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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5336442 No.5336442[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when craving a carb bomb
>that feel when doin' up a big-ass bowl of oats with PB and raisins
>that feel of absolute satisfaction afterward
>that feel when it wasn't even bad for you

>> No.5336474

>That feel when a /fit/izen graces us with a post.

>> No.5336480


not even from /fit/, just love muh oats

>> No.5336497

/fit/ and /ck/ need a better relationship
we're like distant brothers who havnt realized how great of a team they really are

>> No.5336503


>> No.5336506

>wasn't even bad for you
read grain brain and come back.

>> No.5336531


>trying to shit on oats


>> No.5336532

We love, that you love oats honorary /fit/izen.

>> No.5336536

/fit/ and /ck/ really are bros.

One makes delicious food and the other wants to make healthy food. It seems like synergy waiting to happen.

>> No.5336567
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Both would really benifit from a /fit/ /ck/ synergy.
the only downside i could see is
no one on /fit/ really lifts and
everyone on /ck/ eats ramen.

In a perfect world tho we would exsist in pure bliss

>> No.5336569 [DELETED] 

You people should get a room and don't forget the condoms and lube.

>> No.5336579
File: 114 KB, 803x1125, 1394064530773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it was just me talking to myself trying to get others to join the revolution
>pic related of things we can do together!!

>> No.5336586

i hope you put sinnamunn on der 2

>> No.5336592 [DELETED] 

Uncle Toby eh?

>> No.5336591

/ck/ is a fatty though

>> No.5336594

why so much cheese

>> No.5336607
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Elaborate pls
I never made it but i love cheese
Yes like distant brothers with different hobbies who come together when they realize what the other has to offer
>on phone not sure wtf this pics gonna be off honestly

>> No.5336608

/fit/izen and coo/ck/ here... I lift but I look odd by magazine standards. I have bigger shoulders than biceps and massive triceps. My core and abdomen are huge. I'm built for powerlifting; To lift heavy things a couple of times and thats it. I started as a teen and I love it! Its a great way to take my mind off of studies for my degree. Whats wrong with that?

>> No.5336620
File: 591 KB, 700x2622, 1394404713623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with that m8
i love powerlifting im looking to get into it competivley maybe strongman. Derek poundstone has a gym near me

>> No.5336655

Right on mate! But I also believe that taste comes first. I can eat tasty food and still meet caloric requirements. Am I right mate?

>> No.5336663

Just looked at your pic. Solid macros. I like it.

>> No.5336695
File: 152 KB, 540x792, 1394667533473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being an ex cook i love tasty dishes.
while you can live in both worlds (tasty and healthy)
i believe its a fine line. But aslong as you meet macros and calorie goals esp. As a powerlifter.
check out pete rubish dude eats cinnamon rolls and ice cream and totals 1700.
I got more saved on my pc but ya its a hell of alot cheaper than buying quest bars or some shit

>> No.5336713

Thank you. I'm pretty healthy but I "Feel" I don't get enough fruits and veggies. My "Diet" is all about Protein, Carbs, and Fats. You are right that it is a fine line. The line between health and taste is slim.

I will check out "Pete Rubish". This isn't Rubish is it? I've got to ask.

>> No.5336725
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Haha his youtube is a pretty good watch got good information and a cool bro to listen to.
i personally enjoy fruits and veggies so i dont worry to much about micros fiber and junk.
i know what you meab alot of people are all IIFYM but if i eat processed food i feel sluggish and slow even if i did hit all my macros

>> No.5336730

Checked it out and he's for real. Pete Rubish is an interesting power-lifter worth looking at. I'm watching his videos now.

Would /ck/ be mad if I came here with tasty simple meals later on. No premaid/Reheat meals. Is that okay?

>> No.5336738

Its true I I eat preprocessed shit, not a lot of it, but some of it, I do get tired and weak for no good reason beside nutrition. Because I barely eat fruit, I get a sugar rush and I love oats (chill out fit, ha ha) I eat fruit before a lift but I get a weird crash after.
I lift like a beast on it though.

>> No.5336739 [DELETED] 

How do you "FEEL" when your getting a hippie cock up your ass? Go eat some sprouts you fucking parsnip.

