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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5348657 No.5348657[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

vegan cooking blog ! (includes the recipe) :D

>> No.5348662 [DELETED] 


>> No.5348682
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So, I started a vegan cooking blog, but i forgot the link in my first post.


>> No.5348690


Nice try fggt, butter isn't vegan, it exploits Innocent cow babies depriving them of milk and premature slaughter of all those bastard veal creatures. You son of a bitch cow baby killer, shame on you....SHAME.

>> No.5348694


God I hope there's a comment section, you murderous hypocrite.

>> No.5348696

I didn't see anything about butter but I only skimmed the recipe quickly.

It looks yummy, OP. Best of luck with your vegan blog. Ignore all of the petty ">hurr durr vegan" attacks you get. In the end it's your diet and you get to control it. If you enjoy your diet, then there's no problem with it.

>> No.5348695
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Lentil Daal (Indian style)
100% vegan

>> No.5348705

Looks good. I fuckin love Dal.

>> No.5348709

Me too

>> No.5348712


This filthy milk stealing animal exploiter, clearly slathered cruelty oil all over the bread.

>> No.5348714

I know you're trying to troll and be funny but that doesn't even look like oil. Nigga' what are you doing. You've got to try harder than that.

>> No.5348716

I shat out something like that once.

>> No.5348717


I just don't get it. It's not healthier and there's no moral dimension to it, so unless you have some ridiculous collection of allergies and intolerances, it's just... stupid.

>> No.5348719


why would anyone want to eat seeds and twigs in a bowl of bile?

>> No.5348723

You flushed it down the toilet and it ended up feeding an indian family for the day. Good man.

>> No.5348726


I hope you get arrested for animal cruelty.

also that's clearly churned cow baby juice

>> No.5348731

>It's not healthier

Well, it's not healthier than... what? It's much more healthy than a lot of diets people have, but it's not the "healthiest" option.

I'm not a vegan but what if someone just enjoys eating a vegan diet? Why is it stupid just because you can't find a reason for it?

>> No.5348729


>I just don't get it. It's not healthier and there's no moral dimension to it

I see the problem, you're wrong on both accounts

>> No.5348740
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thanks for the support and views guys !

ignoring the negative comments is easy, so is eating vegan :D

>> No.5348743

You just have to turn your brain off, amirite?

>> No.5348748

Not healthier than vegetarianism, I meant. If someone simply happens to eat only vegan food because that's what they like, more power to them, but there's a difference between someone who won't eat non-vegan food and someone who just happens not to. It's the former I find incomprehensible.

>> No.5348756


>Not healthier than vegetarianism, I meant

It's virtually the same thing, just without dairy and eggs, which aren't healthy foods. Why wouldn't it be healthier?

>> No.5348761

I don't think vegetarianism is much more healthy than veganism but I'd love to hear why you think that.

>> No.5348769


because a diet isn't healthy if I can't smear butter all over everything I eat! fucking vegans!

>> No.5348776


I think both groups have an interior, green bone producing diet that deprives the body of essential nutrients.

>> No.5348777



>> No.5348780


Such as?

>> No.5348785


the meat group?

>> No.5348789

So this is the kind of people on /ck/ that bash vegans? Either they have absolutely no idea of what they're talking about or they're trolling.

/ck/, I thought you were better than that.

>> No.5348790


Oh yeah, the vital heart disease nutrient. Signs of deficiency include longer lifespan and having a working penis past age 30

>> No.5348805

It is indeed not healthier in itself but the whole point is moral. Or rather it is about the social value of a "moral" action.

Vegans eat the social recognition they reclaim for a so called moral action.

>> No.5348815

Not all vegans are vegans for moral reasons. It's a diet just like any other diet. Some people just enjoy eating a vegan diet.

>> No.5348856

>not an absolutely retarded religion

You can't even eat oysters or use honey. The former because it's still an animal (even though it lacks the brain function to feel pain) and the latter because it's bee slavery. It's basically what puritanism was in the 17th century.

>> No.5348862

>bee slavery
I'd lol if I didn't understand how emotionally retarded vegans are.

>> No.5348864

thanks OP, I'm not a vegan but my gf is a vegetarian and we are moving in together so this will be useful

>> No.5348866



Also, it's empty calories.

