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5327614 No.5327614[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking tonight /ck/?

Pic very related

>> No.5327622
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>> No.5327632


Belgian IPA?

>> No.5327659

yeah, a citra based IPA brewed with belgian yeast, sounds a little odd but its awesome. I have tried some other things describing themselves as belgian IPAs that were pretty mediocre, this is the best I have tried by far

>> No.5327660


>> No.5327677
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couples glasses from a box of this in a salsa jar

It would be cheaper shit but the store I went to was too fancy.

>> No.5327691
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i feel like this is what college chicks think good wine is

>> No.5327694

Water. I don't drink beer during the week anymore.

>> No.5327711

Haven't really found an IPA that I liked, but that doesn't sound half bad.


Does the salsa jar accentuate the dog-piss aromas?

>> No.5327715
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>> No.5327735

>Haven't really found an IPA that I liked, but that doesn't sound half bad.
well if you are ever in Wisconsin or Chicago, its worth a try, one of my favorites

>> No.5327775
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Verified for truth.

My roommate also thought stouts were IPAs. Oh Emily you fucking dipshit...

>> No.5327781
File: 29 KB, 600x600, keglevich_peachy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the master race

>> No.5327785


>> No.5327794

Stone IPA. It's definitely one of those IPA's that's overhoppy and not very balanced, but I love the shit out of it.

>> No.5327795

>Does the salsa jar accentuate the dog-piss aromas?

It accentuates nothing at all, but it fulfills its purpose as a vessel for the liquid that will make me drunk, so I give it an A+ as a cup

>> No.5327819

Stone IPA actually turned me away from trying more IPA's. Completely unbalanced, in my opinion.

>> No.5327841

Yeah, it's not a beer that you can just jump into without an adjusted palate. t's a great example of a super hoppy beer, though. The hop character is actually really varied and complex, but it ignores the malt flavors too much to be considered a top tier beer. As far as IPAs go, it's definitely my favorite.

You might like Imperial/Double IPAs more than regular IPAs, actually, because Imperial IPAs have much, much more malt flavors in there in order achieve the higher alcohol %.

>> No.5327847

That actually makes sense. The TenFIDY was delicious, and that's got a decent amount of IBU's.

>> No.5327851

IBUs are actually pretty meaningless. They're measured by the amount of bittering hops they use in the brew process, but the bitterness of those hops can almost completely disappear depending on how many unfermentable sugars are in the malt. I've had 40 IBU beers that taste much more bitter than 110+ IBU beers.

>> No.5327866

True. You can taste the 75 IBU's in Yeti a lot more than the 90 or so in TenFIDY. Care to recommend a good IPA or DIPA available in SoCal that I might try?

>> No.5327877

SoCal is the fucking place to be for IPA's man. If you can get it, get Pliny the Elder. Stone Ruination and Dogfish Head 90 Minute are other amazing examples of the beer. Lagunitas' Hop Stoopid is one that's much easier to find than Pliny, but is actually really similar.

>> No.5327909
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I got this instead of a bottle of wine for $5, 11%..tastes nice.

>> No.5327917

The Dogfish Head sounds good. It will go on my list of beers to try.

This is also on that list, nice beer.

>> No.5327969


Tenfiddy is ridiculously good. I'm a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and not only did one do me in but I couldn't put it down when I started drinking. 11/10 would $10.50 again

>> No.5327973

After three years of trying I finally got a few bottles of KBS. It's alright. Definitely overly hyped. Hoppin' Frogs' Barrel Aged B.O.R.I.S. is better. About the same price though.

>> No.5327979
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No fucks given.

>> No.5327983
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Who Pisco here

>> No.5327992

Drinking gin and tonic tonight.

>> No.5328016

Definitely would buy again. Wish I wasn't such a lightweight so it wouldn't get me so buzzed.

>> No.5328042

Drink more!

>> No.5328071

full sail IPA. for some reason every fullsail beer (except session) has been on sale around here for ~5 dollars a six pack.

>> No.5328086
File: 115 KB, 900x643, ResurrectionAle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got home from the bar where I watched wholly fucking pointless US Vs. Mexico soccer and drank a bunch of Resurrection ales.

>> No.5328101
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Such is college. thx to the roommate though for the free chills

>> No.5328123

Age a couple. Try one in a year, the next in two, and so on. It gets insanely better with age

>> No.5328145

Your daddy semen

>> No.5328169

I am. Two to drink, two to age. Though as underwhelming as the first one was I might age the remaining three.

>> No.5328232
File: 1.29 MB, 2303x1727, WP_20140322_21_38_57_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GlenDronach 15 Year Revival from my favorite glass of all time.

>> No.5328315

That's a really nice glass

>> No.5328318

It's the double tumbler from Blade Runner. It can contain 35cl and weighs around 700g. Handmade in Italy.

It's also extremely beautiful in person.

