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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5355415 No.5355415 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Bad experiences while waiting tables

>Two years ago
>Waiting tables during the summer at a bbq place to pay off student fees
>fat couple comes in
>Fatplanet who I assume to be male starts to snap his fingers and whistle to get my attention.
>I walk over while other guests are clearly looking at the guy like he's autistic
>He starts glaring at them
>"How can I help you, sir?"
>Basically orders something a $200 meal
>While I'm walking away, he says to bring him more ketchup
>Bring over meal to them
>Hamplanet wife scolds me for taking so long
>Says she doesn't need to wait this long at tgif
>oh god
>The guy pokes his steak, and tells me to that it's under cooked
>"But sir you ordered a medium rare"
>Asks to see my manager
>Manager has a hatred of fat people, and grudgingly comes out to talk to them
>Guy says he wants another steak for compensation
>Manager and I notice he has already eaten the "raw" steak
>Manager apologizes for the misunderstanding
>I go in to tell the kitchen staff about the change in order
>Come back out, notice the guy is now complaining about his side
>Says the fries are too oily
>Have half a mind to tell him he could power America for a year with his reserves of fat
>says he wants a baked potato instead
>I have other tables to wait, and fat people generally don't tip well, so at this point I'm getting annoyed
>I say sure
>By the time I come out with his baked potato, I see the hamplanets at the door
>They dined and dashed
>two hamplanets weighing enough to slow down the earth to spiralling into the sun RAN

>> No.5355435

>in a restuarant
>order food
>get food
>start eating
>waiter/ress comes up and ask "is everything alright?"
>mouth full of food
>say yes while allowing the food to fall out my mouth

>> No.5355452

I don't know what the "standard procedure" is for people who try to dine and dash, but couldn't you have just followed them out and reported their license plate to the cops?

>> No.5355463

Well we look at surveillance videos and report the license plate. They were caught and had to pay for the meal plus a fine.

>> No.5355469

Oh, ok.
I was just asking because from the way your story was worded, it made me think they actually got away with it.

>> No.5355494

>everytime I'm at a restaurant
>dumbass waiter always asks if I need anything when I clearly don't
>when I need something I don't know how to get their attention without being rude
>have to resort to yelling out excuse me and waving them over
>every single time
>never get asked if I need anything when I actually do

>> No.5355509

You sound like an ass. You would get a dirty dick glass if I waited on you.

>> No.5355518

Usually eye contact works.

>> No.5355519
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And you didn't give the order, OP? What kind of fag are you anyway?

>> No.5355521


I tip 25% as a guideline and expect good service.

I tell them this up front. I tell them my quirks up front. "I drink a lot of icetea you you might want to bring me a pitcher or extra glass". If I want sauce I will ask up front or when food is delivered. If I forget, well my bad and I suffer through my derpditude.

If a waitress or waiter is asking me if everything is alright while I am shoveling food in my mouth then I will reduce tip to 15%... because have some fucking common sense, slag.

If I run out of tea and feel thirsty because of your neglect I will cut 10% off the top of the tip.

If you don't bring me sauce I asked for 5% off.

If my food is fucked and you catch the mistake and politely explain the situation + 10%

If I catch it and you quickly fix it +5%

Forget to put my order in? no tip.

My food is wrong 2x.. no tip

My food is improperly cooked and the server goes and tunes those motherfuckers up +5%

Your attitude sucks but makes me smile... +5%

oh and I was a waiter for many many years. It isn't hard. feed and water the people and listen to them and fix yours and the kitchen's fuck ups.

>> No.5355535
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>About a year ago
>Rushed the fuck off my feet, other wait staff are too new to know a their fucking elbows from their arseholes, spend most of their time huddled in the kitchen
>Manager buggered off in his office, hiding from the tide of customers
>Fat, angry-looking orbital masses buy dinner on 1/2 price discount night
>Has a "try these local affiliates" bullshit kind of discount card
>Wants 75% off their dinner, including booze
>Lolnope. You can't stack discounts.
>"What kind of institution doesn't honour it's promotions?!!?, We will never come back to this place ever again! Hey everyone, these guys don't honour their agreements!"
>There is no agreement, one discount or the other. No restaurant in the world would let people with 2 easy to access discounts add it together
>The wife calls me a cheeky little fuck, and that they are paying customers
>Warned about these people from before, apparently one of the other waiters had a run in with this lot before, a few weeks back.
>Decide to be an actual cheeky shit. Give them a 'compromise' between the half price discount, and the 25% everything including booze discount. Somehow talk them into a 15% discount.
>They call me a "fucking wank job" on the way out the door.
>Saw them again the next week and wouldn't seat them. Got the manager to permaban the shits.

>> No.5355536

you ever stared at a waitress for five minutes while she fucking flaps her fucking dick sucker to some stupid cunt while you are dying of thirst?

ever filled your own drink because you have been sitting there for like 20 fucking minutes and there is no waitstaff?

ever had to walk into the kitchen and explain how you wanted your food cooked because stupid cunt waitress can't into spanglish?

I have thrown food on a waiter because I witnessed him scratching his balls and touching my plate.

I have baseball thrown a roll at a misbehaving waitress because she was being a fuck head.

I may be a dick.... But I am an effective dick.

>> No.5355539

you are literally the worst person ever
why even go out and eat if you're fucking autistic

>> No.5355541

Maybe you should try not being so British with your writing. If I can tell where in the world you're from just from your word choice, you're using English wrong.

>> No.5355542


>> No.5355545
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Wrong, m8

>> No.5355546

Why? I think that's a pretty good little guide to go by.

>> No.5355547

because nobody except your mom will ever cater to your needs
>oh but that's their job
their job is to give you food, not pamper you and wipe your ass

>> No.5355548

that depends on the restaurant


but seriously >>5355546 >>5355536
you need to relax

>> No.5355549

Do you wear your fedora in the restaurant, or do you leave it in the car with your katana?

>> No.5355550
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>> No.5355560

Don't understand the hissy fits about asking if your food isn't tainted by cthulhu while you're eating. Chances are, if you get a meal that is tasty, your mouth is going to be full until the meal is gone.

Large groups of people get especially pissed off, mostly because you interrupt conversation while they are eating at the same time... and yet large groups of people require the most attention in alcohol-serving restaurants. Balance between service and leaving you to blissfully eat is tricky, guys. Some people hate service after they get their plates. Don't be retards about it.

>> No.5355564


honestly this is really good and fair set of guidelines.

>> No.5355579

This is why restaurants should have call buttons like airplanes.

Yeah, you'd get little kids with shit parents hammering them, but otherwise it's a pretty elegant system.

>> No.5355606

I'm a busser so I may have missed some events, but the only thing I ever saw was some huge guy get mad because he thought they served him the wrong type of fish. The chef came out and told him that she was sure it was the right fish, its hard to mix those up. Then he just says it was the worst he ever had in that case, and says that he doesn't want anything else. Then he talks to the hostess and says that the chef was rude and should be disciplined. We charged him full price for the salad bar at least. He left and ranted to the people next to him saying to never come back. Made our waitress cry, but she cries a lot.

>> No.5355613

Violence is a bad way to go about things, anon. Although I have seen some of the stuff you mentioned like waitresses that have long conversations with patrons they know well, which causes them to neglect everyone else.

>> No.5355614

The korean places near me have them.

Shits wonderful.

>> No.5355617

What's with everyone? Just smile and nod if it tastes good. Swallow your food and tell them if it's not... It's not that hard.

>> No.5355619

Throwing food on service staff, baseball throwing bread rolls

That's physical assault, Mr. Fedora. If they punched you in the face as a result of your actions, they would have a legitimate claim of self-defence. You should thank your lucky stars it hasn't happened yet.

>> No.5355622

Maybe in America where you can sue for anything. In other countries people have logical rights and wouldn't consider a foodfight 'assault.' Unless you threw a pineapple at someone.

>> No.5355625

I don't know if it's the consequence of the tipping system but you all kinda seem entitled as fuck.

>> No.5355626

What kind of countries would such an offensive and physical act not be considered assault? It's almost as bad as spitting on people.

>> No.5355632

I can't tell which side you mean. Both seem entitled. Waitresses get offended when they don't receive optimal amounts, and customers get offended when they don't get perfect service for average tips. Both have good and bad people.

