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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5358216 No.5358216 [Reply] [Original]

I just cut the crust off a sandwich for the first time. I think I like it. I'm thinking of getting one of those cutters that seals the sandwich together after you cut it.

>> No.5358222

Kick it up a notch and get the one that seals AND toasts.

>> No.5358254

what brand?

>> No.5358277

..There are thousands of these things.

Toasted sandwiches are a novelty to you?

>> No.5358291

haha no
I own a toaster.

>> No.5358305

but the crust is the best part

you should get better bread

>> No.5358316

for shame, op

>> No.5358317
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>there are people on /ck/ RIGHT NOW that eat storebought white bread

>> No.5358321

I've always eaten it with the crust, but I tried it without and I like it better.
>I eat 15 grain peppridge farm

>> No.5358325

Yes, many Canadians post here, try and be tolerant.

>> No.5358345

Has anyone tried the sandwich cutter in OP's pic? Is it better or about the same as the wonderbread ones they sell hanging from the bread aisle in grocery stores? I use the wonderbread one and it's okay but it has a little trouble cutting all the way through.

>> No.5358351
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Dropped my pic

>> No.5358362
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I never see in those in the grocery store
I know a lot of Japanese brands have sandwich cutters. It's rare for anyone in Japan to eat crusted bread. It's also useful for bentos.
I feel like most of them waist the majority of the bread though.

>> No.5358383
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>cutting off the crust

>> No.5358388

It does potentially waste a lot of bread but I usually try to use the crust somehow. Either by just eating it with some peanut butter or something after using the cutter or making croutons. Feeding it to birds is cool too. I got my wonderbread one at a publix but I've seen them at Wal-Mart. The Japanese ones look more solid but I'm not sure if they work any better at cutting/sealing?

>> No.5358389

but the kawaii sandwiches are worth the waste. Plus, keeps them tiny to eat less bread.

>> No.5358392

nice reference, I forgot about that

>> No.5358394


fuck, that was one of the little things that made the show awesome before it went all "muh explosions" and shit in the later seasons

>> No.5358743

Why do people hate bread crust? Why do people hate pizza crust? Why are people fickle eaters?

>> No.5358822
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Floridafag detected.

>> No.5359042

Fuck I kek'd.

>> No.5359046

it hurts the sides of my mouth when toasted

>> No.5359049

There's Publix in Georgia and Alabama...

>> No.5359128

I don't hate crust, but sealed sandwiches are handy as fuck at university/on day trips. Plus it's easy to make a ton at once and it keeps messier fillings from gooping out.

>> No.5359760

What are you talking about? Muh explosions never happened. If anything, the first season was the weakest.

>> No.5361893

OP you are both too young to be operating sharp knives and to be posting on 4chan, please fuck off.

If you don't eat the crust you are a special type of little bitch

>> No.5363618

Because not liking what you like makes someone a child.

6/10 for making me respond.

>> No.5363626


You misunderstand. It's not what you like vs what someone else likes.

It's about throwing away perfectly good food to suit your personal preferences.

In other words, throwing food away to suit personal whims is childish.

>> No.5363629

Save the crust for duck food.

Obligatory- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H2bRd91sZw

>> No.5363649

But you don't know what OP is doing with the crust so you shouldn't just assume they're wasting it. Maybe they're saving it and making stuffing, croutons, birdfood, fish bait, whatever. I don't like crust on my sandwiches depending on the bread but I usually eat it some other way.

>> No.5363664

bread is terrible for ducks
don't do that anon

>> No.5363665

>But you don't know what OP is doing with the crust

That is indeed true. But I think it's a lot more likely that they're throwing it away than they are using it for something useful. Of course I may be wrong about that, but I think the odds are pretty strongly in my favor.

>> No.5365159

>anything but fresh just-baked bread

>> No.5365164

Make your own breadcrumbs with the bread. Dry in a low oven, blitz in food processor, store in freezer.

>> No.5365196

Nah I keep my crusts for bird food. Keep being a presumptuous dick.

>> No.5365202

>hurr durr
let me google that for you
"is bread bad for birds"

>> No.5365212
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Why don't you just buy sandwich bread without crust instead of cutting it off.

>> No.5365235

I bet you didn't even build your own oven you little shit

>> No.5365253
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>store in freezer.
>storing a dry good in the freezer
>storing bread crumbs
>in the fucking freezer

You have literally no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5365258

>paying extra money for less food
I don't even

>> No.5365280

YOU have no idea what you're talking about.
Bread stores perfectly fine in the freezer.
>a dry good
You fucking moron.
Flour is a dry good.
Rice is a dry good.
Beans are a dry good.

>> No.5365285
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So you're saying you store flour, beans, and rice in the freezer, too? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.5365297

you see honey, when someone eats more than prepackaged slop and processed flour and wants to take care of themselves they buy a special kind of thing called "whole grain". whole grain, unlike refined grain, contains perishable oils and elements like brain, husk, and natural seed oils. unlike with refined flours and rices, these brans and seed oils, while highly nutritious, will spoil or turn "rancid" after a few weeks on the shelf. to prevent the process and thereby prevent a spoiled unpleasant flavor in these "whole grains" people keep them in the freezer to make sure their oils stay in tip top shape

it's sorta a confusing process huh. better go back to calling people retarded and posting pictures of kittens you fucking child

>> No.5365302
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1. If you were truly taking care of yourself you wouldn't eat grains
2. Tits or gtfo

>> No.5365303

>you fucking child

Says you who has to call people bullshit pet names to make themselves feel like a big man. Fucking kill yourself you autistic piece of shit.

