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5379384 No.5379384 [Reply] [Original]

So, I don't drink. Never really have. I've tried plenty of it, had an ex that thought it was weird I didn't drink and made me try everything until we found something I could stomach. Only thing I like is Midori.

I like sweet things, and this stuff is so sweet I may as well just be ordering a bright green soda.

Anyway to the point, current girlfriend also doesn't drink much, but suggested we should get something special for our birthdays coming up (they're within ten days of eachother) but as I've stated, I know very little about alcohol.

She said she'd like something strawberry or strawberry kiwi flavored, or just some really sweet fruit. Since Midori is sort of *my* drink -as it's the only alcohol I currently will drink- I think she just wants to have her own designated drink.

Anyway, suggestions?

>> No.5379391

how do people like you exist? people like alcoholic drinks because they get classically conditioned to like them. All it takes is time.

Drink and have a good time - I love Jack & Coke!
Drink and throw up - I can't drink Jack & Coke again for ages.

Nobody likes the taste of alcohol when they just start out. Being able to take a shot of the nastiest shit you can is a right of passage that continues well into your 50s. Why do you think all the detectives in the movies have a thing of cognac on their desk? Because they're hard asses and the disgusting taste of cognac doens't phase them.

Anyway, what kind of alcohol does your girlfriend like? wine coolers, wine, actual liquor?

Cause if she likes strawberries you can go - Strawberry Smirnoff Ice, or one of the Alize flavors with berries... or you can just get some Strawberry infused vodka and get your girl to try something she wasn't willing to stomach before (wink)

depends what she likes to drink

>> No.5379394

dump your girlfriend because your a fag if you dont like hard liquor

>> No.5379396

Rekorderlig make a Strawberry and Lime cider.
That is probably the only strawberry based alcohol I'm aware of. Unless she wants to drink alcoholic grenadine.

There's also 'Sidekick' which is marketed as some sort of alcoholic strawberry-and-cream flavour milkshake.

Strawberryovskas are one of my favourite cocktails, but it's hard having a signature drink that most bars won't have the stock to make.

>> No.5379402
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strawberry daiquiri! make it from scratch at home.

easy all you need is a blender, some ice, and
Original recipe makes 8 servings Change Servings

6 cups ice

1/2 cup white sugar

4 ounces frozen strawberries

1/8 cup lime juice

1/2 cup lemon juice

3/4 cup rum

1/4 cup lemon-lime flavored carbonated beverage

>> No.5379404

There's a bunch of flavored vodkas, but they're probably not sweet enough.

I dunno about strawberry, but some example liqueurs are
Chambord (raspberry)
Grand Marnier (orange)

>> No.5379407

What detective keeps cognac in their desk? Shaft?

>> No.5379409


and you can switch out some of the lemon juice for kiwi juice, bro. perfect.

>> No.5379438

Better yet, what detective who can afford cognac truly believes it tastes nasty?
For a post about conditioning your palate, yours is full pleb

>> No.5379449

> Better yet, what detective who can afford cognac truly believes it tastes nasty?
it's a tv trope, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Being a straight dick only looks cool to other people if you actually have something smart to say along side the insult. Your comment to me has no content.

> For a post about conditioning your palate, yours is full pleb
once again, you offer no advice, so who are you to judge mine? Shut the fuck up. Your blood sugar is low.

>> No.5379460 [DELETED] 


Woody Harrison for one, when he plays a detective.

>> No.5379472

>>Anyway, what kind of alcohol does your girlfriend like? wine coolers, wine, actual liquor?

She's even more of a lightweight than me. She's had sips of wine and been given liquor by mistake. Doesn't like the taste of any of it.

I can stomach it, but I don't enjoy being drunk or getting buzzed so I wouldn't bother unless it tasted really good, hence the midori -which I'll sometimes order with dinner to settle my stomach or if I'm feeling stressed out.

>> No.5379509


black or french ones
if they are white or american it'll be whisky

>> No.5379526

so go buy some middle of the road vodka or white(clear) rum
dont bother with the flavored shit

add a healthy amount to any sort of smoothy that you like
then add sugar to it

go look up smoothy recipes and buy a cheap blender
the other key is to add increasing amounts of liquor to whatever your drinking, shit tastes better the drunker you are

>> No.5379544
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Woody Harrelson for one, when he plays a detective

>> No.5379551
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heres another one. but you know this damn scene.

>> No.5379553

I have no clue how people like you exist, but I appreciate knowing that there are people who don't like drinking that heartily.

Id say to go for daiquiri's like the other anon said, or just fruity mixed drinks with rum or a smooth vodka. When you are mixing your liquor with fruity things and arent drinking standard amounts of liquor, it doesnt matter a whole hell of a lot what type youre drinking as long as it doesnt come out of a plastic jug.

>> No.5379554

you need to drink grappa or ouzo, it'll be the only things you can stomach

>> No.5379556
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Well if you're both such girls, why don't you just buy girly drinks? I used to drink the shit out of Alize before I burned my tongue off with Bicardi 151.

