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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5353494 No.5353494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw i'm stuck at 120 lbs and will never lose weight because i'm an alcoholic
>tfw even when i weighed 95 lbs i still had cellulite

life is suffering.

>> No.5353496

are you half a foot tall

also, do pushups while you drink, dummy

>> No.5353500

Ah, I remember my anorexic days in college. Don't be a pussy OP, switch to the /fa/ approved amphetamine, coffee and cigarette diet if you want to be a real winner.

>> No.5353505
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cellulite is a sign of a rich and wonderful life

>> No.5353507

i've always been confused about the calories of ethanol and how they body uses them.

can you gain body fat from drinking vodka and everclear?

8 fluid ounces of vodka is roughly 400 calories. where do those calories go?

>> No.5353508

fucking lift a weight you always look "skinny fat" cause theres nothing to cut down to but skin and organs you need some lbm

>> No.5353511


5'1" and yeah I still workout, no matter what though i always carry my weight in the worst places.


i can't drink coffee, it hurts my stomach too much ; _ ; and i actually have a script for vyvanse but it makes me feel so weird when i take it. like uncomfortably energetic.

>> No.5353512
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>> No.5353514

DUDE! That was my drug of choice back in the day, you lucky dog. It's kind of hard to find without a script, cause most people just have adderral. Get yourself some dank, and learn to love the high; the combination was always really euphoric for me for some reason.

>> No.5353516


well i'm constantly at least a little drunk anyways, maybe only spend 5 hours a day sober at most, and when i do take vyvanse i absolutely have to drink. i'm too uncomfortable otherwise.

>> No.5353529

Eat a healthy plant-based diet and do some exercise. If you're eating junk food and bacon all day, you're going to look like shit

>> No.5353537

Fucking alcohol is ruining it for me too. I have to drink way less to get rid of the weir I packed on.

>> No.5353549
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Why so many ana people on /ck/ all the time? 120 is "go-eat-a-sandwich" weight unless you're a 5 foot even elf.

Cellulite is the normal outward appearance of your skin's connections to your body. Women have straighter, less flexible connective tissue; healthy women post-puberty will have some stretchmarks and cellulite. Men get it a little better, but it doesn't mean it's uncommon or horrendously unhealthy if you have any.

Life IS suffering. Everything you see on the internet is shooped or posed properly in correct lighting with makeup. The Big Macs on the McD's menu are plastic with oil spritzed on.

>> No.5353561

>all these fat cunts ITT wishing they were even close to 120

>> No.5353569
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>random picture of scarscar ~

>> No.5353571


i've never been ana actually, at my lowest weight i was just really depressed and it was hard to force myself to eat. also i wasn't yet an alcoholic back then so i was probably eating 500 calories a day at the most.

also i know a lot of girls my age and size irl who don't have even a hint of cellulite. i know i'm just a freak who didn't win the genetic lottery.

>> No.5353577
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She is 5'1".

Spooky skeleton is best female body type from 5'8" to 6' ideal imo. Look super /fa/, I've had a gf like that and it was so cash just walking around being tall and pretty together.

>> No.5353579
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>me at 120

>> No.5353591
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She was 6' and 135lbs. I wouldn't really like anything skinnier than that. Body was like this.

>> No.5353601
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>> No.5353633


i'm sort of at 35% right now. luckily my legs are still sort of skinny. most of my weight is in my stomach/upper arms/upper thighs/boobs.

>> No.5353653

fuck off to /fit/

>> No.5353657

that's cause you don't exercise

I was an alcoholic and weighed much more than you and did not have cellulite (I'm not one of the lucky people who just doesn't get it either) because I exercised constantly and lifted heavy weights

>> No.5353663

my nigga

>> No.5353667

should be in charge of /ck/

>> No.5353677


i do exercise. i already had cellulite at 17 when i was very athletic, ate healthy, on the tennis team, lifted heavy weights so no sorry doesn't work that way.

>> No.5353688


/fit/ shouldn't even be in charge of /fit/

>> No.5353694

we could be in charge of /hm/

>> No.5353860


i think so, i mean it's pure sugar to your body right? idk maybe i'm dumb.