>> No.5328327

I like it, sharp, bold, fuckin angles, squares and 80's science fiction yo.
Much classier than my mug with knuckle duster handle.

>> No.5328389

I purchased them as a gift for my father, who's favorite film is Blade Runner, but they were so nice that I kept them for myself and bought a second pair.

>> No.5330766

I just drank a shot of everclear in some really strong ginger tea

>> No.5330775


That glass and whisky own. Good post.

>> No.5330783

How in the world can Stone IPA be your favorite

That's babby's first, completely entry level, not very distinct at all

Additionally, I would argue that it isn't distinct because it is well-balanced compared to many

>> No.5330791

Yo soy pisco

On dat Mistral game doe, Capel is gro$$

>> No.5330813
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just got my new glass from italy too, I guess they make the good shit

>> No.5330816

I have a whisky question /ck/. Why does blended scotch get so virulently spurned by some people? Is it legitimately not good compared to single malt, or are some people just whisky tryhards?

>> No.5330821

>are some people just whisky tryhards?

>> No.5330831


this guy

is right

try Blue Label sometime, delightful beverage

>> No.5330832


Some blended whisky is legitimately terrible, but a lot of it is actually pretty decent. Malts and Blends are different things and really shouldn't be directly compared.

>> No.5330853

>a 1.5 lb tumbler replica from a sci fi movie
I guess you need toys to make life in the doldrums bearable...

>> No.5330875
File: 30 KB, 187x557, beer_951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turned 21 in the last few months and still in the phase of trying out all the cheap beers to see whats okay

this is the very definition of just okay

>> No.5331064

That shit is awesome, but it runs about 13-14 bucks for a sixer, I usually just get Storm King or Old Rasputin, but if I am going /out/ Old Chub or Deviant Dales are GOAT beers

>> No.5331073

Keystone Ice and Sobieski shots between, There is a 600 plated I gotta do tommorrow so I gotta get good and juiced fast, gotta go in early. The newish Victory Sasion is pretty decent as far as taste goes.

>> No.5331076
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Local stuff was on sale, so I decided to try something new. Don't have a ton of experience with beer, but this is pretty good.

>> No.5331087

Just finished a 40 of Olde English. It was okay. Turnip /ck/

>> No.5331089

Grape powerade (un-pictured)

I'm an alcohol :(

>> No.5331090

Yo, you get the new plastic bottles yet? I thought I would hate em, but actually they are really nice, I can grip and sip all night without worry. They are gonna be my new fishin' buddy this summer

>> No.5331092

...water. I have a physics test in the morning.

Tomorrow night, though...

>> No.5331094

Naa not yet. Still on the glass in my area. Are they clear plastic? So many malt liquors get skunked quick from being in clear glass

>> No.5331100

i drank paddy old irish whiskey because im half potato nigger
i give it 7/10 would buy over jameson

>> No.5331105

Well anything is better than the swill that is Jameson

So many stupid faggots at my old school bought that because it was Irish "and as such to be revered"

Garbage water

>> No.5331114

Yeah, but I live in a poorish area, so stock gets rotated and when placed in the freezer for an hour you can't taste the skunk anyway, I take malt liquor over cheap macro ice beer just due to the taste, White Trash and proud, saving up to get me a double wide in a rural area to live the TPB dream

>> No.5331121

idk i used to like jameson but much like jack its gotten much worse in the last few years and im not entirely sure its just my taste buds

>> No.5331129

Yeah unless a macro is on a crazy sale, I'll just take some cheap malt liquor. Tastes the same and has a higher ABV. Why not?

>> No.5331138
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Not too bad, this Teachers. Kinda growin on me.

>> No.5331140

Jack is actually good though. Sure they're overpriced and market themselves as a bourbon when that's generally the last thing anyone into whisky tastes, but when you disregard the bullshit it has a pleasant bite to it to accompany the sweetness. Jack shots are good, prefer other bourbons mixed. Jameson is trash.

>> No.5331145

Meant to reply to you earlier before captcha stopped loading for me. I like your style nigga. Sorry to hear you're living by your bootstraps, but at least you buy malt liquor. I'd love to burn a couple grams with you and your niggas.

>> No.5331153

>Stone IPA
>entry level
Please. Just because it comes from Stone/a well known brewery doesn't mean it's not aggressive. It's way hoppier than every comparable IPA from similar companies, e.g Lagunitas IPA/Sierra Nevada Torpedo/Bell's Two Hearted. 60 Minute is maybe the only other IPA that comes close (that I've had at least).

>> No.5331157

In that 60 Minute is the only other IPA that comes close that is as common/easy to get a hold of, I mean. There are definitely better IPAs if you go out of your way.

>> No.5331161

Lagunitas is shit. Torpedo is WAY hoppier than Stone IPA, I don't know what the literal fuck you're talking about. Bell's is more floral, and one of my favorite IPA's, but much less intense. 60 Minute is nothing special, neither are 90 or 120 Minute (over-malted as fuck.) You really chose the wrong comparison beer with Torpedo. It's far from my fave, but it's way hoppier than SIPA. It's literal pine needles.

