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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5328328 No.5328328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5328343

He ate them cold right?

>> No.5328346

The day I eat ravioli from a can is the day I forfeit my right to live.

>> No.5328348

But in reality the first one doesn't count, so really it was only eight, and I was stoned so I can't be held completely responsible.

>> No.5328349


ever been camping?

>> No.5328618

the other night I had munchies
ate a 6 pack of raspbry filled donuts
with Bob Marley relax-o-bubble Lemonade soda
a family size bag of Sriacha Lays potato chips (I do not recommend these in any state of mind, sober or otherwise)
2 mcdoubles
20 mcnuggets with BBQ and ranch
4 Lime La Croix

snax eatan
weed smokan

>> No.5328644

in one go?
coz then I wouldn't blame, I'm yet to come across a shit brand

>> No.5328678

munchy stories?
>bbq at friend's house
>eat three steaks, a plate of rucola salad and about half a ciabatta
>get so high I'm tripping the fuck out and can't stop my pupils from looking into different directions
>host's gf puts me to sleep on a couch
>half an hour later, need to get up and catch my bus
>say bye to everyone, everything is crystal clear outside
>get home
>eat a plate of spaghetti
>eat two slices of apple pie with custard
>play bass until four in the morning (unplugged)

>> No.5329052
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Heated them with a blow torch.

>> No.5329059


Nigga I am broke I know not of such luxaries known as junk food till at least Friday

>> No.5329063

He heated them with a blowtorch and this shit maymay is missing the best part of the quote.

"....and I'm ashamed of myself."

>> No.5329096
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ate a box of teriyaki beef ramen, a whole box of these fuckers, then some oatmeal with a shit ton of brown sugar and then a shit ton of peanut butter to tone the sweetness down. I prob ate more than that

>> No.5329131

Once at a friend's house, with another friend who chain smokes 24/7, I smoked myself retarded trying to keep up with him, cooked about half a box of those shitty frozen hamburger patties in the oven, ate them all, fell over on the floor and passed out. Amazingly we are still bestest friends

>> No.5329136

Why take canned ravioli camping though? All you need is potato, bacon, onion, lard, and some egg if you can bring it.

Canned ravioli...

>> No.5329140

An entire thing of those pillbury crescent rolls, some filled with nutella and others filled with raspberry jam and four eggrolls.

et vaz bretty gud

>> No.5329154

Yesterday's bake and bake led to me eating a whole pan of blondies in one sitting.

>> No.5329187

Haven't smoked much since college. I was 110 lb.s, and 5'7", plus, I got used to having breaks between classes, so, I ate whenever I was somewhat hungry, so I couldn't stretch my stomach much.

So, most I'd usually eat was one large pizza from Papa John's. One time I did get really high, had a few beers, and couldn't eve remember what I ate. I just remember clogging the toilet with poop alone, hadn't even started to wipe because the bowl was so full.

Now that I don't smoke, most I have is maybe 2-3 plates ate a buffet. Not huge, heaping plates, either.

>> No.5329581


The correct response was to tell him to go fishing. Your solution doesn't make camping "roughin' it" anymore and ruins the fun of the whole event.

>> No.5329590

i smoke every day and i don't over-eat
you guys are fat unmotivated shits

you should get high and work out instead

>> No.5329597

Please, tell us more about how the specific way you do things is the correct way for every other person on the planet.

>> No.5329599

in other words, no, you haven't ever been camping

>> No.5329600


Seems like he was doing the same thing with less sarcasm.

> trip fag


>> No.5329604

Family-size gyro pizza with extra tzatziki
16 wings
Family-size bag of chips
Whoppers candy

I went ham

>> No.5329609
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Ate a can of cranberry sauce. I love that shit.

>> No.5329625

This shit is so good

Fuck homemade cranberry sauce in the ass

>> No.5329642

Absofuckinglutely. My friend just stared in disgust as I worked my way through it; I felt like shit, but no regrets.

>> No.5329691

I am immune to the munchies

I don't smoke weed but I drink quite a lot, but no matter how much I drink I never eat anything, as doing so tends to kill my appetite for more drink

that said though, I do love my junk/snack food, and in large amounts. I will literally gorge on massive bags of shit like onion rings/cheeseballs,/pringles/cheese and onion crisps etc

I stopped buying biscuits cause I would eat an entire pack in one sitting

>> No.5329704

>Fuck homemade cranberry sauce in the ass
/ck/ is utterly pleb tier, did you eat ramen after that too?

>> No.5329720

Canned is nostalgia

Canned is life

>> No.5329730

omg this
>that body high
>that feeling of using your muscles
>that complete ignorance of muscle weariness
it really is the best thing ever

>> No.5329841

>Canned is nostalgia

Lol. I'm sorry you grew up in a shit family.

