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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 356 KB, 1460x823, P4220428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5381244 No.5381244 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see a what are you eating today thread in the catalog

What are you eating today? post pics pls edition

>> No.5381270

Looks pretty low quality and try m8. That ketchup pile makes me cringe, but I'ts just personal preference I guess. But yeah, boring.

>> No.5381440

shut the fuck up, asswipe.

>> No.5381464

>using ketchup on sandwiches
You fuking wot m8

>> No.5381476

Are those bean sprouts on a fried chicken patty? Might be good.

>> No.5381546

Looks like cress to me.

>> No.5382302

I'm brining some wings right now for dinner later. The brine is salt, water, pickled jalapeno liquid, Valentina, Louisiana hot sauce, garlic, black pepper, and a little lime juice.
If I remember later, I'll post a pic after they're done.

>> No.5382308
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Shit, forgot pic. hurrdurr

>> No.5382537
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Green chile pulled chicken


>> No.5382542
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>> No.5382548
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Lunch today

Leftover dinner from last night. Baked salmon, brown rice (leftovers cooked with an egg and sesame oil) with shitake mushrooms, soy sauce, sesame oil, and sesame seed.

>> No.5382600
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Chicken a la mexicana with beans

>> No.5382617
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Curry chicken casserole with a cornbread top.

>> No.5382625
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Pic 2

>> No.5382629

Gonna cook some sausages later on.
Lamb, pumpkin and feta sausages.

>> No.5382633
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Using the master technique of the folded 1/4 of tortilla.
Useful for the juicy stuff.
24964323 44

>> No.5382634

Never had green chile with chicken, I usually make it with pork. I might make this the next time I visit my local mexican store.

>> No.5382638

I used chicken breasts. Obviously healthier, but something fatty like pork shoulder will have more flavor. I compensated by adding cilantro and jalepeno

>> No.5382709

>le ketchup meme
good one, mate

>> No.5382738

looks good

>> No.5382918
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Potato puffs. I had some potatoes that needed to get used up, so I just made it up as I went. Turned out tasty.

>> No.5382931

I got high on the chemicals last night and haven't been to bed yet. It's 2pm, work is hell, I've only eaten a banana and half a bread roll. I hope I can stomach some dinner. I really want to go to bed

>> No.5383152
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Been drinking for about 14 hours now so this is dinner.

>> No.5383163

>day to commemorate the nation's greatest military fuck-up
>spend it getting pissed with cunts
>eatin snags with Dick Sauce for tea

Order of Straya candidate right here, folks.

How does Dick's brew stack up, btw?

>> No.5383177
File: 193 KB, 390x390, bushfoods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just tastes just like any other tomato sauce but it makes ya feel good because ya keepen some cunt here in Straya in a job n shit.

Try Dicks Bush Food breakfast cereal mate fuckin better then that kellogs shit aye.

>> No.5383184

Why does australia day always bring out the worst in people?

>> No.5383187

Because bogans can't handle their piss.

>> No.5383206

>Australia day
Ignorant foreigner

>> No.5383264

I've never seen this sold anywhere

I don't think I've even seen dick Smith's in a woolies or Coles?

>> No.5383276

It's there mate, in the cereal aisle but you gotta look on the top or bottom shelf. Big companies pay a premium to have their products at eye level on the shelf.

I shop at woolies BTW

>> No.5383336

>tomato sauce with chicken
Don't defend your shitty food

>> No.5383374
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Made some chili as well.

>> No.5383480
File: 1.27 MB, 2592x1936, Huevos Rancheros (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranchero eggs for breakfast.
Fun fact, tortillas have front side and back side.

>> No.5383496
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Love the Dawkins scarlet A made out of ketchup!
Nice work OP!

>> No.5383552
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Made my own buttery dinner rolls and used them for lentil sloppy joes. The recipe wasn't the mix ketchup and mustard kind, so it was decent but I had to add a few extras to activate flavor city - Some thai chilis, rice vinegar, extra garlic, paprika, and salt. Really really good.

>> No.5383621
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This was breakfast. I had all of the ingredients for bean burritos (which I've been making for the last two days) and decided to make a simpler variation on them for breakfast so I didn't have to roll out any tortillas.

Refried pintos, black beans, rice, and fried tomatoes.

>> No.5383669

oh, man. haven't made corn bread in a while. looks good

>> No.5383708

Thanks. I've never had it before but I see why people like it so much. I've heard some people crumble it up into milk?

>> No.5384459

Why do the tortillas look so soggy

>> No.5384471

I'm eating NOTHING and I'm starving
I have: radish, mushrooms, tomatos and cheese. quick, tell me what I can do with that

>> No.5384572

Stuffed mushrooms you big dummy

>> No.5384626

spaghetti sauteed in olive oil with chopped garlic, sliced sweet peppers and sliced tomato bits, tossed with garlic & parsley salt, black pepper, MSG and a single packet of sugar.

