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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5391512 No.5391512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Britfag here

Going to be visiting the States in a week and I've been preparing a list of who and what to tip on my travels. So far I've got:
>hotel bellman: $2 a bag
>pizza and food delivery: $3/15%
>baristas: $1 or petty change
>street performers: $1-5 if they make you stop and watch
>waiters: 12-15%
>hot female waitresses: 15-25%
>beggars: loose change
So how much do I tip the fedoras?

>> No.5391516

US vs Yurop shitposting on /ck/ has really gotten out of hand

>> No.5391521

hotel bellman: nah, fuck that. don't tip these niggas. chances are you won't have one anyways
pizza and food delivery: nah, tip them based on how far they're driving, but not less than $2. I tip 25 cents per minute of average round trip drive
baristas: $1 or petty change
street performers: not much different than beggers. it's socially acceptable to ignore them
waiters: 2-5 dollars is fine regardless of how much you spent
hot female waitresses: make a joke about the tip in your pants. they love this one
beggars: don't encourage them

>> No.5391530

Are the bellmen and those people who just open doors for you actually employed by the hotels or they do they just work on the off chance they'll get a tip because they're desperate, it seems such a weird thing as it's not even a problem to do both yourself.

>> No.5391534

American tipping culture is fucking retarded, I just feel I need to get that out there.

>> No.5391542

remember to tip the stewardesses and the pilot on the plane, too

wouldn't want to crash with no survivors on the way home

>> No.5391546
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bellhops carry your bags up to your room. Only really expensive places have doormen. Most places don't even have bellhops. Pic related, me as a bellhop. Got busted for stealing customer undergarments.

>> No.5391547

fact: tipping your pilot will reduce turbulence

>> No.5391548

Nobody unless they give you an exceptional service. Don't reinforce their shitty broken system.

>> No.5391550


You don't need to tip half these people, seems like a troll thread but I replied , so shit.

>> No.5391555

They're all beggers.
And you should give them nothing unless they go above the remit of their job.

>> No.5391561

Just joke about a bomb at the airport and save yourself all the money.

>> No.5391566

There a couple of "how much to tip guide" image floating around my guess?
It was made by some faggot who didnt even finish highschool and is trying to squezze the last dime on his shit job.

>> No.5391568

Differential tipping seems unfair.
You should give them all the same tip:
"You should have tried harder in school"

>> No.5391574

I don't go out to do fucking maths. They can have some loose chance or a meal rounded up to the nearest zero and be happy with it.

>> No.5391581

I heard that tourists that never tip anyone while they're in USA are not allowed to return ever again.
Sometimes they're even kicked out of the country before their trip is over but I guess that only happens in the southern states.

>> No.5391585

Tipping requirement has gone up to 50%.
Any less than that and you'll look like an asshole and will increase your chances of getting stabbed by a pissed off black man who is running away from his pregnant ex girlfriend.

>> No.5391590

>yurotard education

>> No.5391594


That's because they didn't tip customs & immigration

>> No.5391598

Yeah they can save their asses if they give them a huge tip before leaving. Like 60% at least.

>> No.5391600
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>> No.5391601

I tried to tip the guy in customs when I went to Florida. They then searched my bag. Americans cannot into banter.

>> No.5391602
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>> No.5391605
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>> No.5391606

A $3 tip seems really outrageous to me - It's like 1/6 the price of a normal drink here!

>> No.5391607

>paying $8 for a pint that should cost you $3
bartenders can go fuck themselves, they're lucky to get a dollar or two out of me at the end of the night after i've had like 8 or more drinks

>that glorious feel when quiet pubs aren't overrun by yuppies and mixologists and you don't need to empty your bank account just to get the bartender's attention

>> No.5391610


when you are in an american store and all you buy is some gum, like a 1 dollar gum, you need to tip

2-3 dollars is ok for a small purchase

if you buy a hotdog, smokes, some chips and coke then you should tip about 4 dollars

>> No.5391611

this has to be a troll.

