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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5348199 No.5348199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here have/know someone who has Crohn's disease?
My girlfriend was just diagnosed with it and I'm trying to figure out what she should be eating.

What should I cook for a person with Crohn's disease, /ck/?

>> No.5348202


Ask a doctor, not a bunch of prank-prone misfits online.

>> No.5348200


>> No.5348221

I did a couple google searches, and I understand the high protein and soft foods idea of the diet.
I'm more looking for specific recipes and for people to sympathies with since this is my first time hearing about the disease.

>> No.5348226

fucking idiot just ask a doctor you goddamned nigger

>> No.5348229

Doctors aren't cooks.

>> No.5348262

that's what you get for eating at subway

>> No.5348291

I have crohns myself so I can help you out.

You want low fibre foods.

Anything rich in fibre goes straight into the trash.
Things with skins (peas, corn, beans etc) should be avoided like the plague. Peel potatoes and apples and they're fine.
Red meat/fatty meats apparently aren't good.
If she's in a flare-up she might get a little bit lactose intolerant.

If you want to be super safe just do something really plain like chicken or tuna-mayo on rice (make goddamn sure its white rice, brown rice is to be avoided).

Crohns is really different for everybody to be honest, there's a lot of contradictory information floating around in all the dietary advice leaflets and whatnot.
It really is a sort of trial-and-error process for a lot of things in order to find out what's good and bad.
I often took to having separate things with rice as a meal to find out - just have rice and one single other food item with it. If anything doesn't feel right after the meal then you know for sure it was whatever you had with the rice so you can avoid it in future.

>> No.5348357

cooks aren't dietitians.

>> No.5348364

A friend of mine has Crohn's disease and she isn't supposed to eat anything with roughage. So basically healthy stuff as it will irritate the lining of her colon. She is on a weekly injection regimen so it's more manageable but still has bad flare ups.

>> No.5348401
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Join the crohn's disease subreddit on reddit.com/r/CrohnsDisease/ . I know, reddit, yada yada, but there is a fairly large userbase you can interact with and the trolling is minimal to non-existant. If you just fall for one troll here on 4chan, your girlfriend will sit on the toilet for at least half a day, definitely not cool. I guess she will be transfered to a specialist, so maybe ask him or her about special cook books and stuff. Also, part of the solution is finding out what is good for her trough trail and error, which literally can be a real pain in the ass

>> No.5348423


Both my flatmate and I have Crohn's and what >>5348291 Says is pretty good advice.

Basically a low fibre diet is standard. My flatmate also swears by low sugar.

>> No.5348541

What I learned from nursing school is this:
Low fiber diet, pretty much this >>5348291
and avoid foods that are too cold and too hot. NO smoking either, ever. all of these increase motility and you don't want that.

>> No.5348575

I have crohn's disease.

If it's treated well i.e. remicade/infliximab, she can eat anything.

If not, try to avoid heavy fiber foods. Some things also set you off on a case by case basis - while my Crohn's was untreated, dairy left me writhing in agony.

>> No.5348966

SCD diet/paleo works for some people. I'm on SCD and have been symptom-free since last year.

>> No.5348980

What the fuck is this picture?

>> No.5348991

I used to have Ulcerative Colitis, which is pretty much the same thing but in the lower intestine.

All of the food advice is good here regarding food and it what I would say. The only thing I can add is, make goddamn sure the doctor is on top of his shit. (lel) My gastro was too lax about my condition and I wound up having an emergency where my colon had to be removed or I would die.

Wearing a bag of shit attached to your abdomen for a year while colorectal surgeries are performed on you is not fun.

>> No.5349090

Nigger, you had the surgery? Colitus fag here, I almost went for that but took part in trials for infliximab before it was approved which cleared it right up. Seems to be coming back though.... which is a shit. It's weird though. I can eat an entire pizza and be fine. I can have a handful of nuts and it knocks me out.

>> No.5349113


oh I thought you had to wear the bag forever, you don't?

>> No.5349173

It depends on the situation.
Some people just keep the bag.

If you have the last section of your small intestine, the ileo still intact then a colorectal surgeon can create a "J-Pouch" that acts as a passage to your butthole. This is done in 3 surgeries sometimes 2.

1. Remove Colon, let the body heal.
2. Build J-Pouch, let the body heal.
3. Connect the J-Pouch to the anus.

The first week your shit is so corrosive to my skin I was required to use calmamine lotion on my asshole or the skin would break down.

>> No.5349281
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Dissection of the palmar surface of the hand. Looks like maybe the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus with the lumbricals.

