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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 162 KB, 1024x768, nasi lemak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5393967 No.5393967[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Southeast Asian food general

Bonus points: dishes that you can actually make

>> No.5393969

Looks great, What is it?

>> No.5393971

thats an uncolored snow cone without the cone with sloppy joe, baked beans, cucumbers, an egg, and a fried chicken drumstick

>> No.5393973

jpg name.
Nasi Lemak.

>> No.5393975
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>> No.5393976

this is true, unflavoured snow cone is essential tho, none of that cherry or blue raspberry shit

we call this an igloo omelette in canada

>> No.5393986
File: 284 KB, 620x465, bak+kut+teh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that hard to make if you can find a spice mix.

>> No.5394001

What's that red looking sauce/meat called? Looks good.

>> No.5394484

OP MY SAUDARA you don't know how long I've waited for this thread

It's sambal, chilli with dried anchovies with it.

>> No.5394487
File: 49 KB, 400x237, NasiGorengUSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amerifats will never taste Nasi Goreng USA

>> No.5394501
File: 300 KB, 720x540, Kip-kerrie-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually south american food, but I like it and I always eat it with rice.

Kip Kerrie, serve with Rice & Sambal, freshly made.

Just keep some sweet sour cucumber slices nearby to make the fire leave your mouth.

>> No.5394523
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You forgot the best part.

>> No.5394526
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>> No.5394528
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>> No.5394656

We have more southeast Asians here than in most European countries.

Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, Thailand; save for the Dutch with their Indo population the average "Amerifat" will most likely eat pretty good SEA Food

>> No.5394745
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>> No.5394767

>>Amerifats will never taste Nasi Goreng USA
Huh? There isn't one world cuisine not enjoyed in the US.

>> No.5394783 [DELETED] 

I'm 15 and I'm American and I've cooked many Asian foods. Such as katsu-sando,dumpings,spicy soba noodles,oyakodon. Some Americans are cultured but I like to cook more European dishes.


>> No.5394820

>im 15 and only cooked weaboo food. Therefore, I am very cultured.

>> No.5394829

I cook other Asian foods other than Japanese I was just saying which ones I recenty cooked

>> No.5394879
File: 2.41 MB, 3264x2448, 20131027_184718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onde onde, didn't bother to add coloring. can't find fresh coconut either.

>> No.5394880
File: 88 KB, 640x427, oyster omellette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't find fresh coconut
that is tragic.

>> No.5394890


I make Coconut Curry like an old Thai grandma

Mortor and pastel grind the spices myself, you have to make everything from scratch

I also make a mean pot of pho
With thinly sliced beef that you pour the broth over that cooks it perfectly tender

SE asian food ftw

>> No.5394904

c-can we be friends?
n-no homo

>> No.5394938


Ive been looking for more traditional SE asian dishes to make

The flavors are just too amazing

>> No.5395206
File: 8 KB, 191x264, Kaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know an easy way to make Kaya?
I don't like stirring for 60 mins straight.

>> No.5395211

Wow that looks amazing what is that?

>> No.5395221

Nasi Lemak

>> No.5395916
File: 71 KB, 600x450, green-curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not the biggest fan of thai food, but this stuff is pretty delicious.

>> No.5396804
File: 21 KB, 375x281, 1323415640447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always be convinced that anchovies are horrible, slimy little cocksuckers
>get dragged to Malay restaurant with Malay friend
>cry bitch tears at the level of spice
>fall in love with those crispy little fuckers

>> No.5396830


With simply research i've discovered that this is essentially a thick coconut and pandad custard/curd. The method seems the exact same for a regular custard, so I don't know why it would take 60 mins.

Alot of recipes seem to use pandan leaves and let it infuse but if you can't be fucked waiting just use extract.

It doesn't need to be over a double boiler either. Just put it on the direct heat and whisk. Should take seriously lie 5mins max. If it curdles slightly just chuck it through a blender.

