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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 135 KB, 400x400, oatmeal-heart-400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5368179 No.5368179[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some higher calorie low carb foods? I need help thinking of some, I usually have like 500 calories and like 20 carbs left by the end of the day.

pic is the only food related pic I have saved, it's also my breakfast every morning

>> No.5368200

butter, cream...

>> No.5368203

fat, can probably get 200 from a salad with feta, olive, and some dressing. Olives in general are a good food to get your fat ratio up.

>> No.5368223

eggs are 70 calories a piece. Combine 2 eggs, with some cheese and you're in the 300 range.

>> No.5368228
File: 334 KB, 1280x960, english-breakfast[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty tasty

>> No.5368239

300 calories in 16 oz of milk

>> No.5368261


What is with the hate on carbs? Humanity thrived and grew on bread and rice, and they weren't fat.

>> No.5368268

It's probably best not to ask that question... Just saying around here no matter the answer it makes everything volatile. We'd all get along better if we didn't demand we explain ourselves for everything.

>> No.5368336

Humanity didn't always have a constant surplus of food, either. Or live mostly sedentary lifestyles. Or a number of other things.

>> No.5368348


I think fat people started saying "carbs are bad" so that they could stuff their faces with bacon and eggs without being seen as gross. Meanwhile all the skinny, healthy people in the world eat high-carb meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

>> No.5368362


>> No.5368369

derailed thread to have the same prohigh-carb circle jerk as usual... Ever think someone is just watching their macros and not doing some crazy dieting stunt?

>> No.5368373

I agree. That said, typical western diet is entirely too much carbs. Think about it; every snack and junk food and easy convenience food that young adults that can't into cooking eat is mostly a bunch of carbs.

Nothing wrong with carbs, but there has to be a balance.

>> No.5368375


>watching their macros

Actually counting carbohydrate, fat, and protein grams is retarded enough that I have to assume you're from /fit/, in which case leave this board and talk to a medical doctor rather than broscientists

>> No.5368379
File: 483 KB, 729x812, Okinawa Diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That said, typical western diet is entirely too much carbs

The western diet has less carbohydrate than the east by far

>every snack and junk food and easy convenience food that young adults that can't into cooking eat is mostly a bunch of carbs

Not true at all, junk food is typically refined carbohydrate sources (which doesn't represent whole plant foods that contain carbohydrate) combined with a lot of fat, but people tend to ignore the fat content for some reason.

>> No.5368387


you don't need a doctor to tailor your diet to support your lifestyle. Some people are just prone to overrating some don't eat enough. In today's world hunger is not a great indicator of dietary needs. Everyone should at least monitor what they're eating for a few weeks of their life and ask themselves if this is the way should live. If anything monitoring your macros is the easiest way to keep making sure your body is getting what it needs more than what it wants.

>> No.5368389


>> No.5368396


>If anything monitoring your macros is the easiest way to keep making sure your body is getting what it needs more than what it wants.

How do you know exactly what your body needs? Among doctors and scientists that's a big debate, it makes no sense to turn to bodybuilders for detailed advice about diet, and then to meticulously watch every gram of your macronutrient intake like any discrepancy is going to throw you off completely, and disregarding that your body isn't even going to make use of every calorie you put into it.

>> No.5368410

of course it's going to function. But If I'm marathon training (as per usual this time of year) Maybe I need to be getting way more carbs. Most people do eat enough of each to really pad the numbers enough. But how would you even know for sure, unless you took the time to measure it?

>> No.5368428


> If I'm marathon training (as per usual this time of year) Maybe I need to be getting way more carbs

Then just eat some high carb foods. Do you need to count every gram of carbohydrate to make sure your bowl of oats has exactly 117 grams? Just eat food, you don't have to overcomplicate things like that

>> No.5368447

that's not really the point. And what if the example was more like someone tries eating more carbs but gets horrible blood sugar spikes and falls so they get bad lifts so they adjust their carb intake to be more level across meals. I'm not saying you need to tabulate every meal you ever eat. I'm saying that once in a while people might have to stop and think about what they're doing before continuing it. If that means writing down some numbers and keeping a food/health journal for a month or 3 so be it. They'd be doing a damn sight better than most of this country.

>> No.5368455

Bacon, steak, chicken, (really any kind of meat that's not breaded), butter, eggs, coconut milk, cheese. Look up foods good for keto.