>> No.5391613

Please do not give money to beggars!

>> No.5391614

A general rule I go by:

20% goes everywhere since 15% is an insult to some people.

For delivery: $5 minimum + $3 dollars if its bad weather , it's game night, you live in a bad neighborhood , it's a holiday

>> No.5391616

some people are scoffing at 20% these days, 25% will be standard soon

>> No.5391618

Why? I do all of that when I travel. You'd be amazed at the service it gets you, especially in Latin America. Try being less poor.

>> No.5391619

Tipping bartenders is fucking insane. They'd make minimum wage in a couple of minutes in a busy bar. Do people seriously do that? You'd probably get thrown out at a bar in the UK for being creepy.

>> No.5391620


15% has been an insult since 2010

>> No.5391622

Alcoholics do it so they can get their booze quicker and stronger.

>> No.5391623

>Try being less poor.
A good way to do that is to not throw your money on people doing menial jobs they are already paid for.

>> No.5391625

what a huge entitled faggot

his job isn't even remotely hard

>> No.5391626

It doesn't really make a difference when you're already paying $20,000 on the vacation and you go on at least two a year.

>> No.5391627

It's not their booze to give away. If it was my place i'd ban tips.

>> No.5391630

Owners are the fucking worst. Life a struggle between workers and owners, and the workers have to take what's theirs sometimes.

>> No.5391631


>> No.5391634

>has 3 guitars, clean looking room, and looks clean kept
>guys I'm poor and barely able to make it day to day unless you tip me in a job that I chose myself

>> No.5391637

Those niggers should've gone to college.
Fucking beggars.
>how into

>> No.5391641

With all of the shit that needs fixed in our country, some of it very simple to do, what makes you think the country will band together to get legislation passed in all 50 states that ensures servers get at least minimum wage. Some people want to abolish the minimum wage altogether. Until the revolution comes, it is up to the more financially secure among us to help our less fortunate brothers.

>> No.5391642


I'm a former bartender...what greedy bartender made this image of lies?

>> No.5391645

A better way of saying they suck is to not give them any fucking money.

>> No.5391648

why would you tip a bartender?

>> No.5391650

better service

>> No.5391652

you suck and i hate you, take my money!

>> No.5391653

better what?

>> No.5391655

have you never been to an extremely busy bar or club?

>> No.5391657

Yea, that image is bullshit.
Drinks can cost 5 dollars or less in the first place.
People can tip 1 dollar per drink just fine.

>> No.5391666

so they won't do their job if you don't tip them?

>> No.5391668

no, but they'll remember you, have your drink ready for you, put more liquor in it if they're cool, etc

>> No.5391669

only the fedora tipping is required. all other things you listed, you can substitute by clapping. i always clap 5 times, clap 10 if you want to be remembered/ get special care next time you go there.

>> No.5391672

on the flipside this guy talks about valid issues from the customer's perspective and look how many mad wage slave server comments and downvotes the video got


waiting just for the bill for 20 minutes is unacceptable

>> No.5391674

>5$ dollars if you are a bartender
So the bartenders are just passing around a 5 dollar bill to each other or is it saying that bartenders get so much money that they can throw double the price of a drink down for every drink?

>> No.5391675

what if I just want a beer?

>> No.5391676

If you start walking to the door they tend to bring out the check pretty fucking fast

>> No.5391678

>* This guy needs to work one month as a server. Just one month.

>> No.5391679

He'll remember and have it ready for you if he sees you approaching the bar. You won't have to wait while the bachelorette party gets their 15 cosmos

>> No.5391680

Fuck you and fuck him.
I worked as a waiter years ago.
It was hard, it was boring, it was one of the most shit jobs i ever had. Bank clerk takes the cake.
SO i went to fucking college because i didnt want to keep bouncin on shit jobs.

