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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.23 MB, 3008x2000, Bananas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5370646 No.5370646 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ I HAVE A FUCK TON OF BANANAS. Give me your favorite recipes or any ideas please.

>> No.5370647

Elvis sandwich.jpg

>> No.5370650

banana chips

coin them, dip in chocolate, freeze

banana bread

peanut butter and banana sandwich

>> No.5370651

natures dildo

>> No.5370658

try deep frying them. eat right away.

>> No.5370661


>coin them, dip in chocolate, freeze
Sounds good

Anyone ever make a pie with bananas?

>> No.5370664

I don't know anon, I don't really like warm bananas

>> No.5370669

Chop them into pieces. Freeze the pieces. Whip them with a stick blender, electric mixer or food processor until light-colored and creamy. It's delicious.

>> No.5370671

this guy >>5370658 has the right idea. Put some ice cream with it and it's golden.

>> No.5370672

Thanks anons, sounds good so far

>> No.5370682

>chop em with oats/cereal
>banana bread
>pb&banana sandwiches

Other than that, just eat then anon. I could go through like 2-5 a day

>> No.5370693

I can't stand the slimyness of blended banana, also don't really like milkshakes

>> No.5370696

Root beer float.

>> No.5370703

this. its insanely delicious and the only thing vegans can do right

>> No.5370712

What? add milk and yogurt

>> No.5370720


More slime?

>> No.5370724

am i the only one who instantly thought of "a screaming comes across the sky...."

>> No.5370745

Fried bananas with cinnamon are god-tier.

>if they are soft, cut into 1/3inch diagonal slices
>if they're still somewhat green, cut even thinner
>melt a dab of butter in a pan
>place banana slices on buttered area, wait until it looks visibly mushy
>turn once, try not to destroy slices in the process
>serve on a place while still hot, sprinkle with cinnamon, maybe a bit of sugar as well

They can also be baked over a bbq or open fire, just place them well above the fire source. As in, peel and all. They crack open when ready to eat, this method is better because it conserves the juices.

>> No.5370787

I have to admit, that does sound good. Would broiling the banana slices be good?

>> No.5370789

i like to fry them briefly in butter and caramelised sugar with cinnamon then pour orange juice over and reduce down til they're glazed.

i don't eat it myself tbh i give it to my lil sis but she's crazy about it

>> No.5370790
File: 421 KB, 1275x2919, bananacookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banana cookies

>> No.5370795

Shortening is just butter right?

>> No.5370800

It's closer to lard. Often sold under the "Crisco" brand. But you can use butter, however the cookies will be a touch harder..

>> No.5370889

Butter will have to do, I don't think I can find that here

>> No.5370963

Bananas foster.
Although I like those better with plantains.

>> No.5370971

Free them and make smoothies.

>> No.5370972

>Freeze them

>> No.5370973

>on a bbq
>with cinnamon sugar

Absolutely god-tier. Can be a bitch to clean off though.

>> No.5370994

Free range bananas?

>> No.5370997

When I was homeless I found a gorilla mask sitting with the donated stuff outside of a salvation army store. It probably would have gotten thrown out so I took it for myself.

Every once in a while I'd put it on, run into a grocery store, grab as many bunches of bananas as I could carry, then run the fuck out. I got SO MANY bananas that way, I swear to god I ate them for almost every meal. Stale dumpster dived donuts and bananas made up 90% of my diet for months.

Bananas slices dipped in peanut butter was my favorite way to eat them.

>> No.5370999

Peel, wet, plastic wrap and freeze.

Slice and have on toast. Good with "natural" (just have whatever tastes good to you man)Peanut Butter too.

Dehydrate and add chips to some home baked fruit and nut loaf.

1001 different types of Muffins/Slices.

Raw with Vanilla Ice Cream.
Raw with Milo Powder.
Raw and sliced on Porridge.

Inc. with any kind of Smoothie/Shake.


>> No.5371548

crisco is pretty standard.

>> No.5371550

Grilled Bananas

>> No.5371554
File: 29 KB, 297x307, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw this actaully exists


>> No.5371559

cut in slices
deep fry
drizzle with honey

>> No.5371573
File: 238 KB, 800x536, DSC_2257-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ritz crackers, peanut butter, sliced banana.
Toss slices in with bowl of cereal.
Peanut butter and banana sandwich. Toasted is better.

>> No.5371574

Oh man this is so good.

Banana in sticky white rice is pretty good OP. Rice pudding too obviously.
Oaty Pancakes are also amazing with Cream, Thick Raspberry Jam and Banana slices.

>> No.5371658

banana cream pies with meringue

>> No.5371792

>banana cream pies
Anyone have tried recipes for banana cream pie?

>> No.5372223

>Cut in half lengthways
>Fry in butter and brown sugar
>Add some dark rum
>Flambé that motherfucker
>Serve with ice cream

>> No.5372488

A place at my college food court makes these toasted bagels that contain peanut butter, marshmallows, and bananas. God tier.