>> No.5355633

That is what a waiter is for: bringing me food and catering to my needs while in their restaurant. I'm paying for the food and tipping so I expect me needs to be met.
>hello waiter, I need some ketchup for this burger and fries you brought me.
>Shove it up your ass, i'm not catering to your needs.
>I don't leave a tip.
It's really not that difficult.

>> No.5355639

I don't think asking for a pitcher or extra glass of a drink is crazy. Neither is asking for specific/extra sauce.

In regards to the order, it has little to do with the waiter. After they get the food, they need to check in shortly after to make sure everyone's order is correctly made.

>> No.5355655

>he gets closer as Ronnie opens his mouth
>backs away when he closes it again

Oh Ronnie, it's the little things.

>> No.5355676

A thousand times this

>> No.5355706

ITT: reasons i work BOH
cant handle people not worth the extra money

>> No.5355725
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>work BOH
>never have to deal with people
>everyone in the restaurant makes the same amount of money and splits tips based on number of hours worked

damn it feels good to be a baker

>> No.5355741

so a server who has a shitty attitude but makes you smile who also catches a mistake in your food will get a 40% tip?

>> No.5355748

>ever had to walk into the kitchen and explain how you wanted your food cooked

Instant spit and bile in your food at some of the places I've worked.

>> No.5355749

Whats wrong with catching a mistake? Thats a good thing. Its not their fault the mistake happened.

>> No.5355760
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fuckkkk that sounds beautiful that is my dream job.
i did used to bus/run food but i quickly asked be put back in the kitchen.
>do everything for dumb cunt waitress besides the initial order
>she tells me to go check up on her tables even if they legit just got their food
>deep down know i shouldnt go but shell tip me out shit if i dont (she'll literally watch)
>ask if customers want anything
>no!! we just got our food please leave us alone
>5min later "anon go ask if they want to wrap up leftovers"
>ok "please just leave us alone" in angry tone
>2 min later they ask waitress to wrap up food
>she thinks i didnt even ask
>customers tip shit for rude service
>waitress tips shit cause i "didnt do anything"
>one night receive tip out of $1,$3,and $6 for a total of 10 on a busy friday
>ask to go back into kitchen

>> No.5355770

Sounds like you should have paid more attention in school.

>> No.5355781
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>mfw I don't even tip.

>> No.5355785
File: 16 KB, 291x262, MalcolmGladwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black people do not have to tip in america because slavery.
If you are at least this white you must tip.

>> No.5355787

little do you know you have consumed over 3 gallons of semen in your life.

>> No.5355789

This doesn't happen as often as you losers think it does. Not everyone associates with degenerates in downtown Harlem or wherever you are.

>> No.5355790

I'm half white.

>> No.5355795

Confirmed for no service experience.
I once watched a dishwasher blow his congested snotty nose with a hamburger bun then make burger for the local cop that had once arrested him.
Everyone in the back was in on it.
Those Fuckers still roll with laughter when they bring it up.

>> No.5355798

Do you look more or less niggely than gladwell?

>> No.5355805

Confirmed for fucking wrong. Maybe I just havent worked with shitters.

>> No.5355816

More likely you are a stick up the ass future manager, front of the house assclown that the kitchen would never let in on a gag like that.

>> No.5355820

Nope, busser and dishwasher who is absolute best friends with two of the cooks. Stop thinking your experience is the only one, and stop believing all the cuhrazy stories you hear on 4chan.

>> No.5355822


so you mean you guys don't have this Green/Red light sign in your restaurant's tables?

Because I live in bumfuck Brazil and we have it.
Want the waiter to serve you/need something?

Set the sign to green.

Don't want someone fucking with you while you eat?

Set it to red.

Pretty simple.

>> No.5355827

>Because I live in bumfuck Brazil and we have it.
That's one of the few places that has it

>> No.5355829


>trying this hard to convince yourself you're not a total piece of shit

I'm sure your super cool cook friends think you, too, are super cool for fucking with peoples' food.

>> No.5355835

Some places have it, but not too many. Its not a universal thing here.

>> No.5355836

Just wait till someone really pissed you off anon.
You will turn to the darkside in a moment of rage.
Revenge feels so good. Watching that condescending fuck put his lips to the glass rim that you just rubbed on your anus is a fucking rush.

>> No.5355838

Confirmed for working at nothing but shit hole in the wall restaurants

>> No.5355840

>throwing food at people out of anger
>"logical rights"

so has your autism been diagnosed yet or are you still seeing a counselor?

>> No.5355847

Although I do admit to some food tampering when someone is exceptionally rude.

>> No.5355852

what country?

>> No.5355857

United States Of Victory

>> No.5355871

omfg he took my name hurr durr hurr tampering with someones food is never acceptable you either get that or you don't, if you don't you are in the wrong career

The thing that's so funny about all of this is the kind of person who displays this behavior. Points fingers calling co-workers suckups and future management for doing the right thing.These are the ones who end up in the manager/Chefs office bitching about how they deserve a raise or promotion. Eventually they get fired or quit and spend their entire career just spinning around the same circle thinking everyone else is out to fuck them when they are just doing it to themselves.

>> No.5355886

I have never seen this system employed in america.

>> No.5355891


I was sitting at the counter in a 24 hour diner one morning about 4 am (I used to go there nearly every night) when the some guy at a table behind me fell asleep with food in his mouth. He was just sitting there leaned back with the food in his mouth slowly working is way out.

It didn't help that I was eating eggs with a hamburger stead at the time. The dishwasher was sitting there at the next stool taking a break and about every thrity seconds, he would turn around and look at the guy and laugh.

>> No.5355896

>ever filled your own drink because you have been sitting there for like 20 fucking minutes and there is no waitstaff?

One night at a chain in Houston, the waitress didn't come by to refill my tea for so long, I got up and started wondering around looking for the tea. She had a fit when she saw that.

I've been at other restaurants where they have no problems with people going to get their own drinks. Do that a couple of times and still tip and they'll sometimes start bringing a whole pitcher of tea and sitting it on your table for you.

>> No.5355904

I come to a restaurant to eat, not to pay to teach someone to do their job.

>> No.5355909
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>done eating
>want to pay with a card
>waiter brings over a machine
>you put the card in, she takes the machine out of your hands and seems to go through the options herself, asking if it's checking or savings, etc
>she asks "tip?"

>> No.5355913

>Gets arrested
>"Fuck every cop who ever did his job!"

Do people in America seriously fuck with people's food like that?

>> No.5355918

lol jesus christ i would tell her 5%

>> No.5355920

>Your example

You would be surprised at the amount of Murikans who hate police because the police arrested them when they were breaking the law. Muh anarchy. Same applies to the restaurant. There ARE people who fuck with food, and they hate people who dont agree with them doing it even though what they're doing is a crime and not worth shit.

>> No.5355929
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what would you want him to do to get your attention? Think hard at you until your esp picked it up?

>> No.5355930


Another night at the same restaurant, I had a waiter who had just moved to Houston from Canada.

When I got the bill, it was more than double what it should have been. He had charged me for every refill of ice tea.

I argued with him for a while and he wouldn't budge.

Finally, I told him that if the manager agreed that refills of ice tea are not free in Texas, I would pay for the refills. So he called the manager over and was shocked when the manager agreed with me that refills are free.

If the manager had agreed with him, that would have been the last time I went in there.

>> No.5355935

Well at least it was a cultural misunderstanding and not someone being an asshole on purpose.

>> No.5355936

that is about as awkward as it can get, seriously.

I'd honestly be a bit uncomfortable with the server asking me "savings or checking account", not sure why, just does not really seem like something you ask someone.

>> No.5355937

If the police did not arrest so many people for victimless crimes they would not be so hated.
The fact that a chunk of my taxes goes to house potheads in prison makes my blood boil.
I don't enjoy the company of stoners but putting them in jail is morally horrendous.

>> No.5355941

Some friends of mine were in Galveston once at a bridge tournament. After the tournament was over, they went to a local restaurant for supper before heading back home.

After they ordered, they naturally pulled out a deck of cards and started playing bridge while waiting for their food.

The manager came out and told them that they had to stop playing cards. When they got up to leave to go somewhere that would let them play bridge while waiting for their food, the manager demanded that they pay for the food they ordered. They refused to pay and the manager called the police.

The manager couldn't believe it when the police told him that if he was going to make them leave the restaurant, they weren't responsible for paying for food that wasn't brought to them to eat.

I can't believe that a restaurant manager could be so stupid. Maybe it was his first night in the restaurant business.