>> No.5329929

>can of refried beans and small bag of fritos mixed in a bowl, hot from the microwave.
>peanut butter and vanilla frosting sandwich.

>> No.5329944

homemade refried beans are so much better, especially if you use coconut oil instead of lard

>> No.5330140
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>celebrate moving into new house
>smokin a doob
>send friend out to taco bell
>he comes back with 3 party packs
>we destroy every taco, empty fire sauce packets everywhere
>get explosive taco bell shits
>mfw theirs no tp

>> No.5330216
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What's you're favorite junk food/pastry/whatever you eat when you feel like a fatass?
I need idea for this weekend. I'm going to be a fat piece of shit for the weekend give in to all my cravings. This is my list so far.

>> No.5330228

You could have just tongued each other out, it would've been a mutual bonding experience.

I forget most of my munchy stories because I don't really smoke anymore, but oh man did my buddies and I have fun.

>two ~1g blunts between four people, strain was "Chicago Fire" if I remember correctly
>get stoned as fuck in the hardly used park bathroom that was the perfect size for a four man hotbox
>"dude, let's go to Burger King"
>pull up to the order box thing
>"Hi welcome to BK what can I get for you today?"
>we realize we didn't calculate how many Whopper Jrs. we wanted (there was a special), and then how much each person would owe of the total
>"Uh hold on just a second (guys how many do we need? I'm getting three only, you said - no wait- etc.)"
>goes on for five minutes
>Turn to the order box and try to keep a straight face when we say we'll have FOURTEEN Whopper Jrs.
>I can't do it, I crack the fuck up right after I say fourteen, thinking in my head "who the fuck orders fourteen burgers at a drive-thru"
>whole car is laughing riotously though trying to suppress it
>takes two more times to get all the words out
>they think it's a joke
>I have to reassure them with tears of laughter in my eyes that we actually have the money

And they were the best Whopper Jrs. ever.

Captcha: Bulbus kniveri

>> No.5330240

The first time I ever got high, I ate:

-2/3 of a large pizza
-2 slices of chocolate cake
-a 2-liter of soda
-a Big Mac
-a chicken sandwich
-2 large fries
-a bean burrito
-a couple mini donuts

When I woke up that morning I immediately ran to the toilet and vomited, not quite sure how I fit all that food into myself. It was fucking good though.

>> No.5330260

>friend buys me nuggers and fries at Wendy's
>knock over fries while trying to get his stuff out of the bag
>look at fries, about to cry
>i hurt those fries
>friend gets me free replacements since i can't bear to talk to the cashier
>spend the rest of the night coddling the bag of new fries, genuine sadness building inside me every time i think of what i did to those poor fries

i was very very high

>> No.5330285
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>> No.5330293

10/10 would get obese with

>> No.5330333

Sounds similar to something my friends and I did over spring break.
>all 4 of us do two .5g bong rips in my friends car with the windows down
>pull up to Mcdicks drive through
>"uhhhh 6 mcdoubles and 6 hotnspicies please"
>after we finish those in the parking lot we go through again and order the same thing
>it was in the same car we smoked in, so we must have REEKED
>best night ever bros

>> No.5330340
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I'm not sure what all was included in it, but I literally ate everything in my friends house back in highschool after smoking a quad between 4 people.

I'm talking upper middleclass fully stocked pantry house. I remember the bacon and a jar of peanut butter and a few things of ramen. Literally every single fucking thing that was edible. I just ate for about 5 hours straight.

No regrets

>> No.5330363

I get drunk and eat stupid shit sometimes.
I had a huge bag of salt n vinegar chips and about 4-5 ounces of cream cheese. I was ashamed of myself.

Also, ANY times you go to taco bell is a bad time. Nobody goes or comes back from Taco Bell in a good mood.
"yeah...i'll just have a 5 layer burrito, a chicken quesadilla , and a cheesy gordita chrunch...and a chili cheese burrito."

>oh my god why am I so alone...I've tried so hard to do well, nothing is good enough. Now I'm just gonna-
"That'll be 8.20, pull to the next window, please."
>stuff my fucking face and immediately feel like shit then probably take a nap. I really should work out more, I didn't have these chest pains a few years ago...

Also, fucking love Trailer Park Boys. Think I'll watch some tonight.

>> No.5330380

i-i'm going to del taco, is that the same thing?

>> No.5330420

What a waste of butane.

>> No.5330448
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>Wasting food on your glutinous drug problems
>People parade over this like it's a GOOD THING
>You're not even enjoying the food, you're just stoned and all of the good things is artificial

You forfeit your right to live if you can't even have real fun and enjoy things in their natural form.

>> No.5330470

>the good things is

You forfeit your right to live if you can't even conjugate properly in English as a native speaker.

>> No.5330489

These fucking snack cakes literally turned my mother's shit a bluish color. She has never eaten them again.

WTF does Little Debbie put in their stuff, anyway?

