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File: 457 KB, 603x469, oldaltonbrown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5366106 No.5366106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Christ, Alton Brown looks like shit. He's only 51 years old. And he's healthy now! If he was still a fatass he would probably be dead by now.

>> No.5366112

>what are genetics

>> No.5366118

>what is alcohol and cigarettes

>> No.5366122


>And he's healthy now!

He's a TV chef, he's still going to be eating shit food with regularity, and he's still had a history of eating shit food which doesn't go away when you change your diet

>> No.5366126

Not all TV chef's eat shittily. Alton is really strict about his diet now so sure he eats iron chef food when they're taping, but it's not like he's eating that stuff every day all day.

>> No.5366134

he looks better than most 50 somethings, even though he does look like an aging hon

>> No.5366138


>> No.5366139


I thought all actors had personal trainers?

>> No.5366140

Caused by being a religious gun nut.

>> No.5366141


>Not all TV chef's eat shittily

Their whole job is to eat shittily. A chef isn't a chef to make healthy food, they're a chef to make the tastiest food possible, which in most cases means refined foods, lots of oil and fatty animal foods. Maybe for PR, he'll go "hey, check out this broccoli I'm eating!" but as part of his job, he HAS to eat shitty food

>> No.5366146


>Their whole job is to eat shittily

depends on the kind of tv chef, and still they don't eat that shit every day.

>> No.5366145

It looks like we've got an expert over here.

So how did Alton go from being a fat fuck to a skinny skeleton in the past decade while also becoming more famous?

>> No.5366156


>So how did Alton go from being a fat fuck to a skinny skeleton

That has nothing to do with the healthiness of his diet, but the quantity of what he eats. You can go on an all twinkie diet and lose weight.


>> No.5366159
File: 36 KB, 600x447, laci-from-youtube-gogreen18-atheist-vlogger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He claims to be sciency but is in fact a christian.
Everything he says is invalid.

>> No.5366160

If he was on a twinkie diet for 10 years he'd be in the hospital or dead.

Do you know how the body works, anon?

>> No.5366163


Are you being stupid on purpose or what?

>> No.5366166

Only because you're giving me such stiff competition in this Stupid competition.

>> No.5366169


>90% of america eats like that
>still live into their 40s and 50s at the least

>> No.5366195

pic of him as fatass?

>> No.5366196
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>> No.5366218
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>> No.5366245
File: 14 KB, 333x279, 1358032745968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many 51 year olds have you met? He looks better than all the ones I know.

Also, what is grimacing? Smiles always make wrinkles look more natural and less terrifying.

>> No.5366254

smart guy

>> No.5366286

My dad looks a lot healthier than him, though I'm pretty sure he isn't. Genes have a lot to do with it.

>> No.5366288

Look at Araki or Sakurai. They look downright prepubescent.

>> No.5366324

>objectively one of the healthiest things you can eat
>viable to live healthy on a diet consisting of nothing but potatoes and milk
>once a week

>> No.5366337

He looks fine, you manchild. You should hope you look that good when you're in your 50's. Christ, this is what the media does to people

>> No.5366345


How are white potatoes objectively one of the healthiest foods? Sweet potatoes are, but white potatoes don't have many vitamins, minerals, or phytonutrients

>> No.5366346

are you retarded

>> No.5366350

OP here, my mom is 50 and looks better than him. Although she's black and black don't crack

>> No.5366351

>once a week
how are you even supposed to cook unless you're drinking? fuck that guy

>> No.5366448

Who let the tumblr faggots in?

>> No.5366463

doesn't look too bad, just needed a Lil cut and should of lifted from there.

>> No.5366471

> thinks all atheists come from tumbler

>> No.5366489

literally who

>> No.5366495

are you two retarded? it's been proven that it's theoretically possible to live the rest of your life off butter and potatoes. combined they have every vitamin and mineral needed to sustain life. kill yourselves.

>> No.5366504

>Religion conflicts with science
Science and religion are compatible so you point fails to be made.

captcha: derepression church

>> No.5366507


>> No.5366508


There's a lot of things you can live off of, it doesn't make them ideal food sources

>> No.5366514

that's not the point dickweed

>> No.5366517


Yeah it actually is, when you say potatoes are "objectively one of the healthiest foods"

Okay then, I guess objectively ice cream and bacon are amazing superfoods

>> No.5366531

Well, I'm old enough to know my share of 51-year-olds. And he does indeed look a hell of a lot worse than most of them.

>> No.5366539

Dude's got a weird look to him. I mean, there's parts of his face that make it obvious he's only around 50ish, but the rest of it easily looks 20-25 years older.

