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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 570x381, grilled-cheese-sandwich11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5332648 No.5332648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that Britfags always get indignant about American cheese slices and don't understand grilled cheese, when grilled cheese is just the American equivalent of beans on toast?

>> No.5332681
File: 49 KB, 604x453, u wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about what britbongs think

>> No.5332688

>Not putting beans on your cheese toasties
>Not stirring lea and perrins into the beans

It's like your gay or something

>> No.5332833

>implying anyone cares about this feud outside of /ck/

>> No.5332862
File: 28 KB, 500x333, cheese_on_toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when grilled cheese is just the American equivalent of beans on toast?

Actually it's the American equivalent of cheese on toast.


(We brits fucking love toast)

The only issue we have is with the cheese you use, it's gross. Why can't you just grate some real cheese and use that?

>> No.5332878

Honestly, in some parts of the country, it can be difficult to get good cheese. I grew up in Wisconsin, and didn't have what passes for cheese in other parts of the country until I was 21.

That shit's grim... It is getting better, though. The availability of good cheese, I mean, not that bad cheese.

>> No.5332885


I fucking love you. Amerifags will never understand the amazing godness of Lea and Perrins. I feel sad.

>> No.5332895


Dude, European foods are the best, such an amazing diverse flavour of different foods.

>Continental sausage.
>British cheeses
>Sunday dinner
>Chorizo sausage

>> No.5332917

We have access to all of those things here. Just because the public perception of American food is that it's a over-processed hellscape doesn't mean that's true for everyone who lives here, or in all areas.

The only thing irritating about it is that the availability of decent food took a hiatus for a few decades, so now anything of good quality is described with superlatives - it's all "heirloom, artisan, craft" etc.

>> No.5332922

>implying American's don't have the most diverse selection of food in the world

>> No.5332930


Which is better? Cheese on toast or a grilled cheese?

How do you make cheese on toast?

>> No.5332934

>implying American's don't have the most diverse selection of food in the world

Everyone in the first world has access to a diverse selection of food.

This is another reason people find Americans annoying, their assumption that access to international food stores or ethnic restaurants is somehow exceptional instead of a basic expectation.

>> No.5332939

I've talked with people in yurope and that's not the case at all.
No where near as much as we do
Most brit bongs I've talked to doesn't even know what an authentic mexican burrito looks like

>> No.5332946

Or good ol' fashioned murrican food like bbq, fried chicken and shit

>> No.5332948

I don't know a single American that uses worcestershire sauce that's not Lea and Perrin's. You're ignant as fuck.

>> No.5332961

europoor commentating on american ignorance but is talking through his own ignorance

>> No.5332969

I don't care how much you hate processed cheese product, if you aren't using American cheese you aren't eating a grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.5332982

>Most brit bongs I've talked to doesn't even know what an authentic mexican burrito looks like

Because British people have Indian food which is spicier and tastier.

There are hundreds of Mexican restaurants in the UK, but they are not as popular as Indian food.

>> No.5332987

>we don't have mexican food because we like indian food better
>we have mexican food
ya ok buddy

>> No.5332990

>Not putting beans inside your grilled cheese sandwiches

>> No.5333000

I don't think you have access to the quality. Regardless of what you say, you can't beat local made food which is native to the country..

Just like we can't make burgers like you fat-asses do ;)

>> No.5333004

It's so simple.

>Grill one side of the bread
>Turn bread over and butter.
>Place your desired cheese over the buttered side, sliced of course.
>Put back under grill and cook till cheese bubbles. Can flick some Lee and Perrin's on before or in mid cook.

>> No.5333016

>but they are not as popular as Indian food

Because your Mexican is shit. Your Indian is semi-sweet and fake shit too, mostly cooked by Bangladeshi and Paki filth. I've had it alot in Britain because
>Oh anon, you simply MUST try a curry if you try anything in the UK

and I was disappointed. Honestly its better in Germnany

>> No.5333019

I don't care how much you hate ruining steak, it's not steak unless you cook it well done and serve it with Heinz catsup.

>> No.5333034

>when grilled cheese is equivalent to beans on toast
you just went full retard, OP

>> No.5333054

Beans on toast? Why the fuck would they do that?

>> No.5333058

We have normal cheese idiot.

>> No.5333059


>cheap, incredibly simple and quick hot meal, probably fed to you a lot as a kid by busy parents and as a result eaten as something of a comfort food despite its objective mediocrity

they're not that alike from a culinary perspective but the role they fill is pretty much the same

>> No.5333064

This. Where I live in America nearby there's an Indian restaurant, sushi, Korean BBQ, independent and good as fuck deli, a legit burger joint etc. And that's just in my city.

>> No.5333068

Wtf are you talking about? I don't know a single person that doesn't try many different types of food.

