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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5394065 No.5394065[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw i've never bought olive oil because i'm paranoid it's one of the fake brands

how do you make sure what you're buying is legit aside from buying the most expensive shit?

>> No.5394068

f-fake brands?
what are you talking about?

>> No.5394069

The fuck is a fake brand? If you're worried about it being mixed with other oils just check the ingredients and see there's only olive oil. Even then there's a wide scale of quality and cost within olive oil, I personally think the cheap ones do the trick just fine.

>> No.5394075

the majority of olive oil brands are heavily diluted with other, shit tier oils like canola

>> No.5394077

Wow murrica, seriously?

Anyhow you can still just see the ingredients and make sure there's nothing else than olive oil I guess.

>> No.5394241

Just buy a brand from California or Australia.

>> No.5394247
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Buy it directly from the manufacturer. If quality matters, spend the time and money to get the good stuff. It's not rocket surgery. Goddamn, how do you people manage to dress yourselves?


>> No.5394248

>can still just see the ingredients

No, you can't. The olive oil industry in Italy is heavily controlled by the mob. No, really. Google it. I know it sounds like the plot of a bad movie, but seriously. Research it for yourself. The olive oil industry is rife with fraud where lower-quality oils are labeled as olive even though they may not be.

>how do you make sure what you're buying is legit

Same as any other food. You learn what it should look and taste like and you judge the food using your senses, not what it says on the package.

>> No.5394278

I buy my olive oil in 5 litre tins from a shop that deals in nothing else, and try before I buy. It works out cheaper than half-decent supermarket oil, and is palpably better. I can trace it back to where it was grown, if I want. I have reasonable confidence that it is what it says it is.

>> No.5394288


Also, there's no point in being a tightwad about stuff like olive oil, it's an expensive ingredient.

>> No.5394289

I usually buy Costco olive oil for frying and general cooking and buy some nice Australian olive oils for dressings or finishing.

>> No.5394295

Everybody knows this is a worldwide problem.
Delusional yurops faggots.
I read someplace a couple of tips i cant remeber all but ...
Buy from the small-medium local maker no brands involved please
Always choose metalic containers over glass bottles
Stay away from pretentious places and from the ultra expensive ultra something olive oil
Stay the fuck away from imports

>> No.5394307

Seriously, this is the only decent advice in the whole thread. If you want to be sure, buy directly from the manufacturer.

>> No.5394309


It's large producers or shady operators that have problems in Europe. At least over here though we have some level of legally enforceable food standards which mean that olive oil has to pass chemical and taste tests to be legally labelled as extra virgin.

>> No.5394321

I just avoid Italian oil, and hope for the best.

Every now and then I buy it at Fairway, because they import their own house brand directly from the producer. Costs a few bucks more, but it's good stuff.

>> No.5394324

don't hate me /ck/
>braggs first cold press extra virgin organic olive oil
>= the best I think.

I always try to find the deepest green color, gloopiest oil. liquidy like water = fail it needs to be green and sticky and smell like powerful flowers, and have a harsh burn feeling when swallowed plain (don't try this at home)

you can turn the bottle around, bottles usually have bubbles, and see if the bubble takes a long time to reach the other side, = thicker

>> No.5394360

Buy spanish olive oil, its a lot better anyway

>> No.5394366

But you're more likely to get actual olive oil buying American than you are buying Italian. I'm Australian, btw, and the last to jump to the defense of America but you're clearly misinformed.

>> No.5394401

Weird. Do you think Great Value's safe?

>> No.5394412

But olive oil from California.

>> No.5394436
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for whatever its worth

>> No.5394461

Guy who actually sells olive oil to chefs here, these are the correct answers.

Another little trick if you really want Italian, most famous wineries grow a little olives on the side. It's real, but expensive as a motherfuck. Like 45-60/L. Castella di Ama is one.

But yeah, just go Spanish.

>> No.5394511

Cook a sample of it on high heat
if it burns
it's real olive oil
if it doesn't
it's probably canola

>> No.5394513
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Avoid European brands, especially those made in Italy.

I usually go for oils imported from the Middle East, because they almost always have a distinctly stronger flavor of olives and because the region has a very long history of producing high quality EVOO.

Middle Eastern oils are found in any ethnic grocery store. I once found pic related in some hippie co-op and I can say with 100% certainty that it had not been diluted or cut at all. It cost more than usual but tasted exactly like an olive oil I once had that was pressed right there in front of me.

You'd assume third world manufacturers would be more likely to engage in skeevy business practices like secretly adulterating their products, but it seems like access to mass production and mass markets encourages that more than anything when it comes to olive oil.

>> No.5394538

When i looked into this shit.
Counterfit olive oil. (because fuck you thats why)
I read some place that it is pretty fucking difficult to check the purity of that shit.
The burn method, the freeze method, the dance to god method those are worth a shit.
Even fucking science dudes cant get it right.
So unless you are watching the motherfucker making it, you are getting something else.
Be happy if the shit youre getting is 40% olive oil.

