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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5375875 No.5375875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too nauseous to eat right now

>> No.5375904

>tfw too lazy to go make some instant ramen
>tfw instant ramen >= restaurant ramen

>> No.5375916
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>I keep farting but I don't know what the hell I ate thats causing it

>> No.5375928

I can't believe I ate the whole thing.

>> No.5377081
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>Too hungry to sleep, too tired to cook.

>> No.5377084

I spent 3 hours cooking a meal and then when it was done, I wasn't even that hungry.

I fucking hate that feel.

>> No.5377098

>Only drink coffee for the whole day
>Feel nauseous because of empty stomach
>Don't even want to eat just feel sick

>> No.5377236

You could be lactose intolerant. That's how I found out I was, the crazy fart sessions.

Check food packaging for "milk" in the allergy information section and avoid. If that stops the farting then drink a pint of milk. If the farting is horrific afterwards then you're lactose intlerant.

>> No.5377245

did i walk into /v/?
>/ck/ - Food & cooking
>/ck/ - Feel & cocking
play video games or something

>> No.5377248

I often cry while cooking.

And not just when chopping onions.

>> No.5377253
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>moving back in with my parents in 1 week
>don't want to buy groceries because most of them will go to waste
>living off what scraps I have left

>> No.5377255

>I often cry while playing video games
>And not just when the walking dead
D-Dinner anyone?

>> No.5377328

>That feel when going through intense chemo
>That feel when taste buds are obliterated leaving everything bland as all hell
>Eating is now a pure necessity rather than a pleasure

But hey on the bright side there's a microscopic chance it'll actually work... g-guys.

>> No.5377329

Feels :(

>> No.5377342

>love jalapenos
>mouth barely feels them
>anus feels like a cattle prod has come out when they come out

>> No.5377355
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I've never cried at a video game.

The only time I've cried at fiction was when I saw Sideways.

>> No.5377359

>tfw want to make a sandwich
>tfw only 1 slice of bread left

>> No.5377363


I'm NOT drinking any FUCKING MERLOT

>> No.5377372

Remember the scene at the wedding when his ex-wife tells him that she is pregnant?

Look at his fucking expression. He just got completely emotionally crushed, but he know he can't show it, and he is holding back tears as hard as he humanly can.

Paul Giamatti is an amazing actor, and this scene shows it better than anything else he has ever done.

>> No.5377378

>this guy doesn't know about folded sammies

>> No.5377389

I currently know this feel.

>> No.5377401
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>so scared of my housemates that i avoid them and never cook

>> No.5377407

>folded sammies

No, you fucking barbarian cunt. If I'm making a fucking sandwich there is two fucking pieces of fucking bread.

>> No.5377412

>sometimes I get light headed after/while eating a big meal
>housemate cook dinner for us
>get paranoid it's poisoned
>while eating start getting the light headed feeling
>start to perspirate
>mind is going wild
>fuck I'm going to die
>awhile after eating everything goes back to normal

>> No.5377414

Is that Elliott Smith during the Son of Sam video shoot?

>> No.5377417

Yes. It's the image they used on the cover of his biography.

>> No.5377424

i got it from here.


quite good article if you like his music

>> No.5377427

I remember reading that back in October. What a fucking shame that he's been gone for over a decade now.

>> No.5377435
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>love pistachios more than any other nut
>eating a giant bowl of them
>cracking them with your teeth
>mmm so fucking delicious
>pop another in your mouth
>suddenly you've found 'that one' fucking pistachio

>> No.5377465

>nauseous from not eating
>too nauseous to eat

I have to sit through at least an hour of it before it passes so I can finally eat.

>> No.5377476
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>go to cute girls house because her parents are gone for a few days
>super-nervous around this girl bc she's 10/10
>"Anon, let's make tacos, I bought waay too much food for me to eat alone anyways"
>can't enjoy the tacos because of muh nervousity
>afterwards we went to bed and cuddled all night

tfw fucked her yesterday and gonna make her my gf

>> No.5377477

>eat beef jerky
>come across disgusting blob of fat
>lose appetite

oh god it hurts

>> No.5377480

>Looking forward to cooking a lovely roast duck for dinner
>Mother gets to it first and does a shit job of cooking it

>> No.5377489

>fucking love nuts
>still recovering from oral surgery, can't risk eating anything that could fragment and get stuck in the socket

>> No.5377515

>Never happened

Nobody on 4chan ever gets a gf or is suave enough to get to eat with one.

>> No.5377523

>had a dream that I met Gordan Ramsey in a grocery store and he made me a bunch of free food because I was the first fan he ran into all day

He was so nice ;_;

>> No.5377527

>tfw didn't eat breakfast
>tfw haven't eaten since lunch (8:04 pm)
>tfw browsing the internet instead of eating

>> No.5377528

everyone with nausea from not eating, take some antacids (alka seltzer /will/ do but i dont recommend it cause the aspirin will make you light headed if youre starving), mint flavoured ones are really good for nausea

its stomach acid that makes you feel ill, you can neutralise it chemically

obviously the healthiest way to fix it is to drink some milk and nibble a biscuit or a cracker, but i know we have a high concentration of eating disorders here
take care of yourselves

>> No.5377537

>Decide to get a 6 pack of ramen at the store because I felt nostalgic for college
>Eat one pack of it
>Instantly feel sick

I'm not sure if it is that bad, or I'm just too old to eat it.

>> No.5377541

>Was eating some lifesaver jellybeans
>all of a sudden a motherfucking gummy worm
>just think "Oh that's neat"
>remember i'm fucking allergic to peanuts
>sprinting to the bathroom, induce vomiting, rinse mouth
>rinse spit
>rinse spit
>tongue swells to twice its size
>no throat swelling at least
>just pop a zyrtec and sit around for an hour waiting for the swelling to subside
>it goes away
>first thing I do is come to /ck/

Scary shit. I don't even have an epi-pen, it expired last month.

See if I ever buy a wrigley product again.

>> No.5377565

Yeesh. My mom's deathly allergic to peanuts and her epi-pen has been expired since the nineties. Luckily she's careful as fuck and whenever we eat out she MAKES SURE there's no peanut anything.

still worries me though

>> No.5377567

wait, why would a gummy worm trigger a peanut allergy?