>> No.5333066


The fuck..you want a carvery not a fucking curry.

>> No.5333070

ok now I get you

>> No.5333078

>not the cheese capital of America
>thinking craft singles is "real" cheese

>> No.5333085


Had a "proper Sunday carvery" too. Now THAT was fucking delicious. Simple, hearty, honest food. That's what Brits are good at.

>> No.5333110


Good to hear Anon, we literally have thousands upon thousand of pubs which serve that kind of food. Carvery is the best food here, and the Full English Breakfast too.

>> No.5333127

Besides being an obvious bait thread, we do eat Grilled Cheese in the UK too, they're called Cheese Toasties, I've never heard of anyone being indignant about them in real life. They're generally made using cheddar, and they're common enough to be a thing but not common enough to be common.

>> No.5333128

grilled cheese is superior in my opinion. i would take rarebit over either; although that's a much more complex cheese/toast solution

>> No.5333133 [DELETED] 

Obviously because the Brits will never get over being defeating twice in wars and the USA is only nation to defeat them in order to make our own nation and get over their stupid empire.

They'll always think of us as colonials, but they always need our help. Figure that shit eh? We'll always give it too, the wars are over brits, but they'll never get it.

>> No.5333148



my nigga

>> No.5333158

fucking hell its just cheese and bread

calm down you mongs

>> No.5333162

Wouldn't a grilled cheese be more comparable to the fries on bread thing?

>> No.5333163 [DELETED] 

How about a rarebit on a grilled cheese?
That sounds good to me.

>> No.5333186

Reread my post more carefully.

I grew up on good cheese, and didn't have bad cheese until I was an adult.

How is that fucking ambiguous?

>> No.5333195

Because there are a tiny handful of foods that Brits actually do well. These are: beer, pies, and cheese.

We get so defensive when someone does one of these things badly because we need to cling onto every last bit of superiority we can.

>> No.5333207

Other than burgers What do Americans do well?

>> No.5333213

>it's the american equivalent of cheese on toast
no it's not
the American equivalent of British Toast Breakfast is Bagels and their various toppings

>> No.5333215

>this is what Bonglanders actually believe

Yeah, that's right mate, we do roast din-dins and full English brekkies, those Amerifatties do burgers and hawt dawgs, am I right?

And then there's the Spanish - they do paella. And Italians - pasta and pizza. French? Uhh, umm, I dunno, but it's supposed to be good, I think! Oh yeah, onion soup, that's it!

Yes, each culture has between one and three dishes that they make, and all of them can be made to total authenticity, in a typical English kitchen with electric hobs and a Teflon-coated wok.

>> No.5333220


a lot of fuckin' things, but you have to be more specific, because we're a big country with a lot of distinct cultures, particularly food-wise.
Spend a week in New Orleans, and I DEFY you to find a single dish that isn't better than anything you ever had in Britain. Go to the dirtiest, most run-down piece of shit place you can find and it'll still be one of the most delicious meals you'll ever eat.

However, there's a logistical problem involved in having something that "America" does well. Because the only things that "America" as a whole shares are things that can be flash-frozen and shipped 1000 miles across the country.

>> No.5333221


who gives a shit what brits think? they always think they're superior... the even think their accents don't exist.

>> No.5333223

>roast din-dins
>full english brekkies
I thought you were making fun of the british, but that's actually what they refer to their food as


>> No.5333238

>Spend a week in New Orleans, and I DEFY you to find a single dish that isn't better than anything you ever had in Britain
except fish'n'chips maybe

>> No.5333239

Because non-Americans are obsessed with Americans for some reason.

>> No.5333241


That wasn't shitting on Britain, even. Just big-upping New Orleans.

>> No.5333249


how about a Full English Breakfast?
Ohh wait....

>> No.5333257

>Being surprised that people from one culture regard all other cultures as beneath them and latch on to any evidence they can find of that whilst completely ignoring anything wrong with their culture

>> No.5333323 [DELETED] 

Who cares? They're brits.
They're about as useful as pierce morgan on cnn and well he did real well here in the USA.

>> No.5333326

>well he did real well here

>> No.5333345
File: 819 KB, 1409x1494, el burrito mexicano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>authentic mexican burrito
that shit thing (98% fillers) and it is a shit thing wrapped is not hardly mexican and most certainly not AUTHENTIC MEXICAN
if anything its tourist shit when you find it in mexico.

>> No.5333355


>> No.5333359

because you can't buy or get actual american cheese anymore. just processed crap. american cheese is what you get when you take all your bits and bobs of left over cheese and melt them together

>> No.5333367

>grilled cheese is just the American equivalent of beans on toast?

No. It's not.

