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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5353479 No.5353479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be a 24 year old line cook
>property I work for gets bought out by a large restaurant group
>director asks me if I would consider moving up to a senior position at a posh new location
>$6 million in renovations being done
>big shots dropping in every week
>I would be responsible for stuff I've always followed my boss on
>I decline the offer without even asking for details

Everyone is telling me I was wrong, but I don't want them suing me when I fuck up a menu and they get a bad review on Yelp. What would you have done, /ck/?

>> No.5353488

>afraid of change
>invent imaginary scenario to justify declining change that would objectively benefit you

The majority of /ck/ would fall into that sweet spot of doing exactly what you did but calling somebody else a retard for doing it.

>> No.5353490

Fear of success is more dangerous than fear of failure. Looks like you have both.

>> No.5353491

>big shots dropping in every week
i'd take it just for the opportunity to spit in their food if they were dicks to me
welcome to my restaurant bitch

>> No.5353497

It's your choice man. But it would have taken balls to take the better job and you obviously don't have what it takes.

>> No.5353498
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pay is not worth the trouble
never has never will be

>> No.5353510

I mean, it sounds like you're just not ready for it. Nothing wrong with knowing your limits/ wanting to get more job experience before moving up.

>> No.5353513
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>suing me when I fuck up a menu

>> No.5353518

Wow you turned that down?

I fought so fucking hard to get moving up the chain. First off no one is going to sue you but are you ready for a leadership role do you really want to be a chef or just a cook?

If you want to just be a cook you made the right decision if you really do want to be a chef then you need to take on the changes and start ranking up. It can be difficult moving up the chain and having more responsibility but its actully really rewarding.

>> No.5353527

ive done the same thing op i became full time cook at 18 and got offered to be a chef at 20 and i was like lol wut no fuck that responsibility

>> No.5353539

Goddamn I want some head cheese right now.

>> No.5353547

One tragedy I've observed in other industries is that many of people that want the senior positions aren't the ones that are good at it, and those that really know what they're doing just don't want the responsibility.

I don't know where you fit, OP, but you should just do what you want. I know I personally don't want to be responsible for more than the little scope I feel comfortable with.

>> No.5353559

I'm curious what skills they see & want that you don't know you have.

>> No.5353562

>One tragedy I've observed in other industries is that many of people that want the senior positions aren't the ones that are good at it, and those that really know what they're doing just don't want the responsibility.


>> No.5353567

You had an opportunity to reek havoc and subterfuge behind enemy corporate restaurant lines and refused?
Ya blew it.

>> No.5354337

>I don't want them suing me when I fuck up
You really don't have to worry about that. Businesses are responsible for their choice of employees. Unless you intentionally do something criminal, any mistakes you make are "the fault" of the company, and they are supposd to insure you for that.

>put your semen into hot female customer's food
your fault

>accidentally poison 300 people with salmonella
the company's fault

>> No.5354363

Know your limits and do the best you can do. Consider how fast you'll be able to improve, but improve as fast as you can. Create good rapport with the big shots, but don't get too involved yet. If you think you have what it takes you probably don't but you will if you have the right attitude and can learn. Bust your ass and get better if you fuck up. Don't get too upset when you fuck up but learn from that and don't do it again. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake unless you do it twice. If I were you I'd have taken the opportunity and worked it like the whore that it is.

>> No.5354369

Yeah, why take a step towards a possible career path when you have a low wage job?

Regret is the best feeling. You did the right thing, OP

>> No.5354371

I've noticed it's always young "muh kids" people who are desperate to move up because they could actually use the extra $1.50 an hour or don't want their kids to think they're plebs.

Must be some kind of correlation between people stupid enough to have kids in their early 20s when they aren't making much money, and being incompetent once they *do* get a promotion.

>> No.5354373

I mean do you think these people are incompetent? they wouldn't just ask you if you want a promotion for no reason, surely they think you are cut out for it

>> No.5354377

Why not ask to be sous chef rather than headchef (if that was the position being offered). It'd give you a chance to learn from another chef and develop management and leadership skills you'd otherwise lack and you'd learn how to deal with responsibility without jumping to top gun.

In the end it's your decision, I'd say no if I were asked to be headchef of my current workplace. Mind you I'd say no to sous chef position too but that's because this place is dieing and I need a new job

>> No.5354383

Depending on the country OP dwells in he can be held responsible by the company for poisoning 300 people due to the failure to abide by food safety laws, so if he's not confident in his knowledge it's quite a valid fear.

>> No.5354387

Tell him you reconsider. You've made a huge mistake.