>> No.5396837

>googling so you can explain something to someone who asked about something you've never heard of

Full autist

Also just order it on amazon, making kaya is like making nutella, sure you could but why, unless you're one of those asshats who likes to spend 3x as much money and 10x as much time to brag about making something at home that tastes indistinguishable from the canned stuff. But of course this is /ck/, so...

>> No.5396844
File: 231 KB, 1600x1200, mmdap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these Singaporean food being posted.

Never knew my country's food was so loved here.

>> No.5396848


Lel. I googled it find out what it was, yes.

I replied because the answer was so fucking simple, as it is literally a custard made with coconut milk.

>> No.5396857

>more rice than anything else on the plate
>asian logic

>> No.5396865


And yet, look who's fat

Have fun with your atkins, fatty fat

>> No.5396870

5'11", 140 lb.


Try again, riceboy.

>> No.5396874


Leave the gook alone you manlet.

>> No.5396876

>5'11", 140 lb.
Are you a 14 year old having a growth spurt?

>> No.5396877
File: 265 KB, 334x393, embraced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank based skellington

>> No.5396886

>Leave the gook alone you manlet.

How old are you? It's better to be skinny than fat, but you should seriously consider working out and eating more if you want to stop looking like a 15-year-old.

>> No.5396890


Jesus, you're practically a midget.

>> No.5396891


im a girl, i don't want to lift weights and get all muscley

also i hate it how all these guys are into asian girls, their flat chested and have no hips

anyone ever tried accutane?

>> No.5396900

Making nutella is much cheaper than buying it.

Plus that guy was being helpful, what's your problem?

>> No.5396919


there's one in his hand

cantonese here, those deep fried mantou are great also in condensed milk

>> No.5396947

>I don't want to lift weights
>also i hate it how all these guys are into asian girls
>no hips
>no hips

>> No.5396951
File: 81 KB, 500x334, kanae yagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me, just posting a flat-chest nohips asian girl who's half your height and can clean you twice over

>> No.5396954
File: 97 KB, 334x500, kanae yagi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how terrible it must be to have no hips and be all muscley like a dude

>> No.5396960

Singapore taking credit for all the food it never invented again
can't you culturallypores just admit you haven't an ounce of creativity in the entire 10 square kilometers of your chunk of China?

>> No.5396968

lol angry chink detected

No one gives a shit about your little geopolitical issues. Enjoy your smog, adulterated eggs, and oppressive government.

>> No.5396970

>also i hate it how all these guys are into asian girls, their flat chested and have no hips

Success breeds Jealousy

>> No.5396971

>clean you twice over
As a man I would prefer a woman with nice hips, ass, tits, etc. (i.e.: normal secondary sexual characteristics) than a woman without them who can lift heavy weights.

Just saying.

>> No.5396982


>pic related

>im a girl, i don't want to lift weights and get all muscley

No one told you to, since his comment was a reply to my post.

That said,

I'm 27.

>It's better to be skinny than fat
>but you should seriously consider working out
>and eating more
No. I already eat 5 large meals every day.
>if you want to stop looking like a 15-year-old.
I do not want to look different than I do now.

You just got tricked :^)

>> No.5396983

Chubby chaser detected.

>> No.5396985
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>> No.5396986

>Just saying.

Only faggots say this after their post.

Just saying.

>> No.5396989
File: 101 KB, 1280x960, 10005941_10203186853453478_1143789172_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thai grilled pork and a great big bowl of jaew

>> No.5396991
File: 36 KB, 399x550, lidia valentin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the two are not in any way mutually exclusive.
in fact one might say that muscular development in the hips makes them bigger. and by might I mean it's a guaranteed causation you manpussy

>> No.5396996
File: 65 KB, 960x720, 1517640_10203527523170008_2503514786490974842_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kho prarama longsong

the more authentic version of the thai restaurant dish thats meat and broccoli covered in peanut sauce

here we have pork ,cabbage, and green bean, and a bowl of fresh herbal peanut sauce

>> No.5397198

>hurr I don't know why it would take 60mins, even though I just heard about it
>hurr should only take 5 mins

if you only take 5 mins, it comes out like shit. i want better Kaya, and I want to see if any Malays have tricks to spare my arm from extended stirring.

