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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5358928 No.5358928[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, green tea is suppose to be good for you and repair the body.

What are some other powerful repairing drinks or foods?

>> No.5358932

Green tea doesn't really do shit healthwise. You'd neat to eat the leaves or boil it in oil to get even the vitamins from it.

>> No.5358940

I don't get why people seem to think all these "superfoods" are he cure-all of modern day.

Like.. you have to eat SO much of all these "superfoods" literally constantly to make them worth your while.

If a person just understands that it has good things in it, eats it, and understands that if they keep eating it over their lifetime, they will have less risk for whatever, more vitamins in their diet, etc/whatever.

Eating 30 avocados in 2 weeks won't do shit for you.

Just eat your dark chocolate, your apples, drink your tea, etc, and go about your life normally and realize you're putting something good in you. Don't try to cram yourself full of shit in hopes you'll instantly be cured of cancer.

>> No.5358941

Some things you can do as overall healthy habits that will certainly improve your health. Such as cod liver oil daily, drinking coffee and exercising moderately.

>> No.5358944

I never said I wanted a cure all. I put a lot of horrible shit inside me, and I want to stop and just focus on beneficial things

>> No.5358948

And that's what I mean.

If it's just part of your life, and not the only part, then in the longrun (which is more important for your body [in most cases]) you'll be set.

Drinking only coffee, or only eating "superfoods" or whatever, it'll fuck you up

>> No.5358955

Not true. There's some evidence that it decreases heart disease, dementia and cancer.

>> No.5358960

Also, drinking alcohol is good for you. Alcohol increases HDL and lowers HDL levels and reduces the risk for atherosclerosis and coronay heart disease.

>> No.5358966

Never seen anything confirmed, unlike with coffee.

>> No.5359665


The human body is extremely adaptable, especially to what you put inside it. The internal engine extracts anything it can find to good use and then puts somewhere useful.

>> No.5359742
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>Green tea with Lemon

>> No.5360712

>So, green tea is suppose to be good for you and repair the body.
>repair the body
Nearly ALL foods "repair the body" since that's exactly what you body does with nutrition: use it to build itself.

>> No.5361185


>Such as cod liver oil daily

Cod oil is like the new snake oil

>> No.5361199

Cod liver oil has been used for a hundred or more years.

>> No.5361202 [DELETED] 

Grapefruit juice.
Only if you squeeze it yourself and eat the pulp though, at least IMO. No additives allowed or necessary except water if you want.

Lemon juice is good too in the same manner.

>> No.5361209

Then it's the old Snake Oil.

>> No.5361210

It's been used for a long time. He probably just heard of it and thinks it is for hipsters.

>> No.5361213

It's actually fish oil, not snake oil.

>> No.5361214


Fuck off.

>> No.5361221



>> No.5361227

But, but now we know specifically how the body uses these foods, so they're superfoods now and we can sell more of them.

>> No.5361230


It's a gimmick.

>> No.5361235

Where is the whalefat and reindeer combo?

>> No.5361237
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Grapefruit juice.
Only if you squeeze it yourself and eat the pulp though, at least IMO. No additives allowed or necessary except water if you want.

Lemon juice is good too in the same manner.

>> No.5361244

>what are concentrations
avocados will cure you of all diseases and big macs are full of deadly toxins!!

>> No.5362404

>You'd neat to eat the leaves
So, matcha?

>> No.5362417

So is green tea supposed to taste like really hot water with like a very, very slight (we're talking like 0.1%) taste of the tea leaves? Because I seriously can't drink tea if that's all it's supposed to taste like. I've steeped my leaves for varying amounts of time, but no matter how long they steep it all tastes the same to me. What gives?

>> No.5362430
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Green tea needs a good surface to do its work

You cant expect foods to help you much if you keep polluting your body. Clean up you act then expect decent noticeable results. Sugar and animal products are pollutants as are alcohol and medications which are the strongest pollutants of them all.

>> No.5362832

not a fan of traditional green tea myself, but jasmine tea is mostly green and pretty fuckin good

i usually steep it for 2-4 minutes and it's pretty flavorful

>> No.5362835
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sup fags, hope those foods are easing your pms

check it, a real man's superfood combo

>> No.5362843

Maybe you're not putting in enough leaves?

Yeah, okay cowboy.

>> No.5362873

>#4: quercetin and flavonoids
>not drinking red wine instead

>> No.5362926

Turmeric lowers fluoride levels in your mind and body and decalcifies your pineal gland.

Assuming you're not regularly ingesting fluoride.

>> No.5362960

From the top of my head:
>Green Tea
>White Tea
>Red Capsicum
>All berries
Apparently the fluoride in the leaves + aluminum (from other sources) induces dementia

>> No.5362962

>POTENTIAL benefits
That doesn't mean its confirmed either

>> No.5362966

sounds like what stale leaves do, whered you get them from?

>> No.5363002

>But, but now we know specifically how the body uses these foods, so they're superfoods now and we can sell more of them.

Corrected that for you:
But, but now we know specifically how the body uses these foods, so they're superfoods now and we can charge gullible folks more for them.

>> No.5363152

Stop building your understanding of health on womens magazine-tier articles. Please

>> No.5364908


Cod liver oil is good shit. It is packed with gigantic amounts of vitamin A, vitamin D, and the fatty acids (EPA and DHA) required for proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. Almost all of your brain is made up of these sorts of fats because it is used in nerve conduction and insulation. Once you start getting proper amounts of DHA and EPA in your diet your mood really starts to improve because your brain starts working better. I've taken it for years and the shit works.

>> No.5364938

Horseradish is a good source of potassium. Go shove some into your gullet.

>> No.5364943


OP is probably long gone but if you want to spend a while reading about which foods are the healthiest and why, this page is a good start:


>> No.5364958

you realize that the Marlboro man marketing campaign was because Marlboro realized that only women were smoking their cigs, right?

you are a little boy posing at manhood because you saw a commercial.

>> No.5364965

This reads like drug boosts from a fallout game

>> No.5364970


>eating shit-tier processed oil for your omega-3s when you could just eat a tin of sardines

Stay pleb, nigga.

>> No.5364974

>tin of sardines

My nigga. I eat them with Dijon mustard.

>> No.5367372

good deal GF is awesome

>> No.5367724

Miso is pretty good. I don't really like the term superfood, it stinks of health fad hype, but I think stuff like tea, maca, acai and all that are indeed pretty good for you. I mean, a lot of these things have a huge variety of bioactive compounds in high concentration. They won't cure every illness but they sure as shit can prevent a great many

>> No.5367732

>Cod oil is like the new snake oil

Good, the old snake oil was rich in omega-3's and other vitamins, as it was derived from east asian snakes. The stuff sold in America from which we derive the expression was rattlesnake or other domestic snakes oil and it did not contain these compounds.

>> No.5367741

you need to get the fermented cold press kind though, preferably of norwegian origin since it has the nutrients intact. It isn't heat treated. Just straight up everyday x brand cod liver oil is NOT the same. Kinda like how snowcap (hydrogenated) lard and home rendered leaf lard is different.

>> No.5367743

loljuat, brings it up and then down

>> No.5369832
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The tl;dr of this thread:

Nutrition is hard to get right, what works for one person may not for another. When you DO get it right it will make your quality of life far better but is still no guarantee of immunity from bad shit that life throws at you.