>> No.5331164
File: 26 KB, 260x260, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Had a Lagunitas Hoop Stooped earlier. Nice ale.

This ipa is good but it still tastes like a fat tire.....

>> No.5331166

So it's pinier. Floral flavors/aromas come from hops too, you know. Just because the brewer used nothing but Chinook/Cascade and made it a stupidly piney beer doesn't mean it's hoppier than something with other hops notes.

>> No.5331170

Sculpin >>>
Stone ruination >
Lagunitas hoop stooped > Lagunitas IPa > stone ipa >>> torpedo > ranger ipa

In my most humble opinion.

>> No.5331174

Tell me son, what's more gross to the plebeian tongue: floral or piney? How many people do you know that prefer gin over, say, jager/'herbal', for lack of a liquor that is explicitly 'floral' in nature?

Lagunitas IPA is simply bad though, you obviously don't get it. It's super entry level and doesn't have complex nuances for veterans to figure out.

>> No.5331177


As a hop head, hop heads piss me off. For example Sierra Nevada torpedo.... Just because it tastes like a bitter asshole doesn't mean it's better.

This is just hipsterism and elitism. It's like those dab heads that make fun of people that enjoy regular bud and not conentrates.

>> No.5331179

I've been afraid of trying it
I like fat tire when I'm too lazy to drive another 5 miles, and I don't want to sully my opinion of the brewer by trying other stuff from them

>> No.5331182

Cant smoke the buds and go out, but if you wanna meet up and drink some 40s and trash fish with me on a dirty river bank, that'd be pretty cool.

>> No.5331184

Oh man. I love both Ruination and Hop Stoopid, and I definitely agree that those two are leagues above the other ones, but I think Hop Stoopid is better than Ruination. Never had Sculpin.
I was just pointing out that "literal pine needles" means nothing about a beer's hoppiness compared to other beers. Piney notes are just one kind of hoppiness and a super piney beer isn't any hoppier than a super floral beer.

>> No.5331186

You're the one that doesn't get it. Do you also get ghost chili pepper hot sauce and call others pussies when they like Siracha?

You're just an overly opinionated person with no credentials.

"you obviously don't get it. It's super entry level and doesn't have complex nuances for veterans to figure out."

First of all, I disagree. Lagunitas is sweet, creamy, piny, citrusy, floral, with a strong hop taste and a smooth finish.

But either way - I'm not trying to discover complex nuances. I'm trying to drink a good beer and enjoy myself.

>> No.5331188

Not the guy you replied to,


>> No.5331191

I usually hate IPA's that aren't red or Imperial's, but that Hop Stoopid is the best $5 bomber IPA i can get.

>> No.5331195

You try making a 12% beer without it being super malty. (pro tip: you can't). It's not even over-malted. It comes nowhere close to the maltiness of a stout or porter, much less an imperial stout. And you ought to know that Imperial IPAs are all super malty compared to Single IPAs because you need lots more sugars to ferment in order to get the ABV up there into the 8%-11%s.

>> No.5331196

Fuck yeah son sounds like a blast. That'd be one of the times I resume cigs to chainsmoke all night.

>"Lagunitas is: [everything]"

Anon, that's what makes it indistinct. There are people that crave bitterness and its nuances in a beer and minimal sweetness, and /ck/ never sees this because those people are 'hipsters.' IPAs are a legitimate style, and bitterness is a legitimate sensory pickup and perhaps addiction. Lagunitas hits every sweet spot, but not hard enough in any area. It is indistinct and completely forgettable. I'm sorry if you haven't developed the palate for bitterness yet. Also, I don't care about ghost peppers or moruga scorpions, those are too hot for me. I still handle hot stuff pretty well.

>> No.5331197


>> No.5331198


Dude have you by chance had Green Flash's red IPA? It might be my favorite beer. It's pricy ($12 a 4-pack where I live) but sooo worth it.

>> No.5331200
File: 676 KB, 1600x1600, Aberlour A'Bunadh Batch 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ever get Johnnie Walker Blue Label. It's overprice and is sold purely by hype.

For much less money you could get a single malt that is ten times better.

>> No.5331203

There's something to be said for an IPA like Lagunitas, and that something is "solid." It's dependably delicious and easy enough to session with bros. Yeah, you won't be drinking it from a snifter, but to say it's "simply bad" is to massively underrate it. It's really good.

>> No.5331208

You missed the point, dude. It's a great blended whiskey. I didn't advise him to buy a whole bottle, just maybe one drink neat sometime.

>> No.5331212

Why is it red?

>> No.5331213

It's not even a great blend. It's a very average blend.

Just because something is "smooth", does not make it good or interesting.

>> No.5331215

Because of the lighting and the sherry-cask maturation.

