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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 500x503, hollangbong vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5333368 No.5333368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So this is a thing. i here it's actually good vodka, like Ciroc tier. Feedback?
Yes I am a degenerate pot smoker

>> No.5333376

smoking pot is probably the gayest thing someone can do
and also you have to drill a hole through that seal which I know you aren't going to do correctly

>> No.5333377

>Yes I am a degenerate pot smoker

and it shows in the way you talk

>"So this is a thing"

>> No.5333379

>smoking pot is probably the gayest thing someone can do
get off the internet gramps

>> No.5333381

Hey degenerate: Something being shaped like a bong or a weed plant doesn't make it cool. If it's good vodka, that means the vodka it's good. They're taking advantage of you being an insufferable idiot.

Also it's not that good either. It's just a novelty item. Sorry to burn out your buzz

>> No.5333383

that's the gayest shit ive ever seen... bong shaped vodka.

hope you cut yourself shaving

>> No.5333390

Why do we NEED to know you're a piece of shit? Why are you PROUD of it? This is why pot is illegal.

>> No.5333397


well, the point is that you can put a bowl through the part where the seal is and use it AS a bong. so it's not JUST dorky novelty.

>> No.5333402

>. If it's good vodka, that means the vodka it's good
Perhaps you should start smoking weed.

>Sorry to burn out your buzz
Is this what happens when a poorly socialized fedora tries out slang?

>> No.5333403

Nigga just buy a fucking bong and stop trying to turn /ck/ into a place to discuss drugs. This place is for food. Liquor is a food.

>> No.5333407

>Liquor is a food

>> No.5333410
File: 40 KB, 641x626, condescending dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i here

>> No.5333412

well it combines expenses. Leave that to the efficient and innovative dutch to have a bottle that can be reused as a marihuana bong

>> No.5333415
File: 767 KB, 960x664, 1393149275740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling other's "fedora"

Not one but TWO acts of irony in one post

>> No.5333432

>people getting buttmad about cannabis on a board about food

seriously is this good vodka, it's in the same expense level at grey goose

>> No.5333444

>good vodka

first of all, if it was good vodka, it wouldnt need to resort to a gimmicky bottle to sell itself, second of all, vodka is all the same.

>> No.5333452

>6 times distilled
>4 times filtered
>charcoal filter
>reverse osmosis

Ignoring the bottle, those are good specs

>> No.5333454

Well grey goose is shit, so I'll let you put two and two together.

>> No.5333456


>Ignoring the bottle, those are good buzzwords

>> No.5333457

then you must hate vodka
Which is fine

>> No.5333466

Grey goose costs about $20 more than it should; and yes, I don't really care for drinking vodka straight, as I personally never saw the point.

>> No.5333467

Grey goose is low tier vodka.

For a bong. Buy a fucking bong and get better Vodka. How much of a shitty person do you have to be to get piss drunk and then high right afterwards to think this is a good investment?

>> No.5333479

>confirmed for NEET
ever been to college brah

>> No.5333491

>Being that insecure
>And even more financially insecure

If you're running low on cash, don't buy ANY of this then you piece of shit. You can get high or drunk at any point in your life. You're wasting money on a luxury.

>> No.5333493

>Being broke
>Buying drugs and booze

I bet you eat Mac n Cheese/Ramen just to save money and get high too pleb

>> No.5333497

it's cheaper than buying both

>> No.5333506

>friday night
>all this anti-drug stop having fun bullshit
hmm, curious and curiouser

>> No.5333507

No excuses. It's a shit tier bong and a shit tier liquor. Stop rationalizing you being a poor fuck with shit taste and shit hobbies

>> No.5333514

>Everybody is telling OP to be wiser with his purchases

He doesn't deserve to have fun if he's irresponsible with his own livelihood as seen in: >>5333479

>> No.5333525

well I'm not getting any feedback on the vodka itself, no one had it. So I must take the jump, like the first monkey shot into space

>> No.5333536

The word "perhaps" is now off limits?

>> No.5333538

whats the point
you buy it because the bottle is shaped like a bong
and then do what with it
you can't smoke with it
even the little graphics on it are stupid
i smoke pot but i don't understand why the fuck you'd want this

>> No.5333542

ITT people said it's shit and you're better off getting another Vodka and a separate bong. But you won't because you're a poor shit. You're not even here to discuss flavor or anything even when you were told it's shit, you're just here to rationalize your purchase/contemplating of purchase

>> No.5333545

But bro! It's shaped like a bong! That's rad!

>> No.5333548


You can smoke with it though. Not that I'm supporting OP in his faggotry, just making sure both sides are informed.

>> No.5333553
File: 32 KB, 320x273, crystal-head-vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Crystal Head.

I hate vodka, but God Damn I want their bottle.

>> No.5333557
File: 29 KB, 500x375, dubra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does not compute
It's about mouthfeel and hangover causing
For example, this is rubbing alcohol

>> No.5333564


>> No.5333572

>Drinking vodka to get drunk outright
>Not using it to numb while mixing

It's like saying you're going to eat oregano by the bottle full.

>> No.5333578

>Liquor is a food.

Only because you want it to be. I think the fact that we look down on people who smoke and do drugs while being totally okay with drinking is silly.

>> No.5333580

seriously it's super gay. I would never be friends with someone that smokes pot because all people who do are stupid and smell like shit

>> No.5333594

I think most anons are put off by the "culture" aspect of weed more than the weed itself. They think pot heads are stupid, and by relation, pot is stupid.

We've had good edibles threads in the past, but recently even the mention of weed brings out people who have their panties in a twist about it.

>> No.5333599

Except liquor itself has more dietary history than any other narcotic. Tobacco isn't even considered a food by /ck/'s rules and standards. I hate "drunk threads" and so do mods as those threads are removed and the OPs banned often, but alch threads in non-drunk sense actually discuss flavors and mixing ingredients.

You just can't do that in any other thread and when there is an attempt it ALWAYS goes right back down to "HUR ME IZ SO HIGH" This isn't /ck/ only, it's universal.

>> No.5333604

Liquor is more degenerate than pot

>> No.5333619

>Great edibles thread

What? No we NEVER have. The only "great" thing is that one guy who says how swesome his life is and knowing he's full of shit but saying that would make you a "Straight edge loser."

Pot IS a stupid plant because NEVER, and I mean NEVER has ANY person who has admitted to using it regularly been remotely sane or smart. Not here, not on 4chan. Ever.

And you might think "HUR DUR U STUPID TOO." I am, I don't deny that because I'm not in denial about having problems. You wonder why people shitpost those threads until 404? That's why; The community and participants are the equivalent to social justice warriors. Easy to troll, easy to make fun of and etc. If stonerfags don't end up taking over furries as the next big victim I'll be surprised.

>> No.5333620

Like it's so gay brah, smoking pot is for fags brah...just I mention it's gay cuz i'm definitely NOT a closet case bro, please believe me...it's super gay brah.

>> No.5333630
File: 112 KB, 261x300, Bhang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is bhang
I want decent even vodka for tinctures as well as imbibing

>> No.5333632

I agree to this. Sagen embodied insecurity and even Colbert seems like a person living in regret, Not even trolling. Carl Sagen was a smart guy but he seems like a person who could have done more in his life.

>> No.5333635 [DELETED] 

The funny and truth of the matter is that, the more that folk smoke weed, by choice and realize that prohibition was a complete and utter failure the more fun life might be.

