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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 350x234, shoplifting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5378765 No.5378765[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you shoplift food because you're unemployed or poor?

Do you see it as a serious moral offense if you are in need and have dependents to feed or just yourself?


>> No.5378780

I did when I was younger.
My little siblings were sad often and would be extra sad when they'd come home from school and there wasn't anything to really... eat. Mother cooked dinner whenever she got home (sometimes pizza from the Pizza Hut she waitressed at back in the 90's when it was more of a sit down/salad/pizza bar place)
so I'd walk through the local convenience store on my way home and sneak as many quiet candy bars I could in my pockets. Usually soft granola bars or those pink icing cookies.

Don't regret a damn thing other than it feeling like the only option I had.

>> No.5378795

lol, no It's never entered my mind...and I'm on Disability. So, it's a pretty limited income. I just make do...but I suppose if there was no other options, I wouldn't judge someone who did...I think there's an obvious difference between someone stealing bread, and someone stealing Plasma TVs.

>> No.5378796

i think jebus said it was ok

>> No.5378799

too old to get away with it

>> No.5378916

Just go dumpster diving instead. Less of a drain on your local grocery store.

>> No.5378942
File: 18 KB, 400x298, toasting in delicious bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ck/, is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving whatever?

>> No.5378948

No. It's beneath me, no matter how poor I am.

>> No.5378953

When bakeries throw out hundreds of hardly stale loaves a day, I'd say.

>> No.5378993
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>> No.5379002

I don't shoplift for shit. I am on EBT because I'm poor, though.

I guess if you live in a country that doesn't have food assistance, sure, steal away. Otherwise, if you're poor enough to steal from a local merchant, you're poor enough to steal from the government legally.

>> No.5379051

I've stolen sandwiches from chain stores when I needed to. I dumpster when I can. I found like 50 bucks worth of whiteboxes(leftovers from resturants) on easter. It was a seafood pasta, filet mignon with truffle mashed potatos, and a beef stir fry from a really fucking nice resturant. Still fucking hot too. How the fuck do people throw away shit like that?

>> No.5379055

ask the store manager for a apple and move along faggot

>> No.5379123

I worked grocery for a couple years and for a couple months we dealt with an older who would steal whole carts full of food.

They would shop together. The wife would push the cart near the front and head out. Her husband would then walk in grab the cart push it out to the car now occupied by the wife. He would throw it in the back and they would zip off.

They got away twice and arrested the 3rd time.

>> No.5379141

if you were seriously starving you could always try asking employees of stores to give you something they'd throw away after the store closes, some smaller store owners themselves could possibly give you something they'd otherwise dispose of

>> No.5379150

I used to shoplift sweets and stuff when I was a kid because it was fun and free stuff. Got caught though after a while and only just got off the hook, really stupid of me.

>> No.5379152

Because in business it's considered better to lose money on raw materials and discard food, than to reduce the price and then have the older cheaper food compete for sale with the fresh full-priced one.

>> No.5379153

Yeah, there should be a hefty fine for wasting food or a separate and costly disposal category, to encourage businesses to donate near-expiry food rather than trash it.

Might also help cull the rat, roach and gull swarms.

>> No.5380189
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I eat fruit+nuts ect in supermarket not stealing just sampling.

>> No.5380193

Yes, stealing is wrong.

How is this a question, faggot? There are plenty of places to get a free meal.

>> No.5380221

i've shoplifted probably thousands of dollars worth of food. i don't do it anymore save for little things here and there, couple times a month max.

i was lifting from my local wal-mart like every other day for about a year, around 30$ worth of shit each time. never got apprehended but i'm sure they were aware; they had loss prevention follow me throughout the store last time i did one of my regular hauls, but i didn't realize it until i was out of the store and security had followed me around the side of the building. i stopped doing big hauls there--even steered clear of the place for about a month--and when i went back, they had a new camera installed in one of my regular blind spots. lol.

i stole regularly, but somewhat less frequently, from other stores in the area. one of them had security follow me--very obviously--throughout the store so i unloaded and never lifted from there again. another store caught me, banned me and i had to pay a $200 restitution fee to the store but didn't have to go to court or any of that.

>> No.5380232
File: 14 KB, 250x202, images-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think stealing is fun

>> No.5380236

>having an image that shitty anywhere on your hard drive

>> No.5380248

Funny, "Look down...look down" always starts up on my way out 7-11

>> No.5380255

One of my friends used to be a vagabond, hopping freight trains traveling all over North America. His trick was to scout a really busy gas station, buy something cheap that needs to be microwaved, because the microwaves have garbage cans around them. Then throw whatever he wanted in the trash, cover it up a little, wait for them to take the garbage out and in to the dumpster he went to claim his prize. He claims it worked far more often than not.

>> No.5380285


life is more complicated than morality.

>> No.5380294

its so easy to steal at the self checkout of most grocery stores that i just do it out of self preservance and don't think about it much. i get what i need, pay for about half, and walk out with the rest.

>> No.5380308

The only time I've ever taken anything without paying was when I went shopping with my roommate and got some asparagus but there were literally no bags to put it in or tags or anything, so my roommate just stuck it under his bags he already bought and bagged.

>> No.5380561

Me and my mate do scavving every few days for food. Depending on the place we either order a really cheap item or bring some textbooks and make it look like were waiting for someone, then wait for people to leave half finished meals and finish it for them. We get a massive variety of food that way and it's just gonna get chuck anyhow. Occasionally we have to fight off gulls to get food.
Or we go to an all-you-can-eat place when it's busy, bring a shit ton of containers and get 5 days worth of food for one sitting.
If we want fruit we crash in the country with our friend and do night runs to the local farms and steal fruit from the orchards.

>> No.5381269

should have stole some beans and rice you degenerate

>> No.5381301

you're a real piece of shit

>> No.5381304

i just go trashing.
you'd be surprised how much good produce the stores throw out

>> No.5381307

>live in shit ass city
>shoplift food
>cannot return to the said store because they'll id me and dump me to jail

>> No.5381310

My ex often shoplifted food and clothes while she was in high school because her family was very poor. I think it's fine to steal some things from places like Wal-Mart. But you're probably an asshole if you steal from small businesses and mom & pop stores.

>> No.5381320

Stores like Walmart make money off of very high volume of sales. So I partially agree, stealing from WalMart is not the same as stealing for a nicer store, or an independent one.""

She did stop stealing right?

>> No.5381327

I have no idea, I haven't talked to her in a couple years. She has a job now, so I guess it's possible that she stopped.

>> No.5381333

There were about three months when I was basically just temporarily fucked over financially. I applied for govt. aide but obviously that takes time to process.

I just asked to speak to the manager of a grocery chain and I explained my situation and asked if there was anything they were going to be tossing away. He was basically fucking amazing about it and he told me to just go pick out anything from the produce and meat dept I wanted and that when I got to the front to ask for the cashier to go grab him. By the time I got up to the front he had filled up two big brown bags full of breads, pastas, and packaged foods that were near the expiration date and he just put them in my cart and told me to just head on out with my huge cartload of food. I wept like an infant.

Later when I got my shit together I went pack with the intention of paying him back but he just waved me off and told me to go throw it in some donation box if I really felt like I had to but that he didn't need or want it.

I feel like if you have to steal to get by, you should because survival is survival. But I also think that if you just ask for help you're more likely to get it and get better stuff than what you would have stolen.

>> No.5381339


i used to when i was poorfag

there are zero arguments for theft ever, but i still did it. if i was caught i would know i was in the wrong objectively.

>> No.5381348

why are people so simple in their ideas of right and wrong?

>> No.5381358

stealing is always wrong, no matter who you steal from and whatever your reasoning is

>> No.5381373


see, this is exactly what i mean. like i said earlier life is more complicated than morality.

>> No.5381375

yeah but stealing is still always wrong, even if it's a big nameless and faceless store

>> No.5381378


no morality is needed, it is illogical to steal what is not yours. period. i font care if you are really hungry or need to feed muh keeds, it is illogical always.

>> No.5381389


all you're doing is repeating yourself...

morality is entirely a subjective construct. conscience is superego--you know that little voice telling you "this is wrong!" because you were raised on very simple ideas, to keep you in control--and your conscious decision to abide by an idea of morality is just the result of tension between the conscience that punishes you internally, and your sense of freedom. it is easier to hold fast to ideas of morality than to think about every situation individually, and act based on how you feel. for instance i feel bad if i hurt someone, because i can feel their pain, and deeply i know my hand caused it, and a bond with my fellow human causes a 'snap back' that hurts me in return. but is it "wrong"? that's irrelevant. life is more complicated than a universal "right" and "wrong."

>> No.5381402

I ring up more expensive produce at the self checkout as potatoes or onions or whatever other cheap shit there is. It's like shoplifting but not quite as niggerish. I do it because fuck paying $5/lb of asparagus when I'm exhausted and don't feel like going across town to the farmers market.

>> No.5381403

Women shoplift all the time because they no they will rarely be confronted.