>> No.5379559

Absolut mandarin and sprite. Tastes like peach rings.

>> No.5379592

That's not cognac

>> No.5379615

just buy vodka and make weak drinks
jesus christ I still can't believe there are still people in this world that aren't alcohols yet

>> No.5379624

oh god, midori is a terrible melon liqueur.

it's the cheapest, oldest artificial melon flavoring combined with low-grade alcohol. you can taste that shit booze even in a mixed drink.

if melon flavor is what you like then make your own with high quality vodka

>> No.5379649

>hit ctrl f
>0 of 0

I am disappoint.
OP, google caipirinha or caipivodka/caipiroska recipes. Add as much sugar as you want, it usually ends up tasting like lemonaid. Other god-tier results substitute lemons with passion fruit, kiwi or strawberries, but pretty much any fruit works. Ah, the wonders of cachaça.

>> No.5379675

After Shock, especially black

>> No.5379694
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>but they're probably not sweet enough.

plenty are sweet to the point that you can't taste the alcohol really, you just get a very mild burn. three olives has some good ones.

if OP's girl like strawberry she'll probably like three olives marilyn monroe which is strawberries & cream; kitschy bottle might win some points too. and loopy tastes like fruit loops.

bacardi dragonberry rum is strawberry.

>> No.5379702

stoli blueberry and sprite

>> No.5379712

>I don't enjoy being drunk or getting buzzed

really? i've never heard that before. you just... you like being sober? i'm envious.

>> No.5379750

Not that guy but while i used to drink a lot and have had plenty of alcohol, i now choose to stay sober or only have a few when i go out. When i see ppl getting wasted now i just feel really embarrassed

>> No.5379764


well i understand not liking being wasted. there's no fun in getting black out drunk, but not even liking a buzz or tipsiness? i'm actually able to focus on tasks and conversations, experience no self-consciousness, and am able to block out the feelings of emptiness and meaninglessness and the heavy depression that normally dominate me in sobriety. i feel alive when i'm buzzed.

>> No.5380174

Oh god...Midori is horrible, Anon. Expand your horizons, even a little bit, to get away from that shit.

Like someone else mentioned regarding your girlfriend, daiquiris are a great choice. Even if you just go buy some mix, as long as you don't go overboard on the rum, you'll be fine. I usually put double in mine if I'm making them just so I can actually taste the booze.

>> No.5380195
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It even looks like a midori bottle

>> No.5380203

Get help dude

>> No.5380206


lol i've been in and out of therapy since i was 8. haven't been in maybe a half a year, never made any progress

a psychiatrist diagnosed me with major depression and prescribed anti depressants but they make me feel numb so i don't like to take them.

aaanyway not /ck/ discussion.

>> No.5380304


>> No.5380745

Grappa is delicious sir, and does not appreciate your association of it and the Devils anisette.

>> No.5381290

Midori is way too sweet, but great mixed with some lime juice and a little club soda

>> No.5381474

can you find out the ingredients? looks like it would be SUPER full of yellow 5 or something.

It would be a nice surprise if it turned out to be completely naturally colored, like turmeric and some other fruit extract for color, and not some nasty additive

>> No.5381514


>> No.5381544
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>She said she'd like something strawberry or strawberry kiwi flavored, or just some really sweet fruit.
See if you can find Fresita around where you live.

It's basically champagne mixed with strawberry juice.

>> No.5381867
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Oh my god that saline spritzer.

>> No.5382834

I really don't see the point of ingesting alcohol if you only like sweet shit. Just get a soda and do your liver a favour?

>> No.5383921

It seems like it would be much easier to just get some painkillers for the "effects" and then enjoy your favorite juice or water or whatever

>> No.5383974

Oh me oh my it's a pity you don't live near Cornwall. The St. Austell brewery once ran a beer called "Strawberry Blonde". The strawberry in it was strong as, tasted exactly how it was supposed to. Lush beer.

>> No.5383981

Talking about alcohol.

I enjoy a beer or two. But i've noticed that once i've been drinking 3-4 bottles of beer, my stomach just goes nuts and I end feeling completely shit till I puke. After which I feel completely normal again.

Is it an allergy or something?

>> No.5385211

Are you asian? I've read that asians have problems metabolizing alcohol. If not, I have no idea what it is. Ask your doctor.

>> No.5385217

They're just jealous that they never went out with a true and smart stawberry blonde. They're loss and why they have to make studies about it.

It's keeps them in government business though, it's those government contracts that keep them in those little government offices with big titles that mean fucking nothing. That's funny.

>> No.5385243

I'm Asian and while it seems like I won the genetic roulette because I can somehow take alcohol like a champ, it does mean that I do hang out with other Asians that experience similar things. It only happens with certain kinds of beer for each person, apparently.

>> No.5385248

Midori Sour was the first drink that I ever had. I know it's not the best or anything, but I still like it. Fuck you!