Life isn't about being there for the government. It's quite the other way around. We did pretty well as the USA before prohibition laws came into place.

Now other interests are scared to let those laws holding us back go.

>> No.5333642
File: 14 KB, 300x400, 1389478980579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always been considered a drug and India isn't very nice about selling it.

>> No.5333648

You mean how prohibition is saving the US from all out war with Mexico who can obliterate the entire southern states from the west coast all the up to Nevada?

>> No.5333658

>Thomas Borwy has an article just for trying out a shitty drink
>None for the people who tried out coffee
>Or liquor
>Or tobacco
>Wikipedia in charge of liberal bias

>> No.5333665

>Pot IS a stupid plant because NEVER, and I mean NEVER has ANY person who has admitted to using it regularly been remotely sane or smart.
How can a plant be stupid?

Also, what is your employment and how old are you? I ask because the fact that you think people can't be successful and happy if they smoke Cannabis indicates the level of your peers and social group.

I am not exaggerating when I say I know doctors, a judge, lawyers, teachers (many!), professors, engineers, and various entrepreneurs who smoke Cannabis regularly.

>> No.5333667

>You can smoke with it though.
after intensive modifications

>> No.5333673

>While high

It's not real fun, it's smoke and mirrors. There is a reason why that term exists and it involves weed. We've gotten to a point where more people lie about the good in weed than the bad. It's an ironic example of how people are fighting propaganda that no longer exists with pretty much lobbyist interested propaganda that results in telling dying people a plant will save them like placebo and colloidal silver would.

Weed is a bad plant. Never has there been a point in history where it wasn't involved in some shenanigans and politics. I'm under the impression that people who hate pot are more morally adjusted than any other person ever. Fuck me if you think I'm an idiot.

>> No.5333672

>after intensive modifications
5 minutes with a dremel?

>> No.5333677

>doctors, a judge, lawyers, teachers (many!), professors, engineers, and various entrepreneurs who smoke Cannabis regularly.

What are their names?

>> No.5333680

>I didn't like getting high
>a plant is evil
hmmmm tell us more

>> No.5333683

>Do you think people would do that? Tell lies on the internet?

They would all be fired via drug testing. No sir, you don't.


This is probably the person you know; An idiot who lied to you.

>> No.5333689

Where do you live where professionals are routinely tested for drugs?

>> No.5333690

Nice rebuttal, coming from the kind of person who points the blame on their plant being illegal on timber and alcohol.

>> No.5333702

Lol asking for names, This fag right here.

Im not the guy you linked but you are stupid if you dont think these guys smoke. I know of many teachers, lecturers, engineers personally that actually smoke. Now i cant talk about a judge or lawyers because i dont know any. But believe me when i tell you its everywhere and when a person has a job like that, its just a job.

They are still like you and I, and just because they have a decent job doesn't change shit, people still want to relax and enjoy themselves.

>> No.5333707

it's an American thing. It weirds how europe doesn't do that except for athletes

>> No.5333708


>> No.5333709

Explain how a plant can be evil.

>> No.5333710

Anywhere in the western world. This includes but are not limited too:

>The UK
>The United States

The only places that don't are

>Scandinavian shitholes
>Norway which is very liberal and ignorant
>Slavic places in Europe/Russia and Russian/Slavic areas of the aforementioned areas.

In said places where weed is not inspected, the rates of people being shitty are off the charts and has a lower property worth over all. The US has places like this such as Detroit which looks like it was hit with a nuke. Weed is not cracked down on there, so not even the US is safe from it

I used to travel a lot for the military. Surprisingly the Philippians is the only place where things aren't truly fucked but that's because it's the Philippines

>> No.5333713


Germany. We do it here too.Places like Bavaria where weed is easier to get is shittier than anywhere else. Good.

>> No.5333718

I used to smoke quite heavily for a number of years. The judge an a couple of the lawyers I knew were family friends.

The other people are friends of mine or people I have met through others. In many cases I smoked with them, which is why I knew they smoked Cannabis.

Most people stop talking about how much they smoke when they hit a certain maturity level or it becomes a less significant component of their leisure time.

The fact is, lots of people smoke just like lots of people drink. To think that people who smoke Cannabis are only kids or burnouts is just a reflection of sample size or bias, not reality.

>> No.5333722

>Resorting to ad hominem
>I'm a different guy I swear
>Appeal t oreason
>Middle ground fallacy

You can stop lying now. You never knew these people.

>> No.5333724

Canadian here. Professionals are not routinely tested for drug use. I am not sure why you would think this.

>> No.5333726

use your german genetic engineering to usher in the age of the Uberhempsch

>> No.5333727


> They are still like you and I, and just because they have a decent job doesn't change shit, people still want to relax and enjoy themselves.

no they're not. i know many professionals and NONE of them. NOOOOOOOONE of them smoke.

They all work as Insurance salement, account managers, CEOs, lawyers, bookkeepers, etc. They get drunk as fuck on fancy wine but NO WEED.

nobody ive ever met that smokes weed has a real profession. It slows you down. You're a fucking moron. And this is coming from a stoner.

>> No.5333734

Different person. Would you really think I would tell you the names of friends, acquaintances, or people that I simply respect?

I could simply spout a list of made-up names. How would this be proof to you? How old are you?

>> No.5333735

>5 minutes with a dremel?
yeah anytime you have to drill a hole in some glass and have your own male piece thats what we call an intense modification
ffs you can't smoke with this thing as it is

>> No.5333736
File: 222 KB, 476x360, 1390282208284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judge and jury has a bias
>Allowed to judge

You do know what you just described is the reason why possessing/smoking and driving is not considered a DUI charge and many people got scott free from hurting others in accidents, right?

>inb4 linking some video or article stating "proof" of how weed doesnt affect driving
>No actual proof just a scripted result and a theorized one.

>> No.5333737

You sound like you are 16.

>> No.5333743


does noone know how a bong works? it needs ana irtight downstem... you may be able to drill a hole, but how the fuck are you going to fuse a glass down step into it?

ive made enough homemade bongs to know that glass is IMPOSSIBLE to turn into a bong unless you MELT it (or blow it)

>> No.5333744

You don't respect them if you let them delude their self. You don't care about a single person in your life, you only care about their relation to a to drug.

>> No.5333745

>possessing...and driving is not considered a DUI charge
why would it be?

>> No.5333747

> You sound like you are 16
Ad Hominem

>> No.5333754

Or was I projecting?

>> No.5333755

I am a different guy, do you think only one guy disagrees with you?

And i do know these people. Friends dad is a lecturer at a top Uni in my country. He tells me about him and his colleagues when i go over to his house with his son.

Dont believe me if you like. It is pretty common for people to relax with something after work and if its not alcohol chances are its weed.

Just because you don't personally see it, does not mean it isn't happening. You're just too stupid to understand people other than idiot teenager skaters smoke.

>> No.5333756

this too you can use a sealant or some kind of putty but it's not ever going to be as reliable

>> No.5333757

I think I had a discussion with you before. You were trying to convince me that I was actually really unhappy with life, despite all evidence pointing elsewhere.

>> No.5333760

we reachin now

>> No.5333761

An observation does not mean it is an insult.

