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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5394005 No.5394005[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I love eggs

>> No.5394009

I don't

>> No.5394010

eggs a shit

>> No.5394016

Fuckoff samefag

Eggs are fucking incredible

>> No.5394020

1. Scrambled
2. Omelet
3. Benedict

9001. Over easy
9002. Over hard
90000000004. Poached

>> No.5394028

>scrambled best
>benny good and poached bad
>over easy that bad
There's "I disagree with your opinions" wrong
And there's "just posting shit to start arguments" wrong

But you, my friend, have managed to transcend both of those and venture into a new dimension of wrongness with that post.

>> No.5394031

deviled eggs make my butthole hot

>> No.5394034

I love eggs but devilled seem to over handled. like someone tossed some cooked egg yolk between their hands before delicately putting it back into the egg white

>> No.5394096

1. Souffle Omelette
2. Omelette
3. Fried

4. Eggy bread :--)
5. Scrambled
5. Softly poached
6. Soft Boiled
7. Hard Boiled
8. All the rest that come to mind
-9. Raw

Yolky n poached is fun as fuck to slice up wit some rice, on toast or with veges.

>> No.5394097

The sad thing about eggs is that you can do a million delicious things with it, but none of them can beat a simple hard boiled egg.

>> No.5394271

well yeh that's essentially what it is. its called presentation brah

>> No.5394272

did you eat your eggy weggy's today son?

>> No.5394318

I fucking hate eggs.

>> No.5394531

I can provide a cooling salve and gentle massage for you. Just send me your address.

>> No.5394541

untrue, a medium boiled egg is perfection

>> No.5394544

guy fieri pls

>> No.5395532

>#1 doesn't have a liquid yolk

The fuck?

Over easy
Soft boiled
Hard Boiled
Over Hard

>> No.5395535

They taste good until you've had too many, then you don't want eggs for weeks

>> No.5397685

Me two.

I love deviled eggs, but I haven't had them in many years. I also like over-easy.

>> No.5397726

I've cooked thousands upon thousands of eggs, and I still enjoy them (Diner cook[do it all],) See this device in a thread i started - need thoughts on it.>>5397694

>> No.5397765
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Guy Fieri hates eggs, so I do, too

>> No.5397810


If you're a diner cook and you know how to cook eggs then why on earth would you be interested in that thing? It's a silly device that "solves" a problem which doesn't exist. Why on earth would you want to scramble an egg its shell? And assuming that you did want to do this, why would you buy a device for it instead of just wrapping the egg in a towel or sock or other piece of cloth and doing the same thing without buying a silly contraption for it?

I don't mean to be rude with my question--I am just genuinely curious.

>> No.5397833

I like my eggs like I like my potatoes. Most ways but not all.

Damn he needs to cut back on the tan. I almost thought that pic was shopped.

>> No.5397838
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>> No.5398104
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>putting salt on your eggs

>> No.5398138
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Salt kicks ass, faggot.

>> No.5398142

*tips fedora*

>> No.5398162 [DELETED] 

Now I have contemplated and experienced everything there is to appreciate in this complex and gratuitous life we live in, and as such I gawk. This is truly a lowly form of depreciative behavior, one that lacks an intellectually stimulating argument or rebuttal to the convoluted point poised.
I presuppose that your dossier includes transgressing the daily electrical vision tubing inquisitiveness for merrymaking, which you shall nevermore experience, among other unintelligent enterprises. You will deteriorate and comatose in life while I transcend into the ranks of accustomed gentlemen.
In no architectural way could you ever flibbertigibbety a response worthy of discourse, with such a toximble vocabulary you adhere to. As a farewell transcript inhibiting ruthfull yet fallacious diction of the Hygienevangelist degree, I subsequently yet erroneously incept the message of transcribe a book forthright into your mind and digest it's pure, unfiltered wisdom into an uncultured brain such as yours
I hope this facilitation consolidates your ameliorate ways and serves as a preventative disclosure cancelling further converse between the proletariat among the higher class, as a human being such as yourself will forever never contradistinguish the II (That is the roman numeral sign for 2 or "two", you or of the illiterate and unbesdesntrilly cult that is America). I triangulariteraly beheemth thou cambrigrade in your occupititipal life.

>> No.5398702

Deviled eggs are awesome and if there was less delay in the process between having edible eggs and finished deviled eggs, I might make them.