>> No.5381405

>convenience store
because convenience stores in the 90s had rice and beans.

But whatever friend. You lived your life I lived mine

>> No.5381413

take your shallow armchair psychology and shove it

a simple reasoning, and this is just one, why stealing food from a store is wrong is because it's in the end an inconvenience to everyone including
the stupid bastard that decided to steal when he can't afford the food
stealing, spoilage etc are taken into consideration when stores price the things they sell and if nobody ever stole anything
the prices would be slightly lower - a lot of selfish shits stealing does add up

thanks to stealing fucking shits I and everyone else have to pay more than they should

I genuinely hope someone steals something valuable (doesn't matter if it's monetary or emotional value) from you and then you can ponder if it's right or wrong

>> No.5381415

*they know

>> No.5381433

I lol'd.

Sometimes they fuck up the orders and have to toss them

My friend who worked at Starbucks used to put all the food items in a separate trash bag from the rest of the trash so all the food would be intact for the hobos who dumpster dived

Goddamn, just how poor ARE you?

If he bought it, why'd he have to stick it in the trash to eat it lol

That was a nice story and I agree, most people are happy to help others out.

You sound like my religion teacher from my catholic high school. She used to say shit like this. She told my class that Robin Hood was wrong for stealing from the rich to give to the poor even though it was the rich who stole money from the poor in the first place. "He could've held a bake sale to raise money for them instead," is what this ignorant cunt said to us.

Bullshit. Go into any clothing store and they'll bust any chick's ass for shoplifting.

>> No.5381437

He probably stole some kid's laptop.

>> No.5381444


lol. i still don't hold to right or wrong, so if i were to have something important stolen from me (and i have), it wouldn't be a matter of right or wrong, but my inability to prevent such a thing from happening. and i would consider how to protect myself in the future. i would feel bad, but that does not defend a subjective morality.

>> No.5381445


objective* not subjective.

>> No.5381504

If you killed yourself I think society might be better off.

>> No.5381515

damn that warmed my cockles

>> No.5381516

A woman tried to use that as an excuse when she was caught stealing a bag of rolls from the bakery department in the store I used to work at... we told her that all unsold bakery items (not just bread, but pies, muffins, etc.) are given to local senior living homes and homeless shelters. She started crying. We let her go without calling the police but she's banned form the store now.

>> No.5381526

That's a joke, right? In my experience, it's the big, beefy black dudes that you second-guess confronting, unless you have a loss prevention crew. The women are easy to confront, they just cry and usually don't even try to run away, they just sit there sobbing and wait for the police arrive after you catch them.

>> No.5381533

Moral absolutists are the original trolls.

>> No.5381534

This is really easy to do. Find the code for a cheap weighable produce (onions are usually a good bet), go through a self checkout when the employee presiding over it is occupied/on break/a dumb young blonde that hates her job and is texting and sighing, type in the code for onions and put expensive medication or whatever you want on the scale, after it's registered the weight then quickly transfer them to the bags (which also have a scale underneath them, that's how they tell if you're sneaking items in). I have no qualms about ripping off the pharmaceutical companies, fuck them.

>> No.5381545

I used to go to a local supermarket when I was a teen where they had a self serve salad bar. They had all sorts of cool stuff like tofu, bocconcini, all sorts of lettuce (leaf and romano), different kinds of salads and pastas... all sorts of stuff. Anyway, it was expensive as fuck (they charged by weight) and I wasn't going to pay for it so what I did was just fill up a container with whatever I wanted and casually walk out - easy as that. Unless there are LPs (loss protection, "secret shoppers"), it's pretty easy to just make off with what you want by casually walking out. Another method is that if there's a self checkout, if it's not being watched very well (sometimes they have one stooge standing there watching over everyone who is paying) you can get away with paying for PART of what you have but making off with an expensive item for free. That is, assuming there's no alarm.

>> No.5381554

I believe that the wrong is in keeping food from people who need it.
So no, I do not see it as a moral offense to take food to feed yourself.

>> No.5381564

Your logic is broken.

>> No.5381566

>If he bought it, why'd he have to stick it in the trash to eat it lol

Not the person you're replying to, but I'm assuming he would buy a cheap thing, then put other, more expensive things in the trash.

>> No.5381570

>it is illogical to steal what is not yours
It is illogical to go hungry on principle because societal norms tell us that it is wrong to take what is not ours. The owner of a big chain food retailer isn't going to go out of business if one hungry person steals. Now take your mental gymnastics and shove em up your ass, Spock.

>> No.5381713

Poorfag here - going to the food bank tomorrow - usually get some salmon and elk, eggs, various other stuff... and you are allowed to use multiple food banks if they are run by different programs... christ I've gotten boxed oysters from Whole Foods.... there is no reason to steal.... /thread

>> No.5381731


How is it possible that you're so poor you need to go to the food bank, yet you have internet access?

>> No.5381736
File: 490 KB, 480x340, 1387340003865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked at this poopy grocery store for a good bit last year and stole all the time. I mean everyone there did, but it was still stealing I guess. Usually I would cop some large size bags of chips, 9 dollar lotion, Nyquil when I was sick, occasionally some of the expensive ice cream. Oh and Clif bars

>> No.5381738

Yes, I shoplift for food.
No, I see nothing wrong with it.
Society denies me the ability to legally support myself. So fuck that, I need to eat. Shoplifting/dumpster diving(the hobo type, not the trustfund hipster type)/scavanging is a noble profession- it's the urban modern equivalent of being a hunter gatherer.

>> No.5381743

Hey, can you explain to me how the food banks work?? I've never been to one.... salmon? oysters??? help me out here. I get the gist - the stores dump their overstock on the food banks and the food banks probably throw away more food then they give out.

But... where do i go to get them salmon n oystes? Beverly HIlls Food Bank? (im about 30 minutes away from BH lol)

> How is it possible that you're so poor you need to go to the food bank, yet you have internet access?
Nothing inspires more rage in me then people like you. Ignorant, arrogant, judgemental little shitheads.

He wants to take away your internet because you're poor.
> Well, if you can't afford food... you shouldn't be able to afford internet HURRRRRRRRRRRR

I'd stab you if you had the gaul to say that shit to my face.

Being poor doesn't mean being a fucking vagrant. You still need a phone, a car, internet, a computer, fucking make up if you're a girl. You don't just toss everything out the window and start eating scraps of fat from the butcher shop you mongoloid. If you actually had to do an ounce of hard work in your life you wouldn't be such an entitled, empty brained nincompoop.

>> No.5381747

>Society denies me the ability to legally support myself.

Explain. I haven't noticed a problem supporting myself legally.

>> No.5381751


and IF ANTHING - internet is exactly what a poor person would have.

In order to save money, i canceled my cable TV service, downgraded my internet to the lowest one, and cancelled my home phone service.

I now use some bootleg MagicJack app VOIP as the house phone, and pirate all I can in terms of movies and shows.

That saves me about $100 dollars a month. Not to mention most people are poor because they don't have a proper job.

guess what you can find on the internet.. a fucking job. You don't become a blacksmith apprentice at your uncle's forge anymore... you go online and apply through corporate.

Alright. im calm. im calm. But I'll still stab you.

>> No.5381757

comes as part of rent automatically
leeching from neighbours

>> No.5381758

>Nothing inspires more rage in me then people like you. Ignorant, arrogant, judgemental little shitheads.

Sorry, I was simply asking question. I never judged you or called you a name. I didn't mean any offense. I'm honestly wondering how this is possible. If this makes you so mad then please take the opportunity to "set me straight" and explain.

>> No.5381763

I didn't have a job, couldn't get one, and was rejected from claiming benefits. The people at the wellfare office told me, in so many words, that if I didn't get a job my options were to beg, or starve in the street. Instead I started stealing.
Eventually, I got a shitty job washing up through a friend, got a house, and was able to start buying food. I stopped stealing then, because I didn't need to.

>> No.5381776


i already explained. you're obviously not being sincere, since I already explained what your problem is.

internet is basically a necessary utility these days. Especially if you're poor because that's your best bet of finding a job.

Second of all - just because they're SAVING MONEY getting the food they would normally buy... doesn't mean they can't spend it on cable. In fucking fact:

Let's imagine i have exactly $40. I couild either buy a week's worth of groceries, or I can go down to the food shelter and get free groceries, and spend the $40 on internet that i need ... for my hopes and dreams... NOT TO BE POOR FOREVER.

But you just chuckle cause you have NO fucking clue what I'm talking about. "Well, I guess if you didnt want to be poor you should have done better at Universeteee)

If anything, going to the food bank would help them get internet, not hurt them. So what possible motive can you have except being a dick?

>> No.5381778

>Being poor doesn't mean being a fucking vagrant. You still need a phone, a car, internet, a computer, fucking make up if you're a girl. You don't just toss everything out the window and start eating scraps of fat from the butcher shop you mongoloid. If you actually had to do an ounce of hard work in your life you wouldn't be such an entitled, empty brained nincompoop.

