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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5352270 No.5352270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Could you post recipes/ideas for low carb meals? I'm trying to lose weight, I've been counting calories and I've lost some weight, but I've hit a wall, so I'm trying to lower my carbs to less than 100 a day. I was just looking at what I usually eat and it was kind of insane, so I'm cutting a lot of things out of my diet and need help replacing it.

>> No.5352273

If you've plateaued just eat a little over your TDEE. it will speed your metabolism back up.

>> No.5352289

3 eggs
hot sauce

>> No.5352297

>low carb for weight loss

Good thinking, you don't want to end up like all those fat asians and africans

>> No.5352306

Recalculate your tdee
how much weight have you lost?
if youre still eating -500 under your original tdee that could just br around maintenance at this point hence the "plateau"

>> No.5352344


Started at 221 in January and right now I'm 208 (so not much progress, but that's my fault). I was eating 1500, and lifting 3 days a week. I'm gonna try 1300 cal a day with less than 100 carbs, plus exercise (lifting 3 days + cardio 2 days).

>> No.5352410


If you're still 200+ pounds and not losing weight while "eating 1500," you're counting your calories wrong. What you have just described is an impossibility

>> No.5352494

Ya m8 youre doing something wrong and its eating too much..
how tall are you? And how long have you been working out?
cause at -500 tdee everyday youll loose about 1.5-2 lbs a week which is the healthy way to loose fat not to drop calories dangerously low (goodbye gains).
so of youve only been at this for a month and youve lost that much youre doing finr

>> No.5352500

Ok re read what you wrote from jan to now at a decent cut rate youd of lost like 24-28lbs give or take and youve lost 13 which is still something but it just shows you that some days you are eating too much!!
Count all your cals and dony lie to yourself. Also going that low in cals will normally result in the yoyo effect

>> No.5352599

>less than 100 a day

100 what? Carbs aren't a fucking unit.

>> No.5352615

grams, duh.

>> No.5352623

chicken cacciatore
tacos with low carb flour tortilla
salad with bacon and blue cheese
tom kah gai
cured meats and cheese and nuts
chicken satay with peanut sauce
meat kebabs and veg kebabs
meatball soup

shit like that.
If you want to cut out carbs you should check out the keto diet. I'm eating less than 15g of carbs, but a shit ton of fat. Keeps you feeling full.

>> No.5352690

You could have slowed your metabolism. If you keep eating under, you'll eventually start losing again, provided you exercise and eat lots of protein which'll boost your metabolism. I don't think cutting out carbs is healthy as I've been in serious ketosis before and it ain't good. Nah uh.

However, I'll try and help you. You can do stuff like wrap burgers in lettuce instead of bread. Put pasta sauce on vegetables. Eat a lot of soup- that shit fills you up, but it's low in carbs.
Eat breakfast of just scrambled eggs- no toast or anything.
Some nice roast/baked meat or fish with some vegetables is really nice and not difficult at all.
Not sure how many carbs are in beans, but you could make chili and just eat it on its own. (The spice should boost your metabolism too).
Eat peanut butter (no added sugar) on celery.
Chicken parmigiana, Chicken paprikash, just basically eat the meat and the the vegetables, but cut out the pasta/bread/potato/rice/etc.

I used to make blinchiki out of basically a little wholegrain spelt flour, egg white and water. I don't think that's high in carbs at all and substitutes bread. You can even make some sort of pancake with nothing but banana and egg.
If you get hungry, eat nuts and drink water, they're full of fiber so they'll fill you up and help with digestion, but they're low in carbs so yeah.

I dunno man, hope I helped.

Fill up on water and caffeine to suppress appetite. And you might want to count your calories again.

>> No.5352702

Yeah.. I guess the only advantage I found to low carb is that you have more calories to spend on protein. Unfortunately, you need carbs, not only for brain function, but to ensure that the protein remains in your system for longer than 24 hours and so that you don't burn it off as energy. I know fat's not necessarily bad for you, but it is a source of very high density energy (like refined sugar) which provides little nutrition so it'd probably be best to cut that out for a while. But if OP's gonna try low carb, he's gonna try low carb.

>> No.5352722

The amount of carbs you need to maintain brain function is extremely low. Low enough that you'll meet your requirements just from eating vegetables.

>> No.5352751

Not OP.

I'm a real fatty. 255lb 6'0". I'm doing 100g of carbs a day and eating about 800-1000 cal altogether. With this current diet, I'm losing about 3lb a week, but I'm constipated and lethargic all the time. Am I doing it wrong? Also am I losing actual body fat or am I losing lean body mass?

>> No.5352775

>slowed your metabolism
You need to adjust your -500 from intake to accomodate your new weight.
Your metabolism hasn't 'slowed down' it's adjusted to having less of you to need to maintain.

>> No.5352777

you have obviously never done ANY sort of dietary research beyond what your mother's women's fitness magazines advise.

Ketogenic diets are often more satiating at fewer calories (read: <20g carbs) than any other deficit diets.

>> No.5352779

you need to eat a certain amount of protein per lb of lean body mass (I'm gonna assume you don't know your bf%) to maintain that muscle while going through caloric deficit, but other than that, lethargy is going to come from insufficient energy and constipation from insufficient water/fiber in your diet.

Eat more veges anon.