What I don't understand, is the miniscule dusting of paprika that so often happens. It's almost worse to me, than no paprika at all. If there's none, I figure, that's just a poor unenlightened soul who hasn't experienced such awesomenss. But the dusting, clearly they know there's paprika involved, but for what? A little visual contrast?

mfw when I was little, altering some deviled eggs my mom made to suit my (apparently strange?) taste for paprika, with what turned out to be copious amounts of cayenne pepper.

>> No.5398730

It's not just you. I hate when they make deviled eggs and they end up putting shit for paprika on it.

>> No.5399167

Yeah it's for the visuals but I actually love paprika too. I had these paprika chips one time, oh man they were good. Too bad that was in Germany. Never seen them in the US

>> No.5401266


1. Shirred
2. Poached, preferably in wine and butter
3. Fried over easy
4. Omelet, cheese, mushrooms
5. boiled with a touch of salt and fresh-ground pepper, eaten warm as soon as it's unshelled
6. Scrambled, but my way which is far beyond deviant in every human being's eyes but mine
7. Quiche, any but preferably loads of cheese and veggies
8. Pickled with beets
9. Basted
10. Egg Salad Sandwich
11. Coddled
12. Eggs benedict or whatever that stuff is called
13. Deviled
14. Over medium or hard
15. Egg foo yung
16. Egg drop soup
17. Cooked with other foods, such as vegetables, preferably yolky
18. Huevos Rancheros

9999999 Balut, hundred year eggs or boy-piss eggs, or any egg that's been ffs BURIED. HELL NO.

>> No.5401491

Describe these scrambled eggs

>> No.5401738


>> No.5402019


I've done so on here once before, but if you're really wanting to know ...

Eggs beaten, small amount of salt added, then beaten together with a large amount of milk or cream. Resulting liquid is rather thin with strands of gooey raw egg all through it.

Heat a frying pan, with real butter, toss the liquid in. Cook over medium heat until the bottom begins to show signs of solidifying and the whole mixture begins to get bubbly. Draw a spoon through the mixture to turn, being careful not to heat too much because you don't want any browning at all.

Continue to gently cook eggs, turning down the heat if necessary, and stirring until the eggs form soft, fluffy solid masses in the liquid, and continue cooking while stirring constantly until the milk begins to leak out of the egg masses. The resulting eggs are super soft, super delicious, and swimming in a delicious savory milk sauce. It's a weird sort of poaching, I suppose, in essence, only the poaching liquid is mixed in before heating and then leaks out gradually.

I eat it with buttered toast to dip in the liquid.

>> No.5402062
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>> No.5402078

I did warn you.

When I was in grade school, my mother was very creative with our packed lunches we'd take to school in our (metal) lunchboxes. Each of them had a thermos for hot foods or liquids inside, and we never quite knew what we would find when we opened them up.

Well, one day she made scrambled eggs for my thermos, and apparently used too much milk in them because this is the way they were. I ate them anyway, found I loved them made in this manner, and ever since then this is how I eat my scrambled eggs.

>> No.5402083

Are you Patrick Bateman?

>> No.5402117

I don't even know who that is.

>> No.5402132

american psycho is on the 4chan required reading list
along with tdkr and dateline nbc

>> No.5402144

Sorry, that is not my flavor of book. I'm more of a fantasy/horror fan. Nothing like a little Lovecraft to lull you to sleep at night.

>> No.5402195

>horror fan

>> No.5402539

are you kidding american psycho fucked me up bad, and i've read lovecraft. it doesn't even compare. it gets in your head and makes you question everything you believe in/the world in general. fucking gnarly shit
>dat rat scene

>> No.5403053

I'm not a fan of serial killer/psychos/gore/tortureporn. I like my horror flavoured with plenty of supernatural.

>> No.5403055

get a load of this fag

>> No.5403056

I'm not seeing what a serial killer novel has to do with my bizarre style of scrambled eggs.

>> No.5403057

>Stop liking what I don't like!

>> No.5403064

Actually, I'm telling you to stop not liking what I do like, because it's good, and you're the type of person who puts arbitrary restrictions on the type of entertainment he watches or reads, because you're a fag.

>> No.5403119

Look, I understand you're desperately trying to appear more intelligent here by insulting my taste in books, but the fact is everyone likes what they like. I like paranormal horror. If you like other kinds, that's fine, but berating others for their personal taste makes you look like a mental midget.

Bet you'd never try those eggs, pussy.

>> No.5403148

There's liking what you like, then there's refusing to broaden your horizons because you're a dumb creature of habit. How can you know you won't like a book until you read it? Oh, that's right, you can't, you just think you can because you're afraid of being wrong about something. Open your mind, bitch.

