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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.44 MB, 2592x1936, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5339959 No.5339959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>drinks milk

I don't get it. It used to be kids were told to drink it because calcium derpdediddlyderpherpderp, but we know now that it isn't even good for you.
So why do it?
Is this a trailer trash thing?
I hear Americans drink it with fucking dinner.

>> No.5339969

Do you even lift?

>> No.5339990

The calcium isn't good for you? What about the vitamin D they shove in it?

I mean, the main reason I drink it is because I adore the taste, but is it seriously bad for you besides making you fat? I should note that I never go outside, so vitamin d is something I need.

>> No.5340017

>is it seriously bad for you besides making you fat?

it's not even that if you regularly exercise. i make oatmeal using milk and i eat at least two bowls of that a day, although i do use 1%

>> No.5340037

The worst thing that you have to worry about is the fact that it's a carcinogenic, but honestly that doesn't stop me from drinking it.

>> No.5340041

Source? A quick Google search seems to have mostly dubious or agenda-driven results.

>> No.5340049

The fact that milk is a growth hormone meant for babies and consuming growth hormones past your prime can lead to unexpected growth(cancer).

>> No.5340062
File: 17 KB, 276x260, 13256862153,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yellow milk
>this is what Americans ACTUALLY drink

Reminded me of that Simspons episode.

>> No.5340064

that is the most disgusting milk I've ever seen

>> No.5340068

how about you just go outside for 5 minutes you shitlord

>> No.5340071

Are you retarded or trolling?

>> No.5340073

>The fact that milk is a growth hormone meant for babies and consuming growth hormones past your prime can lead to unexpected growth(cancer
my sides

>> No.5340078
File: 187 KB, 499x499, 1394542201226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to me you havent gotten your daily intake of malk today.

>> No.5340081

milk is all they would give me when I was in jail.

>> No.5340090

I'm sorry to hear.

>> No.5340114

Strong broscience.

>> No.5340131

Milk is commonly drinked here.
It's not bad for you, nor is it healthy. It's just milk.

>> No.5340135
File: 32 KB, 450x410, 1389338767035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Americans don't drink milk for breakfast
>yfw Americans drink milk for dinner

>> No.5340148

goes good in cereal

>> No.5340153

Threads will improve once ausies go to bed.

>> No.5340165

It's not just milk, it's dairy in general. It has no benefits, so what?
I consume dairy for various reasons.
-I like the taste of it
-milk and cookies
-milk and chocolate syrup
-Milk goes well with cereal
-everything delicious has dairy in it
--Ice Cream
--Carbonara (even though it's cream, it's still dairy)

>inb4 amerifat
I'm a stick thin gook that has never stepped outside of Asia.
It's not an American thing. It's a "people who like delicious food" thing.

I'm not gonna sacrifice dairy because a bunch of veganfags told me not to.

>> No.5340168

I feel bad for your digestive system, and the eradication of your culture thanks to American influences.

Have fun being Japan 0.8.

>> No.5340169

we are the only species that drink another species milk, its fucked up.
milk is only for babies/infants because its the only way for them to get the nutrients and shit before they can start eating solids.

Don't even get me started on cheese.

>> No.5340174
File: 965 KB, 500x553, mm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"people who like delicious food"
you sound fat.

>> No.5340179

Go ahead, we want to see how stupid you are.

>> No.5340185

>Implying these are from amerifats influences and not from eurofat
>Implying I only eat dairy

You sound like you have 0 fun.
Thank you fast Asian metabolism for letting me eat whatever I want and not get fat.

>we are the only species that drink another species milk
Do you hear how stupid you sound?

You guys try to sound all scientific, but you really only read a couple of articles and believe it is 100% true.

>> No.5340186

>I hear Americans drink it with fucking dinner.
I'm American, and I have seen this. It seems to be regional; it's more common in the Midwest and rural America. And you're right, it's not just children drinking it.

I don't think it's a trailer trash thing, though. Poor people drink soda with their meals. (Except in the South, where everyone does). Rich people drink wine and/or water. Beer is common, but not as an everyday beverage with meals.

A couple generations ago it was common for many Americans to have coffee with dinner. Drinking water is kind of new in America. Until recently most Americans, given the choice would opt for milk, iced tea, lemonade or soda over plain water. That didn't start to change until Coca-Cola started selling water in bottles.

Breakfast is the worst offender. For many Americans breakfast is a bowl of sweetened grain soaked in cold milk. And I know for a fact some degenerates eat that for dinner as well.

I don't know why. Milk is heavily subsidized and price controlled by the government, but I don't know if that's why milk is so popular as a beverage, or it's popularity was the reason the government took control of production.
I don't get the milk thing. I don't ever buy the stuff, because it always went bad before I could use it.