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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 599x415, why are you not able to cook a good steak you massive retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5385627 No.5385627[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Here you go, /ck/.

>> No.5385660

You really shouldnt prepare beef this way. Everyone knows the only real way is to cut it into very tiny filet slivers then bake those for a few minutes until they're well done.

>> No.5385675

You had me until bake. Throw those shits into some finished ramen or pho or some other noodle soup and you're good to go. Maybe even marinate them a little...

>> No.5385702

I'd rather not eat than eat a well done steak

>> No.5385968

The only true answer is raw with ketchup

>> No.5385981
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>> No.5385999


>medium Bro reporting

>ma nigga

>> No.5386755

according to this chart i eat mine at retarted

>> No.5386761

Has anyone confirmed that steak is overrated as it is.

>> No.5386771
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> too cheap to afford real steak

nope, steak is god-tier

>> No.5386787 [DELETED] 

Why do people eat their stake rare? I never had rare beef.

Does it really taste good? I can't imagine it would be very good. Knowing how tough beef is well done, it sounds like rare beef would be even tougher than that. Do you like chewing beef-flavored gum, or do you want to actually eat beef?

>> No.5386800
File: 51 KB, 739x543, steaktartare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Knowing how tough beef is well done, it sounds like rare beef would be even tougher than that.

We only cook rare the steaks which are extermely expensive and extremely tender already.... nobody cooks a steak out of the shoulder or the chuck, or the rump/ass...

It all comes from the tender parts (rib and sirloin if youre in the UK), rib, tenderloin, top sirloin if youre in the US.

This beef is tender enough to eat RAW... and we do eat it raw - Steak Tartare (pic related).

you either don't have access to, or don't know enough about the different cuts of beef to be able to cook a rare steak.

last steak i bought it cost $14.99/lb (28$/kg)

>> No.5386805


also... no. well done beef is always tougher then medium rare... you're crazy. thats the entire point of cooking to rare.. to PREVENT it from getting tough. well done beef dries out the beef, and kills all the flavor. the only people that do that are cultures that are paranoid of parasites and overcook all their shit like mexicans or russians

>> No.5386812 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5386813
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if it isn't this thread again

>> No.5386823


no, you don't. you live inside the mind of a germiphobe.

i always leave my shit out for days at a time, never been sick. Fried up some chicken last night at 2 in the morning. its 5 pm right now. Its still on the stove. Not gonna get sick.

>> No.5386832 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 750x521, tapeworm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm... chicken; my favorite. When's dinner time?

>> No.5386838

If I could eat raw meat without the fear of mini critters, I would.

>> No.5386840

>I'm invincible

I used to think like you, then one moment of carelessness after doing that shit for years resulted in a ruined weekend of diarrhea and death farts.

It only takes once and you'll learn your lesson. You don't have to listen to me. It will happen.

>> No.5386875


ok... so for the last 15 years ive been living like this... if i get diarrheah once because of contaminated meat, i won't suddenly change.

it only takes once?? you must have a irrational phobia of diarrhea

OOH! - i found it. You have Coprophobia.

>> No.5386878

>it only takes once?? you must have a irrational phobia of diarrhea

No, I just prefer not to spend my weekends f5'ing on 4chan because I can't leave my home. I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that though, basement-kun ^_^

>> No.5386884


weekenD... non-plural. You said after years, it happenned ONCE!
> it only takes once
you said.

Now suddenly it's "weekends"...

like i said, ive never gotten sick from bad food - ever. and i leave shit out, eat undercooked meat and chicken, eat raw eggs, raw fish, etc. raw molluscs.

you're just a pussy, and science won't justify that.

>> No.5386891

>Now suddenly it's "weekends"...

The smarter mammals have developed this amazing ability to learn that repeating a certain process can often bring about the same end result.

You appear not to have developed this ability, hence your apparently resistance to the idea of changing your behavior on the basis of experience.

You can keep thinking you're special, it's fine with me.

>> No.5386907

lol another retard response.

>> No.5387160
File: 85 KB, 249x342, 098097969578 (358).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take suicidal please.

>> No.5387168


I see nothing wrong with that chart.

>> No.5387172
File: 130 KB, 316x450, 098097969578 (187).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I let the Mexican ladies that run breakfast and lunch have a filet mignon (I charge $30 for it at dinner) one time. They baked it to well done, sliced it and stuffed it with lettuce and tomatoes into a hollowed out loaf of bread.

They made a fucking torta out of my beautiful 8 oz tenderloin. Never again, motherfucker!

>> No.5387173


If it is below medium rare, it will be a bit chewy. Anything much above medium and it starts to get dry and tough.

>> No.5387190
File: 87 KB, 275x252, 098097969578 (275).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat raw beef, bacon, and seafood. Never been sick. My mom worries, but I'm a chef, have access to the finest and freshest, and know what the fuck I'm doing. I order my pork porterhouse med-rare, and often leave the chicken dark meat a little underdone. Never had a problem.