Who's being judgmental now? For your information, I have been there. Got a new job right out of college. Paid off my loans with my signing bonus, bought a new car, moved out of the dorms into an apartment. Couple months later company goes out of business and I'm laid off. Can't afford my car note, I couldn't make rent, I couldn't afford food. Know what I did? Sold my phone, PS3, all my vidya and anime DVDs. Sold my new-ish car to pay of the loan and bought a cheap POS out of the paper to get me by so there was no loan to pay. Bingo, now I can afford to eat while looking for a new job. Sucks? Yeah, but better than starving.

I find it ironic that you claim that "you don't just toss everything out the window" and then proceed to tell me that if I had to do any real work I wouldn't feel entitled. That makes no sense. The way I see it, YOU are the one feeling entitled, seeing as you think it's impossible to get by without a car, internet, or makeup.

>> No.5381779


why were you rejected from claiming benefits??

When I went in - they asked me how much money I own and how much money I make
> $0, and $0.

Then they asked me to promise to look for work the entire time im at benefits.
> - ok.

So now I get $200 bucks a month. Did you claim any income??? Does your mom give you money for rent??

>> No.5381785

>guess what you can find on the internet.. a fucking job.

Yeah, but:

1) You don't need to use YOUR internet, you can use the internet at public places for free.
2) It's entirely possible to find jobs without the internet.

>> No.5381789

Lol you're a fucking dumbass bro. You got a job right out of college, got approved for loans, paid them back....

then you had a brief period of unemployment... and sold all of your luxury items like ps3 and anime collections.

Yeah, let me just go into my pile of Ps3s and Ps4s and sell one of the ones I don't use as much. Retard.

And you're still going around my fucking point. POOR PEOPLE NEED INTERNET.

nobody is so poor that they have a fucking house and cant get internt.

Poor people spend about $2000/month you fucking retard. we're not total bums we're just living below the line.

>> No.5381792

I'm in britain. I didn't have a fixed address, ID or bank account following a fairly terrible set of circumstances, and they apparently won't pay you in those circumstances.

>> No.5381800


oh, britain. yeah, im in america, so it's different.

Lol that makes sense though - Brits are kind of elitist.

Did you know... that in American South, if you lick your plate clean - finish everything on your plate - that's a great sign of respect and adoration. If you're a guest, you better finish your plate.

But in Britain - its the opposite! If you eat everything, they will call you a glutton... and look down on you. Stuck up...

Lol so i guess it makes sense that in america they're liek "oh no! you have nowhere to go? Nothing to eat? here's the maximum benefit amount!" and for you its like "you don't even own a monocle? Where is your weird George Washington Judge wig? DENIED."

>> No.5381809

Dude I'm from America, have family in the suburbs of Atlanta, and I'm not sure what you're talking about.

>> No.5381813


5381758 here. Sorry, I didn't see 5381751 until I had already posted.

>internet is basically a necessary utility these days.

For your entertainment and social life maybe, but otherwise there is nothing you can do online that you couldn't do elsewhere. Not to mention that if you have any necessities, such as Email, you can always use a free public resource for those.

>Especially if you're poor because that's your best bet of finding a job.

It may be the easiest (or perhaps laziest?) way of finding a job, but I wouldn't call it the best. I've hired a couple people over the last three years. Some applicants sent info by email. Some called me and had a nice chat on the phone. Guess which ones got hired? Using the internet for research is great and all, but if you are serious about getting work you need to show up in person, or at the very least chat on the phone.

>et's imagine i have exactly $40. I couild either buy a week's worth of groceries

you could buy a few weeks worth of groceries.

>So what possible motive can you have except being a dick?

Again, I don't understand. If I wanted to be a dick I'd insult you or post some stupid reaction image.

Anyway, it sounds like the simple answer is that you consider your internet more important than your food. I don't share the same opinion, but at least you explained yourself. Sorry if I came across as rude--again, it wasn't my intent to be insulting.

>> No.5381821


Have you been to England? Then you don't know what I'm talking about.

In America.... especially in the south... they have oldschool family values. The grandmas will keep trying to feed you and will enjoy you finishing your plate. If you eat everything on your plate, your host will feel good about it.

In britain, it's a faux pas and they'll look at you like you're a bum.

>> No.5381826


>>then you had a brief period of unemployment... and sold all of your luxury items like ps3 and anime collections.

Yeah, it's called taking responsibility for one's problems rather than expecting everyone else to do it for me.

>Poor people spend about $2000/month you fucking retard. we're not total bums we're just living below the line.

How on earth can you be spending $2k a month and not be able to afford food? No, seriously. Where does all that money go? Honest question.

I live with three roommates right now. We all pitch in for groceries, which I cook in exchange for paying a smaller share. We eat like damn kings and I spend less than $100/week on food. For four adults (and one fat-ass cat).

>> No.5381888

This thread is so full of newfags I might as well go to reddit. Fuck, why am I even here anymore?

>> No.5381901

i once went to a candy store with some friends to buy bubblegum.
I was damm picky with the gum i wanted and i bought 20 pices because it was cheap.
When we where a few blocks they showed me all the shit they shoplifted while i was keeping the guy busy (he had to pick the gum because he wouldnt allow an 8 year old to put his hand inside the box) and gave me some because i distracted him

>> No.5381921

Anyway, it sounds like the simple answer is that you consider your internet more important than your food.

no, you can easily have both if you go to the food bank.

The simple answer is that you are disgusted by the idea of going to the food bank and that's your problem. Good day.

>> No.5381964

I'm from England and people finish everything on their plates all the time. You seriously have no idea what you are talking about. This has never been a thing.

>> No.5381987
File: 138 KB, 632x915, england.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here you go... a site for diplomatic relations. They have a lot of stuff there.

Obviously, you morons don't know about it - even most normal people don't know this when traveling. But if you read up on it in the future you can be especially polite and have manners.

>> No.5381992
File: 146 KB, 614x944, UnitedStates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's the US one, and as you can see it doesn't mention to "leave a little food on your plate" because most of the time, its better to go the other way.

>> No.5381994


oh, actually it says right there:
> americans like people to eat a lot!


you guys dont know what YOURE talking about and you friggen live in those places.

>> No.5381997

Not these days, but when poorer and younger I used to pilfer steaks from supermarkets. No regrets, will do it again if I get poor again and fuck the consequences.

>> No.5382001

>That fork and knife hand swapping bullshit
Is there anyone who actually does that? I've never met a single person in my life who handles their silverware that way

>> No.5382011


what do you mean swapping bullshit??

the fork IS held in the left hand, and the right hand holds the knife....

after i cut, i either keep eating with the left, or if i lay the knife down, yeah, im not going to eat with my left hand if i only have one utensil

I dont know where you come from, but I dont know a single person that DOESNT eat this way.

>> No.5382035

sometimes when i go buy the cheapest food they have because its all that i can afford and i see them constantly marking prices up i wish i could steal from them.
I dont want to live of rice and beans, i want some fucking chicken and carrots, eggs, lettuce, a little butter goddammit

>> No.5382037

I took a cookie from a disabled kid today because she took mine when I wasn't watching.

Cniving cnt.

>> No.5382053

How the fuck is anyone supposed to live on $200/month?

>> No.5382056

I am so far below the poverty line it's not even funny.
$1800 /month w/kid & unemployed spouse.

>> No.5382059

>a few weeks worth of groceries
>for $40
Are you from the 60's?

>> No.5382065

My friend was rejected from claiming benefits even though he owned $0 and made $0. The reason he was given for being rejected was that he was an "able bodied young male"

>> No.5382067


Nothing to serious. I always pick up a candy bar and start eating it right when I walk in.

Not really full blown stealing a turkey, but 2 dollars for a snickers is robbery if you ask me.

>> No.5382074

I'm poor and spend about $1000 a month and live fairly comfortably.

>> No.5382075

You sound like an irresponsible douchebag.

>> No.5382079

i have kleptomania (read: i used to shoplift like crazy and now i resist but constantly have a running narrative of all possible potential swipes, eye up peoples pockets and bags in public and other peoples houses. clean for 7 months, last thing i stole was vanilla extract because i didnt want to spend £6 on it on top of my normal shop)

i felt worst about stealing food in shitty supermarkets, because i know the staff get in trouble for it
i mean, i used to mostly swipe crap from electronics stores and forbidden planet and i never felt remorse

>> No.5382080

I grew up very poor with drug addicted parents and I felt forced into stealing food because I would have starved otherwise. I stole mostly Ramen as well as cheese and tortillas to make quesadillas. I don't regret it

>> No.5382086

Fuck off to reddit then. Enjoy your censorship

>> No.5382091

Stealing is not subjective, nor should it ever be covered by any moral reasoning.

>> No.5382094

What kind of stuff did you steal from Forbidden Planet? I'd love to walk out of there with shit on a regular basis

>> No.5382098

You sound like a shithead.
Plus, i'm a mom, and the kid's in a private school, so suck it.