And maybe it's because American cheese is garbage. I use decent sharp cheddar and it's far better. And their beans on toast are great, fggt. Learned of it on a eurotrip and I still eat it at home occasionally.

>> No.5333382

>No. It's not.

>> No.5333587

"Murrican cheese" slices are bland as hell in comparison to Baked Beans. No contest here.

>> No.5333774

no one eats this because it tastes good.
we eat it as kids because its cheap as fuck for a billion slices. the tiny ass refrigerators in the middle of the aisle with actual cheese is not only expensive as fuck but tiny.

>> No.5334559

I stuck chives on some melted cheddar/toast the other day and it was really nice. Perhaps you should try it.

>> No.5334680


Why does nobody address the fact that the american concept of a grilled cheese is to put it in a frying pan and NOT put it under the grill? Typical.

>> No.5334685

>cheese toasties
muh niggah.
haven't had these in fuckin years but they're amazing. As a kid the usual additions were onion, ham and or tinned spaghetti bullshit but if I had one now it'd probably include Chili beans and Tuna.

>> No.5334695

They're baked haricot beans in a tomato sauce. It actually goes very well. Think of the taste as similar to spaghettios.

>> No.5334696

Well, beans on toast is actually beans on toast whereas a grilled cheese is more accurately described as a fried cheese.

>> No.5334699

There is no more American cheese. It was a blend that is no longer produced. The closest cheese to classic American is colby. Stop your shitposting.

>> No.5334701

rectangularly sliced tasty or colby cheddar mothafucka. I learned this practice from a brit too.
brits are so fucking good when it comes to unclassy food.

>> No.5334707

>Lea and Perrins
Shit's everywhere in the states

>> No.5334715

My gay what? Or is English your second language?

>> No.5334724
File: 82 KB, 600x334, TopLel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post

>> No.5334729

>being this delusional

There are just as many shit-on-yurop threads as there are shit-on-murica threads. Get over yourselves.

>> No.5334733

Jesus Christ this thread. The fuck happened to you /ck/?

>> No.5334753
File: 76 KB, 1004x571, Cheese on toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grilled cheese is just the American equivalent of beans on toast
But it isn't. God help you if you tried to use an American cheese slice to make cheese on toast.

>> No.5334844

British food is overly bland but it is still superior to American, or at least the North East coast. The majority of food I tried tended to just substitute blandness with the excessive use of salt, nothing special. Didn't realise that I would have to ask with every meal if I didn't want cheese on top, even with salads.

>> No.5334846

Also can most Americans afford to shop for fresh foods in Delhi's? I know I'm a Britpoor but the prices there seemed expensive.

>> No.5334852

That's basic in every first world country. Stop being so god damn arrogant. That is what people don't like about Americans.

>> No.5334855

Why would you put beans in a wrap? Fucking dildo.

>> No.5334860

Do Americans put on an act or is it automatic for you to act this way?

>> No.5334862

They don't even know they're doing it.

>> No.5334879

Well what would you call a roast din-dins and a full English brekkie?

>> No.5334934

Are you stupid?

>> No.5335277

it would actually be better
processed kraft singles melt way better than legit cheese and are creamy as fuck

>> No.5335301

Leave if you don't like it. Trust me you won't be missed.

>> No.5335318

Ultra butthurt ensues.

I'll take his presence over yours any fucking day.

>> No.5335332
File: 710 KB, 400x170, cryin bitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"american cheese" slices
>same nutritional value as beans

>> No.5335339

You were the one whining shit poster. If you don't like it then leave.

>> No.5335362

who the fuck ever said that?

>> No.5335367

I was apart of your sobfest ITT. My only post has been: >>5335318

>> No.5335396
File: 224 KB, 800x533, gcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


one of you guys tell me what the perfect "American grilled cheese" recipe is, I want to try the real thing and then I'll make judgement.


>> No.5335398

There isn't one because personal preferences exist. For me, however, good ham and Monterrey Jack cheese on hearty rye. I've never really liked cheddar for grilled cheese, I think it's not a good melting cheese.

>> No.5335399

Butter, american cheese, white bread

>> No.5335410

And that's low and slow in a frying pan - do you fry it in butter or just butter the bread and dry-fry?

>> No.5335415

Butter the bread slices. I usually cook it over medium, but never on high. As long as it's hot enough to brown the bread but low enough it'll melt the cheese without burning the bread, you should be alright.

>> No.5335418

Butter the bread. medium to med high heat

>> No.5335423

Thanks, guys. This is why I enjoy /ck/ the most.

>> No.5335513


>sourdough bread
>whatever fucking cheese you want. I like cheddar.

Cast iron on the stove-top, med-low heat
Oven on a very low setting, rack as far up as it goes.