>> No.5397207

that wasn't being helpful.

>hey guys how do i cook homemade pizza?
>>just microwave it for 5 mins
>>or buy it, since it's cheaper

>> No.5397253
File: 73 KB, 700x465, 424975_10150704797121745_915708232_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this recipe: http://kitchentigress dot blogspot dot co.uk/2011/10/kaya.html, it produces kaya that tastes like the kind you get at kopitiams at 8 in the morning

I miss chicken rice, laksa, dimsum, charsiu, kolo mee, ayam penyet, tomato kueh tiau, black pepper crab and fishball soup so much, some days it's pretty much all i can think about.

>> No.5397269
File: 388 KB, 500x750, pork with coconut juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Singapura

Terima kasih

pic: Vietnamese pork with coconut juice

>> No.5397646

Fuck sake, that's even called Hainanese Chicken rice you goober fuck. It may be popular there too, doesnt mean Singaporeans invented it fuckwit

>> No.5397650

>im a gril btw

>> No.5397676

one thing Singapore does have going for it is fusion and meeting place of various cuisines.

chinese, malay, indian, vietnamese, filippino, etc.

>> No.5397741

That egg is overcooked.

>> No.5397749

>Autism in Action

>> No.5397782

The outside of an egg yolk should never be green.

>> No.5398527

OP I could eat that everyday. What is it?

>> No.5398555
File: 31 KB, 625x417, Ask one more time. I DARE you. I Double dare you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5398627

Talking out your ass

>> No.5398637

whats the difference between southeast asian food and the other food.

>> No.5398774

other food is made elsewhere.
southeast asian food originated in Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia; to a lesser extent, Philippines, China, Hong Kong.

>> No.5398787

prove me wrong, faggot

>> No.5399011
File: 31 KB, 400x283, 100 plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is burden of proof?

based 100 plus.

imagine a light, refreshing, less-sweet Fresca-flavored carbonated Gatorade.

>> No.5399022

so everywhere but japan india and mongolia? im not really sure i get you.

wheres the border of southeast asia and the rest of asia?

>> No.5399036

That looks really good. I wish I knew the recipe for it. Or the name. What is it so I can try to make it.

>> No.5399042
File: 32 KB, 500x375, tumblr_ll7intvLhK1qhmwi1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kai pa lo is so simple a retard could make it.

>> No.5399043

I don't know, you tell me.

>> No.5399059

*sigh* fucking geography lesson.

Southeast Asia starts with Burma as the western most point. Then goes east to Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, then Vietnam.

Further south, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia are lumped in.

Now: I mentioned China and Hong Kong because of their food influence, even though they're not usually considered SE Asia. Also, I'm never sure about Philippines, but I think there's some crossover with food influence.

So, no, Japan and Mongolia aren't a part of SE Asia. Neither is anything west of Burma (Bangladesh, Bhutan, etc).

>> No.5399065

>I wish I knew the recipe for it. Or the name
are you fucking trolling?


>> No.5399118

>tfw no one posts indon food
indon food confirmed for trash tier SEA foods

>> No.5399123

well, only because India isn't southeast asia.

I suppose people could post fusions, or indian-based food in singapore and hong kong...

>> No.5399202

Indon as in Indonesian

>> No.5399287

Yeah.. Hainanese chicken rice, invented by the hainanese in Singapore, you goober.

>> No.5399290

OP you have great taste. Just why the cucumber? That is my only problem with that dish. What is the name of it?

>> No.5399300

It's to balance the spiciness.

>> No.5399301

get out.

>> No.5399342
File: 2.40 MB, 1288x966, 009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken Curry. I would say Japanese style but I use coconut milk so it's more Thai style...

>> No.5399470

Looks great.

>> No.5399779

fugggg i love nasi lemak, it's been a while

>> No.5399788




>> No.5399795
File: 2.79 MB, 350x263, 1325242816545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have literally the best Local food out there with all kinds of variants and types.
>Food from all around the world at our fingertips be it pizza or sushi
>Co-workers and friends always complain that there is nothing good to eat.