>> No.5355946
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>expecting people to give you free money because you are doing the job you were hired to do

>b-b-but if I dont make tips ill be making barely any money and I cant live off that! Its not like I have the skills or intelligence to go get a better paying job!

>> No.5355948

That is borderline unbelievable. I could almost understand it if they brought out the cards AFTER the food was brought out, but right after they ordered?

Man, the manager MUST of been fresh.

>> No.5355949

Is this sarcasm?

>> No.5355951

maybe because he was quoting people you fucking autist?

>> No.5355952

Not super /ck/ related, but since this has evolved into a tipping thread anyway I may as well ask.

How do you feel about tipping people in other professions besides wait staff?

Like I went down to the states and found that people usually tip barbers and hairstylists. That seems so weird. I can understand paying for food and then paying extra for the service, it's arguable. But when a haircut is $15, I am basically paying $15 for the service of you cutting my hair, what am I suppose to be tipping you for?

>> No.5355953

I do not think so.
Are you german?

>> No.5355955

A bad haircut isn't just a bad haircut.

>> No.5355957

I dont tip said people, but I assume its for extra attention to detail. Then again, in my opinion that should be standard anyway.

>> No.5355958

so tipping is a way of saying
"Hey, you did not make me look like a complete twat. Nicely done. Here's some extra"

>> No.5355960

you wait till a waiter walks your way and covertly raise your hand and say "excuse me"
or go to the desk where they say they'll send a waiter right over.

>> No.5355963

Sure. I can't cut my own hair, and plenty of barbers have inadvertently made me look stupid. If my regular barber knows I tip well, they'll try harder. Simple as that.

>> No.5355967

Why don't you just tell you barber how to not fuck it up after the first time instead of throwing money at him hoping he gets it right?

>> No.5355968

Have you never received a terrible haircut from a well-meaning stylist? You're very lucky.

>> No.5355970

>go to nice restaurant
>waiter drops my entire order like an idiot
>he actually expected a tip after that

>> No.5355972

Not terrible, but not optimal. The point is that you shouldn't need to tip them at all. You just tell them what to do differently next time.

>> No.5355974

It doesn't. I'll look at them for a bit but then I feel weird so I have to yell out to them and say excuse me.

>> No.5355975

See, this is weird.

>You are being paid to cut hair
>one would assume you are expected to be competent
>you expect to be paid extra for being competent

>> No.5355977

Thats the problem. The waiter never walks past when I need them to.

>> No.5355978

was it a real nice place? If not I can't imagine they'd care if they were playing cards

>> No.5355979

When they have trouble getting a refill of tea or water, some people I know set the glass so that it is overhanging the edge of the table where it can fall off if someone bumps into the table with even very little force.

>> No.5355981

What do you expect? People who work at restaurants are idiots.

>> No.5355983

the idea of leaving a "bad tip" is so weird to me.

>Go to restaurant
>get TERRIBLE service
>get bill
>ONLY pay 5% more than agreed upon amount
>that'll show em

seriously, if you service is terrible don't tip.

>> No.5355984

You're right, but I won't risk offending my barber, who cuts my hair perfectly every time, by shirking a common norm.

One would assume. Like I said previously, though, even well-intentioned barbers give bad haircuts, and a bad haircut is much more than just a bad haircut.

>> No.5355988

A bad tip is insulting, but leaving no tip is indicative of social trash.

>> No.5355989

Exactly. He just thought he'd be getting a reduced amount but I didn't give that clumsy idiot anything.

>> No.5355991

It's actually indicative of the waiter being incompetent if the person regularly tips.

>> No.5355994

I don't follow.

>> No.5355995

I don't intend to give a shitty waiter a small amount of extra money to show I think he does not deserve even more extra money. It's idiotic..

>> No.5356002

I'm not arguing the ethics of tipping. I'm saying that people who don't tip are not conscientious enough of social grace to be anything but trash.

>> No.5356005

No tip

Means they suck

Especially if they are normally good tippers.

>> No.5356007

I had a black woman come in once and claim she didnt tip cus of 200 YEARS OF OPPRESSION

I didnt really care but my waitress was pissed.
It made me laugh because besides one cook, everyone in my staff is a minority, her waitress was black and were a fucking mexican restuarant

>> No.5356013

So you have a waiter whom you really like and tip regularly. One day they really suck, so to punish them for their off-day you give them no money. Very paternalistic of you.

>> No.5356016

If social grace includes rewarding people who do stupid things, then I have no problem not being graceful.

>> No.5356017

>I had a black woman come in once and claim she didnt tip cus of 200 YEARS OF OPPRESSION

Some people aren't happy if they can't claim to be victims.

>> No.5356023

Sometimes on holidays or special occasions, I'll give someone who regularly waits on me a much bigger tip. For example, right before Christmas, a normal $5 tip can become as much as a one-time $20 tip.

>> No.5356025

You might be downright outraged to know where your taxes go, then. Either way, a few extra dollars on top of my meal has never meant as much to me as it did to them. If I dine with someone who doesn't tip, I know they're a self-righteous dick. Don't take it personally.

>> No.5356031

The difference is that one man can refuse to tip. He cannot change the structure of the government.

>> No.5356036

Yeah, I was just trying to be witty.

>> No.5356042

We had some one from Russia work for us once.
charged this old lady for every cup of tea she ordered.
and she usually sits in this little area drinks tea and eats a little snack before she wobbles out and comes back the next day.
the lady ended up paying for it without even thinking and that made me mad as fuck.

>> No.5356054

I just have a really strong distrust of cops, I dont hate them.
I remember waking up at 4 am because a cop busted down my door, shot at my parrot because it scared him and put me and my girlfriend and kids on the floor and completely thrashed our house.
Why? Because they got the wrong address.
The house they got the warrant to raid was the house across the street.

Another time I was walking home from a taco bell that is like 2 blocks away in the middle of the day, when I got pulled over.
the cop kept repeating "where did you come from" over and over and I kept lifting up my taco bell cup and bag and saying Taco bell.
he then called 3 other cop cars who all kept me for an hour asking the same shit.
I have tons of other stories aswell.
I am mexican yes, so you may assume its a minority thing, But I have blond hair pale skin and green eyes.

>> No.5356060

You realize most waiters/waitresses make like $2 an hour right?

>> No.5356064

Not in tips. Hes saying that shitty waitresses dont deserve tips.

>> No.5356074

You ever had an off day at work?
Did you get paid less that day?

>> No.5356079

I've had my pay docked if I made a mistake or I lost hours if I did a shifty job and I've lost a job because I didn't meet my quotas. Actions have consequences.

>> No.5356082

I'm not a waitress, but I work with them and know exactly how much they make on bad and good days. I'll tell you that even on bad days its far above the wages that everyone else in the restaurant makes. The only exception I could see is maybe a diner in the middle of the desert.

>> No.5356085

That is pretty rare in america.
Most corporate jobs do not do that.

>> No.5356092


Yeah and what they don't make in tips to reach minimum wage, their employer has to compensate for. They will make regular minimum wage no matter what.

>> No.5356093


How would a cook know about corporate jobs?

Many positions (notably sales but other roles too) have performance based compensation. There is usually a guaranteed minimum in the contract, which is a shitty low amount. The rest comes in the form of performance-based quarterly or yearly bonuses or commissions. These "extras" can make up a significant percent of your annual income so yes, what that other guy said is a thing that happens all the time in America.

>> No.5356098

>working as a waiter
Seriously. Why do people do this?

>> No.5356101

No but why are we comparing corporate jobs to waitstaff? I'm comparing them to other jobs they're qualified to do. Should we compare them to doctors too? It's only fair to compare them to other low education and skill jobs like hourly food service and retail and general labor.

>> No.5356109

You realize most waitresses/waiters that don't reach this cap get quickly fired, right?

>> No.5356111

Waiters and bartenders hold a much higher social status than fast food workers.
Do not lump them together.

>> No.5356113


So then stop being a shitty waiter.

>> No.5356114

They shouldn't though. Fast food workers probably work quite a bit harder.

>> No.5356117


Higher, yes. I wouldn't say "much higher". Unless they look like Erroll Flynn and have the charm of Han Solo, a waiter isn't going to have much luck with high class women aside from one night stands.

>> No.5356121

Why would you want anything more from a woman than a one nite stand????

>> No.5356124


You got me there.