Perhaps you should read this post and gauge the maturity level: >>5333727

>> No.5333762

Having an open bottle of any drink is even if it isn't in the person's system. Having a blunt or a baggy isn't. Unless it's a lot of product that would be considered "to sell" the person should be detained with an extra charge to be fair.

The one factor that people keep clamoring about is that "you can have THC in your system for a while" but if a person obviously intends to roll one in a car, or has a pipe ready, that needs to be evidence used to detain them. If it's at home in the privacy, okay, get stoned but don't go outside. Weed, whether people like it or not is an intoxicant while caffeine and tobacco isn't. It's not safe at ALL.

>> No.5333767

You do realize we all have a bias right?

Yes even the judge. All the things he/she has seen in their life builds a bias. Its just how we work. all the different experiences we have had joined together in one consciousness.

>> No.5333770

I used to drive high all the time. It was no big deal. Yet I won't drive if I have more than a beer (and even then I wait a few hours).

I am more concerned with all of the other prescription drugs people behind the wheel are on.

>> No.5333771

see that rubber seal on the bottle drill there

>> No.5333772


What? Also


You mean anecdotal evidence with no source, just claims by your part that can be considered "full of shit"? You seem like a grade A sociopathic bullshiter who likes to make up things to validate their own miserable life.

Don't bullshit the bullshiter.

>> No.5333780

That results in accidents and the well being of others. Are you trying to speak FOR pot? Because that's not a good thing at all. It's why a lot of controversial court cases in history happened, and in this instance it seems to be an epidemic.

>> No.5333793

If taken as prescribed, many pills don't do much damage. Obviously it's against doctor's order and the law to take sleeping meds while driving.

Prescription cannabis has that same rule as a sleep med, even if it's for pain; Don't do it at all. There's a reason why. You may have been fine but I know from personal experience from the driver's seat and the passenger seat that it's the complete opposite of fine. Weed is an enigmatic plant and one person that's okay can be outranked by people who obviously aren't.

In a lot of car crash cases the person who causes it has THC in their system yet never get fined for that. This leads to the "don't do X and X at the same time" because chances are that nigga was stoned.

>> No.5333792

>You mean anecdotal evidence with no source
I didn't realize people had to provide citations when discussing aspects of their lives on 4chan. Do you need the contact info and CV of the girl I lost my virginity to in order to confirm I have had sex before?

What was that website you were referring to last time? Emotions Anonymous? Something like that.

>> No.5333796
File: 42 KB, 499x332, 1389687204041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emotions anonymous

What? What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you making things up as you go? You're deflecting everything I just said. How about you actually give a validation of your success?

>> No.5333804 [DELETED] 

I was in that thread. It was a shitposting thread where you felt the need to say how special you were. You got passively aggressively butthurt when people called you out on it and kept clamoring how awesome you are right after that. You then started samefagging "emotion anonymous" when somebody suggested you were in denial.

I remember you. You're a faggot.

>> No.5333805

>How about you actually give a validation of your success?
You mean send you the link to my online CV and give you other personal information?

Yeah, sure. Just hold on for a bit and I'll get it ready for you.


>> No.5333806

>Having an open bottle of any drink is even if it isn't in the person's system.
maybe in some state/cities, but it's usually not a DUI even if the container isn't full unless the driver actually has alcohol in their system
you just get charged with having an open container, it's a separate law

>that needs to be evidence used to detain them.
detain? as in what? arrest them? sentence them to jail time? they are a danger to the public because they happened to have weed or paraphernalia or in the vehicle but weren't high? the vehicle which of course probably contains their bags or purse--things to transport any and everything somebody carries around? i mean make no mistake they WILL be charged for possession and paraphernalia but there's no point in charging them with a DUI when they weren't driving under the influence especially when in most districts open container is not an automatic DUI

>> No.5333807
File: 369 KB, 500x500, 1396082303191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? That explains the massive ego.

>> No.5333811

I don't think you remember that thread. Only one person was "calling me out" and bringing up the emotion anonymous nonsense. Other people in the thread were ridiculing his unfathomable bitterness.

It was a good thread.

>> No.5333812

The thread was about trying to fry balls of weed too. Even for people use weed that's incredibly retarded.

>> No.5333816

go back to /pol/

>> No.5333817

you hang out in weed threads because you hate weed?

>> No.5333820

I think you have a selective memory because people were laughing AT you, not WITH you. Nobody at any point sided with you. You got baited by the most retarded thing and fell for it.

>> No.5333824 [DELETED] 

Doing vodka in a bong is for high school kids, I've been there done that. It's just weed, smoke it and have some fun. No local cops care about silly stuff such as that, it's non violent and doesn't really effect them.

They have to worry about assholes on crack, heroin, meth, bath salts (trying to eat people) and other assorted shit.

Some folk smoking some weed making 90 USD / Hour and considered underachieving is the least of their worries. Folk smoking some buds really isn't the problem of these uptight cunts, they've got more problems than people smoking some buds.

When you look into their lives they've got skeletons in their closets, that's why they feel the need to ban other people from having some fun. They feel guilty.

>> No.5333829
File: 22 KB, 250x250, 1391412398721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fry balls of weed


>> No.5333833
File: 73 KB, 434x374, 1307359722561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well well well, lot of antisocial manchildren in this thread, aren't there?
pic related , it's you.

>> No.5333834

Are you a sjw by chance? because that's the same logic they use.

>> No.5333835 [DELETED] 

Given time, we're gonna shove their prohibition up their assholes and remind the federal government that it's made up of the states and not the other way around.

>> No.5333837

PEople who use pot tend to be a SJW which is ironic as fuck when you say that. Legalization is a topic in Social Justice.

>> No.5333838

So much butthurt

>> No.5333840


HAH puss-ass bitch. We chuggin' fifths behind the wheel up in nyah. No wrecks, tickets, or DUIs.

> lrn2drive

The laws are bullshit.

>> No.5333847

>No local cops care about silly stuff such as that
They do. Not because they give a shit about public wellbeing or anything but because they need to give out all the fines they can.

>> No.5333848

>All these mad stonerfags ITT
>Pot calling the kettle black - no pun intended.
>The thread is about liquor, not weed.

I thought vegans were bad but JESUS CHRIST.

>> No.5333850

I remember that thread quite well.

It became interesting when I was called out (presumably by you) because I mentioned that I hadn't smoked weed or ingested Psilocybe in years but I considered them beneficial in my maturation and finding my path in life.

You latched onto this and went on a tangent about how I could not be happy because I was a drug addict, apparently missing the point that I haven't smoked or ingested a drug in years.

When I pointed this out, you changed your approach. You then insisted you understood this type of insidious behavior and brought up the Emotions Anonymous garbage. Eventually, you admitted how unhappy and depressed you were.

It was quite entertaining but also sad to see someone so unwilling to look outward or understand that not everyone shares the same experiences.

I know 4chan can be fun for venting or playing out characters/emotions, but all of that aside, I genuinely hope you have been feeling better or at least making some small, positive changes since we last talked.

>> No.5333852

it's actually fucked up how many people I know that drink and drive.

>> No.5333855


Do they drive safely?

>> No.5333859

>Being this pretentious

You;re such a special snowflake over something a lot of people do.

>> No.5333862

Bro you need to determine if the price of the vodka PLUS it's ability to used as a bong is good ROI. I mean, you could turn a fucking apple into a bong and eat it afterwards, apples don't cost that much. Don't buy into gimmicks if you're counting pennies bro, you need to stretch your money so you can get more with less.