I don't know enough about his history to know what's caused it, though. He doesn't ever seem like he was insanely obese. Fuckloads of drugs in his younger years? Too much tanning? Alien anal probes? The world may never know.

>> No.5366543

id rather be fat or dead than have to adhere to that hellish diet.

>> No.5366546

I vote for dead, you're fat already.

>> No.5366548

well, now I'm sad and depressed and am going to go kill myself.

Via 20-30 more years of eating stuff that TASTES GOOD.

>> No.5366560

He's got the AIDS, and his AIDS has got the cancer.

>> No.5366567

>upward angle
>job can sometimes be pretty stressful
>mother fucker talks more than a gossiping teen girl

Seems in order. The more important topic is, why the fuck would I care what he looks like as he ages. He cooks. He's not in the beauty cosmetics industry or some shit.

>> No.5366568


Oh forgot to add for fun. If you put your hand to the picture in a circle and block out everything but just his face, he looks like an old woman.

>> No.5366661
File: 26 KB, 500x281, GusFring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5366821

>healthy now
skinny now
fix that. one does not automatically mean the other

>> No.5366826

I think he looks like a 51-year-old who isn't naturally attractive and hasn't had cosmetic surgery.

Most of the people older than 28 or so you see on television have had surgery or wear a truckload of makeup. Post-production is also a think. This is just a picture of a guy.

>> No.5366835

>upward angle

While he does look pretty bad, this definitely contributes to the outcome of a photo. Fucking everybody looks bad with the camera pointing up at them and a light overhead.

>> No.5366840

>like an old woman
>not E.T.

>> No.5367040

No one mentioned the fact that he crashed the fuck out of his motorcycle about 8 or so years back? That has got to have an effect.

>> No.5367042

>eat awful things that can't be considered food for years
>be horrifically fat
>change everything
>only eat fruits/vegetables/nuts/seeds now
>lost alot of weight and feel great and healthy now

are you crazy? "doesn't go away"

>implying you can't get more healthy from eating healthier for a long time

>> No.5367044

not bad, but I remove the alcohol, meat, milk.

only fruits and vegetables etc. for me.

>> No.5367046


Permanent damage means permanent damage. You can change your lifestyle to a more healthy one, but you can't completely undo years and decades of stress and malnutrition on your body. Smokers understand this concept well, as even after they quit smoking some of the damage stays with them.

>> No.5367059

They're Asian, of course they look prepubescent

>> No.5367531

Religion absolutely conflicts with science.
Why so you think over 90% of scientists self identify as atheists?

>> No.5367557

Do you have a source for that stat? Or did that number just sound convincing enough?

>> No.5367576
File: 215 KB, 361x361, altolder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5367585

Man I like him way better like that.

He looks genuine and fatherly.

>> No.5367587

>his nostrils have combined into some kind of sonic the hedgehog mononose

Jesus christ

>> No.5367588

It's from snorting coke.

>> No.5367597

Your blanket argument is just plain stupid.

What types of scientists exactly? Social scientists? Geologists? Geneticists? Physicists? Or *pfft* Sociologists?

And when you say Atheist, do you mean non-theists? Irreligious? Does that term include Agnostics and Buddhists also?

You claim the two absolutely conflict, yet what still fails to be mentioned is, 'how'?

>> No.5367603
File: 49 KB, 399x443, Rushbo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my Catholic schools always beat public schools all day erry day in math and science fairs/competitions. You guys were just plain sad.

>> No.5367621
File: 12 KB, 336x340, 1396209458218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't you fucking retard.

>> No.5367631


Catholic high schools don't count

I went to a Pentacostal combined elementary/middle/high school. Shit like:

1. Dressing up in armor in 1st grade and singing about being the Army of God
2. Getting lessons on why the world is at most 6000 years old and evolution is false
3. Instead of learning world history we learned bible history

>> No.5367648

Sorry you went to a shitty school, m8.

>> No.5367658


That's pretty much what every evangelical private school looks like.

Presbyterian and Episcopalian schools and such are a different matter.

>> No.5367667

How can people possibly believe there is an invisible man in the sky?

>> No.5367673
File: 32 KB, 466x382, 1397298323559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5367688

That's a pretty ambiguous way of misrepresenting theism.

>> No.5367695

>invisible man in the sky

You just made 3 assumtions that not all religions follow, some don't even follow a single of these assumptions.

Try a little harder.

>> No.5367697

If you are a theist on the Internet you have exactly two weapons.
"Fedora" and" 2 edgy 4 me".
You have already used 1.

