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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5350751 No.5350751[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how much alcohol can you handle, ma/ck/ daddies?

pic unrelated

>> No.5350780

a lot

>> No.5350786

more than you weeb

>> No.5350972

My safe amount is 6-8 shots of like smirnoff but I've taken 16 before but I was blackout drunk

>> No.5350986

Two mixed drinks or high alcohol content beers.

>> No.5350987

I do not own a shot glass. Usually I'll pour a can of coke and 3/4 a cup of evan williams into my mug. I drink two of these a night every night.

Googled how many shots that is. Eight shots a night. I feel disgusted.

>> No.5351168

Too much. I wish my tolerance were lower, then I could get drunk off less.

>> No.5351177

12 pack of beer in a day or 6 hours

>> No.5351338

Right now I can handle ~7-10 drinks over a couple hours and be okay. I usually don't drink more than six on a given night out.

>> No.5351348

depends how long i space out my drinks and how strong they are?

i only drink liquor straight, don't bother with beer or wine or mixed drinks. about 3 80-100 proof whiskeys and/or rums on rocks, moderately to heavily poured, spaced out over a couple of hours will have me bordering on too drunk. but i'm also a little under 5'3" and 120lbs.

>> No.5351352

Depends on what you mean by handle. I borderline killed myself as a teen with 2 bottles of white wine, 6-8ish beers and around 6 shots of whiskey. Nowadays about 10 beers or a bottle of red wine would have me set for the night if it's a party.

>> No.5351355

to conserve I've been drinking about 15 drinks in an hour, but if money wasn't a factor I'd drink a 1.75 in a day

>> No.5351363

Can anyone decode what this fucker just said?

>> No.5351368
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More than whatever sub 120lb girl I am trying to get drunk enough to fuck.

>> No.5351366

>drinking ~22 drinks as a teen
It probably would've been better for the gene pool if you had died.

>> No.5351372

I drink 15 drinks in an hour so I get drunk

if I just paced myself it wouldn't make me feel euphoric

>> No.5351377

In the list of stupid shit I have done in my life, I regard that night as my most idiotic move.

>> No.5351379

As in fifteen beers/shots per hour? A shot every 4 minutes?

>> No.5351380

As long as you don't turn into a hypocrite when you are a middle aged harpy, there is no problem.

>> No.5351391

>needing to make up shit on the internet about your alcohol tolerance
Sasuga, tripfaggot.

>> No.5351392

I cut my drinking in half. A 12 pack or half a 5th every other day. Sometimes only twice a week. Work 55-65 hours a week high stress, hard work, the totem pole is about 8 tiers of management. I'm at the bottom rung and do work for the other 7 because I get shit done. They all know I drink like a fish, but know I don't come in hung over or drink on the job. Got me benefits and overtime. Know that I do drink and work from home, database, growth charts, historical reports, and outlining projects. But the drinking actually helps that. I'm more honest and figure out ways to do things more effectively at lower costs/workloads. But we all know that one day Im going to crash and burn. Big time.

>> No.5351396

hard alcohol

>> No.5351423

An average night for me is a little over 1/2 a litre of 80 proof if I'm trying to get drunk

>> No.5351445

about this. i can do more with drugs but then it just becomes a terrible hangover

>> No.5351516

2/3 of a bottle of wine has me feeling breddy gud. And by breddy gud I mean tipsy and happy. None of that blackout shit; I have never gotten that drunk, and with a borderline alcohol father I don't want to push my luck. I only drink to the point of inebriation on average once a week anyway.

>> No.5351544

why dont people realize that "bruahaha look how much i can drink arent i manly" is fucking really stupid?
>look how high my tolerance to alcohol is arent i macho??
no, youre an alcoholic-in-training. being sloppy drunk is disgusting and extremely unbecoming.

so, /ck/, when did you realize that drinking was immature and stop because why kill yourself with alcohol?

>> No.5351601

a whole bunch, same here

>> No.5351609

half a 1.75l of 40% will get me decently drunk
or 20 pints of 5% beer

>> No.5351615

On Friday and Saturday nights I will drink a six pack followed by half a litre of vodka, usually straight.

>> No.5351624

4-6 beers is the perfect amount of buzz. Ever since I got rekt from drinking way too much homemade wine, I don't like being really drunk at all.

>> No.5351634

I used to drink quite a bit, between a 12 and a 24 a night. for about 3 years. quit since and most I'll have is 1-2 beers a month. I smoke way more pot now.

>> No.5351640

My limit is 3 long island iced teas. Anything more than that will cause me to do stupid shit.

>> No.5351939

I used to drink four pints every Friday and by the third I would feel dehydrated and drunk.

