does it put the hot dog in the DAAAAANGER ZONE

>> No.5400536

My hot dog went to Eton.

True story.

>> No.5400559

American waiters earn a shit ton more than Euro waiters. This is common knowledge. It's why American waiters are happy and nice while Euro waiters are grumpy and rude.

Haha, no. Hot dog is a hot dog, sausages are sausages, and bologna is bologna. You don't get to call things the same as other things just because you can't tell the difference. I don't call a champagne flute a mug. They're different.

>> No.5401696

I have a friend who will not consume cereals with milk, rather he always uses orange juice instead. He only eats fruity ones such as Froot Loops or Fruity Pebbles. Disgusting.