I honestly think there is something wrong with my countrymen at times.

>> No.5399800


If you want something to complain about, I found the alcohol selection in singapore to be somewhat lacking. Doesn't really seem to be a drinking culture. I mean people drank but they didn't drink anything good.

>> No.5399801


>tfw working in industrial area

nothing good to eat at all fuck

>> No.5399861

that's because a bottle of Jack costs literally 100 usd

>> No.5400189

Which industrial area do you work in? Lots of industrial areas have great food, there's one in Changi with a fantastic steamed fish head.

>> No.5400889

i can make that. use to live in pampanga

>> No.5400907
File: 4 KB, 145x119, 131097897599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steamed fish head

>> No.5400910

What time of the day would you eat this OP? Looks like a great breakfast or even lunch. Not so much a dinner meal. What is it though?

>> No.5400912

Those filthy fuckers eat fish heads out of fucking cans.

>> No.5400964

>being this amerilardeluded

>> No.5400981
File: 918 KB, 1920x1920, Phanaeng_kai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

penang is best thai curry
prove me wrong

>> No.5401070

>What is it though?
get out.

green curry is a close 2nd though

>> No.5401096

So what is this?

>> No.5401101

It's been asked & answered several times.

Move along.

>> No.5401109

Wow OP that looks great where can i get that in Sydney or any other place close by in Straya

>> No.5401454

Eating world, china town.

>> No.5401482

Asian girls generally aren't bitchy sarcastic ballbusting cunts.

>> No.5401485

Singapore also invented scotch whisky, borscht, and ladyboys.

>> No.5401566

Silly europoor. Our cities are full of first and second generation immigrant cooks catering to their fellow expats.

If you aren't a friendless bastard or somewhat racist, restaurant recommendations are easy.

>> No.5401625

7/10, would devour messily like a ravenous beast while tearfully remembering a former roommate that made all of us curry lunch boxes instead of rent. I hope he is doing well.

>> No.5401633

AHAHAHA try harder, you jealous bitch.

>tfw Asian girl, 21 BMI, D-cup breasts, butt that all the white boys love
>even at the lowest weight I'd ever been (103 lbs, 19 BMI) I still had C-cup tits and an ass.
I work out 3x a week, 40 min of cardio each session and eat 1600 calories a day. Not all asian girls are flat chested with no hips.

I have two friends who lift(ed), one used to be a hambeast and lifting helped her reach model thinness. She doesn't lift anymore and now her arms are lumpy and flabby.

The other friend is skinny too. She lifts occasionally but by no means does she look muscle-ly. On the contrary, her arms look toned and smooth.

>making excuses for not exercising
>this applies to people of both genders btw

>> No.5401653

Time stamp pic or gtfo liar.

>> No.5401657

Now OP would you steam the rice then add the coconut or add it and boil?

>> No.5401677

>add it and boil

>> No.5401760

I really like asian food but I live in an area that has only shitty take out "asian" food. This looks legit. Is it really hot? What is it called? I really want to try it.

>> No.5401791

>What is it called?
Is this some sort of new meme or trolling tactic?

Asking the name of something that's in the file name and has been answered several times?

>> No.5401813


>any time I mention my boyfriend in a post I have to refer to him as "my S.O."
>any time I mention having a female friend I get responses asking if I ever boned her, to which I always say no but don't mention that the reason why I haven't boned her is because I'm a straight female
>always refer to myself using gender neutral words
>8 years of basically being careful as fuck not to give anyone hints that I'm a girl
>people respond to my posts calling me "this guy" and I don't correct them
>other girls on 4chan drop obvious hints or outright say they're female ALL THE FUCKING TIME and NEVER EVER FUCKING GET ASKED FOR PICS
>okay so maybe I'll be fine if I mention it one time
>then this shit fucking happens to me

Fuck you, cunt. I've been around long enough to know how this works. If I show pics you harass me to post tits and stalk me on facebook. Is it so fucking bizarre to learn that there are people on here who aren't hambeasts/neckbeards that you have to demand pictures? I hope you choke on a dick. This is the last time I'm responding to anything like this. I'm never mentioning that I'm female ever again. Shit's easier when I pretend to be a dude on here.