Now I drink somewhere between five to eight pints every evening, and I can't really tell how drunk I am. I just want more. I recently started drinking whisky and brandy to "top up" my drunkenness.

Am I an alcoholic in the making? Is this unhealthy? Or is it just normal?

>> No.5351950

Most I've done is 18. Vomited excessively the next day. Almost peed in a friend's bedroom

>> No.5351962
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Probably an alcoholic. You drink more than most normals and you do it every day. It could be alot worse, just keep it in check.

If somebody said you couldn't have a drink for the next three days would you feel uncomfortable? The thing that scares me the most about my drunken tendencies is how functional I am and how going a day without drinking isn't even an option anymore. But I enjoy it. The other day we were talking about drunk stories at work and a coworker told me she couldn't imagine me getting drunk.


>> No.5351970

Higher than all of my friends tolerance, thats for sure. It's nice because I can drink at their rate and have a nice buzz while they're tripping over every word they slur out, but it sucks because getting proper drunk is a lot of work and ends up being less fun.

>> No.5351981

That's the thing: I don't think I drink a lot. I mean, I drink a large volume of liquid, but it's not like I'm drinking strong spirits. Part of it is still that I like trying different beers, it's not just getting smashed.

I did recently go four weeks without alcohol to see if I could. I did and there weren't really any negative effects (besides missing/wanting alcohol), but after that I went straight back to my old routines. It's just a part of my life that I go to the shop every day, buy several bottles of beer, then go home and start drinking them. It's as much part of my daily routine as brushing my teeth or going in the shower.

>> No.5352014

Sounds like an addiction. Even if you didn't suffer noticeable withdrawal. Try limiting yourself on how many days a week you drink.

Also. Beer makes you fat. There's a good incentive to drink less of it.

>> No.5352024

alcohol in general ruins your metabolism
beer is like cake in a glass though

>> No.5352034

A lot.

I hardly ever drink though. Like <5 times a year.

>> No.5352039

i don't know, I always forgot how much I had drank long before I drank as much as I could handle

>> No.5352043

>Also. Beer makes you fat
If you are just adding it on top of everything you would eat and drink otherwise, sure, but there is nothing special about alcohol that makes you fatter than other calorie sources

>> No.5352049

to expand on that, there are many things in the typical person's diet that they should consider giving up before they get to giving up beer

>> No.5352053

I'm only getting at it being a high-carb drink. It makes you fat if your diet/exercise regime is otherwise poor.

>> No.5352058

I wouldn't really describe beer as high-carb

While there are certainly some residual carbs, its nothing compared to sodas or juices

>> No.5352068

But (most people) drink one can of coke or whatever, but they're happy to have multiple beers. And then you do that on a daily basis on top of what else you're eating and drinking and it's a lot to add on.

I have a friend from high school. About a year out of school he started drinking a case of beer each week. So 24 bottles of a mid strength beer in 7 days. In 3 months he put on a shit tonne of weight just from the extra beer.

>> No.5352081


Replacing soda or orange juice with beer is an awesome idea

Drinking soda/juice and beer is not

>> No.5352089

~30 pack and I can still operate decently. Don't really drink liquor enough to be able to gauge it.

I used to be able to drink more with my old crowd of friends, but the years are gaining on me and they're dead gone locked up and scattered to the 4.

>> No.5352170

It's a very weird addiction though. Like it feels "addictive" in the same way brushing my teeth is addictive. I'm not denying it's a habit, but it doesn't feel hugely important. I can go with less alcohol and I'm not guzzling down strong spirits to get my fix. Too much would just feel awful. So it's like I'm addicted to a moderate alcohol intake.

>Also. Beer makes you fat. There's a good incentive to drink less of it.

To be honest, that's always been my main concern. I need to lose weight and I don't eat much, but beer is probably the thing keeping me at my current weight.

All I drink is water and beer (sometimes coffee) and now you've got me curious. Has anyone actually worked this out? Will you really have a calorific diet if you replace soda with beer or something like that? I might work it tomorrow.

>> No.5352175

The most I've ever drank was half a bottle of hypnotiq and a third bottle of vodka within like a hour. It was also the most drunk I've ever been.

>> No.5352181


this is why i don't drink beer

unless you're TRYING to gain weight in an unhealthy and unflattering way, there is seriously no point in choosing beer over liquor.

>> No.5352197

Back when I was 18 I could drink all night, didn't matter what it was beer or spirits then I'd get up the next morning, go to work, get home and do it all over again.
Now I'm 31 and weak as fuck, if I drink heavily I will most likely end up in bed before 10pm and work the next day is a fucking nightmare.

>> No.5352475

None. I can't even take the sippiest sip of anything stronger than flavored beer before I get sick.

