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File: 22 KB, 500x500, 0000529_turkey-hill-iced-tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5382974 No.5382974 [Reply] [Original]

>i always liked Turkey Hill, felt it was a better iced tea than I make
>and then I look at the ingredients
>corn syrup
>and THEN tea.

and THEN TEA. what does this mean??? that I'm drinking tea flavored corn syrup all this time?


>> No.5382980

>corn syrup

Sounds like pretty much 95% of American food items to me.

>> No.5382996

Sweet teas always leave a nasty after taste in my mouth.

>> No.5383015

piss off to a support group or something.
sorry for your loss.

>> No.5383842
File: 107 KB, 748x1000, Milos-Sweet-Tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I know tea preferences vary by region so here in my area of the south most tea is "sweet tea" and "iced tea" isn't really a thing, you have to order "unsweet tea' lol.

Anyways, pic related is decent if you like sweet tea and are too lazy to make your own. No corn syrup used of course, sounds odd to actually use it in tea. Very sweet though, I add a ton of ice or add water to water it down some when I drink it. I'd say give it a try if you like your tea sweet but I kind of doubt it's widely available outside a few area in the southeast.

>> No.5383877

>95% of gas station food items to me

>> No.5383878

Nah, but it's definitely fitting for sweet tea, which is fucking disgusting.

>> No.5383881

That's more sugar water than tea, though. There's literally by measurement more sugar than tea.

>> No.5383948
File: 45 KB, 720x540, 6535656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt, like I said it's extremely sweet, I have to water it down.

>mfw around senior year of highschool, new federal guidelines of what can be sold at school
>mfw all sodas removed from school vending machines
>mfw they still sold the 12oz bottles of milos from a fridge at school
>mfw can't outrun the beetus

>> No.5383998

The tea excludes the water from the tea as it will be tea extract or something. If you make your own there will be more water than tea too (and probably more sugar as tea is usually brewed fairly weakly)

>> No.5384039

are litres of arizona cheaper than this? because then id choose arizona. the lemon one i imagine is closest to what southern sweet tea tastes like

>> No.5385636

No, the sweet tea one is. That's why it has a picture of a swamp and it says "Sweet Tea" on it.

Think McDonald's sweet tea. Most "southerners" I know drink it super sweet or straight unsweetened. I am of the latter category.

>> No.5385783

How the fuck much tea leaves do you put in your actual tea?

>> No.5385824

Presumably it's listed by weight. Tea oils are strong, it was tea water syrup you'd have paste tea

>> No.5386113

OP i drink this erryday:
cup of water in microwave for 40 seconds to get it a bit warm, borderline hot.
Put in a family size tea bag-lipton or luzianne- for 4 minutes. put in sugar if you want - 2 teaspoons if low level sweet.
Pour over ice cubes and lemon wedges.
top up with cold water.
pour in a big travel mug and you get a lot and it stays cold

>> No.5386367

Sweet tea from stores and restaurants is almost always grossly over sweetened.

>> No.5386926

>making iced tea with more tea than water or sugar

Think about it anon, it would just be a bitter leafy paste.

>> No.5386975
File: 32 KB, 533x400, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switch to Wawa tea. This is assuming you live on the east coast. If not, tough shit.

>> No.5387009

>was a better iced tea than I make
Your ice tea must be god awful. Turkey hill doesn't even taste like iced tea

>> No.5387022

No stop. You shouldn't be buying pre made iced tea

>> No.5388246
File: 36 KB, 468x640, APlite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't get better than palmer.

>> No.5388293

have you guys tried the 12yr ones that have been aged in sherry casks?

>> No.5388390

it's fucking tea. you only steep a little of it to get the flavour out. it would be the same if you made it at home.

your shit's all retarded. it's the same with lemons and lemonade. fuck a dick.

>> No.5388428
File: 33 KB, 550x375, 2 girls 1 bucket 1 garage 1 love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5388677

I'm from way up north, but now I live in Tennessee. My boyfriend gets Milo's. Apparently it's really good. I don't drink sweet tea. The most frustrating thing is going to a restaurant and having to correct them fifty times. "Unsweet tea, please." "Alright, sweet tea." "No, unsweet tea." "Sweet tea." "Alright, a coke." "What kind?"

>> No.5388683

if you waited that long to look at the ingredients, then you deserved it

>> No.5388705


>> No.5388748

All this because Southerners have archaic British tea culture... Also Brits put too much sugar (and milk) in their tea.

>> No.5388770

this shit is gross

>> No.5388857

what I find hilarious is that the scummiest kind of americans (rednecks and hillbillies) are basically the closest descendants that the British have in america
besides like, actual descendants

>> No.5388876

every time there is a big group gathering someone always brings that and nobody ever even opens it

>> No.5388890

>sweet tea

Its sugar water with a tea flavor. No better than Kool Aid. I'm surprised that you're surprised by it, almost everything sweetened here uses corn syrup because its cheap. If you want tea then make some and hold the sugar and sweeteners. Sweet tea is barely tea, its just tea flavored sugar water.

>> No.5388894

Now that you mention it, the packaging really is uninviting. I know it's trying to be high end (or at least as high end as sugar water gets) but it would be better served in a regular plastic milk jug.

>> No.5388906

>mfw I've lived in central Alabama for eight years now and I've never heard anybody refer to soda in general as "coke".
>mfw everyone tells us we do

I have no face.

>> No.5388959
File: 35 KB, 640x436, 3abcf7514a852c012f80f70304fbcefe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one's Alabama again?

>> No.5388963
File: 62 KB, 718x540, 1365276297926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these sweet tea hating northern faggots

im gonna go brew a jug of best tea right now

my technique:
bring 1/2 gallon of water to just bellow boiling
pour over tea bags
let steep for 13 minutes
remove bags
sweeten to taste
fill other half of gallon container with ice
you now have a gallon of the best tea known to man

>> No.5388976

>no booze

>> No.5388985

Speaking of Alabama, I'm one of those faggots who scans everything in a supermarket with his smartphone to figure out where it comes from and what companies own it. I was looking for prebrewed iced tea that didn't have corn syrup and wasn't owned by an evil conglomerate.

Turns out the winner was from Alabama. It was perfectly brewed and sweetened in just the right ratio with cane sugar. Tastes like victory. Thanks Alabama.

>> No.5388988

>that giant red vortex in Missouri
>just as based as the beast and best coasts
>nobody cares about saint louis
>tfw in a flyover state
>tfw get passed up for shitcago and their awful pizza

>> No.5388989

add rum to taste

>> No.5389004

What's the name of it