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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 768x1024, fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5381854 No.5381854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are they so good?

>> No.5381858

they are flavored with beef. that's why. originally mcdonalds used 100% beef tallow, now they just add beef flavoring and call it "natural flavor"

>> No.5381872

>Vegetarians and Vegans still eat these fries
Ha. Is there anyway I can get some of these?

>> No.5381881

Go to Burger King

>> No.5381883

They're not that good, though. I never understood what the big deal about fries was about.

>> No.5381887


Is it just me or did they stop adding salt to these? I don't remember ever needing salt packets before.

>> No.5381891

I'll never understand how you fuckers can waste your time with this shitty peasant food,

>> No.5381892

It's how they're being healthy now.. Just like how they removed the supersize. except people just buy double what they would have before to get their supersized amount.

>> No.5381893

>tfw no more beef tallow fries

The ones they serve now are probably the second worst fast food fries after Burger King

>> No.5381898
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get the fuck out of here, weirdo.

>> No.5381911

But it's true. Onion rings are superior to fries in every way. Fries are basically a vehicle for ketchup.

Enjoy getting fat eating sugar with your starch while I eat delicious flavorful onion rings.

>> No.5381918

Debatable they vary on the day

I'm not the biggest fan of freshly cooked McD's fries

>> No.5381925

I like the super limp ones, all oily and tasty. mmm

>> No.5381930
File: 227 KB, 1600x1200, fries of the gods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fries.

>> No.5381932

Does anyone know how to filter the tripfags?

>> No.5381933
File: 5 KB, 209x212, 1314510809612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet u do

>> No.5381936

Are you trying to filter him for being a tripfag or because of his comment?

>> No.5381942

The second point is irrelevant. Him being a tripfag is an indicator of the worthlessness of his input.

>> No.5381948

Click settings in the upper right corner
Open "Filters and Post Hiding"
Check "Filter and highlight specific threads/posts"
Click Edit
Click Add
Type in the tripcode you want to filter
Click save

>> No.5381949

His comment is right, though.

>> No.5381952

Or just use 4chan X like everyone else, seeing as it has more features than regular 4chan.

>> No.5381955

>like everyone else
no thanks, friend

>> No.5381959

>using anything but native 4chan

Other than seeing replies, the catalog, and embedded videos, I was happy as a clam using img.4chan.org and noko.

>> No.5381966

clams aren't happy

>> No.5381968

I'm sure people are always happy when they don't know what they're missing. it's not like people before electricity were sad they didn't have it, but it sure is an improvement!

>> No.5381975
File: 28 KB, 320x239, selfish shellfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this moment, I am euphoric...

>> No.5381993

By going back to /b/, not every tripfag on the other boards is a useless cunt

Also on topic, the fries is the only reason I tolerate mcbeetus

>> No.5382008

fred's shanty in new london has the world best fries
burgers are eh
most of their other stuff is GOAT though

>> No.5382020

>not every tripfag on the other boards is a useless cunt
lol no
at least the tripfags on /b/ are trolling

>> No.5382230

I've been screwed too many times with shitty, cold, limp fries from McD's

Until McDonald's fries are 10 times out of 10 times perfect. I won't take the chance of ordering them anymore.

Enjoy your fries fatty McFatty...

>> No.5382243

You can ask for them fresh. Just go inside.

>> No.5382257


...which are partially more delicious because they have sugar in them.

>> No.5382663

I don't know.... but i actually think they are pretty fucking good... one of the only things i would ever eat from there

>> No.5382689


I'm glad someone else noticed this. I thought my local McDonalds were just being nig shitty like always and not salting their fries enough. Now they're trying to be healthier?

what the fuck its goddamn french fries and hamburgers.

>> No.5382740

it's because everyone (rightfully) associates mcdicks with unhealthy so they need to "healthy up" their brand. it's the same reason they have salads now, except we all know most people will buy it thinking oh i'm being healthy and drench it in ranch.