>> No.5377568

i googled to find out more about this but gave up p quickly, so im seconding

>> No.5377570

most if not all gummy worms are processed in facilities that process other shit involving peanuts (which is how I assume a gummy worm got into a jelly bean package, probably the same/close proximity packaging lines)

If you have a serious allergy, you can't risk anything, overreaction is the best course of action, as an old tape my doctor showed me like 30 years ago says.

Next time you go to a store/grocery market/gas stop, pick up a bag of gummy anythings. Chances are it will say on the back, in bolded font, "Processed on a line that also processes peanuts/tree nuts/walnuts". Or something like that. Peanut oil also triggers reactions. Basically, if I eat something that involves that shit, and I swallow it, my throat closes up like someone's crushing my windpipe, my face turns red, my tongue swells and prevents me from breathing (not that I could breathe much with a closed throat), and a bunch of other ugly shit, like hives.

epinephrine (epi-pens) are injected into the upper outer thigh (either leg), and it basically causes your body to go nuts trying to fight off the bacteria, and it frees up your airway to breathe until paramedics/911 gets there.

It's okay anon, i'm just complacent. I wasn't expecting the gummy worm to be there, so I didn't check. Usually I check every handful of small candies to make sure i'm not eating anything unsafe. Chances are if your mom has made it this long, she's more careful than I am.

>> No.5377574

>its stomach acid that makes you feel ill


>> No.5377579

It is that bad.

>> No.5377599
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>hands smell like garlic for the rest of the day

>get to the store at the perfect time when they marked down the fish.

>> No.5377600

ehh this happens with peanuts and sunflower seeds too

the worst thing is that once you bite into it, that nasty taste just lingers and ruins all subsequent seeds for like the next 10 minutes.

>> No.5377603

never happened to me.

>> No.5377605

>cooking steak dinner with my dad
>he gets out my cast iron grill pan to cook some asparagus
>asparagus comes out good
>cleaning up all the dishes
>i see him take the bottle of soap over my beloved cast iron grill pan
>he's just about to squeeze a blob of that nasty blue poison onto it
>i grab his wrist and pull it away
>soap all over the kitchen counter
>at least the years of built up grease on my grill pan were saved from certain death

>> No.5377613

You did the right thing. Don't regret it.

>> No.5377623

i should also mention this is the same dad who once washed a bunch of my clothes for me, in the process ruining a bunch of wool sweaters and trousers that i had. bless his heart, but he only knows one way of washing things and it involves high heat and lots of soap

>> No.5377626

>built up grease

Wait what, is this a thing?
I'm new to /ck/

>> No.5377636

My dad would bleach anything that was white, not even caring if there was black stitching which would then turn brown. I started doing my own laundry at 11 years old.

He does know how to cook and treat a cast iron pan.

>> No.5377652

well, the stuff is burnt on pretty good. grill pans get a lot of build up in the grooves that's hard to get out. i just scrape with iron wool after i cook with it, but it still builds up. i just leave it there. 8 years with no soap and the pan looks fine

>> No.5377680

Don't you larve it when you find that bitter worm in the rotten sunflower.

>> No.5377683

It's called seasoning a pan. Look it up.

>> No.5377695


This can also be done over time by frying fatty foods.

>> No.5377703

>buy food for the week
>keep it in the fridge expecting myself to cook it very soon
>come home from college tired, not in the mood to cook
>get a takeaway
>food in fridge spoils
I hate wasting food, and this doesn't happen too often, but I get so pissed at myself when it does.

>> No.5377846

yeah i know that feel very well

weed helps

>> No.5377882

>have just enough burrito filling for one more burrito
>it's already 11pm
>kinda hungry
>don't want to make more food when I already have filling to use
>feel like a fatfuck for eating a second burrito right before bed

>> No.5377886

>tfw pregnant
>tfw no matter what you put in your stomach, it causes unbearable gastric reflux

I don't know this feel, but I have to observe it every day and this in itself is a bad feel. Especially since it's me who cooks for her most of the time.

>> No.5377893


Suck it up you pussy ass faggot it's only cancer.

>> No.5377939

this is happening way too often me lately, sometimes i dont even feel hungry but cant sleep because of it
seeing how im rapidly losing weight isnt really helping with making me feel better either

>> No.5378000

But I lived on a diet of ramen noodles, black coffee, and cheap beer for years.

>> No.5378191
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had a panic attack. Thought I was choking any time I ate. For the last two weeks every time I try to eat I choke. Doesn't matter what I eat. Been crying ever since

>> No.5378218

>tfw I already ate all that easter candy
>tfw I was so excited to make a second batch of devilled eggs but I'm sick of them after just the first batch
>tfw parents throw out all leftovers without even considering eating them
>tfw grew up in USA but now in Bongland (aka land of no seasoning, potatoes and starches at every single meal, same things every week)

>> No.5378262

>Not in a very good place in my life
>Can't seem to do anything right by any means for anything
>All I do is eat because I'm trying to forget
>Eating makes me feel sick
>If I don't eat or do something to take my mind off things I feel sick
>Vicious loop

I hate it.. I'm trying to fix everything.. but it isn't working out the way it should..

>> No.5378299

>tfw you wait too long between meals and the hunger slowly turns to light-headed nausea
>tfw you know your body needs food but the thought of eating anything makes you gag
>tfw hunger and nausea warring in your stomach

>> No.5378366

You inspired me to make dviled eggs, thx bonglander

>> No.5378373

>tfw eat with my gf every Sunday after church.
>tfw she tells me I make the best grilled cheese ever.
>tfw she's lactose intolerant.

>> No.5378395

>perceived inability to swallow
Isn't that a sign of rabies?
or brain damage, maybe

>> No.5378398

>tfw that feel
>tfw your oven takes half a hour to preheat food

>> No.5378414

"Seasoning" a pan is just fake shit for hipsters.

Get out of /ck/ if you don't have based teflon cookware.

>> No.5378423

le epik troll m8 :/\)

>> No.5378446

>eat a salad
>it's practically nothing
>want to make more eggs in a basket
>only 1 egg left
>tfw hungry

>> No.5378502

Close; epi pens, as you said, contain epinephrine. Its a potent bronchodilator that counteracts the bronchial constriction caused by excessive histamine (stuff that causes seasonal nasal allergies) localization on epithelial cells.

Your body thinks the peanuts are parasite and overreact like a motherfucker and because its reacted to peanuts before and its ready to kick its ass the next time it sees it. Essentially...

