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5345795 No.5345795[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>It is safe to eat steak cooked rare because the bacteria/toxins are on the exterior of the cut and high heat kills/neutralizes them.

>Ground beef should be cooked to 160F because the bacteria/toxins on the outside of the meat are now distributed throughout the beef.

This is what I have always been told, and leads me to my question: Why do people say it's safe to eat burgers cooked medium rare as long as you ground the meat yourself or it comes from a reputable establishment? It's not like you sear the outside to kill the bacteria before you grind it. If there was anything bad on the outside, it's now ground up in your soon-to-be-medium-rare burger.

For the record, I love medium rare burgers, I just don't understand this contradiction.

>> No.5345801

Never heard of this shit, must be a muhrilard thing.

>> No.5345812
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you're an idiot and you need to stop listening to rumors.

none of what you said is true. have you ever heard of a steak tartare?

The reason you think this is because the baby boomer generation trusted the FDA to tell them what to do, and the FDA has its own motives. The point of the FDA is to prevent all kinds of lawsuits.

They tell you PRECAUTIONS... in CASE... of CONTAMINATION... how to kill the contamination.

But your food has to be CONTAMINATED first. Which is rare to begin with.

FDA is basically saying:

"on the off chance that you get really bad beef, and it's been sitting out in the sun for 2 hours, please don't eat it raw because there's a 3% chance that botulism might grow"

And you're taking this like "i cant eat medium rare hamburgers".

come the fuck on bro, you can't be this much of a faggot.

pic related - a steak tartare. Which is RAW ground beef with RAW egg on top. Risk probability? maybe 0.005% chance of infection.

>> No.5345818


>Is it dangerous to eat raw or undercooked ground beef?
Yes. Raw and undercooked meat may contain harmful bacteria. USDA recommends not eating or tasting raw or undercooked ground beef. To be sure all bacteria are destroyed, cook meat loaf, meatballs, and hamburgers to a safe minimum internal temperature of 160 °F (71.1 °C). Use a food thermometer to check that they have reached a safe internal temperature.


>> No.5345825

>And you're taking this like "i cant eat medium rare hamburgers".

>For the record, I love medium rare burgers, I just don't understand this contradiction.

Do you make a habit of calling other people idiots when you have poor reading comprehension?

>> No.5345832 [DELETED] 


you're the one that cherry picked 6 words out of my huge post, and took it out of context to make it look retarded.

i was answering YOUR question, fucking dipshit. Do you make a habit of asking for help then chastising the person responding to your calls?


im going to jail tonight. its happening. one way or another.

>> No.5345850

>>For the record, I love medium rare burgers, I just don't understand this contradiction.

Any and all foods are risky, to some degree. It's not true to claim that "Well done is always safe" and "rare is dangerous". Both have risks, but as the risks are very complicated to consider all the factors for, people make simplifying assumptions like what you quoted in your first post.

>>If there was anything bad on the outside, it's now ground up in your soon-to-be-medium-rare burger.


The basic concept is:
Supermarket pre-packaged ground beef is made in huge batches containing many different pieces of meat from many different cows. So if any one of them was contaminated, now the whole batch is.

On the other hand, if you buy a piece of meat and grind it yourself then you're only concerned about the risk of that one piece of meat being contaminated. It's generally considered safer because you're only worried about the potential contamination of a single piece of meat as opposed to the hundreds or thousands that might go into a large batch of supermarket pre-ground beef.

For example, if we assume that one piece of meat out of 10,000 is contaminatied, then the risk of contamination in grinding that one piece of meat is unchanged, at about 1/10,000. On the other hand, if you have a large batch of meat that was made from, say, 300 pcs all ground up in one batch, the risk is now 300/10,000, or 300 times higher.

>> No.5345855


This makes so much sense. Thanks, anon.

>> No.5345879

Toxoplasmosis can't be cured. I like steak tartare but it's important to distinguish "tummy ache" risk from "incurable mind control parasites" risk.

Inb4 cats, I already have it probably but let's be clear about what "risk" means here.

>> No.5345888
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I don't know what you're going on about, anon, but you're scaring me.

>> No.5345893

ground meat is safe. I eat tartare regularly and never got a problem. Wash your fucking hands.

>> No.5345906

>It's not like you sear the outside to kill the bacteria before you grind it

actually that's how some places do this. either that or cut away the outside portion before passing it through a sterilized grinder

>> No.5345989

You're not going to know you got toxo from a specific source. You can guess at best. Look at infection rates for countries that eat a lot of raw beef if you want to scare yourself. I limit myself to special occasions now just in case.

>> No.5346001
File: 117 KB, 808x571, itsfine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody cares about toxoplasmosis unless you have a compromised immune system.

It's as common as fucking HPV.

just stop it, germiphobes. you will never be right. it will always boil down to you being giant fucking pussies and afraid of the most minimal of risk. Thats your choice. safety first!

>> No.5346006

beef for steak tartare should never be ground

>> No.5346017

If youre given the option of having your burger medium rare, the quality of ground beef is probably much higher.

>> No.5346072

Actually as I said before, it depends on the country. In the US where raw meat isn't popular, infection rates are low (less than 1/3 of HPV rates). In some countries it's in almost everyone.

It is a major issue if you're pregnant and it may double your lifetime risk of a car accident while you're at the wheel.

Like anything else it affects different people in different ways.

I'm not saying don't eat tartare, I'm saying it's not like getting an upset stomach and the risk should be viewed accordingly.

Also, you sound like that jackass who accuses everyone who eats a healthy diet of being a vegan. You should get a trip so we can filter your unhinged rants.

>> No.5346076

Nah im not that guy. But fine ill be known as the Anonymous Hippopotamus from now on.

>> No.5346080

Those burgers look dry.

>> No.5346083

How dangerous IsIs undercooked chicken in reality? Because I love some medium rare chicken breast.

>> No.5346086

about the same as beef. if youre worried about it freeze it until the outside is frozen and drop into boiling water for a few second

i do this when i make chicken tartar

>> No.5346090

Most chicken, as with most animal proteins, can absolutely be eaten raw—it really just comes down to how the meat was handled on its way to your kitchen. Chicken breast tartare is very tender and somewhat sweet, and the soft texture reminds us of a scallop or beef tenderloin

f you're super concerned about contracting a food-borne illness from eating raw chicken, take extra precautionary measures by sanitizing the surface as shown in the video.

Most illnesses you could get from eating food comes from people, and the utensils they use to handle it. Beyond that, bugs live on the surface of the food, never inside of it. To combat this, there are a few ways to sanitize the surface. Start by freezing the chicken breast (it does not have to be completely frozen, just the surface). Next, either drop it in boiling water for 2 seconds, or quickly heat all sides with a propane torch. Your chicken is now good to go.

>> No.5346108

Undercooked chicken breast tastes like lizard meat to me.
Organic farm raised, undercooked chicken taste even more "lizardy" It's hard to describe.

Yeah I've eaten actual lizard before.

Alligator too, but 'gator tastes more lizard than undercooked chicken does.
It's just got a taste I'd describe as Lizard.
I eat a lot of weird shit.
The goal is to eat one of everything and I have my whole life ahead of me.

On a different note, horse is tasty; Same with bison. I could name things I've eaten all day.

>> No.5346118

Thoroughly washing under a lightly pressurized stream of clean water can remove a lot of bacteria as well.

>> No.5346140

Horse is fucking delicious.
Colt meat is even better, of course, but where I live it's pretty rare to find.