>> No.5348869

empty calories is a meaningless buzz phrase

>> No.5348873


Veganism is like the diet equivalent of atheism

>> No.5348874

Here's what you people don't understand. I don't eat meat everyday, nor do I use honey in everything I make. The difference between eating one serving of meat a week to never eating any servings is that one is motivated by some abstruse ethics. One serving of honey isn't going to give you divine space AIDS so lay off the alarmist vegan propaganda.

>> No.5348880


Are you new here or something? On /ck/, admitting to eating anything less than 500g of meat PER MEAL is considered alarmist vegan propaganda.

I think you might want to find another website to discuss your fringe beliefs.

>> No.5348881


Sorry, even the leading proponents of veganism believe it should be treated as a religion.

>> No.5348883


>stop reminded us that the unhealthy things we eat are unhealthy

When it stops being the norm to eat meat 3 times a day and cheese or butter with every meal, you'll see less health-conscious people giving their opinions

>> No.5348886


Nah, veganism is more like "check ur privilege cisscum" shitposting. The vast majority of it is trolls having a giggle and neckbeards who don't go out and meet real people get easily confused by this.

The atheism of food is the "I make everything from scratch" faggots.

>> No.5348887
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njoy ur magnesium deficiency :^)

>> No.5348888
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>the leading proponents of veganism

What, like the Church of Atheism?


>> No.5348895

I didn't say I would stop eating meat

>> No.5348904

Besides the standard supplements needed by non-dirt-eating clothes wearers, I eat only whole plant foods, made from scratch, because the only vegan restaurant here is raw bullshit. Raw diets have no benefits over those including some things cooked at 212F/100C.

>> No.5348914

>no pets
>no medicine
>no zoos or aquariums

Must be hard being a vegan.

>> No.5348920


I think what you think a vegan is is different than what a vegan is

>> No.5348927

Vegans avoid animal exploitation as far as possible and practical. Medicine keeps you alive. Meat gives you butt cancer.

>> No.5348931

>wuts a spectrum :DD

>> No.5348930


>> No.5348937

Vegans that say their diet is 'healthier' is a misnomer. Think more accurately:
>"People who tend to be health conscious tend to try vegan diets."
You can have 'health aware' omnivores that are just as healthy as any vegan. (Generally they're more mentally stable too, tryptophan, niacin, B12). Ironically one of the highest risk groups are vegan Buddhists in metropolitan areas. They're vegan, but not usually as 'health aware'; their diets tend to do them even more harm than good. While some of the lowest risk folks are nomadic, almost exclusively carnivorous tribes (Masai).

Vegans who avoid things because “it's not natural”. These ones garner a special breed of 'WTF!?'. Usually because they latch on to all these soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, etc... because they don't want to drink milk milk.
>“Milk is unnatural for humans to drink, so I'm going to gorge on this chemical cocktail of ultra-processed core stock, and stablizers.”
Congratulations, you've just been snowed by the same company, the one that runs both the dairy and the soy. You pay 4x as much for something that costs them a quarter as much to make. That madness extends into other foods, like pretty much the entire “Morningstar” line designed for 'vegans'. It's the same ultra-processed crap that Honey-Boo-Boos eat across America, it just goes the extra step in actually saying there's no meat in it. A chicken nugget, vegan or not, generally doesn't bother using chicken...

And I'm sad.

These people are TRYING to do the right thing, and take control, do better, not eat crap. But they're being snowed, manipulated, fucked with, and basically extorted.

The only real honest thread is to “Just eat food”. Stop eating boxes, stop following hype, trends, fads, -isms. Just eat food.

>> No.5348942

So owning pets is fine?

>> No.5348944


You may want to double check what "misnomer" means

Also who the fuck eats tofurkey and drinks rice milk, except 19 year old retards exploring alternative lifestyles in their first year living away from their parents? That shit is about as dated as the Moosewood Cookbook.

>> No.5348945

>o all these soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, etc... because they don't want to drink milk milk.
>“Milk is unnatural for humans to drink, so I'm going to gorge on this chemical cocktail of ultra-processed core stock, and stablizers.”

You can make your own almond milk with just almonds and water, and almond milk has been around for hundreds of years, as has soy milk.

>> No.5348946
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>some of the lowest risk folks are nomadic, almost exclusively carnivorous tribes (Masai).

Where did you hear the Masaii were a healthy group of people?