>> No.5379564
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>tfw I can't stop eating
>tfw it's too much food or none at all
>tfw I'm a fat piece of shit controlled by gluttony
>tfw I'll never be normal

>> No.5379816

are you me?

>> No.5379857

Cut the slice in half you tard. A small sandwich is better than no sandwich.

>> No.5379871
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>tfw one doughnut is not enough
>tfw one doughnut is never enough

>> No.5379882

Workout and/or cardio. That way you can justify eating more than normal

>> No.5379883
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I SO know that feel op, chronic nausea, weed helps.

>> No.5379916

Not that guy but I do a few hours of cardio everyday. $70 in groceries per week and I still live in constant hunger. I don't gain weight, but the cost is an issue.

>> No.5379918

>out in hot sun
>go inside
>open freezer
>caressed by dat visible arctic air
>take out water that's been sitting there just long enough to become as cold as possible, only freezing a little bit
>think of rushing waterfalls

>> No.5379929

>finish eating a sandwich

>want to make and eat two more

>> No.5379975

Super-cold water is the indisputable GOATOAT beverage. IKTF.

>> No.5380129

>Haven't had a real, satiating meal all day
>been eating in bits and pieces due to weird circumstances
I hate days like this. Hopefully tomorrow will work out better.

>> No.5380184

Tfw cranky and bossy around everyone until I eat, tfw I'm an abusive partner when ravenous

>> No.5380302

tfw was so sick, my lymph nodes were swollen as fuck, poking my stomach, and causing me not to be hungry or thirsty for a solid week.

I lost four pounds that week, which was nice

>> No.5380320

I hate people who are assholes when they're hungry. Makes you seem like a pretentious ass

>> No.5380326

>Looking forward to cooking an egg breakfast
>Too late to make breakfast

>> No.5380380

>eat some amanita
>eat macaroni salad
>it tastes metallic
>time is slow and my stomach aches

What was I thinking?

>> No.5380484


what does pretentiousness have to do with that?

>> No.5380539
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>tfw i want to cook all kinds of recipes but parents only buy cans of beans and pre-made shit
>tfw fridge is full of condiments and V8 juice
>tfw 19yo vehicleless NEET who can't go buy his own ingredients to explore cooking passion
>tfw parents boil EVERYTHING in chicken stock and smother with tons of cilantro
>tfw pantry is full of canned beans and healthy select chunky soup that nobody in the house eats yet parents continue to purchase
>tfw nobody else washes their dishes and parents blame me for it
>tfw "This isn't a restaurant, you eat what we cook."
>tfw mom's signature dish is yellow rice with vienna sausages and taco dip
"tfw dad's signature dish is macaroni with alfredo sauce and canned chicken
>mfw canned chicken
>tfw going to supermarket is highlight of the week so i can throw fruits, veggies, beefs in the cart that last a day or two because "we aren't millionaires"
>tfw stuck at home not eating breakfast or lunch because only food in the house is shit
>tfw have to wait for mom to get home so she can cook a half-bearable meal
>tfw i see no way out of this trap until parents get me a damned car

>> No.5380543


Or you could, you know, get a job.

>> No.5380544


troll or jfc get a job

>> No.5380547

bbut i need a ccar to gget a jjjob

>> No.5380566


public transit

>> No.5380741

>contract septicemia
>literally everysingle cell in my body in pain, every breath, every time my heart beat, every time i blinked, everything felt like billions of tiny blazing hot knives stabbing me.
> Have to eat to keep my energy up
>I could feel the food go down my throat because it fel tlike i was drinking lava.
>spend 6 months like this.

it was the worst thing ever.
But i survived.

>> No.5380747

I was eating sunflower seeds when I read this. Appetite=dead

>> No.5380748

Never, ever cook cast iron with soap. Scrub it with some salt, hot water and a paper towel to get food off. After that, you grease it, keeping it rust proof and non-stick.

>> No.5380755

Make things in advance, like lasagna or casseroles that can be frozen and popped in the oven when you need them. Also, buy foods that take a while to spoil. Thick, dense greens like kale or broccoli can last over 2 weeks in a fridge without spoiling. Carrots and potatoes last a while too. You can also extend the shelf life of bread by putting it in the fridge or freezer.

Work out, like >>5379882 said. I was in a shitty position in life too recently and working out improves it a lot. When you feel like you have no control over the bullshit in your life, working out gives you some of that control back and it starts to manifest in the other things you do.

A few hours a day is a shitload of cardio. If you work out less, you won't need as much money for groceries.
>tfw what you spend on groceries in a week is what I spend on groceries in a month

>> No.5380761

I cried during toy story 1 when buzz realised he couldnt fly, and he was just a plastic toy.

>dem randy newman feels

>> No.5380762

>ITT: Fatties fatting it up

>> No.5380770

>Cut it into two triangles
>Have half a sandwich


>everyday Ramsey cooks something for the first oerson to give a compliment
That would be cool

>have not enough chips for my dip
>if i open another bag of chips i wont have enough dip for my chips
Its a vicious cycle

>> No.5380772

I second this

>> No.5380775

>Cut it into two triangles
>Have half a sandwich


>everyday Ramsey cooks something for the first oerson to give a compliment
That would be cool

>have not enough chips for my dip
>if i open another bag of chips i wont have enough dip for my chips
Its a vicious cycle

>> No.5380780

>tfw what you spend on groceries in a week is what I spend on groceries in a month

Do you just eat rice and beans or something? Not the other guy but shit, I wish I spent €70 on groceries.

Fucking kids man..... I'm lucky if I spend €500 a month on food. That's not including going out on occasions. It's usually closer to €550-600.

>> No.5380781

Oh shit. I meant >>5380755

>> No.5380795

Choked on water a couple months back, took a couple of days to get back to normal. Seek help if you're really concerned for your safety.

>> No.5380871

Nah I buy veggies, fruits, meats, cheeses, bread, etc. I buy ingredients as I need them so nothing goes to waste. I don't buy any processed/packaged foods either. I found myself saving a lot of money when I stopped buying packaged food. It's like, why buy a 1lb package of meatballs at $6 when I can buy a pound of meat for $3 and make my own without all the filler?

I can understand where all your money goes though. Kids eat a shitload of food (guilty of this back when I lived with my parents). Thing is, the more your fridge is packed, the more your kids will eat more than they need. I still remember what it was like to be 15, open a fridge full of food thinking, "ugh there's nothing to eat in here" and then mindlessly shove food down my throat

>> No.5380874

>buying $3/lb meat

Yuck. Just buy beans if you're that hard up.