>> No.5333864


Who is we? Why do you assume everybody who judges you is one person? You're not helping your case. You look like a pretentious egomaniac

>> No.5333866

>Why do you assume everybody who judges you is one person?
i'm assuming it right now just because you're really lazy about samefagging

>> No.5333870 [DELETED] 

It's good that you used the word tend.

Most of my friends are PhDs now and were and potheads, and while I'm not a PhD make more than all of them.

So what's your point? You people make a lot of assumptions that have no hold in fact. So just stop it already. You've failed, why can't you just admit that your prohibition is a failure?

One state after another is repealing your federal bullshit and will refuse to enforse it nor do they have to and you know that it's fucking stupid. So why try?

The only reason that there is crime involved is because that it's illegal. If you don't like it, don't smoke it, nobody gives a shit what you do, but don't but your bullshit on me! GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF!

The USA was doing quite well before you idiots came along and made it illegal with your liqour prohibition and well you see where that went. I hope you do anyway or else your a daft cunt.

>> No.5333872

I am aware of only one of them that has gotten in a small accident. Then again, I don't live in the same city as most of them any more and I doubt they would be vocal and willing to share the details about a drunk accident.

>> No.5333875


Hey angry bro, probs just don't smoke pot... 'S all you can really do to prove the stoners wrong. Live your happy, fulfilling life without the use of narcotics, savor every sober second, and stop giving so many fucks about the behaviors of others.

>> No.5333882
File: 799 KB, 1014x978, 1396665381959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean booze ain't food
i'd rather chop off my dingdong than admit that

>> No.5333883 [DELETED] 

They like pills like oxy, legalizing weed is something versus the feds taking money from pharma companies.

Depeche Mode - Dressed in black

>> No.5333891

>Who is we? Why do you assume everybody who judges you is one person? You're not helping your case. You look like a pretentious egomaniac
It is easy to pick out patterns in how someone posts. As I mentioned before, the bulk of the thread involved people laughing or being incredulous at the Emotions Anonymous poster.

It's alight, you can admit if it was you. It would make for an interesting extension of our previous discussion before heading to bed.

If not, I'll just bow out of this circular discourse.

>> No.5333887

I was in that thread but I got in late where people were mocking you. No, you're butthurt right now. You're doing exactly what you did last time and are saving face. I wanted to support you but you look like such a fucking faggot.

>It became interesting when I was called out (presumably by you) because I mentioned that I hadn't smoked weed or ingested Psilocybe in years but I considered them beneficial in my maturation and finding my path in life.

So you couldn't let bygones be bygones and you kept talking about how much better you were

>You latched onto this and went on a tangent about how I could not be happy because I was a drug addict, apparently missing the point that I haven't smoked or ingested a drug in years.

You act like a drug addict by looking for validation in others. In any drug anonymous thing you are taught that you never stop being an addict. You very well may still be one if you were one to begin with.

>When I pointed this out, you changed your approach. You then insisted you understood this type of insidious behavior and brought up the Emotions Anonymous garbage. Eventually, you admitted how unhappy and depressed you were.

He was mocking you. So was another anon. That's when you went /b/ tier and started samefagging taking thing out of context.

>It was quite entertaining but also sad to see someone so unwilling to look outward or understand that not everyone shares the same experiences.

You're right but you were in a shitty thread about deep frying cloves of weed. Why exactly do you even think a shitty thread made to be stupid is your hugbox and personal blog?

>I know 4chan can be fun for venting or playing out characters/emotions, but all of that aside, I genuinely hope you have been feeling better or at least making some small, positive changes since we last talked.

Projection if I've ever seen it

>> No.5333896

it's 30 for a liter. Ciroc money

>> No.5333898

>SJW can't have a PhD

Do you read what you type?

>> No.5333904
File: 1.72 MB, 2013x2264, DSC00962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this for $10.(the bowl, downstem, and grommet were all included for 10.)a used vinegar bottle and a dremel.

>> No.5333908

Also, you have to ask yourself, what makes someone a pothead?

Place I was network manager of the CFO would hide in the IT depts bathroom every once in a while and smoke up. He wasnt into the 420 culture he just needed something other than booze to keep him from going crazy from all the bullshit at work.

>> No.5333909

>there was actually a thread about cooking weed

how exactly did that even turn into the supposed "I'm special" shit?

>> No.5333911

did you reset your IP address for that one? :)

>> No.5333912 [DELETED] 

Yes. Do you read what I type or do just spout some stupid agenda regardless of what anyone types?

>> No.5333916

>Prohibition is a failure
>Saved the US from all out war with the sinaloa and knights Templar cartel
>Two third world forces strong enough to internally destroy the entire west coast

Where do you think the trillion of dollars went?

>> No.5333918

Not worth it imo there are much cheaper vodkas you can buy for $30 and then use the leftover money to make apple bongs

>> No.5333920

>. In any drug anonymous thing you are taught that you never stop being an addict.
Do you think this may have to do with most ____ anonymous programs being of the religious nature, and by convincing people they will always be addicts and weak you are instilling a new fix: religion.

>> No.5333921

>Dat oozing buttrage

Are you 15 by any chance?

>> No.5333925

Beer is food.
I've known some alcoholics to have a few pints of guinness as a meal because it's s heavy.

>> No.5333927

I'm an AA fag. No religion at all. It was a peer group. Success was based on other people but the bible was never involved. Seriously people who smoke need to get off their pedestal. It's just as addictive as alcohol, but just doesn't fuck over the kidney

>> No.5333928

>Two third world forces strong enough to internally destroy the entire west coast
lol no

>> No.5333931

A friend of mine had some Bong with a classy looking pinup on it.

The vodka was good. I've only had one other vodka which was smoother, which came with its own black-pepper mill to season the drink with.

The bong itself would cost you around 40 dollars to make if you don't have a spare down-stem and bowl lying around. You just need to pick up a diamond-tipped drill bit and a rubber grommet. The bong itself chugged a bit - though that may have been my pal's choice of down-stem. Something diffused would work nicely.

>> No.5333935 [DELETED] 

That's your problem not mine. It's different in NYC, I'd just walk around the block of the corporate HQ and do a dugout hit from time to time. That's the nice thing about working in NYC, that's not being tyed to some fucking weirdo little place. Go into NYC and be anon really fast, unless you're being tracked and that I was from time to time, just be sure that I wasn't dishonest. The fact of the matter is, there's nothing dishonest about smoking weed. It's only strange in that some scumbags made it illegal for their own purposes, but fuck them, they have nothing on me and I don't give a shit what they think and NYC companies don't give a shit what they think either. They can piss the fuck off into oblivion.

>> No.5333937

Generic "All stoners are gay" shit and then a douchebag wanted to feel special spewing whatever he was. It was hilarious how quickly it escalated.

>> No.5333939

>It's just as addictive as alcohol,
Citation Non-Existent.

Oh wait, my uncle had the DTs and almost died when he stopped freebasing the pots.

>> No.5333941

Mexicans are crazy. If the US has learned anything, it's to not underestimate them. They still control some US territories.

>> No.5333943

>to have a few pints of guinness as a meal because it's s heavy.
Guinness is a low ABV and rather flat beer that is lower in calories than most beer.

