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File: 46 KB, 555x300, tamrind1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5371235 No.5371235[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'll keep it short, I have a bag of this shit and I'm not really sure what to do with it, any advice?

>> No.5371247

eat it

>> No.5371250

>bag of shit

Sounds about right.

>> No.5371253

peel it, boil it, strain it, sweeten it and dilute the resultant fluid to your liking. ice or chill.

>> No.5371254


>> No.5371329

I like to use the purée in BBQ sauce for a sour flavor

Or you can do what the natives in a West Africa do (Where Tamarind originates from) and use it in porridges or for use in spicy/rich stews

>> No.5371405

tamarinds are excellent for soup bases

>> No.5371409

Eat it raw and then make a drink out of it keep seeds out. Tamarind0 it's awesome

>> No.5371431

Tamarindo put that shit in drink. Take insides and grind it to powder base then add sugar a slight pinch of salt then water

>> No.5371449

mix it with chili and sugar and eat it
make some thai dish like tofu with tamarind sauce and garlic chips
make some salmon au tamarind
make tamarind atole
make a spicy sauce with chipotles or a chutney with vegetables and some red chilis

>> No.5372995

>grind to a powder

>> No.5373145


>> No.5373691

peal remove the stones and blend with some watermelon and add it to lemonade

>> No.5374593

shit, these are awesome no matter what anyone says... i remember eating a full grocery bag we got off our tree with my bro from down the road one day, tongue got all raw and bloodied and we had the runs fukken hardcore.... goooooood times. totally worth it.

>> No.5374626

This. Shits is tits.

>> No.5376485

This seems odd but it might work.

>> No.5376503

Jaja, that thing is called Tamarindo in my country, haha there are threes of it near to my house xd look, here is a tut to make water of tamarindo :9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuNjovPgtpo

>> No.5376505

http://cocinaycomparte.com/recetas/pollo-en-salsa-de-tamarindo-y-chipotle another one

>> No.5376508

This this this. Make some ice pops.

>> No.5378132
File: 140 KB, 465x700, sinigang skampi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5378162


Enrico Pene Niño wants to censorship you, better get it out of your system while you still can access 4chan

>> No.5378911

The brown pulp inside is what you eat. You can eat it right away. The taste is sour with a touch of sweetness. Tamarind is excellent if you're constipated as it is a natural laxative. The seat is edible as well, but you will have to roast the seeds and crack them open. You can roast the seeds so much that, once you grind them into powder, they have a taste like is similar to coffee beans.

>> No.5378968

water or add to bbq sauce

>> No.5378983
File: 176 KB, 800x600, 20Mar2012_12-04-07sinigang_na_hipon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5379028

Damn, that looks like a fried ombilical cord.

>> No.5379568

Wow didn't know about the seeds, thanks anon!

I was first sold on tamarind when I tried the sugar candy. I tried the agua de tamarindo from this thread the other day. Very good, although I had a brick of the paste, not the pods. I assume it would turn out the same either way.

>> No.5379660

Make some agua de tamarindo

>> No.5379688


>> No.5380685
File: 314 KB, 1600x1200, best tamarindo..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although it may look like they come from such a place they dont.

tamarind is a awesome candy maybe make some should you be some sort of confectioner

>> No.5380692

boil it with ginger and some limes and strain it. take the pulp and pull it off the seeds and put it into a blender and blend it with the liquid you've strained until it's a syrupy consistency.

Pour half into a glass and half club soda. Awesome drink.

>> No.5382844

lime juice or slices of lime w/ rinds and all?

>> No.5382867

tamarind gives me a stomach ache. why
seems no one else has this problem

>> No.5382878

I get nauseous when I eat raw apples
it's just a thing that happens to some of us

>> No.5382893
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


s'up to you. You're going to be straining it anyways.

My captcha was funny.

>> No.5384241


>> No.5384252

Indian style cooked sweet, sour, spicy tamarind sauce. Keep it in fridge or seal it like jam in mason jars and you can use it for months. Usage varies, from use as dip to a little different flavor for curry.

>> No.5384279

Turn it into candy. It tastes great. Family stores at our country sell that shit all the time.

>> No.5384329

Tamarind tastes like dirt, set it on fire and then choke on the fumes.

>> No.5384373

I got a bag of this because I've read it in so many Thai recipes, now I can't remember what specifically I wanted it for.

>> No.5384381

It looks like a turd in a peanut shell.

>> No.5385570

>tfw ate tamarind once
>remember it being delicious
>see tamarind candy in local asian shop for like 40p
>nothing like i remember
>stuck with loads of balls of dried tamarind

>> No.5387665

was it all rancid

>> No.5387668

Pad thai

>> No.5387681

Are bean sprouts really necessary in pad Thai and is there anything I can substitute them with?