>> No.5391682

For people that feel bad about not tipping, remember that some states make it illegal to pay a service worker below minimum wage. Some states require that service workers get paid more than minimum wage.


>> No.5391687

No states require that you illiterate fuck. Some states pay $2.13, the federal minimum for tipped servers. Some states pay the full state minimum wage. Some states, such as mine, pay more than that, but less than their state minimum wage. But you misunderstood that and thought it meant that some states require them to make more than minimum wage, which would be retarded. You're retarded.

>> No.5391688

We're sorry you picked that job?

>> No.5391690

By "more than that", I meant more than $2.13.

>> No.5391691

Well, how do I know that for sure

>> No.5391693

you had to go to college to be a bank clerk?

>> No.5391704
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>mfw a yurofag spent all his money on free healthcare so he couldn't afford to tip

>> No.5391705

remember to tip your doctors and nurses

>> No.5391709

haha no nigger i didnt.
Bank clerk was another of those oddjobs.

>> No.5391710

proof that only shitty people would apply for such shitty jobs

I man they're not even working as a waiter anymore and they still have a stick in their ass

>> No.5391732

No server can legally make less than minimum wage. If they make less than minimum when tips are taken into account then their employer is legally mandated to give them the difference. If their employer doesn't do this then they are breaking the law.

Did I mention enough times that this is written in the law, it is a legal requirement at this very moment in time?








>> No.5391739


There is not a single waiter in the United States of America, at this present moment in time, who makes less than minimum wage UNLESS their employer is breaking the law.

Look. Argue that waiting is a hard job and you deserve extra if you like, argue that tipping is a shitty custom, argue that it's a great custom, argue that whatever you think of it it's still worth doing. Argue over what is the correct percentage, argue that it should be made illegal, argue that minimum wage should be abolished. Whatever the fuck you want, but a little piece of me dies every time someone STILL FUCKING BELIEVES that servers can legally make less than minimum wage. You don't need to change the law to mandate that they all receive minimum because THAT LAW ALREADY EXISTS.

>> No.5391742

If your boss is doing that, you're going to lose your job if you try to do anything about it.

>> No.5391743

You go from making some money to no money, and you don't have a reference from your last employer because you sent him to jail. That sounds great on a resume or in an interview. Being a shit stirrer is what all hiring managers are looking for

>> No.5391744

And then you can take him to court and win.

>> No.5391747

A court settlement isn't a job.

>> No.5391758

Getting paid "$2.13" an hour and yelling at people to pay your wages isn't one either

>> No.5391763

You might get some tips, and something is better than nothing.

>> No.5391785

Why would you want a job when you can get a court settlement?

>> No.5391788

>tipping bartenders
I'll leave an extra dollar for every other mixed drink, but that's it.

>> No.5391809

nigger pls go

>> No.5391818


>Women as a group are more likely to tip than men

It's easier to tip when it's someone else's money you're giving away

>> No.5391820

Do sexists want women to be empowered and independent or meek and subservient? You have to pick one.

>> No.5391846


I'm not sexist, I'm just pointing out why that factoid would be true. A guy works a job and earns money and tips when he feels it's appropriate. A woman marries a guy and uses his money to tip for the sake of social status. Not to say no woman works and tips with her own money, but "as a group" that's usually the case.

>> No.5391851

>not doing things for social status
How's being working class going for you?

>> No.5391881

>bar tender
>shoe shiner
>usher (if they go above and beyond)

And no, you do not tip beggars. Maybe some food, but never money.

>> No.5391887

Why? Because they'll spend it on drugs and/or alcohol? That's what I was going to spend it on, anyway. I'm wealthy and have to drink to get through the day. It can't imagine what I'd have to do if I were homeless. I have no problem giving money to someone so they can buy a shot of happiness.

>> No.5391888

>waiters: 2-5 dollars is fine regardless of how much you spent

No, Jamal.