>> No.5387211
File: 502 KB, 975x1140, 29082-5287-14405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered a pizza last night. Half taco (topped with lettuce, tomato, and chips), half bacon cheeseburger (1,000 Island is the sauce, also topped with lettuce and tomato). That was 20 hours ago. I left the box on the table overnight. Consuming it now. Not gonna get sick. I do this twice a month.

>> No.5387239
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>> No.5387270

>I eat raw bacon
No you don't

>> No.5387292
File: 182 KB, 881x736, 451654641655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do actually. I don't eat a lot of it, and it's not how I prefer my bacon, but when I'm chopping it for chowder I'll munch on a few pieces of it. So I guess I probably eat about 3 oz of it a month.
This is high-quality, thick-cut pepper bacon also. Made locally. It's chewy, but delicious and perfectly safe. No different from eating gravlax, really.
Open your mind. I first tried it when my CIA-grad boss ate a whole slice and threw me one. I'll occasionally do it to gross out this one server we have.

>> No.5387295

> No different from eating gravlax
gravlox isnt raw either, that was his point i think - that cured bacon is not raw bacon

>> No.5387677

Hmm, dog food is awfully close to perfection in that picture...

>> No.5387694

When I say no you don't I mean bacon isn't raw. Of course it's safe

>> No.5389521

120°F (rare): Bright red and slippery on the interior. At this stage, the meat fibrils (which resemble bundles of juice-filled straws) have yet to expel much moisture, so in theory, this should be the juiciest steak. However, because of the softness of meat, chewing causes fibrils to push past each other instead of bursting and releasing their moisture, giving the sensation of slipperiness, or mushiness, rather than juiciness. Additionally, abundant intramuscular fat has yet to soften and render.
130°F (medium-rare): The meat has begun to turn pink, and is significantly firmer. Moisture loss is still minimal, at around 4%. Intramuscular fat has begun to render, which not only lubricates the meat, making it taste juicier and more tender, but it also delivers fat-soluble flavor compounds to the tongue and palate—beef at this temperature tastes significantly "beefier" than beef at 120°F. When tasted blind, even self-proclaimed rare meat lovers preferred this one, making it the most popular selection.
140°F (medium): Solid rosy pink, and quite firm to the touch. With over 6% moisture loss, it is still moist, but verging on dry. Prolonged chewing results in the familiar "sawdust" texture of overcooked meat. Fat is fully rendered at this stage, delivering plenty of beefy flavor. This was the second most popular choice.
150°F (medium-well): Pink, but verging on gray. At this stage, muscle fibrils contract heavily causing moisture level to drop precipitously, jumping all the way up to nearly 12%. Definite dryness in the mouth, with a chewy, fibrous texture. Fat has fully rendered, and has begun to collect outside the steak, carrying away flavor with it.
160°F (well done): Dry, gray, and lifeless. Moisture loss is up to 18%, and fat is completely rendered. What once was cow, now is dust.

>> No.5389549

how have you people not agreed to disagree yet

it's like you're not aware of the difference between fact and opinion

i mean this is first grade shit

>> No.5389555

Modern world makes it easy for people to isolate themselves into circle-jerks, shutting out all disagreement.

>> No.5389568

I like my meat well done, is it really so atrocious and appalling to think in America?

>> No.5389571

Not as long as you maintain the don't ask don't tell policy.

>> No.5389579

I didn't understand what you meant, sorry.

>> No.5389584

It means, "do what you want, but hide your shame if you do not wish to be taunted for it"

>> No.5389585

retarded masterrace

>> No.5389590

Oh, ok, thanks.

>> No.5389620
File: 2.13 MB, 2592x1944, how to make ck mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5389625
File: 183 KB, 544x680, Homo_erectus_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why people love eating rare or raw steak is because they aren't people, but an older species of Human in disguise called Homo Erectus.

Medium rare is good though.

>> No.5389635

or skinwalkers...

>> No.5389651

My stepfather thinks that medium rare is medium. And he won't cook steaks rare.

I like when my parents have me over for steak, but I've never had one cooked to my liking.

>> No.5389664
File: 57 KB, 450x538, 1395018222596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have a stepfather? Do you come from an impoverished background?

>> No.5389675

try some London broil and tell me that.
Beef is pretty much put on a pedestal as far as meats are concerned in America. It's safer to eat raw than most fish here. Purely because of handling and the conditions they're butchered in.

>> No.5389692

divorce is not limited to the poor

>> No.5389700
File: 497 KB, 2000x1455, healing_foods_pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These steaks are likely 6 months worth of potions of a healthy meat intake.

>> No.5389702

Neither is death

>> No.5389733

no matter where I go I can't escape ann arbors shit...

>> No.5389750

>no matter where I go I can't escape ann arbors shit...
Sounds more like a sewage problem.

>> No.5390323


Onions aren't seasonings.

>> No.5390415

Do you guys even sashimi?