>> No.5352858

If he's eating 1,500 calories, I don't think that he should lower it any further. Sometimes your metabolism does slow as a reaction to eating a reduced amount. You just need to push through it.

>> No.5352869

Actually you're wrong there. I was in keto for over a year and have since talked to many doctors and dieticians - each had different ideas. I lost about a third of my body weight in keto, I still find it almost impossible to eat carbs now. So, no, I am not the one who's been gaining my info from women's health magazines.. esp. since right now they all seem to be promoting high-fat/low carb diets anyway. Granted, I can see how it feels more satisfying despite the reduced amount of calories, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily better for you, just easier to stick to.

Yeah, but your body is not necessarily going to divert those carbs to fueling your brain.

>> No.5353341

OP here. Thanks for everyones suggestions and advice. First, I'm a girl, I only mention that because my caloric needs differ from a mans. I don't want to go like super low carb, just less than 100 grams. I was checking what I usually eat and stopped at breakfast, my cereal/milk + greek yogurt was 77 grams of carbs. So I'm cutting the cereal. I'll still eat bread and such, I just need more low carb foods to fill in my calories.

I've messed up a lot before, which is why I haven't lost much weight. I'm kinda stressing out now that I thought I was actually doing well and it's not coming off (it's been almost 2 weeks, with lifting and eating 1500-1700 cal (800-1000 cal deficit, I ate around 1700 on days I lifted)+ 70-100 grams of protein a day), so I figure I need to eat less bullshit, as well as do cardio on days I don't lift (I had planned to anyway, but put it off because I don't like it, but this is pushing me to where I won't mind as much).

>> No.5353407

Yeah you should definitely swap cereal for a protein-based breakfast. You'll probably find that you have more energy after that. I'd highly recommend cutting out bread if you can- if you're going to eat carbs, stick to things such as potatoes/sweet potatoes (which fill you up, but are lower in calories) and oats which also contain a decent amount of protein and fiber.

>> No.5353429

youre doing it completely wrong
/fit/ and read the sticky

>> No.5353436

Post tits plx.

>> No.5353437
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>mfw youre a grill
how tall are you?
eat less and stop lying to yourself about how much youre really eating

>> No.5353455


Would steel cut oatmeal be good? It seems good to make in bulk so you're not rushing in the morning. I could just add fruit and seasoning right? Any suggestions with that?

I'm one of those fat chicks who doesn't have huge tits, so nah brah.


5'3", probably the only reason I'm not a landwhale is because genetics (pear shape body, so majority of my fat is in my ass and thighs). Like I said, I was fucking up before, eating things I couldn't really count. But I'm being stricter, and changing things up to be healthier. Just stressing the last two or so weeks since I was counting strictly along with exercise. I think more exercise and eating less plus cutting out more shit will rectify it.

>> No.5353493
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you can count everything download myfitnesspal on your phone
>small tits
>not a landwhale
atleast youre trying dont give up saying its just not in your genetics to be skinny. or any of that crap keep at it youll make it

as for oatmeal natty pb is good, fruit, cinnamon i put flavored whey protein. any oatmeal would be good i find it really filling

>> No.5353625


I know it's my fault I'm fat, I meant body type wise I'm genetically blessed and I should take advantage of it (I'm still gross, but at my weight I don't have rolls, I have legit curves, like my waist sinks in then wide hips). I got myfitnesspal again so I can count carbs along with calories and protein. I'll buy some oatmeal this week and start experimenting with it. Is steel cut good, I saw people saying it was the best.

>> No.5353648


>genetically blessed
>no tits

>> No.5353659


>tits being better than ass
>more than a handful is a waste

>> No.5353660
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>> No.5353678
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you have to post a pic now i cant even imagine these proportions

it doesnt matter oatmeal is oatmeal it depends what kind you like.
the instant shit just has alot of sugar
best breakfast would be like an egg white (or regular) omelet with tons of veggies and a little cheese then like a bowl of oats.
with that you shouldnt be hungry again till well into the afternoon where you should eat some more lean meat and veggies maybe a large salad (filling and little calories) and depending how many cals you got left for the day do it again for dinner

the protein in pic related is per LBM not weight

>> No.5353681

I lost over 150 pounds a few years ago, currently 6'0 155. I peaked at 320.

I've gotta say low carb to lose weight is pretty retarded. Carbs are what make you feel full. If I eat just protein and fat I'm hungry a couple hours later. The key is to eat complex carbs (vegetables) and mix them with proteins and fats. This makes you feel full for half the day.

God tier dieting food I used: sweet potatoes, salmon, carrots, avocados, sardines, celery, lettuce, chicken breast. Also had 1-2 5 ounce glasses of red wine a day with food. Don't bother with cardio, the calories burned are minimal and it just makes you feel like losing weight is too hard. I cut out dairy, grains, processed food, unnatural sugar, and all high sugar fruit years ago and haven't had any since.

Do bodyweight exercises and lift weights to increase metabolism and keep loose skin from looking like a disaster.

>> No.5354343
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So as you can see I'm pretty gross, but it could be worse. And it'll be awesome once I get rid of all the fat and keep doing dem squats.

>> No.5354441
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ya youre at the point where as long as you eat under your caloric limit and exercise you will loose weight. And remember to recalculate your TDEE every 10 or so lbs lost.

>> No.5354465

are u a gril? mirin dat big ole ass, I'd hit it.

>> No.5354467

moar pics plz