>> No.5382105

Otherwise you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.5382106

No, its not. A person has no OBLIGATION to keep you alive with his goods (with the exception of water, at certain establishments). They may be required to give you medical treatment if your hungry ass collapses, but they are not required to feed you. I don't care if you think stealing a penny from a billionaire is acceptable, its not.

>> No.5382115

I'm gonna make moral judgements with no backing whatsoever, too.

Everyone has a moral obligation to look out for his fellow man.

>> No.5382119

I'm tired of hearing you shitters going on about beans and rice. Even if you CAN survive on it, nobody in their right mind wants to and its reasonable to take action to prevent it. I'd rather be humiliated than eat the shit you nerds recommend.

>> No.5382122

I feel bad for your kid, growing up poor and going to private school. I graduated from a private high school and my parents having less money than other parents definitely impacted my life there. My parents were middle class, ~80K/year

>> No.5382123

if you are poor enough to consider stealing food in the US, you qualify for food stamps 100% of the time
fucking faggots

>> No.5382125

Nope. The law is final. The law is just. The law is truth. I am the law. I am steel of mind and body.

>> No.5382134

stuff i couldn't afford, mostly. a friend of mine was really into transformers collecting at the time and they mark up the RRP in there like crazy, so i used to help myself a lot.

i'm pretty anti-stealing comics, because comic book artists need all the fucking money they can get, but merchandising for big stupid companies like marvel and hasbro is completely moral fair game as far as i'm concerned

my biggest haul was a hardcover comic anthology, two action figures, two small bust statuettes, and two t-shirts (rrp about £250, the busts were limited edition bullshit) and that all fit into an ordinary backpack

carry a big bag with a jacket in it, while you are in the store you can gain backspace and coverage that you technically walked in with

the store i hit up the most never had their security sensors even fucking turned on, so i felt obliged to take the piss

one time i was in there and they had a powercut, basically as soon as everything went dark i heard the tinkling of some nerd smashing through the display cabinet

everyone ran out of the store, fearing a riot, and there were two guys carrying a fucking replica dalek down the street, running at full pelt

sorry for offtopic

>> No.5382145

Someone had went to the restaurant, bought the food, took one bite of the filet mignon, and then threw all of it in a trash can outside of the restaurant. I almost think someone did it on purpose because it was easter and whatnot.

>> No.5382148

Not everywhere. Most towns don't have bum feeds and a lot of food pantries won't give you food if you don't have proof of residency, or an id.

>> No.5382154

I think it'll work out: currently he's in an arts based private elementary, and soon will be going to an arts-based public middle... public high comes next.
I would be wary of private hight school anyway, rich or poor...

>> No.5382156

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.5382162

Are you fucking 12? You've clearly never been hungry before.

>> No.5382164

That must be difficult.

>> No.5382168

if you make less than 1200 a month you can get food stamps
aka if you ever go hungry in America its because you're retarded

>> No.5382169

Acting on your emotions or instincts doesn't magically make an act right. You knew it was wrong.

>> No.5382173

allowing somebody to go hungry is always wrong, no matter who they are and whatever your reasoning is

>> No.5382183

This is stupid reasoning. Just like laws that state you have to help someone in risk of their life unless yours is in jeopardy by doing it. The same should apply to financial concerns. I shouldn't feel obligated to help feed anyone unless I'm very wealthy. Even then I would disagree with that notion. I hate obligations towards people I owe noting.

>> No.5382187

If you make enough to pay for luxuries you can use it to provide food for the needy instead
aka if people ever go hungry in America it's because the nation are all sociopaths

Acting according to the law doesn't make magically make you a good person. You know you could do more to help.

>> No.5382195

I never claimed to be a good person, only a just one. Goodness can lead to weakness and being exploited. The law strengthens you.

>> No.5382197

then you're probably a horrible human being. Luckily, we have laws that require bastards like you to pay taxes that go towards helping the needy (at least in part), since you're too much of a sociopath to voluntarily do what's right.

>> No.5382199

If you go hungry in America, you are truly the king of retards.

>> No.5382201

Armchair psychologists have arrived huh?

>You have a mental disorder if you don't want to throw away all the entertainment and extraneous material possessions you own in order to help strangers who may be criminals, idiots who got into the situation themselves, or exploiters of the system

>> No.5382203

Then get the fuck out, you idiot.

>> No.5382205

Well if your options are a pile of garbage and a pile of shit, you would choose the garbage. Doesn't mean you can't complain about the garbage occasionally. Its your only choice.

>> No.5382206

Oh, irony?
Carry on then.

>> No.5382207

I never claimed to be a just person, only a kind one. The law leads to people being allowed to fall through the cracks without help. Charity makes us all stronger.

>> No.5382208

I probably stole at least 500 bucks worth of hot food from my local Safeway. Teriyaki wings, hot wings, jalapeno poppers, chicken tenders, fried chicken, hot pockets, pretty much everything they had in those warm trays.

My biggest haul was with a buddy and we walked out each holding two bags filled to the brim with hot food.

My method was insanely simple but it never failed. Just get a used bag with the logo of the store you're shoplifting from, walk to a clear isle and put in whatever you want to steal in the used bag then walk the fuck out. Nobody is going to say shit because, guess what, you look exactly like everyone else who bought something since their groceries were bagged in the exact same bag. The only hard part is calming your nerves, and finding a clear isle where nobody is going to call you out. It works much better if you do it in a cart since it looks like you're just adjusting your groceries.

>> No.5382214

As the guy earlier said, you have to be an idiot to be starving in the United States. There is NO excuse.

>> No.5382217

wat is devils advocate?

>> No.5382221

>If you make enough to pay for luxuries you can use it to provide food for the needy instead
>aka if people ever go hungry in America it's because the nation are all sociopaths
yeah we do feed the needy instead of buying luxuries
its called an income tax, and it provides funds for food stamps
If someone doesn't qualify, its because
A: you make too much money
In which case why are you hungry?
B: you have been caught abusing it
Shouldn't have bought all those drugs with your food stamps I guess
Or, as is the case 90% of the time with young shoplifters,
C: you haven't signed up

>> No.5382227

You realize people get denied all the time despite making below the required amount and being qualified? Not to mention Theres a thin line between being able to pay for bills and being able to pay for food. We can't all live on beans and rice /ck/ lets on to believe.

>> No.5382235

no, they dont
such an insane amount of people qualify and don't bother signing up
if you don't qualify and can't make ends meet you need to reevaluate your expenses

>> No.5382239

Did you think that maybe the required threshold is too low? The people who make laws aren't infallible you know.

>> No.5382241

too low? Then what's the problem?

>> No.5382247

$1200 a month for a single person household is fine

>> No.5382248

Maybe if you live in buckfuckville with a family of 2.

>> No.5382249

parasites and freedmen

>> No.5382251

If you can't afford to live there, I suggest you move.

>> No.5382253

oh, sure. It's just that since one guy here is throwing around absolute moral certainties I'm throwing absolute moral certainties back at him. It's a moral grey area in reality, but the guy's being an autist about it, so fuck him.

>> No.5382254

Rice, beans, whole chicken, peanut butter, bread, some fresh vegetables (onions, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes), canned vegetables (Corn, some types of tomatoes, refried beans), lentils, eggs, tortillas, get your meat when its on sale if 2 whole chickens is not enough.

If I avoid buying cheese, and meat that is not on sale me and my room mate get buy 2-21/2 weeks on $80. Could do even better than that but I and a lazy fuck and get deli meats and my room mate is even lazier and will take prepared ingredients over un-prepare for his turns to cook.

If you are buying cheese, milk, deli meat, frozen food (I don't mean frozen veggies), prepared foods, beverages (not talking about tea bags. Juice/soda/milk/tea), beef/pork/chicken that is not on sale, or pretty much anything else that is more expensive than you can afford, then do not get it. Look at your receipts after a grocery trip and see how much you are wasting.

When you are "poor" do you think think you can afford juice or coffee in the morning, bag of potato chips or pre-made salsa, any cut of meat more expensive than $2.50/lb, a tub of ice cream in the freezer, soda in the fridge, and a package of hummus to eat later? Buy your groceries within budget.

>> No.5382256

if you have a family of two (three all together) its more like $2000

>> No.5382259

Great, now we have the people who think its easy to just pack up everything you have an move to a new state with a family. I swear you people don't know the real world.

>> No.5382264

Of course, I steal something every time. I feel bad if i dont. Im not starving not really poor but I think it is absurd to pay expensive stuff.

>tfw you realized how easy it is to steal and you can now walk out with a full backpack

>> No.5382268

if you can't afford brooklyn move upstate
its not hard

>> No.5382276

>fresh anything
it's like you aren't even poor.

rice, legumes and oats are all you need.

>> No.5382277

I shoplift food all the time. Only really works since I live in the city and everyone walks to the grocery store.

Because of this, I can just walk in with my own grocery bags and dump stuff in the bags from my cart when no one is looking. I've never even been so much as questioned by the cashier, but if I were, I'd just say it's stuff from the grocery store across the street.