15 to 10%

>> No.5391957

>shot of happiness
What a waste youre wealthy, kill yourself please

>> No.5391976

>drink to get through the day
Jump from a bridge you weak needy motherfucker.
Also, probably you inherit your money you cripled faggot, thats why you fell like tossin it around.

>> No.5391999

This is /ck/ I though we were all alcohols here

>> No.5392040

Yeah but we drink because we choose to not because we need it.

>> No.5392049

stage 1 is denial, anon

>> No.5392054

>Spoiling the joke.

Are you proud nigger?
Do you want to post it in leddit you edgy cunt?

>> No.5392056

but don't u like butter : ^ )

>> No.5392094

Remember, most people in the American service/food industry don't get paid or don't get paid enough and survive off of tips.
Tip accordingly.

>> No.5392100

If only they'd stopped being scared of gommunism long enough to make labour unions

>> No.5392101

>don't get paid or don't get paid enough

sounds like something they should talk to their employer about.
this is what unions are for, not customers.

>> No.5392119

>Nobody unless they give you an exceptional service. Don't reinforce their shitty broken system.

>And you should give them nothing unless they go above the remit of their job.


No. No. No No NO NO NO NO NO.

People in America don't get paid.
I'm a server and most of my paychecks are NEGATIVE, meaning I owe more in taxes than I'm making.
Tip money is the only way I get to eat and have a place to sleep.
Unfortunately, many employers in the US get away with it, the law isn't enforced nearly as well as it should be.
I, for example, have reported my employer numerous times and I still don't always make minimum wage.
If they knew I was reporting them, they would fire me.
There's nothing you can do, the government doesn't protect poor people.

>> No.5392141

Haha what a faggot.
>Negative paycheck.

Get your shit together son i aint payin for your poor choises in life.
You probably could get a job in ANY other place, like a fucking warehouse or stacking boxes in the docks.
BUT NO, you choose one of the easiest thing to do around and you bitch about it.

>> No.5392150

>implying America has any industry left

All of the jobs are in food service. That's the fucking problem.

>> No.5392209

The jobs faggots arent willing to do.
Because you bitches want it easy.
Its like the faggot with the guitars in the back.
You dont do anything special.
You are responsible for the most insignifacant part of the whole food industry, bring food from point A to point B.
If you are friendly and a drop of honey in a sea of faggotry yes you deserve being tipped but you arent entitled to it faggot.

>> No.5392226

If you don't give them money, they chalk it up to "oh, that guy was an asshole," not "my service sucks and I need to step it up"
The way to get the point across is to give them nothing but loose change.

>> No.5392228

im glad im not the only person whose thought about putting American plug in pigs nose.

>> No.5392230

This. I'm not even wealthy, but I give money to homeless and beggars all the time. IDK if they spend it on booze or drugs, that's what I'd be doing too if I were in their position, so I could forget how poor I was for a little bit. I've also given away food, bottled water, blankets, coats, and towels from my own closet/pantry to homeless people. No skin off my back.

>> No.5392232

not IDK.

>> No.5392269


>> No.5392276


>> No.5392282

I see what you did there

>> No.5392289

Librarian: 10% of cover price of any book she helps you find on the shelves

>> No.5392293
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>round, equally sized prongs

that's a euro-russian plug ya dingus

>> No.5392294

>American plug
That's a Japanese plug. Murrican plugs are two flat blades, not two round prongs.

>> No.5392304

yes. European.. my bad

>> No.5392359

Are you a young person actively searching for a job in today's economy? No? Then you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.5392370
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Don't tip your server (waiter) more/less because you'd like to fuck them. My rule is, 10% is if they just did the bare minimum (i got my food, but my water was only full when they gave it to me and they never checked in; or if they really didn't have to do much anyway)
15% if they were pretty good and actually had a lot of work to do.
20% if they were great.

Don't feed our bums.

Street performers should not be encouraged to do anything but seek meaningful employment.