>> No.5353867
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>> No.5353887

Sugar alcohols are different. Your body processes them differently. It will use them for fuel/calories, but won't store them as fat. I'm talking vodka, whiskey, etc - not beer, wine, etc.
That's how it was explained to me and I'm losing weight. I drink 3x a week, a fifth of bourbon at a time.

>> No.5353900
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Do any other bros like a girl that is a little bit chubs, not fat though? I think its natural and healthy. I mean they do bear our children, I wouldn't want a rail having my baby I'd want a well fed healthy girl.

>> No.5353917
File: 426 KB, 311x615, Zyzz, I lift for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is a man concerned with cellulite? Work out you fucking cunt, stop being a cunt. It is an hour out of your boring day.

Get a fucking backbone.

>> No.5353932

Is /ck/ a board composed of mostly women? It seems like /cgl/, /an/ and /ck/ would be mostly women.

>> No.5353963

/an/ is mostly dudes, I know because I end up getting reported by them out of jealousy every time I post horse dicks.

>> No.5353974
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who cares

>> No.5353994

>Why is a man
>stuck at 120 lbs
>used to weigh 95
That's not a man's weight, anon.

>> No.5353999

I'm a man. When I was 24 I got down to 122 lbs but still looked fat with a saggy gut. Just cutting calories is NOT the way to go. But I don't know how to put on gut muscles. Sit ups I guess, but what a pain in the ass that is.

>> No.5354033
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go to /fit/ and read the sticky, manlet

>> No.5354036


He's just going to end up with t-rex legs and no upper body strength.

Fuck /fit/ and fuck the sticky. Focusing on a few deficient body parts to improve muscle mass in those areas while still giving adequate attention to overall strength and fitness is a pretty smart move. That's not "spot reduction" that's called body building.

>> No.5354037

I already /fit/'s sticky a year ago, got me nowhere. I just go to the gym now and dick around doing some upper body weights but it doesn't do much. I'm 132 lbs now.

>> No.5354043

Reg parks is also in the sticky.

>> No.5354049

Have you tried lifting weights and eating food?

>> No.5354052

I lift weights but I can't do much more than 10 lbs because I broke my shoulder and being in a sling for a month killed all my muscle mass on the left side. So I go dick around trying to get it back up to where the right side is, but it's taking forever.

>> No.5354058

So fix it over time, it sounds like you don't really try if your calling it dicking around.

>> No.5354059


>> No.5354060

It's dicking around in the sense that it's only 10 lbs, not really serious weight, and I get tired after 30 minutes. I feel like I should be doing more, but the parts start to lock up and I have to quit.

>> No.5354063

Yeah, shoulder injuries are detrimental. Go hungry skeleton runner mode.

>> No.5354080


You should see a PT or a trainer. Chances are you're going for stressful shit like barbell presses and it's fucking up your connective tissue.

I have shoulder issues and I pretty much do only dumbbells for upper body.

If things are really bad you could do cables or rubber bands.

>> No.5354083

well I went to a PT right after it healed so he could get it moving again, but it's still stiff and won't bend all the way, I can feel it all the way down my back, and my insurance ran out by now. I don't know the names of the exercises, I use the machines, and just take it from the center of the torso and pull away horizontally. It's the bench press stuff that hurts my back though.

>> No.5354085

> I don't know the names of the exercises,

You need to use your head more than your body if you're fixing an injury. Learn the names of the exercises, learn the name of your injured body parts, and read, read, read. If it hurts, don't do it, and read some more.

You could start with the "shoulder savers" articles on T-Nation, it may not apply to you but it will get you looking in the right direction.

And yeah stay the fuck away from the barbells.

>> No.5354110

I'm 5'10 and 130 and I'm skinny fat
I have a broad chest and some meat on my hips
that girl is like 110

>> No.5354125

Yeah probably, I just really don't give a rat's ass about learning about fitness or physiology right now. All I care about is losing this saggy gut still, the details of it bore me. I'll read the article later I guess, but I think I'll just have to wait until I get more insurance and visit another trainer or something that can help move this stuff into place, because it won't rotate right, and just puts pressure on the back muscle when it's not supposed to.