>> No.5349290

she shouldn't eat cheese. cheese messed me up. stopped eating cheese and am now fine.

>> No.5349293
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>Crohn's disease
drink this shit and get back yo living
chewing your food well is IMPERATIVE

>> No.5350047

That or a turkey drumstick.

>> No.5350052

You study anatomy ff? Are you a med student

>> No.5350059

OP look into the connection between gluten (don't kneejerk rage on me yet) allergy, chrohn's, celiac, etc. diseases and their connection to eating genetically modified foods that were loaded with glyphosate and other pesticides and junk like that.

tell her to ask her doctor about trying to eat only organic fruits and vegetables, and getting probiotics from wholefoods or something.

beware, probiotics (good germs) can be a huge ripoff when you see that its trying to sell one type of bacteria at A MILLION UNITS WHOAAA WOWOWOW, for like 50$. you want variety, meaning many different types of bacteria, quality and diversity, not quantity.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5350061

watch out for foods containing carageenan if you are effected by them, they may make these problems all even worse.

>> No.5350071

small hint before you do a full scale google search, the talk is supposedly about how alot of the bad things in these foods, like the modded enzymes and bacteria from gmo foods, are also themselves genetically modified to create certain chemicals and pesticides within the modded crops themselves, that when eaten continue to produce poisonous fucking shit in your stomach and damage the everloving junk out of your stomach and intestinal lining until you can't handle gluten and lots of other things anymore.

eating organic food and eating a rich and wholesome balanced plant based diet of fruits and vegetables can possibly lead to some healing and improvement if you catch it early.

I hope this helps, and I'm sure to get a 500 post shitstorm of hate from monsanto shills and other jerks but I don't care, and hopefully this makes someones life better.


I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5350073

also don't listen to the assholes that say "its ok if you eat nuts or other vegetables or things with a hard skin because they don't spray them with chemicals!" or "the chemicals can't get into the hard shell!"

its the most retarded advice anyone could ever take because when plants grow alot of their environment is expressed within them.

when they grow, they absorb what they are growing around. it gets inside them.

>> No.5350085


I suffer from bi-polar

doctors and teachers fucked me up my ass for my whole gid damn life they make me literally suicidal

fuck u too cunt

>> No.5350089

The answer is a plant-based diet


>> No.5350124

random anon here, I feel for you. been through very similar things. I can't trust therapists or psychologists or most teachers anymore, they just want to pump me up full of poison/meds with horrible side effects. I take lots of holy basil and ashwagandha now and im happy.

>> No.5350534

A handful of cyanide. Death is better than Crohn's disease.

>> No.5351261
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Yes and yes.

>> No.5351307

what about for ulcerative colitis, pretty much the same disease but i have no idea what foods i should avoid/have more of

>> No.5351325


therapists, psychologists, and teachers can't prescribe you meds...

>> No.5351330

nutrition facts is the most bullshit website on the fucking planet. don't listen to that fucking autist.

>i cherry pick all my fucking information to promote veganism
eat a cow dick

>> No.5351911

Found out I have UC last week. I think the diet is the same as Chrohn's. However all I was told is that I'm supposed to limit raw vegetables, spicy foods, and dairy.

>> No.5351947
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Its a lack of chewing that allows stomach acid to be a problem. The alkaline nature of saliva alone is a natural cure. Niggers will never learn even when you lay it all out for them.

>> No.5352006

sorry to hear that man, its a pain in the ass but you have to live with it, i was told that diet doesnt really effect you but doctors arnt always right, make sure you keep on top of your meds thats the only advice i can give you to be honest

>> No.5352048
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>FF is back
One of the few namefags I'm okay with...

>> No.5352215

I'm a head chef at "Cafe Crohn" in LA and we have a Crohn's delight menu that is adjusted 4 crohns lovers and sufferers. We have a taco meat salad made with crushed sausage and a greasy steak marinated in our famous "flavor sauce" mayonnaise/bacon blend. These are crohn's favorites. U can cook these 4 her and she will thank u 4 it.

I work at a Crohn restaurant and have consulted three doctors about this issue.

>> No.5352243

>can't be bothered to type out the word "for"

>> No.5352277

sry dude im 2 busy 2 tipe out all of them those letters on that word so I kkutt it short on it by tiping it out 2 just 1 letter aka "4" aka "big money shaker" thats how it is.

>> No.5352298

My cousin's wife and her daughter ate at cafe crohn last week and they said the food was great and they are big crohn's lovers and the food went down smooth and they had the greasy steak and loved it.