>> No.5392381

>meaningful employment

Because working in a cubicle for some soulless corporation is so meaningful, right?

>> No.5392391

As opposed to spray painting yourself and standing still or playing with buckets.

>> No.5392394

I'm just saying that most of the things people do to pass the time while they're waiting for death are not meaningful, especially the ones they do for money.

>> No.5392402

>Don't tip your server (waiter) more/less because you'd like to fuck them.

guys at work make fun of me all the time for something I said once when we were out at a steakhouse. They were saying it's nice to have a cute waitress, and I asked her what kind of meat it was - USDA choice or prime, and she didn't know. So I said I'd rather have a dude that knows his shit then a cute waitress.

So now they're always trying to flag down a "hot piece of ass" for me....some dude.

>> No.5392409

I'd prefer if someone did that thing they do somewhere that isn't a nice public area dressed in a horrific elmo costume begging for money

>> No.5392424

As if you're so much more dignified.

>> No.5392452

>Look at me look at me
>Im young and a faggot
>Look at my struggle

Hold it right there you huge faggot, im gonna list the shit jobs i had so you can keep your faggotry in line.

>Doing dishes in a sea food joint and helping in general, like mopping and cleaning fish.
>waiter on same sea food joint somehow this was a some sort of promotion?
>warehouse, driving a fork lift and stuff but the bulk of the work was unload and load all type of trucks (manually) the shit i carry around was from fabric leftovers to broken electronics.
>bank clerk, but at the begining i was that dude on the cutout stand pissing you off to get a credit card.
And thats when i said, fuck it, im not gonna waste my time living like a faggot and hating what i do to get paper.

>> No.5392468

How old are you?

>> No.5392511

And let me go deeper
>doing dishes and shit? 15yo
>warehouse 17yo and a highschool dropout
>bank dude, shit, at some point i was the telemarketing motherfucker somehow i was one of the "lucky" bastards who werent sent to the call center, 20 yo and a college dropout.
>22 started college
>23 started working in something field related FOR FUCKING FREE
>24 started to work in "the firm"
>29, 3 months ago Firm owner offered me to become partner, easy peasy, mo money and doing shit i was allready doin

Somehow i could get my head around the
>it is NOT my firm and it will never be.

So i said thanks and quit

>> No.5392516

What's your field? If it's banking, investments, or advertising, you're a bigger drain on our society than the unemployed and you should probably just kill yourself.

>> No.5392527

>When you have the get out of a jail free card of being a tourist
>And a glorious British accent the Americans fetishize

Nigger what are you doing?

>> No.5392530

Yeah, so im not a drain just a drag.

>> No.5392532

my story is similar - kept getting raises and promotions randomly until i was the boss's bitch.. but i hit the cealing and it wasn't even that good. i was like "enjoy your company dude" im gonna go work at mcdonalds. At least i can make manager there eventually.

>> No.5392539

Okay, but not everyone can become an architect. Some people are useless and can't do anything but simple shit. We used to have manufacturing jobs for them, but now they're gone. Being stupid and incompetent doesn't mean you don't have a right to live.

>> No.5392570

Thats why you should read "das kapital".
>From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
Look i work everyday with people that makes a living doing manual labour.
You think serving tables is hard?
Try pouring a concrete slab, roofing under a scorching sun, swinging from a tall facade, layin bricks and mortar, making steel rebarbs... and so on.
So thats why it bugs me shit out of me that waiters think theyre entitled to something even if they do a shit job.

>> No.5392574

Don't act like there are unlimited construction jobs in this country, because there aren't. Food service workers get paid dogshit, and that's often the only option these people have.

>> No.5392575

Shit i forgot to add, yes you have the right to live.
And minimum wage should provide enough to cover the basics.
Nothing fancy mind you.
And if your employer isnt paying you that, YOU deal with shit son.
So if you wanna live the big life, with the huge house and 5 cars, you better do something about it.