I don't know why people decided Guinness was heavy, but I think they haven't actually had much Guinness and get intimidated by the color and the slightly darker taste (vs. ales).

>> No.5333944

Nice strawman.

>> No.5333945

first real response here

>> No.5333948

Well I feel fuller after a few pints of any stout, and so do the experienced drinkers I know, I don't think the point is calories or nutrition.

>> No.5333949

i thought he was talking about tobacco smoking in which case i'd have to semi agree

>> No.5333946

>I'm an AA fag. No religion at all. It was a peer group.
The nature of AA is the belief and faith in a higher power.

>> No.5333947 [DELETED] 

>> continued

It's a lot different then being in some little corporate town or corporate park. NYC is a lot different.

Some fuck wants me to take a piss test, someone from out of state or nation, I tell them to fuck off, I get the job. You have to have some balls and not be a fucking punk cunt with no skills.

>> No.5333950

Then please provide a citation comparing the addictive qualities of Cannabis with alcohol.

>> No.5333951

it feels like eating a brick

>> No.5333952
File: 97 KB, 801x800, 1389649961790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He can't rebutte when called out for lying

git gud

>> No.5333955

>Mexicans are crazy. If the US has learned anything, it's to not underestimate them. They still control some US territories.
This is a far cry from your previous statement that they could literally destroy the west coast.

>> No.5333960

Not him but if you armed every mexican in LA with a standard modern rifle then you'd probably have a huge militia to deal with, maybe half a million?

>> No.5333961
File: 32 KB, 722x420, Drug_danger_and_dependence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fallacy: Burden of proof

It's only slightly less addictive and defendant by a very small margin, yet nowhere near as deadly. This means it's nearly as addictive and not as deadly.

LSD is the least deadly and addictive drug of all time and has actual medical evidence supporting it over marijuana. LSD > marijuana

>> No.5333966

The cartels base their recruiting on race. They can brainwash about a million in no time at all. If you lived in the west coast you'd know how fickle and culturally whipped some of those people are.

>> No.5333971

>Fallacy: Burden of proof
If you make a statement that Cannabis is as addictive as alcohol, it is implied that you have some data to backup such an outlandish claim.

>It's only slightly less addictive and defendant by a very small margin, yet nowhere near as deadly. This means it's nearly as addictive and not as deadly.
Yeah, it's like only 1/4" less addictive compared to my handy graph.

>LSD is the least deadly and addictive drug of all time and has actual medical evidence supporting it over marijuana. LSD > marijuana
Common knowledge and this has nothing to do with the discussion.

>> No.5333973 [DELETED] 

You're schoolteachers are a bunch of idiots with no real world experience. That's why they're teachers and while I think the chicks are hot, I prefer not to be in that environment.

Listen to them but then don't listen to them, follow your dreams.

Just My Imagination - The Temptations

>> No.5333978

Yeah, because all those Mexicans that left Mexico because of violence and a shitty quality of life would love to bring the Cartels back to where they live.

>> No.5333979 [DELETED] 

your, sometimes I should proofread but emotion

hehe ver" iscoppr passages

>> No.5333981

>Fallacy: Burden of proof
Sorry bud, you got this one wrong.

>> No.5333982

>This means it's nearly as addictive
You can't become physically dependent on it like you can alcohol.

>> No.5333987 [DELETED] 

It's family, race is secondary. By using peoples families they can use that against the direct person. For instance, we know where your family lives, and they're all raped and dead if you don't do what we say. That kind of shit.

That's fucked up and not what should be involved in the USA.

>> No.5333988

His arguments can all be boiled down to "weed is bad because it is illegal". With a handful of anecdotes supporting his view.

It doesn't matter what he thinks though. The laws are turning around and starting to support the other side.

>> No.5333994

25% is still not a large number of different. There isn't a defined number system, so it's really anywhere between 25% - 35% based on rounding.

>> No.5333995

Well, there really isn't a big risk with the entire west coast going up in flames because the the Mexican cartels coercing Mexican-Americans into joining their revolution.

>> No.5334000


If you take pot away from a stoner they will get violent where a normal toker wouldn't. That's dependence. The phsyical dependance is a result of the more physical side affects, but considering it's just as bad, it's still a problem in comparison to LSD, a drug considered "The worst thing ever" that isn't heroine.

>> No.5334002 [DELETED] 

You've lost the plot. It doesn't matter if it's addictive or not. So is food or anything else really, SO WHAT?

It's not for the for the government to say what I should do or not responsibly.

Maybe for cunts like you that have no responsibilty and can't control yourselves, like obama types and democrats, but don't put that on all Americans.

You make yourself look stupid.
That's not why this nation was made and you know it.

>> No.5334004

>25% is still not a large number of different.
It's huge.

Anyway, that graph is rather sketchy to begin with. The fact is, if prohibition laws were based on rate of addiction and social cost, alcohol would be illegal.

There are no data indicating weed is worse than alcohol. Many people in society drink alcohol, yet life goes on.

It's really not a big deal.

>> No.5334007

>they will get violent
You know this how?
Most real stoners don't run dry, regular smokers probably aren't dependent enough to suffer withdrawal.

>> No.5334009

moderate alcohol consumption is good for human health. Rednecks who demonize alcohol are the worst

>> No.5334010
File: 25 KB, 480x470, 1374044174823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see some sources on all this marijuana withdrawal rage you're mouthshitting about
>tfw half the people bashing pot in this thread probably are on various pfizer drugs for autism, OCD, and whatever the fuck else.

>> No.5334012

>"weed is bad because it is illegal"

Assumption, not even implied.

>The laws are turning around and starting to support the other side.

You have no actual evidence to outright support this as it's a definitive matter of subjectivity and a complete nationwide legalization is against interests for many groups. States like Cincinnati are still heavily anti marijuana due to ideology and will fight for it's remaining illegalization and so fourth. It's not universal and it's ignorant to assume that it's 100% fact prohibition will end.

>> No.5334017

>If you take pot away from a stoner they will get violent where a normal toker wouldn't.
I heard it makes them listen to The Jazz too.

So... what are you going on about? Weed is bad but now you are all for anyone doing what they want to do? Why are you arguing in the first place?

>> No.5334018

>Rednecks who demonize alcohol
Never happened.

>> No.5334023

>inb4 not a real source

Here is some more information:


From people quitting for their own interest


From health groups. Do you REALLY doubt any of that would happen?

>> No.5334025

>You have no actual evidence to outright support this
Are you aware of what is going on in various states in the country?

>Assumption, not even implied.
Then, in a succinct post, explain why you are so against the use of weed. Also, let us know your position on alcohol and tobacco.

>> No.5334027

>Yahoo! questions as a source
Oh god, I lol'd.

>marijuana-anonymous pamphlet

Just go to Google Scholar haha

>> No.5334031

Why do you always make this about the government? Why do you hate them so much? Why are you middle groudning when you're fucking up? Throughout this thread


You're a hypocrite to both parties

>> No.5334039

>It's not a source because I don't consider it one

I think I hear slapping because somebody is getting their booty blasted

>> No.5334044

>How dare people speak from personal experience!

>> No.5334047

I only consider peer-reviewed secondary sources to be valid. I do not consider Yahoo! answers to be evidence of any nature.