>> No.5380897

I cook almost every meal myself. Even when I go to work, I leave everything ready and prepped. She can cook, it's just easier and I have more time.

I buy fresh ingredients and I think my problem is that I go to the store almost every fucking day. "What's for dinner tonight? I'll just go to the store."

if it were just me, which it hasn't been for almost 7 years now, I could get by with very little money. It sucks being a grown up....

>> No.5380915

>tfw want a snack but haven't baked anything
>tfw won't bake anything because made brownies last weekend and spent the week eating them and don't want to get fat

>> No.5380945

But beans don't taste good... and they're like a dollar a can where I am. 1lb of meat contains 4 servings, so it's actually cheaper than getting beans (unless it's dried beans but still, ew beans). Just because I'm frugal doesn't mean I can't eat nice things.

My typical shopping list:
>3 bunches of veggies, usually kale, cucumber, tomatoes
>1 bushel(?)/bunch(?) of fruit
>1lb of ground meat
>Large loaf of bakery sourdough bread
>1-2 types of cheese, usually Havarti, Sharp Cheddar
>1 other grain product, usually tortillas or pasta
This all fits under $20 and lasts me over a week.

That sucks. I hope your kids grow up big and strong from all the money you're feeding them though. Do you guys use up all the ingredients you buy, or do you end up throwing a lot of things out? If you end up using everything, the problem might be portion control. 500/mo of fresh ingredients is a massive amount of food.

>> No.5380965

>tfw too nauseous to eat right now
Stop being such a goddamn alcoholic, OP.

>> No.5380966

>tfw only rice at home and I can't stand eating it on its own
>tfw haven't eaten for 18 hours
>tfw could get takeout in 15 minutes
>tfw spent last 3 hours on 4chan after waking up instead of going to buy something
>tfw hunger isn't really that bad, yet.

>> No.5380967

I have a sore on the roof of my mouth and it hurts to eat or drink.

>> No.5380970

Flesh tends to rub raw like that, maybe try taking the penis down your throat instead of letting it hit the roof of your mouth.

>> No.5380987


>tfw it's the last of the pack

Ruins the entire feeling

>> No.5380995

you are not feeling it alone

>> No.5381001


6 months? Jeepers, man

>> No.5381005

Where do you buy ground meat that only costs three dollars a pound? It costs at least seven or eight at my local supermarket.
>tfw live an hour's bus ride from a Walmart
>chicken breasts are almost 30 dollars a kilo at the local Loblaws
>same amount of breasts are 9 dollars at Walmart
>go there last night, pick up cheap cans of beans as well
God bless Walmart.

>> No.5381009
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>on a deficit diet
>craving disgusting fast food
>look in fridge
>strawberries and cream, 50 cals
>awww yeaah

>> No.5381014

evil cats > gay rabbits

>> No.5381015

Not that guy but, I'm in fl and it's about $3 or $4

>> No.5381022

serious question: walk much, faggot?

>> No.5381039

Indomie Mi Goreng is worth the effort.
>tfw living off of kidney beans, eggs, canned tomatoes, canned tuna, broccoli, frozen peas, wheatmeal sliced bread, weetbix, oats and brown rice
getting experimental with dem spices son. also losing weight at unhealthy rates/cal deficits due to being too lazy and healthy to cook anything other than gruel and microwaved vegetable/legume/tuna slop.
it's actually starting to taste really good.

>> No.5381050

If you're anything like me you will get over it eventually.
I had trouble swallowing for most of a year as a kid, after my dad died. It came back last summer when my grandma died so I guess my body has learned a behaviour pattern to pull out in periods of grief or something.
It might help to see your doctor. You'll probably either be told that there's nothing physically wrong with you or that a bit of your throat i've forgotten the name of is raised in response to stress.

>> No.5381106

know that feel anon. Living off anon and a weird potassium/sodium laden chicken broth to keep my electrolytes high enough to not pass out at work.

but shitfuck 5bux for 5 dozen Jumbo eggs is too good to turn down.

>> No.5381119

I enjoy cycling a lot, almost an addiction. Doesn't feel nice to empty half the fridge after a ride. Food prices in Canada is a lot higher, so its probably causing the gap. As an indicator, cheapest cut of meat is chicken thighs which are $3.50+ per lb. Chicken breasts are $7+ per lb, sometimes they jump up to $9 per lb and that is from the cheapest grocery store in my area.

>> No.5381218

That's the average price of ground meat in my neighborhood (Brooklyn, NY). I can actually find ground beef and pork around $2.30/lb but I prefer to get ground turkey from Trader Joe's which is around $3/lb.

>> No.5381227

Fellow Brooklynfag here. Food is pretty cheap here. Rent might not be, but food sure as fuck is.

>> No.5381234

>Where do you buy ground meat that only costs three dollars a pound?

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but where I live (Texas), that's the norm. Every supermarket charges in the $2-3 range per lb, with the price varying based on fat%. It can be found on sale for even less. Even the fancy grass-fed organic ground beef or bison costs less than $8/lb.

>> No.5381272


nigguh, i spend even less than that. It's usually 20-30$. I bought a 50lb bucket of brown rice, and I've been eating that for 4 months so far. Lunches are provided by my work, and I don't eat breakfast. My big cost comes from sauces to put on my rice. The sauce costs anywhere from 15-30$, i do eat out once or twice a month, but usually for pretty cheap.

>tfw pretty great savings

>> No.5381311

>tfw there's no variety in your meals
>no meats or veggies, only rice and sauce
>tfw nutrient deficiency

shit son, why are you even on /ck/

>> No.5381316


I like the theory and practice of cooking, I'm just too cheap to cook well for myself. I like being at other peoples houses and whip em up an amazing meal.

Also, my lunch is where my nutrients come from, they have a fruit smoothie with, blueberries, mangos, flax seed, chia seed, protein powder, cayenne, lemon juice, and coconut water.

>> No.5381334


>> No.5381346

I just can't get myself to eat.
I have this issue constantly. I just look at food online and just can't get excited for anything.
I want to eat though.

>> No.5381377
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>housemates ruin your favorite pot by leaving a pot of rice on for over an hour.

not even oven cleaner has been able to make a dent.