>> No.5331220

It's not a session IPA, it's too heavy. It's 6.2%, that's hardly session. It tries to be a big boy but does not do the trick. Instead, it sits the fence, unsure of what it wants to be, while IPA is the original choice at heart.

What's a better blended scotch? I'm a noob in that arena. I never bought Blue Label myself, a friend treated me to it on my birthday and it was sublime. Felt like no liquid was in my mouth, only ethereal flavor notes. Very enjoyable birthday.

>> No.5331227

it has coloring added
unfortunately, there isn't much regulation on the labeling of that shit
not that it should deter you all that much if you didn't care to begin with, but I think it's a BS practice

>> No.5331228

I go hard when I session. Lagunitas is a great example of the style and is a beer anyone who calls himself an IPA-fan should try.

>> No.5331229
File: 629 KB, 1000x750, GhostFaceKillah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The funny thing is its called Ghost Face Killah. That's by far the best name for a beer I've ever seen.
Well then you're just a hop head, and refer to yourself as such. I like the hops kick, but it's not the cure all for me. I also want some flowers, a "syruppy" consistency, and other things.

If you just want bitter, I'd go with torpedo... that shit is nasty bitter.

>> No.5331231

Any whyte and mackay is better. Hell, even JW Green is better than Blue.

Aberlour don't add color. They don't chill-filter either.

>> No.5331233

I'd say everyone interested in IPAs should try it so they can instantly move on to be quite honest. That brewery in general leaves a lot to be desired.

I don't know Whyte and Mackay. Green is not better than Blue.

>> No.5331234


Lagunitas has a bunch of other beers, including higher ABV and Double IPAs.

if you need something stronger, get something stronger. I just think you should rip off your curly mustache and take off the guy fawkes mask, but that's just me.

>> No.5331237

Read any review of merit. But you probably won't. It seems that your mind is made up.

Go ahead and drink Blue Label. I don't give a shit.

>> No.5331239

You recommended the guy who likes Torpedo, Torpedo. And I'm not classifying myself as a fucking "Hophead" in the same way as I'm not calling myself a fucking "Hipster." Fuck your bogus classifications.

I've had tons of Lagunitas. I don't like them at all.

>> No.5331240

Is green still available? My uncle was talking about it like it's the second coming of christ. Never seen it though. Wanna try it.

What would a bottle of this run? Blue Label I get all the time for around $220 a bottle.

>> No.5331243

I dunno, it's some weird pre-made carbonated apple cider.
Lots of alcohol, terrible taste.

>> No.5331244

Weird thing is I don't have my mind made up by reviews. Zany!

>> No.5331246

Ever tried it? I kinda wanna try it just because of the name lol

>> No.5331256

Just stop buying blends altogether.
A good single malt is better than any blend.

Get the following instead of a blend for your next purchase:
GlenDronach 15
Glenfarclas 15
Highland Park 18
Old Pulteney 17 or 21
Lagavulin 16
Springbank 18
Balvenie Portwood 21

My mind is not made up by reviews. I am trying to back up my point with some other credible opinions, you mindless ass. How am I gonna prove my point without external sources?

>> No.5331264

I'm from fucking /mu/. You think I trust music critics, buddy?

Know what subjectivity is by chance?

>> No.5331265

alright, I'll take the bait and go for it
It is an amazing color, so nice that I find it incredible, which is a compliment. If true,
if the taste is as nice, I don't doubt that it's worth it

>> No.5331270

It's different with whisky. Whisky is not music, you fucking moron.

I'll say it again. Aberlour don't add color, and they don't chill filter. It pretty much goes straight from cask to bottle.

>> No.5331273

Nothing inherently wrong with blends, man, especially for the uninitiated palate. If you try to start most people off on casks, they'll hate scotch. Even more so since they'll be paying for the opportunity to taste the nuances that will seem off to them at first.

>> No.5331274

I drink single malts as well son. Don't mind a blend once in awhile though.

Aside from the interest in Green Label, I kind of want to start trying different rums. All we drink is Scotch.

>> No.5331275

You're right, whisky (especially scotch) is reviewed by gruff, grizzled old men who smoke cigars daily (tobacco taints your tastebuds, by the way) and eat rich meals for a man of size. Who would I be to contradict such tradition and elegance?

>> No.5331276

The only rums you will ever need are El Dorado 21 and Ron Millonario XO.

But people here have been drinking blends for some time. Time to move on the better things.

>> No.5331278

Using hyperbole and strawmen won't help you win this argument.

>> No.5331280

Au contraire, using truth will.

>> No.5331282

The green label got discontinued, I think maybe it got replaced with the gold label but it ain't the same product.

>> No.5331283

But that is not what you are doing.

Single malts are objectively better than blends 9 out of 10 times.

>> No.5331285

Never said otherwise. You might want to read the chain of posts I was a part of. I'm going to go smoke a cig to ruin my tastebuds and decrease my appreciation of True Single Malt Scotch™ real quick.