>> No.5356127

It's a similar job. A person that is qualified to be one is qualified to be the other. But it wasn't even what I meant, really. I more meant like non-tipped hostesses and cashiers at counter service and retail store clerks and warehouse workers and basically anything else any able-bodied person can do. It makes no sense to compare them to people that have actual degrees or skills. So we compare them to who we can.

And anyway, I work on tips too. I'm a delivery driver. I don't expect a tip if I forget an item or if the pizza is really late, even if they weren't my fault. Because I'm an adult and I recognize that my actions and my coworkers' actions have consequences.

>> No.5356130

>Because I'm an adult and I recognize that my actions and my coworkers' actions have consequences.

no i gib u food u gib me monies

>> No.5356133

Waiting and bar tendering require far more skill than you realize anon.
Just because something looks easy does not mean it is.

>> No.5356139

You shouldn't expect a tip at all. You get minimum wage dont you?

>> No.5356144

So does fast food. I'm not saying it's easy. I'm saying that they don't have a skill that makes them an asset. They can't weld or have their CDL or some tangible thing that makes them more valuable to employers. They have customer service skills. It's not a high-value skill or certification. You can't compare it to someone that went to college and got a degree to afford them a corporate job by increasing their value.

>> No.5356150

I get a dollar under minimum wage in a town where even fast food pays 10/hr base pay(cost of living is pretty high because most people that live here are in the oil fields and make shit tons so our real estate is really high.)

I expect a tip because I generally get a tip. I'm not /entitled/ to a tip. But I expect to get one because I usually do, if I do my job decently well. I generally make about 16-18/hr with tips.

>> No.5356154

You are completely wrong anon.
These people have great skills and are well compensated for them.
Do you have any idea what a bartender in hopping club makes a night?
Waiters in upscale restaurants make even more.

Look into it anon. These are real careers now that 25% tipping is the norm.

>> No.5356165

>Anecdotal Evidence

>> No.5356166

Is yours any different?

>> No.5356178


I once met the Maître d of the finest restaurant in his city. He was taking home far more than I would have ever expected a restaurant worker to earn.

>> No.5356186

Do you know what an oilfield worker makes? Not one of the truckers or an engineer, just a regular oil hand. A lot. Way more than a bartender or a waiter even at a nice restaurant. But I still wouldn't compare them to a corporate job. It's not the same. It's not about pay. I'm not saying it's not a career. I have a friend that does very well as a bartender and has no plans to do anything else. But that doesn't make it comparable to a corporate job. It shouldn't be. She didn't put in the money or effort that a corporate worker did to get the degree they got that opened the door for them to get their job. She put in effort to become good at bartending and talking to people. But at the end of the day, that skill isn't going to guarantee her money if she does a bad job because she didn't make an investment to get a job with more financial security.

>> No.5356266

Keep telling yourself that. A bartender is nothing more than a burgerflipper with booze.

>> No.5356276

Try 15%. For outstanding service.
The only people that tip more than 10% regularly are trying to impress someone.

>> No.5356317

>Do job poorly
>expect to still receive tips that correlate with you on good service

Seriously, why even try to play that tips are for good service any more. If you live in the US you are expected to tip for the sake of tipping. You tip because that is what people believe you are suppose to do.

If someone says they did not tip at a restaurant people assume it's because they are cheap. If a teacher fails a student they don't automatically assume it's because the teacher is stingy with A's, they assume it's because the student did not preform well.

>> No.5356332

>fat people running
>you not being able to catch them
Either didn't happen or you are a lazy faggot
>OP is a server
OK so the later

>> No.5356373

Lol no, not in america. Not even in the flyover states.

>> No.5356381

it's the only three words you need to know if you're a server in australia. why does it bother you?

check, savings, credit?

>> No.5356469

>work in BOH
>paid 5 an hour
>14-16 hour work days
>back breaking work
>switch to FOH
>make 10-12 an hour
>season ends
>companies don't actually pay you min wage if you don't get tipped enough
>make 2 an hour now
>fuck this I need to go to college
>left over money from scholarships is more than I make in a year
>get two rounds of scholarships a year
>graduate with BS in computer science
>do litterally nothing all day
>fall asleep most days
>get paid 40 an hour

>> No.5356522

i stopped eating out entirely due to being obligated to tip

if i could walk into a restaurant, have 0 human interaction, and just have a plate of food pop out of the wall that would be ideal

>> No.5356534
File: 71 KB, 640x480, Automat_restaurant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ever hear of an "automat"?

>> No.5356537

there is like ONE automat right now.
2 if you count that one that dispenses cupcakes

>> No.5356542

Do you feel obligated to say sorry every time someone looks at you too?

>> No.5356547

This is England in a nutshell

>> No.5356551

this sort of happens in japan

buy ticket from machine, give ticket to someone, they bring your food, you eat and leave

>> No.5356570

This was probably posted somewhere in the thread but I'm actually at work serving atm and reading at my leisure.

Usually when people need to get my attention, I tell them to leave the salt shaker at the edge of the table. This especially helps during rushes or I don't want to hover around business lunches.

Some of you already sound like dickholes or have had dickhole customers and I hate/pity you. But then again, LOL4CHAN

>> No.5356584

> you're using English wrong.

oh my god the fucking irony. (protip: this is actually ironic, not the ridiculous bullshit that you continue to refer to as irony, that non-native speakers of english continue to ridicule you for, because you are too ignorant to fully comprehend the definitions behind your adopted native language).

>> No.5356668


>> No.5356683

This is why I'm so glad I left the US. Tipping is such a stupid fucking system and it's engraved in my mind to try and calculate it any time I order takeaway or am in a restaurant. I remember the first time I came to my current country and got breakfast, I stared at the receipt wondering where the tip line was. Safe to say, my waitress was also American and said I'll get used to it over time.

The tipping system needs to be abolished and companies should just pay their workers a set wage. Any job requires you to not be a retarded shitcunt, why should you be entitled to more money for doing your job? Sure, get a raise or a promotion, but not tips.

The US is such a shithole, I swear.

>> No.5356690

Also, as a server I will say that if you frequent somewhere and tip ~20% consistently, prepare to receive a ton of free shit for your gratuity.

Even complete shitlords I've dealt with I love serving because they pay my rent.

And to the guy who was bitching about "lelservers getting extra2do what they're hired for" hope you enjoy your meal skyrocketing to probably well over $20 than what you'd expect to pay so they can afford us!

>> No.5356693

You know, I agree with you for calling this guy out, he does sound like an ass. But you just sound stupid trying to compare him to an autist. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make the person autistic, please go look up what it means.

>> No.5356695

How much was your food compared to American prices?

>> No.5356696


I love when people say this, it's pretty much confirmation that whoever said it lives in a fantasy world.

>> No.5356703

Tips are not "more money" they are the BULK of a servers income.

>> No.5356704

Where do you live now?

>> No.5356714

overcharge me once faggot. I won't come back. go to college

>> No.5356728

In your shitty country maybe. Here in Canada servers actually make minimum wage plus tips, and minimum wage is up to 11 dollars an hour in Ontario now.

>> No.5356730

tipping is bad and you should feel bad for doing it

>> No.5356735

He won't actually overcharge you. It's just a fantasy of his.

>> No.5356748

Stay smug. It will be reality when your dream of getting rid of tipping comes true you fucking moron.

>> No.5356757

I've already gotten rid of tipping in my life. I'm a fulltime college student and make 32k a year. Go to my college.

Go on 4chan and complain that successful people don't pay you out of pity more often

>> No.5356771

>Stay smug. It will be reality when your dream of getting rid of tipping comes true you fucking moron.

Are you trying to imply that abolition of tipping would vastly increase the cost of dining out? If so, you better have some proof.

>> No.5356791

Wait, you actually think that when a company starts paying all serving employees up to $5-7 more an hour for at least 32+ hours a week they won't have to make up the difference anywhere?

>> No.5356819


Youd just lose perks like free refills/water, bread on the table, etc

Freebies will be lost

>> No.5356826

You seriously think they're not going to fire most of them?

>> No.5356840

Cheap motherfuckers that don't tip who rely on those things will miss them, trust.

>> No.5356842

So all the menu prices go up, but you no longer have to tip.
It evens out.

>> No.5356848

Why don't poor people buy more money?

>> No.5356849

>Live near a revolving sushi restaurant
>All the menus note "In accordance with Japanese custom we do not accept tips."
>They actually pay their workers a decent wage
>Consequently they get ALL my business as a result
I wish more restaurants would do this.