>> No.5368475
File: 32 KB, 114x107, 1262918330296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what if the example was more like someone tries eating more carbs but gets horrible blood sugar spikes

Then stop eating pure sugar to get your carbohydrates

>> No.5368669

OP was answered. You can talk about food on /ck/.

>> No.5368672

Mostly carbs and fat. Neither of which are bad, as long as it's not incredibly processed.

>> No.5368680

this is not food this is lifestyle related. Just because food is a part of it does not make all discussion automatically /ck/ related.

>> No.5368701

OP might be diabetic.
Did you stop to consider that at all?

>> No.5368720

>I'm lazy so you better stop paying attention to what you eat >:c

>> No.5368943

Um, OP here.

I'm not diabetic, but I am pretty over weight and cutting my calories down to 1300 and carbs to 100 or less is working, so (I'm not starving or anything). Also I guessed I should have mentioned a little bit of what I eat. Rolled oats and fruit in the morning, lots of eggs with bacon sometimes, milk with protein powder on days I lift, and a couple of times a week I make burgers out of 93/7 ground beef (half a slice of cheese per patty, maybe some mustard). Also chicken breast sometimes (trying to have it only so much since it's kind of expensive). So oatmeal is every morning, and I'm trying to think of more things to eat to fill up dinner and also so I'm not eating eggs every single day so I don't tire of them.

>> No.5368981


>lots of eggs with bacon sometimes, milk with protein powder on days I lift, and a couple of times a week I make burgers out of 93/7 ground beef (half a slice of cheese per patty, maybe some mustard). Also chicken breast sometimes

You're going to lose weight but you may also die of a heart attack in the process. Being thinner doesn't automatically make you healthy.

>> No.5369028
File: 392 KB, 983x958, 1397576556976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, I know this gets spread around a lot but...
try making your diet out of the things on the top 2 or 3 steps. Then go from there with portion cutting and carb counting.

>> No.5369071


So my breakfast is perfect and thaaaaaaaaat's about it. Geez, I'm already having trouble as it is. Doesn't help that I don't like a lot of things.

Honestly I care more about weight loss than eating super healthy, and what I'm doing is working. I would like to eat somewhat healthier, I think my main problem is things like bacon (like one slice of cheese a day isn't that terrible, is it?). A lot of the stuff I want is kinda high in carbs though (bananas, I think I'd like sweet potato, ect).

>> No.5369077


> A lot of the stuff I want is kinda high in carbs though (bananas, I think I'd like sweet potato, ect).

Then eat the hell out of carbs like every skinny person in the world does. You'll lose weight and be in better health

>> No.5370372


>> No.5370406

I have a question: if I eat all of the complex carbs I want and keep under 20-30g of fat a day, will I lose weight? I hear left over carbs will go into your glycogen stores and you can store a ton of carbs with that... but i'm not sure.

I seriously need a diet where I don't need to restrict... 5 years of trying to restrict and it han't worked. I'm at my end... I need something else.

>> No.5370568

b0ss pls help

>> No.5370576


Yes, especially when combined with exercise. Complex carbs are filling and full of fiber, which are calories that aren't useable by the body. I eat all the food I want, mostly stick to high-carb, high-fiber foods (whole grains, beans, fruits) besides a few nuts and sometimes half an avocado, and I've been 130 pounds for over a year, coming down from 160. I actually had to start adding handfuls of sunflower seeds to my diet to gain some weight when I started exercising

>> No.5370580

No. Complex carbs take longer to digest.

No need to restrict your diet if you exercise and count your calories. I've lost nearly 10 pounds so far with minimal effort. In times where you really want to eat, drink a ton of water, drink a cup of coffee (appetite suppressant) and chew gum to trick our body into believing you are eating food. Powdered fiber is very low in calories and can also be sipped on prior to the coffee drinking.

>> No.5370584

Believe me I've tried everything in the god damn book. NOTHING has worked. I always fail.

Thank you... I guess I'll try high carb

>> No.5370588

>chewing gum
bad idea, triggers digestive juices in your mouth
can give you heartburn if you're actually running on empty

>> No.5370602

listen to this anon about heartburn.
I frequently IF and this took me for-fucking-ever to put together.
Some of the worst heartburn of my life.