I still pay for most items - typically the stuff that's cheap anyway like oats, chicken, eggs, etc. But things like fresh tuna, smoked salmon, spices, cheeses, greek yogurt, avocados, and basically anything that's relatively expensive yet small, I'll just dunk into my bag.

>> No.5382283 [DELETED] 
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I used to steal quite alot from work but I'm going to stop now, especially since the place I work at is a local business. Today, my boss was frustrated because she said she seems to be going to the grocery a lot to buy ingredients (black beans, tortilla) and losing money from it. It made me feel bad for all the times I've jacked chicken breasts here and there so I'm not gonna do it anymore.

>> No.5382287

>Get laid off of my warehouse job
>It gets rough but wife still has job that brings in gristle, but we dont qualify for food stamps because we make 30 dollars too much
>rent goes up in our apartment, 790 bones without utilities
>dont want to put my little girl through selling off our things or past gifts
>Got a job!
>Oh christ it doesnt start untill 2 weeks from now and pantry is low
>daughter asks me when we will have food
>Soon baby....
>get in our little grey honda civic, incognito car
>park it in a park behind some bushes
>walk across street to Walmart
>get as much canned veggies and dried pasta as I can carry
>go up to Check out
>Girl rings me up as I bag
>get it all bagged up in the cart
>"That'll be 177.39 sir!"
>start tearing up
>whisper "im so sorry"
>grab cart and sprint for the door
>blow by the old woman with the checker
>get to mid parking lot, gather all the bags in my hands and book it to the car
>slowly drive away back home
>daughter enjoys some Spaghetti that night

Got my job and we got to a better place. The cashier recognized me even though I grew my beard back (shaved it that day). But she just whispered that it was okay and smiled.

>> No.5382304

I'm your typical broke college student. Doesn't help that inner-city grocers are fucking expensive. I'm pretty good about surviving on the cheapest stuff possible. I buy stuff like rice and lentils in bulk and buy whatever meat is cheapest on sale. That said, I'll lift stuff sometimes as a special treat to break up the monotony of chicken and rice

>> No.5382318

>in med school
>some exams were at 8am on thursdays in a basement auditorium under the hospital
>always right after some anesthesiologist meeting from 7-8am
>they always have coffee and a bunch of fresh baked goods from the local bakery laying outside the auditorium (leftovers from before their meeting)
>started swinging by this auditorium every thursday morning around 7:30 and stealing all the baked goods and getting free coffee too

>> No.5382325

What you did was wrong but necessary. Your punishment is to live in a world where a dichotomy like this can exist. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain.Time to die.

>> No.5382328


> you look exactly like everyone else who bought something since their groceries were bagged in the exact same bag.

lol, here in CA, they made free bags illegal (damn hippies), so rather then pay 10 cents, half the people bring their own tote bags (damn jews).

So, i can walk in with any kind of bag i guess and walk out, cause everyone has all kinds of different reusable bags with them lol.

>> No.5382330

should've been out fishing to provide for your family
I bet you sat on your ass all day watching tv when you got laid off
you make me sick

>> No.5382334

I've always wanted to buy a rifle and hunt deer. I have the necessary skills as far as butchering the carcass and all that. Could make for an interesting hobby and you get a fuckton of food.

>> No.5382336

> You realize people get denied all the time despite making below the required amount and being qualified? Not to mention Theres a thin line between being able to pay for bills and being able to pay for food. We can't all live on beans and rice /ck/ lets on to believe.

I think the reason most people get denied is because they don't understand how the system works...

my mom pays for my apartment, $1100 a month - but she won't give me cash. So that doesn't count as income. I have $0 income and get the full benefits.

You may make a barely 300 dollars a month, and then maybe your roommate gives you 300 to put onto rent - so you don't even HAVE $1100 for rent, but you have an income of $600/ a month, which automatically cuts your benefits down three-fold. If you are "overly truthful" and divulge some amazon store sales and that $50 bucks your grandma gave you, then that's it - you are basically rich.

I put $0 across the board. They made my mom sign a note that said "i dont actually give him cash, i just write a check directly to the building" which is true.

Just gotta know how the system works. I know moms with 5 kids that get $14/month because they dont know what the fuck they're doing on the form and the interview.

And i live in a $1100 apartment and get it fully.

>> No.5382340

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.5382348

I once gave a man a sandwich for free at a little sandwich shop I worked at. He kept coming back in there every day after that trying to get free food. I felt bad the first time, but I started to notice he was just doing it to get free shit. The second sandwich I gave him had rat poison in it and it made him sick. Fuck that guy.

>> No.5382351

yes ._.

>> No.5382355

are you
can't provide for your own family so instead of going out and bringing home food like a man you go steal it like a pussy
you even cried
I hope you know your wife went out fucking other guys while you couldn't even put bread on the table

>> No.5382357

Charities such ass at committing to pick-up services. They only come when they feel like it/need the stuff, and often put odd requirements on how the food must be staged for pick up and other things like that.
I worked for 4 different places that tried several times with different charities and gave up in all cases, usually after charities no-called/no-showed for weeks on end.
And you can't blame the establishments for having to make sure they have stock to sell. Even with the best tracking and analytics, there will be busier than usual days and slower than usual days, and you have to make a business decision, and it's better business to have to throw out some than to have to deny customers every day.

>> No.5382361


lol not that guy but you got all sorts of issues, what are you even talking about.
Let's just ignore this guy - it's gotta be the same little prick just talking shit over and over again. Never had a hard life, so can't relate so has to resort to judgement to rationalize his position....

now he's straight up just attacking your manhood cause his argument doesn't make any sense.

Probably the same person talking shit about "how can you afford internet and not food??"

fucking prick

>> No.5382362

Don't you have family? You know people close to that can help you out in times of need? Or some friends at the very least?

>> No.5382364

Family didnt want to help, and friends were like " I HAVE LIKE, MY OWN LIKE, PROBLEMS MAN"

>> No.5382366

damn it i was defending you but it does sound like you're a whiny mooch. Your friends do have their own problems.

Damn it everyone is an asshole but MEEEE lol

>> No.5382369

>all of this
I am being absolutely serious. Any real man would have found a way to provide, this fag just goes and cries at a cashier and steals shit
when I'm hungry I go walk down to the river and catch me a nice fat trout
I bet this nigga didn't even think about it

>> No.5382371

you can get to know someone really fast by asking them "if you saw someone stealing food in a store, would you tell the clerk/owners?"

if you disagree on this thing you should probably not trust them or hang out together

>> No.5382373

I am not poor, but just making a point that $40 for 1 person for more than 2 weeks is possible.

>> No.5382375
File: 39 KB, 480x320, lariver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> when I'm hungry I go walk down to the river and catch me a nice fat trout

not every lives next to a fucking river you dipshit lol... fucking A... if i lived next to a river i would fish all the time too.

I live in LA.... here's the Los Angeles River

>> No.5382377

this is wise. This is why i hate cops - they're the kind of snitch ass retard that would judge someone and shoot someone and not even blink an eye lid. Speaking of which...

> I am not poor.
Then shut the fuck up, lol, Jesus Christ.

>> No.5382378


Sorry i dont live next to a fucking river you ass

No you are taking it wrong, they would come OVER to my house, notice i didnt have a lot of food, would then bring food over for themselves and eat it infront of my daughter, like bringing McDonalds and shit she liked. Parents told me to "Tough it out" when i asked for 30 dollars

>> No.5382379
File: 308 KB, 639x361, pacific_ocean_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you live in la

>> No.5382381 [DELETED] 

...and here's 15 pages of food pantries where you don't need to steal shit

>> No.5382382

Nobody you fucking know would lend you $200 bucks? Most likely you're a worthless piece of shit, I've seen bums who could scrounge up $200 fucking easy.

>> No.5382384

Oh yeah that was a great experience being run off by niggers for "trying to get our free food". Happened at 3 different spots and the other didnt have anything left an hour after they opened. The rest i called and they were sign up only and were all full.

>> No.5382387

lol you are autistic. what am i supposed to do, catch gutter fish from the santa monica pier, right next to the exit for the LA River which is a damn sewage line?

right. Maybe i should just charter a captain to drive me out to catalina and ill spearfish some marlin, right?

you're so dumb its hurting me right now, physically.

>> No.5382389

>Worked almost 10 hours of the day with over time
>worthless piece of shit

No, i just realized how scummy my friends were and how jealous my parents were that i had more than them at my age.

>> No.5382391


...and here's 15 pages of food pantries where you don't need to steal shit


150 goddamn locations

>steals almost $200 worth of food
>calls people at food pantries niggers

>> No.5382394

Naaah, they were niggers. Gummy toothed, alcohol soaked niggers

>> No.5382395

post a pic of yourself

>> No.5382398

Mackerel mostly, and whatever else you're lucky enough to catch you lazy faggot. The fucking Asians can feed themselves for a week standing on a pier with a bamboo pole and a couple hooks and your ass is crying about not being able to catch marlin.