The second was Long Island Iced Tea. That's still good when done properly.

>> No.5385255

could be some sort of wheat allergy. do you get a similar reaction from breads?

>> No.5385266

Nope, Dutch/Polish

No, I don't have any issues with wheat.
I eat lots of wheat related things from pasta to bread without issues.

I haven't really tried other alcoholic drinks, so perhaps I should do that first.

>> No.5385321

Weird, I used to drink alcohol like a champ but when I reached my early 20s I puke after getting around 6 shots of vodka. After I puke though, I can last the entire night no problamo.

>> No.5385367

I suppose I'm not very helpful, but I figured I'd spot you my favorite drink recipe:
4 cl vodka (I use Russian Standard)
4 cl Pisang Ambon
4 cl Sour Mix
4 cl orange juice

Combine, shake, strain (Deffo use a strainer if there's fruit meat in your orange juice) into a tall glass with ice, and top up with Sprite/dnL. Look to fill at least half the glass with soda. It has a taste like sweet citrus soda and a light green colour. The alcohol taste is hardly notable.

As for another thing you can do, grab a bottle of Grand Marnier (Orange liqueur). Slice some oranges (keep the rinds on) and bananas up and throw them on a hot frying pan with some good butter. Pour some Grand Marnier on there (don't be a wuss) and light that shit on fire. Looks flashy as fuck, man. If you have to put out the fire real quick, keep a lid or moist towel handy to cover the frying pan with. Serve the fruit with some vanilla ice cream and pour the sauce from the frying pan over.

If you like fruity tastes and want some "real" alcohol, try drinking prosecco some time. I find it better than beer, and I suppose you look cooler because it's sparkling wine.
I'd recommend Astoria Casa Vittorino..

Sorry if

>> No.5386047

Dessert wine.

>> No.5386056

>Only thing I like is Midori.

Have you come out to your parents yet?

>> No.5386124


This. Being wasted isn't enjoyable but having a good buzz going helps you socialize. I only drink beer so I don't lose track of how much Ive had.

>> No.5386132


Do you have sylliacs? gluten is in most beer.

>> No.5387701

midori gives me an instant hangover

>> No.5387717

The anon you asked and no, nobody I know has problems with bread but instead with just certain brews of beer. One of my roommates can drink everything else under the sun, but gets deathly sick from Coors.

>> No.5387953

Agreed, cheap scotch is traditional.

>> No.5388179

I like being black out drunk. Why? Because I like mystery. I love waking up at some random place, and trying to piece together last night. Love it.
BUT. What I don't like is when I'm actually conscious while wasted. That shit is fucking terrible.
Now, I haven't been wasted for quite some time. And I have to say. I'm not seeing myself drinking alcohol anymore, just don't find it that fun.

>> No.5388199


>> No.5388227

If you're a person who likes to drink alcoholic beverages for the taste(unlike 95% of the fucktards out there) you really can't go wrong with pina colada.

Fuck I'll drink that in the middle of a snowstorm.

>> No.5388231


i... really? i mean, to each his own. whatever. i feel like you may have a problem with just being sober. no judgment or anything, but you actually want to EXPERIENCE life.

>> No.5388345

I've never had midori but I've always thought it looked like it would be good with Sprite or club soda or something like a soft drink.

>> No.5388364 [DELETED] 

Make her a bunch of little bottles of flavored vodka with Skittles. Chicks love cute things like that and each vodka would have it's own flavor. Buy a big bag or two of Skittles, separate them by color and make Skittles vodka however you make that stuff, I'm sure there are a ton of recipes online. Skittles vodka, Jolly Rancher vodka, whatever. Make some yourself to see if it tastes good then make her some if it does taste good.

Then get half a dozen or how many ever little cute bottles and give her them in a gift basket or something. Make something neat looking like a mini-bar filled with little bottles of Skittles vodka.

>> No.5388371

Make her a bunch of little bottles of flavored vodka with Skittles so each vodka would have it's own flavor. Buy a big bag or two of Skittles, separate them by color and make Skittles vodka however you make that stuff, I'm sure there are a ton of recipes online. Skittles vodka, Jolly Rancher vodka, whatever. Make some yourself to see if it tastes good then make her some if it does taste good.

Then get half a dozen or how many ever little cute bottles and give her them in a gift basket or something. Make something neat looking like a mini-bar filled with little bottles of Skittles vodka.

>> No.5388374
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>> No.5388377
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>> No.5388576

Does it have to be hard liquor?
How do you feel about wine?
I can recommend german Riesling if you prefer something sweet. I can easily drink a bottle without getting tired of it.
Or Amarone if you want red wine.

>> No.5388579

Get some rose

>> No.5389603
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This guy knoes what's up.
Try Astoria Nine dot Five Pink - It tastes almost like soda, and is a typical girly thing to drink.
It has a soft pink colour to it, and lovely big bubbles, and it looks really cool when you pop the bottle and the cork goes flying.
The Nine dot Five Red isn't bad either, but it's not really girly.