>> No.5330498

>Gammar nazi anal sore by opinions

Nice damage control

>> No.5330500

you iz have addicktion 2 crystal wede

>> No.5330505


But yeah total damage control, considering I'm the anon that doesn't get baked anymore.

>> No.5330529

The first and only time I got high, I ate a Snappy Tomato Beast pizza on my own and was still hungry enough to eat 3 McChickens, a large fry and 2 apple pies. Never again.

>> No.5330532

why are you watching your mom take a shit

>> No.5330541

>I'm not that bad I'm X

That's not damage contro? Wow you are a stupid.

>> No.5330547

Stop making intentional spelling errors like a faggot. Epic troll /b/ro!

>> No.5330553

>Everybody I don't like is a troll

>> No.5330571
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not him but ya you're in damage control

>> No.5330578

>commencing maximum damage contro

>> No.5330582

I'm not upset some Quentin faggot doesn't like people that smoke weed. His first post was guaranteedreplies.exe and I wanted to humor the bait.

Then come the samefags.

>> No.5330586
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try again

>> No.5330594
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Nice shoop faggot.
>trying this hard

>> No.5330602
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>> No.5330607

You could just leave that as a fantasy and not do it... saving yourself the death

>> No.5330611

You officially know that /ck/ is a shit board when people are arguing in a Trailer Park Boys thread.

>> No.5330612

nice try
>using a trip to impersonate me

>> No.5330618

also this pic proves nothing except 3 posts responded to you

>> No.5330619
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>implying anyone wants to impersonate opiate, the actual cancer of /ck/

>> No.5330624

Nope, It's happening. I'm also going to get 5 guys and maybe pizza. I still need some kind of pastry but don't know what I should get.

>> No.5330622

this one i believe

>> No.5330690

>implying i'm opiate

>> No.5332615
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Damn straight

I blame /ck/ having the most girls and normalfags as a consequence

>> No.5332619


wow, that opiate guy is a dick...why does everyone call him rummy?

>> No.5332668
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>that list

As if you aren't already fat. Don't lie to yourself, Porky.

>> No.5332716

>Recess pieces

>> No.5332959

>Also, ANY times you go to taco bell is a bad time. Nobody goes or comes back from Taco Bell in a good mood.


that shit is the highlight of my week

taco bell + pals + wrasslin' on the tv = what is best in life

>> No.5332966

If I was gonna eat 9 cans of canned pasta. I'd at least diversify it a little

>> No.5332968

Probably when I was in high school.
Started smoking weed some and was at a new years party
Someone ordered like 5 pizzas from Donatos.
I ended up sitting by the pizza for an hour constantly eating

>> No.5332991

sick dude
school sux

>> No.5335015

Off the top of my head I can't think of anything right now, but we have these really good locally made dumplings where I normally shop for groceries. They sell them by the pound, and I'll usually fry up an entire pound of spaetzle, add red pepper flakes and garlic salt, and eat the entire thing just as a snack. Idk, egg-based things never really fill me up.

>> No.5335058

When I smoke or chew nicotine gum, I lose my appetite.

>> No.5336148

wtf is between KFC and Mcdonalds?

>> No.5336321

spinach feta sausage roll
sausage rolls in general

maybe get those frozen party favors like Pigs In a Blanket or mini party pies. you got too much sweet there not enough savory

>> No.5336421

Butane is a bastard gas and deserves to be wasted

>> No.5336489

i once munched 2 feet of subway back to back.

and yes my shit was 2ft long the next day

>> No.5337063

I must be retarded or something. I smoke like 2 blunts 1 g in each. with one friend. And this was my first time smoking I never got munchies.

I Say this because that day i had not eaten anything at all since breakfast it was now 5 pm and we smoked and i finally ate.

I ate a bowl of spaghetti and one carrot and was full.

I never get mucnhies.


I get really high. But i dont get hungry.

I swear you people just starve yourselfs or something.

>> No.5337279

I bought and ate two cheeseburger happy meals last night.

Because I was sad.

Kawaii Kon sucks.

>> No.5337487
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>ate whole bag of peanuts
>realize still got the munchies
>eat 3 of those baguettes with pizza topping
>still full
>go for one whole chocolate
>wait 2 min
>still hungry
>eating sandwiches
>chuck down one liter beer
>not hungry anymore
>round it off with a muffin anyway

best munchies i ever had, i think i even had some tiramisu. i am a natural skinny guy and i don't eat that much. I felt like a king, still high and full of delicious food
>that night i had the worst stomach pains in my life

>> No.5337490

>still full
damn it i ment
>still hungry
i guess i am too high

>> No.5337552

once when I got stoned I ate

an entire large pizza / ham pineapple mushrooms
an entire apple pie
and a 2 liter of cherry pepsi

I'm skinny

>> No.5337591

Wait until you get close to 30.