Butter the bread, on both sides, toss it into the skillet, throw the whole fucking thing in the oven.

15 minutes later, fucking grilled cheese.

>> No.5335516

Exactly, they wouldn't know the real shit if it hit them in the face, but can you really blame them for being into it? After all, their native "cuisine" is so bland as hell that anything with actual flavor is a revolution for them. It's funny that they get their nose out of joint about "American cheese", it would fit in perfectly with the garbage they regularly stuff in their gob.

>> No.5335529

I'm American, and let them get their nose out joint over ameircan cheese. It's disgusting greasy trash.

>> No.5335560

Yep, tasteless greasy garbage just like 99.9% of Brit food (the .01% being imported cuisine toned down for their crap palates), which is why I find it so funny. :)

>> No.5335572
File: 1.72 MB, 480x270, taste this 66Ig7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5335621

Also, there are two types of american cheese. The individually wrapped crap (processed cheese product), and the deli style (processed cheese).

The latter doesn't have anything in it but real cheese - processing just changes the texture to make it melt perfectly instead of turning rubbery.

>> No.5335655
File: 156 KB, 800x800, 1386156765666[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spiciness determines the quality of food

>> No.5335768

Not many people can fly to India regularly for fresh foods.

>> No.5336215


We don't call them "grills" here, and "Broiled Cheese" is a shitty name

>> No.5336219


a grilled cheese and cheese on toast are totally different things

>> No.5336251

How do I make cheese on toast? just grill a piece of bread with cheese on it?

>> No.5336275


The most "authentic" way to make it (keeping in mind that it is 'authentic' poverty food more or less) is with butter on pre-sliced white bread with two processed American cheese singles in between.

The way I make them is to throw a piece of deli-sliced ham or two on the hot skillet beforehand, for just a few seconds to brown them a bit and warm it up, then use butter on cracked-wheat or whole-grain presliced bread (really the only presliced bread I eat, I love bread so I tend to avoid wonderbread-type stuff) with two American cheese slices, with the ham in the middle. That's about as good as it gets without pushing the boundaries of 'authenticity'. Any more complex or fancy than that (using good bakery bread, sourdough, cheddar or other nicer cheeses, etc.) and you're not really getting a proper picture of what grilled cheese generally means. Consider my version a "fast-casual"-tier grilled cheese. You're not going to a Michelin-star restaurant, you're eating "whatever I put on your plate, dammit, now shut up and eat before it gets cold". It's for poor, busy people who want a cheap, fast meal for their kids. I think there's a bit of sentimental value in taking it for what it is. I admire people who can look at the world that way.

>> No.5336298

nigga that's a melt.

>> No.5336303


shaddap. grilled ham and cheese. I'd call it a melt if there was more ham but we're talking like 1-2 thinly sliced pieces, not thick-cut.

>> No.5336386

Fuck I even buy Lea and Perrins in Mexico

>> No.5336396

mexico to the U.S is what India is to U.K, culinarily speaking

>> No.5336397

>no good cheese
Bull fucking shit, you cheesehead. Wisconsin and upstate NY are the only places you can get fresh cheese curds.

>> No.5336502

You read it wrong, he said he didn't have crap cheese (i.e. "what passes for cheese in the rest of the country") until age 21.

>> No.5336507

Lea and Perrins worcestershire sauce is sold all over the world.

>> No.5336513 [DELETED] 

No. India is a cesspool no matter how you compare it. Mexico is our neighbor and not a shithole.

They have weird druglord shit going on but it's pretty cool. They're trying.

>> No.5336525


The fuck? The Wisconsin Greenbay Packer fans are called Cheese Heads. Wisconsin is cheese country. How can you not have cheese here? For fucks sake. There's plenty of cheese in the US and if you can't find it, it's easy as fuck to make.

>2012 Not making your own cheese.

>> No.5336537


So all your food is muslim?


>> No.5336545

Cheese toasty vs. grilled cheese.

>> No.5336549

The exact same thing is common in America; we just call it cheese bread.

>> No.5336559 [DELETED] 

Stupid for me to say, but you might want to know, after a semicolon you should cap it as a new sentance.

This; That

I get hollared at a lot for that kind of stuff and it just makes me a better writer.

>> No.5336560

>It's for poor, busy people who want a cheap, fast meal for their kids.
It's more like comfort food, I think.

>> No.5336562

Not only are you the second person who's made that mistake, but he's even already corrected the over guy. He's savaging that growing up in Wisconsin, he didn't realize how bad cheese was in OTHER parts of the country. Read more carefully, bro.

>> No.5336576

Oh wait my bad, you're the THIRD person who made that mistake. Jesus, you people.

>> No.5337516
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you put cheese on toast

>> No.5338007
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>perplexed americans