>> No.5382399

are YOU autistic? SoCal has some of the best surf fishing in the world, you can pull fucking bonita from some of those piers

>> No.5382402

Really? Is this /soc/ial hour and you want to see my face?

>> No.5382404
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Here yah go

>> No.5382405

When I lived in washington, sometimes my friends would stop at QFC for a quick soda. Near the deli section they had packaged hunks of havarti cheese for like $5 each. I'd always steal one of them.

>> No.5382406


k, but me a fucking car and a fishing rig and ill get right on it. this guy is unbelievable.
> SoCal has some of the best surf fishing in the world
We're not playing Age of Empires right now, it's my fucking life. Fishing for food in los angeles is unfeasible.

>> No.5382409

>Age of Empires

He would be that autistic

>If the Celts could fish so could you!

>> No.5382410

>what am i supposed to do, catch gutter fish from the santa monica pier, right next to the exit for the LA River which is a damn sewage line?

You really are one lazy nigger


>> No.5382413

>Why cant you just buy a pole and try for 7 hours to catch a fish for a single meal if your lucky

Shut your fucking whore mouth

>> No.5382415


that's 65 miles away from me. Even if I had a car, it wouldn't be worh it.

There's a bunch of people fishing out on those piers and it's SHIT.... you have to take a boat out if you want to ocean fish.

Mexican families with $10 walmart rods have been takin their kids there for 75 years, fishing off that same shitty pier.

I've fished there before. I cought disgusting slimy gutter fish. And it wasn't even enough for one dinner.

Age of Empires, im telling you - all you have to do is click a couple times and you have 100 fish.

>> No.5382419

>gets scared and runs away from the food bank
>calls a few others of the approx. 150 in his region
>too lazy to fish
>unwilling to sell your posessions to feed your family
>steals almost $200 worth off food
>tries to justify it on the internet

holy shit your daughter should be ashamed of you

>> No.5382423

having to pay for food is incredibly fucked up
i don't see a problem with stealing it

>> No.5382424

>Mexican families with $10 walmart rods have been takin their kids there for 75 years, fishing off that same shitty pier.


>> No.5382426


lol you are the worst troll ever.

>> No.5382427


there's no fish is what i mean, retard. Mexicans just like going to the beach. They don't actually catch anything.

>> No.5382428

He's right, though. You're just as bad as any nigger.

>> No.5382429

you're a terrible troll as well. You don't have any friends because you talk shit about things you know nothing about. Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion.

>> No.5382430

Letting you breathe is incredibly fucked up.
I don't see a problem with killing you.

>> No.5382434

edgemaster flash and the furious force five
don't push me cuz i'm close to the edge
i'm trying not to lose my head

>> No.5382435

>Doesnt want to sell of his daughters stuff
>Daughter Ashamed

Not all of us can be heartless niggers

>> No.5382438

who's trolling? I genuinely think you're pathetic.

>> No.5382439

>implying your broke thieving ass has ever provided your daughter anything of value that wasn't stolen

>> No.5382440

where do you think food comes from

>> No.5382442

>posts on 4chan
>calls anyone pathetic

on a side note, has anyone else noticed how incredibly discriminatory everyone on 4chan is towards the poor
is it just because everyone's a rich white asshole with a fancy computer

>> No.5382446

from monsanto

>> No.5382448

>I shouldn't feel obligated to help feed anyone

if you don't have sympathy, and you don't feel a pull to help those that are starving.... and you base your actions on reasoned morality... well, you're not as "good" of a person as you think you are.

>> No.5382458

because the majority of posters are from North America where and class anxiety runs rampant there, the UK too.

But it's like that,
and that's the way it is.

>> No.5382462


this isn't about morality. this isn't about obligation.

this is about having EMPATHY, and helping others because it is natural.

>> No.5382464

maybe because so many of them steal shit instead of attempting to help themselves or seeking out provided help and then try to justify it.

Also most of the poor people who post on /ck/ are lazy assholes, like that one time we had a thread on EBT and that one person was all like


>> No.5382465

>Barrel Scraping

>> No.5382466


>> No.5382467

>have sympathy
>have an obligation
two entirely different things friendo

>going hungry in america
how stupid do you have to be for you to let this happen?

>> No.5382471
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>but it's like that
>and that's the way it is
mah nigga

>> No.5382473

I do help starving people. By paying taxes.

>> No.5382476

>everyone is in control of their surroundings and can just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and not go hungry
even if this were the case, this kind of thinking is selfish and, for lack of a better word, evil

>> No.5382479


>> No.5382481
File: 483 KB, 1600x1200, ant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your criminal record and lack of employment opportunities once you get caught.

>> No.5382485

Might have something to do with all of the *I'm poor, gib me cheap recipes. What can I do with ramen? What's the cheapest ____?* threads that are posted.
Then again, I don't usually see this much hate towards poor people here. /ck/ is generally helpful in that regard.
Then there's the fact that people are talking about thievery, not just being poor, helping an anon out.

>> No.5382489


There's clearly no winning this debate. There are appears to be two kinds of people - the kind of person that has empathy towards the suffering of others, and the kind of person that does not.

So, there's really no point of this discussion. As a side note, Bill Gates - the richest motherfucker on Earth, does a fuckton of charity work, and started the foundation, and all this other crap. Because he has empathy.

I don't think this is an argument about class or rich vs poor.

There just seems to be a couple evil little shitheads on /ck/, and rather then try to convince them to have the basic human decency to have compassion for others - let's just fucking ignore them and steal from them every chance we get.

I've already been doing that. Fucking guy at 7-11 wouldn't let me slide on 2 cents short. I fucking stole like $10 bucks worth of shit next time I was there.

>> No.5382490

>what are food banks
>what are soup kitchens/charities
>what are churches
>what are the numerous federal, state, and municipal food programs
>what is being thrifty, like dumpster diving or buying butcher scraps

I'll restate, you have to be retarded to go hungry in america.

>> No.5382491

you do realize that all of those things exist because people like you don't help others right
and you also realize that those things are underfunded and generally dogshit because, again, people like you don't help others

>> No.5382493

>being this much of a strawmanning libtard


>> No.5382496

>two entirely different things friendo

that's what i'm arguing, you must have misunderstood.

>> No.5382497


in fact - that's the reason that TAXES exist in the first place. Because even without taxes, people like us would help others, but people like him would hog all the money and watch ass the population lowers. "There's too many people in teh world anyway. Some are lucky ,and some are not. And I am lucky at the moment so I'll be an evil dick."

Basically, we are having an argument with pure evil. The reason we need taxes. The reason we need police. Lol. We might steal, but they ruin the entire world by pure hate. Hate that has been clearly demonstrated in this thread.

>> No.5382500

>charities exist because you're not charitable
>even though there is an abundance of them, I'll start making unfounded claims like they're underfunded and people are starving in the streets

Do you even think before you type? Or just go 'muh feelings!' and hit submit?

>> No.5382501

>There are appears to be two kinds of people - the kind of person that has empathy towards the suffering of others, and the kind of person that does not.
wow it's like you ignored this whole thread
no one advocated slashing food stamps or anything
I have plenty of empathy, but there is a point where you just can't help a person anymore because they're just that pathetic

>> No.5382506

>I've already been doing that. Fucking guy at 7-11 wouldn't let me slide on 2 cents short. I fucking stole like $10 bucks worth of shit next time I was there.

Speaking of having compassion for others, why would you ask someone to risk getting in trouble over the register not balancing? It's not a matter of compassion, it's a matter of fucking accounting. There are legal issues involved. Or do you not have any compassion for the guy you're demanding favors from?

>> No.5382507

do you even think
like, honest question
do you even think about anything or do you just listen to people you think are relateable

>> No.5382510

>strawmanning this hard
>I can't argue, so I'll revert to a childlike understanding of "me good, he bad"

>> No.5382511

it's 2 cents, i've worked as a cashier before. You end up short or long every day, it's a normal thing. They just write it off. And there's a take a penny jar.. people leave a bunch of change there but there was none this time. Shut your whore mouth.

>> No.5382514

>'me good, he bad'
>this entire thread is about morality
are you literally retarded

>> No.5382516

>that's the reason that TAXES exist in the first place
oh you poor deluded fool

>> No.5382521

I donate non perishables, pay income to my church which helps the poor, and have even volunteered a few times to work serving free food (thanksgiving a few years ago was my most recent time).

You're the fuckhead strawmanning saying that if I don't want to have money forcefully taken out of my pocket to give to retarded chucklefucks who can't figure out how to get free food in the most abundant nation on the face of the earth, that I'm evil. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.5382523

>I know more than he does, thus he is a fool and i am superior

Get off your soap box, maggot

>> No.5382527

>thanksgiving a few years ago was my most recent time
wow, truly you are the second coming of christ

naw i'm just fucking with you, sure whatever dude it's not like anyone's opinion is gonna change just from this shitty thread anyway

>> No.5382531

I wish I could get food stamps.
Benefits application doesn't take into account student loan payments or other debt, so they think I have an extra $300+ to fuck around with at the end of each month.
I've gradually gotten better job(s) over the past year but this winter was brutal for heating bills. I ate through my whole pantry and could hardly afford the bnzinrice. Now that it's warming up we'll see how it affects my grocery budget.