>> No.5331288

Why those two? So far I've only tried Captain Morgan 100, which is not bad, I enjoy the spice, but there have to be more rums out there than 2 or 3, no?

You scotch guys ever tried Glenmorangie Nectar D’Or? Fuck me that was such an enjoyable drink.

>> No.5331292

That's what I thought. I aint seen Gold before either though, it's supposed to be good, I hear. Better than Blue even.

Something you should work your way up to, I feel. It's mostly a price thing for a lot of people. They'd take an old smuggler for 10 or 15 bucks over a Glen _____ because of the price.

>> No.5331294

Drop the Captain Morgan and start drinking real rum. There are of course other rums, but those two are exceptional.

I get that blends are generally cheaper, but there are people here who regularly buy Blue Label, and that is a waste of money. Plain and simple.

Go ahead.

>> No.5331296

>tobacco MAY AFFECT your taste buds
there are plenty of smokers capable of tasting just as well and better than non-smokers
Personally, I think it's just a matter of smokers tending to care less about and pay less attention to taste than non-smokers. Developing a nuanced palate takes effort, natural tendencies will only go so far, and the effort far surpasses the natural ability in effectiveness.

>> No.5331298

Marco Pierre White is a smoker. So is James Price.

>> No.5331301

Based on the looks of those bottles I gotta try these two based on that shit alone. Beautiful.

Might also just be a "i wanna be cool and drink the brand name shit" too. I have uncles like that. They swear by JW Black and Blue, won't touch Single Malts because they aren't 'cool'.

To each their own son. I reaaaaaly wanna try some Japanese Scotch. Heard some fantastic things about the stuff.

>> No.5331304

It's Japanese whisky. Scotch is from Scotland.

And yes, those two rums are amazing.

>> No.5331305

> You recommended the guy who likes Torpedo, Torpedo.
I know.
> And I'm not classifying myself as a fucking "Hophead" in the same way as I'm not calling myself a fucking "Hipster."
So you're a moron, then. Fine.
> Fuck your bogus classifications.
obviously not bogus since im takling to an angsty teenager. Hipster.

> I've had tons of Lagunitas. I don't like them at all.
Cool. I respect your opinion.

nah, never tried it. I've only tried one spicy alcohol and it was a pepper whisky... never again.

>> No.5331308

lol durr my bad.

Know of any other rums to look out for?

Peppered...Whiskey...That sounds..special. What was it called?

>> No.5331309

Not sure who they are. Don't care about their mouths. How do you feel about Gordon Ramsay and Bobby Flay?

>> No.5331311

Sierra Nevada's barleywine. Really good... an hour for one bottle isn't bad

>> No.5331313

>angsty teenager

Angsty teenagers don't have zealous opinions on IPAs. I'm 23. Glad you respect my opinion.

>> No.5331314

Ron Zacapa XO is also great, but not as good as the two others. Stay away from Morgan and Bacardi. They don't make anything of merit. Diplomatico Exclusiva is also good.

I've never given a shit about Bobby Flay, and Gordon used to be interesting, but now does nothing noteworthy.

Check out Marco Cooks For on youtube. Amazing cooking.

>> No.5331315

> Gordon Ramsay and Bobby Flay?
Hyped up television stars.

> Marco Pierre White is a smoker. So is James Price.
professional chefs.

> why don't we add Anthony Burdain and Andrew Zimmern while we're waching fucking television.

most of the unknown chefs on Iron chef are better then gondon ramsey. Americans are obsessed with TV that's why they think he's the shit. His restaraunt sucks ass, like Wolfgang puck's.

>> No.5331317

you got emotional problems like a teenager though. you got mad at me suggsting you call yourself a hophead...

23? Damn. A late bloomer, huh? I'm older then you by only 4 years, but it seems like 15.

>> No.5331319


stop being faggots, nobody cares

>> No.5331322

Nah you're just eager to classify like an old dude.

I thought you were recommending scotch reviewers. No beef between us. Do they have any good videos?

Give me a Marco Cooks classic if you would, do have interest.

>> No.5331324

Tried a few different bottles of Morgan. Wasn't the best thing ever, but it wasn't offensive. I looked at bacardi and just based on the bottle I was like nope.jpg

This Diplo looks neat with the brown sugar...hmm. This stuff pretty commonly available?

>> No.5331328

> Nah you're just eager to classify like an old dude.
but it's SO easy. And fun.

> I thought you were recommending scotch reviewers. Do they have any good videos?
That was another guy. I don't know anything about scotch. I was the one that loves Lagunitas.


>> No.5331334

i had some pbr and a snakedog to drink tonight. they put a pbr 40 in a huge mug. shit was cool. also had a hamburger i found on a table in a bar. it was good.

>> No.5331335

>That was another guy.