>> No.5381384

fill it halfway with water and a bit of dishsoap and put it on the stove to boil out for about 20 or 30 minutes, then go ham with one of those stainless scrubbers.

>> No.5381482

>tfw people right outside your kitchen which has all glass window panes, no curtains
>tfw theyve been here so long
>tfw waiting for them to leave to soothe the dull acidic ache of hunger

>> No.5381599



>> No.5381602


>stayed in a student accomodation place for half a year
>shared kitchen
>only cooked at 10-11pm so I wouldn't have to deal with any people

>> No.5381603 [DELETED] 

>catch a cold
>can't taste anything
Literally the worst feeling imaginable.

>> No.5381680
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I don't have a car, don't even have a license, and i've been working since I was 15 or 14. I've biked on the upside of 10 miles to work (20 miles round trip).

I bike or walk 5 miles to the grocery store in college, and work also. Don't be so apathetic son, it won't get you anywhere

>> No.5381701

>be dishboy
>suo chef burns blueberry pie filling
>seems genuinely sorry
>let it soak over night
>bet back next night
>still soaking
>try scrubbing
>nothing happens

me and the other dishwasher let it soak for 4-5 days and scrubbing it once or twice a day before it was clean >.>

>tfw when I use the fewest possible instruments while cooking
>only used a bowl, cast iron pan, knife and wooden salad fork for 6 months
its ruined me /ck/, I can't cook for people without looking like an absolute retard

>> No.5381782

not all of us are actually autistic in real life. either that or im fucking another autist but either way feelsgoodman. also fuck off back to r9k

>> No.5381810

I thought that somebody getting shit carved into their scalp

>> No.5381812

that was*

>> No.5381846

I was going to write a long greentext story but half way through I decided I'm too lazy.

The tl;dr version is: I bought a bunch of food and booze in preparation of having a decent Easter break, got a call from my dentist that someone canceled and my appointment was moved up, had a tooth ripped out so I was stuck eating shitty food and no booze for a few days.

Then I got sick 48 hours later, vomiting, shitting like crazy, on antibiotics for the sickness and to prevent infection of the giant hole where the tooth used to be, I'm still in pain and won't be able to drink my booze for a week or so. I only just had my first decent full meal since the ordeal started.

Take care of your teeth.

>> No.5382159

>tfw when I use the fewest possible instruments while cooking

This is me. And my autism shows when people make too much mess. I use a minimum amount of stuff and clean up/put things in the dishwasher as I go. All my sperglord room mates make a mountain of mess all across the absolutely huge bench in the kitchen and then look at me funny when I tell them that cleaning up is less of a bitch if they don't make so much mess and clean up as they go.

>> No.5382237

>tfw when I use the fewest possible instruments while cooking

This is the best feeling when you're the one who does dishes in the house

>> No.5382280

had a hungry man fried chicken yesterday the potatoes were cold but I didn't bother to reheat them
so far today I've had a granola bar and I'm sipping a rockstar
trying to quit smoking weed and cigs to
>welcome to hell

>> No.5382299
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>tfw 10/10 gf is vegan
>tfw I can't make her any of my favourite food
>tfw the sex is good tho

>> No.5384219

omg. I know that feel so hard. You can only have tums because pepto fucks with the kid. Worst time of my life.

>> No.5384224


>> No.5384251

>gf 10/10
>gf is vegan
Pick one and only one.

>> No.5384516

>made some god-tier lamb tagine
>froze left overs
>roommate ate them last night when she was in a hurry
>the microwave still smells like all those delicious spices
>I will have to make it again if I want to partake in that glorious deliciousness

>> No.5384525
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>tfw I eat meat and cook amazing
>tfw my boyfriend was never eating this good before he met me

Gotta step up

>> No.5384530

11/10 then

>> No.5384550

>visiting Tasmania for a work function
>got a few hours free before going to the airport
>take a scenic drive to the coast
>get lunch at a sandwich stand
>"I'll just have a ham and cheese sandwich, please!"
>she makes sandwich in front of me
>cuts it in half
>gives me one half
>puts the other half in the fridge for the next person
>am I being fucking trolled here?
>did I just pay $5 for half a sandwich?

It was feels because I had to choose between not shelling out more money for another half a sandwich just because that's fucking stupid, and being hungry because I only ate half a sandwich.

>> No.5384575

>tfw eating guacamole for the first time

I wish I could experience this feel again.

>> No.5384590

>tfw eating premade guac because the local grocer never has ripe avocados and you can't be fucked to wait a week for them to ripen

>> No.5384606

>no recipe
>no measurements
>not too experienced in the kitchen
>throw some random stuff on the skillet
>use best judgment and hope it turns out well
>it turns out well

>> No.5384612

don't understand why roommates share food

I would never let my roommates eat my leftovers.

>> No.5384736

>left it too late to go and get lunch and not spoil my dinner

>> No.5384751

just stick them in a paper bag ya dingus, it takes like three days at most.

>> No.5384765

Eh, when it works it works. There's 3 of us and instead of each one of us going shopping for ourselves and each one taking up time in the kitchen to prepare meals, we share food and cooking out evenly. It's a good system if your room mates are total dingbats.

>> No.5384778

>spoil my dinner
Who thinks like this? Are you ten years old?

>> No.5384810

shouldn't have paid for it m8

>> No.5384817

>Got a job at a burger place I like
>Worried it'll taste shitty to me now
>Also excited to fuck around with other ingredients on my break

>> No.5384819

Tasmanian people have two heads so the other half a sandwich is for your other head, she probably didn't want to insult you buy giving you a sandwich in two halves.

>These feels when I'm actually a Tasmanian

>> No.5384947

>she saw he only had one head and would be offended by being offered two half sammys
two head master race

>> No.5385046

I have that feel all the time... I make a giant pan of fancy mac or a whole cake or whatever. and I don't even want a bite when it's done.

>> No.5385061

>even back before I moved out of home I ended up doing 95% of the cooking for family gatherings
>this came about because mum isn't a great cook and has zero time management/organisation ability in the kitchen which leads to getting flustered and angry
>her stressing out on the day of having guests over would always stress me out
>so I just took over
>which was fine
>but now I'm expected to attend all functions with family and family friends and am also expected to turn up hours early to do the cooking

>family is coming tomorrow
>mum has been "hinting" at me
>asking me what I think "we" should make
>getting annoyed by my being noncommittal about the whole thing because I'm super seriously not in the mood to cook or be social
>am slowly being guilted into taking on the responsibility of cooking again

Am I being an unreasonable cunt guys? I have cooked for nearly every family gathering at my parent's house for ~4 years. Is it douchey of me to bail this time?