>> No.5382538

This reminds me

>be 22
>attending a state university full time, living with elderly parents, and working an officially part-time job (so they didn't have to provide benefits) 38 hours a week
>bi-annual community PR Food Drive comes up
>decide I'm going to donate $40
>we watch a video to convince us of why the food banks are so important
>first person is a sympathetic elderly woman trying to make ends meet on her benefits
>second person is an unemployed black women with 5 kids taking about how hard it is
>third person is a dreadlocked 20-something talking about how he doesn't work because he goes to school full time and without the Food Bank would have to choose between paying rent and eating
>realize my best friend is a full time student with a full-time job at Starbucks, part time job she works on the weekends and volunteers for medical testing just so she can make ends meet
>keep my $40 and use it to surprise her with takeout from her favorite Indian place instead

Fuck lazy people and their ploys for sympathy.

>> No.5382544

every time i see the word lazy i want to slap the bastard that typed it
straight up

>> No.5382547

if you live in a city with 150 food banks and abundant social programs yet you think your only option is to load up a cart full of shit at the nearest wal-mart and run through the door, you're lazy

>> No.5382558


this guy is throwing around $40 dollars on surprise indian dinners and judging the food bank he DIDNT donate it to.

fucking prick

>> No.5382567

Sometimes you have to take care of the people who deserve it instead of throwing money at anonymous lazy niggers.

It's not like you'd use the food banks anyway, since actually going to one would take too much effort compared to just stealing shit.

>> No.5382570

there you go again talking shit. this is why nobody likes you.

>> No.5382579

I like him. I like the cut of his jib, m80

>> No.5382581

lol yeah but if you guys were to meet up you wouldn't even share.

> shoulda brought your own shit, bro... im not a charity.

>> No.5382585

He can man the grill, I'll bring the beer.

>> No.5382587

me too
I hope you fucked that girl in the butt after

>> No.5382595


Worst i'd do is get some coffee beans and chew on them while i was in the store.

>> No.5382597

I used to work at Dunkin Donuts and never ever let people slide on money. I would ring them up for something cheaper or apply a 10% discount if I saw they couldn't pay but if they straight up asked me to let them slide, I wouldn't do it because any time my register was short, they'd take the difference out of my paycheck. I wouldn't be surprised if 7-11 had a similar policy. It's one thing for someone to do you a favor that won't hurt them, it's another thing for someone to practically give money to you out of their own wallet.

>> No.5382603

I used to work at a retail store where any time the register didn't balance exactly at the end of your shift you'd get a little frowny face written next to your name in the ledger and after so many they'd stop letting you ring and cut your hours.

>> No.5382609

>no, you can easily have both if you go to the food bank.

Why would you want both? Why doesn't your pride prevent you from taking from your fellow man? Why do you need to go to a food bank if you're earning $2000/month? Just what exactly are you spending that on if you can't afford to eat?

>> No.5382620

ive already explained to you, because internet is reqired to look for a job.

>> No.5382624

its captain retarded again, asking questions hes asked like 10 times and gotten answered 20 times.

Scroll up the thread dipshit.

>> No.5382636

I sure hope you aren't being serious.

>> No.5382644

This thread makes me feel bad.

>Make over $5k a month
>If food looks funny or doesn't taste right I just throw it out.
>I randomly break things I own so I can buy a new version of it
>Bought a TV and PS3 for my bedroom, living room and dining room. Never turned 2 of them on ever.
>Bought a GTX780 to replace my GTX 460, havent played a PC game in over 6 months
>Sometimes I buy random things on sale on Amazon and Newegg. I just built a vmware esxi server for no reason other than to see if the build would work with desktop parts
>fiance moves in goes over my spending
>one hour later she's still sitting there dumbfounded by my spending habits
>go back and check on her and she makes these faces at me like she's watching a video of me murdering puppies and kittens

>> No.5382648

I don't see why you'd feel bad, everyone needs a hobby.

>> No.5382650

get cho house in order
at least get some savings yo

>> No.5382655

You let a woman look at your bank account?

>> No.5382657


And you've also ignored me poiting out that:
1) it's the lazy man's way to get a job. Visit people in person or at least talk to them on the telephone if you want real results. Nobody takes emails seriously.
2) There are all sorts of free internet options available.
3) There are plenty of ways to job hut without the internet.

Where exactly? I have yet to see any explanation as to how you can make 2000 a month yet not be able to feed yourself.

Food is literally the single most important thing you could possibly spend your money on. Shelter is number two. What on earth are you prioritizing above food?

>> No.5382661

She's an accountant, why not?

>> No.5382664

> Food is literally the single most important thing you could possibly spend your money on. Shelter is number two
> being this autistic...

yeah im gonna live on the streets and eat Carls Jr. DONT BOTHER ME, IM EATING.

>> No.5382669

childcare, rent could be prohibitively high, transportation

>> No.5382672


i used to be just like you - made 4500 a month, some months 6000.

> just like you
> was thinking of upgrading my gtx 260s to 770s but ... fuck it i never play any games.

But, then i lost that job and now im broke and have no savings.

jobs arent forever, you better have a long talk with yourself or youll end up like me, arguing against ex-versions of myself and explaingin that


>> No.5382673


sounds like you need to move, anon. a food bank is not a long-term solution.

>> No.5382676

My first time posting, been lurking thread. but I kind of agree with above post. could you give a layout of your expenditures. 2000 a month is decent. If rent is higher than that, than this is another issue

>> No.5382678

joke's on you, I live rent-free with my parents and am a kissless virgin without a driver's license

I'm 23

>> No.5382679

>> being this autistic...
well then, why don't you humor me and explain what's more important than feeding yourself?

I honestly don't know what it could be. Do you have some kind of life-threatening disease that requires medication more frequently than you need food? Are you a drug addict? Help me out here, this makes no sense at all.

>> No.5382681


It's fucking stealing no matter what you do to rationalize it. Man up and deal with it.

If you are going to steal. Steal food not processed garbage because I'll have even less respect for you.

>> No.5382682

posted while writing,,, disregard

>> No.5382683


$2000 a month after taxes is $1300.
my rent is $1100 for a single - 0 bed/1bed.
electricity is $250/month but now its $200 becaue of low income. Yes for a single - our power is expensive in cali.
Then, the CELL PHONE - another necessary expense you probably think i should get rid of "use a payphone, an archaic thing taht doesnt exist anymore" - cell phone costs $80/month
and internet is $40.

40 = $1320. I'm 20 dollars over my budget with bills alone. That doesn't include basic needs like food, clothing, washing the clothing, transportation, a fucking drink once in a while to feel like a human being.

You. are. a. fucking. twat.

>> No.5382690

can't even count im so mad. I'm $120 dollars over my budget, actually. i borrow money every fucking weed and do random odd jobs just to try to pay it back. Half my free time is consumed traveling to people i borrow money to or people i owe to take or give $10-20 dollars because that's how low i am.

But i bet you think i deserve it because my daddy didn't invest as good as yours. Fuck you.

>> No.5382693

you need to get a cheaper fcking apartment..or do car-dwelling for a few months to save up if you own one mate

>> No.5382696


if i go car dwelling i might as well throw out all my shit. not to mention any chance of getting a job if i fucking stink like a car.

And where would i shower? and where would i store all my shit?

fuck you.

i'm looking for a cheaper apartment but i already live in a fucking ghetto ass mexican area. I dont want to move to South Central, two hours away from my family and friends and live in a nigger community.

That's not what I would consider a wise step. You dont know shit.

>> No.5382699

>cell phone costs $80/month
>and internet is $40.

Get a cheaper phone and stop paying for internet. And a roommate. Tard.

>> No.5382703

I was in the same boat , got to the point I had to move back in with parents to get back on my feet, still working on it.I'm unemployed and the city I'm in jobs are far and few

>> No.5382705


Why on earth would you still live there if you cannot afford it? and clearly you cannot given how much of your income it is. shit sucks. it's not your fault. move on.

Elec sounds reasonable.
I know you're probably married to your cell but get over it. it's a want, not a need. your food is more important than texting your bff about silly shit.
what do you need the internet for again? cali is loaded with internet access. or are you saying you don't have internet on your $80/month phone?

fuck, between your internet and your phone bill you could pay the note on a cheap car.

anyway, I don't mean any insult but you need to face reality: you can keep sucking the gov't tit or you can realize that your current situation is untenable and do something about it: either do what it takes to get a better paying job or you can move to where your job will cover your rent. not trying to be rude, just curious why the obvious decisions aren't being made.

>> No.5382706


This is the WHOLE FUCKING argument.

You want me to lower myself to the level of some kind of homeless bum, because you think because your life is easy right now that you deserve it and that I deserve this punishment.