>> No.5356852
File: 86 KB, 360x240, Cabbagehead-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idiocy of this thread is amazing.
Let's say you go out and order some fish and chips with a pint at a local pup.
Bill comes to 20 bucks.
25% tip of 5 dollars and now you pay 25 bucks total.

Is everyone with me so far?

If you abolish tipping do you think you just get to keep the five bucks and everything is the fucking same?
That waiter that made a good wage before is not just going to be willing to work for minimum wage now.
He will demand more money from his employer. Now the restaurant has to charge at least 25 bucks for the same meal.

All you Fuckers must think waiters make too much money and you want to steal some back from them.

Fucking eurojews Jesus fuck.

>> No.5356864

This Anon gets it. I actually hate the tipping system as well, but it makes me a shit ton.

>> No.5356868


The reasoning is that it's not the same meal, because the food at restaurants with fixed service charges that pay their staff better is consistently superior.

>> No.5356870

I was reading a poster saying that tipped employees only have to get paid $2.13 an hour. We, the customer, end up paying them, then the employer has to make up the difference.

>> No.5356871

>at a sushi train
>lady asks what drinks
>array of soda and hot tea
>just water thanks
> small jug with glass of room temp water
>hot day, drink it all (it was 2 glasses worth)
>try to call back waitress
>literally no peripheral vision OR only answers you if you say a pass word
>finally gets close enough that she can't possibly ignore me
>"no no please wait I'm going to serve another customer"
>walks all the way over to front door to usher new guests to seats
where were all the staff at lunch time? seriously only one waitress?

>> No.5356885

haha disgusting
glad they were banned

>> No.5356895

what was the baseball bread roll for?

>> No.5356899

Basically, yes. This is what people are talking about when they bawl "$2.13 CASH WAGE!!" but they leave out the part where "if $2.13 + tips doesn't add up to minimum wage, the business is required to make up the difference." There's no "that doesn't happen in my area," that's FEDERAL wage law.

However, if you, as wait-staff, cannot make minimum wage from your tips, you either work somewhere with close to no business OR you're a fucking terrible employee.

>> No.5356900

it indicates you are terrible at your job

>> No.5356907

This sounds fucking hilarious, tell me about the baseball bread roll.
Also tell me about the shit storm after you threw food on the waiter.

>> No.5356909

That's why I keep a couple pennies in my wallet.
No tip can be hand-waved, a PENNY is indisputable.

>> No.5356912

Sitting there in silence chewing should be awkward enough to finalize the lesson

Entitled attitudes come to non-tipping countries as well. They expect everything then because they make it the logic that if we're getting paid $18 an hour then that's like them tipping you 20% or whatever already.

>> No.5356962

Holy shit, did the cop who got the wrong address get any sort of punishment? Were you compensated in any way?

>> No.5356970

>they won't have to make up the difference anywhere?

No, I don't think that. Can you point out where I said that?

>> No.5356974

>Now the restaurant has to charge at least 25 bucks for the same meal.

Prove it. A lot of you are making a huge assumption that the difference between tip prices and non-tip prices will be equal.

>> No.5356980




>> No.5356982


Based Tyrone

>> No.5357042

>Tea house
>Stupid slut comes in
>Thinks he's the most hip cat there
>"Uh... I don't really know about any of these teas can you just bring me a sweet tea?"
"Miss, we don't serve "sweet tea" here, do you want a nice tea with a good amount of honey in it?"
>"Uh no. I mean a tea that is sweet, like in the bottles from the store."

I wanted to just smack her. Dumb bitch.

>> No.5357049

>If you abolish tipping do you think you just get to keep the five bucks and everything is the fucking same
That's more or less how it would work out. It's not like the prices in the menu are going to change drastically.

>> No.5357058

They wouldn't be equal if you changed the system and everyone just got higher pay and no tips then it would raise the food cost. You would pay higher menu prices because you have to factor in labor.

>> No.5357059

Although I don't do it, I've been told that's a pretty common thing in the US, especially at establishments you visit regularly.

>> No.5357085

What we're (not) assuming is that if you make your employee that was previously paid 2.13 an hour a regular minimum wage employee, then the restaurant will have to make that extra money elsewhere. This would be especially true of non-corporate restaurants.

>> No.5357093

I can't even tell if everyone in this thread is extremely dense or just shitposting for fun anymore.

>> No.5357105

Worst experience I had was still bretty good:

>Be EARLY in my server experience.
>Busy as fuck and only have time to take orders, run food/drinks, and do refills.
>Curt nods at tables in the middle of eating is all I can offer.
>Guy from a table pulls me aside after dropping off the last of their food
>Informs me his wife only gets to go out every once in a while and that "I'll be damned if my night's going to get fucked up because all of our food came out at the same time"
>Between he and three other people, they had ordered close to $150 of sushi rolls and teppanyaki meals and he wanted things to be given in courses.
>The owner of the restaurant happened to be coming by at the moment and I pawned the customer off on her.
>Was informed I had to void off ALL of their sushi, making it all free for them.
>Think I ruined their night and that I'd get shitcanned.
>Everything was fine after that
>Still tipped ~40%
>Still a firm believer that the rudest customers ALWAYS tip the best.

>> No.5357113

So then you think the waiter is making too much money and should make do with less?

>> No.5357126

japs have it too.

here in bismarck we have a place called the woodhouse that has a telephone system at each table. you simply place your order by "calling."

>> No.5357132

ITT: People who are proud of never tipping, ever, wonder aloud why service always seems to suck for them. Huh.

>> No.5357234

Probably Britain, where you can go around slapping people in public and filming it, and the slapp-ee has to apologize (sorry, "apologise") to the slapper for injuring his hand.

>> No.5357260

Hah. (or should I say, "huehueheuhueheuehua"?)

The only place I've ever seen that sort of flip-the-card-over-for-service thing in the U.S. was at a "Brazilian steakhouse", Fogo de Chao. You turn the card to one side if you want them to keep bringing meat around to dump onto your plate, you turn the card the other way to get them to pause/stop.

It's a good idea. I don't think it would really make much difference in the U.S., though because the shitty servers who stand around chatting to each other in the back aren't going to pay any attention to which side the card is on when they don't pay any attention to anything anyway.

>> No.5357262

That is far from true. If you slap someone in front of a Bobby cop he will blow a whistle at you and tell you to stahp.

>> No.5357265

Service in america is the best on the planet.
Servers never chat unless it's well slow.

>> No.5357287

my eyes are pouring holy kek

>> No.5357538

>You would be surprised at the amount of Murikans who hate police because the police arrested them when they were breaking the law.
You would be surprised at the number of Murikans who weren't breaking the law but whom the police kicked down their doors, shot their dogs, smashed the crap out of everything in their houses, got arrested because the cops were exercising their authorituh, or otherwise have had serious, life-altering, illusion-shattering encounters with jack-booted thugs who were totally out of control.

Here's one, just at random from the last few days:

Oh, and of course Albuquerque, NM's famous "we thought he was clenching his butt-cheeks, so we gave him a colonoscopy just in case he had drugs hidden in his ass" case:

The only people who like and/or trust cops any more are cops.

>> No.5357541

>there are people in this thread that still think getting a college degree somehow guarantees you will get a decent paying job
You are all fucking retarded

>> No.5357547

>get punished
Are you fucking kidding? Wrong-address warrants happen all the time, and the cops don't ever get punished. At most, the department will pay for the damages, but usually they try to stonewall the innocent homeowner even on that.

One of the common things to happen is that the cops skate on "qualified immunity" because they were "just trying to do their jobs", and if there is too much outcry the department will even give them commendations and promotions to show the citizens that the department is standing behind its officers.

At the very worst, if a cop thoroughly fucks up and is caught on video lying, the cop will get a PAID leave of absence while the department "investigates", and it all gets whitewashed. In the very rare cases where the cop gets terminated, they are usually rehired a few weeks later, or hired by another nearby department.

>> No.5357552

That's because the card machine asks an option when you insert a card.

Also most places want the customer to handle the card machine for as little time as possible because they tend to get grease/dirt over them or just damage them. They're expensive to replace.

But fuck that waitress for asking if you want to tip, she should just show you the thing a menu earlier.


>> No.5357563

I always just ask for to go and then eat in the car.
I have a pick up truck so i just pull down the thing sit down and eat there liek a redneck.
WHo gives a fuck.