Right, because I quoted another poster. Categorization is still not cool because it tries to fit a circle inside a square. For your health.

>> No.5331336

I've never eaten at any of the places with Ramsey's name plastered to them, but if the Wolfgang Puck thing is true, that sucks.
Still, I think that hardly reflects on their individual talents as chefs, let alone palates. It just reflects on how much care they put into their name brand, which could, understandably, reflect upon their ability as a chef, I guess, depending on how you look at it.
Personally, I think that when they get to the level of celebrity and franchise schemes like that, it hardly reflects on what it means to be a chef anymore, and is just about being a CEO of sorts.

>> No.5331338

If not, it can easily be ordered online. All my winestores have a bottle of Diplo at most times.

Marco cooks for Raymond Blanc:

Marco Cooks for Nico Ladenis:

Marco Cooks for Albert Roux:

Marco cooks for Pierre Koffman:

All these are a must-see for any serious cook.

>> No.5331341

> Categorization is still not cool because it tries to fit a circle inside a square.

Actually, it keeps my inner circle free of squares, but whatever. If you want to be so liberal that you literally don't know what is right and wrong because "oh, everyone has their own right to be whatever they want" then good for you. I'm not like that. I like like-minded individuals. I want to hang out with people that have similar opinions to me.

I hate our generation. I wish I could have lived in the 1950s.

>> No.5331343

Oh shit, there are other places to get booze aside from duty free, shiiiiiet this is gonna be awesome.

>> No.5331346

Have you never heard of online shopping?

>> No.5331348

for booze??
> I hate our generation. I wish I could have lived in the 1950s.

just walk to the store... pet a dog. jesus christ. ordering booze off the net...

>> No.5331349

>square = liberal
>contradicting generations of connotation

>born in the wrong generation

How's your Mad Men fanfic coming along by the way

>> No.5331351

Never thought about getting booze online dude. I always just go to the duty free or have my cousin get shit at the ABC with his military discount.

>> No.5331354

I hate mad men. How's your lack of reading comprehension and proneness to hyperbole and assumption going?

>> No.5331355

They usually don't have the biggest selection. You can find nearly any bottle on the web with shipping to your door.

Nothing wrong with ordering booze online. You can find specific bottles that local stores usually don't have.

>> No.5331360

You may not be into Mad Men, but boy do you sure wish you were a 50's boy ;__;

Wouldn't it have been so much better back then? Men could actually molest women in the workplace, it would make everything for you so much easier!

>> No.5331379
File: 22 KB, 505x113, madmen2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You may not be into Mad Men, but boy do you sure wish you were a 50's boy ;__;
You mean a 2007 boy, young hipster? The 50s were nothing like that.

> Wouldn't it have been so much better back then? Men could actually molest women in the workplace, it would make everything for you so much easier!
Yeah. A firm open faced palm on the behind.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpsb1PsrADQ
Also, we could smoke in bars, our police, soldiers, and Gov't was arguably more interested in our country then some random other countries, and also didn't try to take over the world as much.

The 50s were right after WWII - when real men aged 16-19 did real jobs like kill people. Now you're on Twitter and 4chan, talking about nonsense.

>> No.5331386

You yourself mentioned the 50's oldtimer. Didn't you get the joke? Or are you past your prime and on 4chan like many other burnt-out dads/bachelors?

I wasn't going to bring up WWII or the COLD one because it might trigger your old faggot ass.

>"real men"

Urgh! Macho wins the world!

My guess is you still think 9/11 happened because the terrorists hate our "freedom."

>> No.5331400

> Urgh! Macho wins the world!
What the fuck do you think, boy? Clever comebacks win the world?

>My guess is you still think 9/11 happened because the terrorists hate our "freedom."
9/11 happenned because the US Government hates the "terrorists" (read: people that are different from us, and they are brown, too...) and kept trying to start shit in the reason. First they trained Usama as a friend... then they bombed all those countries... then they tried to get Sadam even though he was the only one holding that shithole together, and then they got what they deserved.

In a way, 9/11 was an inside job, because for the last several administrations of the federal government, they made really shady moves to try to control a region that is sacred to many people. They went from capitalism to imperialism.
> inb4 >>>/pol/

>> No.5331401

Everyone should see these videos at least once.
Marco was the fucking king.

>> No.5331406

I'm never going to send you to /pol/ because you'd get slaughtered there you deluded fuck. Clever MACHO HOMBRES do not win the world anymore, and I don't know why the fuck you mentioned clever comebacks. 9/11 is not an inside job. You're broken. Look into alternate 9/11 history besides "they bombed us, it's either they hate us for no reason or our government hates its people."

>> No.5331409

you have no idea what I said, or what you're fucking talking about.

>> No.5331411
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underageb& detected

>> No.5331420



Not a refutation, also false.

>> No.5331654

Working my way through a 6 pack of Bundaberg O.P rum and cola.