>> No.5367755
File: 254 KB, 1416x2128, John-Shuttleworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5368004

Why do some White people (not all of them) age so fast?

>> No.5368057

I'll breeding, poor early life habits.
Genetically we're more compatible with certain foods than others. Whites just sort of weave together the cuisines of a dozen other cultures (including different "white" cultures/sub groups). You could say in a way diluting your ethnicity and cultures are literally shortening your lifespan. Also if you didn't start down the healthy track as early as 25ish you're probably never going to see fantastic results. It's a very slow and cumulative process.

>> No.5368068


>> No.5368079

>Genetically we're more compatible with certain foods than others

>> No.5368081

The trade off is he has to make shitty Nintendo games.

>> No.5368085

I think he's talking about how Caucasians, Africans, and some Asians have evolved to digest alcohol and dairy.

>> No.5368088

My dad is 51, and he looks 30.

But then again, he's Black and Asian...

>> No.5368091

that's only a few things.

it's not like non-white food or food from a different ethnicity is full of food that is unsafe to eat.

>> No.5368094

It's true, different genetics different diets. I guess it would be more related to epigentics to be specific. Why do you think Asian people can consume ridiculous amount of sodium by western standards and still be a-ok? The literally have genes that allow them to rid their bodies of excess sodium faster/more efficient than other races.

>> No.5368098

I'm not saying any of it is "unsafe", its not. Just that farther we stray from our needs (from a genetic standpoint) the more problems we're likely to experience in the long term.

>> No.5368103

my moms 54 and my dads 68 and they look like 35 and 40 respectively.
I'm never going to age.

>> No.5368193

And here come the sonyggers

>> No.5368246

I was guessing that he had a vegan diet by watching cutthroat kitchen and seeing how slim he was compared to the judges/chefs which are all fat fucks. Don't think there has been a single "chef" on that show that wasn't a fat fuck.

>> No.5368264
File: 2.00 MB, 245x166, console war between sony and nintendo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5368300

Atheist here. No it doesn't. Ever heard of Gregor Mendel, and the most pre-19th century scientists/mathematicians? The vast majority of them were Catholics or deists.

>> No.5368311

Not to mention Isaac newton, arguably the brightest mind to ever have lived.

>> No.5368328

And the best hair.

>> No.5368329

Kinda like how some people believe in advanced alien life visiting earth without physical proof??

>captcha hereafter oldzipi

>> No.5368339

...that's sarcasm right?
Isaac Newton is widely considered to be one of the worst scientist in history. He was more of a philosopher who held a mathematics degree.

>> No.5368342

Public school educated, I take it?

>> No.5368377

Just because he thought he could calculate the date of the rapture using the bible and his newly invented calculus doesn't mean he's retarded. Just a little misguided.

>> No.5368774

>If he was still a fatass he would probably be dead by now.

If he was still a fatass he would probably look way better still. Most of the time these middle age people try to "go healthy" and try to turn vegan or whatever other current fad they end up wrecking their skin since it can't cope with the weight loss and has no more elasticity.

>> No.5369086

None of those guys would be theists today.
Even if they were atheists back then, they would have been killed for saying so.
Terrible argument bro.

>> No.5369112

Yeah, people with diabetes are so much better off.

>> No.5369169

Yeah he does look pretty worn down now. When I see him on Iron Chef and he has that slightly bronze look I cringe.

>> No.5369190

I went to his show last month. he looked fine to me. are you judging this opinion from a single poorly lit photo or what?

>> No.5369216

He always looked like that. He had really shitty video equipment on his old show.

>> No.5369310

>argument is pure speculation
>calls legitimate fact a terrible argument

Because you know everything. Right, kid?

>> No.5370202

>most pre-19th century scientists/mathematicians? The vast majority of them were Catholics or deists.
Provide at least a small list to strengthen this vast sweeping statement. Also, not all mathematicians or philosophers were Catholic (or even western(.

>> No.5370241

Copernicus, Foucault, Cassini, Coriolis, Lagrange , Fresnel, Galileo, van Helmont, Pascal, Coulomb, Volta, Ampere, Galvani, Avogadro, Descartes, Fermat, Torricelli...

Even the previous century's greats have numerous practicing Catholics among them, like Shroedinger, von Neumann, Marie Curie or Enrico Fermi.

>> No.5371191
File: 69 KB, 682x400, facial-tumor-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he looks better than this guy did when he turned 51..

>> No.5371217

By contract he isn't allowed to smile anymore

>> No.5371251
File: 526 KB, 640x360, le cookies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have started lifting

>> No.5371258
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, i laughed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His face looks like a sorority chick's cunt.