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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 639x572, chip butty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5390979 No.5390979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Rate my dessert /ck/

>> No.5390981


D - disgusting but possible edible

>> No.5390985

Id stick my dick in it.

>> No.5390990

are chip butties really meant to be for pudding? I always assumed it was a first course, like a sandwich.

>> No.5390991

It is Butty and yes.

>> No.5390994

are you saying i should've used a capital B, or that the plural is buttys?

>> No.5390995

Who thought this sandwich was a good idea? Do people actually eat these?

>> No.5390996

Both actually.
Yes in pubs all of time.

>> No.5391002

I stuck some leftover chips in a sandwich with cheese, lettuce and tomato last week and it was ok.

>> No.5391009

With other stuff in it that makes more sense. But the sandwich in OP's pic just looks like a carb-overload with no variety of flavors.

>> No.5391012

Has plenty of flavours.
Crunch bread tomato sauce malt vinegar.

>> No.5391032

I would have put more ketchup on it.

>> No.5391075

>Both actually.

So the plural is not -ies, and it's a proper noun?
I smell a tard.

>> No.5391076

It is just spelled butty.
If you and your mate want to get a chip butty.
You would say "hey want to go get a chip butty with me?"

>> No.5391082 [DELETED] 

Cunt detected.

>> No.5391087 [DELETED] 

Plurals come from the source, that could be Greek, Italian, Germanic. It varies, that's what makes English fun.

Depending on the source the actual is different. Octopus is a good one, the plural is octopuses, though some will say octopi.

English is an interesting language.

>> No.5391101

>carb-overload with no variety of flavors
How do you manage to live being so pretentious?

>> No.5391146

how about a saltines and mustard sammy

or red hot and potato chip

>> No.5391152

>Plurals come from the source

so why is it "shamans" and not "shamasal" like in the original language?

>> No.5391519

Do you like, repost this shit thread every week, or only once a month?

>> No.5391524

I dont like it when you mix those carb sides in food.
If you have bread than thats fine. If you got potatoes its fine too. Dont have both thats silly.

Might as well add some rice and noodles.

Where's the good stuff?

>> No.5391526

Do Europeans really do this?

>> No.5391544


British, not Europe in general.

>> No.5391553


>If you have bread than thats fine. If you got potatoes its fine too. Dont have both thats silly.


i have never understood why people sperg out so hard about having carbs with carbs or starches with starches or whatever.

i don't believe that anyone is incapable of grasping the appeal of a chip butty, or garlic bread with pizza or whatever. even if they personally aren't into it.

>> No.5392722

Would eat while drunk or for my hangover. 10/10

>> No.5392954

Looks good.

>> No.5392966

Its not a dessert, its not a meal, its a snack that most people don't eat because its flavourless.

Oh but you are hell bent on shitting up /ck/ because we have no good janitor, i forgot, fuck you.

>> No.5392976
File: 48 KB, 600x350, 6-chip-butty[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chips too firm
>seemingly legitimate flour on crusts
>effort obviously gone into layering

>> No.5392978

That is a sad excuse for a butty mate.

>> No.5393852

Do Englishmen really eat that as a dessert?
If so you really have some balls to call us fatties.

>> No.5393864


>being rused by a regular troll thread

>> No.5393870
File: 311 KB, 1920x1080, ploughman's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes in pubs all of time.

>jf thinking they know pub food

>> No.5393889
File: 78 KB, 320x310, smashing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks terrible and you should feel bad.

>> No.5393896

I didn't come to this website to be criticised by someone who uses memes.

>> No.5393910

While I agree with you, and I personally think that what you presented would be a pleasant snack, 4 out of 5 posts here get criticized with memes.

I'm just Sayin.

>> No.5394264

they're sort of the retarded stepchild of Europe, tho

>> No.5394400

it's comfort food made from leftovers, genius

>> No.5394411

didn't answer the question

the way you claimed it would mean you would say to your mate, "hey let's grab a couple chip Buttys"


>> No.5395918

...no, it's not, that's not how english works

>> No.5396727

Don't tell an Englishmen how to speak or write his language.