Fuck tipping

>> No.5357567

>ever facing any kind of retaliation for their fuckup or failure to be an acceptable fucking human being

I wish I was joking when I say this but honestly cops can get away with murder. They shoot someone in cold blood? "He reached behind himself like he was going to draw a firearm!" Voila, 2 weeks' paid vacation while his buddies 'investigate' it.

Seriously. I fucking hate cops on principle. Never been arrested, got one speeding ticket (helped cement the 'fuck cops' ideal because the fat asshole came over to the side of my car with HIS FUCKING GUN DRAWN.)), but on principle, cops are thieves and thugs.

You wanna be a criminal? Go steal some shit or shoot someone.

You wanna get paid to be a criminal? Police academy.

>> No.5357599

No. they all got paid vacations.
The department didnt pay for shit besides a new door and a the repair on the wall where the bullet happened.
Insurance had to pay for all the broken shit.

>> No.5357644

>Eckert was sent a $6,000 bill for the medical procedures he involuntarily underwent, his lawyer says.

This has literally made me sick to my stomach. I can't believe the nerve of these people. Even if he DID have drugs, they should be footing the bill for these tests, to say nothing of the case where he's innocent. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.5357671

>Fogo de Chao

>> No.5357690

I don't get it, why are you so parched that you need refills of water? You know you should be drinking water all day to stay hydrated, not just at meals.

>> No.5357699

considering I lived in a redneck shithole with only a handful of restaurants, probably double (this is without actually converting it to USD)

I dunno about you but all the waiters/waitresses back home made their usual set $2 min or whatever it was and would sometimes rake in hundreds of dollars a night from tips. I would consider that "more money."


>> No.5357700

>A bad tip is insulting

>"I'll pay extra, but not ENOUGH extra, that'll show em"

>> No.5357704


and even if you order in a regular place they have no "tipping culture"

>> No.5357710

Wait...she mean't ice tea?

>> No.5357714


fucking take it home and eat what the hell

>> No.5357721

I don't really tip. I tend to grow my hair pretty long, past my shoulders (I'm a guy) and have it cut once a year. That's it, I pay about fifteen dollars to have someone remove about a foot of hair in one cut. It's not hard, I just go to these hair styling places so that the hair will be donated.

Plus I tend to feel patronized when I do go to these places. More often than not the hair cutter says something about not wanting to take it all off at once to save me the shock, after I've just told them EXACTLY what I want done. I'm not a hippy and my hair is not important to me, I just don't care enough to get it cut before it becomes an issue with work.

>> No.5357724

You too bro?

>> No.5357727

>> 4 o'clock. Train departs 5 o'clock.
>> Visit railway terminal restaurant, planning to eat a meal and do some shopping afterwards.
>> Order a plate of pierogi at buffet to avoid waiting for the waiter.
>>Pay up front not to wait for the bill, tip.
>>Ask the waiter for my meal twice - 4:20 and 4:40.
>>4:50 my plate arrives - the waiter just places a plate of slightly overboiled pierogi in front of me, without even a word of apology.
>>Snarfing the plateful over course
>>2 minutes to train departure. Run to platform.
>>Breathless jumping in through closing door.

Oh well, the competition around is pretty hard, never visited that restaurant again.

>> No.5357730

This is the gayest common complaint that I regularly see when people are bitching about service. Like it's somehow the waiter's fault you forgot how to use nonverbal communication.

>> No.5357731

For fucks sake just enjoy yourself. What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.5357736
File: 4 KB, 150x131, okkiedokiee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is that if everything ISN'T alright, like you need sauce, or a drink or something is cold, there is no way to communicate that. If everything's good, sure, you can make the "Aye, okay" sign (pic related). But if not, you're going to have to hurriedly and awkwardly finish chewing a swallowing to convey your point. It's awkward and they do that shit on purpose because they know you're less likely to say anything if your mouth is full.

>> No.5357737

I usually hold up one finger if there was something I needed and I was busy chewing.

>> No.5357764

lel no employer actually does that and if you call wage and hour your just going to get fired trust me i worked in a lot of restaurants in high school and they are all far too kike to actually pay what they should

>> No.5357771

how much food do you shovel in your fucking mouth that you can't give a single hand signal that he should wait a second or two, finish chewing and swallow?

>> No.5357776

Not him, but I personally have an oversized tongue and it really doesn't matter how much food I have in my mouth, it takes for fucking ever to eat around my pussy lozenge.

>> No.5357783

She meant like.. the 99c Arizona Iced Tea Green Tea in the tallboy can. I guess...

I didn't even know what to bring her so I just made her a hot, "plain" black tea with tons of honey in it.

She said she didn't like it and then after eating a cookie, just left. What an idiot.

>> No.5357805

Generally an off day at work can cost me my job if I mess up an expensive piece of material as a result of being "off" that day. I've worked 6 hours in a 90 degree building without breaks, without water and I was so dehydrated that I nearly blacked out whenever I bent down to pick something up. Waiters can suck it up or not get paid as well, simple as that. You act like your life is so hard passing out food and drinks and memorizing a menu.

Fuck, warehouse workers get fired for crossing a yellow line painted on the floor.

>> No.5357806


I just came back to this thread. Nice samefagging in an attempt to get me to reply. In regards to irony, you don't know how I use the word, so please don't make assumptions. You don't even know where I'm from, or if I've even a native speaker. The real irony here? You calling me autistic and retarded.

>> No.5357816
File: 48 KB, 700x1044, 5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitching about irony

>> No.5357823

>reply to someone bitching about the usage of the word ironic
>somehow that means I'm doing it
You're fucking dumb.

>> No.5357832

yea, we have them in most chain or large restaurants in Japan. it's a courtesy to the customer, who may not want to throw his or her voice for service, more so than for the wait staff, who's not too entitled to bear their poor ears being molested by someone deigning to say "excuse me" at an audible level. they also don't require tips for their excellent service, because Japan is actually a developed nation.

>> No.5357838

you're probably the same kind of person who thinks he should always tip 15% minimum too. waiters and their apologists are hilarious, do as little as possible, expect more than reasonable.

>> No.5357839


I remember some restaurant when I was a kid that had a telephone on every table. When you were ready to order, you picked up the telephone to place the order.

The concept obviously never caught on.

>> No.5357840

> being eurofag
> tips are considered luxury.

>> No.5357843

You better not for one fucking second try to say that Japanese service is anything but pure shit.
I was there on business and those cunts could not be assed to so much as bring me sugar for my fucking tea. Tried to tell me they were out of shit that I could plainly see they still had.

The customer is NEVER right in Japan.
Being rude and obsequious at the same fucking time is an amazing trick that those little yellow shits have mastered.

>> No.5357848

> The Gaijin is NEVER right in Japan.

Especially murricans. "Eat my spit for Hiroshima".

>> No.5357854


You've either never been to Japan, or you're some buttblasted Engrish teacher who realized too late that he's not going to marry a Japanese schoolgirl becuase of cultural issues.

Regardless of what they feel inside, Japanese standards for customer service are miles above American, and that's true whether you look Japanese or not.

>> No.5357862

...I don't think you have ever actually been to Japan.

I bet you think the Vietnamese act like assholes to visiting Americans because of the war.

>> No.5357871

You know what excellent service is?
If I ask you for a goddamm small portion of a condiment that I FUCKING KNOW GOD DAMN WELL you have in the kitchen, you bring me that shit now instead of telling me it is not supposed to go on my particular dish.

>> No.5357873


They're just trying to be helpful. The same thing can happen at restaurants anywhere if someone looks completely confused and helpless.

>> No.5357877

>I've never been to Japan
It shows.

>> No.5357878

He asked for sugar you fucking weaboo prick. Japanese loving autists are the worst kind.

>> No.5357879

hahahaha someone is still bitter because they insisted on putting soy sauce on everything and were politely informed that soy sauce, in fact, is not ubiquitously drenched on all Japanese dishes.


>> No.5357880

>putting sugar on your meal
Fat people are the worst kind (of people).

>> No.5357881

>having reading comprehension this poor
I feel sorry for your family.

>> No.5357885

>liking Japan
They're all racist and there's hardly any weed there. I'd rather go to Somalia for a month than spend a week in that yellow shit hole.

>> No.5357886

>c-c-c-c-can I have some sugar for my green tea please
Sorry Sir, but sugar is not added to green tea, so sorry, just advice.
>o-o-o-okay (initiate bitter dwelling on this minor incident for several years)

>> No.5357888

>I'm 15
We know anon, we know.