>> No.5334052

>MentalHealthDaily.com was established in 2013 as a way to document any information and updates in the field of mental health. Author and creator, GLOOM, has struggled with severe anxiety, crippling depression, addictions, and various personality disorders throughout the years. This blog was basically just a way for me to keep track of what’s going on in the field of mental health and share it with others.

>My goal with this website is to just share information regarding mental health diseases, treatments, drugs, and personal experiences that I’ve had. My life is pretty rough, very lonely, and I have no job due to my extreme introversion, isolation, and the fact that I have no friends. Since I am extremely socially handicapped, my only true outlet is to write my thoughts and some things I’ve learned on this website.

Well, you've convinced me that marijuana is evil. Thank you anon, for pointing me to GLOOM.

>> No.5334055


Yahoo answers can account for that as it's people stating their results on withdrawal.

>MA is also one
>Don't like it because it has a bias for being an MA
>But those are results taken from their patients

A lot of secondary sources are bias and make up lies from other big name sources.

>> No.5334058

What would your reaction be to shoddy websites containing testimonials about how marijuana has benefited people?

Would we have to mine the internet and see who has the greatest number of anecdotes? Is that how the truth is determined?

>> No.5334065

You are hilarious.

>> No.5334075

I don't see what's so funny when media serves as a way to feed people information that serves their own interest

>> No.5334085 [DELETED] 

OMG without weed, we're all gonna go rape and pillage!!!

You people really are that stupid aren't you, just admit it to yourselves that you've failed.

Once you admit it, the USA can get on with better things.


>> No.5334086

I think you know you should call it a night when you start referring to Yahoo Answers as peer review.

You're in over your head. Spend a bit of time on Google Scholar and find some actually quantifiable and at least moderately reliable data. You will have a stronger argument, even if you cherry-pick and only read the abstracts.

>> No.5334090

So you confirm sources are invalid when they don't meet your arbitrary standards you set up for yourself?

And you feel you have the authority to tell others they are ignorant without directly saying it?

>> No.5334091

One time I was out of weed and I ended up smoking my golden retriever's tail and lighting the couch on fire. Luckily my father is a dog catcher and got home in time to tranquillize me. It took 14 darts to take me down because I was de-potting hard and the withdrawal was real bad.

>> No.5334094

>He didn't read anything
>All it consists of is people and information regarding how angry people get in withdrawal
>Like if it's big news or surprising
>Calling other's losers

Oh lawd

>> No.5334096

>I ended up smoking my golden retriever's tail

pure.... gold

>> No.5334100

This thread makes me want to take a shit

>> No.5334097

>Hyperbole to rationalize your prejudice

Sure is social justice slippery slope in here

>> No.5334101

Sources are invalid when they come from overtly biased sources and are unrepeatable or cannot be confirmed.

You might as well conduct 4chan surveys and present them as valid data.

>> No.5334107

>arbitrary standards you set up for yourself?
There is a reason the peer-review process is the gold standard for the review and dissemination of research.

>> No.5334109

Yahoo users who wanted to get off of drugs and explain their symptoms is overtly biased even with probably and understandable reasons?

With that logic, I'm surprised you don't compare Yahoo to hitler.

>> No.5334110 [DELETED] 

What's a yahoo? Is that some website that anyone should know about?

>> No.5334113
File: 27 KB, 350x346, 1395026044917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't read ANY of them did you and assume they are news articles, huh? You're pathetic when all it shows is that "people get mad when they stop using." DUR DUR BIG SURPRISE

>> No.5334118 [DELETED] 

Dude, as lame as yahoo is, google with their "don't be evil shit' is pretty much as lame. Neither are worthy of attributation.

>> No.5334132

The point is you cannot present anonymous posts on the internet as research. How do you know they aren't trolling? How do you know they aren't bots?

Look, some people are smarter because of weed:

It's odd how your standards for evidence are so incredibly low. This is an indication of a strong selection bias. I do not lower my "arbitrary standards" (as you call them) to include data that I agree with.

If you were religious you would point to Yahoo users' miraculous experiences as evidence of the existence of god.

>> No.5334146

How do you know your second hand peer sources aren't completely bias entirely to lie about things to fit their needs? Grasscity is not a valid source as it's heavily biased when there are sources that debunk a lot of the things features on that website.


Your logic is bad because you will consider this blog a work of fiction as it doesn't confirm to your standards.

>> No.5334155
File: 31 KB, 318x322, 1385529862310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your source is bad and bias


>Comparing weed to God
>Comparing an existing substance and it's effects to an omnipresent being

I want you to be trolling so badly right now because nobody is this stupid.

>> No.5334159

>How do you know your second hand peer sources
I read primary sources.

>> No.5334160

I guess you missed the story about the trucker who was trapped in an avalanche and survived by eating frozen beer

>> No.5334164

>Your source is bad and bias


>> No.5334168 [DELETED] 

Nobody is smarter because of weed you idiot. There's no valid reason for it to be illegal in the first place. You're looking down the wrong legal corridor, but the States trump the Feds, it's the citizens of the States that pay for the federal government, and a lot of states have referendum laws, and those states overwhelmingly have voted to not enforce stupid federal laws.

That's the way it works. The feds can't enforce states to enforce their silly laws, nor enforce people of states and it's a union of states to pay for it either. So fuck those laws.

There are a lot of entreched laws that need to be gotten rid of and that will happen in time.

Once a government such as our federal government has a certain amount of power, it really hurts it/them/whatever to get rid of that. Look at some weird old shit on the books if you want, it's pathetic.

It's our turn now, not these assholes who've been in office for 20 terms in the house and worse in the senate, It's time they got the fuck out, and let Americans run the show.

>> No.5334170

I see the use of analogies is lost on someone such as yourself.

>> No.5334172

>Nobody is smarter because of weed you idiot.
I used that website as an example of how picking blogs and random anonymous posts as evidence is not valid and can be used to support any view.

I'm not sure how you didn't pick up on this.

>> No.5334174

Your point is bad because withdrawal anger is completely normal and can't possibly be a work of fiction. You refuse to believe it as it opposes your thoughts of pot. Do you ever consider it's a small side effect of the grand scheme of things and is only a small problem?

Fucking retard.

>> No.5334178

Read: >>5334174

You look ever more stupid now

>> No.5334182

mandatory cooking & nutrition classes from k-10, and actually treated as a real, serious subject like sciences/math/english

>> No.5334187 [DELETED] 

I don't care about blogs. That's not valid to anyone. On a serious note, any fucking cunt can make a blog and call it offical news media, that doesn't mean that I care about what they have to say. That could be all made up, there's no way to verify that.

It could be a blog, I could make a "blog" and talk to myself, then that's as valid as any other and should I spend money to verify them all?

They're pretty useless.

>> No.5334188

>Fucking retard.
Well, we've hit that part of the discussion.

Have a good night and I hope that manuscript you submitted to the Yahoo! Answers flagship journal gets accepted with minor revisions. I hope you don't get GooglyGirlz43_z or bukkakeluvrWIS on your review panel, because those guys are tough.

>> No.5334195 [DELETED] 

The point is that you've lost the plot.
It's not your problem and never has been in the first place, if you fail to see that, you fail to see why we had a revoultion and the war of 1812 and why we don't suck up to Briain with their unnammed warrents, oh wait we do have that now with the shit the FBI and NSA are doing on USA citizens now. Ooops.

