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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 301 KB, 1600x1065, Chia-Seeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5364127 No.5364127 [Reply] [Original]

Well ck?

>> No.5364149
File: 53 KB, 600x325, 173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make your hair grow.

>> No.5364153

I've been thinking about getting them in bulk. I make a lot of kombucha, and the shit i've boughten from the store that use them had a cool texture

>> No.5364157

It's boughtified.

>> No.5364160

thanks for the correction, english isn't my first language ^_^

>> No.5364168

Ch-ch-ch-shut the fuck up.

>> No.5364188

They are nice. I add them to yoghurt or cranberry juice.

>> No.5364192

Okay, I lol'd.

>> No.5364199
File: 144 KB, 360x370, ChiaGelSpoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5364552

with lemonade or some light fruit water like prickly pear, it gives a fresh texture like little frogs' eggs

>> No.5364562

would take flax seeds and/or hemp seeds over chia seeds any day.

>> No.5364570

They aren't even similar.

>> No.5364626

I don't care about the healthy mumbo jumbo. I just like adding them to lightly sweetened lemon water (Chia Fresca). Chia pudding is bretty gud too (1 cup milk-1/4 cup seeds-tablespoon of sugar). Every once in a while I'll just eat a spoonful straight. They don't taste like much, just slight nuttyness.

>> No.5364650

I'm at work at the moment looking at about 3 tons of organic chia, probably around $60,000 worth wholesale price.

>> No.5365001

>I don't care about the healthy mumbo jumbo
As it should be my friend, as it should be.

>> No.5365236

>not enjoying them all

>> No.5365251

Love them my self OP.

>> No.5365273

I put them almost on everything

>> No.5365307

you better have ground your flax or chew them very well captain

>> No.5365309

they add nice texture.
funny you post tho since I just bought a lil baggie of it today. gonna sprinkle it in my GF smoothie maker

>> No.5367033

not enough chia seed discussion!

>> No.5367105
File: 114 KB, 853x1280, 432523452345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey everyone, I was suffering from horrible indigestion and I added a few spoons of chia seeds to a big glass of water, mixed it until it became a drinkable jelly with the seeds in it, I drank it and then drank a whole lot of water, and it made me hydrated, and full for a few hours.

>next day
>urge to take mondo humungo ultra mega super duper shoop the wooper pooper
>toilet is like "oh hi nice to see you again WHOA WHOA WAIT WAIT AHHHHHHHHHH"
>squatted on top of the toilet instead of sitting, being careful to push with stomach muscles and not just straining my butt to get hemorrhoids.
>that clean amazing feeling of having a flat empty stomach
>all chia seeds absorbed all the bad junk in my stomach and beyond and saw it all in the toilet
>feels good human

chia seeds, more calcium than milk, more omega 3 than salmon, magnesium and potassium out of the assium, + all kinds of other minerals and vitamins, amazing source of protein and high in antioxidants.

I love chia seeds. it is hard to find them though, alot of places sell them for scamtastic prices. you have to find a large 4lbish bag of organic chia seeds for around 14$ and then you know its a good deal

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5367117

I only use chia seeds to grow silly hair on ceramic heads

>> No.5367140

i eat them with almond milk or chocolate rice milk with a banana or berries for breakfast

>> No.5367148

I put chia seeds in salad, in soups to thicken them up, on cereal, I drink them in gooey sludge, chia seeds almost everywhere.

>> No.5367149

i gotta try this

>> No.5367151

I have a bag of raw white chia seeds. dunno what to do with them, other than make chia goop drink. any good chia goop drink recipes? mine come out pretty boring.

>> No.5367193

look up a lembas bread recipe on youtube, white chia seeds might fit right in.

>> No.5367196

I like to add honey or agave syrup(organic agave only) to my chia goop and pour it over cereal and anything else I want.

>> No.5367221
File: 32 KB, 630x454, 474760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>squatted on top of the toilet instead of sitting

this nigga knows his shit. i started sqatting too and shit is so easy since. i never spend more than 30 seconds on the toilet anymore, and it feels so clean every time (that goes also with a cleaner diet of course).

>> No.5367232
File: 15 KB, 400x403, 4325354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, hey anon, someone on /fit/ told me about it and I had heard about it lots of times from hippies and other people, especially seeing how lots of tribes in the jungle do this or something.

when I started I had to be careful because it makes you feel like pushing from your butt in a way that will give you hemorrhoids really bad, so you have to relearn how to use your stomach muscles to push. apparently when you sit normally, your tube is kinked like a hose so its all the wrong angle. when squatting, assuming you can balance and not fall off and get hurt (be VERY careful) your poop just flies out of your ass, very simply put. you can also hug your knees together against your stomach to get even more out. squatting on the toilet combined with a little exercise and eating only plants and mushrooms/nuts/seeds/fruits/vegetables etc. = super healthy and a very tight small clean stomach and digestive system.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5367234

p.s. put a little toilet paper flat in the toilet before pooping to avoid splashing yourself like crazy.

>> No.5367254
File: 92 KB, 550x340, gel-chia-1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should them be soaked fora few minutes or overnight?

>> No.5367281
File: 32 KB, 470x400, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah same here, i heard it from some people and decided to give it a try... and wow mfw i realized how clean the body experience can be, and how used we are to live like crap just because we never try different.

i second your assertion about some exercise and a plant-based diet for a healthy life, which is actually the normal life.

i wouldnt advise people to ask the doctor but just to give it a shot for themselves... a couple of weeks or so. im sure youll be convinced!

>> No.5367304
File: 8 KB, 160x139, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I laughed so hard

>> No.5367306


got a good chuckle. Thanks.

>> No.5367309

muh wife made a chocolate chia pudding. It was ok. She really liked it.

>> No.5367479

What should the feeling of pushing from your stomach feel like, since I'm pretty sure I push from my butt? I don't squat anymore since I got haemorrhoids from it.

I haven't had chia seeds before but they sound really good. Could one use them in a runny jam in place of pectin?

>> No.5367762

They make for a glorious poop.
awesome with cereal & soy milk.

>> No.5367822

post pic bitch

>> No.5367823

your gf is a smoothie maker?

>> No.5367828

>try to sprout chia seeds
>form a solid mass in mason jar
>stick to eachother
>stick to everything
>can't filter out excess water
>sticks to cheesecloth

fuck you, chia

>> No.5367832

They will only sprout on a chia© pet

>> No.5369570

I'm having an Easter break from work but if the threads still alive in 3 days I might post a pic, it's not that interesting to look at though it's just a heap of 20kg bags on pallets.

>> No.5369584

George Foreman

>> No.5369587

why would anyone soak chia JEEZE

>> No.5369590

how much chia do you guys have daily?
and was that teaspoons or table spoons?

>> No.5369599

Not those anons but I usually have about 1/4th cup dry perday.

>> No.5369840

one third here. i soak them while i cook my stuff and then mix the gel with it when done.

>> No.5370902

Just soaked some seeds and got the gel... does one swallow the whole thing or chew it? IT is quite hard to chew the whole thing...

>> No.5371113

>not soaking chia


>> No.5371134

Tried this today. Took a while to get there but when it did it flew out