>> No.5401815

Not eating fish heads? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.5401821
File: 104 KB, 550x367, fish-head-curry-singapore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't always eat fish heads, but when I do, I eat fish head curry.

Stay spicy, my friends.

>> No.5401831

lying whore

>> No.5401920

Quick question do you have to fancy up the cucumber and peel them? Also what would you call this meal?

>> No.5401958

Are you OP trolling yourself to keep a dying thread alive?

>> No.5402088


Vietnamese Pork Salad, not too sure how authentic but pork, pepper fish sauce and lime make it seem so.

Anyone have a good recipe for red curry?

>> No.5402231

Hell yeah nigga

>> No.5402235

Nasi kuning > Nasi lemak

>> No.5402238

They're pretty much the same thing.

>> No.5402250

Aren't nasi lemak closer to nasi uduk?

>> No.5402258

All I'm here to say is that SEA food is my favourite that I've eaten so far. Malaysian, Indonesian and Thai in that order are god tier best of the best in the world. Vietnamese is pretty amazing and Cambodian food I've had was very delicious as well. Never tried Lao or Burmise food yet, and Filipino food is the worst of that region, it's actually pretty bad except for sisig.

I have an Indonesian friend who used to take me to all these SEA restaurants when he was living here. I fell in love with the food. Now he keeps pestering me about going over to visit him, I think I will next year, partly to visit him and partly to gorge myself on the food.

>> No.5402261

Yeah, but they're all more or less the same thing. Coconut flavoured rice eaten with side dishes.

>> No.5402265

Nigga Filipino food is one of my favourites.

>that sour and salty soup
>that mash of flavours

I can see why it doesn't fit the tastes of some, but to call it the worst of the region is pretty wrong.

>> No.5402269
File: 185 KB, 500x375, murtabak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it.
It's all great stuff, healthy too.

>> No.5402270

>they didn't drink anything good
>implying there is good alcohol
>implying enjoying the taste
>implying alcohol is good for anything other than getting to various levels of being drunk

booze snobs are the worst, just drink the filthy shit, after a while it'll all taste the same. Would you actually drink any of this if it didn't get you drunk?

>> No.5402274

Well when mixed with cocktails there's obviously different tastes.

>> No.5402276

>pretend to be a dude on here
this should be in the 4chan FAQ somewhere near the top

>> No.5402277
File: 1.08 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My adobo

>> No.5402281

what does this do?
I'm assuming you mean to use it for something other than acne, like how a lot of women take the pill for it's various side effects

>> No.5402288

Name a worse cuisine in that region then. Filipino food is pretty meh to be honest. I love food from all over Asia and have tried Filipino food a few times now and to me it's often times not even good. There's a bit of a weird "everything adobo is so kawaii" movement in America. Adobo is fucking shit. I think if you compared it to food you'd find in Eastern Europe it would be great but in the region it's awful.

He lives on Java close to Bali and his family is pretty well off, I'm sure he'd take me to Bali and then I'd die from eating too much suckling pig.

>> No.5402296

What even is a 'worst cuisine'? Food is all subjective anyway, all you're asking for is my opinion. I don't like Peranakan cuisine for the most part.

>> No.5402487

>I don't like Peranakan cuisine
get out.

>> No.5402490

I really want to try this but WTF is it. Why do you keep ignoring me?

>> No.5402500

because you're a fucking troll. it's in the file name and has been asked (hilariously) over a dozen times.

OP, I'm saging. so you're tactic of making this thread relevant is useless.

>> No.5402506

>no opinions allowed

>> No.5402780

have you ever seen filipino cuisine?
pasta made with banana ketchup and hot dogs
this shit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinuguan
lots of awful fast food like Jollibee

>> No.5402836


Why is dinuguan grouped in there with those other two? Are you one of those people who thinks the only good meat is boneless skinless chicken breast?