Alcohol makes my chest hurt really bad. .

>> No.5352495

I don't know for certain because I really don't go out to get drunk. The closest I can say is that I had 2 beers and took 5 shots of Ketel in about 30 minutes and I was staggering, though otherwise lucid. I shut down the drinking as soon as I couldn't walk in a totally straight line.

So I could probably have more but I don't really want to get blackout drunk.

>> No.5352744

I was really surprised that I could drink as much as 7-800 ml of vodka for the night without puking my guts out and doing stupid ass shit and I am a 49kg womanlet. I guess I should thank the whole lot of dancing and singing we crazy kids did that night. Usually I don't go over 300-400 of vodka, but I always drink a lot of water with it. No soft or energy drinks ever. No mixed drinks, cocktails or fancy shots. Then again, I come from a place, where drinking is THE national sport and all my friends are drunks. Myself included I assume.

>> No.5352748

>btw im a grill :^)
kill yourself, worthless fuckcunt

>> No.5352764

A three-four pints of >4,5% ABV drinks will get me sloppy if consumed a pint per hour, depending on whether I've slept or eaten properly. And by sloppy, I mean what would be socially unacceptable in the States. In Finland, you've just had a few and I personnally wiykd start thinking about calling it a night. I don't know how much it takes to get me piss drunk these days. There are nights when I down a bottle of whiskey (I don't usually like being all that drunk, so that happens about once a year), but it all depends on social context and the amount of time allotted.

>> No.5352766
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a forty and a half in one sitting before my kidneys start shutting down

>> No.5352767

Yeah there are no women over the internet, especially over a cooking board.

>> No.5352814

I can drink a 6-pack of 5% beer or about a quarter of a bottle of 40% liqueur. Yeah, I'm a lightweight.

>> No.5352895

So what she's supposed to say manlet even though that's inaccurate?

>> No.5352900

just popping by to say you're a worthless piece of shit and should promptly kill yourself :')

>> No.5352914
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I didn't know keeping a track of what you drink is such a big part of being a woman.

Guess this is what happens when you have nothing else going on in your life.

>> No.5353072

Whatever the equivalent to 13 beers is.

That's the limit I got to; my stomach literally couldn't take anything else in it.

>> No.5353110

I go through about 1 liter of Vodka in 2 days. It gets expensive...

>> No.5353118

I chugged ~32oz of homemade hard cider a few days ago.

I was pretty fucked up.

>> No.5353154

4 to 5 liters of beer

>> No.5353190

Too much, it gets expensive.

>> No.5353201
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It can...

>> No.5353219
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Regularly? I can do it but it's going to kick my ass, I'll spend the next day recovering


>> No.5353230
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>a little under 5'3" and 120 lbs


>> No.5353235

Bushmills? That's Protestant whisky.

>> No.5353282

> prostitute whisky

Really? I had no idea. I just drink the shit out of it.

In fact, those five bottles are now gone. On sale at $13.89/ea and an extra 10% off when you buy six. They only had the five so I had to mix-n-match to get my discount.

>> No.5353295

>Protestant whisky

What? I thought protestants started the temperance movement. Why the fuck are they making whisky?

>> No.5354186

i always drink my friends under the table, and i usually drink neat spirits

i get loud and stupid but i don't get blackout, memory loss or vomiting drunk until i've been drinking for about seven hours

its depressing, no matter how much rum i imbibe i have to be the sensible sane person who looks after everyone
most of my friends are weak girls though

i used to date a lady with an iron stomach who could match me drink for drink, but she always wanted to cry about her feelings afterwards

>> No.5356420

too many

>> No.5356440

Well, last night I drank 4 shots of Powers, 2 bottles of wine, 3 bottles of Victory HopDevil, and a 12 pack of High Life. Feel a bit dry but not sick today. To be fair, the High Life was basically just filler because I like the sensation of drinking liquids, but the wine was kind of a doozey in combination with the rest.

>> No.5356453


"Protestant" is a very, very big net to cast

>> No.5356540

It's also a bullshit claim by cartoonishly self-stereotyped Irish-Americans. I've never met an actual Irishman who gave a damn.

>> No.5356556

>be from Dublin
>hate whiskey
>rum is my poison of choice
i'm a pariah

>> No.5356588

Depends on why I'm drinking.

But on a typical night when I'm out, I can probably go through 2 or 3 liters of vodka in one night (over say...5-8 hours)

>> No.5356594

>3 Four Loko's
>4 cups Hunch Punch
>8 cups of Bud Light (beer pong)
Pretty sure I went way past my limit considering I threw up when I got home

>> No.5356598

I have family in the ra and we've gone to the bushmills distillery together and had a pleasant afternoon