>> No.5357891

>They're all racist
Virtually all people are racist, unless you think the politically correct ivory tower white people are genuine in their beliefs.

>and there's hardly any weed there.
How old are you?

>I'd rather go to Somalia for a month than spend a week in that yellow shit hole.
Where do you live?

>> No.5357893

>having a passport is weeaboo

Maybe if you got out of Texas some time you'd realize that it's no big deal to travel internationally for business, pleasure, or family reasons. Enjoy your fake version of Mexican food, fat people, and out of control gun violence.

>> No.5357895

No matter how much you want it to happen, you'll never make love to an uguu kawaii Japanese schoolgirl. Keep jacking off to tentacle porn and sperging about how superior the whale slaughterers are to us beastly Americans. Weebs are the worst.

>> No.5357899

I used to date a Canadian chick that lived in Japan and grew week for the other Canadian and US expats.
She said she did it almost out in the open.
Japanese people freaked out about it all the time but never called the cops because she sold some to the yakuza.

I always suspected that she might have done a bit of hooking as well :(

>> No.5357900

I've never in the almost 2 years I've spent in Japan on various trips, study programs, and work in various prefectures ever had service that was less than fast, clean, professional, and honest. maybe you shouldn't go to starbucks and yell at the barista to wait on you, you fat fucking piece of shit.

>>5357854 this
sorry >>5357848 I agree that non-Yamato are marginalized but I've never heard of any fault in the service industry against people for being the wrong color except for plain ignorance (i.e. can whiteys use chopsticks? let's give him a fork) except for the occasional case of "no foreigners allowed" signs, and even that often has a reason

>> No.5357902

I live in Illinois, and I travel all the fucking time. My parents got married outside of the country ffs. I took my first plane ride as a toddler. What's weaboo is blindly loving Japanese bullshit and pretending that they're anything more than annoying shitheads.

>> No.5357907

Japanese suck at English and I doubt you're good at Japanese. they probably said they were out of it to try to wriggle out of the awkwardness that was their not having any idea what you were talking about, because sugar is not pronounced anywhere near the native English way in Japan and it's so rarely put into tea that they would not expect you to ask for it, especially as a foreign male who they might perceive to be too masculine for things like sweet drinks. don't chalk up to assholishness what is probably just an intercultural misunderstanding. there are better reasons to get mad at Japanese and you've given probably the worst one I've ever seen.

>> No.5357909

>I live in Illinois, and I travel all the fucking time. My parents got married outside of the country ffs. I took my first plane ride as a toddler.
lol'd heartily, especially the bit about your "parents got married outside of the country ffs".


>> No.5357912

>and I travel all the fucking time
Intrastate travel doesn't count dawg.

>> No.5357916

It wasn't just the sugar in my tea (which they knew exactly what I wanted but never brought) I was constantly faced with weird food that was either bland on the one hand or pig disgusting on the other.
If I asked for rice to drown out the flavor I was told they did not sell rice.


>> No.5357918


Illinois, Texas, same fucking difference, it's flyoverland. Half my family was born in Asia, my dad and grandparents live there now, and I'm sick of toothless rednecks projecting their cultural deprivation on people who didn't learn about Japan from pokemon or whatever.

On second thought stay home, your kind only serves to give Americans a bad name.

>> No.5357919

What about South America? Does that count?

>> No.5357922

I've been to Japan, China (mainland and HK), Vietnam, Thailand, Dubai, Egypt, Morocco, Australia, England, Italy, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria, Greece, Estonia, Poland, Iceland, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Malawi, Tanzania, S. Africa, and Micronesia. I'm sure I'm missing a few.

If small cultural differences upset you, just be content in your bubble.

>> No.5357924

>It wasn't just the sugar in my tea (which they knew exactly what I wanted but never brought)
do tell how you knew they knew exactly what you wanted. was it an upscale teahouse with professional bilingual staff who are paid 50 bucks an hour? if so, then they probably tried to save you from the embarrassment to you and to themselves by trying to subtley keep you from dumping sugar in your fucking green tea you fat fuck

>I was constantly faced with weird food that was either bland on the one hand or pig disgusting on the other
So you're mad at the service industry of Japan because Japanese cuisine does not suit your tastes? you have autism. granted jap cuisine is bland though.

>If I asked for rice to drown out the flavor I was told they did not sell rice.
If a Japanese restaurant sells rice, you will get it whether or not you ask for it. If you don't get it, don't be bad, it's not like someone would bring you pasta at a steakhouse in America ether.

>> No.5357925

I didn't know S. America was a country.

>> No.5357928

>not a Japanophile
>he must be an ignorant redneck!

I'm more liberal and progressive than you'll ever be, and probably more educated, too. I'm an upper middle class white dude from the suburbs, not some white trash yokel with a car up on blocks and a double wide containing a fat pregnant wife and 8 terrible mutant spawn. Those are the type of people I dislike more than anyone, but I dislike basically all people, mostly because they could be doing better than they are, and that's including myself. Keep going with those assumptions, though. It's funny when people are wrong.

>> No.5357929

tell us more about how cool you are mr. anon

>> No.5357932

an autistic tripfag who would've guessed

>> No.5357935


As far as anyone with an ounce of culture is concerned you're just another dumb hick, and we're not impressed with your associates degree from Illinois State University. But I'm glad you found someone to feel superior to, keep lording it over those people who live in trailers, they're certainly less financially well off than you!

>> No.5357937

I didn't realize I had walked into the middle of a competition to see who could bend forward and fit more of his dick in his own mouth

>> No.5357938

>I'm more liberal and progressive than you'll ever be, and probably more educated, too
>I dislike basically all people

Ultra progressive bro.

>> No.5357939

Autistic? Nope, never been suggested by any of the mental health professionals I've been to. Manic depressive with social and generalized anxiety? Definitely.

>> No.5357942

If I am in an international business city like Tokyo and am CLEARLY not a native, a waiter should be able to realize that I do not give a rats ass about his "muh culture" and bring me a bowl
Of goddamn
Cackadoodie rice!!!!

>> No.5357943

hahaha surprise surprise.

All your opinions are now invalidated. Good bye.

>> No.5357944

I guess I should say I'm disappointed in how terribly people treat each other.

I was probably more educated than you before I ever went to college. Also, you got the town right, but the wrong University.

>> No.5357945

So I guess Stephen Fry doesn't get to have opinions, either?

>> No.5357946

>I was probably more educated than you before I ever went to college

Learning about Japan through pokemon =\= "education"

>> No.5357952

I stopped playing Pokemon when I was in the first grade. I know a little bit about Japanese culture and history, but I've studied American, British, French, German, and Italian history primarily. My main knowledge base is philosophy and political theory, though, since that's mostly what I read about. Also dick jokes.

>> No.5357950

People who go to Tokyo and just believe that because it's an "international city" they're supposed to be able to put their own culture up on the furniture and speak whatever language they like either piss me off or make me laugh. I'm sorry the women aren't automatically programmed to sleep with you but just so you know Tokyo is an entire fucking prefecture and English is only a lingua franca in very specific bubbles, not "wherever the fuck a gaijin wants to be." If you don't like it, don't come. I'm enjoying my amazing fucking wait service and happy not imposing my culture every where the fuck I go.

>> No.5357956

Guys this thread is about to hit it's bump limit.
Quit arguing about Japan and let's get back to the subject of American tipping.

>> No.5357959

Someone with obvious mental health issues, such as yourself, is not qualified to objectively critique minute social differences amongst countries.

You probably would have had a full-blown panic attack if your question about sugar was met with any perceived disapproval. If you were having a bad day, a sharp glance from a stranger on the street could ruing your whole week.

I wouldn't put much credence in the observations and subsequent interpretations from someone such as you. Maybe you should go to your mental health practitioner and talk about this.

>> No.5357963

How can you continue to argue that Japanese service is superior when you can't get rice on demand in a restaurant that serves rice constantly?

In america I am brought whatever the fuck i want instantly and never once questioned.
That is undeniably superior service my friend.

The retarded kabuki dance of silly traditions that mean not to me do not add one iota to service quality.

>> No.5357966

What's it like living in 1922? Want to throw me in a sanitarium? Do some ECT on me? Maybe give me a lobotomy?
Do you enjoy living in ignorance of mental health issues, or are you just trolling?