>> No.5354156
File: 48 KB, 180x306, 2014-04-12 16.36.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not my ex, this is. And she was 135 and 6'. If you think 130 at 6' is skinnyfat then you have body dismorphia.

>> No.5354170


>> No.5354172

I'm a guy by the way

>> No.5354192

I could tell by the broad chest statement, which I doubt. I had a friend who was 5'11" and 135 in high school and you could see his abs because he never ate anything. He was skinny as fuck. I was 6'2" and 175 and that was skinnyfat with a broad chest and wide hips. Post a pic of you shirtless, because there is no way.

>> No.5354204

alcohol isn't some magical substance, its not much different than other common sources of calories

If you want to keep drinking just eat less and you be fine

>> No.5354211

The sticky says all of that, go read it you moron.

>> No.5354224
File: 229 KB, 807x1050, 0_9611c_5e862c25_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feels OP, but I'm 5'6 and everyone thinks I look anorexic at 120. I don't get that. I also have cellulite too, but you gotta remember that every female pretty much does. We live in a photoshopped, and after effects filled world where everything is unrealistic and fake. Men don't even give a shit. If they do, then fuck em. Why do you even care about what some faggot thinks?

>> No.5354226

My bf is 6", 130lbs and has a very broad chest and shoulders and zero abs. His boobies even bounce a bit when he walks.. Skinnyfat as fuck

just depends on their structure and how they carry weight.

>> No.5354230

i don't think i've ever seen an asian with cankles before

>> No.5354235


keep tellin yourself this hamplanet

>> No.5354240

>also i know a lot of girls my age and size irl who don't have even a hint of cellulite.

No, you just don't SEE it. We all have it. Some of it just isn't as visible.

>> No.5354241

He doesn't have broad shoulders if he's 6', 130lbs, and fat. He's probably actually 5'10", but still.

>> No.5354256

You'll notice less of it since the maxi skirt/dress trend's started.
Also a lot of it has to do with how close you are to a person, and how much attention you're paying to them

>> No.5354304

I'm 6' fairly skinny fat and 185lbs but i've pretty broad, if i weighed 130 I'd be full Auschwitz mode

>> No.5354309
File: 707 KB, 1139x1163, 2014-01-27 19.24.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, there is no way they aren't twiggy bitchbois. 185lbs is pushing it though. I was 185lbs at 6'2" when I started working out and that was pretty fat. I didn't really realize how fat I was until I put on 25lbs and lost it again and was still not under 15%bf, pic related. I must have been pretty fat and gross.

>> No.5354361


more like thigankles, dayum bitch

>> No.5354434

>being 5'1 24 y.o male

>> No.5354445


Ethanol is oxididized to acetaldehyde, which is in turn oxidized to acetic acid. This can be used to form AcetylCoenzymeA, which is used in the Citric Acid Cycle and can be used to generate ATP (energy) in the cell.

AcetylCoenzymeA is also the precursor of fatty acid synthesis in the cell. Ethanol is a better fatty acid precursor than sugar, meaning it actually will turn into fat, and quicker than actual carbs to boot.

>> No.5354446

Wait, there are men who are under 6 feet tall?

>> No.5354543

>I want to achive goal
>I refuse to think about how to achieve goal

You deserve your situation

>> No.5354551

>Broscience 2.0

>> No.5354561


5'6 and 120 sounds ideal. yeah i have a great boyfriend, been with him for a long time and he still thinks i'm beautiful but i'm still insecure. can't help but feel every girl in the world has a better body than me.


i traveled to japan last spring and i was seriously amazed by how many fat/chubby japanese girls i saw.

>> No.5354606

Wait, why do you think catabolizing alcohol into AcetylCoA is easier than glycolysis which yields a bunch of ATP as well as AcetylCoA from a glucose molecule?

>> No.5354655
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thick thighs + wide hips all day erry day.

>> No.5354748

I want to know too. Sounds like theory.
I'm the drunkard from >>5353887 btw, so all I can tell you is from personal experience.