>> No.5402853

>made with blood and offal
the literal definition of poverty food

>> No.5402859


>> No.5402871
File: 187 KB, 640x387, cevapi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you even had yugoslav, polish, hungarian, ukranian, or russian food?

they are amazing. some of the best cuisine in the world.

Flip food is objectively horrible. The only thing it compares to is hawaiian and chamorro... it is pacific theatre military base food mixed with tribal cooking. It is all awful... don't you dare go comparing it to glorious eastern european food.

>> No.5402878

>Have you even had yugoslav, polish, hungarian, ukranian, or russian food?

Beets, onions, fucking dill on everything, and expired dairy products.

The wine is largely undrinkable.

Why would you pick cevapi to represent that region anyway? Because you knew nothing specific to the region had merit? Every country has a "grilled salty meat on a starch" and they all think they invented it.

>> No.5402889
File: 204 KB, 500x375, polish food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was highlighting the "Mediterranean" diet of a large portion of what you call "eastern europe" by posting chevapi.

Have some Polish food. Nobody thinks that smoked sausage, kraut, cabbage rolls, and pirogi are bad... Nobody.

>> No.5402898


It's not "bad" but it hardly deserves to be called the best in the world. You sound like you went behind the iron curtain for vacation and you've got a mild to moderate case of slavaboo affecting your judgment. I recommend living in a Russian immigrant neighborhood, that will cure you right quick.

>> No.5402918

Actually I live in an Asian area and was in a relationship with a flip girl for 7 years. The combination of the two has ruined most Asian food for me.

I greatly preferred living in a predominantly hungarian area before moving to where I am.

I wish I was in an eastern European neighborhood again. Sometimes... you just need white people food.

>> No.5402921


Oh, you were subjected to filipino-american cooking? Yes, I can understand how that happened.

Also, having lived in Asian, Russian, Hispanic, and indeterminate American white people neighborhoods, Russians are by far the most awful human beings to live near. I'd sooner take my chances with a black public housing project.

>> No.5402936

Lots of great food come from poverty, hell, most of SEAsia's great foods are so called 'poverty foods'.

>> No.5402945

but they're not literal poverty foods.
they contain full cuts of meats, fresh vegetables, coconut milk, and rich spices, which are considered delicacies in most developed countries
offal is considered poverty food by all but filipinos who consider it a delicacy because it at least tastes better than typhoons and spanish cock

>> No.5402959
File: 999 KB, 1600x1200, Pigorgsoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


being this ignorant

Offal is a delicacy in tons of countries, Haggis, Blood Sausages, Foei Gras, Deep Fried Pork Intestines... the list goes on. To say only Filipinos consider offal a delicacy is factually incorrect.

>> No.5402965


This is very interesting to me. I sometimes think that Western cuisine is boring and that I'd never choose it over Asian if I had the option, but then again I've been eating mostly bread and pasta my whole life so maybe I've just taken it for granted and never been without it long enough to develop a strong craving.

If there's anyone in this thread who grew up eating mostly non-Western stuff, do you think especially highly of any particular Western dishes and do you ever crave them?

>> No.5402975

I grew up in Singapore, mostly eaten Asian (Chinese) food.

If I would have to choose some "Western" foods that I've had and really like, I suppose some of them are...

Brazilian Churrascaria - Possibly, one of my most favourite things to eat, ever.

Foei Gras - Only had it a few times, but I really love the texture and strength of flavour it has.

Escargot - Similar to squid, which I enjoy.

Pizza - Dislike, dislike, dislike.

I also enjoy the generic 'grilled chops' of food from Western stalls we get here.

>> No.5402986

I grew up half in Asia and half in the US, I think of food in terms of flavors, textures, smells, and appearance, rather than 'good old boring white people slop' or'honest to goodness slant eyes home cooking'. I have a notion of what goes on in someone's mind when they say something like that but it just strikes me as provincial.