>> No.5352310

Hello OP,

I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend's diagnosis. Luckily, there have been some studies on Crohn's Disease. Two groups of people were studied; one group was recommended to follow a semi-vegetarian diet (meat/fish less than once a week) and the other group was not told any nutritional advice and continued to eat SAD. The group which ate the SAD at one point only 20% of participants had NO reoccurances/flare-ups of Crohn's, but the group who was recommended to eat semi-vegetarian (they weren't monitored so you can't guarantee who is or isn't following recommendations) had a 92% rate of NO reoccuring Crohn's flares. If you look here: http://nutritionfacts.org/index.php?s=crohn%27s there are some articles and videos with information regarding crohn's disease, and this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSzF-IDx0bE has some information as well.

>> No.5352319


>they say things I don't want to believe!

Sometimes you find the truth by accepting things that are inconvenient to your current way of life.

>> No.5352320

Yes this is a guideline that we have followed at "Cafe Crohn" and it is the phalosophy behind our greasy steak and our other recipes like the taco meat salad and the "vegetable sausage combo" packet that we sell with ketchup packet and mustard packets on the side of it: these are our 'crohn's delight' menu option and it has worked 4 many and let it work 4 u 2day!

>> No.5352328


fuck your bullshit answer, I hate when people act like they know what they're talking about.

>> No.5352329

Hi me again, I found the Nutritionfacts video with the study which I was talking about, here is the one on diet and Crohn's disease. Apparently if your girlfriend eats fewer than 1 serving of meat a week she can keep crohn's in remission: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_T93ON2cBE

>> No.5352339

Something important to understand is when studies are done if they're financially backed by the meat/dairy industry, often their results are in favor of meat and dairy; they wouldn't pay for a study if it shows that animal protein is harmful, would they? It's been a well known fact for a long time that plant foods are best for health, and eating minimal amounts of animal protein or eliminating it is best for health.

>> No.5352341

[citation needed]

>> No.5352353

lol isn't google image search amazing?

>> No.5352386

I'm not even the guy your're replying but it's common knowledge that studies subsidized by the food industry should never be trusted

>> No.5352394


It's a pretty common thing with studies


>> No.5352419
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As a fellow person that has crohn's disease, I know how horrible it is to be diagnosed with it. Believe me, for the past 17 years I've known. It's one of those diseases that is horribly and sadly misunderstood by those who do not have it, or do not have someone they know that has it.

I've heard of everything for trying to "fix" it. Chinese medicine, diets out the ass (which you will come to know intimately), and enough pills to kill a horse. "Oh, but only if you try this new diet" or "try getting up earlier in the morning" is what I hear EVERY. SINGLE. GODDAMN. TIME. from someone new I meet who thinks they can help. No.... no you cannot help. I've already TRIED that years ago. I'm not going to trust some crap you found on the internet about how this new diet helps. Until they find a cure for it, I'm going to have it until I die.

But as for your question as to what to eat? Here's a list of things to avoid.
- Smoking -
- Sodas -
- Spicy foods -
- "Rich"/fancy foods -
- Ruffage -
- Greasy foods -
- Stress -

That's pretty much it, but I hope the infographic I put in as well helps.
At least on the plus side, she doesn't have to worry too much about gaining a lot of weight.

>> No.5352449

A friend of mine years back was diagnosed with Crohn's. I remember her eating a lot of white rice, bananas, baked, non-greasy fish and canned tuna packed in water.

>> No.5352793

Was your friend Davis? I remember when he was enjoying the Crohn's lifestyle. People forget that it's a choice and an attitude, and some people arent' ready to make that change. It's a way of life.

>> No.5355038

>Chinese medicine
honestly i'm not sure you did your part

>> No.5355079

>But as for your question as to what to eat? Here's a list of things to avoid.
>- Smoking -
>- Sodas -
>- Spicy foods -
>- "Rich"/fancy foods -
>- Ruffage -
>- Greasy foods -
>- Stress -

So you can eat rice...and that's it?

>> No.5355093


>> No.5355115

The anal issues are the worst part of crohn's by far.

You're never gonna get to give her anal.

>> No.5355169

It doesn't really matter too much what she eats because she'l feel like shit all the time. Some foods will go right through her and she'll be shitting everywhere or in terrible pain. Try easy foods like bananas, toast, rice, that shit. Then branch from that.

>> No.5355257

My best friend's Mom has Crohn's. I know she eats a lot of chicken breast. Other than that I don't know what her diet really consists of. Sorry I'm not more helpful.