The healthiest people we know of on the planet are the 7th day adventists in California, who eat no meat, and the centinarians of Okinawa, who have meat as about 1% of their daily calories, and consume no dairy

>> No.5348948


As long as you don't kill and eat it later, yeah

>> No.5348952

>7th day adventists in California, who eat no meat
This is actually an incorrect statement. Not all of them abstain from meat anon.

>> No.5348951

So it's okay if I buy meat for my cat?

>> No.5348955


Well the ones associated with great health don't

>> No.5348960


If you're a vegan for your own health, yeah. If you're doing it strictly for morals and ethics and environmental reasons, no

>> No.5348962

Anon, that doesn't mean vegetarianism is responsible for their long lifespans.


>…through a variety of different things. It’s not just one thing. It is their religious—how they relate to God and their fellow man, their diet, their exercise, their avoidance of tobacco and alcohol. All of that collectively contributes to longevity.

>Diet seems to be especially important to Adventists’ good health and long life expectancy. Nearly 30 percent of Seventh-day Adventists practice some form of vegetarianism compared to only about three percent for the US population as a whole. In fact, at many Adventist institutions, such as the Loma Linda Health Center, only vegetarian meals are served.

>> No.5348965

The research on 7th day adventists if being redone. They are in fact vegetarians, not vegans.

>> No.5348967


How does it not? Plenty of people avoid tobacco and alcohol and get some kind of exercise. The deciding factor is the diet. Most, if not all studies on the 7th day adventists divide them into diet groups, with the meatless groups consistently outliving other groups by as much as a decade or more (especially those who regularly consume nuts)

>> No.5348974

Can you give me a randomized study and not just an observational one? If you took an average Joe off the streets and compared him to the average Adventist he'd invariably lose because the latter is more likely to exercise, have a better social support network, and less likely to drink in excess or smoke.

>> No.5348981

Also worth noting that a lot of the studies done on, we'll say, "Old School Japan" are rigged. The studies are all akin to saying: "Automobiles were a lot safer in the 12th century." A lot of how they tracked death was along the lines of it it wasn't a catastrophic accident, it was written off as "natural causes". Heart attacks, strokes, etc, were "natural causes". (Point being people weren't as healthy as folks thought, they just weren't being tracked properly.)

And to note on this topic, The Japan/Hawaii/California study that I believe that splash of yours came from shows a MUCH MUCH stronger correlation (talking 30+:1) between processed foods high in simple sugars than meat intake.

>> No.5348984

So you're telling me that the study on all of them was only done on a some of them?

>> No.5348986



They compare different diet groups within the adventist religion to one another

>> No.5349001

>Although dietary factors are suspected to be important determinants of coronary heart disease (CHD) risk, the direct evidence is relatively sparse.
>Subjects who consumed nuts frequently (more than four times per week) experienced substantially fewer definite fatal CHD events (relative risk, 0.52; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.36 to 0.76) and definite nonfatal myocardial infarctions (relative risk, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.28 to 0.85), when compared with those who consumed nuts less than once per week.

>There was no significant difference in the incidence of dementia in the vegetarian versus meat-eating unmatched subjects. There was no obvious explanation for the difference between the two substudies, although the power of the unmatched sub-study to detect an effect of 'heavy' meat consumption was unexpectedly limited.

Congratulations, confirmed for not reading. The first study confirms what we've long suspected: nuts are good for you. The second study isn't randomized either.

>> No.5349003
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All my dogma aside, I still like "vegan food". To me it's just "food". There's a really cool "Carrot's Wellington" I wanna try.

>> No.5349009


Oh, ha. The first study I meant to post this


>> No.5349012



>> No.5349014
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>> No.5349029

>Vegetarian diets are associated with lower all-cause mortality and with some reductions in cause-specific mortality. Results appeared to be more robust in males. These favorable associations should be considered carefully by those offering dietary guidance.