Guess what. Life's not fair. I'm just "down" right now and the people that care about me understand that and try to help me out. I'm not going to lower my standard of living lower and lower. I'm trying to move UP, not down.

You migth as well say "well, people in india can live on a $1 a year... blah blah... do you really NEED clothing?"

The entire point of this is that you're an asshole who doesn't give a fuck about other people, so you don't mind if they suffer. Not everyone is like you.

I've had $5k/month jobs before and I'll have them again. Fuck you.

>> No.5382713

you're an imbecile. get a fucking brain.

you're an imbecile. get a fucking brain. I'm not answering your

>> No.5382714

I don't have a place in this thread but I wish all of you the fucking best. That's all I have to say.

>> No.5382717

actually I do I used to live in my car, shower at a gym, get a membership at a 24 hour one , basically its like camping. I had to do it for 7 months, so yes I actually do know what I'm fucking talking about

>> No.5382718
File: 101 KB, 655x720, pic not related.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't make very much, but i'm very frugal and careful with what I spend.
Rent > bills > videogames > food > whatever

The quality of my food that month depends on whatever catches my eye.
Nothing really came out this month, so i've been eating pretty well. Taco salad, lots of pasta with the 'good' sauce, even some chicken for my crock pot.
I'm fucked when Watchdogs comes out next month though.
Looks like ramen and frozen pizzas till June

>> No.5382721

No I'm pussy-whipped now. No more spending.

>> No.5382723

if they're so obvious, why don't you do what you're telling me to do?
> im not poor, i don't need to....

>> No.5382728

>Then, the CELL PHONE - another necessary expense you probably think i should get rid of "use a payphone, an archaic thing taht doesnt exist anymore" - cell phone costs $80/month
>and internet is $40.

lolwut. Virgin Mobile is like $35 a month and I know that's not even the cheapest out there

>> No.5382734


well, just because you chose to make it harder on yourself, living in a fucking parking lot and "camping out" at 24 hour fitness, doesn't mean I have to stoop so low.

To me, the obvious choice is to just get food stamps for a couple months until i get a job. Enjoy camping, though....

you are so fucking autistic. you have some kind of stick up your ass about poor people, and you're trying your hardest to turn it into a rational argument.

so, if you lived in your car, then i suppose you're one of those morons with too much pride on their hands -
> I used to camp at 24 hour fitness, and I didnt ask a person for a DIME... A DIME!

okay, bro... maybe you should have? I dunno. You seem mad. Here, take a vicodin.

>> No.5382736

>life is easy right now that you deserve it and that I deserve this punishment.

nobody said anything about "my life" or "deserves". It's got nothing to do with "deserves". NOBODY "deserves" that shit. But what it is about is reality. And sometimes live fucks you over. When it does, the question is are you going to deal with it or are you going to think that society owes you something? Just like you said, life isn't fair. What makes you expect that you or I or anyone else is somehow about that?

>> No.5382737

Im not the guy,guys posting from earlier.. so Im not getting why all the hate.. not the same guy

>> No.5382742

>if they're so obvious, why don't you do what you're telling me to do?

I have in the past when I was in that situation bro. That's why I'm wondering why you're not doing it now.

>> No.5382747

lol, for guys like us - gamblers, addicts, and general money retards - a good financial pussy whipping is exactly what we need.

I've had it happen to 3 of my friends already. Two were hopeless retard potheads, and one had a coke habit. once they got girls to settle them down they started kicking it less and less and less.

One got married a few years back, one just got maried a week ago actually. He's like 26. Good for him.

I need a woman to pussywhip me into cleaning my damn house and doing that cooking-for-a-week-and-putting-it-in-tupperware thing ive been procrastinating on.

>> No.5382748

>you have some kind of stick up your ass about poor people

No, I just wonder why you expect others to pay for your mistakes. I don't expect you to pay for mine--and believe me, I'm not perfect, I've made plenty--so I'm curious why you're OK making me pay for yours.

>> No.5382749
File: 448 KB, 500x280, 1326483324964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that moment when you're denied foodstamps because they say you 'make too much' at your shitty retail job
>as Sheniqua and her 5 little welfare checks strut up to the counter wearing brand new designer clothing

>> No.5382753

I haven't responded to any of your posts before this, but I feel like I need to now.
There are other options to living out of a car, especially if you're in a city with public transportation. The "lower myself" comment I assume is mainly because you're mad at others and frustrated by a shitty situation, which is understandable, if so, but honestly, if you're unwilling to reduce your spending and change your lifestyle, there isn't much more of an option than digging a deeper hole to dig yourself out of later, provided you do gain more income. I hope you do gain more income, and soon, but that is a risk I, personally, wouldn't take.

>> No.5382754

virgin mobile had ultra shit reception where i live. theres only two spots in the city it works.

cheapest is T-Mobile - $70/month with decent service.
ATT and Verizon are completely expensive at like $120, but i had verizon when i had a job, and when i told them im going to switch cause im poor they felt sorry for me and matched T-Mobile's price. So now i just pay $60/month for unlimited talk, text, and 2 gigs of data. And yeah, i need the data as well - bus schedules mostly but other things too. $80 after tax and insurance.

or should i cancel insurance, too? Should i just start selling my organs? I mean, desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

I don't think i deserve two eyeballs, who wants to buy my eyeball for the price of a 5lb bag of rice for the poor one eyed man?

>> No.5382758


nobody expects nothing. There are nice people and there are not nice people. The nice people will help me because they know i would help them in their time of need.

The not nice people are idiot assholes who are truly alone in the world, and once their luck runs out, nobody will fucking care about them. Then only a few peolpe WILL care about them and you'll fucking learn what i'm talking about.

you're being a snob in the simplest definition. Life has a funny way of balancing out, and you won't be a snob forever.

>> No.5382759

drug money/selling hot items/hooking is hard for the IRS to keep track of

>> No.5382762

You are obviously retarded.
>muh reception
>I NEED data!

no, no sympathy at all for your financially retarded ass, so stop expecting handouts

>> No.5382766

cancel phone insurance?

Oh right, you need insurance for your phone because you have some high-end phone instead of a burner smart-phone you can tie to a prepaid plan like someone living within their means would.

Yous' entitled to all them fineries just like them people in them big ol' houses!

Are you that fucking string cheese and Lunchables guy?

>> No.5382769
File: 60 KB, 450x597, cant seem to find a fuck to give.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you live in a heavily urban area and you're still driving a car when you need to save money, you're doing it wrong.
I can understand if you live in a rural area of flyoverland nowheresville, where its 10+ miles to anywhere, but if you're in a city with buses and subways and everything else, theres no excuse 'not' to use them except plain ol' head up your ass elitism.

I'm in flyoverland here, but I just ride my bike everywhere because fuck gas prices and insurance and all that bullshit.
Why waste money on a car when theres so much computer shit and vidya and booze I could be buying?

>> No.5382770

Your take on life is incredibly stupid.

The general rule of thumb is if you "lend" money to friends or family, don't expect to get it back. You're never going to give back shit, just keep sucking off others.

>> No.5382773


I have an iphone. A phone is an investment. I'm not going to sell my iphone, live out of a car, and all that nonsense you idiots are talking about.

once again, poor doesn't mean homeless. you guys are trying to push me out on the street to save a few $20 dollar bills here and there...

when i can just get food stamps because i qualify.

>> No.5382778

>this fucking thread again

They always degenerate into arguing with some entitlement baby exhibiting the exact sort of behavior and attitude that makes people think twice about charitable giving and social programs.

>> No.5382783

>A phone is an investment.

stopped reading there. All I see is "I'm financially retarded"

>> No.5382784

>investing in phones

nigga you stupid

>> No.5382789

got it for 200 bucks with the contract like 3 years ago. it's saved my ass countless times with the bus schedules. its a must-have for me. i live in a big city without a car.

judgmental prick

>> No.5382790

Seriously though, this is String Cheese and Lunchables Guy again, isn't it?

>> No.5382794
File: 24 KB, 691x483, 1357515054098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got farther than me. I stopped at
>I have an iphone
That basically tells you all you need to know about someones life decisions.

>> No.5382804
File: 71 KB, 652x360, megyn kelly smiling-cropped-proto-custom_28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I need my iPhone and a contract plan with unlimited internet for bus schedules"

>spends hours of his time on 4chan defending his entitlement bullshit

>> No.5382820


Wasteful spending guy here: I don't own a smartphone. Just let that sink in for a moment: wasteful spending guy does not own a smartphone because I don't see the need.

>> No.5382892

If this was 1997 that would have worked. Supermarkets and convenience stores don't dump out unsold items to the bins any more. They just do a last minute markdown on those, and if those still don't get sold, donate them.

There are people who don't realize that it's possible to have a cell phone for 40 bucks a year. Let them be, man. Can't change people, especially not on internet.

>> No.5383338

/ck/ - Financial & Foodstamps

>> No.5383460

If he had the Gaul, he would be able to put it on display. Gaul is pretty great, it has some historical significance.

It's so cute when uneducated poors use wlords they don't understand :)