>> No.5385063

No, but you should be clear about how you feel so as to avoid any misunderstandings.

>> No.5385067

I tried that. A few days ago I told her I wasn't keen on cooking and I got an earful about how it wasn't expected of me and she was just asking for my opinion and how I didn't need to sound so put-upon. But none of that is true. Details are boring, but rest-assured that where cooking is concerned her version of 'help' means 'do it for me'.

>> No.5385068 [DELETED] 

It's not bad, but sometimes since it's your family, just deal with it. Deal with the internal bullshit later instead of making your mother look bad.

Making your mother look bad, especially if you're a son, is never good. Hey man, you only get one mother and she's just human.

>> No.5385074 [DELETED] 

Just remember those years when your mother was taking care of you in diapers, shitting all over yourself. Now maybe it's your turn to help her.

Don't be a cunt. Easier said than done I know, I most certainly wasn't the perfect son.

>> No.5386105

not that guy, but it could be the whole 'not in control of their emotions' thing ... like, c'mon, you're an adult, no need to be cranky when you're hungry like a baby who needs his bottle.

or the whole "I'm hypoglycemic so I have an excuse for being a bitch" thing........

>> No.5386108

>lasts me over a week

no way: what you listed comes out to like 700 calories/day

>> No.5386112

man, I've in South Dakota where there's damn bison ranches down the street, and ground bison in the store is still $10/lb. :(

>> No.5387347

>tfw overhear neighbor grill mention to her bf about how something smells good as they walk by my window when I'm cooking

Feels good, man.

>> No.5387397

You both sound like you'd be assholes regardless of whether or not you're hungry

>> No.5387398

fuck, yes, fuck

I hate my life

>> No.5387477

>Nothing in the house to make, just stuff to nibble on
>too lazy/poor to run to the store

Hummus + celery, salami, almonds and olives it is. Man I could go for some Shepard's Pie.

>> No.5387519
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>stomach growling
>too sleepy to eat something
>too hungry to fall asleep

>> No.5387530

faggot eat ginger
pussy if she is willing
or the root

>> No.5387542

>not hungry
>want to eat
A-am I becoming a fatty, /ck/?

>> No.5387577

shoud I eat the other bag of chips?

>> No.5388175

>tfw selling a few bits of unused stuff online and someone comes to buy a tool cabinet while I'm making bread and I can hear the woman commenting from the front door how good it smells

>> No.5388177

>my ego when decided to cook for everyone and it was delicious and people liked my food

Still didn't really want to do it, did it anyway, ego boost is always fun.

>> No.5388330
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>Like to eat spicy food
>Literally sweat a lot after eating

>> No.5388338
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>like spicy food
>triggers acid reflux

>> No.5388923
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>tfw anaphylactic

>> No.5389706

>eat a whole roasted bulb of garlic in the evening
>sleep poorly at night because I'm constantly farting
>dream that there's an unending release of gas from my asshole, like from a leaking gas pipe
>wake up with terrible garlic breath

why does everything I love want to hurt me ;_;

>> No.5389744
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>tomato is favorite veggie by far
>massive acid reflux every time I eat any

>love cooking and eating good food
>school and freelance work take almost all of my "free" time
>dinners usually end up being things like ramen or cookies

>love eating meat
>run out of meat in 2-3 days every time I buy some

>> No.5389874
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>buy new brand of chilli powder
>add way too much to burrito chicken
>800g of chicken now inedible

>> No.5389944

I know that all one all too well.

>Cooking eggs for breakfast, better grab sausage from fridge
>one link/patty left

>> No.5389967

>you and your SO have an argument
>can't eat due to sad feelings even though hungry

>> No.5390004

With sunflower seeds no fucks are still given.

>suck on a bad/rotten seed
>still break it up with teeth
>suck out rotten kernel
>move in next shell from *pocket* of mouth

>> No.5390050

yeah i have 5 roomates, two of them do their dishes within the day after making them. I just filled one of their pots with all their plates/silverware so i could clean all the shit in the sink. Then they complained that I hid their plates.

I just want to graduate college and go live alone :(

>> No.5391055

sounds like a panic attack

>> No.5391100

>being a little bitch

Even if you're a grill you should grow a pair.

>> No.5391110
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>tfw eating ham or popcorn or anything that's savory, salty or dry
>the feeling on the roof of your mouth
>the unidentifiable sensation on your tongue

feels bad

>> No.5391142

I knew this feel. Thankfully it isn't as bad and I got my cooking ability back, but man, cooking was my ONE thing that I took joy in and it was gone from me. That felt horrible. And the other thing, when you're too tired to make food and you haven't eaten a proper meal in days, you feel like you're going to die because it's a vicious cycle and you're waking up and it's dark out. Again. The tank's on empty. Probably the two worst food-related feels I've ever had.

>> No.5391143

>making a choc chip/sultana/oat/coconut slice thing
>fist time making it
>I should add some apricots, that'd go well
>nah, might as well just do what the recipe says the first time
>cook it
>it's delicious-tier
>would be god-tier with apricots

I will regret that decision until this entire batch of deliciousness is gone.

>> No.5391181

I don't think since right now I'm basically the opposite of a fat person since they eat when they're sad and I can't eat when I'm sad.

>> No.5391662

>eating while tripping

>> No.5391698

i have a box filled with like 60 granola bar just for this reason

>> No.5391701

Whole wheat burns my mouth and I really don't know why, shit sucks

>> No.5391706

>Invite people over for diner
>"oh god what if they dont like all the weird shit I cook oh god im so dumb I should have made kraft diner and hotdogs instead"

>> No.5391708

hummus makes my tongue ache
I know a similar pain anon

>> No.5391718
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>The milks gone bad.