>Dr Robert B Baron (University of California, San Francisco) points out since it was an observational study, cause-and-effect conclusions cannot be drawn from it, and it was based on a one-time questionnaire. He urges clinicians counseling patients to be less focused on a vegetarian vs nonvegetarian diet and rather to look to the broader goal of improving the diet.
>"We need to put this study into perspective. Is a vegetarian diet heart healthy? Probably yes. Should people convert to a vegetarian diet based on this study? Absolutely not. I think they need to look at their overall diet and make sure it is consistent with what we know about diet and heart disease," he told heartwire .
>The first Adventist Health Study of about 30 000 Seventh-day Adventists living in California in the 1970s found a link between vegetarianism and lower all-cause mortality. But the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition-Oxford (EPIC-Oxford) cohort study did not find this association.
>The effect of a vegetarian diet in this study was "pretty modest," Eckel said. The more extreme diet--the vegan diet--did not appear to add additional benefits.
>Most nutritional experts "agree that diets should limit added sugars and sugary drinks, refined grains, and large amounts of saturated and trans fats, [and healthy diets should include] substantial amounts of fruits and vegetables [and] whole grains, legumes, and nuts," Baron writes. "Achieving these goals trumps the more narrow goals of whether to include moderate amounts of dairy, eggs, fish, or even meat."

tl;dr no evidence for vegetarianism again

>> No.5349034


>healthy diets should include] substantial amounts of fruits and vegetables [and] whole grains, legumes, and nuts

aka a vegan diet

>> No.5349036
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>>The effect of a vegetarian diet in this study was "pretty modest," Eckel said. The more extreme diet--the vegan diet--did not appear to add additional benefits.

>> No.5349049


The guy also said one study isn't enough to say anything, which is true. But when everyone in the world says fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts (as well as mushrooms), and to avoid saturated fat and cholesterol, is the basis of what make up a healthy diet, how could you say a diet that follows that exactly doesn't offer health benefits? Not to say that anyone following a vegan diet is eating all of those foods, but those foods are what we call "healthy, whole-plant foods." There's no doubt you can make a unhealthy vegan and a relatively healthy non-vegan, but the difference always comes down to the quality and amount of healthy plant foods in the diet, not the meat or dairy.

>> No.5349050

its unethical to not feed a carnivore meat

>> No.5349052


So let it hunt its own food or don't buy a pet that would conflict with your moral worldview

>> No.5349057

Except you're making an argument to exclude meat, milk, eggs, and other animal products based on ethics, not health guidelines. You can eat meat and be health-conscious, there's nothing stopping someone from eating more nuts, fruits, and vegetables than the average population all the while exercising and keeping mentally fit.

You're arguing for the complete exclusion of a food group which is an untenable position.

>> No.5349064


"Include" not "Consist exclusively of"

I'm telling you, vegan diets really do affect the way you guys think. It blocks off some normal cognitive path or something that blinds y'all into seeing only absolutes.

>> No.5349085


Replace "meat, milk, and eggs" with "candy (which is also a food group, believe it or not), ice cream, and cigarettes." The argument is the same. Getting rid of traditional dietary vices that aren't good for us, and all the while contribute to the destruction of the planet, and yes, are immoral to their core as well, should be our goal in society.

The way you're arguing, you can justify absolutely anything to yourself. The bottom line is, it's not about you and how you can eat meat once a month and still remain healthy (and if that's your point, all the people who don't eat that way and are convinced that meat should be a daily indulgence, usually several times a day, outweigh what you're saying), it's about the effect your actions have on everything else in the world

>> No.5349096

> should be our goal in society
aaaand off to >>>/pol/ you go

>> No.5349103

>shifting the goalpost
Are you really comparing milk-drinking to eating processed/refined foods and cigarette smoking?

>dietary vices
Puritan go away, not everyone sees it as a sin to eat meat.

>the while contribute to the destruction of the planet
I've already decided for a long time on never having kids. That already makes me more environmentally-friendly than vegans who have 2.1 children.

>immoral to their core
Who says?

>The way you're arguing, you can justify absolutely anything to yourself.
What you do to your own body is none of my business. Just don't shove it in my face.

>The bottom line is, it's not about you and how you can eat meat once a month and still remain healthy
But you're arguing that.

>it's about the effect your actions have on everything else in the world
Very vague statement.

>> No.5349105

>dairy and eggs, which aren't healthy foods
But they are.

>> No.5349110


>that feel when you eat all you want and live longer in better health

>> No.5349114


>> No.5349117

Michael Greger is considered a quack by the scientific community.


>> No.5349126


Harriet Hall isn't "the scientific community." I hope you don't enjoy your meat, eggs, and dairy too much though, because he, and several others spoke at the hearing for the 2015 US dietary guidelines promoting a vegan diet.

>> No.5349127



>> No.5349133

I can't trash this video enough. Nice try vegan shill.