I'd try your eggs, because I'm not a little closed minded faggot.

>> No.5403180

>Assuming I only read supernatural horror because I state that I prefer it

>Assuming someone who reads profusely is somehow "dumb"

>Assuming you are omniscient enough to actually have any idea what I've read or plan to read in my life

>Pointlessly hostile in a thread about eggs

>Assuming I'm closed minded because I've never read some book you have read

Winner of the 2014 Wealth of Ignorance trophy right here. Enjoy your title.

>> No.5403194

It's not just any book. It's American fucking Psycho. Now stop making excuses and educate yourself.

>> No.5403195

Go away, shit poster.

>> No.5403199
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>doesn't know who Patrick Bateman
>calls others shitposters

>> No.5403207

>Be a med school student
>Work at the campus health center bullshit to help other students and get paid
>Student comes in
>"I feel unwell."
>Ask them to describe their symptoms, then their diet
>They tell me they've eaten pretty much nothing, but greasy food and ramen for the last month
>Suggest they buy a dozen eggs instead of ramen
>"Eggs are bad for you because cholesterol"

I don't even know anymore, /ck/. Why do people think that noodles flash fried in saturated fat with msg is more healthy than eggs?

>> No.5403209

Because you made that story up.

>> No.5403212

I just wanted to impress you

>> No.5403274

I will just leave this here.

>> No.5403343

Who gives a fuck, honestly. This is a thread about eggs and egg dishes, not "force your idea of a good book down everyone's throats and call yourself smart for it." Go fucking proselytize door to door you bottom feeding monkeyraping psycho fanboy. You never did even explain what the fuck that shit has to do with an egg thread.

Go back to /b/ and take your shitposting with you.

>> No.5403388

>Med school
>Thinking MSG is unhealthy

The world is going to shit.

>> No.5403399

I'm not even the same guy who compared him to Patrick Bateman. I don't know what the fuck that was about. I just like the book.

>> No.5403741

sent ;)

>> No.5404466

>egg thread
>not literary discussion thread

Which part are you not comprehending?

>> No.5404483

My apologies, I tagged the wrong post to reply to. It was meant for the fagtard above yours.

>> No.5405075
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Boiled eggs a shit.

>> No.5405267

>I love eggs


>> No.5405273

~ooh, you're gonna love it, the incredible, edible egg~


>> No.5405306
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Deep fried "mollet" eggs (meaning not hard but almost)

>> No.5405725

Would eat 9/10

Also try baking eggs in a tablespoon of white wine and a bit of butter.
Use a little ramekin in the oven. About 10 minutes.

Fucking Delicious.

>> No.5408222

Explain a bit more, you just put an uncooked egg in a ramekin with butter and white wine ? You should at least put some salt, herbs, etc..

>> No.5408434

they are eggs man not pussy, calm down.

>> No.5410108
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I'm with this guy.

>> No.5410120

i woke up my roommate from laughing so hard
i should go to bed

>> No.5410124

abe sevastidis?

>> No.5410244

argh I had to stop reading or else I'd have to bust out the skillet and do three over-easy. Low-heat is so fucking king, by the way. 10 mins on 2/10 heat with a lid, no brown shit, and runny yolk.

I finally found some decent avocados so I'm doing at least 2 dozen deviled eggs with:

guacamole (avocado, salt, lemon juice)
splash of sriracha
some bacon fat
cajun seasoning

all mashed into the yolk and topped with one or two of the following:

cherry tomato slices
mashed albacore tuna

fuuuuuuck I wish it wasn't almost 5am right now.

>> No.5410270

deviled>poached>your moms fertilized>scrambled>sunnyside up

>> No.5410274
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>> No.5410278

when making deviled eggs put some anchovies in with the yolks.

fucking awesome.

>> No.5410374

I agree with this, also. But one thought
Eggs Benedict is a dish, not a way to cook eggs. The eggs in Eggs Benedict have been poached. Get your shit right.

>> No.5410405

egg in a basket is the best
all of you are faggots for not mentioning it.

>> No.5412781

You could add salt or herbs if you wished.
It's not exactly rocket science. :)
I've done red wine too but the white is better.

>> No.5412791

keep dreaming, ive been eating uncooked eggs in a ramekin with butter and white wine pretty often and ive never been sick from it

>> No.5412792
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I see what you did there

>> No.5412804

Wrong thread faggot