>> No.5384660
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>> No.5384710

What am I looking at

>> No.5384837
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the spread I made for dinner
>tfw only two other people were in tonight, and one of them was fasting
ah well, plenty of leftovers

>> No.5384862
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Steak with a garlic chive butter on top of mashed peas with some chilli roasted mushrooms

>> No.5384867


that steak looks hella over cooked... also looks like chuck steak.

>> No.5384870

I only eat my steaks rare as fuck, I can assure you it was not overcooked, and it's sirloin.

As if you can tell the cut of steak from a top down pic

>> No.5384928
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Best steak I've ever made.
Let it sit in salt for an hour to get to room temp, then put it in the oven with a pat of butter on top on around 180-190 until the internal temp was around 130. Then finished in butter for a minute each side on a very hot pan.

More time consuming than my normal method using just the pan or grill, but holy fuck, I'm a convert. might have to get a Sous Vide machine now.

>> No.5384948

Can't stop laughing at the plating.
It's like someone with OCD that gave up halfway through.

>> No.5385078
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x2448, 1398499770021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sword fish and broccoli

>> No.5385095

Jesus Christ! You just ruined a poor swordfish, if it's swordfish steaks with broccoli. You should feel ashamed of yourself!

That swordfish didn't die to be on a plate with some broccoli! Have some respect for that fish!

>> No.5385103

That doesn't even look like swordfish, that looks like lame thing you got from China that's been bathed in buttermilk and called swordfish. BAH!

That's certainly not a swordfish steak.

>> No.5385126


fuck yeah bangas and mash

>> No.5385129

>Australia Day
>in April
dumb cunt

>> No.5385137

Eh sorry first time cooking swordfish. Tasted pretty good to me if that's any consolation.

>> No.5385253
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Salmon ochazuke. I didn't steep the tea for long enough, though.

>> No.5385265

Well, if you do it right, it'll be even better.
Try a thick one over a grill, don't burn the thing and it doesn't much on it. Swordfish has a really nice flavor onto itself. If you thank the fish too, it'll come out better! hahaha! Seriously maybe a little lime and black pepper. That's at most all. And just a little of those.

Have respect for the fish.
That may sound goofy but it's true and how cooking comes out the best.

>> No.5385270

Got some pork loin in the smoker and going to be using it for some last minute (read: 12 hours smoked) pulled pork. There's some bacon smoking on another rack and I'm going to chop that up and put it in with the pork.

With that probably going to make some broccoli and carrot coleslaw since I hate cabbage/raw onions. Also going to make some baked beans.

Fun day today.

>> No.5385339

I ate too much katsudon now my tummy hurts

>> No.5385408

Eating ochazuke with chopsticks. WTF.

>> No.5385499

looks good

>> No.5385504
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Was very deilcious. Highly recommendable

>> No.5385543

I'm making a big dinner tonight for my family and so far I've decided to open with a carrot soup and dessert is baklava

I know I want to have chickpeas with my main dish but I can't decide between chicken or beef. Does anyone know what meat would pair well with chickpeas?

>> No.5385554
File: 1.79 MB, 2592x1936, Huevos Rancheros (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I let the salsa sit and penetrate the tortilla so i can do this.

>> No.5386833

Chicken definitely.

I made some roasted vegetables for a family gathering tonight. Roasted Yukon gold, red onion, zucchini, yellow squash, and red peppers then made a sautéed carrot dish tossed with parsley, and then flash steamed broccoli rabe. sry no pics

>> No.5386871
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Salt and pepper potatoes with Steel Reserve.

Keep sippin that haterade, /ck/.

>> No.5386888

Looks good to me.

>> No.5386889

>Tfw usually at night i make the most glorious beautiful meals but then i forget to take pics and show /ck/ :(

Last night i made a prosciutto sage wrapped chicken cutlet pan fried in a skillet, with white wine/ chicken stock/ butter sage sauce reduced in the pan, sauteed cherry tomatoes and broccolette and boiled fingerling potatoes covered in the sauce. Radish bocconcini salad with vinaigrette.

>> No.5386911


jesus christ

>> No.5387043

Is that a machined skillet? Also you really shouldn't pour sr into a glass

>> No.5387045

Sure you did anon

>> No.5387091

2 smoked salmon sandwiches with goat cheese. A 24oz container of plain greek yogurt with some sunflower butter stirred in.

I decided to buy some odd stuff from the grocery store today like the goat cheese and sunflower butter. Not bad at all. Currently thinking of a way to cook this 2lb butterflied leg of lamb I bought for tomorrow