>> No.5391720

>haven't eaten until evening because not hungry
>force myself to eat something
>end up feeling nauseous
I don't want to be a hungry skellington

>> No.5391724

>pour glass of milk
>it's a shitty glass and milk keeps spilling out everything it moves slightly
>get mad

>> No.5391735

basically me when I still lived with my parents

My mom seems to think that if you dont eat breakfast everyday then you die of no breakfast cancer or something, and I'm really someone that can't eat in the morning
I usually skip lunch too, I', never hungry until the afternoon

>> No.5391821
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>tfw milk is still good and far from its expiration date but you don't really feel like it so you leave it until tomorrow but the dreadful feeling of it spoiling hovers over you like the sword of Damocles just waiting to fall down upon your head, leaving you with spoiled milk

>> No.5391873
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>tsw you let rip a putrid up-all-night-drinking fart

>> No.5391921
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>spent an hour to prepare a red-wine-beef'n'carrots stew with accessories for family dinner
>slow stew it for 2½-3 hours
>when it's finally finished and great tasting, family ordered pizza without me knowing 20 minutes earlier
>they already ate

>> No.5391941

>my throat closes up like someone's crushing my windpipe, my face turns red, my tongue swells and prevents me from breathing
God damn. I love not being allergic to anything.
And not having any medical conditions.

>> No.5391974
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>remember first time drinking
>on party-ferry via Sweden/Finland
>sit by bar, sipping on vodka-redbull it empties after a while
>look away, look back, drink is renewed by some sort of angel
>down it
>this gets repeated several times
>suddenly realize I've downed at the least 7 of these drinks in the past 10 minutes
>last thing I remember is sobbing in our room about how sorry I am when the stewards come to check the cabins in the morning
>sleep a godlike-undisturbed sleep
>wake up, no infamous hangover
>vomit everywhere

>> No.5391985

Same here. No allergies, flawless human specimen.

>> No.5392973

>cook a meal repeatedly
>suddenly brain fart
>everything goes wrong
>somehow fuck it up after 100 perfect executions

Makes me feel like a retard.

>> No.5392995

>weed helps

Thirding that. So often I wait too long before eating and the hunger pains make me too nauseous to eat. Pot is seriously a godsend when it comes to restoring my appetite and putting me to sleep

>> No.5393034
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>that feel when prescribed adderall
>that feel when never hungry during the week while on it

It kinda sucks having to force yourself to eat while your brain is saying, "dude stop we're full" even though you aren't. On the positive side though it makes choosing health meals way easier.

>> No.5393085

Agree. Weed makes it feel good to have food in my stomach as well as helping me sleep.

>> No.5393094

>tfw almost always too nauseous to eat

god this sucks. i look like a cancer patient with hair.

>> No.5393098

>Only enjoy cooking for other people
>No one to cook for

>> No.5393106

Those feels, OP. I understand, I had the same problem today myself, I was nauseous all morning. I still haven't eaten anything today.

>> No.5393127

>cook chicken or fish
>cat won't leave me alone
>all up in my face
>pawing the plate
>can't eat it in peace

>> No.5393227

Hypoglycemia legitimately leads to delirium and a lower functioning mental state due to lack of nutrients and blood sugar to the brain though. Which can result in assholeness, I'm the nicest person alive. Just not when my levels are in the shit and I'm starving. Also diabetic

>> No.5393436

type 1 here, sometimes when my sugar is low I will start sobbing hysterically over nothing. plus i get so focused on a task. "okay, I'm at 19. Gotta feed the dog right now"

>> No.5393455
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>tfw too late to realize broiler was on

>> No.5393463

>haven't seen cat all day
sneak into kitchen and grab a magnum out of the freezer
>within seconds after opening, cat is in my fucking face pawing for it

>> No.5393509


The no soap on cast iron thing is an ages old meme and the lowest form of trolling. Any chef that's worth a fuck will tell you that a little soap is fine for cleaning a well-seasoned cast iron pan.

>> No.5393577

You dick. I'm contemplating specifically going out to get a magnum now. I need to get petrol, maybe if the price is low today I can justify it to myself as worth the trip.

>> No.5393595
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>eat a fuck ton of food
>really need to poop
>i can't poop

>> No.5393835

>move out of home
>just me and gf
>buy a roast chicken while grocery shopping
>eat roast when get home
>didn't occur to me that there's an awful lot of left over chicken for two people to eat before it goes bad
>waste a bit of chicken that we didn't get through
>you can only eat so many meals of left over rotisserie chicken before you want to kill yourself

>> No.5394061

>Allergic to peanuts
>Always need to ask chicken restaurants and chinese restaurants whether or not they use peanut oil
>Can't eat other nuts, miss out on alotta deserts

>> No.5394080

>peanut allergy

You are such a fucking faggot

>> No.5394108

>go to dr's for health issues I neglected to mentioned I researched to have cal starve correlation
>find out i've lost 20kg since late december
>tfw now 15 BMI
>tfw generally have been sticking to 3 meals per day of vegetables and beans/oats/tuna or simplified to be well <500 cal and filling as fuck
i dont want to die but my basic dietary knowledge in addition to cutting mentality in addition to desire for veges always overcomes this goal

>> No.5394116


i have known people who literally will stop breathing if they eat peanuts

you're a moron who can't accept anything beyond your own life experience

>> No.5394117

Are you that autist from a couple months ago who was crying about not being able to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in elementary school? Kill yourself

>> No.5394119


yeah you have an eating disorder

>> No.5394123

>implying i couldn't eat roasted chicken and sweet potatoes every day

>> No.5394155

No you don't. They just want attention. Peanut 'allergy' is just a fad that kids these days are trying. Just like Tourette's, homosexuality and autism and other so called 'mental illnesses'

If they didn't get so much attention these 'diseases' would not exist.

>> No.5394163


first of all, homosexuality is not a mental illness. the DSM does not include it, and you would be hard pressed to find a gay person who went around complaining that their sexuality is a mental illness.

an ALLERGY is not a mental illness, either.

and here you are, making assumptions about things you have NO idea about. i am pretty sure it's not that hard to tell when someone is faking suffocation or you know, the swelling of their face.

kids these days... tell me about it. trolls, all of em.

>> No.5394170


>> No.5394176

Ever heard of pseudocyesis?

Maybe you should google it instead of being a puppet for big pharma.
You think that just because you are halfway through your first year of an arts degree you can look down on people but you don't realise you still have a lot of growing up to do.

>> No.5394181


false pregnancy with symptoms over time is different from a single episode of sever allergic reaction.

your last sentence makes no sense, but if you insist on pulling random shit out of your ass please go ahead if it's what gets your rocks off.

>> No.5394185


also, suppose that phantom allergies DID apply to everyone with reported allergies, and that some crazy psychosomatic shit actually replicated severe swelling, respiratory attacks, etc.... i doubt it would be because these people "want attention" but because they are freaking themselves the fuck out.