>> No.5403166

>I also enjoy the generic 'grilled chops' of food from Western stalls we get here.
white expat in SG for a year. I ate at hawker centres all the time but i NEVER got the western stuff. it looked so bad. spaghetti and sauce and a steak!? its like they read a grocery store catalogue and just threw things together. And asians cant do bolognese.

My favourites were the carrot cake and papaya (the spicy rolls). man i miss SG food

>> No.5403280
File: 988 KB, 963x367, pizza hut singapore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pizza - Dislike, dislike, dislike.
but dude, you guys have cool pizza in Singapore

>> No.5403294

that curry chicken pizza
mmm would rape

>> No.5403333

oh indeed.
locally, the most exotic pizza is "hawaiian" or anchovies. what a shame.

>> No.5403418

They have a Japanese pizza chain Oishii Pizza. It's fuckin awesome

>> No.5404142

that actually looks good. most Asian countries fuck up pizza when it crosses their borders

Japanese pizza is garbage, why would you buy pizza from a Japanese chain?

>> No.5404176
File: 36 KB, 534x401, Fishball Noodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. The singaporean pizza looks and tastes like pizza, just "exotic" toppings.

i haven't eaten the japanese pizza, but it doesn't look like pizza. it seems as if someone threw japanese toppings on cheese and crust.

now, god tier comfort lunch:

>> No.5404238


You want us to think you have 'expensive taste' but really you just come off like a tool.

>> No.5404376

I bet he's a kiasu-fag

>> No.5404457

>all this Filipino food hate

I do agree that dinuguan and certain spaghetti recipe are shit. I haven't and will never try dinuguan and other similar dishes. But Filipino food is not all that bad. If you tasted adobo and didn't like it, try another adobo made by a different family -- adobo differs a lot, depending on the recipe handed down or the adobo the cook grew up eating.

I'm not that fond of sinigang, but it's pretty popular up north. Other dishes are pretty heavy, hearty and savory, like Mechado, Caldereta, Lechon,

We're pretty influenced by Chinese and Spanish dishes, due to the Spaniards staying for 300+years, and having Chinese merchants since forever.

My favorites are probably lumpia, tocino and good old lugaw (congee).

>> No.5404460
File: 84 KB, 800x600, lugaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.5404475

Just a little white pepper on that and I'm good. Maybe next time I'll get a duck leg on the side or plain with chair siu and some tripe.

Goddamnit, /ck/

>> No.5404493

I'm okay with lumpia. I don't know how much of a flip thing it is though, it's basically spring rolls.

>> No.5404523

>it's basically spring rolls.
Yeah, fried spring rolls. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumpia

It all comes down to what's inside. We got it from Chinese immigrants/merchants a long time ago.

>> No.5404560

because it tastes goo, like i said, you ditwit

>> No.5404563

so you took a popular Chinese food and gave it a flip name and that's it?

is that from a western perspective, or an Asian one?

>> No.5404760

I think it's more to do with the fact that the countries around that region have the best food in the world. I'm sure if you compared Filipino food to Russian or Serbian it would be considered vastly superior.

>> No.5404927

western. I'm white, grew up in Australia with pretty broad experiences with food (most of my family work in hospitality). Oishii Pizza make good pizza and sides, sorry that it's not traditional napoli/NY/chicago style, that doesn't mean it doesnt taste good.

>> No.5404934

>grew up in Australia

woah, hold on a second there Abbo Takeyama

>> No.5404936

Sometimes you just got to appreciate something with regard to geography and circumstances.

>> No.5405009

What? No, I just can't really think of other stuff right at the moment and just chose my memorable ones.

>> No.5405042

Its late now but ill come back tomorrow with some food pics I took on my trip to Indonesia last winter.