>> No.5331661

german discount beer.

meh, I guess it's still ok because of our purity law. I really just want to get piss drunk once a week

>> No.5332842
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no money for real beer :(

>> No.5332848

Unibroue maybe. I drank way too much last night.

>> No.5333795
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First time having this. Pretty good

>> No.5333802
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For that authentic Brazilian flavor.


>> No.5333826
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It's not bad

>> No.5333965
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x1836, 2014-04-04 22.54.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing special. had a gin and tonic earlier.

>> No.5334029

>binging on whiskey for about 6 months
>buy a 12 pack cuz I felt like a beer
>drink all of it in like an hour and half
>sober as fuck


>> No.5334051
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>> No.5334054
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Jim beam and bitters.

>> No.5334064

look at me with my fancy fuckin ice sphere

>> No.5334067
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If I had more money, I'd walk up the street and get a jug of this.

>> No.5334068

I was in SF 2 weeks ago, all the restaurants around there have all their beers on tap. It's glorious.

>> No.5334081
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>> No.5334102
File: 750 KB, 1548x2064, 2014-04-04 23.26.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even fucking ice?

>> No.5334108
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what you want cubes?

I got cubes too.

>> No.5334121

These just started popping up everywhere in my area lately. Are they new? I bought a six of talls, and for about 5 bucks it's good shit.
I may have found a new go to tall boy

>> No.5334123
File: 14 KB, 194x259, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These just started popping up everywhere in my area lately. Are they new? I bought a six of talls, and for about 5 bucks it's good shit.
I may have found a new go to tall boy

>> No.5334870

>Copper Lager
what the fuck is that?

>> No.5334972

I don't know, but towards the bottom you can taste aluminum

>> No.5335172

does this count as the alcoholics thread

I don't drink that frequently but when I do I can pretty much down a 700ml bottle of vodka over the course of one night

is this bad

>> No.5335174

Yeah that's bad. A bottle is something like 18 alcoholic beverages.

>> No.5336724

drink protein shakes only you filthy casuals

>> No.5336784
File: 813 KB, 750x2000, WHAT A FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This with a blend of caramel, honeybush vanilla, and chamomile tea. Pretty damn tasty.

>> No.5336824

Tonight I am drinking a Blue Moon (in the appropriate glass of course) as well as a screwdriver my girlfriend refused to finish.

I love most belgian style beers, but my girlfriend doesn't drink beer at all (sigh).

>> No.5336887
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One of my favourites.

>> No.5336891
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>> No.5337103


I like that glass.

>> No.5337302


Had a few different beers at the bar then followed up with some vodka when I got home.

>> No.5338237
File: 2.47 MB, 3072x2304, DSC00114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

key lime/lemon cubes with onyx

>> No.5339817

i have that exact same glass

>> No.5339819

strawberry milk
for some reason it is non-existent in the south, spare a few occasions

>> No.5339861
File: 9 KB, 343x316, this is HELL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the cheapest way to get drunk while not having to drink something utterly revolting?

I need something I can preferably story for a couple of weeks and just keep coming back to it.

>> No.5340471
File: 265 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_5837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since I had this one. But damn is it amazing. Probably the best Evil Twin beer.

>> No.5340480

that looks awesome.
That dark foam. hnnnnnnggg

>> No.5340515

Old grandad, old crow reserve, any form of 2$ wine.

>> No.5340909
File: 2.68 MB, 3072x2304, DSC00127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pineapple cubes with a little bit of cranberry stuck to the bottom due to not cleaning out the tray which is red so didn't notice there was stuff leftover

>> No.5340935


>> No.5340948

my peach cubes are still in the tray which is in the freezer

those are pineapple which by chance one of those little cans pours 2 perfect cubes

>> No.5341053
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That's got to be the sexiest looking beer I've ever seen. And I stand by Outer Darkness by Squaters. I got to try that sometime.

>> No.5341091

I'm glad brewers have realized that typical Northwest "C" hops don't mix well with Belgian yeasts. New world tropical fruit bomb hops do really well though. Citra, Mosiac, Nelson Sauvin. Makes for some really dope ass Belgian/American crossover beers.

>> No.5341111

This nigga right here. Sculpin is like drinking a fucking mango and citrus beer milkshake. Stands up with AleSmith IPA as the best IPA I've ever had.

Additionally, to all the idiots that complain about unbalanced American IPAs and DIPAs: It's a style meant to be hop focused. If you actually want malt in your IPA drink an English Style IPA and fuck off. American IPAs shouldn't have ANY crystal malts in them, fuck crystal malts, fuck em hard.

>> No.5341123

mah nigga. Sculpin IPA is my favorite beer.

>> No.5341144

tenfidy is like drinking liquid 85% dark chocolate, with a hint of hops

so delicious, but the hang over is rough if I drink three or more

>> No.5341178
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, CAM00388[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What to enjoy today? I got Rogue Chocolate Stout, Stone Enjoy By, Sierra Nevada Torpedo, Founder's Imperial Porter, and a mix of Shiner beers.