>> No.5394188

Don't be that guy.

I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you in point form like you are expecting when I can just wait a few years to gain a little more life experience.
Dont worry we all went through the 'mid twenties know it all stage' so don't think you are different or special.

>> No.5394192

I guess all the people who died from peanut allergies were just attention whores. Stop shitposting, retard

>> No.5394194

hes bait, stop replying
let him rot

>> No.5394198

I know. I've just accepted it lately.
Being a poor student is what I identify with online, liking vegetables and weird foods is what I tell people IRL because common ignorance (WHAT ARE CALORIES, THE MORE VEGES YOU EAT THE HEALTHIER YOU GET)allows me to and the fun of social experimentation+enjoying being skeleton has kept me doing it, but I really can't live off my current 800-1600 cal per day as a reasonably active 6'3 dude.
I'm also really, really picky with food in terms of forceful cal removal even if it's given to me which bothers me because I don't want to be a total fucking autist child every meal time. Also my taste buds have just neutralized thus making intuitive eating of any respect near impossible. Even my hunger signals are fucked up.

>> No.5394200

Either that or shock / heart attack because of a false belief in an allergy hmmm?

Try thinking outside the box once in a while sheeple.

>> No.5394223


thats why I liked being on ECY (Ephedrine, Yohimbine HCL, and Caffeine). You just don't get hungry, and you are constantly full of energy. It would be 12 hours without me eating, and I felt like I didn't NEED to eat, I ate because it seemed like a good idea. But I felt full the whole time so I could stop when I wanted.

>> No.5394437


Tell me exactly what you're eating.

>> No.5394480
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>tfw when eating my parents lasagna

Mom snuck it into my bag when I was at their house yesterday.

Based mother.

>> No.5394653

>800-1600 cal per day as a reasonably active 6'3 dude.
go eat a motherfucking cheeseburger man you can do it

>> No.5396066

R u both preggo?

>carve chicken
>divide into portions
>plan out how to use your chicken, leaving the portions in fridge overnight to thaw whenever you need it
>pulled chicken wraps, sandwiches, soups, stews, etc

I do this with turkey after thanksgiving.

Just eat until you can't anymore and go to bed immediately afterwards. Do this every day for like a month or until you reach a "healthy" weight. When you're done, go back to your usual eating habits. Repeat whenever someone shows concern about your health. Being skinny is the best, it makes you feel so good about yourself. Don't let the haters stop you from doing your thing

>tfw you haven't eaten or B/P'd in over 24 hours and feel so good about your self control

>> No.5396257


oh boy, a bulimic who believes that their lifestyle is actually OK. stop posting or screw your head back on.

>> No.5397505

Did you actually tell them, you were going to cook for them?

>> No.5397530


>> No.5398173

what's your recipe?

>> No.5398886

> left over rotisserie chicken


>> No.5398894

That may well be, but I feel a lot of people claim hypoglycemia when they're actually just being a dick

>> No.5399393
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Not the anon you're responding to; but if you're able to stomach food while tripping it's a very interesting experience. Much like everything else.

I recommend fruit. I almost choked to death once from inhaling macaroni and cheese due to laughing whilst tripping.

>> No.5401094
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>mfw planning the three-course meal I'm going to cook for my family

>> No.5401100
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>mfw realizing the dishes I'll have to do afterward

>> No.5401159

I keep specific foods around just for this purpose. Cold imitation crab sticks in the fridge - bland as fuck but pleasant enough, and cold so they calm the tummy. Yoo-yoo drink boxes if you need the sugar. Plain soda crackers, puff peppermints, and crystalized ginger for serious nausea. Ginger ale or clear soda such as 7up. Mashed potatoes. Simple yogurts such as plain or vanilla.

>> No.5401338

What I disliked most about tripping (acid, shrooms) was that I got so hungry during it, and feeling hungry and just not having energy is really unpleasant when tripping, but I could never manage to eat much. I didn't like the feeling of food in my mouth and sometimes I had to throw up. I ate some bananas once but the sweet residue on my teeth and gums was unpleasant. It was the same when I used sweets to snack on every now and then (savory foods and heavy foods made me feel sick). I experimented with drinking juices. I had one in particular with blueberry and blackcurrant, the taste and even the texture stayed in my mouth for a very long time (well, as much as i was able to perceive time). Part of it was of course bad planning: I should have learned to make sure to eat a large meal beforehand, but finding chances to trip was difficult and so I sort of rushed it. I was planning to try yoghurt drinks as tripping fuel, but I quit before I had the chance.

>> No.5401634

> love food
> stomach cant handle spicy foods like i used to
> only 19
> can't eat becase too much cuz too much food fucks up my stomach
>Doctor gave double dose of omeprazole
> Dramatically fucked up my eating schedule
> Food intake shrinks by at least 60%
> Lose 30 lbs
> tfw I used to eat 2 plates of food no problem
> tfw for easter dinner I ate one rib, mommas sweet potatoes, and some brussel sprouts

I just can't eat food the way I used to.
But on the bright side I now eat healthy foods and try to keep at a healthy weight.

>> No.5402475

be careful dude
omeprazole fucked up my vitamin absorption really bad, and my b12 got so low i had a seizure

>> No.5402896
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shit bro, accidentally cut one of my fingers on that edge you're whippin out

>be really into food all my life
>suddenly after turning 16 i gain like 30 lbs
>be tired all the time
>have migraines
>get a blood test that says I have Hashimoto's disease, which, long story short means that in order to be healthy again I have to stop eating gluten and start taking thyroid pills.
>mfw i thought my life was ruined.
>decide instead of wallowing I'd learn all there is to know about making all the shit I loved gluten free.
>2 years passed and I can make any and every dish into something gluten free
>going to cooking school in a month to learn more
>mfw instead of wallowing in my feels I got shit done

Some the shit you nerds are complaining about can be so easily fixed. Get the fuck off 4chan and go do something about it.

>> No.5402905
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>tfw have too much tasty food in my cupboards and I want to lose weight.

The thing is its not even junk food but I can just binge on anything after a while.

>> No.5403084


>have to stop eating gluten

uhhh no, and I have it too

>> No.5403094

this is me almost every afternoon

>> No.5403105


Uuuuuh maybe that dude had to stop.

>> No.5403108

>sweet potatoes suck and I have terrible taste