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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 500x340, steakonions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5336878 No.5336878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Food confessions?

I never crave steak. The main reason I order it at a restaurant is for the god tier onions that come with it. Pic related.

>> No.5336879


>> No.5336899

>being this pleb

I've been a vegetarian for seven years, and a good blue steak is one of the few meats I really miss. That and duck.

>> No.5336914

I don't crave it either
Maybe we haven't had a good one yet

>> No.5336926

I find beef pretty "meh" overall. I prefer pork and poultry.

>> No.5336945

One of the biggest reasons I go to red robin is because I love their honey mustard sauce.

>> No.5336976

Shut up jess

>> No.5336981

;-; I'm not a shill, I genuinely can't get enough of it man

>> No.5337010

I like the smell of Hamburger meat but I dont like the taste

>> No.5337016

Nigga, you know you don't have to order a steak to eat sauteed onions you fucking retard.

>> No.5337021

I enjoy eating cold steak. The congealed beef fat is luxurious.

>> No.5337035

yeah but i feel itd be shitty to ask them to go through the trouble of cooking a steak and then throwing it out all for the sake of some pan onions.

>> No.5337075

I've had a good steak, but I too just don't have cravings for steak.

I also love making coffee (barista) and the smell, but I can't stand the taste whatsoever and so can never tell if my coffees taste good or not.

>> No.5337080
File: 29 KB, 270x270, usa usa usa usa usa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I order a crave case and eat the whole thing myself over the course of a day.

>> No.5337086
File: 66 KB, 550x412, 1341155807655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think microbrews are overpriced and overrated, and i'd rather purchase a 30 pack of Natty Ice over any of that bullshit 'hurrrr muh hops muh triple brewed' hipster bathwater.

>> No.5337112

I never eat steak, don't know anything about Mexica food, and hate poultry.

>> No.5337114

so you eat pork and fish along with vegetables/pasta/grains?
Your diet would get boring pretty quick

>> No.5337121


they would likely just cook extra onions along with someone else's steak. throwing it out would be extremely stupid.

>> No.5337155

I bet you crave plenty of dick though

>> No.5337177


If you miss eating meat, go back to eating meat. Do you have some sort of health condition that makes it difficult to process it? Because if not, I can't see why one would want to walk away from what they enjoy.

>> No.5337207

Because instant gratification isn't all we ever think about. People usually don't choose to be vegetarian because meet tastes bad.

>> No.5337567
File: 113 KB, 783x501, steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I crave steak once every couple of months but the amount of attention it gets from gastronomically underprivileged folk is highly amusing to me. You'd think 90% of the internet lived in an 1890s style frontier town from the limited ideas people have about nice meals. How can a piece of meat be THAT exciting?

inb4 you've never had good steak. I've eaten at luger's, wolfgang's, craftsteak, and other "fancy" steakhouses, and I pretty much only buy USDA prime for cooking at home. It's very tasty of course, but so are many other foods.

>> No.5337598

I never crave steak, either. I do enjoy it when I have it, though that's about once every couple years.

My big craving is lamb. I have that only once every couple months, because it's way too rich to casually eat often.

>> No.5337600

I don't really like beef or pork. Every once in a while I get the urge for a burger, but I'm usually just as happy to eat a turkey burger as a beef one. I don't get the obsession everyone has with bacon.

I also don't like the taste of coffee. The only way I can drink it without cringing is if it's full of sugar and milk. The caramel macchiato from Starbucks is the best thing ever.

>> No.5337610

Suffering for sufferings sake does not make one holier than thou, no matter how hard they protest otherwise.

tl;dr eat what you like, live a good life and fuck the haters.

>> No.5337627

Are you trying to confess the fact that you are extremely misinformed about beer?

>I'd rather drink garbage than even bother to try different beers because I hate IPAs!