>> No.5357967


>> No.5357971

in America you are expected to pay 20% on a bill after waiters may or may not bring you the right items you request and pay a markup on from the available stock and menu of that restaurant.
in Japan you walk into a restaurant and whatever is listed on the menu is exactly what you get, no element of chance or irrational upcharges. if you don't like what you see on the menu, you walk out and go to another restaurant. the benefit of service in Japan is that you will quickly get whatever you could reasonably expect from a restaurant. and sometimes you get a little something extra if you happen to not be eating in the business center of the most expensive city in the fucking world you ignorant cunt. I get free teas and complementary items and shit all the time at my nice little restaurants peppered all over Kansai. part of the reason is because I'm not an uptight lardass like you who confirms every negative bias they have about foreigners.

>> No.5357972

hurr durr crezzy ppl dunt no stuf


>> No.5357975

>I'm more liberal and progressive than you'll ever be

Jesus Christ the horror.

>all them implications
>all them buzzwords
>nigger even says this as if it was something to be proud of


>> No.5357978

>What's it like living in 1922? Want to throw me in a sanitarium? Do some ECT on me? Maybe give me a lobotomy?
I just said I wouldn't put credence in your opinion, because your mental health problems obvious impact your ability to observe and react to minor social interactions.

Most people wouldn't bat an eyelash at simple stresses, yet you could require tranquillizers. Why would I discuss human interactions and negatively-perceived social behaviors across cultures with someone like you?

>I was talking to an Ojibwe youth and he wasn't looking at me in the eyes, what's wrong with him? Or me? Oh god what is happening right now

>> No.5357980
File: 2.40 MB, 477x264, 1397005374809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wahh someone is making fun of my country
>i'm gonna pathetically defend dirty dolphin killers

Japan is a backwards country full of weird people. Accept it and move on.

>> No.5357984

>wahh someone won't give me sugar in my tea
>I'm gonna slander his entire country and release my stock of racism on the internet

You're a backwards person unable to comprehend things outside of your personal bubble. Accept it and move on.

>> No.5357986

You would have a point if were talking about something that happened to me in a social situation. I have no problem understanding the right thing to do in a given situation if I'm not actually feeling the stress of having to do it. Don't pretend to know how my brain works. Are all Asians this closed minded and persecutory towards the mentally ill, or just the Japanese?

>> No.5357987

I'm not even that guy. Multiple people think you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.5357993

oh boy someone disagrees with me on the internet about something they know nothing about and something that makes up every day of my waking life. I should feel like I'm wrong and cry about this realization that you've allowed me to come to.

by the way, tell me how killing dolphins is worse than killing other animals

>> No.5357996

Seeing that, really makes me want to buy a dashcam. Any recommendations?

>> No.5357998

A waiter that is not willing to be flexible cannot give good service.
What you describe is no where near the level of American service at its best.
Sure there are restaurants here and there where service is sub par, but most are doing an amazing job.
The tipping system works well.

>> No.5357999

By that logic, killing humans is no worse than killing any other animals.

How about because they're more intelligent than just about everything else on Earth other than the great apes and elephants? Because they understand what death is? Because they have feelings? Because they know fear?
Unless you see murder as just another form of hunting, in which case I'd call you the typical Japanese person: no respect for how precious life is.

>> No.5358000

>A waiter that is not willing to be flexible cannot give good service
prove it

>> No.5358007

Americans kill humans far more than Japanese do, and the worst you can say is that my country is filled with dolphin-killers? surely your sense of morality would have more qualms with the wanton murder, acts of war, drone strikes, collateral damage, and torture that your country is more willing to enact than any other developed nation in the world and do so in the name of cultural or personal hubris, than it would with just killing sea mammals for food.

>> No.5358011

I have a problem with all of that and your dolphin killing. The difference is, I'm able to admit that the things my country does are terrible. You're living in a fantasy world where murder isn't murder.

Also, Japan doesn't kill any people because we don't let you have a fucking military after the havoc you wreaked on China and the South Pacific during the 30's and 40's.

>> No.5358012

I just did?
If I ask a waiter for rice and am willing to pay any amount of money for it...and the waiter has easy access to delicious rice but will not bring it because "mah customs"... is by definition not providing good service.

>> No.5358019

I didn't deny that dolphin killing was immoral. I asked you why that makes Japanese people worse than Americans, who still wantonly kill people in their own country and all around the world. Japan doesn't have an army because our constitution forbids it, and every day the American military continues to haunt the world is another day the LDP can't be convinced to revise Article 9 for fear of becoming like you.

More like he can go back there and ask, but he'll just get told that if it's not on the menu then he can't serve it. That's not his fault, he does his job just fine. Your complaint is with the management.

>> No.5358025

Original (half) Asian guy here again, that guy is not me. You're still a dumb hick. And apparently a mentally ill drama queen too. Thanks for tripping, it makes it easier to filter you once I get bored of laughing at you.

>> No.5358028

The question asked was not
> why that makes Japanese people worse than Americans
it was
>by the way, tell me how killing dolphins is worse than killing other animals
It clearly fucking is.

Your constitution forbids you from having a military because the US helped write after you surrendered to us in 1945. We didn't want you getting up to your shenanigans and oppressing the Chinese and Koreans again.

>> No.5358030

I don't care if it's the management's fault the waiter can't give good service. All I know is I am getting poor service.
Are you being deliberately obtuse?

>> No.5358031

How am I a dumb hick if I am objectively intelligent(test scores, grades, college admissions) and I live in the suburbs of a fairly significant city?

>> No.5358035

>It clearly fucking is.
but you're missing the bigger question, which is why are Japanese people lesser people than Americans as you seem to be urging, because you're too obsessed with the fucking dolphins to realize you're from a tribe of hateful people and so you're projecting that hate onto other tribes to make yourself sound superior.

>Your constitution forbids you from having a military because the US helped write after you surrendered to us in 1945
that explains why we HAD the article, it doesn't explain why we KEEP it today. it's surely not because Japan is still ashamed today of how it treated the rest of Asia then.

>> No.5358041

I never said that, though. I think Japan is no better than America, not worse. All countries are shit.

>> No.5358043

you seem to be hooked on the idea that good service means having everything your way. restaurants are not fucking Burger King you mongoloid. the point of a restaurant is to serve you what they are interested in providing and what other people will purchase and eat. if you don't like what one restaurant offers, go to another. that goes just as well in any country. I nor anyone else I've ever met from any country has ever had any trouble getting what they want from a restaurant here, so I'm more convinced that you're just fucking stupid. You still haven't told me how you're sure that every waiter knows what you're asking for.

>> No.5358049

whatever you say japoshill

>> No.5358055


>you seem to be hooked on the idea that good service means having everything your way.

You are goddamn fuckin A right it is.

How could anyone even argue this?
That is what service is. The business allowing me everything they have at their disposal as long as I am willing to pay any amount of money for it.

>> No.5358063

>what the customer says he wants is what he really wants

This is what fast food workers actually believe.

>> No.5358067

by your logic then michelin star restaurants are total shit

>> No.5358068

I just realized I have been trolled.
You don't actually have any real ideas you want to defend , you just want to try yo make an ass of me.

>> No.5358074

I have no idea what you think "trolling" means, but I'm not the guy you were originally talking to. Have fun being a retail robot, because you have no idea about professional level customer service.

>> No.5358087

It's okay, buddy. At least we don't live in Japan.

>> No.5359025


44 SS officers materialize and chase the suspects down

>> No.5359398

>If I go to a different country they should treat me like I am used to in America
Just stay at home friend.

>> No.5359405

>Don't pretend to know how my brain works.
Well, you apparently identify readily with umbrella-terms and stock diagnoses...

>> No.5359736

>People come into place of business asking for a bottle of coke
>At a Starbucks

>We don't have "frappes/fraps"

>Or the people that complain they don't like coffee and get something obviously with caffiene

>People wanting bullshit from "secret menu"
>I don't know how to make your beetus drink

On the topic of tips:
>Younger female employees dealing with pervy men slipping tens in the jar just to make sure she rolls with his babbling and small talk

Tips are nice but tips isn't my motive to give good service. I don't want your money waved around, you're getting good service no matter what. Some customers give me this look and react in a "look at me I slipped money in the jar I'm special did you just see me slip money in the tip jar???" I feel that you should just get a liveable wage instead of tips for essentially doing the job you're already supposed to do to.
I kind of feel like tips are insulting from my point of view.