>> No.5341216

I'd drink the Rogue first then a mix of Shiners. Whenever I'm drinking beer I only drink pricey beer at first then I'll switch down to some cheaper stuff.

>> No.5341231


u drink the fucking enjoy by then be upset because the rest of your beers are bad.

>> No.5341251

I hate tripfags but he has it right
Alcohol dulls your tastebuds an insane amount

>> No.5341260
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>> No.5341482

idk dick about beer, tried some imperial stouts like storm king but they were all way too strong, what are respectable stouts with like less than 8.0 abv

i like the taste of guiness and some lighter stouts (like sam adams and magic hat stouts), never tried ten fiddy

>> No.5341513
File: 22 KB, 600x399, some drunk nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't always trip. But when I do, its probably in a booze thread.

Alcohol not only dulls your tastebuds but after enough of it you probably won't appreciate the nuances of the flavors as much as if you were tasting it sober. For me drinking expensive beer or liquor while drunk is a waste of money. Drink your expensive and delicious shit first, then drink the cheap shit and enjoy getting more drunk.

>> No.5341518


Can anyone please recommend a good imported Stout? I don't want anything from the USA or Canada.

>> No.5341596

It sounds like you don't either.

>> No.5341599

>Can anyone please recommend a good imported Stout? I don't want anything from the USA or Canada.
Because you don't know what is good or you tried them all already?

>> No.5341607
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>> No.5341610

American stouts are generally much tastier than euro ones

>> No.5341621


I don't drink local beer because it's all shit. I always drink imported beers. Imported doesn't automatically make a beer good because a lot of imported beer is also shit, for example Warsteiner but most of the imported beers I have tried I've enjoyed far more than local ones.

>> No.5341630

Blue moon is far from being belgian

>> No.5341632

You have a much better chance of getting a good beer if you pick a random american craft beer, than a random imported beer at pretty much any grocery store

Do you live in Mississippi or something?

>> No.5341633

Where the hell do you live that the local beer is worse than the imports?


>> No.5341640


Canada. Every local BC beer I've had is garbage.

I swear to god, if you ever get a chance to try Steamworks beer you will know what true piss water tastes like.

>> No.5341651
File: 2.86 MB, 4128x2322, 20140407_202419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its hard to go wrong with a G&T

>> No.5341688

I just had a gin and tonic with some Schweppes and Bombay (but lots of lime). Where in Canada are you?

>> No.5341731
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, CAM00390[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Enjoy By 4.20.14 was delicious. Now I'm enjoying a nice Shiner afterwards while trying to get an S rank on a mission in DMC3. Damn this game is hard as fuck.

>> No.5341778


Calgary. this is this first time I have had this Gin. There isnt much of a lemon grass taste to it which is a little disappointing.

>> No.5341959

Root beer float with rum. I'm an adult I promise.

>> No.5341983

Use an Imperial Coffee Stout instead of root beer next time. Real Beer Floats are incredibly tasty.

>> No.5341992

>a lot of imported beer is also shit, for example Warsteiner
ah man I love Warsteiner

>> No.5342087

If you're near SoCal try Firestone Walker's Velvet Merlin.

Or go for a British stout like Sam Smith's oatmeal stout.

Both of those are smooth, fairly easy drinkers.

>> No.5342090

Go for anything by Samuel Smith, or, if you like chocolate, Young's double chocolate.

>> No.5342094


>> No.5342129
File: 136 KB, 425x490, Can Chu-Hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White Peach, bought it in Japan Town in SF. Tasty tasty stuff, pretty cheap too. Wish I could find it somewhere local though.

>> No.5342370
File: 328 KB, 1000x663, DSC_2522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A favorite of mine

>> No.5342946

Love how drunk this shit gets you, but its just a touch too cloyingly sweet for me. Got some raisiny shit going on, residual sugars end up giving me a headache.

>> No.5342955

Ardmore, which was developed as a blender for Teachers, but turned out so good on its own they bottled it, is also worth checking out.

>> No.5342963

what it actually is is what young fags like yourself think older people do. maturity and insecurity dont mix

>> No.5343067
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, Snapshot_20140408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit pic but it's a Northmaen Amber. Craft beer from Normandy (France)

>> No.5343088

toilet paper for jerking off

>> No.5343100

nothing is more of an oxymoron than beer snobs, at least drink wine or some shit if youre going to be an elitist asshole.

its like being a fucking hamburger connoisseur.

>> No.5343121
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when I get home. The best IPA in the world imo.

Yeah yeah Heady Topper, fuck you. This beats it.

>> No.5343135
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>all at 3 degrees

>> No.5343139

Abrasive is fucking phenomenal.

>> No.5343216
File: 334 KB, 600x798, RITTERGUTS-GOSE_zps23e3b70c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT-tier Gose.