>> No.5336742
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Dont frequent /ck/ too often cause it just makes me hungry lol
but i cant see why theyd get mad half thethreads are fast food reviews. It is a cooking board after all.
petes the man i watched most of his videos after i found him.
i dont know if youre into george leeman?
another sick powerlifter he has one video called "epic bulking plan" which was just so insanely brilliant
>out of healthy recipes

>> No.5336759

looks good but what's the point of heating the honey, does it make it thicker or something?

>> No.5336763

I bet I could lift your fat ass up over my head and throw you (I'm pro OHP) while regretting that I didn't eat enough fruits and veggies before my studies in my STEM course. You don't count. I already have a mortgage and a tiny girlfriend who thinks my weird build is hot (Probably daddy issues) because she doesn't know any better. I come here for tasty recipes and chat because /ck/ is cool. I can alter my "diet" and still eat things from here.

>> No.5336770

I'm going to check out Leeman because of you. Thank You Mate.

>> No.5336774
File: 516 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-03-22-11-54-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opposite it makes in easier to handle/ loosens it up.
hard to explain cause idk the exact words to use.
but at my old job before i had to use the honey wed let it sit in the steam table for a couple of minutes, same with butterscotch

>> No.5336775

You're right, heating the honey makes it pour easier.

>> No.5336779
File: 40 KB, 500x494, hGRrpLj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heat me up honey

>> No.5336781

Don't tease me like that! :)

>> No.5336789
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x2448, 20140330_100738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Idk if youre powerlifter bro but
based pendlay has cooking vids on youtube
Im posting from my phone so i hope that works youtube mobile is gay as aids
>pic totally unrelated its from my trip to an air museum

>> No.5336806

Pendlay lifts are for real do them 3+ times a week.

do 'em

>> No.5337631

Thats a space capsule. What the fuck?

>> No.5337777

I have a friend who works out. He is lean muscle and strong and crap. But i try to tell this guy carbs are good for you and that some famous doctor asshole named atkins died because he thought no carbs was good idea.

Friend still wont eat carbs.

Seriously i dont get this. he is my friend ( a drop out) And not really smart, but this type of shit is just so annoying.

Oh well i already said his death will be ok. I'ts not like im a loser. Hell i make friends wherever i go if i just talk to people.

Yes i am a conceited awesome guy. No im not some super fit macho man fag. i just run 14 miles each weekday and work at gym. I got so little arm strength compared to arms.

Friend is exact opposite all workout no cardio ever. Cant wait till he dies so i can say i told ya so at his grave.

>> No.5338231

>carbs are good for you
Okay wait, do people really argue about a macronutrient being good or bad for your health?
Cause that's like arguing about wether or not gas is bad for a car engine, and it should only run on engine oil and air.

>> No.5338234

Peanut butter is actually pretty bad for you anon.

>> No.5338910
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idk bro it was at the museum and i like space so i took a photo
i actually lost alot on a very low carb diet
i regret it tho i lost alot of muscle aswell would do it right if i had the chance to do it again
pls explain
>pro tip you cant

>> No.5338911

>some famous doctor asshole named atkins died because he thought no carbs was good idea
Atkins died because he slipped on ice and cracked his head on the sidewalk.
Stop perpetuating this fucking stupid myth.

>> No.5339920

peanut butter?

hydrogenated oils...

I gotta get that organic stuff

>> No.5339928

Hey bro, how did you diet, what were your macros and what would you advise against doing?

>> No.5339932

can understand adding it for /fit/ reasons if needs be, but that kind of makes the gorgeous good taste value of oats redundant IMO.
PB on its own or in sammies/pasta can be bretty gud though.

>> No.5339947
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>that feel when I once ate a big bowl of oats with a couple of high fiber sandwiches and washed it all down with a 4x strength glass of metamucil
>the next day needed to shit bad, drank a massive cup of coffee and held it in
>did a shit with the approximate dimensions of a bottle of gatorade
>did several

>> No.5339962

>use the low-fat peanut butter powder
>peanut butter is now in every bowl of oats to ever even

>> No.5340109

I thought i responded already but oh well.
i dont remember exactly i was young and dumb. Im guessing i was eating anywhere between 800-1800 cals on a given day. Pretty much crash dieting.
I suggest against doing any fad or crasg diet. Find your TDEE and eat -500 cals below it unless youre obese go up to -800 lift weights and do some sort of exericise you find enjoyable.

>> No.5340115

you can find some good threads of ck and fit working together. OP just has to not be a shithead is really all it comes down to

speaking of OP that sounds delicious. I wish I had raisins :( guess i'll just eat it with peanut butter and maybe some honey