>> No.5365306
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You sound like a massive tool.

>> No.5365312

>Plus, keeps them tiny to eat less bread.

Rice grains are tiny.
Does that prevent you from eating a fuckton of rice?

>> No.5365318

thats not a kitten you fucking child

>> No.5365353

just s friendly FYI. feeding bread to birds is very not cool. It's really bad for them actually.
I like the crouton idea though.

>> No.5365370
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>I wonder how far I can move those goalposts without anyone noticing...

>> No.5365379

>to eat less bread.
But people should eat MORE bread, and less shit with it.
Also I'm baffled sucha a childish thing as 'hating crust" is now cultural in some places, tells a lot about the education system and what can considered an "adult" in some part of the world.

>> No.5365382

>But people should eat MORE bread, and less shit with it.

Eating flower causes all sorta of late age brain problems. Learn to ketogenic

>> No.5365385

>Eating flower causes all sorta of late age brain problems
No wonder you're retarded.

>> No.5365386

>But people should eat MORE bread, and less shit with it.
>eat more grains

How about fucking no? Grains are literally toxic to humans.

>> No.5365387
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>Grains are literally toxic to humans.
>broscience incoming

>> No.5365390

Nope. I just know that grains are fucking terrible for your colon and digestive tract.

>> No.5365395

>I just know that grains are fucking terrible for your colon and digestive tract.
Maybe your Crohn's-riddled shitter. Normal people process grains without issue.

>> No.5365396

>Normal people process grains without issue.
Dude, you're wrong. I ate a load of bread and the next day I shat it out whole!

>> No.5365402

>I'm thinking of getting one of those cutters that seals the sandwich together after you cut it.
>cutters that seals the sandwich together
That's actually a thing?! Whoa.

>> No.5365407


...bread crumbs go bad dude.

>> No.5365410

the point of a breadcrumb is very very similar to a crouton. You WANT them dry.
They 'go bad' but it's a long ass time.

>> No.5365411


i still think it's a better idea to keep them sealed in the freezer.

>> No.5365432

>>I eat 15 grain peppridge farm

Then stop buying shit bread. And if you sit there an tell me that 15 grain peppridge farm isn't shit, then you've never really had good bread.

>> No.5365433

Many people have irrational beliefs.

>> No.5365441

bred gets moldy doo

>> No.5365462

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.5365468


>> No.5365474


MTE. What the actual fuck is wrong with them.

>> No.5365485


Bread gets moldy, breadcrumbs do not. Keep in mind bread has water content, which allows mold to grow on it. Breadcrumbs, on the other hand, are crushed up bits of stale, dry bread. This is why when you're at the supermarket, you can buy breadcrumbs in cardboard jars in the pantry aisle. Breadcrumbs and stale bread will last indefinitely at room temperature (even outside of a container if it's not humid where you are). In fact, freezing might actually contribute to any spoilage the breadcrumbs go through, since the lowered temperatures will create condensation in the breadcrumb container.

>> No.5365578

>It's about throwing away perfectly good food to suit your personal preferences.

Isn't that a LOT of the western world, though?

>> No.5365585

Maybe in yuroland

>> No.5365600 [DELETED] 
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>implying i make it

>> No.5365606
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>implying i make it

>> No.5365621

>contains perishable oils and elements like brain, husk, and natural seed oils
>contains elements like brain
>contains brain
Confirmed for zombie, reported to mods and FBI.

>> No.5365640
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>freezing breadcrumbs

Wow, /ck/.

>> No.5365648

>not paying extra money for less, better quality food
do you even organic?

>> No.5365660

How do you uncrust a bread heel?

>> No.5366137

Use a cheese grater to grate the crust away.

>> No.5366147

Rub it with a slightly harder crust.

>> No.5366158

How to uncrust the harder one? Is it crust all the way down?

>> No.5366177

Beaches n bitches master race reporting for duty.

>tfw I have to go back home for summer and I hate it there

>> No.5366188

Use an even harder one.

>> No.5366189

hipsters pls go

>> No.5366605

You must have really shitty bread in america if cutting off the crust is a thing there.

>> No.5366613
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>I have a toaster
Confirmed for Non-Bonger.

You need a toastie maker m8.

>> No.5366734

Hey, don't try to lump us in with your inbred white trash scum. I don't know a single person over the age of three who doesn't like crust.

>> No.5366759

>cutting crusts off bread

either you are a child and I am disgusted your parents allow you to this, or you are an adult and you like a 7 year old dickhead.

>> No.5366863
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I have nothing against crust but damn if I'm not mesmerized at the prospect of a pocket of a sandwich.

I had one of these as a child and used it to make tiny PBJ bread potstickers

>> No.5367435

Sometimes when I make myself a PBJ, I'll cut it diagonally, then cut off the crust for maximum decadence.

I will then proceed to eat the crust on its own because, as the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer taught me, waste is the enemy.

It's not like sandwich bread has actual "crust" in the first place, though.

>> No.5367469
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pie iron better

>> No.5367548

This post can't be real.

Underage b&.

>> No.5368163

There is a word which comes to my mind, it begins with f and ends with an aggot.