>> No.5334198

And the conversation once again ends with the stonerfag running away knowing his perplexing amount of bias fails to convince anybody. Every. Single. Time.

>> No.5334200 [DELETED] 

what kind of moron unless he's getting paid by yahoo would submit anything to yahoo? yahoo is as dead as aol.

>> No.5334204

>lost the plot

you've said this 15 times in this thread. Has it occurred to you that you are misusing the word plot? The correct terms is argument

>> No.5334207
File: 15 KB, 400x103, ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a good night and I hope that manuscript you submitted to the Yahoo! Answers flagship journal gets accepted with minor revisions. I hope you don't get GooglyGirlz43_z or bukkakeluvrWIS on your review panel, because those guys are tough.

>> No.5334208

>That slippery slope logic
>Anecdotal evidence stating it's not a problem when getting BTFO'd due to logic
>Thinking everything good doesn't have bad side effects

Yeah okay, maybe you think others lose the plot because it's not you who is writing it.

>> No.5334211
File: 1.28 MB, 640x360, 1388329831133.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being that butthurt that you run away from an internet argument
>on 4chan
>And then start ranting like a bitch about Yahoo like if it matters


>> No.5334231 [DELETED] 

Actually personally I only used that term once, and you're a moron trying to deflect. Are you an obama supporter socialist or some shit?

If you had a plot I suspect that you'd have brought it out but you types never do, it's just some simple agenda to rip up the consitution. So really my plot is simple, you can piss the fuck off you'll have no chance on us. NY and TX and all the states here, you have no chance.

Get over it.

>> No.5334235 [DELETED] 

Keep beliving in that, it'll keep you going. But try working for a real publishing company sometime, and not a useless blog. And they are useless. Nobody gives a shit about blogs... get over yourselves. A real publishing house, yeah, that's different.

>> No.5334239
File: 242 KB, 461x498, 1391552203000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to deflect
>Are you an obama supporter socialist or some shit?

Did it occur to you how ironic that last quip was?

>> No.5334242
File: 28 KB, 560x407, 1388204834982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait do you think somebody using a source = they work for it?

Tell me more about your tinfoil theories about how you are writing the plot

>> No.5334243 [DELETED] 

Try bringing everything out to a dude with a linotron to make it out then bring it back then back and forth so that's it right in print. That's cool stuff.

Their's a lot to say about proper publishing and not some stupid blogging, any faggot can do a blog, but if it's so important, how about have it in print?

Not so easy eh faggot?

>> No.5334247


Hahaha, you're such a fucking idiot.

>> No.5334264 [DELETED] 

In that case, that's their and your problem not mine.

Why exactly is it your problem, are you some homosexual that wants everyone to accept it's point of view?

Lots of luck with your san francico ipads having me do that in new york, That's not gonna happen, but keep believing that and click your heals, it might happen, it just might you fucking faggot!

>> No.5334379

that does not make sense. Are you high?

>> No.5334681

>there are economic interest groups influencing our lawmakers to pass legislation in their favour
>The nice cops just want to save me from this evil plant
If you ever left your house to interact with some pigs you'd know they shit on you and if you're an addict or not.

>> No.5334710

>All these stoners getting blown the fuck out
>Most likely by other stoners

Why has there been a spike in degeneracy in 4chan as a whole? I toke sometimes and even I side with people who think you guys need to get the fuck off this website with how annoying you are and deluded you've become thinking the federal, state and medical laws are OBLIGATED to bend their rules for you.

Toke and take responsibility. Stop being a little bitch.

>> No.5336053
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1310007867089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5336230

>People calling themselves food lovers
>They get high to enjoy food

Never ceases to amaze me how full of shit a lot of the people here are. It wasn't always like this.

>> No.5336241

4chan has always been full of freaks , you're just shocked because you came here from SA or leddib
take your shitty "muh degeneracy" meme back to /pol/ where you found it.

>> No.5336312

/b/ has been. All blue boards that are SFW are intended for discussion. There's always been resistance to degenerate topics. It's Tumblr-tier to say "4chan has always been okay with drugs outside of /b/" as it would imply "forum sliding" to push an agenda.

AND Reddit/Tumblr is what's making this shit topic leak. I'm glad the admin has been pretty smart with getting rid of shit threads sometimes.

>Degenerate, a word describing the lowest common denominator, came from /pol/

It came from /v/ circa 2009. Doofus.

>> No.5336318 [DELETED] 

Just keep it on topic, nobody cares about /pol here. So keep it there or in /b.

Just sayin'.

>> No.5336322

It's /b/. Mysteriously /b/'s had a lot of weed hookup threads and since /b/tards don't believe in lurking they come here, or to /x/ or /v/ with their shit hobby. It's almost like some sort of conspiracy to make 4chan okay with it in order to make the internet feel the same way. I don't care what a person believes about weed, that would be manipulative and diabolical.

>> No.5336328

These threads never are on topic. Admins get rid of drunk threads often too and if a beer thread turns into a drunk thread, then it's also axed. What makes pot so special?

>> No.5336336 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 232x262, towelie-blazed-no_idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because towelie!

>> No.5336344
File: 1.24 MB, 1680x1099, 1396237236087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SA used to be cool when M00t posted his first post talking about how he would create 4chan because he got flack from ADTRW (Anime Tentacle Death Rape Whorehouse) because of Lowtax et al. Now SA is Tumblr-tier , SJW, Aids infested faggotry. Reddit/Tublr are the cancer and it has killed SA and 4chan.

4chan/SA have a storied and well documented history.

(I remember when there was only /a/ and /b/)

>> No.5336346

/b/ used to demand people would "lurk moar". It got lost on the new kids who arrived from facebook or even myspace if you back far enough.

>> No.5336366

If you're paying over 25$ for a 750 of vodka, it's a rip off

>> No.5336369

Yeah there's that shit too. Nowadays "HUR DUR MAKE BONG OUT OF VODKA BOTTLE" is an entirely normalfag thing.

Reading this thread makes me cringe because I can just sense these people being normalfags who think things should change solely to serve them without any knowledge of common sense, even when told by people who are pro-weed they are acting like a bunch of children. That's why threads like this is shit. At least veganism/carnivorism is still food related even if it's a hot topic. These people don't come here to talk about food, they just want their egos stroked. There is a place for that: 420chan and /b/

>> No.5336379

You are correct but it is worse than that.

Most people who post today are only interested in stroking their own egos instead of having the amazing ability to talk to people around the world about things.

The bar has definitely been lowered over time.

/ck/ used to be one of the last holdouts compared to others.

>> No.5336382

Shut the fuck up you addict

>> No.5336384 [DELETED] 

What's your problem, weren't you ever a kid in the USA once? Or are some fucking foreign import on H1B or whatever that nobody gives a shit about?

>> No.5336387

Your parents smoked more pot than you ever will.

Accept it, even if they act "upright" today.

>> No.5336393

Nah they aren't degenerates like you. Get a job.

>> No.5336395

What does H1B have anything to do with the backwards handling of 4chan? It used to be a hell of a lot better. It was better, so much better before 2000 and it was even better before that.

What does that have to do with H1B Visas? Since nobody mentioned anything related to immigration except you.

>> No.5336402

Fuck off. Not him but I've never been to any of those sites and I still know you're a degenerate.

>> No.5336406

Yes it is. Fuck off with your nostalgia.