>> No.5394540


Also avoid california brands

>> No.5394542

At least you aren't getting Gutter Oil OP

>> No.5394563


That doesn't tell you if it's olive or not, it only tells you if it's refined or virgin.

Any virgin oil will burn. Any refined oil will not, regardless of origin.

>> No.5394567

Funny, I quite like Israeli olive oil

>> No.5394588

Why do you avoid California brands

>> No.5394596


>> No.5394604

You should know the "fake" test failure is also triggered by oxidized oil....old, improperly stored, clear containers. It's not the same thing as fake, it's just that the tasters doing taste-testing can't differentiate 100% olive oil, when some or part of it is already broken down.

In the US, if you don't have truth in labeling, a pretty standardized process. I'm highly positive some of the "top" brands selling their olive oil do not lie and state it's 100%...it's just that the consumer isn't paying attention to blends. You'd have to be in the know to understand Italian on a bottle of oil means it was packed in Italy only, not necessarily grown there. In Spain? It's Spanish.

>> No.5394607

because it supports californians

>> No.5394612

Pretentious people are the main targets of the olive oil mob. (haha olive oil mob)
And nobody is more pretentious with their food than cali fags.
A couple of years ago only ONE cali brand passed the minimum extra virgin test thingie.
Since then cali olive oil its regarded like the real deal.
BUT since there is not a general consensus or a standard for the testing, its worth shit.
And cali fags are selling those over priced shit claimin "realness" and "virginess".

>> No.5394631

This olive oil counterfitin has been around since the dawn of human kind.
It got way out of control since the dawn of XX century.
(i used the word dawn just for the extra dramatic effect)

So like i stated before.
Unless you are watching the motherfucker presing those tasty olives you aint getting that extra virginess.

>> No.5394643

Aim for Dauro olive oil.
Theyre very open about their making process.

>> No.5394680

I remember when i was a kid and i picked up an issue of hustler where a porn star was talking abut what she uses as lube. Apparently she used olive oil. The only thing i could think of was her serving spaghetti out of her ass. I'm a very weird guy, ace.

>> No.5394762


>> No.5394800

This is the dumbest thing I've ever read on /ck/ and I've been a regular here since 2006. Congrats. If you're trolling this is pure genius.

It's funny how mouth breathing knuckle dragging hicks and actual snobs can agree on a hatred of California wine, but in the case of olive oil we have nothing in common.

>> No.5394832


Hahaha, my nigga.

>> No.5395443

Buy cold pressed extra virgin imported from lebanon or syria. the really good stuff should have a little residue at the bottom of the jug.

where i live its like 16 bucks a gallon at the arab grocery store, and it tastes good enough to use as a condiment on its own.

>> No.5395451
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>> No.5395561
File: 24 KB, 500x392, what a fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cali fags not bein pretentiuos.
>Falling for all that wine fad.
>Falling for all that extra true real virgin never touched by human hands olive oil fad.

>> No.5395876

So don't buy Italian olive oil. It's not like that's your only fucking option.
>Spanish oil confirmed as superior

>> No.5395881

>can't taste the difference
>thinks normal people can't taste the difference

Not my fault you've been putting hot sauce on everything

>> No.5396032

Yeah sure buddy.

Now i get the feeling that you (faggot)
Are the only person on the face of the earth with a palate sofisticated enough to notice the difference.

>> No.5396482

>how do you people manage to dress yourselves?
I mix philippo berio with minced garlic, salt, pepper and maille raspberry vinegar. I put it in a shallow container, dip some red arugula in this mix and baste myself.
If you use mustard as a binder you're cheating.

>> No.5396504

Buy local, olive oil spoils so it's best not to buy stuff that was produced in another continent.

>> No.5396654


Lel. It's only the imported oils that do this because Italy is run by the goddamn Mafia. America may suck at a lot of things but the FDA is pretty good at their job.

>> No.5396716

I think everyone should take a look at the following link, it's a pretty short slideshow, but I found it informative:

Basically, stay the fuck away from Italian olive oil.

"Thickness" doesn't mean anything, as olive oil becomes more solid or "thick" when it's stored in cold places. It'll even turn completely solid if it's kept cold enough. Most, if not all olive oils labeled "extra virgin" are cut with another oil. Color isn't an indicator of quality either, as the color of olive oil will vary based on factors such as where the olives were grown, how the growing season was, the types of olives used, etc. Go do some research, Jon Snow.

>> No.5396811

>all this irrelevant bullshit

Did you pick the wrong thread, or are you just so assblasted about your destroyed taste buds that you're hoping that people will accept that "all food is the same" based on some crap you found about wine?

>> No.5397022

>hurr durr shit taste buds
You sure made a counterpoint right there.

>> No.5397032

America is great at a lot of things. I know you have an America hate boner but calm the fuck down.

>> No.5397057

>Always choose metalic containers over glass bottles
Care to elaborate? I'm always worried it might affect taste.

>> No.5397065

Light exposure
There are other ways of dealing with this though, like dark glass

>> No.5397167

Metal containers are more expensive to make.
Therefore it is less likely that a counterfiter would invest in making that type of container.

>hurr durr light exposure
You dumb fuck.