>> No.5382751

Ex Mcdillies employee here, he's right you know. If you were to go in and ask for fresh fries, someone has to make a whole new batch. Takes like 5 minutes, and unless they've just gotten them out of the fryer like, 2 minutes before you ordered they'll pretty much have to do it. Same goes for saltless fries. It does make for a lot of wasted fries on a slower day, but fuck it McDonalds is wasteful as shit with the food they make anyway so go nuts anon.

>> No.5382902

the fries have a “natural beef flavor” which, in brackets right after, is described as “wheat and milk derivatives.”


All the processed food that always taste the same is nothing more than artificial flavors.

I'll stick with normal food tyvm

>> No.5382912

I don't like the fries, if I go to Maccas I just get to burgers and take my own bottle of water.
I hate it how the meal deals always try to force fries and soft drink onto you.

>> No.5382944
File: 2.29 MB, 1728x2592, i'm lovin' it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they put cocaine in the salt

>> No.5382992

>With junk food
Man. I'd rather not eat a burger at all than eat it without fries and soda.

>> No.5383023

Normally I'd bring the burger home and have a beer with it but if I'm out and about I have water.
Not really a health thing, I just don't like sweet drinks.

>> No.5383028 [DELETED] 

what kind of 12 year old sperg calls it Maccas? jesus h fuck kill yourself underage b&

>> No.5383038

In Australia even the TV ads call it maccas, I think some kids might be on your lawn that you should be yelling at.


>> No.5383041 [DELETED] 

oh, nevermind. you're not underaged, just fucking retarded like the rest of your country

>> No.5383086


This is why.

>> No.5383102

Curly fries are 1000x better

>> No.5383173
File: 94 KB, 599x396, mxv9ZYq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, amerifat

>> No.5383199
File: 220 KB, 506x513, 1397609798567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw americans get this mad about Junkfood.

>> No.5383238

maybe in murrika. in EU they are only using vegetable oil

>> No.5383373

Talking about fries, do any of you have cool tips on how to make them better?
I myself can recommend cooking them for a few minutes before frying, tastes great

>> No.5383387


fry em once then microwave em and fry em again

>> No.5383388

>dots in the ocean.
Something's fishy about this picture...

>> No.5383404

Checkers has GOAT fries. Most of you don't even know.

>> No.5383433

Are you fishing for replies there Carlos?

>> No.5383458


how about no

>> No.5383467



>> No.5383498
File: 9 KB, 288x320, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying we give a fuck enough about you to know where you are
We don't
> implying millions of people around the world wouldn't give their right foot to simply visit the United Based of America
They would.
Stay mad world, stay mad.

>> No.5383506
File: 54 KB, 500x329, 1390471628247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's typical that you would say that. You're essentially the last first-world country "millions of people" would want to go to.

>> No.5383508

This is BS. Even I had the common sense as a teenager to keep one portion of chips unsalted. This pile remained stowed in the right corner of the warmer for sometimes twice as long as the salted chips before being replenished. There was nothing. I enjoyed more from that job than to give smart arses cold, unsalted chips.

>> No.5383516

McDonald's is pretty subpar for fast food. Their burgers are worse than just buying frozen patties at the store. Their salt with potatoes would be decent if they used 95% less salt.

>> No.5383581
File: 46 KB, 470x336, 0288591113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fries are basically a vehicle for ketchup

>> No.5383593

Oh they mad all day every day. I do believe it may be the result of living on a diet based largely on moslem semen because of high taxes/communism.

>> No.5383599

Because of salt

>> No.5383610

Don't be upset because it's true. Onion rings are even good plain, most fries are not.

>> No.5383613
File: 995 KB, 500x281, DYM7B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5383664

I went to Wendy's the other day for the first time in probably 5 years, partly cuz broke and also to see how disgusted I'd be by it. I ordered a junior bacon cheeseburger and fries. The fries were good but I couldn't finish the burger.

>> No.5383665


i never eat ketchup and i love mcdonalds fries. your opinions are all shitty