>> No.5336403 [DELETED] 

You'd be suprised how many people you class as "stoners" are PhD's, MDs, and millionairs now. So go take your shit to some blog where they care about your stupidity.

And you know how important blogs are.

Have a good life faggot.

>> No.5336408

What you say has no merit in the topic at hand. Take a break. Lurk Moar. Nobody cares but your parents were pothead degenerates back then by your standards. Its a fact. Now go eat some hot pockets or something kiddo.

>> No.5336409

I like how you have to lie to validate yourself by speaking on behalf of others.

Using weed =/= stoner

Get out you piece of shit.

>> No.5336413
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>Saying something THAT ignorant about people you don't know and taking it as fact to yourself

You're so irrationally mad it's leaking onto the front page of /ck/

>> No.5336418


>Thread about /ck/ooking
>Oldsfags mention oldfag things
>Jewlover brings up pot
>Jewlover gets buthurt about pot

fags fagging up the thread. fuck man you oldfags gotta be mad seeing 4chan turn into cancer.

>> No.5336422

This guy is right.

You are cancer.

>> No.5336424

There's so much wrong in this post. You're so cancerous it's not even funny

>> No.5336428

Who isn't? Marijuana is cancerous which is hilarious given what it's claimed to do.

>> No.5336430

>Thread about /ck/ooking

What? No this thread was a shitposting thread. People TRIED to divert it onto an on topic one with discussion of liquor and it's value but stoners HATE actual liquor and kept making it about legality and what not.

>> No.5336434

You shit on a thread just because old users wanted to talk about the way it used to be. What are you afraid of? Why shit up the thread kiddo. Afraid people will learn how it used to be before your kind arrived here? You can't win. You are working against the grain. This is not a mitzva against the goyim. Nothing can save you now.

>> No.5336436

>You shit on a thread just because old users wanted to talk about the way it used to be.

Protip: Most Yotsuba B users have always disliked normalcy. This is one of those topics that's clustered with it.


This is where you go. No if ands or butts.

>> No.5336440
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>mitzva against the goyim

Leave it to /pol/ to ramble on about things that don't make sense and are complete fictional

>> No.5336443

/b/ is full of aids today. You belong there.

>> No.5336446

/pol is full of faggots. Spend "moar tiem thar".

>> No.5336449

Pot calling the bong black

>> No.5336456

JIDF detected

>> No.5336457

>s-stop pointing about my drug use p-please

I love the fact that you didn't even refute that you're unemployed. Leech.

>> No.5336461

What does that have to do with H1B Visas? or how oldfags want to reminisce? I don't talk about my personal life online. Where do you work? How much do you make? How much and when did you pay your taxes?

>> No.5336468

>Dat deflection

>> No.5336479

Answer the question or make your nature visible to all.

אנחנו באותו צד

>> No.5336483 [DELETED] 

Only low level faggots get drug tested, that's an insult to anyone else. Results matter in NYC. Argue about that all you want, but there's no correlation between smoking some weed or doing anything else and stealing corporate information or freaking out and shooting random people.

When it's your company you can piss test all the people silly enough to work for you, but in NYC, doesn't happen.

>> No.5336491

>Murder rates and work ethic outside of corporate at an all time low in NYC


>> No.5336492

Nigga just roll out da Benjamins and take a photo.

>> No.5336494

This is a joke..

A dead thread. People will forget what was written here.

>> No.5336498

NYC is known as one of the worst places to live. They don't drug test because then many businesses wouldn't have employees. Because of that, service is shit. Pure shit.

>> No.5336509

its like drug testing in detroit

>> No.5336526

Is it normal to cry while taking a shit? That's been happening to me the last few times I took one.

>> No.5336553 [DELETED] 

Then you're a cunt or a faggot.
You choose if you can't make it in NYC, it's one or the other or some whhaaamblamce type that whines about everything and nobody wants to hear about that.

I'd certainly fire you if you were a whining cunt, but then I leave that to others.

Folk don't drug test because as I wrote before, results are what matters, not your fucking piss. Once you give into some piss test for people then what's next? And no, we don't take kindly to people smelling our piss, we find that fucking strange and laugh at those who do it. We're not nazi's you fucking cunt.

You have a major malfunction and are used to people shoving their fingers up your asshole. Have fun wherever you live; I'm glad that I'm not there.

>> No.5336565

>mfw I have a doctorate in writing and I don't understand the point you're making

You need to type better and make things more clear. If you're saying NYC doesn't do tests due to results then you are full of shit outright. Even a retard can get a job. Not because of his performance but because it's the only way any business can succeed with how many restaurants and works come and go. Performance matters very little in that city, it's incredibly bad all around.

>> No.5336566 [DELETED] 

seems to me like you need some therapy.

>> No.5337793



Daily smoker of about 4 years here. When I run out (which is quite often considering where I live) this is my usual corse of action:
>Call 100,000 people
>Walk around town
>If I don't find any I resign myself to doing homework all night
I've never gotten violent because I didn't have pot. I've been super bored at gatherings wishing I had weed, but I've never been, let alone seen, anyone get violent over pot withdrawals.

Please take your whack ideas about marijuana somehow being bad for people on more than an individual basis back to /pol/ where generalizations still rule the earth. There's a reason people in ethe west are generally leaning toward legalization at this point.

>> No.5337809


That daily smoking must have ruined your troll detector. Potheads confirmed for brain dead retards.

>> No.5337847

Alcohol is my higher power.

>> No.5337933

arschverletzter saupreiss.
>shittier than anywhere else
yeah sure ostalgiker

also drugtesting isn't common much less legal for your employer to do

>> No.5337991

>this thread
Oh. My. God.

The people that explode over the mention of vegans must be the same losers who get buttdevastated over weed.

>> No.5337995

sounds about right

>> No.5338036

Nah. Two different demographics. Everyone hates vegans, only cops hate weed.

>> No.5338046

So it is pot flavored vodka?
also ciroc is horrible vodka what are you high?
>lol oh wait

>> No.5338470

define top shelf vodka please.
Because if you don't like Ciroc or Grey Goose, vodka isn't for you.

It's vodka sold in a bottle that can be re purposed as a bong

>> No.5338478

>also ciroc is horrible vodka
Why, because it hasn't been distilled and filtered enough to have no taste?

lol imagine beer and scotch snobs had this mentality.

>> No.5339503

>Potheads angry over people not liking weed

ftfy. They make vegans look good. Anybody who denies this is, well, in denial. It's hilarious how much they've been wrekt

>> No.5339505

>Lying on the internet

Apparently weed makes you dense. Confirmed

>> No.5339509

>Everyone hates vegans

People who eat vegtables =/= vegan

Weed is not a person and people hate stoners. It's not just a cop thing. My butthurt gaydar and denial detector is off the chart

>> No.5339631

Alcohol has killed countless people from overdose.
Marijuana 0.

I prefer a light buzz way more than blackout drunkenness with ridiculous shit feeling for the next day.

>> No.5339809

>Getting drunk at all
>Falling back on "muh deaths" in obviously rigged charts

yeah okay buddy

>> No.5340182

>calling factual charts rigged

so much bias.

>> No.5340194


>> No.5341209

>Alch charts cover car crashes
>This will be swept under the rug

>> No.5341802
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Why can't people like what they like?

>> No.5341804

Because sometimes people are faggots about the things they like.

>> No.5342364