>> No.5405303
File: 1.38 MB, 2592x1952, 2014-05-03-18-23-45_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some lumpia today. Gonna go ahead and post some pics

recipe was taken from http://allrecipes.com/recipe/filipino-lumpia-2/

I used pea-sized cuts of chicken breast for this one, but minced anything works just fine. I also cooked the chicken together with the vegetables because I didn't see any point in taking it out of the wok when I could cook the flavor in

>> No.5405307
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you can find wrappers at any asian store or probably just in the asian section of any grocery store. I live in Japan so all grocery stores are asian goods stores. these were 92 cents for a pack of 10 wraps.

note the method: turn the wrap diagonally, start from one corner and fill up about one quarter of the wrap

>> No.5405309
File: 1.34 MB, 2592x1952, 2014-05-03-18-25-48_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just roll the shit up until you reach halfway up the wrap, then tuck in the sides like a burrito and wrap the rest of the way, locking that shit in tightly (if you roll along the plate, you shouldn't have trouble keeping it tight). seal the tip with a slight amount of water

>> No.5405312
File: 1.41 MB, 2592x1952, 2014-05-03-18-36-05_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with one half filet of chicken breast and the corresponding amount of vegetables (about enough to fill a small salad bowl) I could fill 5 of these, so with a full breast piece you could easily pack the hell out of 10 wraps. keep in mind the more meat you put in, the less paper you have to roll up, so you have to opt between extra crispiness or extra meatiness. this one is a full balance imo

>> No.5405314
File: 588 KB, 960x1275, 2014-05-03-18-38-04_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woks and IH stoves make a great combination. I heated my oil up on 180 and then turned it down to 170, and these suckers cooked hella fast. the good news is that the innards should already basically be done, so if you want to flash fry these than go for it

>> No.5405318
File: 1.43 MB, 2592x1952, 2014-05-03-18-38-37_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't have to tell you this but put them with the wrap end down. if you overextend or wrap one too short, then hold it slightly sideways until it crusts over. vinyl tongs did the trick for this one, I don't recommend chopsticks or spatulas

>> No.5405320
File: 704 KB, 960x1275, 2014-05-03-18-41-29_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way, as you noticed I didn't completely submerge these in oil. it's a waste of oil to do so and takes longer to heat up. you only need enough to steep them halfway at most, and even if you can't completely cover them in oil, it's fine, you can always toast them later. believe it or not chicken breast handle reheating in a toaster oven really well. 5 mins at 250 was enough to flash these bastards and cook out a little of the oil in the process

>> No.5405322
File: 893 KB, 960x1275, 2014-05-03-19-00-17_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, you can't really get the kind of oily horrible shit Chinese food you're used to in America. Japanese harumaki (spring rolls) have very little filling and flavor and usually aren't even crispy, hence why I gave these a go. similarly, the only fried noodles you can find in Japan are yakisoba, which taste more of bbq sauce than lo mein. so I made some mie goreng with some of the leftover oil (I drained the wok of course), onion, choy, cabbage, one egg, a package of cooked ramen noodles, goreng paste and soy sauce. it tasted a lot more like lo mein than I was expecting, so that was comfort food to me

>> No.5405327

oh yea, Rasa Malaysia has the recipe for mie goreng, but it's straight forward so I'll give you the go:

stirfry vegetables on high heat, garlic not necessary, set aside
stirfry meat (usually shrimp) and eggs if you like, toss into the vegetable mix
with enough oil to completely coat the surface of your wok, fry some pre-cooked egg or ramen noodles for 10-15 seconds. you can do this longer if you have al dente noodles.
add goreng paste and mix, return the rest of the ingredients to the wok, add 2 tsp of kecap minis or thick soy sauce and toss ingredients until completely mixed and hot

>> No.5405734

awesome. i could really go for some dank rolls right about now.

>> No.5405800

>gave it a flip name and that's it?
No, not really. The fillings vary, and over the years people have made different kinds of lumpia. And it's not just us that is fond of it, lumpia is popular in Indonesia and some South American countries.

It's like how burgers and sausages and spaghetti got popular in different countries.

I get it that you hate flip food or this shit hole. But by no means did we steal lumpia and called it ours. It's just pretty popular here, and pretty good.

>> No.5405986

i am 5' 11" and 235 lbs.

>> No.5406056
File: 15 KB, 502x377, pandan bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my jam, yo